#forgotten mikaelson trope
klonnieshippersclub · 11 months
Bonnie, The Bennett’s, Black Witches and The Magical Negro Trope & Mammy Trope - TVD META
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Bonnie and the Bennett’s have very rich lore. It’s not glorified by the fandom unless it’s by Bonnie fans themselves. That’s the way it’s always been, no one paying any mind or deeper thought to Bonnie/and the Bennett’s outside of her fans. This isn't a new thing but I want to highlight this once again because I don’t think fans understand there is more than one negative trope rooted in Bonnie, the Bennett’s and black witches only.
Before we get into anything heavy let’s have some key-terms here: Let’s define a magical negro trope: where a black character appears in a plot solely to help a white character and then vanishes. Now what a mammy is: a black woman engaged to take care of white children or as a servant to a white family.
Everything in the series can be tied back to a Bennett witch. Let’s list a few things the immortality spell, immortals, the other side, the cure, supernatural hunters, creating rings to preserve life, the Gilbert device but only a Bennett witch can enchant it, prison worlds, the traveler's curse, vampires, hybrids etc…You name it without the Bennett’s creation there would be nothing. You would think because of this the Bennett’s would be respected in the narrative and by fans. Wrong. Some of these women aren’t even given actual names. Everyone can have a Bennett witch at their disposal but they won’t be respected either. Bennett blood is essential to certain spells. A loophole.
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Let’s talk about Ayana. The Mikaelson’s were only able to become vampires because Esther stole Ayana’s spell. It is forgotten that Esther/Mikael begged Ayana to perform the spell first. The Mikaelson’s as humans trusted Ayana. Rebekah was in shock that a necklace from Ayana burned her. While Ayana remained unnamed this time while the story was told. Rebekah was talking about Ayana. Ayana was known as a healer and given Esther’s praises they were close. The series doesn’t show us why Ayana should value the Mikaelson’s but we do understand why Esther, her husband and children valued her. That infamous necklace that Rebekah loved belonged to Ayana. We don’t know about Ayana’s life outside of being a healer. We don’t know her marital status, how many children she could’ve possibly had and anything tied to her after the plot has used her up. One would think with how close Ayana was to the Mikaelson’s, they’d have some respect or acknowledge Bonnie but that never happens.
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We see this in how Emily was enslaved to Katherine. Julie may have labeled Emily a handmaiden but we knew what that meant. Emily only had one request from Damon that he watch and protect the Bennett line which he never did. The black witches never ask much of anyone in the plot or ever given the chance too. Yet when a request is made no one ever meets said request for them. This form of slavery repeats again through Lucy. She claimed Katherine saved her life therefore she is indebted to her for however long she needs. Sheila has her hand in aiding the Gemini Coven, Beatrice helped with the Sirens.
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There are other witches that are black who serve a purpose to aid in many and leave such as: Gloria, The Martin’s, Bree, Aja and her coven just to name a few. Friends of the main characters or enemies but quickly there and dropped. Originally due to all witches appearing Black fans believed they were all Bennett’s. Julie has no answer for why all witches that is until they weren’t. Remember witches were servants of nature. The Mikaelson’s popularity, Gemini Coven and other witches. Fills the space that Black witches were once in. Notice a pattern here?
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Qetsiyah’s plot line should’ve centered on how she created immortality, the cure, and the other side. But Qetsiyah’s existence revolves around demanding and enforcing continuous revenge on Silas and Amara. Tying her into another repeated love triangle in the franchise. May I add that she and Bonnie are the only women to have been betrayed by a partner and criticized for their reactions. There’s nothing wrong when a man wants and craves power but Qetsiyah is considered the worst of them all. Here’s an amazing video that details Qetsiyah’s writing too. Please review.
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Lastly, The Bonnie of it all:
Bonnie’s a loyal, powerful and brave woman. She doesn’t let anything happen to her friends if she can stop it. She cares for them. That kind of loyalty can be beautiful but equally harmful when Bonnie has no regard to her own feelings. She continues to give for everyone and her friends rarely return the favor. Bonnie’s never thanked or rewarded for being there. The friendships stop being equal very early. Her traumas aren’t valuable in the plot. We don’t know what Bonnie’s home looked like. If Bonnie does grieve it isn’t shown on screen. Her family life is limited, while Liz and Alaric aren’t main characters. They have their own plotlines. It is revealed that Abby’s reasonings for abandoning her is for Elena’s benefit. Abby is killed in a coin toss and transitioned. Caroline gets to have a good friend moment while Bonnie isn’t have any feelings towards her mother for abandoning her after. Rudy isn’t seen in the plot longterm and when he appears in season 5 he’s killed in front of Bonnie. She grieves this in silence while grieving her own death that she didn’t make aware to her friends to avoid inconveniencing them. The plot makes it clear if the white counterparts aren’t happy then Bonnie will never either. Elena, Caroline got happier endings while Bonnie’s job was completed. Bonnie never once got to call out how her friends can disregard her, she feeds into them and they grow while sucking the life out of her. In the end, Bonnie went back to Africa. Never any reference to her life from there.
Another thing Bonnie isn’t shown to be feminine. Her best friends go on dates, go to dances, dress up and receive compliments. Caroline or Elena has ever given Bonnie a compliment that aided in her beauty. We don’t know Bonnie’s ambitions or fears. But you are aware when Bonnie wants to save her best friend. Thoughts on Bonnie’s relationships and ships is for the next meta though.
White witches did follow the servitude of others. They were still given the privilege of agency that black witches were never going to have. Witches like Dahlia existed, and although she had one goal she had more personality than others.
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When you have people like the TVD writers that continue to push harmful stereotypes there’s always going to fans who listen and continue to perpetuate those stereotypes. The writers had no value for Black women nor do the fans. They don’t care about how black women or people of color are treated in fiction or the media simply because their favorites get to reap all the benefits. That tweet is just one tip of the iceberg, there’s plenty more from Bonnie’s relationships, and storylines.
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isagrimorie · 9 months
Hizzie: 9, 11 and 16.
from this fandom ask game:
9. ...what my ideal endgame for them is.
After a reasonably slow burn, they become a couple at the end of season 5 and officially at the beginning of season 6.
It starts with Hope realizing she's fallen for Lizzie, but she's not pushing it because she feels guilty for what she did to Lizzie when Lizzie confessed to her -- and because her family finally told her what 'siring' meant among vampires.
Hope would think she blew it.
Especially now that MG and Lizzie are dating. And y'know it's nice -- to the outsider it is nice. They don't fight and it's all anyone can reasonably ask for, a nice relationship with hardly any drama.
And Lizzie is trying to make it work. She thinks she owes it to herself and MG to make it work and she and Hope are friends. What more can a girl ask right?
After quite a comedy of errors and pining, all from Hope's point of view, with a few puzzled pensive looks from Lizzie. MG and Lizzie break up. It has nothing to do with Lizzie knowing about Hope's feelings but she suspects, hopes maybe.
But no, Lizzie and MG break up amicably because they both realize -- they're just not working as a couple. They are much better friends.
Meanwhile, as friends and as partners, Lizzie and Hope have been doing really, really well. And in true Mikaelson fashion -- and maybe to Hope's annoyance she's more like her Uncle Elijah than she thought-- because she does random things to make Lizzie happy without even telling her.
Cleo's noticed, of course, and has encouraged Hope to speak up. Hope doesn't want to and she seems to be on a mission to improve herself. Of course, Lizzie finds out about Hope's self-improvement mission, and as a self-proclaimed queen of self-improvement, Lizzie sets out to help her.
TLDR culminates in a major moment-- a battle, or after a battle, or even an afterparty of a battle, Hope and Lizzie end up alone and Hope finally confesses to Lizzie, and Lizzie just smiles at Hope, "Took you long enough, Mikaelson."
And kisses Hope.
11. ...how quickly I started shipping them when I got into the fandom.
Pretty fast tbh-- I'm a sucker for rivals-to-lovers tropes, but also I felt a spark from them on the 4th episode? For someone who hated Hope so much, Lizzie listened really intently and very compassionately when Hope gave her advice about grief.
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The scene in season 1 is the first time I low-key shipped Lizzie with Hope.
And to have it called back in season 4????? That Lizzie remembered and internalized what Hope said? How can I not ship them?
Of course, the roadtrip episode leading to Hope and Lizzie finding out that their whole rift was not real after all. And then cascading to the beautiful moment in the dance with Lizzie helping Hope with her anxiety and panic and later Hope doing the same for her.
But the nail in the coffin to my shipping them?
Lizzie remembers Hope in season 2 and waking up, saying: Hope Andrea Mikaelson!
From then on it is a straight shot to Shipsville.
16. ...three of my fic recs for this ship. And (in the event that I've written something for them) one of my fics involving them that I'm most proud of.
Oh boy this is actually hard since I haven't been reading a lot of Hizzie fic.
So, possibly recents first:
Catch Her a Catch by Tamoline
“Oh!” She rolls her eyes at herself. “Of course.” She doesn’t say that it was obviously lingering sorrow over a mention of something Hope no longer has. Lizzie’s always been more solution oriented anyway. “We need to find Hope a boyfriend.” Honestly, the idea’s so simple, Lizzie’s astounded she hasn’t thought of it before. Lizzie gets an idea in her head. Chaos ensues.
Lizzie tries to set-up Hope. It goes as well as you'd think.
Deep End series by cheektocheekinhell
It starts with a road trip with no Humanity Hope and Lizzie and it ends with a road trip to New Orleans.
The Charleston by Terapsina
Lizzie's panicking about having forgotten about the latest Mystic Falls dance, when Hope knocks on the door of her room and Lizzie gets an idea.
Because I really adored this. It was light and sweet and I can just see this happening.
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
So, we're already onto season 3 of OBX which means Midnight Beach will soon be coming to either an end or a hiatus (haven't decided yet as this season left me underwhelmed and I don't have high expectations for next season). This means, we'll be moving onto another series once it's over and done with/put on pause.
That brings me to three series I have either halfway fleshed out (as in plot, relationships, etc) or completely fleshed out. Keep in mind that regardless of the end result, the TWD fic will happen sooner or later as I have muse for it and plan to subject you all to 11 seasons of it cause if I suffer, you suffer <3.
The Walking Dead / The Last Days
(Y/N) Morales and his longtime friend and work buddy, Glenn Rhee, find themselves fighting to survive in a world newly plunged into a zombie apocalypse. Due to the goodness of their hearts, they rescue a fella named Rick Grimes and their lifes become intertwined with his as they travel together and try to stay alive while battling both the dead and the living. Follow (Y/N) as he's forced to make tough decisions and try to form a new life for himself.
