You know what’s impressive? (As someone outside the law enforcement circles, more of an “outsider looking in”)
It’s 25 year old Matsuda Touta being invited to attend an ICPO conference with Yagami Soichiro, Police Investigation Bureau Chief
Sure, it was his first meeting at the start of the series, but do you know what I was doing at 25 years old? Not going to INTERPOL, aka International Criminal Police Investigation, conferences with the Chief of my department, that’s for sure
What a guy
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fa-cat · 2 years
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ガーシー元議員の逮捕状請求 著名人ら脅迫などの疑い 警視庁
15日に「除名」処分となったガーシー元参議院議員について、警視庁は、動画投稿サイトを通じて著名人などを繰り返し脅迫したなどとして、暴力行為等処罰法違反などの疑いで逮捕状を請求しました。 ガーシー元議員は海外で滞在を続けていて、警視庁は、パスポートの返納命令も外務省に要請することにしています。
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redwiddershins · 10 months
I know that the events of “First Contact” actually having had happened is like dubiously factual at best, but in my heart, I absolutely believe that Zenigata changed the trajectory of his career to go chase Lupin across the world.
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tropicalfreckles · 2 years
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Kiyoko is a strong lady like her dad. I felt like drawing the Lupin twins going haha strong woman,,,
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snowyfrostshadows · 11 months
trick or treat!!
[Unless there was a copycat running around.
Zenigata really really hoped that wasn't the case. Chasing /one/ Lupin all over the globe was hard enough. Throw in a /second/ and he sincerely doubted he'd ever see a bed or the back of his eyelids ever again.
But to his dismay, the idea of a copycat running around seemed to be the case.
Several witness reports taken from those unfortunate enough to get caught up in the capers mentioned seeing a lanky, skinny thief bursting in seconds after Moneta appeared and then backtracking like hell once Moneta made his getaway. One exit in particular mentioning a sword cutting through a solid steel door like butter.
There was only one person who carried around a sword that terrifyingly sharp and he stuck by Lupin pretty closely.
So. Definitely a copycat.
Which meant going through all the evidence and reports with an even closer look than usual to figure out who this copycat could actually be.
At least. That /was/ the plan right up until he picked up Moneta's calling card for the first time.
He didn't even have to look at it too hard to recognize the handwriting. More familiar than even Lupin's, which, in all honesty, made the whole case much much worse and made him wish he could go back about thirty seconds safe and secure in the idea of a copycat.
Because the writing on the card was /his/.
Hell. Even the god damned /doodle/ in the corner was his face. Mocking him with the incriminating evidence of /his own handwriting/ proudly declaring plans of a /theft/ and that no one. /No one/ in the entire station had put together that Moneta was Zenigata.]
-I think a totally normal amount about that one Moneta episode
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theloopcrew · 11 months
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jils-things · 10 months
looker is my dad but like in a det. jake peralta and sgt. terry kinda way
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s-3lliot · 1 month
Saw this one YouTube short of how these two criminal masterminds were locked in a cell with the police listening to their every move and sound, so they decided to create a new/secret language that only they can understand. Now all I can think about is this but with LawLight. How the police could have just been fed up with L and put him in a cell for the night to “think about what he’s done” (lmao) and it just happened to be the same cell Light was placed in so they could watch over him per L’s request. Both of them were just fed up with the ICPO to the point where they just reached a new level of pettiness and decided, “fuck it, I think the police are useless, and so do you, so let’s just prove it,” and started communicating in a secret language so that they HAD to free L because it was just getting exhausting.
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rowanberrypop · 4 months
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my next-gen lupgang, i call them fourgang! 💛 introduction bios under cut :3
☀️ LUPIN IV, call her four! she’s the daughter of lupin III and fujiko mine, the leader of her gang. she’s very silly and likes to brag with pizazz — after heists, she’ll set off fireworks! she is always setting out on her hearts’ desires; to have fun!☀️
🍂 PIERRE D’ANDRÉSY, four’s cousin! she’s the daughter of albert d’andrésy and tickey pasco. as an ex-ICPO agent, her skills with technology serve greatly within four’s gang! though, she’s a bit too smug and snide for her own good. 🍂
🌊 MIYAMOTO MUSASHI XVI, four’s best friend and goemon’s apprentice! he was found as a feral child, but now he lives up to his ancestors with his skills in niten ichi-ryū. musashi’s always found relaxing on the beach after a heist! 🌊
🚨TOSHIKO ZENIGATA, four’s rival! she’s the daughter of inspector koichi zenigata, with twice his temper! when she’s not hitting up bars to flirt with women, she always seems to be scowling. well… ever since pierre left the ICPO, that is. 🚨
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curleyclown · 4 months
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so i took the forgotten Lupin Junior and made him my oc.
