tiradoresprecision · 11 months
Parches de simbología táctica S.O.Tech Laser Cut
S.O.Tech tiene nuevas incorporaciones a su línea completa de simbología táctica que ahora incluye un giro moderno en un original de S.O.Tech. Hemos estado haciendo nuestros parches de simbología bordados durante unos 15 años. Por lo tanto, nos complace anunciar nuestros nuevos parches de simbología táctica de corte láser. Fueron diseñados como un suplemento de Mil Std 2525C para representar con…
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cooltoysandstuff · 2 years
SOTECH V60 Pour Over Coffee Maker Set
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tribupagamlig · 5 years
We truly have a lot to say about many things. Perhaps we would go on websites like Reddit or Pinterest and share our thoughts, opinions, or love (or hate, whichever) about a certain topic. We may even clash with other factions on what our ideals are, or which facts are actually true. Nonetheless, we in Tribu Pag-amlig have all gathered together because of a common interest: CWTS.
So, what exactly do we have to say about CWTS? Obviously there were reasons as to why we chose this path among others. Let us take a look at some of the thoughts of our members, after the page break.
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"Community work (socializing) has never been my fortè. As an introvert who prefers to savor solitude, it is a big step out of my comfort zone. Although I have a drive for change for the people, I am used to do stuff behind close doors, in anonymity, or under an organization of some sort. This kind of work challenges me personally even though we still haven't formally initiated with our chosen community yet. I see working for our advocacies as something that needs personal adjustments. In addition, I would like to see myself and my fellow members under Tribu Pag-amlig working harmoniously despite our hectic schedule." -Merl Antoinette Sumbiling, Bachelor of Arts in Literature
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"Together with the barangay's willingness and cooperation, I expect and I hope that our proposed advocacies will be a successful one." -Riza Guyapale, Bachelor of Science in Fisheries
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"Through CWTS I have been introduced to the other side of Iloilo. That despite the modernity of the city, the grandest facade of numerous churches, and the name it’s known internationally, there is still the side of the indigent. The reality of the marginalized amidst the new and modern structures" -Eddrielle Marie Fenis, Bachelor of Science in Biology
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"I expected that we are equipped and prepared to be realistic about our own capabilities especially that we are the one who established or appointed ourselves on a certain position. I also expected that we can ensure to work with our objective with the maximum learning and experience we had. Lastly, for the success of the event, even though situations may get tough we are still resilient and optimistic to do our responsibility not only for the sake of this subject or for our benefit but also for the community." -Earl Lloyd Asong, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
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"The road towards success is tough but with continued faith, trust, and courage, the journey will be easy." -Glenn Cymark Elizada, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
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"Unlike the past experiences of other CWTS groups, we are very passionate in making this project happen and it makes us happy to see how attentive and welcoming our chosen barangay is." -Leonard Ian Billones,  Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies
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"There would be realizations on how blessed you are that you have spares to help other people even in simplest terms." Alliana Alawi, Bachelor of Science in Fisheries
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“It is not just a school project, but it is passion. It is that type of community conscience, a sense of social responsibility that entails one to willingly get out of bed early and work on something new. It is a responsibility that one carries up high without complaining, and comes with challenges that one faces with a smile.” - Marie Julienne Lindsey Cruz, Bachelor of Science in Management
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"If you are passionate enough, believe hard that you can make things happen. Being with the most dedicated group of people, I am very much grateful that the goals our tribe envisions for the community become reachable. To be honest, being a part of this immersion and making small efforts to create ripples made me understand the very essence of compassion. After  seeing the realities of life, may we be able to continue giving our all and doing what we can possibly do for the community in the margins." -Therese Jayme, Bachelor of Arts in Literature
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"CWTS, an NSTP component makes us realize that it is not about fulfilling our academic requirements but serving while we are still students, usually for the community welfare which we all belong in." -Zyd Juluis Somes, Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies
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What does this all mean? Truly, we all have something to say, but what do we all have as a consensus? It is the spirit of service, and the dedication and passion to work as a team with a goal: to become agents of the Filipino people.
Now, that’s community service.
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Historia del IFAK
Personalizados, prediseñados, moldeables y muy necesarios para, si quisieran, el día al día. Los kits individuales de primeros auxilios (Individual First Aid Kit/I.F.A.K.) son kits que contienen una serie de elementos para la aplicación de primeros auxilios. El cuándo emergieron es debatible, el agregarlo a tu EDC, no tanto.
Pero hoy nos adentraremos a la historia de este útil elemento, y hasta dónde nos ha permitido avanzar la tecnología para contar con kits cada vez más completos.
