#IL Teachers Retirement System
rocketkerlon · 2 years
Brain gym for autism
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Lori offers workshops, courses and individualized sessions. dyslexia, giftedness, autism, anxiety, or other neurodifferences. Here are 5 simple brain gym exercises for autism that parents must try with their children. Brain gym helped three and four -year -old children to work on building cross. Such activities improve learning and mental organization as well. The motive of doing brain gym exercises is to keep your brain active and productive. With over 20 years of experience working with children and youth, Lori is excited to continue spreading the foundational component of Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training with students, parents, therapists and teachers. Brain Gym wakes up the brain cells and stimulates the functions of the brain. In order to do so, it is integral to build a strong sensory motor and primitive reflex integration foundation. Therapy is individualized to suite the strengths and weaknesses of each student, balancing cognition, perception, emotion and academic skills. She believes that all children have the amazing capacity to succeed in life. Lori owns and directs Sky High Learning Centre which offers individual and group therapy for those with learning challenges. She is a Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training Consultant and Instructor, a NILD Professionally Certified Educational Therapist and Instructor, a Structured Literacy Dyslexia Specialist (CERI), a Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Mediator and an iLs ( Integrated Listening Systems) Practitioner. Lori Westlake is an Educational Therapist with a passion for helping struggling learners reach success. Liz teaches BRMT Level One, Two and Three, Early Childhood Education, Pain Management Level One, and Diet for Children with Autism, ADHD and Other Challenges. She is passionate about empowering her clients to achieve their best quality of life.
Since 2014, Liz has worked as a private consultant with children and adults with Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s Syndrome, Brain dysfunction, Strokes, Autism, and behaviour and learning challenges. Brain Under Attack Free eBooks Free Webinars Health Coach Training Course Medical & Scientific Literature Newsletter Signup Reference Library Social Interviews Success Stories Suggested Books Our Research Get Help.
Liz is the co-creator of the award winning “Kids-Move” program, a series of developmental movements set to music, and the “Rockin’ Reflex” video package, supporting self-regulation and reflex integration. life in autism spectrum Disorder.,International J. She has presented as a keynote speaker around the world discussing brain-based developmental movements, reflex integration, and classroom management techniques. exercising the brain gym on the postural control, among the students with hearing. She is also a recently retired elementary school teacher with over 30 years of experience. Liz is a certified Reflexologist, ENVoY Classroom Management trainer, and worked as a Brain Gym® consultant for 20 years. She is passionate about sharing Harald Blomberg’s work in private sessions, workshops, and BRMT courses. Liz Jones-Twomey is the Canadian Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training distributor and international instructor.
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gerrisonger · 7 years
LETTER: 'Illinois math' has led to chronic underfunding of teacher pensions
LETTER: ‘Illinois math’ has led to chronic underfunding of teacher pensions
POST BY:  Chicago Tribune  
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“Consistent underfunding is the reason that 80% of this year’s $4.5B contribution to TRS, or $3.7B, constitutes a payment on the unfunded liability. That eclipses the actual cost of teacher pensions for the year: $923M.”   — Dick Ingram, executive director, Teachers’ Retirement System  
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argyrocratie · 6 years
Hiver ’60 (Belgium general strike)
“The background to the strike was an economic crisis that hit Belgian capital as a result of  Congolese  independence.  At  the  start  of  the  1960s,  Hainaut was  still  a  highly industrialised  region  that  had  largely  retained  its nineteenth-century  character.305Under  the  management  of  financial institutions  a  few  corporations  dominated  key industries  (coal  in particular).The  lack  of  competition  meant  that  Belgian  capital was  reluctant to  invest  in  new  emerging  sectors  such  as  the  production  of  modern consumer goods.Instead Belgium had always relied on traditional industry to fund imports.  As  such,  the  country  was  greatly  affected  by  prices  on  the world  market. When  international  demand  for  its  commodities,  such  as coal,  was  high,  production soared, when it was low, as in the American recession of 1957-1958, it plummeted.Belgian capital had historically foisted the worst of these effects on to its colonies. The  decision  to  finally  award Congo  its  independence  in  June  1960  therefore demanded  that  the economy  be  restructured  in  order  to  maintain  the  normal  rate  of profit capital expected. 
A  liberal-conservative  coalition  under  the  Social  Christian  Prime  Minister Gaston Eyskens (1905-1988) was in power at that moment in time. Towards the end of the year the government announced a programme of structural economic reforms. It  was  no  accident  that  the  announcement  came  amid the  wedding  celebrations  of King Badouin of Belgium to Princess Fabiola of Spain that was to take place on the 15th of December 1960. A vote was planned in parliament the weekend after the royal wedding.  The  reforms  were to  be  voted  on all  in  one  bill  or  ‘loi  unique’  (later  to  be termed ‘la loi inique’ by workers). 
Beneath  the  rhetoric  of  structural  reform  and  progress  was  a  brutal austerity programme. It proposed a number of new taxes, 85% of which hit workers hardest, a 3 billion franc reduction in the public sector, the extension of the retirement age from 60  to  65,  and  a  25%  increase  in  pension contributions.The  ‘loi  unique’  also threatened   the   welfare   system.   It   proposed   to   exclude   certain   workers   from unemployment and health care after a number of weeks. These measures were to be accompanied by a ‘système d’inquisition’ aimed at people on benefits. 
The response of the official left to these moves was either underwhelming or simply  in  tune  with  the  government. La Gauche,  the  weekly  organ  of  the left-wing minority  of  the  Parti  Socialiste  Belge  (PSB),  claimed  that  these changes  were  a technical and not a political problem. The Fédération générale des travailleurs belges (FGTB),  the  central  authority  that organised the  majority  of  trade  unions,  agreed  to limited  industrial  action  after immense  pressure  from  its  base.  They  demanded, however, that any strike-action be kept to the ‘Communaux et Provinceaux’, or public sector, workers.
On  the  20thof  December 1960  workers  began  to  go  on strike  throughout Belgium, in both Flanders and Wallonia. Workers from across all sectors, not just the public  sector,  went  on  strike,  in  open  opposition  to  the  orders  of the  FGTB  and  the policy of the workers’ parties. Among the first to strike spontaneously, that is to say, workers  organising  themselves  outside mediating  union  and  party  structures,  were dockworkers in Anvers, metalworkers in Charleroi and teachers. In factories in almost every part of the country, but particularly Hainaut and Liège, workers organised their own  strike committees  and  general  assemblies.  In  effect,  workers  had  created  an alternative,  directly  democratic,  form  of  organising  that  was  outside  union or  party control.  Union  reps  that  condemned  these  moves  were  met  with open  hostility  and condemned  as  ‘jaunes’  or  scabs.  In  at  least  one recorded  instance  a  union  delegate was beaten so badly that he had to be hospitalised.
The  strike  slowly  brought  the  whole  of  Wallonia  to  a  standstill  as  it spread. The   general   response   of   the leftist   leadership   was   to   invoke  ‘la   dignité’,   ‘la discipline’,  ‘la  calme’  and  to  blame  certain ‘irresponsables’.Such  language  did little,   however,   to   combat   the   general   enthusiasm   workers   felt   in   the   real empowerment that they had created in self-organising or the sense that the leadership was simply obstructing any effective action. One correspondent recorded that he had heard  workers  respond  to  these mots  d’ordre with  the  pithy  phrase,  ‘la dignité,  je l’emmerde’. The face off with the unions reached such a height that, on the 22nd of December,  around  200  hundred  workers  amassed  outside FGTB  headquarters  in Liège. They were furious at the refusal of the officials to support the strike. Rocks were thrown at the building and some workers even attempted to force their way in.
Very  quickly  the  original  cause  behind  the  strike,  the  famous  ‘loi  unique’, faded into the background as the movement took on a revolutionary character. In the daily  demonstrations  throughout  the  country  the  most  common  cry was  ‘les usines aux ouvriers!’ Workers already controlled much of the infrastructure and the many strike committees embodied an alternative power structure, a genuine dictatorship of the  proletariat,  outside  state,  party  or union  control.  In  effect,  the  real  organising  of workers had produced an historical moment that went beyond a simple response to a government  austerity  programme.  The  sense  of  empowerment  is  palpable  in  the statements of those taking part: 
La   Loi   Unique,   c'est   important,   mais   les   causes   sont beaucoup   plus profondes’.‘On en a marre, tu comprends’.‘Ils se foutent de nous!’‘Même si on n'obtenait rien, on leur a quand même montré qu'on les emmerde’,‘ils ont la  frousse’. ( the  Loi   Unique is important, but the causes are much deeper. '' We're fed up, you understand. '' They do not care about us! '' Even if we did not get anything, we still  show them  'they are scared')
Un  vieux  cheminot:‘J'ai  jamais  connu  une  ambiance  comme  ça, on n'a jamais été aussi heureux’. Ils sont tous très fiers que le mouvement soit de la base. ( An old railway worker: 'I have never known an atmosphere like that, we have never been so happy'. They are all very proud that the movement is grassroot.)
