verdemoun · 2 months
Shitpost inspired. Can you imagine the emotions tho? Fuck the wheel, just. In general. Arthur sees his dead son. John sees his family. Hosea sees Bessie.
There's joy, there's tears, there's everything. But after that first moment, it doesn't stop, just shows itself in different ways. Everything that screams "don't leave me again", even though it wasn't anyone's choice.
Arthur sometimes checking on Isaac out of nowhere. He needs to know his son is still there. John, whatever everyone sees him as, is still a loving father and husband. He does the same. He needs to know they're there, safe, alive.
Bessie and Hosea is a story I don't think I need to tell, we all understand. But still.
Just. Small ways the trauma shows itself. The way they all say what they can't speak out loud.
This is why we can't have nice things
happy one week anniversary of the wheel woot woot also i can't believe i give you all a nice wholesome modern au with a twist and you're all sitting there like starving victorian children crying papa where is the angst
Sean is not allowed to say the words 'quick job' because Rhodes was meant to be a quick job and Lenny just sits by the door slowly spiraling into full blown hyperventilation thinking about the completely ordinary day when Sean's corpse came back to camp draped over Brown Jack.
Arthur and Isaac. Not only is Arthur very serious about never putting Isaac down or out of his sight again but actually seeing his dad again brings up so much anxiety for Isaac. He doesn't want him to go away again either.
Arthur might sit for hours watching Isaac sleep when Isaac starts staying nights with him but also Isaac waking up in the middle of the night panicked. He might be 9 years old but very desperately needing his dad and to know where he is constantly.
Checking in on Isaac and vice versa is the main reason Arthur learned the importance of cell phones and keeping them charged because he will get a random phone call in the middle of the day when Isaac just wanted to hear his voice and have the assurance he hadn't vanished again. Calling each other at least three times a day at all hours.
John did not sleep for days after he first timewarped because he could not handle his daughter being out of sight. Closes his eyes for a second on the couch in sheer exhaustion only to jump up and frantically look around for her. Uncle actually serving a purpose he won't even drink when John asks him to watch Addie: he needs to know someone is watching his precious daughter so he can relax enough to sleep.
Abigail thinks she is fine and life is perfect now that she has her family back all together again, but sometimes John comes back from the store or helping Charles with a job to her just silently sobbing on the couch because she was so convinced something happened to him.
Hosea and Bessie. Unless Hosea has something/someone else to worry about he needs to be with Bessie because he will obsessively think he's going to lose her again without constant distraction. Bring your husband to work day everyday because she also just missed him so much it's not the palpable anxiety but just grief.
Jack is the biggest co-sleeper. He is used to sharing his space. They thought it would be so exciting modern era he finally has his own room and instead it's just - he cannot sleep without knowing someone is there. The only times he had a room to himself was a) Beecher's Hope before Addie was born (he shared a room with the baby and was the most doting big brother) b) Beecher's Hope after Addie died (uncomfortably quiet) and c) Beecher's Hope after Abigail died. After John's death he was so worried about his mother he accidentally fell back into the habit of sleeping in bed with her because they were both all the other had and then he lost her.
Abigail admittedly went straight back to sleeping in Jack's room for a few weeks after he timewarped because she was just so sad to have her son back so soon, so young. And he needed it. Takes a white noise machine or music for him to sleep if there's no one there because sleeping alone has always meant displacement or mourning.
Isaac doesn't have a guest room so every time he crashes there it's a routine of pillow walls 'stay on your side of the bed, morgan' 'it's my bed, marston' only to be starfish sprawled arm around each other in their sleep. Very much one of the unacknowledged reasons he spends so much time at Isaac's.
Not only Kieran needing routine but everyone needing to know Kieran's routine because they feel a compulsion to check on him every once in a while just in case because of the guilt of not doing enough the first time he went missing when it SHOULD have been a massive red flag in 1899.
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
And I Needed You
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It had been at least two weeks since the Mikaelsons had arrived in DC and it was the first time Jupiter was leaving the house by herself. She really wanted to just take a walk to collect her thoughts.
Spencer and Derek were very hesitant to let her out of their sight but they eventually gave in. They trusted her but they didn't trust the Mikaelsons and so they made sure she would check in with them.
She sat on a bench at the park and just began to observe people. She began to think about what her life would have been like if she didn't leave New Orleans, she thought about how she would have still been ignored by most of her so called family but then it made her realize how the best thing she ever did was leave.
She has an amazing set of parents, amazing Uncles and Aunts along with some pretty awesome siblings. Not to mention her mates, her best friends, and most importantly her children.
As she sat there and pondered her life's decisions she felt an unwanted presence next to her.
"I thought you got the hint. You aren't welcome here." Jupiter said as she turned to look at her biological mother.
