mikalame · 1 year
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Hope you like thx sm for the compliment ask if you want to be in the taglist
taglist: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley
"Come on hurry up babe we dont have much time before the next scene" ___ whines "Im coming hun dont worry" Kristoffer answers. Both of them have been spilt up due to Kristoffer going away from Denmark for a couple weeks and them only being able to talk on the phone. This is the first week that Kristoffer had gotten back and ___ didnt want to miss out on the opportunity to spend time with him even if it did mean they might get caught.
Kristoffer closes the door behind him before he can even registor what is happening he feels a pair of soft lip pressed agaist his, he lefts out a groan deepening the kiss, moving his hands to ___ waist. Taking a couple steps forward making ___ land on the kitchen counter. "mmh krist need you now" ___ moans into the kiss wrapping her legs around his waist and arms around his neck pulling him in closer.
He moves is hand from her waist to the zipper of her jeans slowly undoing them "jump" Kristoffer says moving both of his hands to the waist line of her jeans, ___ jumps a bit and Kristoffer quickly pulls down her jeans on leaving her in her underwear.
He moves his kisses down to her neck leaving dark purple bruises all over her neck. His hand starts rubbing her clit on the outside of her underwear before dipping down further to where her hole is. (ew im so sorry for that)
"mmh baby, so needy" he whispers into her ear "please i need you now, dont wanna wait any long or we might get seen, please" ___ beggs desperation dripping into her voice. Her hands pull and the waist band of his pants grabbing both them and his boxers at the same time pulling them down.
Kristoffer see's how desperate she is and quickly moves her underwear to the side seeing how wet she really is he does a few quick pumps of his fingers to loosen her up a bit. He lifts his baggy shirt up a puts in it between his teeth to make sure it dosent get in the way. He rubs the tip of his penis a couple times up and down her slit before pushing his way in slowly.
They both groan at the feeling as they havent been with eachother in months. She pulls him back in with her legs kissing his neck to drown out some of the noises she is making.
He pulls out nearly all the way before pushing back in, he starts to get in to rymthem her moans telling him that hes doing good. Going faster he plants his hand on the counter to stable himself spreading her legs so he can get deeper in earning a loud moan to come from ___.
"Kristoffer please, go faster" ___ moans louder, he grunts into her neck far to in pleasure to talk with actual words. They both start to feel a sweat forming on the back of their necks and their hairline, closing her eyes she lets the feeling of him pull her away from reality.
He pulls his face away from her neck and see her eyes closed he takes this as a sign and starts rubbing at her clit, her eyebrows knit together and her pussy clenches around him.
"Kristoffer im so close please" she drones on he can see her eyelashes fluttering and her body moving a bit. He starts to thrust deeper into her hitting her g-spot making a lewd moan come from her.
Arching her back shakily gripping onto his shirt, her pussy cleching faster and faster pulling his dick in as far as it can milking him "ah-ah baby, wait im close" he moans going faster to try and reach up to her "Kristoffer, i cant hold it in ugh god, fuck im c-cumming" She moans letting the pleasure wash over her.
Her pussy cleching down on his brings him close to the edge, pulling out he starts to pump his cock finally making him spill all on her stomach getting a bit on her shirt.
"MANZINI, boy where are you" you both hear a deep over out side and quickly put your clothes back on, just in time because the door opens and the manager walks in to see you both flush faced and nervous.
The manager hums in anger and yells at Kristoffer for being late and running of to do who knows what. You and kristoffer giggle as he stomps away waddling like a penguin.
