#IFAK story
sl-vega · 6 months
Do you wanna make a smau? Well here are the apps I use in case you need a place to start!
(I have an android so sorry to apple users, idk if this stuff is available for you guys)
TwiNote: for twitter profiles, tweets/posts, and twitter dms
iFake: for group chats, messages, and lock screen notifications
PhotoNote: for Instagram profiles, stories/posts, and Instagram dms
Canva: for my smau headers, you can also make custom twitter headers on here
Pinterest: for finding good pfps/headers
Additional recommendations: if you're making a genshin smau @Monolitha on YouTube is a great channel to check, HoyoLab and Reddit Also have some good options, if you do have an iPhone, I hear FakeAll can be an alternative for iFake
I hope this helps all aspiring smau authors!
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kazumist · 1 year
hiii! omg i really love ur fake it till we make it smau 🥹 may i ask what apps you use to edit/make them?
hi helloooo! im an android user but here's the list:
twinote — for fake tweets and twitter profiles
ifake — for fake dms, gcs, and lockscreen notifs
gdocs — for narrations
pinterest — for the character icons, twitter headers, lockscreens, and pics in the ig stories, but sometimes i provide my own pics if ever
instagram — for the instagram stories, i use the highlights feature on a seperate and private account to make them :]
phonto — for narrations via pictures. the pics i use are from pinterest or from my own
picsart — for blurring of images for narrations (via pictures)
ibispaint x — for editing (like discord vcs, memes, and etc.)
feel free to ask any questions if you have any !!
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aettuddae · 2 months
hihi wanted to know what apps you use for aus and whether you’re on ios or android
hello !
first of all, i'm an android user. second, this is a little long, sorry.
these are the apps i have, let me walk you thru it tho, because i don't use them all.
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first, ignore the fake call app, it's literally what the name says, it simulates a call, but i've never used it, i just have it there. it's good tho, in case it interests you.
faketube is a fake youtube app i used for the resident's archives. talkmaker is a fake kakaotalk app, but ifake has a kakaotalk option and it's much more practical to use.
memimessage it's a fake chat app, but the interfaces are not very realistic and it's a little messy to use. the use i had given to it it's for making fake bubble chats. you can still try it, since i know a lot of people like it and it has various apps formats.
for instagram profiles i mainly use photonote. funsta is also good, and the more widely used one. none of them are very realistic so personally what i did was create the profile with the images on photonote, then edit the "following/message" bar from funsta onto it. now i think it's updated, so it's not necessary. check them out and see which one works.
lastly, but more importantly. for twitter i use twinote, which is the best app for fake twitter you're gonna find on android, in my opinion. meanwhile, i do the twitter profiles on ugly bird (which you will have to download from internet, it's not on the store app). twinote has all the twitter features, but, personally, i don't like how the profiles look on it, they look prettier on ugly bird, that's why i do it there, although you can't put the priv account symbol in that app.
and for messages, ifake it's the main app i use. it has a lot of apps formats, truly can do any type of chat in it, and it's very easy to use as well as very good-looking. it also has the option to make insta and whatsapp stories, which neither funsta nor photonote have (at least not that it works well), and the notification on lockscreen option that i love and it looks very well. it also has a twitter part, but i don't use it. truly a very useful app.
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lilinap · 4 months
HIIII I wanted to know how you make your text message stories. What website/app do you use?
hi!!! i use iFake ^-^
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mjfsupremacy · 10 months
Hello! So, I'm curious, how do you do to create your text posts, social media posts, images of your character, and other things such as the picture of the girl with the engagement ring, and the headline post for your fanfics? Because I'd like to do it for my fanfics too and I've been curious about. Also, how do you get the wrestlers verified IG handles for your posts? Please let me know when you have a chance 🙏
Hey first off, I'm in Australia and I have a Samsung, so I'm not 100% sure what might be different in other places and on other devices but I'll happily share. If you google how to create a smau there's some great posts from iPhone users that may help if you can't access the apps I use ☺️
So for the Twitter posts, the sms posts, and the call screen I use ifake. You can use it for free with lots of ads that unlock features or pay like 2 bucks monthly to use it unlimited. I will warn you that the Twitter posts are some of my favourites but they are so tedious to make and there's alot of steps involved, it's so easy to make mistakes.
