watery-melon-baller · 2 years
3, 7, and 40 for weekend and belos'
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
ooooh theres so many i would never touch. the first one that comes to mind is accidental pregnancy which like. i dont even write romance much. also hate student/teacher. uhh nonromance id go with. uh. i cannot think of anything rn lmao
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
ooooh id have to go with a snippet from a shera fic i did a while back. torn between two but ill go with the shorter one just because. not sure what counts as a snippet oops.
"Adora rolls her eyes, but stands up to join them. As she runs over, she knows that she’ll trip over her dress several times, and their clothes will all be covered in grass stains that will take forever to wash out. But Adora is here, in a future where there is no war to fight, where they can laugh freely and love and she doesn't feel selfish anymore for wanting a happy ending."
bad at explaining myself but like. its the potential of a happy ending, of not everything being perfect but it good, and thats worth living for. its a whole metaphor about feminity and wartime and accepting yourself. that its okay to be safe now, its okay to be soft and vulnerable and to start healing. apologies for being incoherent
40. Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
ohohohohhohho you know whats funny. i actually did have an alternate ending planned where hunter just. slept through the rebelllion and just woke up after it was over and was like "what the fuck." anyways i sat down and wrote this in a night (ive been saving the ask until it was finished so thats why im answering it late sorry!) so enjoy 2k words of that under the cut. apologies for typos i tried my best to read this over lmao. you can also read this on ao3 now yipee
Hunter stared at his clock, and scowled. Shit. He had 20 minutes until the coven head meeting!
He stood up, quickly scrambling for his notes.  He wanted to try and get there early, so he could figure out somewhat of a plan.
Flapjack lifted their head up, disrupted from their slumber. What is boy doing?
His foot slipped on a piece of paper, and he barely managed to catch himself on the edge of his desk. “I have a meeting! I need to go talk to the other coven heads, and-”
Have time! Should rest!
He scowled. “Flapjack, I don’t have time to rest! I need to prepare my notes! I still haven’t figure out what I’m going to say to Terra, or Adrian, or how to deal with the recent riots-”
Nap time! Boy too tired to think!
“You always say it’s nap time.”
Because boy is always tired!
He sighed, flopping back on his bed and letting the stack of papers in his arms scatter onto the floor. Flapjack did have a bit of a point. He had been staying up later and later, getting less sleep in favor of trying to take care of… well, everything.
He could get ready in ten minutes. It wouldn’t take long to teleport. Just closing his eyes for a few minutes surely wouldn’t hurt. And he wouldn’t actually fall asleep. He would just lay here!
“Just ten minutes. Then I have to go.”
Flapjack chirped. Nap! Nap!
“Not a nap, Flap,” He mumbled. “M just resting my eyes.”
He didn’t even realize he was falling asleep.
He woke up to the smell of smoke.
He shot up out of bed, head swiveling as he took stock of the room. Everything seemed to be in order, except-
The bird had at some point moved inside his shirt. They peeked their head out, looking adorable as always, but Hunter wasn’t fooled.
He glared at them. “I said ten minutes.”
Boy needed nap!
He pointed at the window. “IT’S DARK OUTSIDE NOW! IT’S NIGHTTIME!”
Not that late. Sun just set. More like evening!
He dragged a hand down his face and groaned. “Flapjack. I missed the coven head meeting. The one thing I cannot, under any circumstances, miss.”
Flapjack did not look even remotely apologetic.
Hunter sighed, standing up and brushing back his hair. The smell of smoke was still lingering in the air, and he poked his head out the window, following the smell.
Ah. That might be a problem.
The area of the castle where Terra and Adrian had been fighting the other day looked even worse than before, mainly because it was on fire. Several scouts were running around in a panic, and if he listened closely, he could hear the faint sound of screaming.
Flapjack had moved to sit on his desk, and he slowly turned to glare at them. “Flapjack.”
They chirped.
“This is why we don’t skip coven head meetings! Look at what happened while I was asleep. The castle is on fire!” He sighed. 
Could be worse!
He flung his arms out, staring the bird down in frustration. “How could this be worse?!”
The Titan must have thought that was funny, because at that moment his door was slammed open with a war cry.
Something (someone?) charged through his door, and he screeched, barely avoiding their tackle. Whoever it was slammed into his wall, sending feathers flying everywhere. Why there were feathers, he didn’t know. Maybe they were because of the large wings that were almost smacking him in the face. 
Flapjack screeched, dive bombing the intruder, and Hunter quickly scrambled back, grabbing a heavy textbook detailing the criminal justice system and hurling it at their face. They shouted in pain, falling back onto the floor, and Hunter decided that was his cue to go.
He skidded out into the hallway, his slippers barely staying on his feet, while Flapjack circled nervously around his head. Behind him, he could hear the sound of the mystery attacker getting up, and he risked a glimpse behind him as Flapjack transformed into a staff.
“Golden Guard, kid, wait a second-”
Their voice sounded somewhat familiar, but he was too busy grabbing his staff. The last thing he saw before teleporting away into a haze of golden light was what looked to be some kind of harpy woman, heading straight for him.
