#IDK i just love competitive couples where theres no Designated person always on the edge
jrueships ยท 3 years
No plot necessary ๐Ÿ˜ณ would you care ๐Ÿ˜ณ to share your redacted thoughts ๐Ÿ˜ณ
๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ anon u heard my post and u understood the assignment.. and 4 that I owe u the ball of lint in my shorts pocket
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I feel like their competitiveness just kinda carries everywhere with like. EVERYTHING. Even groceries. You know those types of people who HATE making two trips with carrying groceries into the house so they just stack like. 500 groceries onto each arm and drag em in from there? Luka and dennis are BOTH like that. And they COMPETE with each other with it. Like dennis will see luka carrying in 6 million groceries and still say "wowww, weaksauce." And luka will just remark about how dennis is mainly carrying the light stuff so his amount doesn't matter over how much luka is carrying or whatever.
So overall.. They're a very. Passionate and fierce couple. BUT!! They're also joking and soft!!! It's not like some fake hardcore p*rn where everything is always sexy and perfect. Sometimes they have to stop because dennis can't stop laughing at how awful Luka's 'sex face' looks or luka has to stop and ask dennis if he's okay even though they have a designated safe word HE STILL NEEDS TO MAKE SURE!!
But anyways YEAH They're very competitive in bed. A lot of 'is that it?'s can be heard no matter how long they've been going at it. A lot of 'c'mon's, just a bunch of strained taunts traded between them because neither knows how to shut up. Dennis would give Luka head in a public bathroom and he'd tease the fuck out of him. Draw it out and everything because dennis is an asshole who wants to be the one who makes Luka lose it. He wants Luka struggling to remain his 'polite and mature' self that the public loves him for because he can't stop thinking about Dennis ******* him weak. He wants Luka to Want him.
And Luka is like 'I can't let him just control me like this, the little shit. I have an interview to go to soon and he just wants me to stumble into it with my zipper still down.' So naturally he face****s Dennis until the gagging gets too loud and he has to slow down. Then he'd pull Dennis off him for some time to breathe and he'd be like 'are you okay? Was I too rough for you?' In a kinda taunting way, a little smug, but then his eyes will soften and he'll Actually ask if he was too rough. But to Luka's fire in his stomach, Dennis just grins and smoothly asks as if his throat wasn't being used for the last thirty seconds, "with that shrimp dick of yours? Never." And so the competition goes on.
While I think there's never really a true dominate figure in their relationship because both just constantly switch being the smug one.. Dennis is definitely the bossier one. He decides what position to be in and he decides what to do. He likes control and he'll take it whenever he can, and if luka wants it so bad then luka will have to fight him for it. In general, Dennis is just an absolute Asshole in bed. He'll scratch up Luka's back and try leaving red marks just Slightly above the jersey so others can still Kinda see it but not know what it is. But Dennis knows. After all his scratching and biting, he always makes sure to poke where he left a mark after sex. Mainly out in public because he likes making Luka jerk around and smirk at him. But yeah. Dennis likes feeling powerful in bed. He likes pushing Luka's head down and 'making' him kiss him when in reality Luka just leans himself down so their lips can touch. He likes grabbing and pulling and Luka Sometimes let's him, but sometimes he makes him work for it just to see Dennis glare up at him like he's not being dicked down under him.
Their aftercare is cute but only after dennis is too tired to protest getting cuddled. Usually he likes to try and be the big spoon though, with his arms and legs wrapped around Luka's side like a koala to a tree LMAO
I think Dennis's fav positions are the ones where he feels superior/ has the most control. Like he Loves to ride Luka because it gives him some sorta semblance of being taller? Of being the one who gets to control the speeds and such. And Luka let's him. Dennis tells him not to touch him and Luka doesn't. He simply waits until Dennis tires himself out on his **** and Then Luka grabs his hips and takes over for him. And Dennis is tough enough to take it and just ride it out with him.
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I also think Luka LOVES cheesy nicknames during sex. I don't know if he's a BABE guy but he's definitely a 'sweetheart', 'honey', and his favorite nickname 'kitten' kind of guy. Dennis on the other hand is just a straight up Babe. (At most) guy, so he always rolls his eyes and complains about how cheesy Luka is whenever he tries slipping in a nickname. He especially detests the 'kitten' nickname mainly because of its origins .. (the hello kitty backpack). I have a wip fic in mind that like... explains more about it later and involves the hello kitty backpack but it's too long of an explanation and I'm stupid ๐Ÿ˜ญ but basically rookie luka ends up calling Dennis 'kitty' in the story, much to Dennis's cringe. It plays on how much Dennis wants to retain the feeling of power since he's still the franchise guy, and Luka letting him (by letting Dennis ride him) And then Dennis gets traded and Luka ends up the sophomore star stud of his team so he visits Dennis by greeting him at his hotel door with a cheeky 'hello, kitty' and gives him back his hello kitty backpack as a funny 'haha I'm not your rookie anymore' moment, but when Dennis retorts it's hollow and bare.. Luka tries to figure out what's wrong but they have a 'don't touch me.' Moment except Dennis isn't riding him, he's trying to drive him away. There's a whole explanation about Why but like... thats not horny so ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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