For Instagram, I use funsta, which is free with ads too or like a dollar a month for all the features. (It's definitely the app I use the most in this fic, and it's really easy to navigate!)
Both of these apps leave a watermark that I just remove with the drawing tool on my phone gallery. Also the instagram stories that I screenshot I then use my personal instagram to add songs or text ect, I use my gallery art tool for this sometimes too!
The tumblr posts are just from a dummy account I created and I just delete the posts when I'm done!
For the podcast photos I just use my text tool in my photo gallery. And for the articles I use my notes app and a screenshot of the website's header.
All my photos are sourced from pinterest and sometimes google. That's the longest part of the process, it can be super hard to find what you are looking for.
I hope that helps! Make sure you tag me if you decide to post! I can't wait to see more SMAU's in wrestleblr 😍
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jackawful · 2 years
The only time I've been to Colorado Springs I was eleven. It was a stop on the way back from a mission trip and we visited the Focus On The Family headquarters. I'm still very jealous of their three-story slide. It doesn't seem like something as evil as an organization of theocrats who advocate for hitting kids and forced pregnancy and conversion "therapy" should get something as cool as a three-story slide.
Colorado Springs was the place we didn't need to send people to Save. Other bits of Colorado, we were told, had a higher concentration of sinners than Colorado Springs.
Club Q reminds me of the bars I desperately snuck into as a baby queer by fudging two years off my birthday - not trying to be served alcohol, slap that underage wristband on me and I will keep it on the whole night, I just want to see a drag performance in person once. I just want to know that people like me can have fun and make art and live to adulthood, even in the places that compete over who gets to be called the "buckle of the bible belt." I know intimately why places like this have small windows and privacy fences on their back patios.
I devoted a lot of my activist work in college to ensuring that all-ages drag shows would exist, both so our small-town community could experience the art form and maybe not be so repulsed by us, but also so that the kids younger than me wouldn't have to lie about their age to engage in our collective culture.
Since I moved, I've found myself constantly bracing for bad news from home. Did I know anyone who was performing in that donut shop art exhibition in Tulsa? Is the next arson going to be at Martha's? When I do drag queen story hour defense here, I think of all the kids who attended the last one I saw before moving, at Joplin pride in 2019, and I worry about what those kids are hearing about their parents from kids and teachers and news outlets.
I haven't spoken to my dad in years. Since my name change, I kept meaning to come out to him, but I knew it was going to be a touchy conversation and I wanted to wait for the political temperature around trans issues to cool down. And it never did, and maybe it never will. My heart rate jumped when my mom asked whether I was sick on our last phone call - I couldn't explain that my voice had dropped because of testosterone.
It feels like the sorts of people I grew up around have drawn a line in the sand with this one, doubling down on the anti-trans blood libel a la Alex Jones. It feels like what I was fleeing when I left the bible belt is coming home to roost. I hope desperately that everyone I know that's still in rural Missouri has an IFAK and knows how to use it and can maybe stomach learning pistol shooting from That Uncle, you know the one. I hope I never see you in that kind of news. I hope our community grows enough teeth and open carries outside enough drag shows and stomps in enough faces of mass shooters that they stop trying to kill us.
I hope Eureka Springs flourishes and that Milk Carton Jesus falls someday. I long for a time when we aren't under threat, but I will settle for enough of us becoming so threatening it doesn't matter.
