wordsworldthings · 11 months
I think every person who has prepared or been forced to prepare for competitive exams should have a reservation in heaven.
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lashika2710 · 2 months
Er. Manmohan Singla
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Manmohan Singla- a well-educated, responsible, and a person who chosen the path of entrepreneurship inspite of taking high-paying multi-national companies job.
Manmohan Singla has in-born entrepreneurial skills, can be clearly seen, as when he began doing business in KOTA, during his IIT-JEE preparation. His motivation and counselling skills have no match, through his JMC motivation club at KOTA, he counseled students who had faces depression and anxiety during IIT preparation.
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manasastuff-blog · 6 months
How to choose the right UPSC training institute .
🚀 Unlock your path to success! Wondering how to choose the right UPSC training institute? Look no further! 💡 Manasa Defence Academy is your gateway to excellence, offering the best training for aspiring students. 📚✨
Ready to elevate your UPSC preparation? Here's your chance! 🌟 Dive into a world of unparalleled guidance and expertise with Manasa Defence Academy. 🏆
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kafiranablogs · 3 months
IIT JEE aspirant's 19.5-hour study schedule goes viral, sparks debate on academic pressure, ET HealthWorld
New Delhi: Recently a post on the rigorous study schedule of an IIT-JEE aspirant went viral on X (formerly Twitter). The post shared by one Mr. Rc, a friend of the aspirant, reveals that the aspirant allots only 4.5 hours for sleep. This post prompted mixed reactions from social media users, including alumni of prestigious institutes. Many opined that aspirants from modest backgrounds have no…
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shreeclassesiit · 4 months
Shree Classes: Illuminating The Path To IIT-JEE Success
In the realm of competitive examinations, Shree Classes stands as a beacon of excellence, providing specialized coaching for the Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE). This blog unravels the distinctive features of Shree Classes, delving into its innovative coaching methodology, experienced faculty, and unwavering commitment to guiding aspiring engineers towards success in one of the most challenging entrance exams in India.
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The IIT-JEE Challenge
The IIT-JEE, a gateway to the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology, is renowned for its rigor and selectivity. At Shree Classes, we understand the unique challenges posed by this examination and have tailored our coaching classes to not only meet but exceed the expectations of aspiring engineering minds.
A Proven Pedagogy
Shree Classes employs a pedagogical approach that goes beyond conventional teaching methods. Our coaching methodology is a synergy of theoretical understanding and practical application. Emphasizing conceptual clarity, problem-solving techniques, and real-world applications, we aim to equip our students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the IIT-JEE.
Experienced Faculty with a Track Record of Success
The backbone of Shree Classes is its team of seasoned educators, each with a track record of success in guiding students through the complexities of IIT-JEE preparation. Our faculty members are not just teachers; they are mentors who understand the nuances of the examination, providing students with personalized guidance and a supportive learning environment.
Rigorous Mock Tests and Practice Sessions
Success in the IIT-JEE requires not only a deep understanding of concepts but also the ability to handle the pressure of the examination. Shree Classes conducts rigorous mock tests and practice sessions, simulating the exam environment to familiarize students with the pattern, time constraints, and the skills needed to perform optimally on the day of the actual exam.
Personalized Attention for Every Aspirant
Understanding that each student is unique, Shree Classes maintains small batch sizes to provide personalized attention. This approach allows our faculty to identify individual strengths and weaknesses, enabling targeted guidance and support. Our aim is to foster an environment where every student feels heard, valued, and equipped to overcome academic challenges.
Comprehensive Study Materials
Shree Classes takes pride in providing students with meticulously curated study materials that cover the entire IIT-JEE syllabus. Our materials not only serve as a guide for exam preparation but also encourage self-directed learning. The comprehensive content, combined with regular updates to incorporate changes in the examination pattern, ensures that students are well-prepared for the challenges posed by the IIT-JEE.