A medida que ha avanzado la comprensión de los primeros auxilios, la naturaleza de los riesgos, el contenido de los botiquines de primeros auxilios han cambiado.
Por ejemplo, en un principio las especificaciones federales de Estados Unidos indicaban la inclusión de un kit de incisión/succión para mordidas de serpientes y mercurocromo, ambos actualmente fuera de la lista de elementos recomendados.
El primer Botiquín | Estados Unidos, 1888
El primer registro comercial (que encontré) fue el de Johnson & Johnson en 1888, pero antes de que esta marca comenzara a fabricar los primeros botiquines comerciales en 1888, las personas se reunían con lo que tenían a la mano esperando reunir los suministros adecuados para tratar lesiones y saber cómo ayudar a alguien en caso de una lesión.
Curioso que la incursión de J&J en los kits de primeros auxilios sucediera en una conversación, entre el cirujano ferroviario de Denver & io Grande y Robert Wood Johnson, sobre las frecuentes lesiones que los obreros encargados de construir las vías de ferrocarril sufrían.
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Fue así como esta marca comercializó los botiquines, tenían varias presentaciones; para el hogar, para viajeros, para lugares de trabajo y edificios públicos y más tarde, para automóviles y aviones, etc. Para 1901 los botiquines incluían los primeros manuales de primeros auxilios.
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IFAK en tiempos modernos
Los IFAK (Kit Individual para Primeros Auxilios) diseñados originalmente como botiquines especializados en heridas sangrantes graves, como las infligidas por balas o explosiones.
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Los soldados canadienses llevaban un bendaje llamado “field dressing” pegado con cinta adhesiva en la correa para el hombro que no utilizaban de apoyo para disparar (por lo que para una persona diestra, el vendaje estaba sujeto a la correa para el hombro izquierda).
En la foto superior, el soldado canadiense de la izquierda lleva un "field dressing” en el hombro izquierdo, sujeto con cinta adhesiva (Oka, 1990).
El IFAK predeterminado en 2003 por EUA (Op. Iraqi Freedom) estaba compuesto por los siguientes elementos:
1 torniquete
1 kit de vendaje elástico
1 Vendaje GA4-1 / 2 "100's
1 cinta adhesiva quirúrgica
1 kit de vía aérea nasofaríngea
4 guantes quirúrgicos
1 gasa
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Una característica importante del IFAK es el torniquete. Éste se ha usado durante cientos de años para detener la hemorragia severa en las extremidades, pero se convirtió en una técnica cuestionable después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Muchas fuerzas militares los continúan empleando
El diseño del IFAK fue modificándose según las necesidades y proyecciones de la organización, del equipo o del individuo, por ejemplo, el IFAK de los marines (2004) consistía en:
Vendaje elástico (2 unidades)
Vendaje gasa (2 unidades)
Torniquete “TourniKwik” (1 unidad)
Gasas de combate (QuikClot), tratamiento hemostático
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Inf. IFAK II de la US Army (circa 2014)
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A la par de los IFAKs “institucionales”, otras empresas exploraron los alcances de la industria. S.O.TECH, por ejemplo, hizo una cronología de sus productos desde 1998 hasta el 2016.
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Siempre acompañado por los especialistas en la matería, S.O.TECH lanzó “El Dwiddo” IFAK, nombrado así por Chris Dwiggins (su diseñador y ex 18D Special Forces Medic). La bolsa tenía ranuras/espacio para todo, incluso un nuevo torniquete y tecnología de vendaje a presión lo cual fue un diferenciador en el mundo de los botiquines para primeros auxilios.
SOTECH cobró popularidad después de los eventos del 9-11, se fue abriendo paso hasta conseguir jugosos contratos no sólo en las fuerzas del orden, sino en corporaciones militares.
Aunque la intención de esta empresa parece ser principalmente el campo de los primeros respondientes en la ciudad, sus diseños y elementos incorporados les han dado un lugar en lo MILSPEC y uso civil.
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Supr. Soldado británico en Afganistán portando su IFAK ubicado en la parte inferior derecha del chaleco.
Mis 2 centavos
No me considero preper o algo similar, hay un largo camino para llegar a eso, lo cierto es que cuando se trata de hacer actividades que implican ciertos riesgos per se o por su entorno, me gusta estar listo para cualquier “eventualidad” (entiéndase riesgo u obstáculo).
Un botiquín es algo que nunca sobra en la casa o en el área de trabajo, un IFAK es algo que desearás tener en cuanto sea realmente necesario, ya sea que lo compres pre-hecho o lo “diseñes” bajo tu propio criterio. En lo personal recomiendo diseñarlo; aprendes más sobre lo que tienes en tu pouch de emergencia y sabes los alcances y limitaciones del mismo.
