#IDW Optimus should have had like 50% less screen time then he did in the comics
ghostingcrows · 1 year
While I’m thinking about it 
I feel like something people don’t really talk about with OP is the fact that he came from a place of incredible privilege compared to a lot of other characters and it shows
He was considered useful in functionalist cybertron and was in a position of power as a cop (something we see him take advantage of many times)
One of his best friends was a senator
He was practically handed the matrix and the ability to carry it by said senator friend
Then immediately after overthrowing the current corrupt prime his immediate instinct was 
“alright so obviously I’m the prime now”
Which went against the entire point of Megatrons movement and then he was shocked when Megatron turned on him
In the future hes kicked out of cybertron and is exiled but constantly returns to it anyways
He constantly takes advantage of peoples beliefs in the primes, something he doesn’t even believe in, to give himself power he has no right to 
He colonizes earth despite the people making it immensely clear they want him gone 
(The US government shooting his arm off is still one of my favorite panels lmao)
And then he technically gets arrested but doesn’t actual like get arrested and hes just left alone to do his own thing
And I just think its something that need to be pointed out because its infuriating that that a big theme of the comics is equality and freedom for all sentient beings but the person whos spouting all that stuff is literally a privileged asshole who only believes in that stuff when he still gets to be in a position of power
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