Technological Integration in Learning
Recognizing the importance of technology in modern education, Shree Classes integrates technological tools to enhance the learning experience. From interactive online resources to virtual labs that facilitate hands-on learning, our approach ensures that students are not only proficient in traditional subjects but also adept at leveraging technology for problem-solving and innovation.
Focus on Time Management and Exam Strategies
Success in the IIT-JEE is not just about academic knowledge; it also requires effective time management and strategic exam-taking skills. Shree Classes places a significant focus on imparting time management techniques and exam strategies, empowering students to approach the examination with confidence and competence.
Alumni Success in Premier Institutes
The true testament to the effectiveness of Shree Classes lies in the success stories of its alumni. Former students who have successfully cleared the IIT-JEE and gained admission to premier institutes stand as living proof of our commitment to excellence. Their achievements inspire current students, showcasing the possibilities that unfold with rigorous preparation and dedicated guidance.
Shree Classes is more than just a coaching institute; it is a partner in the journey of aspiring engineers towards IIT-JEE success. With a proven pedagogy, experienced faculty, personalized attention, and a focus on holistic development, Shree Classes strives to illuminate the path for students aspiring to secure a place in the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology. As we continue to nurture the next generation of engineers and innovators, Shree Classes invites students to embark on a transformative educational journey that not only prepares them for academic success but also equips them for a future of innovation and excellence in the field of engineering.ing services.
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IIT-JEE 2023 Notification
The Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE), now known as the Joint Entrance Examination is one of the most competitive and prestigious engineering entrance exams in India. It is conducted annually for admission to undergraduate various programs like NDA, B. Arch, B.E. B.Tech, BCA, B.Sc., and more in various Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).
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Introduction of IIT-JEE
The Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE) is a highly prestigious and competitive examination in India. Every year, thousands of aspirants across the country dream of securing a seat in one of the coveted IITs. This article delves into the significance of the IIT-JEE, the preparation journey, and the key factors that contribute to success.
The Significance of IIT-JEE
The IITs are renowned worldwide for their academic excellence and cutting-edge research. They have produced some of the brightest minds in various fields, including technology, engineering, and entrepreneurship. As a result, gaining admission to an IIT is not just about obtaining a degree but also about joining a community of innovators and thinkers who shape the future.
The IIT-JEE examination serves as the gateway to this elite fraternity. It is a two-stage process, with JEE Main being the first hurdle, followed by JEE Advanced for the top rankers. The competition is fierce, and the syllabus is extensive, encompassing physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
The Preparation Journey
Preparing for the IIT-JEE is a rigorous and demanding journey that requires dedication, determination, and hard work. Here are some essential steps to navigate this challenging path successfully:
Preparation with Easyhai Online
Every year, thousands of aspirants compete for limited seats in the prestigious IITs, making the competition incredibly fierce. To excel in the IIT-JEE, it's crucial to have access to high-quality study materials, expert guidance, and a comprehensive study plan. Easyhai Online is an innovative platform that provides students with the tools they need to succeed in their IIT-JEE preparation.
Easyhai Online: Revolutionizing IIT-JEE Preparation
Easyhai Online is an online education platform designed to help students prepare for competitive exams like the IIT-JEE. It stands out for several reasons:
Comprehensive Study Materials: Easyhai Online offers a vast repository of study materials, including video lectures, e-books, practice papers, and previous years' question papers. These materials are meticulously curated and updated regularly to align with the latest exam patterns.
Expert Faculty: The platform features a team of experienced and highly qualified faculty members who are experts in their respective subjects. They deliver engaging video lectures, conduct live doubt-solving sessions, and provide personalized guidance to students.
Customized Study Plans: Easyhai Online understands that every student is unique and may have different learning needs. Therefore, it offers customized study plans that cater to individual strengths and weaknesses. This personalized attitude confirms that students can focus on areas where they need improvement.
Real-Time Progress Tracking: To keep students motivated and on track, Easyhai Online provides real-time progress tracking. Students can monitor their performance in practice tests and identify areas that require additional attention.
Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: With Easyhai Online, students can access study materials and lectures from the comfort of their homes or on the go. This flexibility enables them to plan their study schedules according to their convenience.
Mock Tests and Assessments: Easyhai Online offers a wide range of mock tests and assessments that simulate the actual IIT-JEE exam environment. These tests help students become familiar with the exam pattern and build confidence.
Interactive Learning: The platform encourages interactive learning through discussion forums, where students can ask questions, share their knowledge, and collaborate with peers. This fosters a sense of community and provides additional learning opportunities.
Preparing for the IIT-JEE is undoubtedly a challenging journey, but with the right resources and guidance, success is within reach. Easyhai Online is a game-changer in the field of IIT-JEE preparation, offering students a one-stop solution for all their needs. From comprehensive study materials to expert faculty and personalized study plans, this platform equips aspirants with the tools required to excel in this competitive exam. So, if you're aspiring to crack the IIT-JEE, Easyhai Online might just be the key to unlocking your dreams of studying at India's top engineering institutes.
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newswave-kota · 1 year
पीडब्ल्यू विद्याापीठ ने नये सत्र में सफलता की तैयारी के लिये किया- आरंभ
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आरंभ - फिजिक्स वाला विद्यापीठ के कोटा में मेगा ओरियेंटेशन सेशन में अभिभावकों के साथ पहुंचे 5 हजार से अधिक विद्यार्थी अरविंद न्यूजवेव @ कोटा शिक्षा नगरी कोटा में नये शैक्षणिक सत्र 2023-24 का आगाज प्रचंड उत्साह के साथ हुआ। सोमवार को ब्रांड कोचिंग संस्थान फिजिक्स वाला विद्यापीठ ने तलवंडी के श्यामप्रसाद मुखर्जी स्टेडियम में मेगा ओरियेंटेशन सेशन आयोजित किया। देश के विभिन्न राज्यों से कक्षा-10 बोर्ड परीक्षा के बाद हजारों विद्यार्थियों ने जेईई-मेन, एडवांस्ड एवं नीट की सर्वश्रेष्ठ क्लासरूम कोचिंग के लिये ब्रांड कोचिंग संस्थान पीडब्ल्यू विद्यापीठ में एडमिशन लिया है।
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नये सत्र के प्रथम मेगा ओरियेंटेशन सत्र में मुख्य अतिथि कोटा जिला कलक्टर आईएएस ओपी बुनकर ने कहा कि बाहरी राज्यों से इतनी बड़ी संख्या में विद्यार्थी पहली बार कोचिंग के लिये कोटा आये हैं। देशभर में कहा जाता है कोटा मतलब सक्सेस। यहां के कोचिंग संस्थान, फैकल्टी, विद्यार्थी मिलकर बहुत मेहनत कर रहे हैं। उन्होंने बच्चों से कहा कि वे हर समय अपने माता-पिता के सपनों का ध्यान रखें। अपनी प्लानिंग को कभी कमजोर नहीं होने दें। जो चीज हाथ में नहीं है, उसकी परवाह न करें। कडी मेहनत करेंगे तो सफलता आपके पीछे खडी होगी। कोचिंग को एक यात्रा समझें जिला