No basta con contar con el kit, hay que repasar los conocimientos de primeros auxilios y saber relacionar el protocolo con los elementos de tu kit.
Si eres de los que porta un EDC, quizá deberías preguntarte qué tan sabio sería integrar un IFAK a él.
¿Qué dudas tienes sobre los IFAK?
¿Cómo diseñarías tu IFAK?
¿Qué recomendaciones tienes para otros?
Te veo en mis otras redes sociales, diferente contenido, misma pasión por el airsoft y milsim:
Youtube: https://goo.gl/8U3T1F
Facebook: https://goo.gl/kHfTEi
Instagram: https://goo.gl/iHgMcD
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From 1888 to 2013: Celebrating the 125th Birthday of the First Aid Kit
How a Conversation Led to First Aid Kits
First aid kit
History of the IFAK from S.O.TECH
IFAK: Individual First Aid Kits
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haftout · 7 years
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Deal of the day: @sotechtactical Go Pack Double Strap bags are 50% off MSRP. Multicam and ACU digicam available. Shop now! FB.com/haftout/shop ... #rucksack #sotech #multicam #haftout (at Nashville, Tennessee)
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tealosaurus-nyx · 6 years
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Some training at work, pretty pens and ink colors are so helpful to keep me paying attention 😅 ✒️ 👩‍💻 #fountainpen #fountainpens #fpgeeks #handwriting #fountainpenink #currentlyinked #rhodianotebook #workinghard #training #sotech #analog #platinum3776centurykumpoo #diaminemarine #emptyinkbottle2018 #pelikanm600turquoise #deatramentispearlescentcyangold #doodles #watermelon https://www.instagram.com/p/BnW9tY5FTxD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ls4cc19x2e1l
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joergmoehre · 8 years
Aluminium Gerüst mit Plattform 147 x 40,5 cm Sotech - maximale Last 150kg - auf Rollen
Aluminium Gerüst mit Plattform 147 x 40,5 cm Sotech – maximale Last 150kg – auf Rollen
Stärkes Arbeitsgerüst mit Plattform für alle Ihre Arbeiten. Wollen Sie schnell und effizient arbeiten? Gleichzeitig praktisch und handlich ermöglicht Ihnen dieses Alu-Gerüst viele Arbeiten zu verrichten. Einfache Montage und dank der Rollen kann es problemlos bewegt werden. Dies ist ein hochwertiges und vielseitiges Werkzeug. Sehr sicher mit seinen Metallholmen wird auch eine hohe Stabilität…
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bop-pipeguy · 2 years
Cornfield Brutality Part 1- The Wait
I’ve been watching Brutality matches on YouTube as long as they’ve been doing them. Every year waiting to see InRange post their Desert Brutality runs and later watching in awe as Varusteleka jumped in with Finnish Brutality. I promised myself years ago if a match was ever held closer to my I’d jump on it. Then it happened….. InRange TV presents Cornfield Brutality, sponsored by Brownell’s. I immediately got on Practiscore for details, and registered.
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Classic and Retro Divisions had been done away with, I believe due to so many questions about what was allowed and what was not, and replaced with Battle Rifle Irons and Assault Rifle Irons. I registered for the latter and began my wait. During this time I began going through my kit and figuring out what to use, based on what I’d seen in past videos on YouTube. My Windham Weaponry 20” Government (M16A4 clone) and my BRN-16A1 were the choices for a rifle. I ultimately settled on the Windham for my first run, as I personally prefer A2 sights (I imposed a “no modifications” rule on myself, so swapping sight apertures was not an option this time.) for a pistol I went back and forth between my Beretta 92FS and my Springfield MilSpec. Ultimately the MilSpec was chosen for the following reasons- First, it had no modifications so it was within my self imposed rule. Second, spinner targets were a concern for me and I felt the heavier 45 ACP would help me with them (ultimately this concern did not materialize). And third, I shoot the 1911 better than the 92FS.
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My stripped down ALICE kit, with Springfield Armory Mil Spec
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Windham Weaponry A4, with Hub City Outdoors ALICE mod sling.