TW/CW: Violence, gun mentions, lots of cursing, descriptions of gore/death, mentions/talk of depression, typical warnings you'd expect from a zombie show and/or The Walking Dead, 11 seasons to go through
Tropes: Found Family, Opposites Attract, very brief enemies to lovers (twice w different ppl), Right person wrong time, Shared Trauma, obnoxiously long Slowburn, Grump x Sunshine, Death of many loved ones, Friends with Benefits
Endgame Romance: Daryl Dixon BUT he is the slowburn and right person wrong time (later on becomes right person right time) so (Y/N) forms romantic relationships with others throughout the fic including guys and gals because we stan a bi king.
Game of Thrones / The Youngest Hound
After being taken to King's Landing as a child by his brother Sandor Clegane to protect him, (Y/N) Clegane earns himself a reputation for being as ruthless and frightening as his older brothers. Assigned as the Sworn Shield to the young Prince Tommen, (Y/N)'s had the unfortunate luck of practically being part of the Lannister-Baratheon family. Due to his job, he accompanies the family to Winterfell where he first lays eyes on the naive Sansa Stark who he brushes off as just another vain lady. But fate has a funny sense of humor and after a series of events, he flees from King's Landing with her when King Joffrey is murdered. Follow (Y/N) as he deals with everything life throws at him and Sansa Stark.
TW/CW: This is such a dead dove do not eat fic. Violence, descriptions of death/gore, implied abusive brother (Gregor), Joffrey and Cersei are warnings alone tbh, abusive relationship/actions (Half the men Sansa interacts with), trauma, predatory behavior (Baelish, Cersei) typical GoT warnings honestly, 8 seasons to go through
Tropes: Brief Rivals/Enemies to Lovers, Grump x Sunshine, Protector x Protectee/Bodyguard x Bodyguarded(?), Royalty, Opposites attract, Slowburn, Unrequited Love for a bit
Endgame Romance: Sansa Stark
Legacies / Forgotten Fairytale
Note: This will be rewritten from part 1 since this unfinished series makes me cringe when I read it. This does mean I'll be slowly getting around to finishing series that have been left uncompleted.
Sent to spy on the students at The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted, (Y/N) (L/N) makes his presence known from day 1. Being a dragon-vampire hybrid with a sarcastic and often times mean personality, (Y/N) lands himself the bad boy role amongst the students and gets himself on the bad side of infamous Hope Mikaelson. However, he soon changes his tune and becomes a part of the Super Squad, although his many secrets make it hard for others to fully trust him.
TW/CW: Foul language, violence, mentions of things like demons and such, uhhhh yeah.
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Slowburn, Right Person Wrong Time, Villain x Hero, Antihero x Hero, Shared Trauma, Unrequited Love (different character from love interests), Found Family, Bad Boy x Good Girl, slight Miscommunication
Endgame Romance: Hope Mikaelson BUT (Y/N) does have a serious romantic relationship before her
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
I Dreamed A Dream Masterlist
"I had a dream my life would be, so different from this hell I'm living."
Astrid Jupiter Mikaelson was the second-born daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. She was often forgotten by her family… well everyone except for her Uncle Kol, Aunt Davina, her brother Marcel, and her Aunt Keelin. She gets tired of always being treated as lesser than her sister so she left with the help of her two best friends. After moving to Charlotte, North Carolina, and finding a new family, she needs the help of the BAU and that's where she meets her mates. A werewolf named Derek Morgan and an immortal warlock named Spencer Reid. What happens when her "family" come to apologize?
The one in which the forgotten Mikaelson falls for two FBI profilers
Be warned I was maybe 18 when I wrote this so my writing I feel like has come a long way so be warned for cringe and very sloppy plot lines lol
The main "face claim" of the book is Dianna Agron and there are a whole bunch of other characters who I had face claims for but I'll just let you imagine who you want
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auroracalisto · 4 years
klaus mikaelson | MASTERLIST
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for the love of you masterlist: female! reader x soulmates! mikaelsons
you’re safe now - 1.1k words - the reader leaves the mystic grill with the intent of going home. instead, something distracts her and she’s attacked. her soulmate is the one who saves her life. crazily enough, it’s the same guy who she was staring at just moments earlier.
pretend boyfriend - 292 words - reader is being watched by some creepy guy at the mystic grill. she asks dear klaus to pretend to be her boyfriend.
which disney princess are you? - 282 words - Klaus walks in on you taking a Which Disney Princess Are You? quiz on Buzzfeed.  Color him intrigued.  
heather - 337 words - in where the reader is in love with klaus, but he loves heather.
endearment - 173 words - klaus is in love with you.  but he doesn’t know if you return the feelings.
kiss of life - 2.2k words - polyamorous reader in a relationship with klaus, elijah, and kol has died.  however, she comes back in a revenge plot by a witch who lost her wife due to klaus.  
forgotten lifetimes - 943 words - reader has dementia and has forgotten her children on multiple occasions.  now, she’s forgetting klaus.  
writer’s block - 283 words - where the reader is suffering from writer’s block and klaus comforts the reader so they don’t get upset because of it.
silent treatment - 408 words - hi, can you please write an imagine with klaus mikaelson? his gf calls him by one of her close friend’s name (that he don’t like bc he’s possessive like that) and he gives her the silent treatment — anon
one night stands, and then some - 1.2k words - hi! i just wanted to say that i love your blog! i have a request, for a klaus mikaelson drabble/imagine. where the reade had a one night stand with him (instead of hayley) and now she’s pregnant. whatever else you want to do with that! thank you! ❤️  — @mikaelson-emma
a bolt from the blue - 2.5k words - the reader has recently moved from colorado and finds one of her first cases on the job to be a dead doctor, invited to a ball held by the mikaelsons.  she goes, expecting to find the killer, but instead, she finds that two of the mikaelsons have fallen for her—klaus and rebekah.  
lost from sight - 217 words - klaus tells the reader to disappear.  they do just that.  
lost from sight, part two - 530 words 
historic cemetery - 384 words - an entry for #March2021prompt challenge, using the prompt: “This plan of yours is going to get us killed.  I’m in.”
maybe next time - 795 words - an entry for #April2021prompt challenge, using the prompts: “I wanted to be better than this,” and, “maybe next time.”
poor unfortunate souls - 645 words - an entry for #June2021prompt challenge, using the trope: dire situations.
klaus reassures you of your unpleasant thoughts
klaus doesn’t understand gen-z humor
talking with your ex, klaus.  
klaus visiting you on your birthday.
trying to help klaus.
being fed up with how klaus treats you.
what it would be like to date klaus mikaelson
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kylermalloy · 4 years
some more asks: what do find hard about the tagging system in AO3, favourite lines that you have in WIPs and willing to share :D and stuff you want to REALLY write but haven't got to yet and all the fandom you have written for (WIP and published)
Ahh, more questions from Yuki! Thank you, dear 🥰
What do you find hard about the tagging system in AO3?
Ooh, good question. I guess, like writing summaries and titles, I find it hard to sum up my fic in other words than...the fic! I already wrote this, why do I have to write it AGAIN in short-form??
I don’t stick to very many established tropes like “there was only one bed!” or “mutual pining :(” so my tags are always very general. Angst, h/c, whump, everything hurts, angst with a happy ending, are the kinds of tags I stick to. I never feel like my tags accurately sum up my fics, or help people find them—except for the character pairings/relationships.
Favorite lines in WIPs?
Yessss you asked the question I was hoping someone would ask!
This little passage is from Stitch by Stitch, the SamJack fic I’ve affectionately nicknamed the Lab AU.
Sam is flipping through old family photos, showing them to Jack for the first time. I had a blast coming up with these little snapshots!
A badly exposed photo of Sam’s face as he runs by the camera distracted. Whoever took the picture was only a little taller than Sam, who looks to be about four years old.
Sam, five years old on John’s shoulders. Beside them, Dean, nine, teetering on Mary’s shoulders while she laughs.
There’s one of Sam sitting down, slightly older, expression distracted and vacant, waving at the camera with two bandaged hands. There are dark bags under his eyes. Dean leans over the back of the chair, teeth bared and eyes squinted in a childish grin. The picture is framed so it’s not immediately obvious that Sam is sitting in a wheelchair.
This exchange is from the Mikaelsons foster AU, the one I’ve been calling Silent Comedy:
“You two live with the Mikaelsons? You’re foster brothers, or half-brothers, or something.”
Elijah fought the urge to grimace. He hated everyone’s incessant need to tack qualifiers on like half. As if it made them any less related. “He’s just…my brother.”
These last two are from the boyking!Klaus AU, my current obsession. This first one is just after Klaus is born, and Elijah holds him for the first time:
It astonishes her, how immediately taken he is with the new baby. “Can I keep him?”
Esther laughs. “He’s your brother, Elijah. We have to keep him. You’ll have to take care of him.”
And this one is when they’re older—with nsfw implications 😏
His lips form a delicate O as he pants upward to the heavens.
For once the word is not commanding. Not a demand. A soft, cracked, pleading wish from his little brother.
Stuff you want to write but haven’t gotten to yet?
So much?? I watched ATLA last year, and the fanfic for this show is...so unbelievably good? Which is surprising—the show is perfect, so there’s no need to “fix” it with fic or anything. The world is just so well-built and the characters so rich! You can’t not write more for them. I have a few story ideas I’d love to write, but I haven’t written more than a few outline paragraphs.
Also, ever since Steph and I watched Legends of Tomorrow together I’ve been wanting to write fics for that fandom! @letsgobethegoodguys don’t think I’ve forgotten about those angsty ideas I tortured you with! There IS an alternate universe where Nate did not come back to life 😈
All the fandoms you’ve written for (WIP and published)
Hoo boy. So my fanfic career began at age 13 with Twilight fanfic. Then I moved to The Host for a few years and also dabbled in Hunger Games.
Then I discovered Supernatural and television and my fic writing really took off! Supernatural, BBC Merlin, Teen Wolf, The Originals, Doctor Who, Star Wars, and ATLA!
Send me writing asks!
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galvanizedfriend · 4 years
F, R, T and V :)
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Took me a bit to find another one. lol I always think ‘Wow, this is a good line right there!’ when I’m writing and then immediately forget all about it.
“I'd forgotten not all Mikaelsons are awful. But don't tell Caroline I said that. She's become very defensive of Klaus' honor," Elena speaks around an eyeroll, shaking her head. "I'll never get used to that."