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polarisjisung · 10 months
hi hua! i was wondering what you use to make the smaus especially the instagram stories??
hi my love 💓
I use this app called ifake— it basically has everything so it's pretty good but the ads can be a little annoying
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Historia del IFAK
Personalizados, prediseñados, moldeables y muy necesarios para, si quisieran, el día al día. Los kits individuales de primeros auxilios (Individual First Aid Kit/I.F.A.K.) son kits que contienen una serie de elementos para la aplicación de primeros auxilios. El cuándo emergieron es debatible, el agregarlo a tu EDC, no tanto.
Pero hoy nos adentraremos a la historia de este útil elemento, y hasta dónde nos ha permitido avanzar la tecnología para contar con kits cada vez más completos.
A medida que ha avanzado la comprensión de los primeros auxilios, la naturaleza de los riesgos, el contenido de los botiquines de primeros auxilios han cambiado.
Por ejemplo, en un principio las especificaciones federales de Estados Unidos indicaban la inclusión de un kit de incisión/succión para mordidas de serpientes y mercurocromo, ambos actualmente fuera de la lista de elementos recomendados.
El primer Botiquín | Estados Unidos, 1888
El primer registro comercial (que encontré) fue el de Johnson & Johnson en 1888, pero antes de que esta marca comenzara a fabricar los primeros botiquines comerciales en 1888, las personas se reunían con lo que tenían a la mano esperando reunir los suministros adecuados para tratar lesiones y saber cómo ayudar a alguien en caso de una lesión.
Curioso que la incursión de J&J en los kits de primeros auxilios sucediera en una conversación, entre el cirujano ferroviario de Denver & io Grande y Robert Wood Johnson, sobre las frecuentes lesiones que los obreros encargados de construir las vías de ferrocarril sufrían.
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Fue así como esta marca comercializó los botiquines, tenían varias presentaciones; para el hogar, para viajeros, para lugares de trabajo y edificios públicos y más tarde, para automóviles y aviones, etc. Para 1901 los botiquines incluían los primeros manuales de primeros auxilios.
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IFAK en tiempos modernos
Los IFAK (Kit Individual para Primeros Auxilios) diseñados originalmente como botiquines especializados en heridas sangrantes graves, como las infligidas por balas o explosiones.
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Los soldados canadienses llevaban un bendaje llamado “field dressing” pegado con cinta adhesiva en la correa para el hombro que no utilizaban de apoyo para disparar (por lo que para una persona diestra, el vendaje estaba sujeto a la correa para el hombro izquierda).
En la foto superior, el soldado canadiense de la izquierda lleva un "field dressing” en el hombro izquierdo, sujeto con cinta adhesiva (Oka, 1990).
El IFAK predeterminado en 2003 por EUA (Op. Iraqi Freedom) estaba compuesto por los siguientes elementos:
1 torniquete
1 kit de vendaje elástico
1 Vendaje GA4-1 / 2 "100's
1 cinta adhesiva quirúrgica
1 kit de vía aérea nasofaríngea
4 guantes quirúrgicos
1 gasa
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Una característica importante del IFAK es el torniquete. Éste se ha usado durante cientos de años para detener la hemorragia severa en las extremidades, pero se convirtió en una técnica cuestionable después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Muchas fuerzas militares los continúan empleando
El diseño del IFAK fue modificándose según las necesidades y proyecciones de la organización, del equipo o del individuo, por ejemplo, el IFAK de los marines (2004) consistía en:
Vendaje elástico (2 unidades)
Vendaje gasa (2 unidades)
Torniquete “TourniKwik” (1 unidad)
Gasas de combate (QuikClot), tratamiento hemostático
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Inf. IFAK II de la US Army (circa 2014)
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A la par de los IFAKs “institucionales”, otras empresas exploraron los alcances de la industria. S.O.TECH, por ejemplo, hizo una cronología de sus productos desde 1998 hasta el 2016.
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Siempre acompañado por los especialistas en la matería, S.O.TECH lanzó “El Dwiddo” IFAK, nombrado así por Chris Dwiggins (su diseñador y ex 18D Special Forces Medic). La bolsa tenía ranuras/espacio para todo, incluso un nuevo torniquete y tecnología de vendaje a presión lo cual fue un diferenciador en el mundo de los botiquines para primeros auxilios.