At the beginning of my preparation, I had a full loadout of ALICE kit. Four rifle mag pouches, 2 pistol mag pouches, UM84 (M12) holster, 2 canteens, butt pack and suspenders. Then I received an email showing the round count. I promptly stripped that kit down to belt, holster, pistol mag pouches and one rifle mag pouch. From there I had to determine my outfit, as I’d registered for LARP, and needed to wear a costume of some kind. At first I was going to wear a BDU jacket that was RAID modded by Hub City Outdoors in God’s Plaid (M81 woodland) but ultimately switched to my Tiger Stripe jacket that is also an HCO RAID mod. This combined with blue jeans and a cravat bandage as a headband gave me what I called a modernized Vietnam era look. Tying the whole outfit together was my Seiko SNK381K “Raider Rolex,” a soft reissue of the famed watch worn and loved by MACV-SOG in Vietnam. Extra ammunition, cleaning kit, food, water, and medical kit was carried in my SOTech Tactical tiger stripe ARVN rucksack.
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State flag of Nebraska on my Hub City Outdoors RAID mod. Couldn’t attend Cornfield Brutality without representing the Cornhusker state.
The suspense built as I awaited the day to head up I-80 to Grinnell Iowa and participate in what was not just my first Brutality match, but my first shooting competition ever. Aside from minimum ammunition requirements, stage par times (“180 seconds to miss as much as you want” according to the email) and the fact it’s not Brutality without a Kasarda Drill, I had no idea what was waiting for me at Brownell’s Big Springs Shooting Complex the morning of August 12th……
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What Studies Say About Global Rainscreen Cladding Market  end user and region
Rainscreen cladding is defined as an external layer of water-shedding material which is frequently placed outside buildings. The cladding panels are made from a various materials including copper, zinc, aluminum, and stainless steel. It can protect the outer wall of a building from rainwater & prevents it from penetrating in the interiors of the buildings. Also, it is an effective siding or cladding system for enveloping old and new construction.
The Global Rainscreen Cladding Market report has explored some key dynamics which have a solid influence during this forecast period. This report studied the market trends, value trends, volume trends, and the pricing history of the market.  Also, report covers different market driving factors, restraining factors, and opportunities to gain an insightful understanding of the market.
Get Free Sample Copy of This Report @
 Market key Players
 Various key players are discussed in this report such as Rockwool International A/S, SIKA, Everest Industries Limited, SFS Group AG, Sotech Architectural Façade Systems, Promat UK Ltd., CGL Façades Ltd, Celotex Ltd., ECO Earth Solutions Pvt Ltd, etc. 
Market Taxonomy
By Raw Material
Composite Material
Fiber Cement
High Pressure Laminates
By Application
By Region
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Get full Study@
About Us
QualiKet Research is a leading Market Research and Competitive Intelligence partner helping leaders across the world to develop robust strategy and stay ahead for evolution by providing actionable insights about ever changing market scenario, competition and customers. QualiKet Research is dedicated to enhancing the ability of faster decision making by providing timely and scalable intelligence. We use different intelligence tools to come up with evidence that showcases the threats and opportunities which helps our clients outperform their competition. 
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tiradoresprecision · 1 year
S.O.Tech Helmet Scrim
El nuevo S.O.Tech Helmet Scrim es parte de nuestra nueva línea táctica y se puede encontrar en nuestro nuevo catálogo táctico de 2023. El Helmet Scrim está hecho de tela cortada con láser, lo que lo hace ligero, duradero y simple. Fue hecho para agregar una capa de textura para ayudar al usuario a mezclarse con su entorno y está cortado de una manera que le ayuda a adaptarse a su casco. Nuestro…
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latestanalysis · 3 years
Global Rainscreen Cladding Market Share, Size , Global Industry Analysis By Trends, Company Overview, Market Demand, Technology Progress, Growth And Forecast Till 2027
Global Rainscreen Cladding Market
Rainscreen cladding is defined as an external layer of water-shedding material which is frequently placed outside buildings. The cladding panels are made from a various materials including copper, zinc, aluminum, and stainless steel. It can protect the outer wall of a building from rainwater & prevents it from penetrating in the interiors of the buildings. Also, it is an effective siding or cladding system for enveloping old and new construction.
Market Drivers
The expansion of the construction industry is expected to drive the global rainscreen cladding market growth during this forecast period. The construction sector is the largest consumer of raw materials across the globe. The industry is expected to expand at 4.2% per year in terms of market share, due to the growth in non-residential, residential and infrastructure projects. The increase in demand in commercial and residential applications for improved aesthetics & weather resistance is expected to propel the target market growth.
Get Sample Copy of this Report @ https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Rainscreen-Cladding-Market/request-sample
Key players seek for continuous research and development activities to create unique panels & facades, which can provide enhanced moisture barrier properties. The performance & price of the rainscreen cladding is dependent on panel type insulation & framework used for the structure. These products strictly need to follow the standards set by the governing authorities across the various regions.