"I just want to talk. Is that a crime?" Hayley asked softly.
"You had sixteen years to talk to me and you never did, well that's a lie. You did talk to me but it was only to scold me about why I wasn't like her. But you know what? I'm in a generous mood, there's a diner down the street with some wicked pancakes. We'll talk there." Jupiter said as she stood up and began to walk away briskly and Hayley followed behind her.
At Jupiter's request they were placed at a booth in the back to maintain some form of privacy, after ordering their food an awkward silence ensued.
"You wanted to talk, so talk." Jupiter said in a unamused tone.
"Jupiter, I am so sorry. And I know that won't replace any of the negative memories that you have of me or our family. But, I want you to know that I truly am sorry for everything I did to you." Hayley said sincerely.
"Listen Hayley," Jupiter began ignoring her biological mother's wince at using her real name. "What you all did to me scarred me. It took me years to get over all of the shit I went through in New Orleans. I cannot and will not go back to New Orleans with you. I found a family who cares about me. Who love me. I've found somewhere that I belong." The blonde finished, feeling twenty pounds lift off of her shoulders.
Hayley nodded sadly, realizing it really was too late. Needless to say she was pissed and was still determined to make things right but put the topic away for now as their food came out. She laughed slightly when she saw Jupiter's face light up at the sight of pancakes.
However peaceful their meal was it went completely out the window when Hayley once again tried to get the blonde to come back to New Orleans with them.
Jupiter's eyes filled with tears of frustration at her biological mother.
"Jupiter, please. You're my daughter, come home." Hayley pleaded.
"You still don't get it! I am home. Growing up do you know how much it hurt to see that you didn't care about me there were so many times that I needed you," Jupiter's voice wobbled "I needed my mom and you weren't there. I found people who actually care about me and aren't just here because she felt a twinge or guilt. I'm done with this conversation. Goodbye Hayley." Jupiter finished with a crack due to the waterfalls now running down her face.
She quickly sped away.
As soon as she was far enough away from Hayley she called her mom.
"Jupiter honey?" Abigail asked as soon as she picked up the phone. "Mommy." The strong blonde whimpered with her tears still flowing.
Abby was rushing around the house trying to find her keys so she could go and pick up her daughter.
"Baby, where are you?" Abby asked as she got into the car. "I'm near the 25th and main subway stop." The girl answered still crying.
No more than five minutes later, Abby was practically flying out of the car to hug her youngest.
"Oh sweetie, what happened?" The heretic asked as she pulled the girl into her embrace.
"I tried to be civil with Hayley but she still wants me to be a part of their "family" and I just needed my mom." Jupiter cried as she hugged Abby tightly.
"I'm right here sweet girl. I'm not going anywhere." Abby reassured.
Jupiter couldn't see it but Abby has a look of murderous rage on her face.
It was time for Abby and Sam to step in and confront Klaus and Hayley.
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meg91596 · 4 years
Expect the Unexpected Chapter 4
It had been roughly 2 weeks since Amelia and Link welcomed their triplet daughters Adelynn, Annabel, and Addison into the family. Link and Amelia were proud of their now family of 6 and how beautiful their children were. Scout was excited at first when his sisters were born but now his behavior had changed.
"SCOUT DEREK SHEPHERD LINCOLN please stop screaming you are going to wake up your sisters." Amelia said. "NO momma I no care." Scout said. "SCOUT DEREK SHEPHERD LINCOLN you just earnt some time in time out." Amelia said. "NO MOMMA YOU MEAN." Scout yelled at his mother. "ATTICUS please just take him out he's supposed to be in time out but he's only 21 1/2 months old and doesn't understand time out. Can you take him to the park or somewhere although the girls may start crying soon because it is almost time for them to eat." Amelia said. "How about I drop Scout off with Meredith for a few days?" Link asked. "No he needs to get used to the girls." Amelia said.
Not knowing that Meredith had already been standing at the front door with Zola, Bailey, and Ellis. Amelia quickly ran to get dressed as she was still in her PJ's covered in who knows what. Link welcomed them into the house, Scout had calmed down the moment he saw his Auntie and cousins. Amelia came back with little Anna, and Adelynn who they just call Lynn because they were calling Addison Addie. Meredith had a feeling that it may get complicated with a Adelynn, and a Addison.
"Link I need you to get Addie." Amelia said. "So how are you holding up with 4 kids?" Meredith asked. "I'm fine Annabel, Adelynn, and Addison are good I just wish Scout would be the good boy he was when they were born." Amelia said. "Scout's still not adjusting to them?" Meredith asked. "No he's not. Do you have any suggestions Meredith?" Amelia asked. "Auntie Amy, I didn't like Ellis but now she's good." Bailey said. "Hey Bawiey that mean." Ellis said. "See kids don't always agree with each other just look at my kids." Meredith said. "I guess so I just hope Scout likes his sisters and doesn't hate them because we took away from him." Amelia said. "Don't worry about that Amelia look at Bailey and Ellis they are 22 months apart in age and yet look how much they get along." Meredith said. "Don't worry Auntie I'm sure Scout will be good with Annabel, Adelynn, and Addison soon he just needs to realize how cool it is to be a big brother." Zola said.