कलक्टर ने स्टूडेंट्स से कहा कि वे प्रवेश परीक्षाओं की कोचिंग को एक यात्रा समझें। आईआईटी-जेईई में चयनित होना ही एकमात्र सफलता नहीं है, आपकी मेहनत या संघर्ष फैल्योर नही है। इसी मेहनत के दम पर आप किसी दूसरे फील्ड में ज्यादा अच्छा कर सकते हैं। चूंकि जेईई या नीट प्रवेश परीक्षायें बोर्ड की तरह पासिंग मार्क्स का खेल नहीं है। आईआईटी, एनआईटी, एम्स या मेडिकल कॉलेजों में सीटें सीमित हैं। इसलिये कुछ मार्क्स कम रहने पर अपनी परसेंटाइल से बिल्कुल विचलित न हों। मन से मजबूत बने रहें। जब भी समय मिले कुछ देर रिलेक्स रहें। कोटा में चंबल रिवर फ्रंट, वर्ल्ड क्लास सिटी पार्क आदि घूमने की कई जगह हैं, वहां घूमें। जिंदगी में अभी बहुत आगे जाना है। ई-पोर्टल ‘कोटा कोचिंग स्टूडेंट’ से जुडें बुनकर ने कहा कि राज्य सरकार के निर्देश पर जिला प्रशासन ने कोचिंग विद्यार्थियों की प्रॉब्लम को 7 दिन में दूर करने के लिये ई-पोर्टल ‘कोटा कोचिंग स्टूडेंट’ शुरू किया है। वे खुद को अकेला महसूस नहीं करें। नेगेटिव बातें पेरेंट्स को अवश्य बतायें। एक अच्छा दोस्त बनायें। अपने पेरेंट्स का फोटो साथ रखें, जब भी कोई प्रॉब्लम हो, उनसे बातें करें। कोटा में कोचिंग इंस्टीट्यूट वैकल्पिक कॅरिअर काउंसलिंग भी कर रहे हैं। उसका लाभ उठायें। आप तपने के लिये तैयार रहें- एसपी
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समारोह के विशिष्ट अतिथि कोटा सिटी एसपी शरद चौधरी ने कहा कि जिस तरह चमकने के लिये सोना आग में तपता है, हीरा भी तराशने के लिये तपता है। आप अपनी क्षमतायें लेकर कोटा आयें हैं। अपने टारगेट तक पहुंचने के लिये तपने के लिये तैयार रहें। आप में उर्जा भरी है। अर्जुन की तरह तीर मारने के लिये नियमित प्रेक्टिस करें। उन्होंनें स्टूडेंट्स से रूबरू होकर पूछा,पीडब्ल्यू ने आपको शाहरूख खान की तरह ब्लेक यूनिफार्म क्यों दी। आप सब ब्लेक बॉडी बनकर घूम रहे हो। वरिष्ठ फैकल्टी कुंदन कुमार ने कहा कि यह ब्लेक कलर स्टूडेंट में नेगेटिविटी खत्म कर देता है। पुलिस अधीक्षक ने कहा कि जिंदगी में तमाम कमजोरियों के बावजूद धारा विपरीत तैरने में आनंद आता है। इसलिये कोचिंग करते हुये हर चुनौती का हंसते हुये सामना करो। एक दिन कोहिनूर बनकर निकलोगे। उन्होंने कहा कि कोटा में हाईकोर्ट की मॉनिटरिंग पर आपका पूरा ध्यान रखा जा रहा है। सबकी अपनी खूबियां हैं, क्षमतायें हैं। रिजल्ट चाहे जो आये, तुरंत सत्य को स्वीकार कर आगे की तैयारी शुरू कर दें। पेरेंट्स अपनी इच्छायें नहीं थोपें। जिम्मेदारी के साथ बच्चों को नोबल गाइडेंस दें। इसलिये सबसे खास है- पीडब्ल्यू विद्यापीठ
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फिजिक्स वाला विद्यापीठ के संस्थापक निदेशक अलख पांडे के अनुसार, पीडब्ल्यू विद्यापीठ देश के लाखों विद्यार्थियों की पहली पसंद बन चुका है। यू-ट्यूब पर पीडब्ल्यू के 26 चैनल हैं। जेईई-मेन, एडवांस्ड, नीट-यूजी, यूपीएससी, क्लेट, कैट, सीए, सीयूआईटी, एडीए सहित कई राष्ट्रीय प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की ऑनलाइन कोचिंग कराते हुये देश-विदेश के 2 करोड़ से अधिक स्टूडेंट्स इससे जुडे हुये हैं। गत वर्ष से रियायती दरों पर क्वालिटी ऑफलाइन कोचिंग आरंभ कर संस्थान ने लाखों विद्यार्थियों एवं अभिभावकों का विश्वास जीता है। पीडब्लू विद्यापीठ के देश में 32 से अधिक शहरों में क्लासरूम कोचिंग के लिये स्टडी सेंटर हैं। रोज 12 लाख से अधिक स्टूडेंट्स 90 मिनट की क्लास में पढाई कर रहे हैं। अब तक 12 हजार से अधिक स्टूडेंट्स आईआईटी-जेईई, नीट व एनडीए में सलेक्ट हो चुके हैं। कोचिंग ब्रांड पर भरोसा करें-कुंदन कुमार