You guys remember the spinoff manga Monkey Punch wrote called Lupin Jr.?? Bout Lupin's son? I miss him. So here's a continuation / Lupin the 4th concept I made for a grown-up Junior goin on heist adventures with a band of thieves and an inspector on his tail, just like his old man!
Cast info below:
♦️ Arsène Lupin the 4th-- known by all as Lupin Junior (much to his chagrin sometimes)-- is the son of infamous thieves Lupin III and Fujiko Mine. Though he isn't well known just yet, and he is widely underestimated, Junior knows one day he'll be able to surpass his own dad as the world's greatest thief!
💚 Marilyn Aiki-- Junior's childhood friend (also a character from the original manga)-- a witty, charming and adventurous girl who became Junior's self-declared partner in crime. She sticks by Junior's side through thick and thin, though she has to reel him back from his impulsivity sometimes.
🌂 Jiro Yamazato-- A reserved and gruff former assassin, he was saved by Junior despite the thief being an assigned target, and now vows to protect the gang. Despite his roughened exterior, Jiro is gentle and selfless.
🗡 Goemon Ishikawa XIV-- Daughter of samurai Goemon XIII, wielding the Zantetsuken passed down to her that can cut through even the toughest steels. The stoic yet confident and sarcastic Goe grew up with Junior, and as much as they annoy each other their sibling-like bond is too strong for even her sword to cut through.
☀️ Inspector Hiromi Zenigata-- Daughter of Koichi Zenigata, Hiromi is an excitable, optimistic and determined ICPO officer. She's just as loud and persistent as her Pops, stopping at nothing to track down and arrest Junior, though it's clear she has a great soft spot for the entire gang.
Anyways yea!!! I really wanted to share them to my tumblr!!!
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t8oo · 10 months
Something I am VERY aware of and quite ashamed of is the lovey dovey nature of my luzeni fanarts. I know it looks cheesy and stupid (the wedding fanarts ? momo get a grip)
You have to understand that it is much easier to draw lupin and zenigata tenderly holding each other than making fanarts that showcase the complex psychosexual multilayered S&M borderline cruel intense and incredibly horny situationship they are in. My favourite luzeni iterations are the one where they play insane psychological tricks on each other and push each other to risk their lives on really stupid bets. My favourite iterations are when they want each other so bad theyre willing to merge, consume the other (yay romantic canibalism). When the need to possess is CORROSIVE. My fav iterations are when they are each others doom, each others ticket to hell, each others everything and nothing, when the entire basis of their lives rely on the existence and the presence (within safe distance of course) of the other.
But this is like. Impossible to represent unless I direct an entire lupin series focused on them and them alone. So instead I draw them watching 2 AM fish documentaries in their pajamas (lupins' is always that oversized ICPO tshirt) Its a cope out on my part. I'm weak. I have drafted multiple comics that engage deeper in whatever the fuck they got going on but comics are complicated. I have many fics in my head where they do unfathomably nasty shit to each other. But writing fic is impossible. So I draw them smiling at each other, because it makes ME smile and warms my chest and I am addicted to the neverending well of serotonin they provide by their mere existence on my canva.
But I am aware of the mischaracterizations. On top of being ashamed of making fanarts for two ugly ass gay men from a 50y old franchise nobody gives af about, I am ashamed that those fanarts do not even showcase the extent of my twisted thoughts about them. But Zeni Big & Lupin Small & Fits Into His Arms = Happy Momo
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hierophant-meme · 3 months
Zenigata March (Hierophant Meme’s Version)
I am planning on recording a high quality version & posting it to YouTube at some point but I just thought this was funny. Am I making it out of the ICPO with this one? 🤪
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deathnotewiki · 10 months
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December 4, 2003: At an ICPO meeting on how to deal with the Kira killings, L announces his investigation.
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misteria247 · 1 year
Fun fact about my Lupin III thingy I ramble about from time to time-
Lupin didn't believe the whole destined to be rivals thing in the beginning. When he first met Zenigata and the inspector had started going on and on about how it was fate for them to meet. And how it was destiny for Pops to arrest him, he'd honestly thought that he was off his rocker. After all, stuff like that was a bunch of nonsense. Basically saying that they were connected like some kind of Red String of Fate??
But then Pops started to actually give the thief an actual challenge.
Lupin was quick to realize that Zenigata was smart. Smart enough to actually get Lupin and get a pair of handcuffs on him when no one else can. Afterwards the gentleman thief began to give Zenigata his attention and unknowingly proved the older man right. That they were destined to be rivals, connected by the Red String of Fate itself.