While  confrontations  with  the  leadership  were  not  entirely  new,  the  scale and  extent to which workers had simply organised the struggle on their own was on a level that had rarely,  if  ever,  been  seen  before  in  Belgium.  Among  other  novel  aspects  of  the strike was the importance of youth. School children, students and young workers were some  of  the  most aggressive  and  revolutionary  participants.  With  them  were  the blousons noirs,  a  new  sub-cultural  group  of  young  rebels  influenced  by  rock  ‘n’ roll and  films  like Rebel Without a Cause(1955),  who  rode  motorcycles  and wore  black leather jackets. The JGS, the same communist youth group Vaneigem had attended as a child, was one of the most combative leftist tendencies. Disdain for the leadership was  at  its  height  among  these  young people.  After  one  union  boss  had  claimed  ‘les travailleurs  wallons  ne voulaient  pas  êtres  les  fellaghas  d’Alger-sur-Meuse’  (the Meuse is the main river that goes through Hainaut), protesting students were heard to shout ‘Nous voulons êtres les fellaghas d’Alger-sur-Meuse’.
Events reached a peak on the 27th of December when some 700, 000 workers were  on  strike.  Normal  everyday  life  in  Wallonia  and  many  parts  of Flanders  had completely  stopped.  Factories  were  occupied,  roads  blocked and  workers  sabotaged infrastructure.  Even  Christian  workers,  usually  the least  combative  had  joined  in opposition to their union. A statement was published in La Wallonie that called on the army to fraternise with workers, to not fire on them and to refuse to break strikes. The government  arrested  the authors  and  stopped  the  press  but  it  was  soon  pasted  up  in copies on town walls. The threat of mutiny was such that in Charleroi, always at the centre of events, the police had to be used in order to stop workers and soldiers from fraternising. One  interviewer  who  spoke  to  a  soldier  was  told  straight  out that  he would refuse to shoot if ordered.The government’s greatest fear was that workers would march en masse for Brussels, as had happened in 1950, or that they would arm themselves.  The  army  was  sent  in  to  protect  arms manufactories  and  cultural buildings.
Had  workers  continued  to  control  the  organisation  of  the  movement  of Hiver ’60 there is really no way to say how far it may have gone. However, this is not what happened.  The  union  leadership  began  to  look  for  ways  to take  control  of  what  had become a reality despite their original opposition. Among the first was André Renard who, after the fact, declared the FGTB in Liège in supportof the general strike on the 21st of  December.  The  central body  of  the  FGTB  had  formally  declared  itself  in favour of strike action by the 27th of December but still only in Anvers and Wallonia. It was the start of a process of seizing control of the organisation of the movement. In Flémalle, Liège,  union  reps  refused  to  recognise  the  strike  committee  there  and hunted  down  its  members  so  that  they  could  be  ejected  from  the union. Gradually the unions replaced the spontaneous forms of organisation with its own bureaucracy. Now  in  control  they  were  better  able  to  shape  the discourse  such  as  limiting  the insurrectionary  character  of  the  movement to  a  simple  critique  of  Prime  Minister Eyskens  and  ‘la  loi unique’. Moreover,  there  was  now  no  organising  body  through which workers could directly and collectively realise their intent.
A speech delivered by André Renard was by far the most disastrous of all the attempts  to  stop  the  movement.  Earlier  Renard  had saved  face  because he had been one of the first union leaders to support the strike. For some he had therefore emerged as  one  of  the  few  leaders  worth  listening  to. Renard  argued  that  the  real  impetus behind  the  movement  had  been  the historic  ethnic  divide  between  Flanders  and Wallonia.  The  strike  had been a  call  for  Wallonian  independence  from  the  yoke  of Flanders.  The speech should  be  considered  in  the  historical  context  where  Flanders had never been as industrially developed as Wallonia. As such, the Flemish working class were,  traditionally speaking,  less  well-organised  and  influential.  In Parliament this  translated  into  a  dynamic  where  the  right-wing  politics  of Flanders  was  used  to suppress the left-wing politics of Wallonia. Renard’s speech was to bethe death knell of  Hiver  ’60  and  would  in  many  ways define  Belgian  politics  of  the  future  that  is based on ethnic division rather than the tradition of solidarity among the class across ethnic boundaries. 
It was most ironic that Renard had made this speech given that the workers of Anvers  in  Flanders  had  been  among  the  most  radical  and  some  of  the first  to  go  on strike.  The  speech  was  a  serious  blow  to  the  solidarity that had  existed  between Walloon and Flemish workers and that had been key to the generalness of the strike. Too many Walloon workers it seemed listened to Renard and workers in Flanders felt betrayed.  The  strike  waned  through January  1961  as  workers  began  to  take  up  work again. In Wallonia certain sectors held out until near the end of the month but by the 18th of January Hiver ’60 had come to an end. The only result, declared a victory by the unions and parties, was that some of the leftist leaders were allowed to meet with the  king  to  discuss  their  opposition.  The  revolutionary  moment  had  passed  and  even the merely reformist aspirations of the movement had failed to be realised.”
- The Radical Subject: An Intellectual Biography of Raoul Vaneigem (1934 -Present)
see also on the subject
Belgium: the general strike account by Maurice Brinton
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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Welcome (again) to A Cup-pella, KT! We’re excited to have you and Hunter Clarington in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours. 
Name + pronouns: KT // they + them Age: 26 Timezone: PST Ships: Hunter / Chemistry Anti-Ships: Hunter / No chemistry, Hunter / Siblings
Full Name: Hunter Scarlett Clarington Face Claim: Krysten Ritter Age/Birthday: 29.  Dec. 1 1988.   Occupation: Student.  Part time server @ Tipsy Scoop. Personality: protective, diligent, stubborn, adaptable, arrogant Hometown: Chicago, Il.   Bio:
If there was anything more stubborn than the Chicago Winters it was Hunter Clarington herself.  From a young age she proved to be as independent as she was resilient, but the sad truth of the matter was, she didn’t have any other choice.  Hunter was forced to grow up a little quicker than her peers, and the reasons for that she tried to keep close to her chest.  While her classmates were getting picked up from school by their parents or nannies, Hunter had to figure out Chicago’s public transport on her own.  Her parents were often far too busy drinking themselves into a stupor, or trying to score the cheapest high on the streets, while working odd jobs just to keep their family afloat.  One look into the Clarington’s situation would have found Hunter in custody of child protective services, but at school she never let on that there was anything abnormal about her home life.  She was a social girl who liked her music classes better than quiet reading time, and time in gym more than learning anything related to numbers.  
Hunter was eight years old when the true light of her life was brought into the world.  A light in the form of little Harper Lee.  The new addition to the family came with the promise of a real life style change.  Their father vowed to find an honest job, and their mother promised to be nothing short of doting.  Hunter should have been full of childlike wonder at the thought, but she didn’t believe them for a second.  Even as a child she could recognize an empty promise when she heard one.  To her parent’s credit they proved her wrong… for a matter of days.  There was maybe 72 hours of the Clarington’s resembling a normal family, if you ignored the squalor.  When her parents quickly reverted back to their usual ways, it became evident to a young Hunter, it was up to her to protect Harper.  The weight of that responsibility too great for any child to shoulder, but to Hunter there was no question.  
High school was surprisingly easy for her.  While she made average grades she always had activities to keep her busy and out of her parent’s hair.  She played trumpet in the school’s marching band in the fall, swam in the winter, played lacrosse in the spring, all while participating in the school’s show choir.  The best part was they never questioned a  young Harper always on the sidelines doing her own homework, Hunter always had an excuse about their parents working late locked and loaded.  When it came around the time to think about college Hunter kept her sights local, that way she could still make sure Harper had a positive force in her life.  
Still, she sent out one hail Mary application to NYU.  Hunter didn’t expect much from it, it was mostly to appease a teacher who believed she had it in her to attend the prestigious school.  To Hunter’s surprise not only was she offered acceptance, but a handful of scholarships that would ultimately amount to a free ride.   She was suddenly faced with a dilemma: stay in Chicago and attend the state school she’d gotten into and be able to care for her sister or head to the city and leave Harper behind to chase a pipe dream.  She wasn’t going to do it.  That was until Harper came to her, at the young age of ten and insisted she chase her own dreams in New York.  Harp was a just two years older than Hunter was when she took on the responsibility of looking out for her.  It broke her heart that her sister needed to grow up just as quickly as she had, but Harper was a good kid, Hunter believed she could keep her head down while Hunter got her degree.  Then Hunter promised she would come back for her, they’d live in New York together, and never return to Chicago if they didn’t want to.  
Unfortunately life had other plans.  Three months into her fall semester, a tired Harper found her way to Hunter’s dorm.  She quickly ushered her sister inside, where Harper explained that she hadn’t seen their parents in a week.  That was all Hunter needed, to know what she had to do next.  They retreated back to Chicago where Hunter expected to put up a fight in order to provide for Harper, but their parents were quick to sign over their youngest into Hunter’s care.  In that moment Hunter knew she never wanted to see them again.  The Clarington sisters made their way back to New York where Hunter attempted to do it all: school, a job so they could afford a room to rent, and being the kind of support system a young adolescent needed.  No matter how much she felt like she came up short for the first two, Harper was always quick to show her appreciation making Hunter feel like she was doing right by her.  
Soon enough she started putting her charm to good use and found work as a bartender.  The tips were good and the owner was from Chicago and quickly took a liking to Hunter and felt sympathy for her story.  While she wasn’t one to share it so willingly, she needed to make it clear that her sister would come before any work responsibilities.  Hunter was being offered more and more hours, and the tips meant that she’d soon be able to get a small apartment for herself and Harper instead of renting a room.  In order to do this she slowly dropped her classes at NYU essentially handing over her scholarship.  