Amelia knew that Meredith and Zola were right and that Scout would adjust soon. Link brought down Addison from the bedroom with Scout wanting to help. Amelia was suprised that he wanted to help with Addison. She looked down at her son who got upset when he didn't get to hold the baby. Zola went and picked up her cousin who was in tears trying to comfort him. Amelia couldn't beleive that Scout actually wanted to help out with the babies because he has refused to help in the last 2 weeks.
"What wrong Scout." Ellis asked. "I Sad I want baby." Scout said. "No you want Uncle or Auntie." Ellis said. "ELLIS ALEXANDRA GREY SHEPHERD." Meredith yelled at Ellis. "What Mommy it true." Ellis said. "No I wanna see Abbie." Scout said. "ABBIE?" Zola asked. "Yes Abbie daddy got her." Scout said. "Oh Addison I got it now." Zola said. "Abbie hmm maybe Scout is onto something so we could call Adelynn Addie instead of Lynn." Amelia said. "Your saying we change Addison's name to Abigail?" Link said. "Well now that I think of it Addison is Addison and We can't change her name." Amelia said. "So we stick with Anna, Addie and Lynn." Link said. "Anna, Jo, and Addie." Amelia said. "Jo? short for her middle name?" Link asked. "Yes it's perfect for Adelynn." Amelia said.
Amelia was right because they named Adelynn, and Addison a name that was so close they had to think of something so that poor Scout, and everyone else didn't get confused with who was who. They decided that Adelynn would be called Jo instead of Adelynn because of the confusion that the poor girl would go through growing up.
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Noun [loo-nyuh-luh]
Something shaped like a narrow crescent, as the small, pale area at the base of the fingernail.
The mid-morning sun washed through the sterile, white room of Abigale Peters as her nurse helped her into the chair set by the window. She lowered her slowly and with practiced care that would be given to any other resident of the Rolling Hills Nursing Home. "Betty, be a dear and fetch my purse. We have to make it to church in time to greet the pastor or ill never hear the end of it from that nosey Mrs. Bradberry."
The plump, young nurse, whose name was really June, smiled patiently and turned to face the woman in the doorway, who stood tall and lithe but with some reservation. Her fingers curled around the handle of a soft pink kaboodle kit. She nodded graciously to the nurse and stepped inside. "Mama, you've already been to church today. The pastor loved your hat, don't you remember?" The old woman never did, but Denise always felt the urge to ask. Always hopeful that her mother would one day respond with an "Oh, of course, Denise. How could I forget?" But she never did, not anymore. She watched as her aging mother's brow furrowed in brief confusion before quickly being distracted by the movement of the trees outside her window. Denise sighed quietly and thanked June as the nurse set up a stool beside the chair and took her leave. Denise tucked a strand of mousy brown hair behind her ear and set the kaboodle on the chair-side table. With a click, it opened and Denise took her seat on the stool, adjusting for comfort as she spoke. "Mama...its time for another manicure. What color would you like today?"
"I always loved yellow. My kitchen is yellow, you know. Jacob always hated it. But I told him, I said...'well you won't be in it near as much as me and if I'm gonna be making you breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day, I want to do it in a room that makes me happy." Abigale gave a tired laugh. "That damn husband of mine. He's always gone at work nowadays. Betty, do you know when he'll be back?"
Denise paused and looked at her mother. Those blank eyes hurt her more than the questions, but not as much as being called 'Betty'. Betty was Abigale's sister who had died ten years ago and who her mother hadn't spoken to for at least thirty. It cut her like a knife, taking a tiny piece of her every time, but her therapist had urged her to try and not take it personally. Spite rose like a poison in her and for a moment she considered reminding her mother that Daddy was dead and gone, but that would only upset her, and not for long enough to make Denise feel any better. She took a deep breath and counted down from ten in her head before shaking the feeling and correcting her tone to the usual forced pleasantness she used on Sunday mornings. "This afternoon, I'm told."
Her mother nodded with a smaller smile, satisfied. Figuring she would never actually give her a color (yellow was a ridiculous color for nails. If her mother were in any lucid state she would never stand for it), she decided to pick one herself. Primrose. A proper color for a proper lady.