He bounced across the castle, not having much of a destination in mind besides something that was away from the harpy lady. He materialized in a small room with dim lighting, and as he leaned against the brick walls he realized he was in the break room.
There were technically several break rooms scattered around the castle, but those were all empty storage closets scouts had converted into a break room in their free time with their own money. (Hunter may or may not have contributed to them with money from the castle treasury). This, however, was the official break room, the one all the coven heads used, and the one that the Emperor made somewhat of an attempt to maintain.
He hadn’t been here in a couple weeks, with the whole “accidentally killed my Uncle and now running the government from my bedroom” issue. Not much had changed since the last time he was here. The table was still stained, one of the chairs still had a wobbly leg, the sink was still dripping water because no one knew how to fix the leak, there were still a few spare coven cloaks lying in a pile on the floor, and the fridge still had several post-its about labeling your food properly and not letting it sit in the fridge for months and stink up the room.
The bulletin board, however, had a few changes. The ‘days since Kikimora tried to assassinate someone’ board had been reduced back to zero (last time he saw it it was at 11, which was a new record), and there were several notes stating that due to being understaffed, everyone would be getting extra shifts. Which was weird, because Hunter thought he was in charge of scheduling guard shifts, but he had handed off so many of his duties to Kikimora and random coven captains that he wasn’t sure anymore. Also, why had no one told him they were understaffed?
Someone had also brought in cookies, and there were still a few left. Yay! He grabbed one from the box, biting into it. 
“Want a piece? Its chocolate cricket flavor.” He broke off a small chunk, offering it to the palisman, who began gleefully pecking it. He finished eating the rest of the cookie, wandering over to the sink.
He smacked the faucet, hoping that maybe this time it would stop the leaking, but it did nothing. Like it did every time. He sighed, and turned towards the clawfee machine, turning it on. Next to the sink was a small collection of drying dishes, one of which included a mug that said ‘world’s best nephew’ in hot pink script.
“Hey Flapjack, I found my favorite mug!” He picked it up, thankfully finding it clean. He had been searching for that mug for weeks! Although, it seemed a bit inaccurate, with the whole ‘killed my uncle’ and ‘being a grimwalker of his brother’ thing. Nope, that was a problem for another time.
He shrugged, watching as the clawfee pot came to a boil. Flapjack was hopping around the table, pecking the various crumbs that had been left behind. Hunter should probably be stopping them, but he figured if Flapjack had survived this long with such little self preservation, they would probably be fine.
He poured the clawfee into his mug, and moved to sit down in a chair. The good chair, not the one with the wobbly leg that made you rock back and forth every time you moved the slightest inch. 
He sighed, leaned back in his chair, and stared vacantly at the wall. “So,” he said calmly. “I think there might be a rebellion going on right now.”
Flapjack chirped anxiously. Hunter stared at the bird. “You know, this is why we don’t skip coven head meetings.”
He sipped on his clawfee, savoring the bitter taste. Oh, sweet caffeine, how he missed it. Having energy was fantastic.
“I should probably go out there and deal with that.”
Or don’t! Don’t risk yourself!
“Flapjack, I don’t think that's an option.”
Run away to woods! Can hunt for worms!
“I can’t eat worms! You can hunt all you want, I’ll forage for berries.”
Good plan!
Hunter groaned. “Terrible plan.” It wasn't like he had any ideas. He had been slowly preparing a runaway bag, but he had hoped he would have a few more weeks before he had to use it. This was his punishment for procrastinating. 
He stood up, taking a long swig of the coffee. “Okay, my stuff is in my room. Let’s see if we can try to sneak back there, and if anyone is still alive.” He looked down at himself, grimacing at his lack of armor. He was still in his PJS! 
Hesitantly, he lifted one of the coven scout cloaks from the pile on the floor, checking it over. There didn’t appear to be any visible stains, so he shrugged, putting it on.
Flapjack chirped, and fluttered on top of his head. Hunter sighed, but said nothing, pulling up his hood to cover the bird. He opened the door and hesitantly peeked his head out. There didn’t seem to be anyone, so he stepped out into the hallway, letting the door shut behind him.
Picking a random direction, he began walking, the only sound being his bunny slippers slapping against the tile. He nervously clutched his cloak, suddenly beginning to regret every decision he had ever made that had led him to this situation.
He rounded a corner to see a hallway that looked very much destroyed. A section of the ceiling had collapsed, and plants and abomination goo was everywhere. Several coven scouts were lying unconscious on the floor.
Hunter bit his lip, and with a start realized he was still holding his mug. There was still a little bit of clawfee in it, so he could throw it at someone and run if he needed to. The perfect weapon. What a plan.
He froze at the sound of footsteps, frantically looking for a place to hide. He slid behind a pile of rubble, hoping that he would just be mistaken for an unconscious scout.
The sound of footsteps grew closer, and then stopped. “I could have sworn I heard something over here,” a familiar voice muttered. Oh shit.
Hunter involuntarily flinched, shifting the rubble he was hiding behind with his movement.
“Over there!” Oh, he recognized that voice too, although it was only marginally better than the first one. Maybe if he stayed very very still, they wouldn’t notice him?