There you go anon please reqest
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sun[day] 2 October 1836
11 3/4
No kiss ready at 10 when Mr. Jubb ca[me] - my a[un]t’s pulse 96 – rath[e]r bet[ter] this morn[in]g? A- [Ann] h[a]d still a
gr[ea]t deal of fev[e]r – h[a]d giv[e]n h[e]r the oth[e]r 2 pills and a saline dr[au]ght at 9 1/2 - if the bow[e]ls n[o]t act[e]d up[on] by 2 p.m.
to s[e]nd to Mr. Jubb’s for so[me]th[in]g to prod[uce] immed[ia]te eff[ec]t – luck[il]y this aft[er]w[ar]ds prov[e]d unnecess[ar]y - Mr. J- [Jubb]
th[ou]ght it n[o]t necess[ar]y to co[me] this ev[enin]g on my a[un]t’s acc[oun]t – h[a]s k[no]wn a lady ta[ke] as lit[tle] nourishm[en]t as my
a[un]t does now, and live 4 y[ea]rs - my a[un]t may contin[ue] so[me] ti[me] – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 1/2 – b[a]ckw[ar]ds and forw[ar]ds w[i]th my
a[un]t or A- [Ann] at 12 1/4 r[ea]d pray[e]rs to my a[un]t and Cooks[o]n and Oddy and the h[ou]sem[ai]d in 1/2 h[ou]r, and sat w[i]th my a[un]t
wh[ile] Oddy din[e]d – r[ea]d now and aft[er]w[ar]ds when w[i]th my a[un]t Rennie’s alphab[e]t of nat[ura]l geog[raph]y  the first
50 p[ages] then b[a]ckw[ar]ds and forw[ar]ds – fr[om] 3 to 5 stood read[in]g the H[alifa]x Guard[ia]n of Sat[urday] partly al[ou]d to A- [Ann]
then in the b[lue] r[oo]m skimm[e]d ov[e]r last night’s Lond[on] pap[e]r - a few min[ute]s w[i]th my a[un]t - then ag[ai]n w[i]th
A- [Ann] ga[ve] her the 5th saline d[rau]ght s[in]ce last night she h[a]d noth[in]g b[u]t 2 cups of tea for br[eak]f[a]st and at 7 h[a]d a lit[tle] veal broth and dry toast w[hi]ch
last she th[ou]ght disagr[ee]d w[i]th h[e]r st[oma]ch - she h[a]s a good deal of fev[e]r ag[ai]n tonight – din[ner] at 7 10/..
in 35 min[ute]s - made tea for A- [Ann]  and coff[ee] for mys[elf] and wr[ote] the ab[ov]e of today till 8 10/.. – ver[y] rainy
morn[in]g and rainy day – so[me] ver[y] heavy show[e]rs in the aft[ernoo]n so that none of the serv[an]ts c[oul]d get to ch[ur]ch –
bef[ore] I h[a]d finish[e]d br[eak]f[a]st this morn[in]g h[a]d Charl[otte] Booth - she ca[me] to ask for a merinos gown, and
want[e]d 2 chemises - the term of her apprenticeship expires on Fri[day] – s[ai]d she sh[oul]d ha[ve] the gown –
she m[u]st do for hers[elf] aft[e]r Xmas - or fr[om] 1 Jan[uar]y next – ga[ve] good advice, and spo[ke] of a lady’s m[ai]d place for
her - £10  a y[ea]r as m[u]ch as she sh[oul]d exp[ec]t at 1st – spo[ke] ver[y] gently to h[e]r - she w[oul]d do wh[a]tev[e]r
I lik[e]d, b[u]t I f[oun]d she w[oul]d rath[e]r ‘be in bus[ine]ss’ than in a lady’s m[ai]d pl[a]ce - Miss Hebden had
told her she w[oul]d ha[ve] to sit up ver[y] late - it end[e]d in my say[in]g I w[a]s g[la]d to ha[ve] f[ou]nd out wh[a]t
she lik[e]d best - my only wish was for her to do well - I w[oul]d therefo[re] gi[ve] up inq[uirin]g for a place, and she
m[u]st consult w[i]th Miss Hebden, and manage for hers[elf] – ask[e]d wh[a]t her gown w[oul]d cost – ans[we]r