SOTECH cobró popularidad después de los eventos del 9-11, se fue abriendo paso hasta conseguir jugosos contratos no sólo en las fuerzas del orden, sino en corporaciones militares.
Aunque la intención de esta empresa parece ser principalmente el campo de los primeros respondientes en la ciudad, sus diseños y elementos incorporados les han dado un lugar en lo MILSPEC y uso civil.
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Supr. Soldado británico en Afganistán portando su IFAK ubicado en la parte inferior derecha del chaleco.
Mis 2 centavos
No me considero preper o algo similar, hay un largo camino para llegar a eso, lo cierto es que cuando se trata de hacer actividades que implican ciertos riesgos per se o por su entorno, me gusta estar listo para cualquier “eventualidad” (entiéndase riesgo u obstáculo).
Un botiquín es algo que nunca sobra en la casa o en el área de trabajo, un IFAK es algo que desearás tener en cuanto sea realmente necesario, ya sea que lo compres pre-hecho o lo “diseñes” bajo tu propio criterio. En lo personal recomiendo diseñarlo; aprendes más sobre lo que tienes en tu pouch de emergencia y sabes los alcances y limitaciones del mismo.
No basta con contar con el kit, hay que repasar los conocimientos de primeros auxilios y saber relacionar el protocolo con los elementos de tu kit.
Si eres de los que porta un EDC, quizá deberías preguntarte qué tan sabio sería integrar un IFAK a él.
¿Qué dudas tienes sobre los IFAK?
¿Cómo diseñarías tu IFAK?
¿Qué recomendaciones tienes para otros?
Te veo en mis otras redes sociales, diferente contenido, misma pasión por el airsoft y milsim:
Youtube: https://goo.gl/8U3T1F
Facebook: https://goo.gl/kHfTEi
Instagram: https://goo.gl/iHgMcD
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From 1888 to 2013: Celebrating the 125th Birthday of the First Aid Kit
How a Conversation Led to First Aid Kits
First aid kit
History of the IFAK from S.O.TECH
IFAK: Individual First Aid Kits
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General Electric, in tandem with Linderhoff Taktik, were given multiple billions by the German military in order to develop a new infantry type taking advantage of the capabilities of people with a beyond above average stature and strength. Coated head to toe in level four body armor and with a streamlined set of equipment to focus this new "Ultra Heavy Machine-Gunner" on their role, the UHMG kit features a backpack that can potentially hold 2,300 rounds of 30mm that is fed into a modified Gau-8/a, retooled for infantry use. Its drum, previously a magazine, has been converted to offset the weight of the weapon, and its mechanics are now housed in a sleek metal shell. The bullet vest features an attachable "crotch flap", as well as an IFAK and a tourniquet for wound treatment. -- Pictured here is Maxyp, a model hired to show off the uniform in a recent show to other potential investors who may have an interest in this equipment!
Commission for Mister.lol on FA! This was really fun trying to figure out how to work everything with furgonomics and y’know, how to make a plane’s weapon usable by infantry, but it was a super fun and welcome challenge!
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neoswift · 3 years
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/ar , tsí , bo/
a repository or collection of social media aus written in filipino.
filipino word for archive.
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#          hi! roni, 21, she/her, filo.
network. hiraya manawari
— apps i use for smaus:
for ios — social maker (messages, tweets, ig posts), social dummy (lockscreens), ig (ig stories)
for android — twinote (tweets), ifake (imessage, messenger, lockscreens), ig (ig stories)
— smau requests: open!
— do not repost/translate/steal my works.
— i don’t have a tiktok/twitter account and i only post my works here so if you see my works elsewhere hindi po ako ‘yun.