The growing construction spending especially for non-residential applications like commercial sectors, and office is expected to boost the adoption of rainscreen cladding in near future.
Market Restraints
The high raw material and installation cost is expected to hamper the global rainscreen cladding market growth. Also, a major drawback in the design of these solutions is their inability to tackle gradients of air pressure which may hinder the market growth.
Market Segmentation
The Global Rainscreen Cladding Market is segmented into raw material such as Composite Material, Fiber Cement, Metal, High Pressure Laminates, Terracotta, Ceramic, and Others. Further, market is segmented into application such as Commercial, Residential, Offices, Institutional, and Industrial.
Also, the Global Rainscreen Cladding Market is segmented into five regions such as North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.
Regional Analysis
Europe is expected to hold the largest market share due to favorable government guidelines by EU with huge investment in residential & non-residential projects. Also, the North America is expected to hold second largest market share due to government initiatives for infrastructure & commercial projects is expected to propel the regional market growth. The rapid growth of single-family constructions is anticipated to have a positive impact on the industry in this region.
Market key Players
Various key players are discussed in this report such as Rockwool International A/S, SIKA, Everest Industries Limited, SFS Group AG, Sotech Architectural Façade Systems, Promat UK Ltd., CGL Façades Ltd, Celotex Ltd., ECO Earth Solutions Pvt Ltd, etc.
Market Taxonomy
By Raw Material
Composite Material
Fiber Cement
High Pressure Laminates
By Application
By Region
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Browse Full Research Report @ https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Rainscreen-Cladding-Market
About Us
QualiKet Research is a leading Market Research and Competitive Intelligence partner helping leaders across the world to develop robust strategy and stay ahead for evolution by providing actionable insights about ever changing market scenario, competition and customers. QualiKet Research is dedicated to enhancing the ability of faster decision making by providing timely and scalable intelligence. We use different intelligence tools to come up with evidence that showcases the threats and opportunities which helps our clients outperform their competition.
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waaaiz · 3 years
Rainscreen Cladding Market Research Report
Global Rainscreen Cladding Market
The GMI Research forecasts that the Rainscreen Cladding Market is witnessing an upsurge in demand over the forecast period. This is mainly due to the increasing residential and non-residential construction, and remodeling & maintenance activities, high durability, and the ability to enhance the aesthetic appearance.
Request a FREE Sample of Rainscreen Cladding Market.
Introduction of the Rainscreen Cladding Market:
Rainscreen cladding is an exterior infrastructure of water-shedding material placed on the outside of buildings. They are made up of two different layers segregated by a ventilated air cavity that permits the moisture to drain to the exterior of the building. The outer layer is designed to shed water, while the inner layer serves multiple functions like a building's structural wall, insulation, and an extra weather barrier. They are composed of different materials such as aluminum, zinc, copper, and stainless steel.
Key Players of the Global Rainscreen Cladding Market:
·        SIKA AG
·        BTS Fabrications
·        Sotech Optima Company
·        Fundermax.
·        Everest Industries Limited
·        Kingspan Group Plc
·        Rockwool International A/S
·        SFS Group AG
·        Promat UK Ltd
·        Merson Group
Rainscreen Cladding Market Dynamics (including market size, share, trends, forecast, growth, forecast, and industry analysis)
The growth in the global rainscreen cladding market is primarily attributed to their enormous beneficial features, such as high resilience, weather sturdiness, better thermal and sonic insulation, along with the potential to upgrade the exquisite appearance of infrastructures. Assistance to maintain a warm and stable interior temperature during winter and reduce hot and cold air thermal movement through the wall helps avoid overheating during summer and will persuade consumers to choose these solutions. The increase in the construction of residential and non-residential buildings, remodeling, renovations, and maintenance activities have strengthened the rainscreen cladding market size. Furthermore, it is comparatively economical than traditional masonry builds and helps keep the structure dry, minimizing the maintenance cost. Also, it is considerably employed across the construction of commercial spaces, like shopping malls, hospitals, warehouses, schools, and other buildings. On the other hand, the inflated cost of raw material and inadequate awareness concerned with the benefits in developing countries will hamper the market growth. The rigorous lockdown imposed due to the sudden spread of coronavirus and general containment measures to curb the virus has negatively influenced the construction sector, thereby hindering market growth.