So when Lupin meets Pops again, in a world where Zenigata didn't join the ICPO and instead became a handyman. It's rather.....difficult for him to swallow. After all what was Lupin III without the infamous inspector Koichi Zenigata on his heels? Who was Lupin III without his favorite cop having his back?? So in an ironic twist Lupin found himself in Zenigata's shoes of trying to convince him, without scaring him off, that them meeting was no mere consequence. That in fact it was destiny that connected them. He finds himself wondering if this was how Pops felt all those years ago when they'd first met, and there are moments where he questions if perhaps he and Zenigata were actually as connected as he was originally shown. And whenever he'd have those doubts, Pops would do something that blew them out of the water, would show glimpses of the inspector he knew in his reality. And he'd find himself holding onto him.
Unaware that tied to his pinkie finger, invisible to the naked eye a bright red string connects him to the handyman in question. Still burning just as brightly as it did in his world.
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The Plan
The Plan to fake Lupins death was ultimately all Zenigata's idea.
And he had been far too over zealous about it
Lupin’s condition was too touch and go even beforehand, to the point they worried that the stress of the move would be too much even if Lupin was under some form of sedation enough to keep him calm.
However when police jurisdiction comes into play there’s nothing they can do except just try to reason with them and convince them that this is a bad idea and reconsider their options.
But when ICPO refuses to relent, they have no choice but to let him go
The Docs Told Zeni what could happen
But Zeni was prideful
deep down cautious
but externally prideful that the plan would work
not could go wrong
everything was going to be fine
except there was a problem you see ICPO didn't actually refuse to relent with the medical board's orders
in fact
they had AGREED with the hospital that this plan was far too risky with too many potential hiccups and such. But Zeni was once again being bullheaded, by pushing for it, claiming he had it all under control
So not only was Zeni going against literal medical professionals, but the organization he works for as well. Which he'd done before with himself plenty of times, so it wasn't unheard of, and maybe there was some misplaced faith from all that, but Zeni had gotten over zealous about his plan to move Lupin, essentially pushed it to the point he nearly came close to killing him
But beforehand, before the plan actually came into motion, there was one thing they had to do.
keep it secret
No one knew about the plan absolutely no one, except a precious few.
It was because they needed to make it look convincing. Faking his death would only work if everyone believed he was dead.
even his friends
Jigen as a result never told Goemon or Fujiko, and that was WHY Jigen had a falling out with Fujiko
you see I always HCed that Lupin doesn't actually fake his death as often as we think he does. But when he does, the reason he doesn't tell the gang is to make it look convincing or more so to protect the gang.
Ever notice how when he does it it's normally when a BBEG is involved. It’s not super frequent but when it does happen it’s a Big Thing. Especially when it's a situation where he doesn’t tell the gang. Usually a situation where he feels backed into a corner and there’s no other way out.
which is why the gang expect it FROM Lupin
But Lupin ultimately had no hand in this It wasn’t his plan his big brainiac scheme
it was Jigens
they never expected Jigen to do something like this.
The whole plan had originally started because Jigen and Zeni started to plot the take-down of much of the city's more corrupt police force, knowing that with them in the way, progress would be tremendously limited in looking for the real culprit behind both attacks on Lupin and Yata and all subsequent issues that followed with that. Both hoped that by doing so, that it might entice certain individuals out of hiding when they find out their protection is slowly being whittled out.
However doing so also started to put Lupin and others at risk and rather than risk anything else happening to people they have a shit about, the pair came up with a plan.
Basically fake Lupin's death to throw the scent off and discreetly move him someplace else.
However in order to make it convincing
Jigen had the fucking bright idea not to tell Goemon and Fujiko in order to make it seem realistic. And because Lupin was so bad off and everything was touch and go already, the plan had worked, people bought it.
Only downside is, Goemon and Fujiko ended up spending literal weeks thinking Lupin was actually gone because the plan went so well and Jigen didn’t tell them until both Goe and Fuj found out themselves sometime later
Fujiko of course wasn’t happy
but by extension of Jigen not telling the gang,
Zeni never told Yata
Point of the matter is even in that short time where Yata and Lupin started talking, Yata and Lupin began to "bond" to the point even Jigen starts to thank Yata for keeping Lupin company when he's not around
and given the whole fact Jigen was never one for talking even when Yata still tried to make small talk, often to focused on the other to even bother to notice that Yata even existed and when he did talk, conversation was brief, Yata feels. . .for some odd reason a small sense of strange proudness; getting a thanks from a man as Dark and Mysterious as Jigen. Yata knew something was wrong when Lupin stopped talking. . .But he was never let in on the plan
But you see the issue with not telling Yata is Yata is a smart boy
very smart
If Zenigata didn't tell him something Yata would probably find out by snooping, and Zeni couldn't have that and risk him maybe letting it slip which would ruin everything. Yata of course would always know Zeni had a plan, and because of that, Zeni couldn't keep him totally in the dark.