Hunter began climbing the ranks at the bar and within a few short years she became the manager which allowed, Frank, the owner to retire early leaving Hunter responsible for the bar on the day to day.  Frank always came by a couple time a week for his signature old fashioned and to catch The Yankees or Rangers play on TV.  One evening when Frank came in and asked to speak to Hunter in the back office, she assumed the worst.  Frank was selling the bar and she’d be out of a job.  A good job.  She was right to a degree, Frank was ready to sell the bar.  Him and his wife wanted to go full fledged retiree and head down to sunny Florida; however, he offered to sell the bar to her.  Hunter had became a sort of pseudo daughter to him, and felt by handing the reigns over to her the bar would still be in the family.  He practically just handed her the keys.  
Suddenly, Hunter was a business owner at 26, and sure she didn’t do it the typical way, but she did it her way.  While she was proud of all she’d accomplished, she couldn’t help but feel this was just where she wound up, and not what she was supposed to be doing.  She let those thoughts nag at her for the next few years as she threw herself into the bar, and supporting Harper through her high school years.  One night shortly after Harper had begun attending NYU for herself, she found herself looking through her sister’s orientation packet.  She wondered if it was too late for her to pursue her dream of getting a degree too.  She sat on it for a few more months.  As the deadline approached to apply for the fall 2018 semester, Hunter felt like she was in a now or never scenario.  She chose now.  
Hunter applied to NYU and to her surprise even more than a decade later she was accepted with open arms to the business department.  She hopes to one day be able to marry her love of music to her natural business savviness.  Now she had a decision to make in terms of what to do with the bar.  She consulted Frank who was nothing but proud of her for revisiting her dream of going to college.  He offered to buy the bar back from her with the caveat that she remains a partial owner, and enjoy an old fashioned for him whenever she could.  Hunter accepted those terms.  
Pets: n/a
Hunter / @huntingseason / description: Old dog, new tricks.  
Five latest tweets:
@huntingseason: Okay, but what DOES love have to do with it? @huntingseason: I’m almost 30.  When do I stop having war flashbacks to band camp?   @huntingseason: This bartender didn’t know what a Floradora was so I made my own.  Should have tipped myself too.   @huntingseason: I got mistaken for a professor at orientation today.  Kinda hot.  Kinda think this is going to be a long four years.     @huntingseason: @notthatharperlee if you don’t take down the baby pictures I’ll find a way to ground your ass
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Thieves Plunder Barns for Precious Loot: Farmhouse-Chic Wood
The surge in popularity of farmhouse chic, featured on shows like HGTV’s “Fixer Upper,” has led to a surprising rash of criminal activity, as crowbar-wielding thieves have descended on America’s heartland in search of authentically weathered wood planks.
In places like Kentucky, criminals are dismantling century-old barns plank by plank under the cover of night, according to the Louisville-based Courier Journal. The rustic booty can then be sold for a pretty penny to suppliers and builders, to be used in handcrafted tables and cabinets or Pinterest-perfect statement walls.
At least 13 Kentucky counties have reported such thefts, according to the Courier Journal. There’s no telling how prevalent barn-wood theft is across the country, but the sheriff’s office in Cumberland County, a community with fewer than 7,000 residents, is now seeing 20 or more barns burglarized a year, the Courier Journal reported.
Miscreants stole the doors and some of the wood off the sides of 95-year-old Lois Coffey‘s barn in Burkesville, KY. Her father-in-law had put up the building decades ago to store tobacco.
Coffey reported the theft to the police and her insurance company. She’s also had cameras installed to spot the bandits if they come back to her farm.
“It’s pretty low,” the retired elementary school teacher told realtor.com. “They ought to get a job or [find] work to do instead of stealing people’s stuff.”
What’s the appeal of old barn wood?
Battered, old wood planks may seem like an unlikely candidate for a gold rush, but they became popular about a decade ago for use on ceilings or as box beams (to camouflage wiring, plumbing, or other unsightly systems), say design experts. Today, the weathered beams have also become a popular material for accent walls thanks to its gray hue.
“That washed tone just suggests resort living, mountain living, relaxed living,” says Marc Thee, co-founder of high-end interior design firm Marc-Michaels, in Winter Park, FL. “The irregularity of it is part of its beauty.”
Barn wood is also one of the most rustic and easiest of the reclaimed woods to work with. It’s a more sustainable option than cutting down trees growing today. And the wood is often 150 to 200 years old, much older than what’s being used today. Older wood is often stronger and more resistant to pests.
Plus, there’s a vast supply of it in rural America.
Why is there so much barn wood?
“The whole country was built on the back of barns,” says Karl Kirven, owner of Barnstormerswood. The Gilson, IL–based company dismantles old barns and uses the wood as flooring and in new homes. The company also sells it.
“Barns were the heart and soul of the agrarian country.”
But with the move toward industrial farming, the machinery is often too big to put into these barns. More farmers also are having trouble making ends meet and are going out of business. That means there are plenty of fallow structures, particularly throughout the Midwest, Rust Belt, and the South.
“The barns are becoming obsolete,” Kirven says.
That makes them easy targets for criminals—and the ill-gotten gains can be hefty.
A single square foot of barn wood, which is 12 inches long and 1 inch thick, can sell for $5 to $10. The wood in an average-size barn can fetch anywhere from $12,500 to more than $500,000 in some cases.
“The demand for barn wood is really high,” Kirven says. “[So] there’s a gold rush to take these barns down.”
The post Thieves Plunder Barns for Precious Loot: Farmhouse-Chic Wood appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/farmhouse-chic-barn-wood-theft/
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mwsa-member · 6 years
A Conversation with MWSA Member & Author J E Stanton
J E Stanton (pen name M H Burton) Bio
Born 1945 in Freeport IL son of a cheesemaker for Kraft Foods. Kraft closed plant in 1950 and we moved to Chicago. Closed that plant in 1958 and we moved to New Ulm, MN. Amazingly the NU plant is still operating. Graduated from NUHS in 1963. Went off to University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Five-year course in Engineering. Was midway through Year Four when my friendly Brown County Draft Board informed me that there would be no Year Five. 1967 was a banner year for the Vietnam War. Great need for “warm bodies and human sandbags”.  Considered going to Canada. It wasn’t all that far away.
Took Army’s language aptitude test and scored high. Enlisted for 4 years with Army Security Agency as translator/interpreter. My choice of languages according to recruiter. Asked for Russian and Chinese. Got Laotian.  Basic at Ft. Leonard Wood. Then to the US State Department’s Foreign Service Institute in Arlington VA.  Forty hours a week full immersion, 49 weeks, no English spoken in class, native Lao teachers. The only way to learn one of the toughest foreign languages in the world. Finished at the top of my class of five.
Stationed at Student Detachment barracks next to Pentagon-now beneath Visitors Center of Arlington National Cemetery. Watched 100 blocks of DC burn during 1968 riots. War protest March on Pentagon passed 50 yards from my barracks window. Resurrection City sprang up next to Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool. 24/7 Protests in Lafayette Park across from White House. Interesting times as in the Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times”.
Then off to Thailand. Top Secret Signal Intelligence base called Ramasun Station. Two plus years there monitoring events in Laos. Married a Thai woman. So did many other Lao “Lingies” as we were called. Still married to her. Back to States and unemployment in 1971. Stumbled into computers and stayed there for the next 30 years as Systems Analyst and Software Developer. Retired and began second career as market gardener, stamp dealer, and eventually-writer.
Why did you become an author in the first place?
Wife and I were in her home in “impoverished NE Thailand” during the winter of 2009-10. Small rural village, not a great lot to do. Got tired of reading so I decided to write something. Wrote a short story I called “Decker and the Dragon” about the spook and spy biz at Ramasun. Liked it so I wrote more. “Decker” got published in an anthology of stories by writers over the age of 50 so I decided to combine a bunch of my stories into a book titled “Tales of Ramasun”. Couldn’t find a publisher for it so I published it myself using Amazon’s self-publishing software. Their software was bug-infested crap, but I figured out how to make it work. It’s much better now than it was in 2012. “Tales” was a modest success. Is still selling seven years later and I’m still writing.
When and why did you join MWSA?
2011. Looked at the stories MWSA was putting out and they seemed to be right up my alley. Still read many of them. Sent my “Tales” off from a review and was pleased with the professionalism of the review and the fact that the reviewer had obviously read my book.
Why did you choose to work in this genre?
My first books were all memoirs and short stories. Easy to write. Little or no research involved. Wanted to do a book about the CIA’s Secret War in Laos. I knew quite a bit about it because I’d “covered” it for more than two years. Also knew that I didn’t know anywhere near all there was to know about it so I decided Historical Fiction would be my best bet. Still did a great deal of research. Much harder than writing memoirs but I enjoyed it and learned a lot.
Will you briefly list your other books for us?
In addition to the already mentioned “Tales of Ramasun” two follow-up collections: “Tales of Ramasun II” and “The Ramasun Files”. A borderline pornographic novel about a golf pro “Sherlock” and his sexy Thai Princess “Watson” called “Mixed Foursome”.   And an historical fiction novel set during the Dakota War of 1862 in Minnesota titled “Dacotah Blood”.
Tell us a little bit about this book.