ab[ou]t a pound – wh[a]t the chemises? ab[ou]t 5/. - I s[ai]d I th[ou]ght she w[oul]d perh[aps] like best
to provide these th[in]gs for hers[elf], and do for hers[elf] fr[om] this ti[me] (to w[hi]ch she seem[e]d to gi[ve] gl[a]d assent)
and that I therefo[re] begg[e]d she w[oul]d do so, and I ga[ve] her 2 sov[erei]gns for this purp[ose] - I hop[e]d she w[oul]d alw[a]ys
be grateful to Miss Hebden, and nev[e]r calculate pennies and twopences where they were
concern[e]d b[u]t do all she c[oul]d for them - and be sure to please th[e]m - if she d[i]d n[o]t, they w[oul]d do
no mo[re] for her, and th[in]k no mo[re] of her - I s[ai]d she must so contrive as n[o]t to put her fath[e]r
to any exp[ense] – b[u]t must stay w[i]th Miss Hebd[e]n or be here till she g[o]t so[me] place, and as for being
here, there w[a]s no r[oo]m at pres[en]t and I sh[oul]d n[o]t now like her to be here if I w[a]s away (allud[in]g to my
hav[in]g nobod[y] to leave her w[i]th as Mrs. Cookson (I s[ai]d) w[oul]d go away of course, w[i]th Miss W- [Walker] and
mys[elf] - I th[in]k the girl w[a]s pleas[e]d to be thus soon put up[on] her own managem[en]t - I ha[ve] giv[e]n her
a trade - I ha[ve] surely done en[ou]gh - she w[oul]d nev[e]r suit A- [Ann] and me - she w[oul]d rath[e]r be
independ[en]t - I am gl[a]d to ha[ve] g[o]t thus happ[il]y rid of her - and hope she will do well for hers[elf] –
writ[in]g the ab[ov]e till 8 25/.. p.m. then w[e]nt for A-  [Ann] who g[o]t up and ca[me] and lay on the sofa (in h[e]r dress[in]g gown and cloak) in the bl[ue] r[oo]m
she w[oul]d n[o]t ta[ke] tea I h[a]d made for her - I h[a]d my coff[ee] - then whi[le] Oddy g[o]t her supp[e]r sat w[i]th my a[un]t 3/4 h[ou]r till n[ea]r 10, at
w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 38° and fair - rainy day w[i]th high wind in the aft[ernoo]n -
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sad-weiying · 5 years
north americans were a mistake
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annelisterofhalifax · 3 years
Aunt Anne has a birthday. Anne buys buns
Thurs[day] 26 March 1835
7 3/4
12 1/4  
No kiss Ver[y] fine morn[in]g F 44° at 8.50. Till 9 1/2 r[ea]d fr[om] page 227 to 254 end of ‘An Inquiry int[o] the
Nature of Sleep and Death, w[i]th a view to ascert[ai]n the mo[re] immed[ia]te causes
of d[ea]th, and the bet[ter] regulat[io]n of the means of obviat[in]g t[he]m. Repub[lishe]d by permiss[io]n of
the presid[en]t and council of the Roy[a]l Soc[iet]y, fr[om] the philosoph[ica]l Transact[io]ns for 1827
                                                29-31-33 and 34. Being the conclud[in]g part of the author’s experiment[a]l
           Inq[uir]y int[o] the Laws of the vit[a]l Funct[io]ns. By A.P.W.Philip, M.D.F.R.S, L & E
Fellow of the Roy[a]l Colleges of Physic[ia]ns of Lond[on] and Edin[burgh] etc. Lond[on]
Hen[r]y Renshaw, 356, Strand. 1834 ‘Lond[on] Bradbury and Evans, Whitefriars.
Late J. Davidson’ – vol[ume] 800 pages 254.