"Well, perhaps you should refrain from speaking ill of Klaus altogether." Elijah whips around at the sound of his brother's sneering voice. Niklaus materializes besides him, lips quirked upwards into a wicked smirk as he stares at a frightened Elena. "He's not very fond of hearing it himself and, in case it's been forgotten, he's known to have quite a temper."
The poor girl takes a nervous step back, heart a manic thud in her chest. If she'd seemed fearful before, it was nothing compared to her posture now, every line of her body indicating she's ready to bolt.
Niklaus smiles with amusement. "Hello, doppelganger."
Elijah sighs wearily. "Niklaus, must you?"
He shrugs. "She was the one talking about me, I can't help I have good hearing. Although - I must say, I do appreciate knowing I've left a mark on the lovely folk of Mystic Falls." Elena swallows down hard, her lips pressed into a tight line. "Oh, there's no need for that love. Let bygones be bygones. I promise I have no hard feelings. For most of you. Well, some. One or two, anyway."
Elena keeps her eyes firmly trained on Niklaus as she says, "I have to go," and then flashes away, not even bothering with the fact she's in front of a hospital and anyone could see her.
"Scaredy cat, that one," Klaus says flatly.
Elijah doesn't hide the judgement as he regards his brother. "And you wonder why people don't like you."
"And I shall cry myself to sleep."
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
I am a SUPER fangirl of Victoria Schwab and have read almost everything she ever wrote. Even the books I don’t necessarily like, I still like just because her writing is so good. I want to be her when I grow up.
As for fandom writers, there are many amazing writers in this fandom, but I was just these days telling someone that @little-miss-sunny-daisy ‘s writing is what I would aspire to write like if I could choose. She’s brilliant and I am crazy about her understanding of the characters.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Not exactly a trope, but I really hate how widespread female character bashing is in this fandom. People hate on Elena, Hayley, Cami and even Hope for the silliest of reasons and they somehow always end up as bitches, sluts or dead. It’s a pet peeve of mine.
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Honestly, I don’t even want to write my own sequels, let alone someone else’s. 😂😂😂
Thank you for the asks! ❤️
Fanfic Ask Game! Send me a letter! :) 
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maevelin · 4 years
So I have been receiving some lovely reviews for my story including some constructive criticism which I acknowledge fully. That been said I think that one of the good things that comes from such reviews is the chance to not only think about certain things but also to be able to have a constructive discussion too.
Some of the reviews I have gotten are not showing as of now in the site once I accept them but I have read them from my email too. Fanfiction net is malfunctioning so I assume all the reviews eventually will show up. 
Anyhow... Now since the two reviewers that left me basically the same review (are you two or one?....sorry I had to ask lol) were on guest and I can’t reply to them by private messaging I am going to do it from here so they’ll know my mentality over the things they are questioning and how I see things as I write the story and my characters. Replying on tumblr is not ideal and possibly they won’t be able to see the answer here but eventually when I post a new chapter in my story I will point them towards this post.
That been said I have a few things to cover mostly.
This story is a parallel to Seasons 1-3 and somewhat 4 of TVD. I haven’t watched TVD after that point and neither anything connected to that universe. I found the show to be doing a disservice to its characters and I found the writing poor so I stopped watching. So any allegory that can be found in my story that is connected with TVD and its characters is up to S4 of the show. 
After a point my story is going to diverge from that and for now there are parallels and I am trying to not write the characters extremely OOC but after breaking a certain word limit the characters you write, either they are part of fanfiction or based on some other characters that inspired you...well they start to get a voice of their own.
I acknowledge 100% the fact that a reader may not like some of my characters. It happens. We can’t all have the same perspective or taste and so on. 
So this is not me being critical over the reviews or trying to change anyone’s opinion. I am just here to point out how I view certain things and characters as I write them.
But let me clarify some things because this may not be a story for you after all.
1. If you are expecting Klaus Mikaelson to have a redemption arc in my story then this is not a story for you. Yes there are some glimpses of humanity where Caroline is concerned and as I will get into the second phase of the story and as Klaus’ background and main plot will get into the forefront more of these glimpses will appear. Along with more of his darkness.
This is why I chose this particular alternative universe as a setting for my story. Because vampires are monsters so I wanted a human version of despicable monsters too. 
I also chose an environment that is steeped in misogyny and is not progressive because if I wanted to parallel TVD I had to have such elements in the story since the writing in TVD was awfully misogynistic, racist and homophobic. My plan though, and I hope to be able to succeed on that, is to eventually subvert those tropes in my story which is exactly it is set that way in the beginning.
Back to Klaus now...I am not going to woobify the villain. I am not going to have love ‘save’ him. He isn’t going to change for the sake of love. Any development that happens to his character and to his relationship with Caroline won’t turn him into another character. He is an adult, a criminal, a psychopath really. Those aren’t traits to change.
2. I NEVER ever saw Caroline as a good or moral person even in TVD. So don’t expect that in my story either.
The fact that the writing in TVD told us so doesn’t make Caroline a good person. Since the narrative of her actions and character contradicted it. Yes she had good sides. She may have wanted to be good too. But she was still a Vampire. Which came along with a certain darkness despite the writers wanting to have their cake and eat it too by writing the vampires of the inner circle of TVD as Mary Sue vampires while they still murdered and killed and yet they somehow were the good guys.  
Caroline’s potential for me was that she was meant to have agency. To be a vampire and relish in the dark parts too. That was one of the reasons why I liked Klaroline so much. Not in order for Klaus to become better. Or Caroline to simply become worse. But in order to show the true nature of vampirism will all that came along with it. To focus on the mythology, the legend, the immortality and freedom, to the creatures of the night. And you know...blood, desire, gore and slaughter. Simple every day stuff really.
I wanted Caroline that sided by the ripper of Monterey because he was her savior but did so despite knowing that he ate children. Caroline that was raped by Damon but overcame the horror, that stood by Elena when she committed genocide, that took Mason down, that was tortured by the werewolves and then said goodbye to girly girl Caroline and said screw it all I will be cheery but I will be a survivor too and thrive. The Caroline that fought the tomb vampires. The Caroline that tricked Katherine. The Caroline that in order to save her friend murdered 12 witches in cold blood. The Caroline that manipulated Klaus’ affections to save herself and despite seeing the good parts in him was never fooled by those and saw him for the villain and menace he was and never coddled him. The Caroline that distracted the worst monster of them all and had fun while doing so. The Caroline that traded a date for the life of another person (a friend of the man she loved back then) because it suited her purposes. The Caroline that joined a game of life and death with Klaus Mikaelson and found the silver lining and was pulled towards him despite how much she fought against it. The Caroline that was a hypocrite in believing she and her friends were better than Klaus and still got the plan to put him Rebekah’s body and bury him forever. The Caroline that when Klaus saved her in the corridor she still toasted over his demise later on the same day. The Caroline that Silas saw how she wanted her perfect feathers ruffled. The Caroline that screwed Klaus despite him having murdered Jenna and Carol Lockwood, and Elena and having tortured all her friends. The man that despite doing all that and sending her boyfriend to exile she still wanted and was still attracted to him. Because she couldn’t underestimate the allure of darkness no matter how much she tried. Because it was a part of her too with or without Klaus.
That Caroline that for me was never a good person. It is just too simplistic to claim that she was. 
3. Sometimes sexual desire and connection is not translated by good actions. You don’t have to be a good person to feel lust for someone. To be infatuated. To be tempted. 
Sometimes it is physical. Sometimes it is intellectual. It doesn’t have to be love. It can be desire. Some times you can desire assholes too. It is instinct.
Do Klaus and Caroline love each other in my story? No. Not yet. Don’t know about the future.
Do they have the hots for each other and want to bone each other? Yes. Definitely.
And if we are being honest ...did that desire came out of nowhere? 
I don’t know ...didn’t it came out of the blue in the show too?
Here in my story the slow burn has been building up for more than 200.000 words. Maybe you feel I failed on communicating that correctly. Maybe I did. But I wouldn’t say that desire is always reasonable or gets there in a straight line step by step.
This is still a story based on the trope of enemies to lovers so of course those two are enemies now. Maybe you don’t approve or like that stage or makes no sense to you. But some times enemies can have desire for each other even without reason. If that isn’t a trope for you I digress.
Even in TVD though Caroline was never head over heels for Klaus. She covered her darkest desires and their connection with hostility. She always had walls up. She had put herself on a pedestal against him despite her own terrible actions and her own darkness she still wanted the villain. She was still at the beginning of the journey that give or take 1000 years would turn her into Klaus’ door as she by them she wouldn’t be that different from him. 
4. Is Klaus dragging Caroline to darkness in my story? Yes. In her own darkness that was already there to begin with all the potential. In the same way in TVD he was an Original and she was a baby vampire and he saw in her parts of himself. “We are the same Caroline”. “The allure of darkness.” “The darkness desires.” and so on. Klaus that in TVD his version of mercy and kindness also equaled darkness and pain.
So those are things that inspired me to write my story so here we are. Caroline is unlocking emotions in Klaus. Emotions that he never had before and he doesn’t know how to deal with or what they mean and gets destructive and confused because of them. While he still basically worships the ground Caroline walks on while he also still plays his fucked up mind games. In the same way Caroline is finding freedom in the darkness he opens up in her too and still wants to bring him down.
5. In the same way love can’t change a person fundamentally but show the best and worst versions of one’s character which is something that applies for Klaus in my story then in the same way the same counts for Caroline.
Her agency won’t be forgotten. She is not all of the sudden going to forget her plans and her desire for freedom because she feels desire or even love for a man. It doesn’t work that way. And she won’t be simply good, the vanilla version of good or simply evil or pulled to darkness. There is going to be a struggle of what she feels. Both for Klaus and for herself. That won’t change. It won’t be sacrificed in my story.
Caroline for Caroline comes first. Klaroline comes second. At this point I would even debate that comes third after her family too. 
Caroline won’t change to a doormat for any man. Not in my story. Not simply because I ship Klaroline.
If that makes her unlikable. Then so be it. If it makes her selfish then good.
If this is somehow lost in translation for you I get it. Maybe I didn’t write it as clearly as I could. 
But if you want to get a better feel of who Caroline is through the Klaroline ship in my story and her connection to Klaus and all her reactions to him and the ship in general then I am afraid you’ve lost the meaning of my story. You won’t be able to get who Caroline is only through shipping goggles here. I am not writing her like this despite this being a Klaroline fanfiction. 
And of course she is confused btw and not certain for things and is still building up her character through mistakes and uncertainty. Her age, her background and her current situation add to that. 