She shook the bottle and grabbed the emery board, cuticle pusher, and nail trimmers, setting all aside and pushing through the other bottles for the acetone and some stray cotton balls. She took her mother's hand, wrinkled with age and almost impossibly soft. The knobs and twists of arthritis in her knuckles still felt foreign to her, even after so many years. Denise drew in a sharp breath meant to control her emotions and set to work removing the dark polish from the week before. "I spoke to Cynthia two days ago. I asked when she may be able to make it back in town for a visit since she had to push back last month, but she wasn't sure. She asked that I.." Denise tightened her jaw. "...that I tell you that she loves you. And she misses you." Denise didn't believe it. Not for a moment. Cynthia cried and confided in her how hard it was to watch their mother deteriorate but Denise couldn't help but think that if she were actually here, marinating in the decline as Denise had been, perhaps maybe it wouldn't feel like such a drastic change each time she saw her. It was hard on Denise too....but she was here.
Abigale smiled brightly. "Cynthia is such a doll! You know she won junior Miss. Dickson twice? Bell of the ball! Oh!" She laughed. "Jacob practically had to beat the boys away with a stick." Denise rolled her eyes and shook her head. Abigale continued. "Cynthia always takes such great care of herself. I wondered why she wasn't a bigger help to Denise. The poor child couldn't stay out of the yard for more than an hour at a time. Hair always a mess. Always dirt under her fingernails." Denise's shoulders tightened. She looked at her own nails, nowadays well manicured and clean as a whistle. Abigale always said she was a 'late bloomer' but Denise more or less saw herself as an appeaser.
"Im sure Denise tried very hard to make you happy..." She muttered as she moved to the other hand.
"Well, she did what she could with what she had I suppose. Never as blessed as Cynthia in the ways of social graces-"
"Well maybe you would prefer Cynthia do your nails?"
Abigail turned to face her youngest daughter. "...what?"
Denise wiped away the polish on the last nail and shook her head. "Nothing. Maybe I should put on some music, hm?" Anything to stop the Cynthia golden child hour. There was only so much Denise could take. She stood and tossed the used cotton balls into a nearby wastebasket a bit more aggressively than was necessary before going to the radio and turning the dial to the designated oldies station, filling the room with the musical stylings of Doris Day. Abigale smiled and hummed along. Denise took another breath as she gripped the edge of the dresser and counted down from ten once more.
When she returned to her seat she started trimming her cuticles and filing her nails. Denise sat in anxious silence for a few minutes before asking a question she was certain she would.immediately regret. "And what about Denise? Were...were you proud of her?"
"Whats that, Betty?" Her mother had been lost in the music but Denise couldn't take it. She let out a small, muffled, anguished cry. "In not Betty, Mama! I'm your daughter! I'm Denise! I am here every week! I take you to church and to the doctor. I do your nails! Why can't you remember!?" She pleaded.
"Denise lives in Birmingham.," Abigale said with a furrowed brow. "Yes I used to, but I moved back here. To take care of you! Me, Denise! Not Cynthia, not Betty. Denise!"
A blank stare was all she got in return. Denise stood and put the tools back in the kit and walked to the bedside table to pluck a kleenex from the patterned box that was stationed there. She dabbed at the edges of her eyes and wrapped her arms around her frame, cradling the broken bits of her in front of the only person she believed could put them back together, but simply didn't possed the faculties to do so anymore. Her mother was never one to coddle even when she was aware. Self-comfort was simply a means of survival as much now as it has always been.
Abigale watched her all the while, worry falling over her time-worn features. She was quiet for a moment, as though considering what should be said to comfort the woman in her room. She was clearly upset though she couldn't imagine why.
"Dear...I'm sorry if you're upset." Her voice was quiet and gentle. The radio, as if deciding to attempt and cut the tension began to play 'Ain't Too Proud To Beg' by The Temptations. It felt cruel in context to Denise, but Abigale lit up and even clapped. "Oh, I love this song, don't you?"
Denise did, in fact, but she was in no mood. She simply cleaned up her face and made her way back to the stool, snatching the color from the table and shaking the bottle again. She told herself she would not speak again if she could help it. Today was one of those 'bad days' they talk about in her support groups. It was healthier not to take part in it for her own sanity. But then her mother said the most incredible thing.
"You used to sing this song and dance around the kitchen when we would clean up after dinner. It always tickled me. You have such a lovely singing voice. It's a pity you wouldn't sing for the church choir. I suppose you had too much personality for it, really. Such a big voice for such a skinny little thing."
Denise froze. A droplet of polish fell from the brush onto her skirt, but she hardly noticed or cared. "You...you remember that, Mama?"
Abigale grinned. "Oh, of course, Denise. How could I forget?"
They smiled at one another. Recognition flashing across Abigale's face, and relief washing over Denise's. And for that brief and fleeting moment, Denise felt whole again.
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