 In June of 1960 Mike Bauer is a naïve idealistic 22-year-old Minnesota farm boy with a freshly-minted Agronomy Degree who wants to do good in the world and have some adventures while doing it.  “Those faraway places with the strange sounding names” are calling him.  He signs on for two years at $75 a month as an agricultural advisor with a missionary society supported by his church and hits the jackpot.  Laos is almost exactly half way around the world from New Germania, Minnesota, can’t get farther away than that.  Xiengkhouang and Naxaithong and Lhat Houang sound exotic enough for you?  Those are just some of the places.  How about the people?  Is Prince-General Phongphasansak Inxixiengmai enough of a mouthful?  Mike gets what he signed up for, and a lot more. Finds himself posted to a mission at Lhat Houang which is in middle of a war his superiors hadn’t told him about-possibly because they didn’t know about it themselves. That’s just beginning of the craziness, danger and adventure.  He soon begins to call Laos “Alice in Wonderland”.  Things just keep getting “curiouser and curiouser” for sixteen years.
But long before those sixteen years are up in 1976 and Mike returns to his native Minnesota he has become “Mysterious Mike”.  A CIA master spy?  An international drug Lord?  The “Lawrence of Laos”?  A bloody-handed war criminal?  An unsung hero?  Or is he just what he says he is, an agricultural advisor to the Hmong mountain people. The brave men and women (and children) who fought so long and hard and skillfully against the Communist takeover of Laos.  They needed much more than advice on how to improve their crops.  They needed help surviving…and in the end they needed help escaping the Communists and finding a new home…in Minnesota.  Mike Bauer did what he could to help them.  With all of that! 
What made you interested in writing a book on this particular topic?
My military background. What I learned about life in rural Thailand and Laos when I was stationed there 1968-71 and in the many extended visits I’ve made there since. What my Thai wife has taught me over the years. What I’ve learned from the many Hmong and Tai Dam and lowland Lao refugees I’m met in Minnesota.
What makes this particular book special to you?
I have always wanted to write something about what I consider to be my “home town” of New Ulm, Minnesota, but had never done it. I was able to put a lot of New Ulm into this book thinly disguised as “New Germania”.
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Luc Descheemaeker: Trump and 2018
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/luc-descheemaeker-trump-2018/
Luc Descheemaeker: Trump and 2018
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Welcome to Aneddotica Magazine Luc!
Luc Descheemaeker (1955) is a Belgian cartoonist and humour photographer with the artistname ‘O-SEKOER’. Retired art teacher, living in Torhout, Belgium.
Winner of the 2nd prize in the United Nations/Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Award New York (USA) in 2014.
He had personal exhibitions in Knokke-Heist, Torhout and Kruishoutem (Belgium), Piracicaba and Sao Paulo in Brazil, Uztka (Poland) and in Bratislava and Kremnica Slovakia. Member of the jury : Knokke-Heist, Kruishoutem (Belgium), Piracicaba (Brazil), Izmir (Turkye), Sisak (Croatia), Teheran (Iran). He publicated four books : ‘Hersenschimmen’ 1983, ‘De Katte Loog’ 1988, ‘O-SEKOER Cartoons’ 1999 and ‘O-Sekoer Cartoons’ 2015.
Winner of more then 250 international prizes.
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khalilhumam · 4 years
French media ignores minority role models during COVID-19 coverage
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/french-media-ignores-minority-role-models-during-covid-19-coverage/
French media ignores minority role models during COVID-19 coverage
White public health experts dominate on French TV
A boy wears a mask while being held by his father. Photo by Xavier Donat via Flickr under CC BY-NC-ND 2.5.
Fifteen years ago a best-seller by sociologist Eric Maurin, “Le Ghetto Français,” described the processes responsible for the social and geographical segregation characterizing French society. Is French TV replicating the same processes? Often accused of segregation against minorities, especially black people, French TV has not corrected itself. Coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic is a case in point. On March 12, a record 35 million people watched president Emmanuel Macron explain that he had decided to impose a nation-wide lockdown to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Almost immediately, major TV networks began to organize lengthy debates featuring doctors, researchers and public health specialists from the most reputable hospitals, schools or laboratories in France, Switzerland and the USA. Millions of citizens held their breath as these experts conveyed, day after day, key information that would assuage our fears and potentially save lives. While informative, these daily debates revealed a sad and painful truth: In today's ethnically diverse France, people who appeared on TV because they were deemed uniquely qualified to explain global crises and suggest solutions to the world's problems had the same skin color. They were all white. Coincidentally, in its annual report on the fight against racism, antisemitism and xenophobia by the French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNDH), one of its major 2020 recommendations are as follows:
The CNCDH calls on the Higher council for the audiovisual sector (CSA) to encourage representation of black men and women, including in advisory roles.
The recommendation only confirms what dozens of articles, papers and websites had been denouncing for several years now—that too often, French TV networks fail to present minority personalities in positive, leadership positions. This is significant because television has the power to manufacture role models and thus empower young people of all origins.
Attempting to correct an age-old disregard for minorities
France, a former colonial power, is well aware that it needs to do a better job of promoting and integrating minority people. A 2013 study by Catherine Ghosn compared minority representation on American, Belgian, British, Canadian and French TV. Ghosn noted that French policies in this area are much less effective and efficient than for all the other countries in the study. In 2007, scholar Catherine Humblot observed that although France has shown progress in its portrayal of minorities, much remains to be done. She explains, for example, that it was only in 2006 that a major French channel took the bold decision to have black journalist, Harry Roselmack, present primetime news—and that was only on an interim basis. In comparison, that same year, according to Dutch journalist, Stefan de Vries, the first black woman to present the news on Dutch TV entered retirement.
‘Seeing is believing’
Late last year, Judy Woodruff, host of PBS Newshour, a US-based program, introduced a young African-American biomedical engineer named Elizabeth Wayne in these terms:
More than half the children in American schools are students of color, but their teachers are overwhelmingly white. [Tonight] we hear from an African-American biomedical engineer on why it is so important to see ourselves in front of the classroom.
Dr. Elizabeth Wayne had a powerful experience at graduate school when she attended a conference featuring a speaker who was a black woman. Wayne explained:
I had never realized that I had never had someone who looked like me, teaching me. … I have always thought that seeing is believing …
Wayne's discovery was published and later discussed in over 700 articles. She says that some of the e-mails she received were from people who told her: “I have never seen a black woman in a lab coat being pictured as having contributed to a major discovery.” Is the problem in France perhaps of a different nature? Could it be that France has too few minority specialists from the medical profession? Probably not. In 2007, the French daily Libération quoted  United Nations official Habib Ouane, who said: “There are more Beninese physicians in Ile-de-France alone than in Benin itself!” And Journalist Majed Nehme wrote last April:
French health care system is increasingly benefiting from the massive influx of sub-Saharan African health professionals coming especially from Senegal, Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, Congo and all French-speaking countries.
There may well be a sinister reason why minorities, especially black people, are constantly cast in specific stereotypical roles on French TV. Of course, great minority role models in entertainment are essential and minority youth often look up to them, knowing they can one day be an Oscar winner or Olympic legend. But what about promising minority young scientists who could help discover the next cure? The media—especially TV—plays a significant role in how individuals see themselves. Television can help create positive minority role models for children, helping them reach beyond what they ever thought possible. We’ve all heard the story of “the eagle who lived like a chicken”: After falling from his nest, an eaglet lands in a chicken farm where he is quickly adopted by the chicks. He grows up thinking he is a chicken. One day he meets an older eagle who teaches him to fly and helps him develop his true potential. The politics of continuous and systematic segregation on the part of French TV will not only prevent the emergence of positive minority role models but may well exacerbate social tensions by consolidating old ghettos.
Written by Eric Tevoedjre
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Five running for three seats on Wilkes School Board
Five candidates are running for three seats on the Wilkes County Board of Education.
Of the five candidates, Kirk Walker is the lone incumbent. School Board members Darren Shumate and Leslie Barnes did not file to run for reelection.
Walker will face former board member Hardin Kennedy III along with Joan Caudill, George Shafer and Brandon Whitaker.
The non-partisan election will be held on Tuesday, March 3.
The Record sent questionnaires to the candidates. The following are their responses.
Joan Caudill
Why are you seeking office?: “I feel like I can make a difference by being on the Board of Education. I love Wilkes County and want to see the county and the school system flourish. I have a heart for the children of our county and I wish to be a voice for all children no matter their abilities or disabilities. I think I have skills and experience that would be an asset to the current board and would be honored to serve the citizens as a member of the Wilkes County Board of Education.”
What do you feel are your qualifications?: “I am a lifelong resident of Wilkes County and I am a product of the Wilkes County School System. I possess a Master’s Degree in Business Management and feel my business and government experience would be an asset to the current board members. I retired from the Wilkes County Board of Elections and have many years of experience in dealing with laws and legislative mandates. I have developed relationships with many local and state elected officials which would be helpful while serving on the Wilkes County Board of Education.”
What are your immediate plans in office if elected?: “I think the first thing we need to do is look at technical education and explore the best ways to broaden the courses that are offered. We need to look at the feasibility of a magnet type school to be able to offer different trade programs such as plumbing, carpentry, cosmetology, robotics and nursing in the same location. We also need to look at the elementary schools and the campuses. We need to decide which buildings need replacing and which can be updated. There are several schools with really old structures that have served their purpose well, but are at the point of needing replacement. We need to prioritize the school repairs and have a plan in place for making the school campuses as safe as possible.”