Rainscreen Cladding Market Segmentation:
Segmentation by Material
·        Composite Materials
·        Metal
·        Fibre Cement
·        High Pressure Laminate
·        Others
Segmentation by Construction
·        New construction
·        Renovation
Segmentation by End-Use Sector
·        Residential
·        Non-residential
Segmentation by Region:
·        North America
o   United States of America
o   Canada
·        Asia Pacific
o   China
o   Japan
o   India
o   Rest of APAC
·        Europe
o   United Kingdom
o   Germany
o   France
o   Spain
o   Rest of Europe
·        RoW
o   Brazil
o   South Africa
o   Saudi Arabia
o   UAE
o   Rest of the world (remaining countries of the LAMEA region)
About GMI Research
GMI Research is a market research and consulting company that offers business sights and market research reports for every enterprise, including small & medium enterprises and large organizations. Our research team helps the clients to understand the impact of market dynamics such as market size, share, drivers, growth opportunities, and other aspects. We have a team of analysts and industry experts who conduct market intelligence studies to ensure relevant and fact-based research across a wide range of sectors such as FMCG, Technology, Energy, Healthcare, and other industries. We collect relevant information about the industry using both internal and external databases. Our main focus is to keep our clients abridged of the emerging opportunities and challenges in a wide range of industries. We provide step-by-step assistance to our client through strategic and consulting services to reach a managerial and actionable decision. Featured in the ‘Top 20 Most Promising Market Research Consultants’ list of Silicon India Magazine in 2018, we at GMI Research are always looking forward to helping businesses stay ahead of the curve.
Media Contact Company Name: GMI RESEARCH Contact Person: Sarah Nash Email: [email protected] Phone: Europe – +353 1 442 8820; US – +1 860 881 2270 Address: Dublin, Ireland Website: www.gmiresearch.com
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architectnews · 3 years
Bath Court Student Residence, Birmingham
Bath Court Student Residence, Birmingham Campus Housing, West Midlands, England Architecture News, Images
Bath Court Student Residence in Birmingham
25 Jun 2021
Design: Robert Hirschfield Architects
Location: Birmingham, West Midlands, England
Bath Court Student Residences
The Bath Court Building is a 435-bed scheme made up of a mixture of en-suite clusters and individual studios, built over 12 storeys. The student accommodation consists of 360 ensuite bedrooms within 6 and 8 bedroom apartments as well as 75 studio bedrooms.
The prominent 100m street frontage wraps itself around two sides of the site. The lower level is anchored by a new retail unit, gym, communal social space and silent study areas, with the upper levels providing the apartment accommodation for the students. To the rear, a large landscaped raised terrace provides external space for the students.
An assortment of blue glazed aluminium extrusions gives the building an overall water-like effect which references the historic Victorian public baths in the Bath Row area.
Challenge This was LinkCity’s first student accommodation scheme in the Midlands. They were looking to strengthen their development offering and already had hold of a site in Birmingham that was deemed underdeveloped.
When RHA were first asked to explore massing studies for the site, it was clear that the site was underdeveloped and that the existing 1970s office blocks had potential under a new asset class.
The development sits at a corner section of several major roads leading to the city centre and Birmingham New Street train station. However, the existing building fell flat of providing an accessible, safe and attractive urban environment on this prominent site.
Early considerations, such as lack of parking provision, drew us to student accommodation as a solution. However, we needed to ensure there was the justification and the demand for 435 new student rooms in Birmingham. The local planning authority had challenged us to design a high quality building so as not to affect future resource as many other recent examples are not fit for purpose only a few years on.
Robert Hirschfield Architects carried out a feasibility study for the site in 2011 and were then appointed as the concept architects that developed the design narrative working alongside Stride Treglown during the planning stages. RHA remained involved through the design and construction phases with the project completing in August 2020.
The Architects Perspective As a practice, we are known for high-quality residential design, so relished the challenge of applying similar principles to student accommodation within budget.
Today, the expectation for quality student accommodation is very high, certainly more so than when we started on the scheme over a decade ago. However, we were confident that we could deliver designs that went above the expectations of the end-user.
The prominent site sits just outside the city centre and at a crossroad, so is very visible. Close to all of the city’s higher education institutions, the notable corner location acts as a ‘gateway’ into the city centre and utilises a deep triangular plan. We knew we could be playful with the designs and deliver a building that has since become a landmark for Birmingham and its university students.
We looked to the area’s local and historic context for the building’s exterior design. During the 18th century, Bath Row and the city of Birmingham were home to a natural spring and numerous tiled swimming baths, housed by some of the best examples of the city’s civic architecture.
The assortment of blue glazed aluminium extrusions that wrap around Bath Court gives the building a distinctive character and water-like effect to reflect the links Bath Row has to the Victorian public baths. We worked closely with the cladding suppliers and four new dies were created for the effect.