Br[eak]f[a]st at 9.35 to 10 ½. A lit[tle] whi[le] w[i]th my fath[e]r, bet[ter] t[hi]s morn[in]g. Off w[i]th A-[Ann] to H-X [Halifax] at 11 1/2
V   down the o.b [old bank] 5 min[ute]s at the office of mess[e]rs P- [Parker] and Adam. A- [Ann] walk[e]d ab[ou]t whi[le] I w[a]s t[he]re, told  
Mr Adam
mere[l]y to reply to Mr Mitchell’s no[te] t[ha]t till he M- [Mitchell] h[a]d set a price on the Low[e]r- George est[a]te, they,
mess[e]rs P- [Parker] and A- [Adam], w[oul]d n[o]t bid a price. S[ai]d I sus[pecte]d t[he]re w[a]s so[me] trick[in]g und[e]r h[a]nd work. Mr A-
agreed w[i]th me and th[ou]ght a Mr Holroyd or so[me] s[u]ch na[me], a gr[ea]t build[e]r w[a]s ab[ou]t mak[in]g the purchase.
A- [Ann] and I t[he]n w[e]nt to Whitley’s so[me] ti[me] t[he]re. Booth offer[e]d to pay b[a]ck the 5 guin[ea]s p[ai]d to h[i]m 20 Oct[ober] last
and by h[i]m p[ai]d to Longman and co[mpany] to be p[ai]d to mess[e]rs Pickford’s, waggoners, for tak[in]g my carr[ia]ge up to Lond[on]
M[ar]ch.  b[u]t Pearce the c[oa]ch mak[e]r who has done up my carr[ia]ge hav[in]g p[ai]d Pickf[or]d £6+ I told Booth t[hi]s sh[oul]d
be settled on pay[in]g my c[oa]ch mak[e]rs bill and I took the 5 guin[ea]s out in books. One p[ou]nds worth
for mys[elf]. Brown’s Zoologist’s Text b[oo]k etc and the remaind[e]r for A-[Ann]. The Encylop[edi]a of geog[raph]y complete
+   and Sharon Turner’s sacred hist[ory] of the world, t[he]n to Nicholson’s shop to buy Nanroot muslin
V  for child’s frock to be work[e]d to gi[ve] to L[ad]y V.C [ Vere Cameron], t[he]n ret[urne]d by the N[orth]g[a]te. Called at Batty’s the  
to congrat[ulate] h[i]m on hav[in]g b[ou]ght the adjoin[in]g cot[tage] of mess[e]rs Bateman and co[mpany], hoped B- [Bateman] w[oul]d n[o]t  
his purchase to an[y] one b[u]t mys[elf] b[u]t gl[a]d he meant to keep it, he ga[ve] £380 – told me of Greenwoods purchase, t[he]n in pass[in]g
the Raff yard saw Greenw[oo]d, saw the gr[ea]t cedar of Libanns arriv[e]d a lit[tl]e whi[le] ago fr[om] Kampsale
n[ea]r Doncast[e]r. Congrat[ulate]d h[i]m on his buy[in]g the prop[ert]y adjoin[in]g my Sheep Croft for the cot[tage]s and
f[iel]d h[a]d giv[e]n Mr Chamberlain £2100 and for the oth[e]r side winding Lane £1100
a Mr Lister of Bradford has b[ou]ght the bot[tom] of the f[iel]d d[o]wn to the brook mean[in]g to build a mill t[he]re.