Hardin Kennedy
Why are you seeking office?: “The education of Wilkes County students is near and dear to my heart. The education that I received in Wilkes County has contributed to my success in life. My motivation to seek reelection for the Board of Education developed through the eyes of many Wilkes County students who all possess a spark of interest and knowledge, as well as creativity if they are provided the opportunity to excel in their career choice.  I currently have two high school juniors in the Wilkes County School System.  As a Christian and a citizen of Wilkes County, it is my responsibility to provide the necessary leadership to my children as well as the many others in the county to promote their education and assist them in obtaining and achieving their dreams.  I am very concerned about the many students who are left behind in our county and state simply because of low test scores, lack of money and lack of support. No child is born on this earth as a failure.  It is my belief that we should nurture each and every child in the same manner no matter their stature and assist them with achieving their goals and education as well as in their lives.”  
What do you feel are your qualifications?: “A school board member’s role is to provide leadership, guidance and support to the entire school system. I view my responsibility as a school board member to be equally shared between the community and the school system. I feel that I am very qualified and have proven myself to be a leader and visionary in Wilkes County in multiple ways.  I currently serve in numerous leadership capacities throughout many organizations in Wilkes County that serve students, industry, adult learners and the community as a whole. I have served in various  leadership roles such as, Assistant Scout Master of Boy Scout Troop 336, Eagle Scout, Vice President of the North Carolina SkillsUSA Board of Directors, Chairperson of Transportation Technology Programs for Wilkes Community College, President of Wilkes County Automotive National Auto Technical Education Foundation, Co-Advisor to North Carolina Transportation Curriculum Improvement Project and have served as the Vice President of the North Carolina Auto Diesel Instructors Association.  I am a graduate of North Wilkes High School, Wilkes Community College Diesel and Heavy Equipment Technology program, and a graduate of Eastern University of New Mexico with a bachelor’s in Professional Technical Education.  I am the advisor of one of the largest post-secondary SkillsUSA organization in the state of North  Carolina among community colleges and universities across the state. I currently have been selected as the recipient of North Carolina Excellence in Teaching award for the NC Community College System. I am a student centered person and will always keep the dreams of our students first and foremost.” 
What are your immediate plans in office if elected?: “Providing Opportunities for every child in the Wilkes County School system, from the youngest Pre-K to the graduating senior from our high schools. We must provide all of the opportunities possible for our children and believing in our children’s dreams and encouraging them to dream big. Our students, faculty, and staff here in Wilkes County are second to none when they are provided an opportunity to showcase their talents, whatever they may be. Career and Technical Education as a whole is near and dear to my heart.  Without Career and Technical Education in Wilkes County or in the nation, we would not have a leg to stand on. Wilkes County, North Carolina and our nation are the leaders of the world, largely in part, of the successful career and technical education of our students.  We must work diligently together and partner with many organizations in order to provide every child an opportunity to showcase their talent in any career field their interest lies in.  A high percentage of our students in Wilkes County possess the skills necessary to build the finest of homes, repair our vehicles and relieve us of our health concerns.  For this reason, we need to provide as much career and technical education as possible to our students.  Education is very important to everyone but we need to recognize that not every student will attend a college or university and that’s ok!  We as citizens and board members must ensure every student possess a skill that will find them in a prosperous career or the education to transfer the to the next level of education.  As many reports have stated, these are the type of skills that are in high demand not only in Wilkes County, but across the nation.  These are the students who keep America running.  I have worked very diligently over the years to seek funding from many sources to try to help implement more career and technical education opportunities within our high schools. One of our missions came true by receiving a Golden Leaf grant, Project ADMIT, along with an ARC grant and the contributions from the Wilkes County Commissioners, Wilkes County Economic Development Corporation and our board of education. We obtained over 1.6 million dollars that has provided construction at our high schools which offer cutting edge technology programs such as CNC machining, applied engineering, robotics, automation, mechatronics, computer technology integration. This grant also allows existing programs such as welding, automotive services, diesel and heavy equipment, collision repair, building construction, animal science, criminal justice and horticulture to expand and take their programs to the next level. I am very proud of this accomplishment and making these opportunities accessible for all of our Wilkes County students. This has generated one of the largest educational partnership in North Carolina. It is my goal that every student in Wilkes County have the opportunity through Career and College Promise to receive a least a credential in any program of study prior to graduating high school. By utilizing this program, financial burdens are removed from the parents who work hard each and every day to provide for their children. With this unique program design, we have caught the eyes from many counties in North Carolina as well as other states due to the fact that our models work best for the students, teachers and parents.”
George Shafer
Why are you seeking office?: “I am running for Wilkes County School Board because I want to make sure 1) that Wilkes children are first and foremost in every decision the board makes; 2) that our children are prepared to succeed in a global economy; and 3) that our teachers are valued for the critically important work they do and wholeheartedly supported in their efforts.”
What do you feel are your qualifications?: “Like more than 90 percent of Wilkes County students, I came from an economically disadvantaged background. A good education was my path out of poverty, so I can relate to many of the obstacles our students face. From a professional perspective, my extensive experience in teaching and business management gives me a keen understanding of the needs of both areas. I have 19 years of teaching experience at a variety of colleges including Northwestern University, Coastal Carolina University, Damavand College (Tehran, Iran) Cape Fear Community College and Brunswick Community College. I also have 20 years of corporate management experience, most recently with Trustmark Insurance Company (Lake Forest, IL) where I retired as Assistant Vice President of Corporate Communications.”
What are your immediate plans in office if elected?: “The strategic plan for Wilkes County Schools expired in 2018. It needs to be updated and brought into alignment with recommendations of the recently published study (Sound Basic Education for All, Dec. 2019), which was mandated by the North Carolina Supreme Court. Wilkes schools are rated average in a state where the schools overall are only rated average, and average schools will not bring more business, more jobs and greated prosperity to the area. If elected, I will urge the school board to aim higher. Strong schools make strong communities.”
Kirk Walker
Why are you seeking office?: “I am running for the school board because I believe there is nothing more important than giving our students the best education possible.  I will listen to parents’ concerns and I will support our teachers and staff.  I will work with other school board members as we set goals and have a vision for Wilkes County Schools.”
What do you feel are your qualifications?: “ I am a lifelong resident of Wilkes County.  I am a graduate of North Wilkes High School.  As a parent I was actively involved in my children’s schools.  I served on advisory boards, was PTO President and was a member of both the athletic and academic booster clubs.  I served on the Wilkes County School Board from 1998 until 2008 and am currently completing another four year term after being re-elected in 2016. I have operated my own business for 24 years.  I serve on the Knotville Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors, the Brushy Mountain Baptist Association Administrative Team, and the Board of Directors of the 12 Note MAP Program, which is an after-school program.  I believe my experience as a parent and having previously served on the school board and my involvement with community organizations will help me make good decisions as a school board member.”
What are your immediate plans in office if reelected?:  “Make sure our schools are as safe as possible and be alert to changes around us that could be a threat to our children’s safety.  I will continue to work with our local authorities to stay up to date with ideas and methods to keep our students and staff safe. Give our teachers the opportunity to do what they have been trained to do-that is to teach.  I will work to give them every resource needed. Work together with parents, teachers and the community at large to make possible a bright future for all our students.  This can be accomplished by setting goals and having a vision for Wilkes County Schools.”
Brandon Whitaker
Why are you seeking office?: “Our daughter is a seventh grader at East Wilkes Middle. Our son graduated from East Wilkes High in 2018.  My wife is the receptionist at East Wilkes High, so we are heavily invested in Wilkes County Schools.  I am also a product of Wilkes County Schools. I attended C.B. Eller and graduated from East Wilkes in 1989.  I care deeply about our school system and its success.  I have experienced what it is like to be a struggling college student from Wilkes County.  If you look at Wilkes County and the surrounding area, we live in an area with many children living in poverty and a quality education is the only chance they will have to escape a life of poverty. Simply put, the education of our children is the most important thing we will ever do. A quality education is the foundation of who they will become and how successful they will be. I have lived that success and want to see our children have that same success. I am living proof that given the right opportunities and support from this community anyone can achieve success.  Our teachers and staff deserve our support and respect for everything they do for our children.  They have not been given the resources or respect they have needed and deserved for many years. We need to do more.  We need to remember our county cannot survive and prosper without the successful education of our children.”
I attended Wilkes County Schools. I have a BS degree in Civil Engineering. I have been a Professional Engineer in North  Carolina since 2000. I believe that my previous employment with NCDOT for over 23 years gives me a unique perspective on how our government works and sometimes does not work.  My current experience in the private sector as a project manager has provided the opportunity to expand my skills working diverse teams to solve complex problems.”  
What do you feel are your qualifications?: “People should vote for me because of the experience and the perspective I can bring to the Board. For example, as the county moves toward making improvements to some of our elementary schools, my skills as a civil engineer and project manager will be valuable to the Board to make sure our tax dollars are spent wisely. I believe a strong Board should have a blend of diverse backgrounds and experiences.  That helps any Board make better decisions by considering new and different perspectives. I am not aware of any other candidate or Board member that possesses the technical background that I do.  STEM has become more and more important in education and I can help with those areas.”