6. Disclaimer:  If anyone is expecting anything similar to what I have seen from TO in gifs (I didn’t bother watching those seens) regarding Klaroline then ...NO. I don’t know how more forward I can be with this. I cringed beyond belief by what TO had shown for Klaroline from what I saw here in tumblr. I double tripled cringed by any gifs I have see from TVD after S4 when it came to Caroline (O_O) and there is no level of cringe that can describe how I felt when it came to TO in general. So if anyone is expecting that or is basing their opinion of what they see in my story over THAT perspective...then I get it...yeah..my story will most definitely disappoint you. No questions asked about that.
And last but not least.
I get what you are saying about the long descriptions and not as much dialogue in my story but then again I am afraid that’s my writing style here. I won’t change that anytime soon.
Let me be honest here by saying that IF I was publishing this as a book I would probably be trying to contain the long winded texts more, to make a better pace and so on. The descriptions would still be longer than the dialogue though. Because that’s my style. That been said this is still fanfiction and I am writing it in order to have fun so this is me having fun. Letting go and even writing all this writing vomit lol...I get it. It is not always easy to read. It can be tiresome and jarring. But that’s how I write and I do feel that my writing is not for everyone. I am not saying you are wrong in your criticism here. Objectively you are right. I recognize that too. But it is what I like and feel inclined to write so...yeah.
Anyhow. This is my long winded answer too (see? That’s HOW I WRITE lol...if it is not dissertation what’s the point ha ha)...I hope I’ll get more reviews from you and thank you for your compliments in those reviews too. I am always open for more discussions of this sort either you are on guest or not.
Thank you and take care.
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xover-connection · 4 years
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Weeks 4 & 5 Round Up: July 18th-31st 2020
Title: An Unintended Journey Author: articcat621 Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Hermione Granger/Han Solo Universes: Harry Potter, Star Wars Score Fulfilled: Fives Trope: Magical Accidents Word Count: 1,001 Summary: When her potion explodes, Hermione awakes in the last place she'd ever imagine.
Title: A Perfect Excuse to Cuddle Author: Know_It_All_Hermione Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Dorian Pavus/Harry Potter Universes: Dragon Age Inquisition, Harry Potter Score Fulfilled: Small Straight Trope: Huddling for Warmth Word Count: 1,280 Summary: Harry Potter and Dorian Pavus are boyfriends. While travelling in the freezing Emprise Du Lion the couple uses the cold as an excuse to cuddle together.
Title: A Quiet Confession Author: articcat621 Rated: Mature Pairing: Hermione Granger/Negan Universes: Harry Potter, The Walking Dead Score Fulfilled: Full House Trope: Scars Word Count: 624 Summary: In the quiet of the woods, Negan makes his true feelings known.
Title: Asgardian Bound Author: Aleysia Snape Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Loki/Ginny Weasley Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Small Straight Trope: Soulmates  Word Count: 569 Summary: Ginny wanted to find her true soulmate.
Title: Better Late Than Never Author: MWolfe13 Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Sam Wilson/Hermione Granger Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Sixes Trope: Twenty-Four Hours to Live Word Count: 1,589 Summary: What do you do when you have little time to live?
Title: Come Back Author: xxDustNight88 Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Rey & Hermione Granger Universes: Harry Potter, Star Wars Score Fulfilled: Small Straight Trope: Memory Loss Word Count: 2,864 Summary: Struggling with the loss of her memories, Rey desperately hopes that they will return with the aid of the one who found her.
Title: Forgotten Desires Author: JessiRomantic Rated: Mature Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson/Helena Ravenclaw Universes: Harry Potter, The Originals  Score Fulfilled: Full House Trope: Memory Loss Word Count: 4,497   Summary: When fleeing their father, the Mikaelson siblings feel a pull to a strange and magical place.
Title: His Saving Bite Author: articcat621 Rated: Explicit Pairing: Hermione Granger/Emmett Cullen Universes: Harry Potter, Twilight Score Fulfilled: Aces Trope: Creature Word Count: 1,035   Summary: Hermione asks Emmett to save her in a way that only he can.
Title: Honeymoon Adventures Author: GaeilgeRua Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Peggy Carter/Remus Lupin Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Full House Trope: Scars Word Count: 1,460 Summary: An accident on their honeymoon brings Remus and Peggy closer than before.
Title: Kingsley’s Fault Author: GaeilgeRua Rated: General Audiences Pairing: Hermione Granger & M'Baku Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Small Straight Trope: Huddling for Warmth Word Count: 759 Summary: A routine ICW trip finds Hermione fighting a losing battle with her warming charms. It’s a good thing the leader of the Jabari knows what to do. 
Title: Unknown Desires Author: xxDustNight88 Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/Hermione Granger Universes: Harry Potter, Sherlock Score Fulfilled: Aces Trope: Arranged Marriage Word Count: 1,866 Summary: Hermione and Sherlock get married for a case, but before it can be annulled Hermione sees something quite unexpected in the Mirror of Erised that causes her to have second thoughts. 
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misssophiachase · 5 years
Hi this is my prompt for the KC week mates trope: Caroline doesn’t believe in mates and she is a werewolf princess who must choose an husband so she fakes finding her mates by convincing her friend to pose as one. Enter klaus , the hybrid king of a rival clan, who as soon as he sees Caroline discovers that she is his mate. Klaus will stop at nothing in order to persuade Caroline that he is the one. C. Doesn’t know how to keep up her charade. Thanks
Okay, I’m wayyyyy too late but my computer died and I totally am in love with this prompt, so thank you anon. Although, I have changed it to suit what I can write best. Hope you still like it and get to read this : ) Based off lyrics from Taylor Swift. Also, Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends.
Wildest Dreams
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Red Fox Inn - Stratton, VT (Appalachian Mountains) - Thanksgiving Eve 
“Caroline.” Enzo hissed pool cue in hand, his expressive, brown eyes telling her exactly what he was thinking without words.  She was officially ruining his game, not billiards but picking up his latest conquest, and he wasn’t too impressed by her close proximity.
Caroline opened her mouth to argue but realised she had no grounds as they were officially best friends and he had every right to chat up the local, female talent without her interference.
It wasn’t that she liked Enzo in that way, far from it actually. He was pretty much her brother and if he wanted to play the field then she was more than happy not to witness it but something had happened that week to change her mind drastically.
Her father had requested her presence in his expansive study three nights earlier and demanded that she take a husband. As he so eloquently put it he was growing older and Caroline, as a werewolf princess, was destined to rule the pack and she needed to do it with a mate by her side.
According to Bill Forbes it was just that easy.
Step one, find your mate. 
Step two, marry said mate.
For Caroline it wasn’t so easy. She’d found her mate years earlier unbeknownst to her father but given he was from a rival pack it could never eventuate. If Bill knew her chosen suitor all hell would break loose and their pack would suffer immensely.
His crimson lips, blue eyes and dimples were still very much present in every dream. It was like he’d made it that way so she could feel the full weight of the rejection he’d felt before inevitably leaving Vermont in search of something or someone else.
Caroline tried to tell herself that it didn’t matter what or who he did once he left Stratton but the what-ifs haunted her daily. Why did her mate have to turn out to be her biggest enemy? Why couldn’t she be spending those intimate nights tangled up with him between the sheets instead of playing third wheel on one of Enzo’s dates?
“Geez, sorry,” she growled, making her way towards the bar hoping that a straight whiskey or ten would erase her memory.
Unfortunately, not so much. 
“Bartender, can i get a Glenfiddich neat with one ice cube,” she closed her eyes knowing that order all too well. If that wasn’t a dead giveaway the smell of his spicy aftershave was. Although she was still in denial until he uttered that familiar greeting. “Hello, love.”
Now that was the final straw, closing her eyes Caroline was willing him to go away. A slight tug on her swivel stool was enough to open her eyes straight into his. Dark blue with a hint of clouded lust willing her to reciprocate but Caroline had no intention of being drawn into Klaus Mikaelson’s vortex ever again. 
He’s so tall and handsome as hell..He’s so bad but he does it so well
It was all so true and nothing had changed. 
His dark jeans were hugging his toned legs, and that henley was just as she remembered with the open collar showcasing those necklaces she used to pull on when he was moving inside her.  
“Now, last time I checked you were mean to me, so the least you could do is say hello.” 
“I wasn’t,” she faltered, trying to gain some semblance of composure but it was difficult with her mate standing so close. 
“So, it was daddy that ruined everything? Are we really back to that after all these years?”
“I was realistic about our chances,” she hissed. “But I’ve moved on, so I suppose it doesn’t matter.”
“Oh, with the guy who’s more interested in scoring with that girl than you? I would never do that.” He insisted. Caroline wanted to kill Enzo but it was hardly his fault given he didn’t know just how desperate her situation had become.
“I suppose that’s none of your business,” she replied, not willing to let him wear her down again. “I’m assuming you’re just passing through town, so I’ll leave you to it.” 
“On the contrary, I’m here for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.”
“Last time I checked your pack doesn’t celebrate that,” she offered, mildly hopeful that maybe he’d come back for her. 
“We don’t. But as it turns out your father has personally invited our pack to celebrations, yours truly included.”
“He didn’t? He hates you.”
“Oh yes he did, seems like he’d like to call a truce,” he smiled. Caroline was trying to work out whether to kiss him or wipe the smile off his smug face. It all seemed too good to be true. “I assume you’ll be bringing that?” He asked gesturing to Enzo trying to teach his willing pool partner how to sink a ball. 
“I hate you.”
“It’s beginning to sound a lot like old times.” Before she could respond he’d shot back his whiskey and left, his aftershave hovering in his aftermath.
Thanksgiving Day
Say you’ll remember me standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset,
It was probably childish and a little naive but Caroline had always hoped he’d remember her after their affair ended so sadly. She’d never forget the way his crimson lips curved into a knowing smile as he placed kisses on her temple, telling her nothing was lost and even with the family drama he’d always love her. 
Then he’d left and she’d decided he wasn’t worthy of her time. Apparently, it had been for the best but Caroline had never forgotten him, even if he was the enemy.
Fast forward two years and here she was attempting to pretend everything was okay because her father decided to invite him and his rival pack to dinner as some sort of weird peace settlement.  She was too confused to ask about his real intentions. 
So, she’d been delaying her entrance staring out the window as the sunset across the horizon in gorgeous pinks and oranges. 
“This is exactly how I remembered you the past two years, you have no idea how much you’ve tortured me…” His words were the peace she’d been craving and his touch on her skin followed by those softly uttered words was too much. 
“I see you,” she murmured, his fingers now grazing her bare skin. “Not just in my dreams anymore.”
“Although my father is probably going to kill you, I love your stupid ass. Are you ready for what might come?”
“For you I’d do anything, love.”