Greenw[oo]d shew[e]d us ov[e]r his purchase, s[ai]d I w[oul]d ta[ke] it off his hands if he liked and s[ai]d I h[a]d
just made the sa[me] offer to Batty, begg[e]d J [ John] G- [Greenwood] n[o]t to sell to any one b[u]t mys[elf], he will n[o]t sell
at all b[u]t will do an[y]th[in]g to accom[o]d[a]te me. All right, ret[urne]d up the new bank, ho[me] at
2.20, a few min[ute]s w[i]th my a[un]t, h[a]d wish[e]d h[e]r man[y] hap[py] ret[urn]s of the day just bef[ore] go[in]g
to H-X [Halifax] and now br[ou]ght her so[me] lit[tle] buns fr[om] Batty’s, she is 70 today. Fr[om] 2 1/2 to 4 A-[Ann] and
I sat look[in]g ov[e]r Washington and Arnold’s plan of H-X [Halifax], plann[in]g new st[ree]ts etc. I w[e]nt out
again at 4.05.  1.10 h[ou]r w[i]th Ch[arle]s How[ar]th in the workshop talk[in]g ab[ou]t coal and Mr Rawson’s engine
on the top of the hill, his pit is 120 y[ar]ds deep and at t[hi]s depth his 2 engines are set and
his galloway-gate commences, w[hi]ch after going ab[ou]t 200 y[ar]ds long tow[ar]ds the chicken, divides
int[o] 2 branches, one lead[in]g to the bot[tom] of the old bank, the oth[e]r to Swan banks. The engines
pump the wat[e]r fr[om] the depth they do pump it be t[ha]t depth wh[[a]t it may int[o] the level
commenc[in]g at the 120 y[ar]ds pit bot[tom] and running out just bel[ow] Thief Bridge. Ch[arle]s H- [Howar]th knows
t[ha]t 6 y[ar]ds of level is lost for e[ver]y 100 y[ar]ds breadth of coal-bed ∴ [therefore] as many ti[me]s 6 y[ar]ds
*     but he can pump wh[a]t ev[e]r depth he h[a]s pow[e]r for. T[he]n if he pumps 42 y[ar]ds he
can get by it 7 x 100 br[ea]dth of coal = 700 y[ar]ds br[ea]dth fr[om] his engine pit w[hi]ch will ta[ke] in the who[le] of
Mr Sam[ue]l Hall’s coal. They say they can loose d[o]wn as far as Brookfoot – yes! if
they ha[ve] pow[e]r to pump up fr[om]so gr[ea]t a depth as t[hi]s w[oul]d require. They are now driv[in]g
in Sandstone go[in]g to spend their level in the coal. I und[er]st[oo]d John Mann they h[a]d on[l]y
25 y[ar]ds of level to sp[en]d, vid[e]…. i.e 25 y[ard]s to pump: but 25/6 = 4 1/6 ∴ [therefore] they can
on[l]y get a br[ea]dth of 400 + 100/6 or n[o]t 420 y[ar]ds br[ea]dth of coal. Fr[om] 5 1/4 to 6 1/4 w[i]th Pickells and his broth[er]
Nat[han] do[in]g up wall t[ha]t h[a]s fallen in John Mallins[o]n’s f[iel]d n[ea]r Breakneck, and sett[in]g out bit of new
Brook course. Din[ner] at 6 1/2, ½ h[ou]r w[i]th my fath[e]r and Mar[ia]n, the form[e]r bet[ter] tonight. Coff[ee] at 7.40 sat d[o]wn
N  st[ai]rs talk[in]g till 9. I suggest[e]d a plan for a priv[a]te school in Lightcliffe to be call[e]d the Cliffhill school, t[he]n
look[in]g ov[e]r b[oo]ks co[me] tonight fr[om] Whitleys. 1/2 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t till 10.20 t[he]n wr[ote] all b[u]t the 1st 11 lines of today  
till 11.5 at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 49° ver[y] fine day.
V- Visit  N- Note  + - referring to book/text * Highlighting Mr Rawson’s coal and loose
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hey-hamlet · 6 years
BNHA AU Ideas : All Traitors
Also on AO3!
TL;DR:  Who is the UA traitor? Trick question, its all of 1A, Aizawa, Present Mic and All Might!
Its also a mess. 