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20 वर्षों से कोचिंग स्टूडेंट्स में लोकप्रिय मैथ्स के सीनियर फैकल्टी कुंदन कुमार ने कहा कि 10वीं के बाद जेईई या नीट की तैयारी के लिये दो साल का समय पर्याप्त है। 9वीं तक 90 प्रतिशत मार्क्स मिल जाते थे, अब पढाई का लेवल डिफरेंट होगा। आपने कोटा से अपनी यात्रा आरंभ की है, इसलिये जो कोचिंग ब्रांड चुना है, उस पर पूरा भरोसा करें। एक या दो टेस्ट से खुद को कमजोर नहीं समझें। स्टूडेंट्स, पेरेंट्स व टीचर्स तीनों टीम भावना से सपोर्ट करें। सक्सेस मिलकर रहेगी। ‘कम फीस पर क्वालिटी कोचिंग’- राजीव रस्तोगी
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जेईई-मेन डिविजन के हेड राजीव रस्तोगी ने कहा कि वे 23 साल में हजारों विद्यार्थियों को आईआईटी में भेज चुके हैं। 2021 में पीडब्ल्यू से जुडकर गर्व महसूस हुआ। पीडब्ल्यू का उद्देश्य है-‘कम फीस पर क्वालिटी कोचिंग देना’ गरीब बच्चों के सपने भी हकीकत में बदल रहे हैं। कोचिंग में रिवाल्यूशन आ चुका है। आप समय से आगे चलो, कामयाबी पीछे खडी है। रोज का होमवर्क रोज करने की निरंतरता आपकी सबसे बडी ताकत है। हमें आज का सपना, कल हकीकत में बदलना है। कुछ बातों का ध्यान रखें- नये फ्रेंड सर्किंल से बचें, टीचर्स को बेस्ट फ्रेंड बना लें। हॉस्टल में अपनी टेबल के सामने आईआईटी या एम्स का पोस्टर लगा दें। पेरेंट्स का संघर्ष याद रखें, उनसे बात करते रहें। सातों दिन रोज शैडयूल से 7-8 घंटे पढना है। आपकी जिद की जीत दिलायेगी- हितेश शर्मा नीट डिविजन के हेड हितेश शर्मा ने कहा कि एक-दो साल आप विज्ञान के ज्ञान में डूब जायें। सब्जेक्ट गुरू तो ज्ञान के सागर है, हमें तो थोडा सा पानी ही पीना है। एक विद्यार्थी को काक चेष्टा, बको ध्यानी, अल्पाहारी और गृह त्यागी बनकर सफलता की सीढियां चढना है। रोज खुद से पूछें, क्या मैं अपने लक्ष्य के लिये पूरी पढाई कर रहा हंू। यही जिद आपको जीत अवश्य दिलायेगी। Read the full article
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vidyapantacademy · 1 year
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Thinking for BEST Institute? Choose VIDYAPANT ACADEMY which will gives you best results Admission Open For 8th to 12pass students
admission open
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aarambhtutors00 · 1 year
Vidya Ashram Career Institute in Lucknow provides the Best IIT-JEE Coaching in Lucknow by the experienced faculties from Delhi, Kota & Patna, test series, study material, and doubt classes.ac
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chaitemy · 1 year
Begin your JEE Preparation with Us!