He yelped as abomination goo wrapped around his legs, dragging him out into the open and pinning his arms to his side. He scowled at the awkward angle his arm was held at, the clawfee slowly dripping out of his mug and onto the floor.
Darius crossed his arms, lifting an eyebrow at Hunter. “Ah, Little prince. You’re looking… unwell.”
Hunter, very maturely, stuck out his tongue, something that only caused Darius’s scowl to deepen.
Behind Darius, Luz cheerfully waved at him. “Hi Hunter! You kind of caught us at a bad time.” She turned down the hallway, cupping a hand to her mouth. “HEY GUYS, WE FOUND HUNTER! OVER HERE!” 
Darius winced at her yelling, rubbing his ears. Hunter wished he could do the same, because wow Luz could shout loud.
The two of them turned back to face him and he grimaced. “Uh, hi?” He said awkwardly. Maybe they would be nice and just kill him right away. Luz could probably convince them not to hurt Flapjack.
Luz shoved her hands in her pockets, grinning casually. “Hunter, my man! I’ve been looking for you! Sorry about the whole, uh, overthrowing the government thing.”
‘It’s fine,” He said, even though it was very much not fine. “It was already falling apart anyways.”
Darius stepped towards him, frowning. “About that, actually. We have quite a few questions to ask you, Golden Guard.”
Luz’s grin became just a bit more shaky. “Not bad questions! Just, uh, questions. It’ll be great!” She did not sound convinced of her own words. “It’s fine.”
Hunter sighed. He should have just stayed in bed. This was all Flapjack’s fault. He was never trusting that adorable little bird again, no matter how cute they were.
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
If nobody has asked- ngl I am vastly curious about ur Ramuda character bingo opinions.
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i dont even know how. he also has issues with a dad if that counts
INTO OUR BLACK BLACK JOURNEY *loud crying* PERHAPS THE LAST ONE *sobbing* A JOURNEY TO HOLD ONTO OUR LIVES- also. pink coloured love ↓↓↓
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hes just like me fr. idk how to describe it. we are alike. wheres that post about neurodivergent queers ppl with chronic illness and ppl with identity issues all relating to ramuda. i am one of them
i want to make him (and his clones) hurt. not permanently but. augh. oke again i am reccomending around and around and around
i need ramuda and dice and gentaro to be happy and untouched for the rest of their lives i need them to be okay forever
I would be a ramuda apologist but i cant amount to fling posse themselves 😔😔😔
i love him so i need to see what makes him tick
i hate myself so i need to see him suffer and watch tdd break apart again
GNAWING HIM. biting him like a lolipop. crumch
why are you like this (looking at the slutty rainbow bird hoodie)
soy normal
if something happens im gonna riot. ESPECIALLY with the 3rd drb rn. i will RIOT
he deserves a happy life goddammit
no further explanation needed honestly. this is so girly pop of him
crying screaming sobbing. i know why things happened but augh. theres this fic i was reading called the B-side where ramuda basically gets sent back to the TDD era and tries to fix things and im shaking it im shaking it so hard but its unfinished and im gonna scream
i will kill and bite and-
i need to find out how he works. id also like to figure out HOW he works bc. how do the lolipops keep him from dying??? augh i need to know
he has such mommy issues energy its fucking astounding. mommy issues 💯 he also has issues with a mom too
i want to know more about him so bad. so bad.
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irkenheretic · 4 years
For the ask game: 21, 27, 36
21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
in the realm of canon characters, red and purple! zim is easier to write personally but writing those two is great honestly, i love them!!!! wether theyre interacting with each other or other people its always just, so much fun writing them
i could go on about my favorite handful of ocs to write but since i NEVER talk about them on this blog ill be speaking gibberish.... 
eh, fuck it. 
pax all the way. i talked abt him in the server we’re in together once, but he’s just so absolutely done with everything and everyone around him, its a riot. even when hes being like, actually held captive hes just like “whatever. ive had worse.” barely anything can shake this asshole and its great hes just a blast to write
also a group of irkens called sta7beats. theyre a seven-member irken pop band (long story lmfao) and theres no real drama with them? some of the members do have some hard pasts but theres no genuine infighting within the members, no giant secrets being kept, etc etc, basically nothing that would ruin the relationships. and theyre largely detached from having a direct influence on the larger plot? (their music does, they are safe) so its nice to think of scenes for them that are lower stakes. these ocs and pax are for my big, fucked up, murphys-law-in-action of a fic series so its nice to have little pockets of respite every now and again. i wanna write about the irkens doing a fun little dance after working on High Stakes Plot Stuff and hopefully it will be fun to read even for people that have no clue what the fuck sta7beats is referencing
27.  Favourite line/scene
this fucking part from trials:
There were no more trials on Judgementia, and the Empire fell, as it deserves to, defectives rallying non-defectives behind their cause and poisoning it from the inside out, and as the Tallest both pointed guns at a spineless conformist, his last words to them were “The Control Brains were right about you lot.”
36.  Last sentence you wrote
“Yeah.” Red’s antennae flinched back at the noise. “Juuuust like that. Keep doing that.” 
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