All Traitors AU
Who is the traitor in UA? Trick question, its everyone.
every member of 1A
plus mic and aizawa
everyone thinks they are the only traitor and all for one (afo) is having the time of his  life
just popping popcorn like "yess,,,, my children,,, "
kirishima: “bakugou,,,,i have something 2 confess,,,i’m the traitor,,,i couldn’t keep it from u any longer”
bakugou: “,,,” 
the villains attack under orders not to hurt the traitor so every battle is just play fighting
bakugo in a slap fight with kurogiri
dabi and todoroki are actually duking it out because they’re the most invalid siblings-
nomu and izuku are just having fun
kami has popcorn on a stick trying to pop it on the fire
nomu is like abig dog and it only likes izuku
it getts realy territorial when other people even look at izuku
shigiraki: izuku what are you doing
izuku, hugging the nomu: hes big and warm and a very nice boy
shigaraki having war flashbacks to the time he found the nomu playin g fetch with father: “no that thing is a demon”
eventually the whole class realises they are all traitors n just have loads of fun with it
aizawa and mic are their gay villain dads too thanks
mic, on voice call with every member of 1a and aizawa during a meeting: “there’s,,,,a traitor in ua,,,,”
aizawa ugly snorts
nezu raises an eyebrow
aizawa, sweating: "my kids are too dumb to be traitors,,"
mic, quietly: "you got that right"
the villains sneak into ua with the most ridiculous costumes
shigaraki just shows up to say hello to izuku in like a hoodie and a fake mustache
izuku, pretending to swoon: "oh no!!! a villain!!! im very scared!!"
nedzu: “we had a security breach this morning. shigaraki tomura was sighted on school grounds”
aizawa, sweating: “ur a fool and a coward shigaraki doesn’t have facial hair”
nezu, who does not care abot the lives of humans: “fair enough”
vlad king: “aizawa ur class is full of villain magnets !!! they’re going to get us all killed!!”
aizawa: *insert ‘then perish’ meme*
kami is a lot smarter than he pretends to be but hes still a massive meme lord
1A begs to kill monoma cause hes so annoying
"please aizawa just him im beggging u"
they hear that one girl talking shit abt izuku and it’s just
“aizawa pls no one will miss them they mean n o t h i n g”
all might has been a villain the whole time
One for all (ofa) never rebelled
ofa's job is to take out other villain organisations n keep everything running smoothly
afo's actual goal is mostly just quirk decriminalization and the removal of a government run commercial hero industry
he wants to stay shadow ruler of japan but its no big deal honestly
so each ofa wielder gets to pick their successor to take their place as afo's public face
they have a class pet, it’s a rabbit
the rabbit was a gift from afo, its has a strength quirk and an imortallity quirk
he gives immortality quirks to the whole ass class because eternal little demons
izuku just laying in bed because he said “thanks you too” to the waiter who served him at mcdonald’s and he wants to sleep until everyone who witnessed it is dead
bakugo just storming into the room "ive seen you do so much dumb shit and you arent outliving me, so get the fuck up"
immortal gay dads aizawa and mic
aizawa just groaning "mic please its going to take 200 years for these kids to become adults, its not too late to kill me"
immmortal eri and koda
just these two little kids following izuku around like ducklings also thanks
“izuku said it was m y turn to walk the nomu >:((((“
team dads AFO and allmight
izuku is afo's favourite
bakugou in tears: “gee izuku,,,how come your our dads’ favourite:((“
“bc im not a piece of shit kacchan fuck u”
afo and allmight being really good friends thanks
nana was "killed" by afo (she died of old age happy w friends)
that whole fight afo is trying so hard not to laugh as all might spews ketchup onto him on national tv
the "rescue attempt" was something magne and spinner thought would be funny, afo and allmight dad-ing up, reminding the kids to be careful as they stage an illegal rescue attempt
the rescue squad use it as a way to strengthen their quirks
magne being a good big sis thank you
bakugou is magne’s favourite
compress n tokoyami are best buds, compress calls him his lil bro
no one likes moonfish
they arent allowed to murder until they can drink
if you cant legally create life, you can’t take it away" "dadmight thats gross" "tough shit"
bkg turns 18 first
his birthday is just gonna be a murder party huh
izuku gives him a drugged pro hero for his birthday in a box
"happy birthday kacchan! i got you backdraft!"