We incorporated a mixture of self-contained studios and room cluster layouts with a focus on social and communal spaces, to give the build longevity and flexibility. We incorporated social space and study areas on the ground floor to animate the street frontage and increase pedestrian footfall in what was previously a predominantly vehicular thoroughfare. We created a large landscaped raised terrace provides external space.
Bath Court Student Housing in Birmingham, UK – Building Information
Design: Robert Hirschfield Architects
● Completed August 2020 ● 435 bed scheme is a mixture of en-suite clusters and individual studios, built over 12 storeys ● 13,000 sq. ft. ● 100m street frontage ● One mile southwest of Birmingham City Centre ● Replacement of 1970s low rise office blocks ● Facilities comprising a new retail unit, gym, communal social space and silent study areas
Project name: Bath Court (a.k.a. ‘Altura’) Location: Birmingham Main contractor and client: Bouygues Development UK (Uliving) Concept Architect – Robert Hirschfield Architects Architect – design up to planning stage: Stride Treglown Cladding: Sotech Building Envelope Installer: M Clarkes
Photo credits: Gary Britton
Bath Court Student Residence, Birmingham images / information received 250621
Location: Birmingham, West Midlands, England, UK
Birmingham Architecture
Birmingham Architecture Designs – chronological list
Martineau Galleries Development Design: Glenn Howells Architects ; Landscape Architects: Grant Associates image courtesy of architects Martineau Galleries Birmingham Development
i9 Office Building, Wolverhampton, West Midlands Design: Glenn Howells Architects image from architect i9 Office Building in Wolverhampton
The Rotunda Conversion Design: Glenn Howells Architects Birmingham landmark
Contemporary Architecture in Birmingham – architectural selection below:
Birmingham Library Design: Mecanoo picture from architect Birmingham Library Building
University of Birmingham Sport and Fitness Centre photo : Paul Riddle University of Birmingham Sport and Fitness Centre Building
Selfridges Birmingham Design: Future Systems Architects Selfridges Birmingham
Birmingham Architectural Tours : city walks by e-architect
Birmingham Buildings
Birmingham Architect
English Architects
Comments / photos for the Bath Court Student Residence, Birmingham Architecture page welcome
Website: Birmingham, England
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justmarsh619 · 3 years
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Thank Glaude it’s Friday!!! Come hangout with one of DJ Club’s Founders, Donald Glaude, and member, Sotech, at the old clubhouse, surprises abound before the night is done for sure!!! (at Artisan Las Vegas) https://www.instagram.com/p/COi9shMNk2h/?igshid=uw86fred64h6
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joergmoehre · 8 years
PRO Teleskopleiter aus Aluminium 2, 60 Meter - Aufbewahrungstasche im Angebot mitgeliefert - geprüft nach EN-131
PRO Teleskopleiter aus Aluminium 2, 60 Meter – Aufbewahrungstasche im Angebot mitgeliefert – geprüft nach EN-131
Ausziehbare Teleskopleiter bis zu 2,60m. Sie wird in der Transporttasche gelagert und kann leicht transportiert werden. Anti-Rutsch-Sprossen und Füße für eine optimierte Sicherheit. Für all Ihre Dekorationsarbeiten oder Heimwerkprojekte brauchen Sie eine Teleskopleiter. Aus diesem Grund schlagen wir Ihnen diese Teleskopleiter für Ihre Bedürfnisse vor. Dank ihrer Breite von 47cm und ihren…
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leonfrancisblog · 3 years
Europe Rainscreen Cladding Market Industry Analysis Size, Share, Trends and Profitable Segments Breakdown and Detailed Analysis of Current and Future Industry Figures till 2027|Key Players Danpal, Sotech Optima, Proteus Facades, Cladding Corp, NVELOPE, CENTRIA, FunderMax
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Rainscreen cladding market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, Europe presence, production sites and facilities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product trials pipelines, concept cars, product approvals, patents, product width and breath, application dominance, technology lifeline curve. The below data points provided are only related to the company’s focus related to Europe rainscreen cladding market. This rainscreen cladding market report provides details of market share, new developments, and product pipeline analysis, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, product approvals, strategic decisions, product launches, geographic expansions, and technological innovations in the market. To understand the analysis and the market scenario contact us for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you create a revenue impact solution to achieve your desired goal.