“Famous last words, Mikaelson.” She raised her eyebrows, ready for whatever they had to face because she knew they’d do it together.
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ENFP Fictional Tropes
Most ENFP characters fall under at least one trope. There are many cross overs in tropes and some ENFPs may not fit the categories presented. However, these tropes do loosely address the roles ENFP characters play in narratives. 
The Idealist
These ENFPs see the very best in everyone they meet. They are often the person who will forgive and help the most villainous of characters. They often bring out the best in others by just being themselves. They don’t even need to actively help others, but inspire others with their dreams and ideals. Their enthusiasm brought on by their Ne is often enough. Combined with their Fi caring towards individuals makes the caring on top of it. The idealist ENFPs are usually the most optimistic characters you will find. 
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Examples: Kenneth Parnell (30 Rock), Antoine Triplett (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Mad Hatter (Disney’s Alice in Wonderland), Tara Maclay (Buffy: The Vampire Slayer), Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), Buddy the Elf (Elf), Nemo (Finding Nemo), Barry Allen (The Flash), Olaf (Frozen), Kiki (Kiki’s Delivery Service), Ariel (The Little Mermaid), Moana (Moana), Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto Shippuden), Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Capheus (Sense8), Joyce Byers (Stranger Things), Rapunzel (Tangled), Jessie (Toy Story), Kimmy Schmidt (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt), Ottoki Otoya (Uta No Prince Sama), and Tara Chambler (The Walking Dead).
The Activist
The Activist ENFP is often first struck with Ne curiosity in the world and the ideas within it and then as they shape their Fi they rally behind a certain cause. The ENFP Activist is passionate about their cause. They may break the rules of society and systems, but they will never turn against their individual cause. Just like the Idealist, the ENFP activist often inspires others, however, they inspire those to follow them. ENFP activists can be very persuasive, living their life in line with their beliefs. 
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Examples: Hayley Smith (American Dad), Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender), Karen Page (Netflix’s Daredevil), Marshall Eriksen (How I met Your Mother), Cindy Lou Who (Ron Howard’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas), Helen Parr (The Incredibles), Ray Palmer/Atom (DCTVU), Erik Lensherr/Magneto (Marvel Comics and X-MenCU), Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things), Sir Thomas More (The Tudors), Sam Seaborn (The West Wing), and Judy Hopps (Zootopia).
The Salesman
This ENFP character can convince you of anything and sell you on their vision. Whether they are healthy or not, their Ne makes them idea people that inspire, their Fi helps them appeal to people and their individual sense of self. They make you think that they can help make all your dreams come true. Healthy or unhealthy, their Te can help them make you think their idea is your priority, like they have your interests at heart (combined with Fi). This can help them actually help you or help them completely swindle you. No matter what they will make you for at least a moment feel special as they take you on a romantic journey of your dreams. 
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Examples: Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries), Genie (Aladdin), Walt Disney (Saving Mr. Banks), Randy Marsh (South Park), Tom Haverford (Parks & Recreation), Erlich (Silicon Valley), Taco (The League), Tiffany Doggett (Orange is the New Black), Michael Scott (NBC’s The Office), Christian (Moulin Rouge!), John Hammond (Jurassic Park), Thomas Jefferson (Hamilton: An American Musical), Bumi (Avatar: The Legend of Korra), Gob Bluth (Arrested Development), and Malcolm Merlyn (Arrow).
The Prince
This is the darker side of the ENFP. They are probably the most self-involved trope. They believe their their wants are the needs of others. They demand others to serve their personal priorities. They often don’t see their work as selfish, but part of a greater cause or purpose. However, they are usually looping ENFPs. Many Prince ENFPs find themselves in leadership positions because they are over using their tertiary Te that they think is morally just because of their minimal use of their secondary Fi function. They use Te objectivity as a shield against their own subjective motives of Fi-Si. These types often have potential to be more positive tropes, but have faltered in their quest to satisfy their inferior function fears and desires. 
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Examples: Ice King (Adventure Time), Malcolm Merlyn (Arrow), Cheryl Tunt (Archer), The Master (Doctor Who-10th Doctor Era), King Richard, Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones), Ronald Weasley (Harry Potter Series), Sean McGinnes (Hell on Wheels), Willis ‘Diamondback’ Stryker (Luke Cage), Julia (Syfy’s The Magicians), Erik Lensherr/Magneto (Marvel Comics/X-Men Cinematic Universe), Obito Uchiha (Naruto Shippuden), Peter Pan (Once Upon a Time), Marshal D. Teach “Blackbeard” (One Piece), Klaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals), and Catherine Earnshaw (Wuthering Heights). 
The Champion Leader
ENFP leaders become so in their hope to help others. They are concerned with the forgotten because of their Introverted Feeling. They are a champion of a cause like the activist, but find themselves leading others in order to accomplish their goals. Their leadership style isn’t one of intense organization, but of individuality and independence. They are often because of Ne-Fi on the ground doing tasks with their followers in order to accomplish group goals. They have a hard time delegating, standing back and letting only others enjoy the fun of the action. This is due to their Ne being more present oriented and Fi being a function that can’t be used conceptually, but perceptually. The ENFP leader is far more comfortable helping others in the situation rather than apart from it. 
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Examples: Clark Kent/Superman (DC), Renly Baratheon (Game of Thrones), Chris (Bravest Warriors), Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy), King Arthur (Mists of Avalon), Moana (Moana), Hashirama Senju (Naruto Shippuden), Peter Pan (Disney’s Peter Pan), Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece), Dr. Alexander Sweet (Penny Dreadful), Erik Lensherr/Magneto (Marvel/X-Men Cinematic Universe), and Captain Kirk (Star Trek).
The Goof
This is the most under-estimated ENFP character. They come off is aloof, odd, and carefree on the surface. But this is often a misread. The ENFP goof is often wandering the unbeaten Ne dominance path, seeing things differently in ways that other types can’t accept or don’t understand. Their sense of genius is mistaken for oddity. They usually surprise others with their intelligence and success, because it is never how others would go about completing a given task or goal. Their genius word play is often seen as simply humorous rather than an indicator of a deeper intelligence. 
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Examples: Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls), Second Doctor & Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), Troy Barnes (Community), Fez (That ‘70s Show), Gregory (Over the Garden Wall), Spongebob Squarepants (Spondgebob Squarepants), Bing Bong (Inside Out), Hugo ‘Hurley’ Reyes (LOST), Bert (Morry Poppins), Mei (My Neighbor Totoro), Winston Bishop (New Girl), Erin Hannon (NBC’s The Office), Russell (Up), Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls), Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone), Gene Belcher (Bob’s Burgers), Scooby-Doo (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?), Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy), and Bolin (Avatar: The Legend of Korra).
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klonnieshippersclub · 6 months
Not exactly a klonnie centred ask, but I think that TO could’ve done something with Henrik, the dead sibling. It would’ve been interesting to see them navigate a plot of him being alive, even more so if Bonnie was in TO especially since he was an untapped witch.
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Is Henrik an untapped witch? I'm not really sure what being an untapped witch is. Is it being from a witch family? Does that make all the Mikaelsons without magic untapped witches? What about the Petrovas? What exactly determines the witch gene is activated? There are no answers. Gee, I wonder why. Like so many things in TVD, the answer is racism. For the vast majority of the early seasons, most of the witches introduced are black (for obvious racist reasons -- see the magical negro trope) and why would racists want to flesh out storylines dealing with black people?
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On to Henrik, I like the idea of him being a witch but in a completely different way than you are likely thinking. @mythorhuman has been pitching Henrik being the Original Heretic for so long. Ayana manages to revive Henrik, but keeps his survival a secret for his own protection, since siphons experience great discrimination in TVDU. He would be hunted down for being a magical abomination similar to his Hybrid brother. In adulthood, Henrik would defy Ayana's orders to recreate the spell that created the Originals. Also, I think the Original Hybrid, Original Heretic, and Psychic-Witch Bonnie sound badass as a partnership.
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I think it would’ve been cooler and less racist if Henrik turned out to be the Hallow. As another headcanon since we’re discussing Henrik. His family had forgotten about him after a thousand years. He was murdered by wolves (which are now in the family) His remaining witch siblings did not try to revive him. It would bring a full circle to issues that Finn and Kol, had with their family not seeing them as family. Yes, Henrik was dead but the Hallow’s plot took over two seasons with a pretty messy lore. To place a indigenous woman in a role where she’s only seen as angry, deemed and villainized as crazy for wanting power is another one of TVDU’s many signs of racism.
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mon-amour-eternel · 8 years
Who D’ya Think You’re Kidding?
Title from I Won’t Say (I’m In Love) from Hercules, because it’s the ultimate Klaroline song.
AU/AH friends to lovers trope. Rated M, NSFW (I attempted smut...it’s only a few lines at the bottom).
In eleventh grade, Klaus’ crush on Caroline was the worst kept secret in the whole school. They were friends through the fact that they shared a locker (same one from freshman and sophomore year) and often were partners in class. He did lots of cute things and said lots of suggestive things.
But Caroline just didn’t feel the same about him as he felt about her.
So she confronted him about it.
“I’m too smart to be seduced by you.”
“Well, that’s what I like about you.”
She told him they weren’t going to be dating any time soon if ever, and let’s just stay friends, ‘kay? He’d agreed, and years later, junior year of college, they were still were.
So when Caroline got fed up with her building and asked to move into Klaus’ apartment, he agreed.
The only problem was that he kept doing cute things. She was falling for him, and she didn’t know what to do about it.
The first time she noticed anything was the second day. She was unpacking her DVD and CD collection (adding to Klaus’ already impressive assortment).
Just as she was putting the Harry Potter series onto the shelf, her hair tie snapped and all of her hair fell around her shoulders. It was summer, hot as hell, and she was tired and sweaty from unpacking all day.
So she exclaimed, “really?” She made her tone as sarcastic and biting as she could.
Klaus’ head popped around the doorway that lead into the kitchen. “Something wrong?”
“My hair tie just broke and I don’t have any other ones,” she complained.
“Come on, don’t look so down. Have mine.” He pulled one off his wrist and waved it in the air.
“Why do you have one?” She asked as she snatched it. “Thanks.”
“No problem. I have one because I’m prepared for anything at this point.” Between her and his sisters, he would have to be.
“Oh...okay.” She smiled at him and they parted ways to what they were doing before, forgetting the encounter.
There were a few moments after that one, similarly forgotten.
Klaus cooked dinner, and rubbed her feet, and helped her with homework. Each little thing made her smile and wonder how she could repay him.