What are your immediate plans in office if elected?:  “Our school system has done well with making improvements to our CTE and STEM programs. We have also made some great improvements to school safety especially by adding SRO’s to our middle schools.  We still need to add more and do more for school security. We have not planned for the future well.  Our strategic plan is outdated and needs to be updated.  That update should solicit feedback from all stake holders.  That plan needs to consider what our future will look like.  The rate of technological change will only increase, and we need to be looking at career opportunities five and ten years from now. We need to be preparing for those future careers not just the careers of today.  I do not believe we have done a good job communicating, especially with our school employees.  We need to provide a feedback system for everyone and anonymously if they choose. Employees should be able to share issues that they are concerned about or things they think we are doing well.  For any organization to improve, it must understand what is working well and what is not. That can only happen with open and honest feedback.”  
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insurance quotes 60644
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davidoespailla · 5 years
Thieves Plunder Barns for Precious Loot: Farmhouse-Chic Wood
The surge in popularity of farmhouse chic, featured on shows like HGTV’s “Fixer Upper,” has led to a surprising rash of criminal activity, as crowbar-wielding thieves have descended on America’s heartland in search of authentically weathered wood planks.
In places like Kentucky, criminals are dismantling century-old barns plank by plank under the cover of night, according to the Louisville-based Courier Journal. The rustic booty can then be sold for a pretty penny to suppliers and builders, to be used in handcrafted tables and cabinets or Pinterest-perfect statement walls.
At least 13 Kentucky counties have reported such thefts, according to the Courier Journal. There’s no telling how prevalent barn-wood theft is across the country, but the sheriff’s office in Cumberland County, a community with fewer than 7,000 residents, is now seeing 20 or more barns burglarized a year, the Courier Journal reported.
Miscreants stole the doors and some of the wood off the sides of 95-year-old Lois Coffey‘s barn in Burkesville, KY. Her father-in-law had put up the building decades ago to store tobacco.
Coffey reported the theft to the police and her insurance company. She’s also had cameras installed to spot the bandits if they come back to her farm.
“It’s pretty low,” the retired elementary school teacher told realtor.com. “They ought to get a job or [find] work to do instead of stealing people’s stuff.”
What’s the appeal of old barn wood?
Battered, old wood planks may seem like an unlikely candidate for a gold rush, but they became popular about a decade ago for use on ceilings or as box beams (to camouflage wiring, plumbing, or other unsightly systems), say design experts. Today, the weathered beams have also become a popular material for accent walls thanks to its gray hue.
“That washed tone just suggests resort living, mountain living, relaxed living,” says Marc Thee, co-founder of high-end interior design firm Marc-Michaels, in Winter Park, FL. “The irregularity of it is part of its beauty.”
Barn wood is also one of the most rustic and easiest of the reclaimed woods to work with. It’s a more sustainable option than cutting down trees growing today. And the wood is often 150 to 200 years old, much older than what’s being used today. Older wood is often stronger and more resistant to pests.
Plus, there’s a vast supply of it in rural America.
Why is there so much barn wood?
“The whole country was built on the back of barns,” says Karl Kirven, owner of Barnstormerswood. The Gilson, IL–based company dismantles old barns and uses the wood as flooring and in new homes. The company also sells it.
“Barns were the heart and soul of the agrarian country.”
But with the move toward industrial farming, the machinery is often too big to put into these barns. More farmers also are having trouble making ends meet and are going out of business. That means there are plenty of fallow structures, particularly throughout the Midwest, Rust Belt, and the South.
“The barns are becoming obsolete,” Kirven says.
That makes them easy targets for criminals—and the ill-gotten gains can be hefty.
A single square foot of barn wood, which is 12 inches long and 1 inch thick, can sell for $5 to $10. The wood in an average-size barn can fetch anywhere from $12,500 to more than $500,000 in some cases.
“The demand for barn wood is really high,” Kirven says. “[So] there’s a gold rush to take these barns down.”
The post Thieves Plunder Barns for Precious Loot: Farmhouse-Chic Wood appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
Thieves Plunder Barns for Precious Loot: Farmhouse-Chic Wood
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mebwalker · 6 years
Ozias Leduc, Église de Saint-Hilaire, détail (Encyclopédie de l’Agora)
« L’art enseigne, renseigne. Il révèle l’âme. Nul doute qu’il a le pouvoir d’ordonner en un cosmos le chaos de l’inconscient. D’un désordre, d’une souffrance et d’un déséquilibre, il conduit à la stabilité, à l’harmonie et à la joie. » (Ozias Leduc, tiré d’une lettre à Paul-Émile Borduas, 1943)
In a very recent post, entitled Comforting Thoughts, I inserted a link to an article published by the BBC. I am quoting, first, a paragraph from my post, and, second, the article published by the BBC. Nurses are overworked and there are families who do not or cannot, for lack of money or time, participate in the care given a mother, a father, a brother, and other members of their family.
In Comforting Thoughts, I wrote that
“We stayed with him [my brother] the entire afternoon and the little group returned to the hospital in the evening. I stayed home. I don’t want to know how much we paid in parking fees, but if members of his family did not help my brother, he would require the services of at least one professional twenty-four hours a day. A nurse came in to give him morphine and she obviously kept an eye on us, but he wasn’t alone.”
Researching Health Care, I found this article published by the BBC (UK). Home news from abroad. Doctors in Quebec earn approximately three times, perhaps more, the salary of a University teacher in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, and they enjoy a lifestyle most of us can only dream of.
When I moved to Quebec, I could not find a doctor. I phoned and phoned and phoned. I was put on several waiting lists to no avail. The doctors whose office I called always had “more patients than he or she could handle.” I ended up contacting the University of Sherbrooke’s Medical School. A secretary made an appointment for me at a CLSC, Fr / En, a public clinic. I would see an intern. No problem! My intern was a fine doctor and he was supervised. When his internship was over, he asked his supervisor to take me as a patient.
And I am the only person facing this problem. Last week, I met a young woman who had waited 4 years to find a doctor and was sitting in the waiting area of a public clinic, or a CLSC waiting to see an intern. I reassured her. She had come to the right place.
An Aristocracy
As I wrote in my post, doctors were becoming an aristocracy. They work from 9 to 5 (9 to 17 hours) and they may be on call. Some doctors also ask that medicine not be discussed outside working hours: it would be too stressful. They need their rest and a private life. What about patients? Should people go untreated and nurses worked out of their chosen profession?
I once went to ask a Vice-President to help me resume my career. This Vice-President was not a bad person, but he told me that he could not wait to eliminate employees who were fragile. Did he also think universities could not accommodate the needs of persons who could not work 70 hours a week. Did he also think Insurance Companies should support people who fall ill because they have been overworked and intimidated into doing more than they can?
Ozias Leduc (Google)
Ozias Leduc (Google)
Ozias Leduc (Google)
Let us now go to the BBC.
Home News from Abroad: the BBC (UK)
“Doctors from the Canadian province of Quebec have shocked the world by turning down a pay rise.
Why would anyone turn down a pay rise?
For doctors from Quebec, the answer is simple: patient care.
An eight-year, retroactive deal struck in February would see about 20,000 of the province’s medical specialists and general practitioners receive an annual salary increase ranging from about 1.4% to 1.8% each year [bold characters are mine].
That would mean that the province, which subsidises the bulk of doctors’ salaries, would be on the hook for an additional C$1.5bn ($1.2bn, £840m) by 2023.
It is a fair agreement, according to the unions representing Quebec doctors, who pushed for the deal with the province.
But not all physicians are on board – more than 700 physicians, both GPs and specialists, have signed a petition from Médecins Québécois pour le Régime Public saying they do not want the rise, and they would rather have the extra money go to patient care and services. The group represents doctors in the province who strongly support public access to healthcare.
Their cry for fairer distribution of government funding comes at a time when the healthcare system is under intense scrutiny.
On Wednesday, an independent report commissioned by Quebec’s Health and Welfare Commissioner found that physician salaries had doubled between 2005-15, while the hours doctors spent with patients declined.
Meanwhile, the province’s nurses are fighting for better working conditions and salaries. A picture of a bleary-eyed nurse posted on Facebook went viral and was shared more than 50,000 times in January.
“I’m so stressed that I have back troubles, enough to keep me from sleeping. I don’t want to go to work because I dread the workload that awaits me,” wrote Émilie Ricard, who said she alone was in charge of caring for 70 patients in one shift. “I come home and I’m crying with fatigue.”
We, Quebec doctors…
“We, Quebec doctors, are asking that the salary increases granted to physicians be cancelled and that the resources of the system be better distributed for the good of the healthcare workers and to provide health services worthy [of] the people of Quebec,” read the letter.
This sentiment has struck a chord with people across Canada and abroad.
The letter was described as “utterly Canadian” by Washington Post reporter Amy B Wang.
In Kenya, the doctors’ letter was greeted with shock, especially since last year Kenyan doctors went on a three-month strike for higher wages.
“It is almost unheard of that a worker would complain of a high salary from their employer,” wrote an article in the Kenya paper The Standard.
At home, the Quebec doctors have been praised by officials, but some of their colleagues have kept mum.
“If they feel they are overpaid, they can leave the money on the table. I guarantee you I can make good use of it,” said the province’s health minister Gaétan Barrette.
Quebec’s physician unions have not commented publicly about the call for less than the agreed-upon pay rise.