Rainscreen cladding is a method to offer over-cladding or cladding a building so that they can protect the building fabric, building interior, exterior and structure from unstable weather. The system helps in making a complete ‘flat’ surface and they are highly used for different new build projects where the system can give excellent performance for the longer period of time and provides good infrastructure to the building façadeIncrease in refurbishment projects for large multi-story buildings and multifamily construction is driving the growth of market. Growing demand of green buildings to boost rainscreen cladding will also drive the market. Customized rainscreen cladding are gaining more traction and have limited supply which would further create new opportunities that will impact this rainscreen cladding market growth in the forecast period to 2027. For instance, with the introduction of rainscreen cladding in most of the buildings of Spain, the electricity expenses of the buildings have reduced by 30% in 2019 as compared to the previous year.
Europe rainscreen cladding market By Raw Material (Fiber Cement, Composite Material, Metal, High Pressure Laminates, Terracotta, Ceramic and Others), By System (Vented Systems, Drained and Vented Systems and Pressure Equalized (Moderated) Systems), By Applications (Residential, Commercial, Institutional and Industrial), Country (Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe) Market Trends and Forecast to 2027. Rainscreen Cladding market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the market is growing with a stronger CAGR of 7.7% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027and expected to reach USD 5,722.96 million by 2027 from USD 3,190.50 million in 2019. Increased demand for rainscreen cladding in order to protect the buildings from various environmental conditions is the factor for the market growth.
Get a Sample Request on Europe Rainscreen Cladding Market @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=europe-rainscreen-cladding-market    
Rainscreen Cladding Market Country Level Analysis:
Europe rainscreen cladding market is analyzed and market size information is provided by country material type, system and application as referenced above.
The countries covered in the rainscreen cladding market report are Germany, France, Belgium, U.K., Switzerland, Turkey, Netherlands and Rest of Europe.
U.K. dominates the Europe rainscreen cladding market due to strong manufacturing base as well as increasing construction of the residential and commercial buildings in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027.
The country section of the report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as new sales, replacement sales, country demographics, regulatory acts and import-export tariffs are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of European brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of sales channels are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.
Increase in Demand for Fiber Cement in Cladding Systems:
Europe rainscreen cladding market also provides you with detailed market analysis for every country growth in building and construction industry with rainscreen cladding product sales, components sales, impact of technological development in insulation materials and changes in regulatory scenarios with their support for the rainscreen cladding market. The data is available for historic period 2010 to 2018.
Europe Rainscreen Cladding Market Scope and Market Size:
Europe rainscreen cladding market is segmented on the basis of raw material, system and application. The growth among segments helps you analyze niche pockets of growth and strategies to approach the market and determine your core application areas and the difference in your target markets.
On the basis of raw material, the market is segmented into fiber cement, composite material, metal, high pressure laminates, terracotta, ceramic and others. Composite material had accounted for the maximum share as in U.K. 1500 British companies are involved in producing composite materials which clearly shows that the demand of composite materials is increasing very rapidly and the companies have the focus to meet these growing demand. For instance, the usage of composite materials in Germany rainscreen cladding market is expected to reach around USD 140 to150 million by 2020.
On the basis of system, the market is segmented into vented systems, drained and vented systems and pressure equalized (moderated) systems. The vented systems accounted for the largest market share as they are widely preferred on commercial and residential buildings, across the region. . For instance, in France the vented system itself has a market share of about 40-55% in the rainscreen cladding market.
Based on application, the market is segmented into residential, commercial, institutional and industrial. Commercial segment is dominating the market because in Europe the commercial buildings are very large in numbers. For instance, in Germany the construction sector has seen a growth of about 12-20% particularly in the commercial sector, thus creating a need for rainscreen cladding in future.
The major players covered in the report are Danpal, Sotech Optima, Proteus Facades, Cladding Corp, NVELOPE, CENTRIA, FunderMax, Middle East Insulation LLC., Euro Panels Overseas N.V., Kingspan Group, TERREAL, CAREA Group, MERSON GROUP, Avenere Cladding LLC., HunterDouglas, Architectural Panel Solutions Limited, Bailey, ROCKWOOL International A/S, Tata Steel and DuPont, among other players in Europe. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Customization Available: Europe Rainscreen Cladding Market:
Data Bridge Market Research is a leader in advanced formative research. We take pride in servicing our existing and new customers with data and analysis that match and suits their goal. The report can be customized to include price trend analysis of target brands understanding the market for additional countries (ask for the list of countries), product under development data, literature review, refurbished market and product base analysis. Market analysis of target competitors can be analyzed from technology-based analysis to market portfolio strategies. We can add as many competitors that you require data about in the format and data style you are looking for. Our team of analysts can also provide you data in crude raw excel files pivot tables (Factbook) or can assist you in creating presentations from the data sets available in the report.
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Access Full Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/europe-rainscreen-cladding-market              
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