He wasn’t acting like he had in high school -- she hadn’t caught him sketching her, he wasn’t staring at her, and he didn’t stutter. He wasn’t walking the line between tolerable and stalker.
But he was acting like they were together, and she just didn’t understand why. He must’ve gotten over his crush at some point, right?
She wasn’t sure, and it scared her.
Over a long weekend a month and a half after she moved in, they had a horror movie marathon. It was a tradition of theirs born from years of tormenting each other.
She insisted that some lights be kept on (even though the shadows would be freak her out.) It had gotten colder as September moved into October, so she also insisted on blankets. They sat close but not touching and she was determined to keep it that way.
Except, she hated jumpscares and every movie had one. She ended up practically in his lap, clutching his shirt and hiding her eyes. He wasn’t laughing at her -- he was just as scared. He’d always tensed up during horror movies, hating the feelings the music and suspense gave him. (She’d always had an inkling that he watched them with her to get her close. Why else would he watch them, when they scared him so much?)
“Is it gone?” She whispered. He never looked away, meaning she could count on him to not let her miss anything important.
“Yes,” he whispered back. She peeked over the blanket and saw it was just some hallway, bathed in green light.
They watched for a few more minutes until a loud clang onscreen led to a face on the screen, mouth open in a wide, disgusting grin and crazy eyes on full display. Caroline screamed and pulled the blanket over both their heads.
“I hate horror movies,” she groaned over the sound of someone being eaten.
“Honestly why are we even watching them,” he agreed. His arm was around her waist, making sure she didn’t fall, and their faces were relatively close. It was too dark to tell, but she thought he was staring at her.
She giggled. “The first time was because I triple dog dared you, and you couldn’t just say no.”
“You ended up punching me, remember that?” He laughed. “I had to wear a bag of frozen peas for almost the whole day.”
“Sorry,” she said, falling onto his chest tiredly. All of the jumping, screaming, and even scared-crying had exhausted her.
He relaxed, all tension leaving him. “Think we should turn this off and go to bed?”
Caroline asked shyly, “can we stay out here? I don’t want to be alone, or I’ll never get any sleep.”
He sighed but nodded. “Okay. Let me turn something else on real quick, though. What do we have that’s not scary?”
She knew exactly what they could turn on, but it was an embarrassing relic of her childhood. After a moment of indecision, she spoke. She trusted him not to make fun of her. She trusted him with a lot of things.
“...I brought Where’s Gary? from home.”
“The Spongebob movie?” She nodded sheepishly. He laughed. “Alright then.” He pulled the blanket off, and both were grateful that the screen was now some field where the main girl was crying and covered in blood. There was no monster, no face, and nothing scary except the girl’s crying face. (Caroline hated how Klaus’ eyes wandered over the girl's’ body, and she was feeling petty. Sue her.)
He stood up and stretched, and instantly she wished he would come back. The apartment was shadowy, and the blanket cold without him. He searched for a moment, then quickly changed the DVDs. The screen went from black to yellow, lighting up the room.
He moved back to the couch and asked, “how do you want to do this?” There was only the couch and the old man chair that didn’t recline.
“We can share,” she said, hoping she wasn’t going to do something she would regret. They were in sleep clothes (him a tee and boxer briefs, her in a tank and shorts, no bra in sight), and it would be way too easy to relive the horror stories she’d heard of friends sharing the bed. Or couch, in this case.
He raised an eyebrow but climbed in behind her. It was big enough to fit them both but small enough that they had to be moulded to each other like they were one. His arm went around her waist and held on tightly.
They laid there for a while, talking about the movies they’d seen. She was falling asleep pretty quickly though.
“You’re ridiculously comfortable,” she mumbled, snuggling backward. She didn’t even think about what her body was doing -- it had a mind of it’s own.
He said something back, but she was sleeping before it could register.
Finals came and exhausted both of them.
They barely saw each other, just in passing. Caroline would come home to shower and eat, then go back to the library. Klaus was camped out at the table, and they’d only really waved to each other.
They’d gone summers without talking before, but it felt different that time. They’d been talking every day, whenever they both had free time, and now they weren’t.
She made it her job to talk to him, after that. Even if she didn’t really have time.
She refused to think about why, exactly, she had hated going so long not talking.
The holidays came quick after that. Thanksgiving, they spent apart with their respective families. Caroline’s mom had stayed local, while only Elijah and Rebekah had stayed after the Mikaelson family moved to New Orleans.
But Christmas, they spent together. They’d gotten each other presents before, but always small ones.
That year was not the case.
Their tree had broken on the 22nd, leaving them without one, and all the big parts of the meal had spoiled.
It was shaping up to be a terrible Christmas. Caroline was on the verge on a mental breakdown, feeling the stress pile up more and more. She wanted a perfect Christmas, wanted everything to go to plan. (And maybe put up a mistletoe. But not for her and Klaus. Nope.)
Klaus made it all better, though. He told her they didn’t need to do things traditionally and paid for a nice meal of pizza.
When it came for exchanging presents, he’d gotten her a beautiful infinity bracelet and a pair of earring she’d seen his grandmother wear before she passed. (Which was a big deal considering his grandmother had been a rich, old-fashioned Norse lady who’d loved Caroline to bits.)
She’d gotten him a watch he’d been asking for, a set of Japanese Tombow Mono drawing pencils, and a Montblanc sketchbook (thankfully for sale). She’d wanted to get him things that were special, that he’d use. (And maybe she wanted him to sketch her, even though when he had in high school, she hadn’t liked it.)
He’d been so happy, he’d immediately started sketching and exaggeratedly checking the time every ten minutes.
She’d watched him do it and bugged him about what he was drawing for hours, heart swelling.
In January, Klaus caught Caroline doing something she’d successfully hidden from him for years.
She was dancing, sliding around in knee high socks, and loudly singing ‘500 Miles’. All while trying to do the dishes.
She was only alerted to his presence when he slid up next to her and started drying. There was a strict no-shoes rule, so his sliding wasn’t the surprise. The surprise was that he was there at all. He was supposed to be out on a blind date (one that she’d helped him get ready for with a heavy heart and a lump in her throat that she was pretending weren’t there).
“Oh my god!” He quirked his lips, not bothered by her loud exclamation. She turned the music down so she could question him. “What are you doing here?”
“She wasn’t interested in me, so we left. What happened to you going out for the night?” He put a dish in the washer, then started on a new one.
She shrugged, also continuing her task. “Everyone cancelled. Bonnie is sick, Elena is fighting with Stefan and Damon again, and Matt had to work last minute. Wouldn’t have been fun going out by myself.”
“Well, there’s still time if you want to get dressed.”
She set the bowl down with a big smile on her face. “Really?” He was notorious for never going out to clubs. Tonight was her lucky night, if he was being serious.
“Oh my god, okay, hold on. I’ll be right down,” she shrieked and ran upstairs. As she was putting on her tightest dress, a small part of her brain told her she was going to have Klaus drooling before the night was over.
She forced it to shut up.
When they came home that night, they were both drunk. Shoes were kicked off quickly, and the door accidentally slammed shut.
He stumbled into her just inside the doorway. “Sorry.”
She waved a hand. He laughed and moved to the kitchen. She followed after him, knowing if she didn’t drink some water, she’d hate herself in the morning.
He was leaning up against the counter when she finally got there. They really had too many freaking pieces of furniture for her to bump into.
She smiled at him and swayed her hips as she got a water bottle. She’d been teasing him all night.
She got a few gulps before he growled and moved closer. He pressed her up against the empty sink, arms on either side of her body. She set her bottle down, and rested her hands on his shoulders. “Are we doing a heart to heart?” She giggled.
He shook his head. Instead of saying anything, he leaned closer and kissed her. She gasped, and his tongue took advantage, sweeping into her mouth.
Their first kiss had been during a game of spin the bottle in ninth grade. There had been no tongue -- it had barely been a peck, and no effort on either side. Not the case for this kiss. She pulled his whole body so that it pressed right up against hers, and her fingers went to his hair. His arms wound around her waist, and he dominated the kiss.
After a long time, they broke for air. He whispered, “I love you.”
And the record in her brain scratched. She pushed him away before he could kiss her again. He licked his lips but didn’t try anything.
“We’re drunk, Klaus, we can’t….” She looked at him, feeling frantic.
“Oh. Oh, yeah. Okay.” He dragged a hand through his hair and threw a thumb over his shoulder. “I’m gonna go to bed then. We have all the time in the world to do this but I gotta -- “
“Okay, goodnight.” If she heard the end of that sentence, she was going to jump his bones.
“Night, love.”
As soon as he was gone, she downed the rest of the bottle and fled to her room.
The next morning, it was revealed he remembered nothing except where they went and the first few rounds.
She breathed a sigh of relief and spent the whole day ignoring him. Every time he asked why, she deflected.
It went on like that for a few days before she could look him in the eye again without picturing all the filthy thoughts she had when she went to bed that night. He’d really opened her eyes to what she was doing. Living with the guy she was insanely attracted to, for one, and fantasizing about said guy (who was right next door), for two.
It made her back way off, try to get her head on straight.
Klaus took what he could get over those few days. So when Caroline finally opened back up, he pounced.
He was teasing her all morning, but she didn’t have it in her to give her usual snarky comments.
Eventually, he asked, “okay, what’s wrong? You ignored me for days and now you aren’t sassing me back. What happened?”
“It’s nothing, Klaus. I’m just tired.” And falling in love with you, she didn’t say.
She tried to walk away, but he moved swiftly and blocked her path. He held her upper arms to keep her from going anywhere, like she could get past him even if she wanted. “Caroline, something happened. Just tell me. Please.”
Caroline shook her head. She hated when he said please. He said it so rarely, it always meant he really wanted something when he did. She could never resist his please and he knew that. But if she told him, then he’d freak out, shut down, and push her away. She’d rather deal with awkwardness than not having him at all.
“Did someone do something to you?” She shrugged, not wanting to lie. He had done something to her -- he’d kissed her and made her face the feelings she wanted to ignore. “Who do I have to punch?” He demanded.
“No one! I’m just tired, okay?” She pried his fingers off and pushed past him. He let her, though she could tell he wasn’t happy with her answer.
“I’ll find out if it was one of the Salvatores or Enzo. Or Tyler!”
She turned around, pissed. “Don’t bother. It was you!” Then she locked herself away in her room and refused to answer his questions.
Hours later, she went downstairs, hungry. Klaus was in the kitchen, standing at the spot where they’d kissed. He watched her as she grabbed a granola bar and leaned on the opposite side.