In Canada, healthcare is public and run by the provinces, not the federal government, which means that salaries can vary quite a lot from province to province.
The average salary for a physician nationwide was $339,000, according to the most recent data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information.
In Ontario, Canada’s largest province by population, the average specialist made C$403,500; in Quebec, they made C$367,000.
Conversely, family physicians in Quebec made C$255,000, while in Ontario they made C$311,000.
The Quebec doctors’ rebuff of a pay rise has put them at odds with many of their colleagues in other provinces.
The Ontario Medical Association has been fighting for higher wages with the province for years.
The province has cut fees twice in three years and the association still has not negotiated a contract with the province.”
End of quotation.
Why should medical doctors be paid three to four times a university teacher’s salary. I suspect that many doctors, those who are doctors mostly for the money, were disgruntled when the Médecins Québécois Pour le Régime Public refused a rise in salary. They may have been motivated to vote Dr Couillard out of office? As for nurses who had to look after 70 patients, they may have believed that the premier was at fault. Not quite!
In Quebec, future doctors enter Medical School after grade 11 and + 2 years in a CEGEP. They can start earning money earlier than doctors living elsewhere. But so few are available that when one retires, his or her patients are devastated. Yet, between 2005-15, a physician’s salary doubled while nurses looked after 70 patients. What about the wages of an overworked nurse, old-age pensions, and disability benefits? A nurse’s salary does not double in ten years. As for disability benefits, they never go up. The amount is 60% of the salary one earns the last year one works. After 15 years, one’s financial security is endangered. At age 73, now 74, I had to take a mortgage to buy a one-bedroom apartment. But I’m not complaining.
The building had elevators and a reserve fund, etc… A kind friend told me that the decision to move was a “no-brainer.” She’s right. If one has the money, such a decision is a “no-brainer,” but if one lives on a small pension, the matter ceases to be a “no-brainer.” One has to be very careful.
I thank the doctors, the Médecins québécois pour le Régime public, who turned down a rise in salary and I am glad that the working conditions of nurses have been brought to the attention of the world.
Taking care of Jean-Pierre was a full-time occupation, and the nurse assigned to him was looking after other patients. She was a fine nurse, but she was probably relieved to see that members of Jean-Pierre’s family were looking after him. She did not want to neglect a patient. She told us about the little beds available to family and friends who preferred not to leave a dying relative. We were happy to learn that there were little beds for the family.
Jean-Pierre died graciously. He thanked the staff for the fine care he had received. He thanked the priest who administered the Last Rites and he told all of us that he had simply reached sa date d’expiration, his expiry date, which is a date all of us have to face.
  Love to everyone 💕
Tomás Luis de Victoria
O Magnum Mysterium -The Sixteen Christophers
Judith, Ozias Leduc, c 1914 (Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec)
© Micheline Walker 16 October 2018 WordPress
We, Quebec doctors… « L’art enseigne, renseigne. Il révèle l’âme. Nul doute qu’il a le pouvoir d’ordonner en un cosmos le chaos de l’inconscient.
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lifenetinsurance · 6 years
World War II Veteran Thriving at Sunrise of Fullerton
In celebration of Flag Day in the U.S. on June 14, we're recognizing one resident of Sunrise of Fullerton, CA, who served honorably in the U.S. Navy during World War II, as well as in the Air Force Reserves later in life.
Bill Meardy, a Peoria, IL native, enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1943. This was the beginning of a lifelong journey in which he traveled around the country and the world, met his wife, and built a career in public education before eventually retiring to southern California.
During his time in the Navy, Bill sailed aboard the 624-foot battleship USS Colorado, serving in the Pacific Theater, where he managed the flood control systems for the ship's ammunition. Bill and his fellow sailors executed the U.S. strategy of “island hopping” as they bombarded Japanese forces, enabling U.S. ground troops to land and occupy islands in the Pacific.
One day, while on leave in Los Angeles, Bill went to see the Woody Herman Orchestra and noticed a pretty girl in the crowd. Her name was Joyce, and she was in town from Buffalo, NY, visiting some friends and family. Sprinting over to meet her before any of the other sailors had a chance, Bill introduced himself, and the pair danced the night away until 1:00 a.m., neither knowing at the time that they'd one day marry.
Two days later, they met in person once again before Joyce returned home to New York and Bill returned to duty. For 18 months, they stayed in touch by sending letters back and forth. After the war ended, Bill left the Navy in 1946 and traveled to Buffalo to see his soon-to-be wife and her parents.
After tying the knot, the newlyweds moved to California, where Bill attended college and earned both a bachelor's and master's degree. He took jobs as an administrator of a high school and as a teacher at a number of local colleges.
Bill went on to work for the National School Board Association near Washington, D.C., before retiring and moving back to Whittier, CA.
Nowadays, Bill is a proud military veteran and has enjoyed calling Sunrise of Fullerton home for each of the past eight years.
His favorite thing about living at Sunrise? “The staff and service,” said Bill. “You ask for it and you get it. Satisfaction guaranteed.”
In fact, oftentimes when friends and family come to visit, Bill prefers to stay in the community to enjoy a meal rather than dine out. “It's as good as any nice restaurant,” he said.
Bill is also a community ambassador and regularly helps to welcome new residents and guests to the community. He has even helped to work the Sunrise booth at a senior expo, handing out freshly baked cookies and telling families why Sunrise of Fullerton is so special!
We'd like to thank BIll and all of our veteran residents for their bravery and courage in service to our country.
Spread the Word about Veteran Benefits
Sunrise communities across the country are home to many of our nation's veterans, and we are proud to have the opportunity to serve those who served our country so well. Many veterans and their spouses are unaware of the Aid and Attendance benefit, which can help them with the expenses associated with senior care.
If you are trying to help a veteran in your family determine if they are eligible for the Aid and Attendance benefit, we can help. One of our team members at a community near you can answer your questions and connect with you with additional resources for support. Call today to learn more!  
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brightgoal · 6 years
Global Collaboration Week, Libraries and Social Crises, EdTech.World Dates, Goodbye CR20 Live, and Where Is the Ed Tech Revolution?
Global Collaboration Week is Coming! (September 17 - 21, 2018) Students, teachers, and organizations will get online to celebrate global collaboration during the week of September 17-21, as back-to-school season begins in the northern hemisphere. During this week, experienced global educators and other professionals will design and host connective projects and events and invite public participation. The primary goals of this whole day event are to demonstrate the power of global connectivity in classrooms, schools, institutions of informal learning and universities around the world, and to introduce others to the tools, resources, projects, and networks that are available to educators today. This is an opportunity for educators new to globally connected teaching and learning to participate in virtual activities designed by more experienced teachers. It's also a great way for educators running ongoing global projects to find project partners! Cost + Location: Free, registration required | Online Link: https://www.globalcollaborationweek.org/ The 2018 Global Education Conference (November 12 - 15, 2018) We are pleased to announce the eighth annual Global Education Conference, a free online event bringing together educators and innovators from around the world. It will be held Monday, November 12 through Wednesday, November 15, 2018 (November 16th in some time zones). The entire virtual conference will be held online using the Blackboard Collaborate platform. The Global Education Conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for building education-related connections around the globe while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity. Cost + Location: Free, registration required | Online Link: http://www.globaleducationconference.org/page/2018conference Global Leadership Summit (March 15, 2019) Our annual Global Leadership Summit is an in-person event, now held in conjunction with the ASCD Conference, and will be in Chicago on Friday, Friday, March 15, 2019. The Summit will provide participants with the unique opportunity to develop the capacity to lead classrooms and education systems that foster in students the will and the skill to tackle problems of real-world significance locally and globally. Participants will discover effective resources, best practices, and new ideas that can help students develop empathy, perspective recognition, intercultural communication and collaboration skills, and critical thinking. Participants will also devise a plan of action to advocate and implement global learning initiatives, and they will network with innovative and inspiring teachers, principals, district leaders, thought leaders, and education organizations from around the country and the world committed to educating students for a diverse, global society. Cost + Location: There will be a registration fee, but not announced yet. | Chicago, IL, USA Link: http://empower.ascd.org/program/global-summit.aspx
Social Crisis Management in a 21st Century World (October 17, 2018) We're excited to announce our third Library 2.018 mini-conference: "Social Crisis Management in a 21st Century World," which will be held online (and for free) on Wednesday, October 17th, from 12:00 - 3:00 pm US-Pacific Daylight Time (click for your own time zone). This event is being organized in partnership with Patty Wong, Director of Library Services at Santa Monica Public Library. Cost + Location: Free, registration required | Online Link: https://www.library20.com/
Change in Conference Dates (January 23 - 25, 2019) Our first worldwide conference on technology and learning has new dates: January 23 - 25, 2019. Sign up at edtech.world to be kept informed. Cost + Location: Free, registration required. | Online Link: http://www.edtech.world
A Sad Goodbye to CR 2.0 LIVE We send our thanks for the memories to Peggy George and the Classroom 2.0 LIVE team, who made the very difficult decision to discontinue the weekly webinars after NINE AND A HALF years. Wow. They held one final live webinar on August 25th. They have sent their kudos and huge thanks to the team who have worked tirelessly to provide these fantastic learning experiences for everyone! Founding Co-Moderators: Peggy George, Kim Caise, Lorna Costantini. Current Co-Moderators: Peggy George, Lorie Moffat, Tammy Moore, Paula Naugle. Advisory Team: Peggy George, Paula Naugle, Patti Ruffing, Maureen Tumenas, Kim Thomas, Susie Highley, Peg Volak, Wes Fryer, Jessie McKinley, Carolyn Stanley, and their faithful image creator, Melissa Getz. An explanation of their closure is on the left-hand side of the Classroom 2.0 site. Link: https://www.classroom20.com/