For opting in the best students to give admission in top engineering colleges, NTA (National Testing Agency) conducts JEE exam on the national level in two stages – JEE Main & JEE Advanced. This exam is held twice a time in a year and around 15-16 lakhs of aspirants appear in the same. With such huge interest and only 3 hours in hand to solve 90 questions, it would be challenging to qualify this exam if one lacks planned study and guidance. If you are also aspired to become an IITians, gear up to give your preparation the right direction and join the best coaching institute.
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How Chaitanya’s Academy can help you in cracking the exam?
Preparation for JEE exam requires understanding, complete conceptual clarity, full knowledge of formulas, equations, structure and theorems, problem solving skills, time management and speed accuracy. All these you can’t do alone. At Chaitanya’s Academy, we understand this and keep our students along to make them enabled.
a) Our unique teaching technique – We emphasis a lot on learning ability of student. While taking admission, we conduct a small test to determine the learning skills and capability of student and plan their teaching strategy on spot. We keep our batches small to provide 360 degree approach to everyone. With perfect fusion of traditional classroom teaching & digital learning tools, we teach students in positive environment.
b) Expert team of faculties – We are equipped with a team of best faculties who are from famous IITs & NITs all over India and have extensive experiences.
c) Specially curated and designed notes – We provide specially curated study materials prepared by our in-house experts, instead of recommending reference books. These notes are based on NCERT syllabus and contain precise details of every chapter and topic with easy to understand and follow solutions.
d) Personalized Guidance – Just teaching is not enough, when you are preparing for JEE. And we know this. Along with teaching, our teachers focus on providing the best guidance to help students deal with confusion, doubts, unwanted stress, study pattern and more.
e) Result Oriented Strategy – While setting the goal, no one focuses on strong and weak points which affect the journey later. We understand our students and avail them know their potential by organizing orientation programs regularly. This program is primarily aimed to plan the strategy that makes their study completely worthy.
f) Hostel & Mess – When you join Chaitanya’s Academy, there’s no need to worry about nearby accommodation. We provide fully equipped hostel plus mess, so that students, especially girls don’t have to compromise with their dream just because of staying facility.
g) Consistency in Results – We have been in education field for last 15 years. And we are proud as we have been consistent in giving the best results year by year.
By joining Chaitanya’s Academy, you would definitely experience the positive changes in self as well as in preparation. So, attend our demo classes today and move ahead.
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vivekedeucentre · 1 year
Best Coaching institute for Banking -Kolkata
Vivek Edu Centre is providing the best coaching for both Academic and Professional. We have started our education system 2018. We have grown both in extent and stature. At Vivek Edu Center, we provide a strong emphasis on students' complete growth, both intellectually and mentally, because we have always felt that a child's foundation shapes them as an adult and, in turn, the society of tomorrow. Students are really important here. The Vivek Edu Center meets the expanding demands of the evolving educational issues of today. Each location has access to the most up-to-date technologies and amenities. At the Vivek Edu Center, we provide the mentoring required to turn talented young thinkers into visionaries, hopefuls into achievers, and artists into engineers. We are focusing on the three pillars of success: personal accomplishments, professional success, and intellectual growth. Vivek Edu Centre is one of India's best Online & Offline Coaching Institutes for NEET, IIT-JEE, Class 1 to 12, Boards, CA, CS, CMA and Other Competitive & Professional Exams. Enroll Now! For More Information Visit at: vivekeducentre.com/
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manasastuff-blog · 6 months
Syllabus for SSC GD
Welcome to the ultimate guide to SSC GD preparation! In this video, we delve into the crucial SSC GD syllabus, offering insights and strategies from Manasa Defence Academy, known for providing top-notch training. 🚀
Explore the comprehensive syllabus with expert tips, ensuring you're well-prepared for success. Whether you're a beginner or aiming to enhance your skills, Manasa Defence Academy has your back! 🏆
🔥 Don't miss out on this invaluable resource – enroll with MDA today and secure your path to success in the SSC GD exam! 🔥
Contact us: 77997 99221 www.manasadefenceacademy.com #nda#ssc#ssb#army#navy#defence#sscgdconstable2023#sscexams#sscgd#sscpreparation#sscpreviousquestion#viral#shorts#entertainment#indianarmy
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aayaamacademy71 · 1 year
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Aayaam Academy is dedicated to helping students fulfill their M.B.B.S dream career. With a focus on preparing students for the NEET exam, Aayaam Academy provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in medical school and build a successful career in the medical field. From personalized study plans and one-on-one support to comprehensive classroom instruction and practical skills development, Aayaam Academy is committed to helping students achieve their full potential. With a team of experienced and knowledgeable faculty, students can feel confident in their ability to reach their academic and professional goals. So join Aayaam Academy and take the first step towards fulfilling your M.B.B.S dream career.