They were silent for a while, thinking. Caroline hated it. She hated that it was so awkward, but what was she supposed to do? Tell Klaus that he’d kissed her and practically ruined her for any other guy? Tell Klaus that she was mostly in love with him and that every one of her thoughts had something to do with him? Hell no.
Eventually, he asked, “did I tell you I love you?” She nodded. “And I kissed you.” She nodded. “Caroline, I am so sorry. No wonder you didn’t tell me. I forced myself on you, I forced my feelings on you again, and -- “
“Wait, wait. What do you mean? You didn’t force your feelings on me. I kissed you back.”
“Because you felt forced to!” He grit his teeth, making her wince. It was one of her least favorite things about him.
She rubbed her temples. “Klaus, listen to me. I didn’t tell you because  you couldn’t remember and I didn’t want to make things awkward when you realized I kissed back.” She looked him in the eyes, overwhelmed with nerves. “I like you. Actually, I really like you. I knew you’d act all weird if you found out, which is exactly what’s happening. That’s why I didn’t say anything.”
He scowled. “You don’t have to lie, Caroline. I know you don’t like me like that. I don’t need you to spare my feelings by lying to me.”
She crossed her arms. “I’m not lying to you about anything. I do like you. I did kiss back, because I wanted to. And I ignored you for three days because I didn’t want it to get weird, not because I’m scared of you sticking your tongue down my throat or whatever.”
He stared at her. She stared back.
After a while, she broke. “So? Do you still like me back?”
He let out a breathy chuckle, like he just couldn’t believe her. Basically, their typical situation. “Yes.”
They smiled at each other, all the tension leaving the air. Caroline remarked to herself, it was literally a breath of fresh air.
She moved towards him, determined to make things as right as she could. She wrapped her arms around his middle, and sighed into his chest. His arms found their places (they were curled up together so often, she knew exactly where he would rest them now), and they stood there, content, for a while.
Not too long after, Caroline pulled Klaus in between her bare legs and gently bit his bottom lip. She was trying to be sexy, but she wasn’t sure how she managed it after an all-nighter.
He laughed, pulling away slightly. His hair was in disarray and stuck up in all directions, but he’d never looked hotter to her. Though she was unsure about her own appearance, his was, without a doubt, one hundred percent sex god.
Not that he would get to know that. His ego didn’t need inflating after round three last night. Still, she was getting hot just looking at him. Her hand snuck down, under the blanket, not quite touching him where he wanted.
He shifted, trying to get her hand in the position he longed for. When he spoke, though, he told a different story. “Caroline, we need to sleep. We’ll miss class.”
She smiled at him, trying for coy. Her hand above the blankets rubbed from his pectoral to his shoulder blade. He shuddered. “One class each isn’t that bad. We can just get notes from someone.”
Her fingers wrapped around him, causing him to moan sexily. She didn’t have that much experience, truth be told, but it was still the hottest sound in the whole world. “Maybe you’re right….”
An hour later, they weren’t quite asleep yet. They were curled under the blankets, underwear on to make sure they got their required rest. (Caroline insisted. If she had access, she would do something about it, and Klaus was the same way. If they didn’t, they’d never sleep again.)
“Mm, you’re warm,” she told him, snuggling into his chest. Her toes were pressed between his calves and her fingers were tucked under her head and chin. He was wrapped around her like an octopus, fingers carding through her hair.
“Thank you,” he whispered back, content but alert. His smile turned wicked. “You’re very warm, too. And wet.” He pulled her closer, to whisper in her ear, “and inviting, too.” His last words oozed with a double entendre.
She squealed, pushing him away. She was exhausted, though, so he didn’t go very far. They both ended up laughing quietly.
They were quiet for a while, just laying together and soaking up the closeness. Rebekah had caught wind of their confessions, and was around 24/7 trying to get dirt on them.
She blinked and yawned, curling up a little more.
He grinned. “Are you part cat?”
“Shuddup,” she said back, lightly swatting at his arm. Her aim was wonky with her almost-sleeping state, but he didn’t comment.
Instead, he said to her sleeping form, “I’m going to marry you someday, you half-cat.”
(Spoiler alert: he did.)
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
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"Come on Uncle Henrik! You're too slow!" 10-year-old Colin Ford-Jones yelled behind him before he was abruptly thrown into the air.
"Caught ya." 23-year-old Henrik Mikaelson smirked at his great-nephew.
"You cheated!" Colin accused. Henrik looked at the child offended. "I did not!" Henrik shot back.
"You did too Uncle Henrik! You aren't supposed to use your vampire speed!" 13-year-old Diana said from her spot on the grass. The teenager rolling her eyes at her great uncle.
Henrik had elected to turn into a vampire when he turned 22, now looking about the same age as Kol. He had missed his magic for the last year as a vampire but was also happy to finally be like his siblings.
"Our great niece is right as usual, you did cheat brother." Kol teased his younger brother who glared at him, the glare having no heat to it.
Abby who was sitting in the shade holding her youngest grandchild gave Kol a stern look that made the 1000-year-old shrink back slightly. "Kol be nice to your brother." She told him and smirked smugly when he nodded rapidly.
Davina couldn't help but laugh at the look on her husband's face. Their 1-year-old daughter, Astraea giggling like crazy in her mother's lap.
Davina who had used a spell to stop her aging was still as beautiful as she was 10 years ago. The pair had decided to adopt a child who had been adversely hit by the supernatural, Astraea had been found by the BAU on a case, her entire family was murdered by werewolves, and they jumped at the chance to have a child of their own.
Kol sauntered over to his wife and picked up his daughter who started giggling even more when Kol started tickling her.
"Did you think me getting scared was funny Little Star?" Kol asked Astraea who was still laughing and her body was squirming so much, the baby accidentally hit Kol in the face.
Jupiter, who was now 30-years-old but still looked 16 threw her head back in laughter at seeing the bewilderment and slight grimace of pain on her uncle's face.
"Yes, that was certainly hilarious, Star," Kol deadpanned to his niece as he walked over to her and ruffled her hair.
"You sound like Uncle Elijah." She reprimanded teasingly and giggled watching Kol shiver in fake disgust.
"I would never be like my bore of a brother." The Mikaelson man denied.
"What's wrong with being a little more noble brother?" Elijah, who had only been released from the prison world about a month ago asked.
Elijah and Rebekah had both been released a month prior because they all felt that they had shown that they were no longer dependent on Klaus and Freya. Although technically their release was on a probationary basis; they also moved the ascendants of the other remaining Mikaelsons far away, just in case.
"Darling brother, you are a bit of a bore sometimes." Rebekah agreed with Kol as she took her niece out of his arms.
"Star, do you think that of me?" Elijah turned to his older niece who suddenly found the ground very interesting.
"Not all of the time." She squeaked out and screamed when Elijah threw her over his shoulder.
"Not so boring now, am I Star?" Elijah asked his niece smugly.
"Okay Elijah put my mate back on the ground please," Derek said as he walked outside with his son.
Elijah put his niece down but ruffled her hair making her smack his hand away.
"What is with everyone messing with my hair today?" The blonde mumbled to herself.
"You alright mom?" Kol asked his mother who nodded and kissed her son's forehead. "I'm okay baby." Was the answer the 13-year-old received.
Sophie, who had been conversing with her wife and brother grabbed Jupiter by the arm and pulled her over to their conversation.
Derek and Spencer who had finally joined them watched their mate and children with a smile.
"10 years ago did you think our lives would end up like this?" Spencer asked the older man who shook his head.
"Honestly? No. But am I happy? Yeah." Derek responded and pulled the younger male into his side.
"When people ask what I see in you, I just smile and look away because I'm afraid if they knew they'd fall in love with you too."
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
Proper Reunion
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Standing outside of the apartment, Jupiter took in a shaky breath. Her hand was shaking, as it hovered over the doorknob.
Twisting the doorknob she stepped inside the apartment. "Derek? Spencer?" She called hesitantly.
Immediately the hybrid was the first downstairs.
"Jup?" Spencer asked from the top of the stairs.
"Hi." She whispered, feeling afraid that they were angry with her.
Derek immediately pulled his mate into his chest and squeezed her tightly, afraid she would disappear again.
"Don't ever do that again." He told her sternly between kisses to the top of her head
"Yes sir." She teased and Derek growled, his hybrid eyes flashing for a moment.
Spencer had practically fallen down the stairs to greet his mate.
"I missed you so much," Spencer said as he also squeezed the pink-haired woman.
Looking at her hair, Derek had to hold back a laugh.
"Hot stuff, what's with the hair?" Derek asked as he held up a few of the pink strands.
"I honestly have no clue. I wanted a change I guess." Jupiter spluttered out an explanation.
"Well, it looks.... unique." Spencer decided on the word, making Jupiter throw her head back in laughter.
"It's okay to say you hate it. I'm getting it fixed tomorrow and then we are going on a road trip with my uncles." Jupiter said still giggling.
"Oh, and where are we going?" Spencer asked confused.
"Mystic Falls," Jupiter mumbled with a sheepish smile on her face.
"And why pray tell would we go to Mystic Falls?" Derek questioned his mate.
"I have something I want to do for my Uncles," Jupiter explained.
Derek although not fully understanding why this particular thing she wanted to do was in Mystic Falls, nodded his head anyway.
"Where are my babies?" The tribrid asked, changing the subject.
Before either of her mates could answer a loud scream was heard.
The three parents looked to see Kol and Diana at the top of the stairs. "MAMA!!!" They screamed and tried to move down the stairs as fast as their little legs would allow them to.
"Oh, my babies. Mama's missed you so much! We're you good for your dads?" Jupiter squeezed her toddlers tightly.
"Uh-Huh! Are you better now mama?" Kol asked his mother.
"Yeah, baby. I'm much better now. Especially since I'm with you two." The woman reassured.
"No more leavin'?" Diana asked this time.
"No more leaving. And if I have to go somewhere I'll take you both with me. I'm not leaving you two ever again." The tribrid soothed her daughter.
"You two are supposed to be asleep," Spencer said faking at stern tone as he scooped his daughter into his arms.
"No bed! No bed! No bed!" The twins started chanting as Derek and Spencer carried them up the stairs, Jupiter laughing the whole way up the stairs.
"Yes, bed!" Derek said as he dropped his son onto his race car bed.
"But mommy!" They whined, hoping their mother would be on their side.
"Sorry babies. Your dads are right, you need to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow." Jupiter said as she tucked the twins in.
"Really?" Diana asked as she yawned.
"Yeah baby, we're going to bring Lizzie and Josie home tomorrow, and we are going to help Uncle Kol and Uncle Finn," Jupiter explained to the toddlers who nodded excitedly and settled down finally.