Like to Learn About Sponsoring? If you'd like to learn more about sponsoring one of the events in this newsletter, please contact Steve Hargadon at [email protected]
Where Is the Revolution in Education? From my Modern Learning Report: For those who have followed ed tech for some decades now, there can be a feeling of “technology opportunity fatigue”--that is, of watching educators and innovators pin their hopes on successive technology waves, each of which are promised to revolutionize education. And yet, unlike so many other fields of professional endeavor, it feels to many that an actual technology revolution in education has never actually arrived. The question of when or if a revolution in education will take place, I would argue, is really one of “framing:” that is, how we perceive changes that are taking place and the context within which they are doing so. Quite assuredly, dramatic changes in teaching and learning are taking place, and perhaps the elusive nature of tracking those changes is the result of our not having the right “frames” for talking about them. If we are looking primarily at the lack of dramatic or widespread structural changes to our education system, we might not recognize that very significant changes are currently taking place at largely personal levels. Hopefully, the observations below will help to build frameworks for not only identifying these changes, but also seeing why and where these personal changes could lead to structural changes, why there might be confusion, and how to focus on those elements which are most important in teaching and learning. For at the core of this conversation, I believe we must remember that education is a particularly human endeavor. As the wise Jim Vanides, now retired from H-P, has said: educational technology works when it magnifies the best aspects of our human connections. My perception is that the survey responses corroborate this perspective, and that the “red herrings” of educational technology are those promises which are made that technology can substitute for or replace the human relationships that are at the core of actual learner growth. Get the report for free at ModernLearning.com. Link: http://www.modernlearning.com/ See you online! Steve Steve Hargadon [email protected] stevehargadon.com
Global Collaboration Week, Libraries and Social Crises, EdTech.World Dates, Goodbye CR20 Live, and Where Is the Ed Tech Revolution? published first on https://medium.com/@YourEdu
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spanishteacherinusa · 6 years
Spanish Teacher
Evanston/Skokie School District 65 - Evanston, IL - Employer: Position Type: Teaching Categories: Spanish Teacher School / Org: Evanston/Skokie School District 65 Location: Evanston, Illinois FTE: No. of Positions: 1 Reference #: ae62f502b56139de Posting Date: Thursday, 22 March 2018 Closing Date: Open Until Filled Details: Teaching/Foreign Language - Spanish. Teachers' Retirement System pension plan. Grades K-12, 5-8 or 6-8 Spanish endorsement required;... This ad from: If you are interested in submitting your application... http://dlvr.it/QNDglS
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isabel13-13-blog · 7 years
       Gender and Sexuality Portfolio Post Four: Connection to Pop Culture
People with disabilities are becoming more present in American pop culture, giving the group an identity to the general public as well as to people with disabilities. When looking through the google results for TV shows with disabled characters there was range of results. Some shows like the Good Doctor or Atypical had the focus on the disability, surrounding the whole story about how the person with the disability interacted with the world. Others have the person with a disability as just part of the cast like in Degrassi where the students with a disability have story lines but are also treated as just students in the school setting. There many shows that portray people with disabilities but in the end I picked an animated show, Avatar the Last Air-bender. I selected this because it is one of the few children's show that openly talked about disabilities when i was growing up. Also while researcher an article entitled Able-Bodied Actors Play 95% of Disabled Characters in Top 10 TV Shows, Says New Study. It states, “..that people with disabilities are the most underrepresented minority in Hollywood”(Wagmeister , E. 2016). Knowing this I felt that using a show where the actor is only playing disabled would not be right which is why I choice the animated show Avatar the Last Air-bender.
Avatar is a show set in the past where there are four nations each controlling their own element; air, water, earth or fire.  The fire nation decided they wanted to control the world and attack all the nations. The only hope is the Avatar, the only person who can control all the elements.  A 100 years after the fire nation attacked, two young water tribe member siblings, Sokka and Katara,  found the avatar, Aang who had been frozen in ice about the age of 12. They decide to begin his quest of conquering all the elements so he can save the world. He master’s water in the first season which then he decides earth will be his next element. This season they meet a master earthbender Toph, young blind girl that has learn to see the world through the vibration of the Earth. While the character seems to be breaking gender and disability stereotypes, her story is more of a revision in the way that she still falls into a binary system.
Toph’s storyline critiques the binary of being disabled by present a character with a disability that makes the audience question how they have perceived or interacted with this group (Foss, S. K., Foss, K. A., & Domenico, M. E. 2013). In the show Toph makes her appearance as the blind bandit in an underground earthbending fighting league. She is shown as a tiny young girl holding up her championship belt since she is undefeated. Her match is against a shirtless, tall, muscular man who is the poster child of hegemonic masculinity. She easily takes him down, shocking the new commors of the crowd because of their view on what being blind means. This reflects the binary of our society. People think have the, “...belief that people with disabilities "need to be fixed or cannot function as full members of society" and that having a disability is "a defect rather than a dimension of difference” (Zeilinger, J. 2015). Showing that Toph has learned to be more connected to earth in order to see and become a powerful fighter, revises the idea that her blindness is only a defect. The show highlights that due to her blindness she had to be more skilled and think more about her moves which made her a better bender compare to her competitors who relied on their brute strength. While making her a strong fighter revised part of the disability story; it creates a different binary system that can be problematic.
Showing Toph as powerful fighter sends a strong message by expanding of how we see disability. Expanding the binary is term usually used with gender that suggests there is more than one way to be male or female (Foss, S. K., Foss, K. A., & Domenico, M. E. 2013). In the case of people with disabilities, Toph shows that this group can function and succeed in society. Yet, it doesn’t get rid of the binary, it creates a new one. The new story is that a person with disability is a hero or a victim.  The victim is a the common binary of people with disabilities being useless but with characters like Toph, the hero category is created. “The flip side of the victim stereotype is the hero or the inspiration, the character who proves his or her worth by overcoming his or her disability”. (Ng, J. 2016). She proved her worth by being the perfect earthbending teacher for the Avatar. A male, who is destined to save the world if he can master all the elements. Her disability is overlooked because she becomes a key part in saving the world. This can be a toxic message because it puts people with disabilities into two groups; useless or hero. There is no place in this narrative for an average person with a disability to fit in. Toph’s character may have expanded people's view on disability but it still fits into a binary system that can be damaging to the group. While Toph is an outstanding character she is still struck in the binary of her disability.
Despite how powerful and smart Toph is portrayed in the story, she is till the blind girl. The title of the episode she is introduced in is The Blind Bandit. Before you even meet her, she is labeled by her disability. In the underground fighting ring she brings in the crowd because she is blind and that makes her more entertaining to the audience. She also still treated as the blind girl by her community. In the end of the episode Toph relives to her father that she has been fighting and that she wants to explore the world with the Avatar. His response is to order her to have 24 hour supervision with more guards, he can’t accept that his blind child can be powerful. In the end Toph couldn’t change the binary, it still existed in many people's heads. This is an important part of revising the gender story or in this case the disability story. “The binary has not disappeared in the revisionist gender stories told by pop culture, but it has been questioned, modified, and expanded”(Foss, S. K., Foss, K. A., & Domenico, M. E. 2013). Toph made Avatar and his friends questioned their idea of what a great earth bender should look like. Their view of Toph was modified after talking to her about her blindness. Lastly their view on her was expanded to see that in some ways she is more capable than them. Through her ability to see through feeling the vibration, she can see things that the average person overlooks. She has a created a new idea of what being disabled means in some people's eyes while other still keep her the binary view that disabled means being unable to function to in society.
Toph’s character revises the story that is told about people with disabilities. She challenges the idea that being disabled means the person is unable to function in society. At the same time she creates another binary for people with disabilities because she is above average. It points in the idea that this group is either a victim or hero which still doesn't representing all people with disabilities. Despite how strong she is, Toph can’t escape the world’s view on her disability. She is still seen in the show as the blind earthbender. Looking into this show made me realize the Toph was not as great as a character as I remember. I always thought of her as this breaker of stigma for people with disabilities. The reality is she was a great character but she only helped part of the problem. She didn't portray the idea that being disabled is normal and that is the message that society needs.
Foss, S. K., Foss, K. A., & Domenico, M. E. (2013). Gender stories: negotiating identity in a binary world. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc.
Ng.J. (2016, January 08). Heroes, Villains, and Victims: Images of Disability in Movies. https://disabledpeoplesassociation.wordpress.com/2014/10/31/disability-in-movies/
Wagmeister, E. (2016, July 13). Able-Bodied Actors Play 95% of Disabled Characters in Top 10 TV Shows, Says New Study. http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/disabled-actors-television-study-1201813686/
Zeilinger, J. (2015, October 26). 6 Forms of Discrimination Against Disabled People We Need to Retire Immediately. https://mic.com/articles/121653/6-forms-of-ableism-we-need-to-retire-immediately#.lUnYLreSw
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