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daldal ni roni! — rambles, rants, etc. kinakausap ko lang sarili ko, feel free makichika or wag niyo pansinin HAHAHA
musika ni roni! — songs na pinapakinggan ko, or songs that remind me of idols & characters
mga likha | main blog | side blog | fic recs
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celestialking · 2 years
I know how to do the Twitter things! I use the app TwiNote! If you are looking for messages on all different platforms you can use iFake! As of right now they work pretty good :)
Hmmm okay
Now I gotta think of a story
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aettuddae · 10 months
what apps do u use for ur smau?
first of all, i'm an android user 🙏🏻 !! idk what apps there are for ios, but you can search on tw and surely you'll get threads with recommendations.
i use twinote for twitter (it has EVERYTHING, there's so much freedom for you to just do anything). it has the profile creator, you can make as many accounts as you want and even organize them in folders, it has a dm option and a timeline. it's just the best fake twitter for android.
ugly bird app for the character's profiles. this one looks really good and has a lot of options, but it doesn't allow you to put the private symbol, so for the side accounts i use twinote too, although they don't look as good.
iFake for the chats. you can make chats for MANY different apps, it also has the lockscreen notification option which almost any app you want, i love using that. here i make the instagram stories too !! although you can't add text so i do that on instagram aside.
and lastly, funsta for instagram posts and profiles. i think there's no good app for fake instagram, but this one's the better one.
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Hola! Antes que nada perdón por molestar pero no se me ocurre nadie más a quien preguntarle lo siguiente y amo, AMO tu media au así que bueno, eso no se me ocurre nadie más indicado para preguntar. Le estoy haciendo un media au a Amanda (alarrylarrie no se si la seguís o no pero es un sol) porque está pasando por un mal momento y se que los fics la ponen contenta. Y me baje una app para hacer los fake posts. Acá va la pregunta después de tanta vuelta: como haces los tuyos? (Cont)
Parte2: porque en la app que baje no me deja agregar fotos en los mensajes d e texto y honestamente no es lo mismo si no puedo “postear” fotos de reacciones y cosas así. Perdón de nuevo si es mucha palabrería y no se entiende. Gracias!
Hola!!!! No te preocupes, para nada me molesta que vengas a preguntarme cosillas!! 🙌🙌 Ay gracias!!! Os prometo que cuando termine examenes actualizare la nueva parte del social media au!!! Ohh si, si que sigo a Amanda! (Algo he visto en sus tags pero tampoco estoy muy segura, espero que pronto se encuentre mejor, enviale un beso de mi parte 💕)
Bueno al lio, voy a subir una imagen de las apps que me descarge para hacer el social media au:
La del circulo es la que me deja subir imagenes, puedes hacer chats de grupo (es donde hago los dos grupos de los chicos/ y por ejemplo en una parte en la que Harry envia un pantallazo de una conversacion de ig es usando esa apo)
Luego la que se llama ifake text messages, la uso para chats individuales (en plan conversaciones entre iphones), lo malo es que esta app no te deja subir imagenes, lo que yo hago es editarlas para poder meter una imagen en la conversacion/ corto una parte, meto la imagen y luego pego la otra parte)
Las demás las uso para crear los perfiles de ig (social prank) y los posts de ig.
Fake story (para las historias de ig/ para ponerle palabras tambien las edito porque la app solo te deja poner imagenes)
Y la ultima es para twitter.
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Espero que esto te ayude, cualquier cosa me envias un mensaje y yo encantada de ayudar. Cuentame que tal te sale y todo, me encantaría saberlo!! 💓
Un besín!!! 😘😘😘😘
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speckofglitter · 6 years
I tried to see if someone already answered this but I couldn’t sorry. But what do you use to make your fake socials for your aus
ok so I don’t have an iPhone so it’s kinda hard. if u have an iPhone just use the app “social dummy” it’s like the god of social media au’s. if u have an android like me some apps you can use are: Fake Tweets, Fake Call, Fake Stories, iFake Text Message, InstaPrank, SocialPrank, FakeTime for Messenger and Whatsfake Fake Chat. Hope this helps!