As the parents closed the door on the now sleeping twins, Jupiter had to hide a laugh as Derek threw her over his shoulder and walked towards their bedroom. She jokingly slapped Derek's ass who gladly returned it to her own behind and she squealed. Spencer snorted at the sound that the pink-haired woman made and she slapped his ass as well, making him yelp.
The bedroom door shut with a soft click and swift lock of the door, where three became one, after so long apart.
"Thanks for driving us home JJ. Dad would literally try and kill Uncle Sam and Aunt Abby for taking us with them even though we told him we were going." Josie said to her best friend.
"And let us not forget who is actually driving the car," Kol said sarcastically. He wasn't very happy to be dragged on this "road trip" as his niece had so kindly put it, but she performed the patented "puppy dog eyes" and knew he wouldn't say no.
Most of them surprisingly fit into one vehicle although Derek decided to drive Spencer, and the twins in the car behind them, so as to let his mate properly catch up with her friends.
"Ric still a drama queen?" Jupiter asked knowingly and Lizzie groaned loudly.
"He is so dramatic, we're eighteen, not eight. He can't protect us forever. Jo and I are becoming more independent and he hates it." Lizzie complains.
"Would you like me to hex him?" Jupiter asked her friends, a mischievous grin on her face; and before either of the twins could answer Finn cut her off "no hexing anyone, Star."
The newly returned to blonde woman sighed, a pout on her face.
Arriving back in Mystic Falls, Kol and Finn had an eerie feeling wash over them. They weren't exactly happy to be back at the place where they died twice.
After dropping Lizzie and Josie off at the Salvatore School where a fuming Alaric was waiting outside, Jupiter had her Uncles drive her to where they used to live during the Viking times.
Stepping onto the sacred ground Jupiter could feel a particular spirit almost waiting for them.
Taking a candle she had embued with the spirits magic and the Hand of Glory, she placed them on the ground and tried to focus herself.
"Star?" Kol asked his niece worriedly.
She quickly stood up and pulled out a knife, slicing her hand open and allowed the blood to drip onto the candle.
Walking over to her uncles she held her hand out expectantly.
"What kind of spell are you doing?" Finn asked hesitantly as he slowly gave his niece his hand. She sliced it gently and led him over to the candle allowing the blood to drip onto the candle.
"One that will drain me but make you both happy." Was the answer the two Originals received.
Kol gave Jupiter his hand and she sliced it gently, having the blood drip onto the candle.
Muttering a spell, too quiet for the two brothers to hear, a name appeared on the candle in Elder Futhark.
"Phasmatos exaud mi, conjug spiritis et corpe." Jupiter chanted, her nose starting to bleed slightly from channeling everything into this spell.
"Star," Kol warned, ready to pull her out of the spell when he saw something strange happening.
The wind started howling, the candle lighting itself, and you could almost hear the ancestral spirits chanting as well.
"From ash to bone, from bone to flesh, from flesh TO LIFE!" The blonde screamed, her eyes now bleeding as well before suddenly everything stopped.
Finn sped over and caught his niece before she hit the ground, the power of the spell causing her to pass out.
"My head. I feel like cotton had been shoved through my brain." A slightly accented voice groaned.
Kol and Finn froze and turned slowly.
"It's not possible," Finn muttered not believing his eyes.
"It's very possible. Our niece is very smart." Henrik spoke a smug smirk gracing his face.
Kol and Finn didn't move, afraid that if they did, Henrik would be gone.
"I'm really back brothers. Our niece made sure of that." The youngest Mikaelson sibling spoke.
Kol was the first to speed over to Henrik and hug him.
Finn with Jupiter still in his arms moved quickly at a human speed to hug his youngest brother.
"It's good to have you back brother," Finn said to Henrik, unshed tears in his eyes.
The Mikaelsons were never ones for letting their emotions show but this one time would be forgiven; after all their brother had just been resurrected after a thousand years.
"Surprise," Jupiter mumbled, finally coming back around.
"Yes, a surprise indeed. I'm telling Abby you overused your magic." Kol smirked mischievously, throwing his head back in laughter when Jupiter's eyes became saucers.
She leaped out of her uncle's arms and sped off in the direction of the cars, and her children.
"Are you really going to tell Abby?" Henrik asked his older brother who shook his head.
"No. I'm not cruel, but it got her to give us time." Kol teased his younger brother who smacked his arm.
The three Mikaelson brothers took their time walking back to cars where they saw Jupiter on the ground, her twins on top of her; jumping on her.
"Okay babies, off before you break mommy's spine," Jupiter said as she got off the ground.
As the two caught sight of their great uncles the twins screeched making all of those with supernatural hearing wince at the tone.
The three-year-olds moved as fast as their little legs could carry them and jumped into Kol and Finn's arms.
Diana was the first to look at Henrik, she looked at her great uncles, and back at Henrik before signaling Kol to put her down. She toddled over to Henrik and began to try and talk to him.
Jupiter watched from afar with a smile, happy to see her uncles truly happy.
"You did a good thing Jup," Derek said, sneaking up on his mate.
"They deserve to be happy. Uncle Henrik gets a second chance at life, it was the least I could do for Uncle Kol taking care of me all of these years. Uncle Finn missed Henrik a lot too; I'm glad to see him happy with someone else besides Aunt Mel." Jupiter explained.
"We have one big family," Spencer said as he approached the two.
"Yeah, we do." Derek agreed.
"But, I wouldn't want it any other way." Jupiter finished the thought, and her mates both nodded and kissed the sides of her head.
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
Eternity In Isolation
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"Who do you think should go first?" Jupiter asked her family.
"Freya, after everything she did to you, she should go first," Alexander said and traded his ascendant for his younger sister's.
The pink-haired girl gave her older brother a small smile that he returned with a wink; making her snort.
"Any last words?" Jupiter asked sarcastically as she stood in front of Freya.
"Keelin, please." Freya looked to her old lover who just ignored her.
"Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phasmatos filio, Phasmatos effurgarex perpetuum." Jupiter chanted and in a bright flash she and Freya were gone.
Alexander sped over and caught the ascendant before it hit the ground.
"You are a cruel girl." Freya spat at the tribrid who shrugged.
"This is karma for putting the hollow inside of me. Maybe one day you'll change but I won't hold my breath. Enjoy your eternity in isolation Freya." Jupiter spoke and quickly muttered the spell that brought her out of the prison world.
Jupiter was caught by Katherine as she had a rather abrupt landing.
"Ready Beks?" Kol asked sarcastically as he handed his niece Rebekah's, ascendant.
"Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phasmatos filio, Phasmatos effurgarex perpetuum."  Jupiter chanted once again and in another flash, she and Rebekah were gone.
"Please don't do this," Rebekah begged her younger niece, tears pooling in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, Beks. You've left me no choice." Jupiter sighed.
"I never got to tell you how sorry I was and that you were right.  I'm sorry I never got to truly learn who you were. I hope one day you could be able to forgive me." Rebekah apologizes.
"Maybe one day, Aunt Beks. Just not today, unfortunately." The younger of the two spoke and Rebekah acknowledges this with a watery smile.
In another bright flash, Jupiter was gone.
Rebekah looked around the prison where she'd be staying for the foreseeable future.
"A vacation from my brothers, maybe this is more of a reward than a punishment." Rebekah mused aloud.
"Two down, four to go," Jupiter mumbled, ignoring the blood beginning to drip down her nose.
"Sweetheart-" Abby started but the tribrid shook her head, and cut her adoptive mother off. "I have to finish this."
Abby had a look of severe disapproval on her face but Jupiter tried her best to ignore it. Switching ascendants with her Uncle Finn; Jupiter walked/hobbled over to Elijah, who looked resigned to his fate.
"Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phasmatos filio, Phasmatos effurgarex perpetuum."  Was chanted for the third time and Jupiter was gone along with Elijah.
"She's wearing herself out. She needs to take a breather." Abby said as she paced, motherly instincts taking over.
"She won't stop until she physically cannot continue," Kol tells Abby, immediately recognizing his niece's behavior pattern, and becoming worried.
After landing in the prison world, Jupiter didn't say anything for a moment as Elijah looked around the prison world.
"There's no convincing you to change your mind is there?" Elijah asked after a moment had passed.
"No. Not right now anyway." Jupiter replied evenly.
"Will there ever be the hope of me living this prison?" Elijah questioned after another moment had passed.
"Maybe one day. You rely too much on Klaus and Freya. Maybe some separation will do you some good. As for them, they'll never leave their respective prison worlds. You understand that right?" The pink-haired woman explained and Elijah nodded.
"I understand. What of Rebekah?" Elijah asked another question.
"Uncle Kol, Uncle Finn, and I came to an agreement of sorts. If we see a positive change in you and Rebekah, and by change I mean you both not being codependent on Klaus and Freya for happiness, we will let you out on a probationary basis. But that won't be for a few years, a decade at most." The tribrid explained and Elijah contemplated this for a moment and seemed to accept it.
"I understand. And Jupiter, I truly am sorry." Elijah responded back.
"I know you are Uncle Elijah, I just need some time," Jupiter said and disappeared from the prison world in a bright flash.
Jupiter roughly hit the ground, her nose still bleeding and her eyes now crying crimson tears.
"Sweetheart you need to stop. You'll die." Abby said as she cradled the tribrid in her arms.
"We can finish the spells but you need to rest." Melissa continued where her sister ended.
"Before we send them away, is there anything you want to say to them?" Sophie asked her younger sister gently.
Looking at her birth parents and twin sister she stuttered over an answer "Fuck- Fuck you. I ho- hope you enjoy your eternity al-alone. Always and Forever"
Jupiter passed out in Abby's arms.
Katherine quickly took the young woman into her arms and placed her on her bed.
Abby, Kai, and Sophie each stood in front of the remaining three Mikaelsons and along with the rest of the coven began to chant.
"Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phasmatos filio, Phasmatos effurgarex perpetuum."  They basically screamed and ignored the Mikaelsons pleading before the three of them were gone in flashes of light. Since the others chose not to go, they remained in the mortal plane.
Placing the ascendants in boxes, the coven sighed a breath of relief. Kol and Finn had never looked so relieved, even after just locking their family away.
After an hour, Jupiter woke up.
"Are they gone?" She whispered to herself, not truly sure if she was able to do what she wanted.
"They're gone Star," Kol confirmed as he sat next to his niece.
"So, what happens now?" The pink-haired woman wondered.
"Now you go home. See your mates and your kids. And we become that really big blended family." Kol teased his niece who threw her head back in laughter.
And for the first time in a long time, Jupiter let a true smile appear on her face.
She was free, but there were still a couple of things left to do.
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