mull3ts · 3 years
thicc mama hru
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mY INFANTÉ !!!!! 💥💥
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okyio-archive · 7 years
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hey guys !! im so sorry for being absent for so long :+( !! it’s been a crazy couple of days and i really needed to recover after everything that has been happening. again i just want to say thank you for everyone who has been so patient with me. i’m going to clear these anon msgs + i’ll respond to all my private msgs&discord chats + check out what i’ve missed once i wake up tomorrow. i love you guys sm for showing love + support. i wish you a happy thursday :+)
sims related
Would u ever do an editing tutorial? like how u draw little doodles and stuff like that! If it's not too much fo a hassle. love you SO MUCH!! <3
hey nonny :+) please check the faq next time !! I’ve answered how i drew the little doodles there but for a full blown tutorial i’ve already mentioned that i’ll do one once i have more free time :+) !! thanks for the support love !!
What are your favorite brushes for edits?
i recently found one right over here :+) and i’ve been experimenting w/ em !! tbh i dont have a fav cause im always trying out new brushes out + seeing which ones i like !!! so im sorry if that doesn’t answer your question asjkdhf
hi!!! hope you're having a good day!! is it okay to use the sims from your sim dump in a story as long as you get credit? if not i totally understand!
thanks nonny for asking :+) !! yeah definitely !! you can do whatever you like w/ them !! i would love to see so feel free to @ me :’+) have fun and tysm for using my sims :’+)!!
personal questions
Can i be your friend?
ofc nonny :+) !! ill prob reply slow af but i promise you that i would love to make friends :+) so hmu whenever you feel comfortable !!
How do you deal with perfectionism? Or what ever that word is????
honestly, tk wrote a perfect post outlining what she does and it helped me out a lot as well !! so check her post out + hopefully it can help you a bit too :+) if you ever need someone to talk to, im here :’+)
would it be ok if I asked u for friendship advice?
ofc nonny :+) !!! just hmu off/on anon in my inbox or pm if you wish :+) im always willing to help as long as you’re a little patient w/ me since i reply quite late haha but im always here to listen + give my 2 cents :+)
I find it so hard to study, I get distracted so easily and sometimes it isn’t my phone :(
awh man nonny i know what you mean. i struggle w/ studying a lot and i’m a uni student haha. besides the typical tips you can find online, what i found is this app called forest (it’s on ios + android devices!!) to help me stay on task (whether it’s studying/chores). check out more information here. it’s been honestly helping me a lot + who doesn’t like plants??? 
I don't know who to tell this to and you seem really kind: I'm the pickiest eater I've ever met or heard of. It's just NO most food is disgusting it just makes me wanna barf. And everyone treats me like a 4-year-old child. Nothing cheers me up anymore. I think I have selective eating disorder and nobody understands :( People are being mean to me all the time because I don't like certain foods and maybe I AM just a 4-year-old child. I need help and comfort :( Because being a picky eater is hard.
awh nonny first thank you for telling me about that :’+) im really sorry if im replying this super late asldkjf. i honestly really appreciate that you opened up to me about it okay? i know this can be difficult since it’s smt so personal. i want to let you know right now that i’m always here for you + supporting you okay? i know it’s difficult when your surrounding group of people don’t understand / support. although i haven’t personally dealt with this, i would suggest finding a professional + see what their take on it? if it’s to the extent that certain food makes you barf, it’s def more than just “wow ur picky” yeuno? cause you physically can’t eat smt without barfing it all out. seek a professional when you’re more comfortable okay? you dont have to do it now but baby steps!! remember you’re not alone, im always here for you oaky nonny :+) every step of the way!! lmk + update me okay? i’m wishing you luck ily !!
my moms having her 4th child and like im really nervous abt it cause this is the first time im actually old enough to like remember it and take care of him and like im scared
!! nonny thank you for coming up to me + telling me about it - i honestly really appreciate it :’+) !! first of all: congrats !! i know things will definitely be different since there are responsibilities to deal w/ and added stress but remember !! to take it slow okay? it’s 100% okay to make mistakes. it’s 100% normal to feel overworked. there will prob be more little arguments here and there since everyone will be quite restless + more irritable but take it slowly + (literally) baby steps okay? if it gets too much for you, take a breather and come back to it. im sure your mom will understand if it gets too much for you. and besides - im here supporting and rooting for you too nonny :+) !! i honestly cant imagine taking care of another human being at this age either - heCk i can’t even take care of myself askdjhf but remember it’s a learning curve!! it’ll take awhile + there will be a lot of obstacles to huddle through but it’ll be rewarding okay? again, if u ever need someone to talk to, im always here :+) !! ily nonny!! stay strong
Hi! I'm really sorry to bother you rn, but I just really, REALLY miss my dog who passed away several years ago. She was like my sister... I related to her more than people & I could always rely on her for comfort. All I want to do is just hug her again, but I know I can't do that. I just can't move on. I love her so much. I'm sorry, but I need to tell this to someone, ANYONE, because it's really been keeping me down lately...(dog death anon cont.) I've been seeing a therapist since she's died, and I've been on several medicines which DO help, but only to a certain degree. I realize there's a certain part that I, myself, need to control (ie moving on). but like I said, it's hard. I haven't told anyone this, because I'm afraid of looking stupid for letting my dog's death get to me this much that it's required hospitalizations and such. I just want to see her again. (end)
!!!!! asdf you’re never a bother nonny !! dont ever thing that alright? i’m always here for you ready to listen no matter what (i’m just a super slow replier so i apologize for that askdhf). but first thank you for coming to me + telling me about your personal problems - i honestly appreciate sm. i’m honestly so sorry nonny... i can relate to some extent because i got my dog when i was in gr 7 and he was my only friend who i can go to to feel love + comfort up since i’ve been bullied since elementary school & never really had friends. i can’t imagine what you’re going through .. i’m honestly so sorry. don’t think that you’re stupid at all okay? i’m the last person on the earth to ever think you are. i’m glad you’re seeking a therapist right now !! however, i 100% understand if it’s difficult to move on - cause it is!! my grandpa past away 10 years ago and he was one of my best friends and he was really the only “father figure-like” role model i look up to. till this day my heart aches thinking about my grandfather and how much i miss him. similarly, i would definitely feel the exact same way w/ my dog if he passed away because i treasure him sm. so don’t be too hard on yourself about moving on. i know it’s easier said than done but different people vary on how long they mourn for. some can be 100% okay in a couple months while others takes years - and that’s 100% okay! why? because we’re human. there’s no need to rush in “moving on” - take it in your own pace. i know the pressure / stigma of others thinking you’re “weird/stupid” for being like this state further creates anxiety/stress in “forcing” yourself to rapidly wanting to move on. however, i urge to try your best to ignore what others might think + focus on yourself to the best of your abilities. perhaps distract yourself in finding a new hobby / doing smt that you love or smt new. it takes time to recover - no matter how long you take, no one’s rushing you oke :+)? ill be here every step of the way if u ever need me. it’s okay to have those days where you tried so hard but u end up at point A because after you go through that hurdle, you’ll be closer to your goal. take as long as you need - baby steps nonny :+) i’m here rooting for you oke? i love you so much. you’re a strong sweetheart and i know you can do it. 