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thisisnthunk · 6 years
hey admin! sorry if you answered this before, but how did you get the idea for this AU? Also how do you make the texts-- do u use like a website? or a template on photoshop?
Hi! Thanks for the question. I got the idea because I wanted to tell a story in the blog format but I’m not very good at digital art, so I felt couldn’t do the traditional ask blog. I also like a fanfiction called left on read by lancemclain, so I was already a fan of text based story telling
I use an app on my phone, you can find it on google play, it’s called iFake text message
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two-wheeled-therapy · 3 years
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The Ride Approaches . . . Am I ready? People don't realize the prep that goes into taking a long ride. The day after tomorrow I head out on my motorcycle for two weeks. That means I need to make sure that the bike is ready, as I did with the maintenance that was done, I need to make sure I have everything I need for two weeks, and I need to make sure that everything I bring is both necessary and properly prepped for the ride. The past week and a half, in whatever spare time I had, I took care of all that I could. First I put some paint over the scratch on the tank . . . not a perfect repair, but good enough to keep rust from developing. Then I took everything out of the bike. I would evaluate the necessity of anything that went back on. My basic necessities include a rather robust tool kit with common wrenches, sockets, pliers, screw drivers, wire, electrical tape etc. I also carry a Anti-Gravity PPS emergency jump starter, some spray on detailer and micro fiber cloths, and an entrenching tool. Entrenching tool? ! It only takes getting stuck in the desert sand one time to understand the value of this(see my 2015 ride). So yeah it is in the saddle bag. In addition to stuff to fix the bike, I carry stuff to fix people. My "basic" med kit is a tactical IFAK kit, complete with tourniquets, trauma bandages, Quick Clot, and other medical supplies to handle heavy trauma. Before prepping for this ride, that was carried in the bag behind my seat. But I added a roll up splint and some other things so decided to hang the whole kit off my right saddle bag guard. I used to not carry a regular first aid kit with band aides and what not, but now that is where the IFAK used to be. So, I have stuff to fix the bike, to fix others what else do I need to have on the bike? Rain Gear. I always have rain pants, a rain jacket and over glove rain mittens rolled up in the saddle bag. I also have seasonal gear (heated gear in the winter and cooling gear in the summer). So for this ride I have a cooling vest, cooling helmet liner, a spare doo rag, and two spare neck gators, all of which can be soaked in cool water before putting on to help keep me cool in the heat. Of course everything that will be exposed to the elements needed to be treated with waterproofing. So I had a waterproofing day and hung it all outside while the ScotchGuard soaked in. Tonight was Mink Oil night - Anything leather was treated with Mink Oil. And the last maintenance on the bike was an oil change, so she will start out on this 6,000 mile plus journey with fresh oil. That covers my saddle bags, but does leave room for maybe my toiletries bag and/or electronics bag in them. But I still need to pack clothes. For this ride I am mostly planning on riding in shorts, with my new mesh pants over them. Doing this allowed me to pack three pairs of shorts and two pairs of long pants in case it gets chilly in the evenings. I have 7 days of shirts, undies and socks, and will do laundry when they are exhausted. To pack them, I roll the pants like I did when I was camping, and roll the shirts/undies/socks in a bivvy roll to save room. To save even more room, I have become a huge fan of vacuum bags. The ones I use don't require a vacuum, but you fill them, seal them then roll/push the air out. They work really well and reduce the packing volume by 1/3 to 1/2. Doing all this enables me to carry extras, like my good (but bulky) camera and of course my lap top. I also like to travel with no bags strapped to the seat or trunk. So anyone who sees me rolling down the highway won't know if I am just taking a little ride, or on a long journey. I was hoping to get to wash the bike tonight and wax it tomorrow, but it looks like the weather isn't cooperating with my plans. So I may have to do the first leg of the journey on a dirty bike and wash her once in Ellijay, GA where I will meet up with Will. All the prep, I know I missed something. I hope its not important, but even if it is, it will become part of the ride story. Let's Ride!
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