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scorehigh · 2 years
We are Providing Best Coaching For IIT In Patna
With the aim of excelling in a field that is continually reviving itself, Score High was founded with the goal of enhancing and strengthening the quality standard to transmit both fundamental and advanced education ideally and become the best coaching for IIT in Patna. It is a top institution for IIT-JEE hopefuls to emphasise and target the desired key education necessities to instil the important traits in students in addition to giving knowledge on subject matter. Score High's staff has assisted thousands of IIT-JEE aspirants in keeping up with the fundamentals, as well as the most recent additions, since the company's foundation. All of the institute's students receive high-quality instruction in addition to thorough study guides and well-crafted preparation materials that will help them prepare for and succeed in a variety of competitive examinations.
The institute has long been the top coaching facility for those preparing for the IIT and other engineering entrance exams. Parents who visit us to enrol their child in coaching always leave our facility with a wealth of knowledge. We have always been in a better position to counsel the perpetually worried parents and to give the aspirant children the appropriate direction due to our extensive expertise teaching for the various entrance tests as well as the school curriculum to hundreds of pupils. The classrooms are perfect for studying because they are well-ventilated, illuminated, and have plush chairs. Our pupils are guided by professors who have been teaching for a long time.They are accessible to all students since they are not only professors but also friends, philosophers, and mentors. If there are any questions, the corresponding Professors answer them. A student only needs to walk up to a lecturer and pose the exact question. The student gains confidence in the subject and in the teacher as a result of this one-on-one engagement, which helps him advance. All of our students benefit from the institute's library facility. If a student is in need of further input, there are many excellent books from reputable publishers in the subjects of mathematics, physics, and chemistry that provide a wealth of problems and ideas.
Through regular testing and communication of results to parents, Score High continuously assesses each student's performance. This aids in determining a student's progress and the appropriate course of action to be taken when performance is subpar. This is another reason for Score High to be considered as the best coaching for IIT in Patna. All day long, well-trained personnel are on hand to manage the institution. From responding to questions from parents and potential students, offering advice, admitting and assisting students, generating the attendance records for the students, to creating the study materials while interacting often with the lecturers. We have put in place a structure that will effectively give each student the support they need. The students are our most valuable resource. As a result, we revere and appreciate them. We want to give our pupils the best aptitude and skill set possible so they can succeed even after passing the IIT JEE. We really do want to make the IIT JEE seem simple for you to pass. Our goal is to prepare our students for the future as well as the IIT JEE.
It is our joy and honor to share our knowledge and skills with anyone aspiring to a career as a great engineer. We have been teaching our students some excellent examination preparation techniques so that they will be equipped to manage difficult situations in the examinations as well as at the
workplace once the competitive examinations are over. This has undoubtedly made us as one of the best coaching for IIT in Patna 
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siya-sayani · 3 months
Say after me "pyaar mohabbat dhoka h , padhle bete mauka h"
(Babu Shona krne se IIT/AIIMS nhi milega)
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