So maybe he told him something, some other "secret" plan in order to make the lie look convincing and to maybe throw Yata off the scent
as a result Yata didn't know what the ultimate plan was
Yata knew he was planning something just not what
But Yata wasn't expecting Lupin to die
How the ultimate plan went no one knows for sure. Jigen had been the mastermind behind that actual plan, tricks like this were their specialty. Zeni had the ultimate hand in it, but in reality it was Jigen who planned everything down to minute detail because as good as Zenigata is, Jigen had learned from Lupin, never leave a detail untouched.
It was him who had the bright idea to coincide the time with Lupin's move on the day he was supposed to have surgery to fix the leg. Because in Jigen's eyes no one would have suspected if something went wrong; Lupin was so bad off as it was already that everything was touch and go. No one would have suspected if Lupin had either died on the table or afterward.
His plan to keep Fujiko and Goemon away from the hospital was so easy. Take a walk, find someplace to sit down somewhere, and just talk. .just talk. . .he doesn't mention the plan, he doesn't even talk about anything regarding Lupin unless he has to, and the ruse is easy, because the other two simply suspect that he's just nervous and not showing it.
To further sweeten the deal, Jigen also mentions that his sister is planning his nephew's baptism and he wants the two of them to join him.
And the pair are happy to agree.
Not knowing that Jigen is actually heartbroken that he's actively lying to them about this.
He's focused of course, he knows it needs to be done
But it's killing to have to do it, but he has too. So he buries it and the trio talk like they haven't talked before. Even Jigen and Goemon are enjoying each others company
all under the guise of a lie
heh. . .who would've thought. . .
Between all this Jigen is waiting for a phone call. . .a signal that the plan is in motion. He told the doc to "call him on his cell" when Lupin was out of surgery, with the gang standing around to make it look convincing. Maybe in the end it was the doctors who would ultimately decide how to go about Lupin's "death"
Afterall leave it to those who deal with bodies to know. . .
When he finally get the call, it's not hard to feign any shortage of emotion. In the beginning it was. . .relief maybe. . .to hear his phone ring some hours later and be told that Lupin's out and they can come and see him.
Jigen tells the gang and their excited, their quick to make it up there even when jigen's trying to stall for time, but their a "little early" anyways so the doc's tell them to
"wait in the waiting room"
and they'll call them in when they get Lupin all settled
But Jigen notices a glint, a certain look in the Doctor's eye. . .and he knows just by that look along that it's time. So he waits and he braces himself for the inevitable
As they wait, things seem to go quiet; no one calls them in. And in the end it's Goemon who's first to ask what's taking so long, and he sounds nervous while doing it and maybe it was fate's sick idea of a joke, but not even a millisecond after he says that, all hell finally breaks loose.
Jigen doesn't know how they did it. To be honest he's afraid to know. Because it's convincing, so convincing to the point that when they go to the room and find the docs working on Lupin, even with knowing the plan, it's so realistic it's like every bad dream Jigen's had over the last few months come true.
Which is why when Lupin "dies" and the Docs finally call it, it not that hard to feign shock or worriedness or whatever else he must be feeling
because after all. . .it's not like he hasn't thought about this already. . .
watching it come true just makes it easier
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So much easier, that when Zenigata spots Jigen shortly after the Docs call it, it looks like he's actively shutting down, and it doesn't take long for Zeni to notice that he is actually doing that. But Zeni can't just go over, he has to leave him for just a few more moments until Jigen is alone or else the others will get suspicious or something.
But the moment he is alone, Zenigata is quick to remind him as he pulls him by the shoulders that it's not real
none of this is. But he has to remember the plan
and also that Zenigata has to go as well that it's time
and he promises Jigen that he will look out for Lupin, he gives him his word.
And maybe that snaps Jigen out of his farce, just enough to not completely have a total meltdown, enough to remind him what they're doing.
So Zeni leaves him, determined to see the rest of this through, while he leaves Jigen to mourn with the gang.
But as he goes to the ambulance bay, where Lupin, still sedated having actually been cut open on an operating table and wheeled out no more than 10 minutes ago is being loaded up, one of the nurses in on the plan whose been taking care of him (maybe it's the one jigen likes), basically tells Zenigata as he hops in the back that she hopes he knows what he’s doing because if he doesn’t, he’s surely going get lupin killed, perhaps even going as far as to actively start protesting against it all and perhaps telling him that he's going to kill Lupin attempting this and to please reconsider
but Zenigata is determined, and he’s on schedule and maybe being a little bullheaded to admit she has a point, but they're in to deep now, so he pays it no heed to her warnings as he closes the ambulance door
because as far as everyone else is concerned
Lupin's dead already.
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pareidoliaparadise · 8 months
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Lupin Week 2024 - Day 2 Role Swap
Will Inspector Lupin ever nab the thieving Moneta, ICPO’s most wanted outlaw?
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