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starrywinters · 7 years
Hugs! — Park Woojin Fic
not requested!
genre: fluff!
#protect woojin project!
a/n: also thanks guys. sm like??? kdflksds THANKS FOR 200+ FOLLOWERS OMG YALL ILY 😫😫😭🎉💕
Walking happily into the library where you promised Woojin to meet up at, you notice the latter sitting with his head down
‘What happened to him?’ You thought, bc usually he’d be reading a comic as he waits for “ur slow ass” as he puts it
Disregarding this, you stride up to him and give him a good ol’ pat on the back and bring him into a headlock expecting him to fight back
Nope. He sits there, motionlessly.
“Yah, Park Woojin, what’s up with you?”
Silence… a sniff… another sniff. Lifting his head you see tears welling up in his eyes
“H-hey, what’s wrong Woojin? What happened?”
“I-i didn’t pass my, my SM audition-n. I don’t know what to dooo” he moans pitifully.
Feeling bad, you try to cheer him up. “It’s ok Woojin-ie, there are still plenty of other companies you can audition to out there, hm? Don’t cry over the one company who is sleeping over your talents.”
Pulling him into a hug, “Is there anything I can do to make your day all better?”
“Yes. Promise me something.” 
“You have to hug me,” ‘Aren’t I already doing that??’
“Everyday. Whenever I want.” ‘Ok, what. Pink sausage say what.’
But you couldn’t help to agree after he gives you those puppy eyes. ‘Freaking Woojin and his freaking irresistible cuteness.’
Current date and time: September 9, 2017 3:00 AM
You wake up to buzzing noises near your ear. Looking at your phone, you see messages and missed calls from the one, and only, Park Woojin.
Smh woojin its late
His messages consists of, “Is u awake?”
“Y/N. My best friend, the only person who cares about me, wAkE uP”
“Yo. wake up….pls”
shookEDT, there were 10 missed calls and 4 voicemails. Not even giving you a chance to listen to them, Woojin’s caller ID pops up
‘Sexy baby oh my lady’ plays on repeat until you accept the call
“What do you want Park.”
“Open your window.”
Wtf? Heading to your window, you open it to see Woojin squatting on a big tree branch.
“PARK WOOJIN,” startling him a little bit, “ARE YOU CRAZY? DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS? Get the heck inside, now.”
“Okaay, geez mom.”
“Wanna tell me why you’re here? At-” looking at the clock, “THREE IN THE FRICKFRACK MORNING???!1?”
“I wanted my daily hugs..”
“And you couldn’t have waited ‘till a decent time? Like, when people are usually awake? For example, 8 in the morning??”
“Nope. You promised me, whenever I want.”
“I’m supposed to be sleeping right now???”
“Well then why’re you awake?”
“Sorry,” he mutters dejectedly and slight frowns. “…Can I still get that hug though?”
Your heart aches at the sight and you sigh exasperatedly, “Ok fine, but never wake me up at an ungodly hour again.”
Pulling him into a hug, you whisper into his ear, “Never stop smiling, it hurts me.”
He whispers back with a slight grin, “I won’t, so long as you’re here, giving me my daily hugs.”
Current date and time: September 10, 2017 3:00 AM
Rocks were being thrown at your window. Getting up, you open it only to be hit smack dab in the middle of your face by a muddy rock. ‘Stupid rain. Stupid rock. Who the heck is annoying me at -looking at your clock- 3 in the morning again.’
“Hey! Y/N, IT ME. WOOJIN.” hopping into your room, he screams right into your face.
“You’re screaming too…”
“Oh my god, Woojin. What do you want this time?”
“My hug.” whipping your head towards his direction, you give him a deadpan expression. ‘Say what now?’
Let’s just say, the hug you gave him then was suffocatingly sweet.
“Shut up and sleep, you’re my teddy bear’s replacement for tonight (today?)”
just a short drabble! ((: im late;;;
now i need to shower and do homework oh god
hope y’all like it! ♡
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