bakugo, crying: "this is the best gift youve ever given me,,,"
also joint bakugo/izuku present to todoroki on his birthday is just endeavour. he not even drugged he’s just hog tied on the floor
dabi just asking him to wait so he can grab some snacks
double agent hawks content 
hawks aligning himself with the villains bc he’s been pushed by society to be a hero since day one and this is the only thing he feels he has a choice in
izuku looking at him like "opposite but same"
hawks would murder for izuku
nighteye villain!!!
they never lost contact, it was all staged
nighteye is a good weird uncle that gives the best Christmas presents
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 May Saturday 10th (part one)
Saturday 10 May
6 50/60
12 10/60
very fine morn[in]g F54 1/2° at 7 3/4 a.m. in my study - out at 7 3/4 w[i]th one or oth[e]r till n[ea]r 10 - then wr[ote] and s[e]nt at 11 by Matthew go[in]g to Miss W-[Walker] 1 p[age] and ends of outside envelope of my let[ter] and the oth[e]r let[ter] to ‘Miss W-[Walker], Hew[ar]th Grange, York’ to say Jos[e]ph w[a]s just ret[urne]d fr[om] Lidg[a]te the lit[tle] girl h[a]d n[o]t h[a]d a good night b[u]t w[a]s bet[ter] this morn[in]g Mr Robins[o]n s[ai]d there w[a]s no dang[e]r b[u]t she w[oul]d be well in a few days - I therefo[re] begg[e]d Miss W-[Walker] n[o]t to alarm hers[elf] or Sarah – Matt[hew] to go by the Highflier at 12 -
then wr[ote] the foll[owin]g ‘Miss List[e]r is ver[y] m[u]ch oblig[e]d to Mr Parker for the catalogue of Miss Currer’s lib[rar]y - the catalogue is ver[y] well done, and ver[y] interest[in]g, and Miss List[e]r ret[ur]ns it w[i]th h[e]r but th[i]nks, and hopes Mr Parker will be so good as excuse h[e]r hav[in]g inadvert[entl]y kept it so long – Shibd[e]n Hall Sat[urday] morn[in]g 10th May 1834 ‘to Rob[er]t Parker Esq[ui]re’ enclos[e]d my no[te] w[i]th the catalogue (large 800) to Robert Parker Esq[ui]re The Square’ and s[e]nt it by Joseph who w[e]nt w[i]th Matthew to the coach to bring the young horse b[a]ck he took up - Pack[e]d up the th[in]gs for Miss W-[Walker] and h[a]d all off at 10 55/60 at w[hi]ch h[ou]r br[eak]f[a]st - h[a]d Mr Washingt[o]n alm[o]st immed[iatel]y - told h[i]m Jos[e]ph Wilkins[o]n h[a]d chang[e]d his mind ab[ou]t sell[in]g the f[iel]d W[illia]m Green’s cot[tage] st[a]nds in and was go[in]g to build in the Top part of it -
Told Mr W[ashington] mere[l]y to be on the look out, and if any build[in]g gr[ou]nd w[a]s to be sold there to get so[me]bod[y] to buy it for me - to be 1st convey[e]d to h[i]m (for if Joseph W[ilkinson] knew it w[a]s for me, he w[oul]d n[o]t let me ha[ve] it at an[y] reasonab[le] pr[ice]) and then 2dly to me - It w[a]s Sam Holdsw[or]th told S[amuel] W[ashington] he c[oul]d buy the Upp[e]r Brea coal at £10 p[e]r D[ay’s] W[ork] - h[a]d h[a]d it offer[e]d sev[era]l ti[me]s - n[o]t m[u]ch depend[en]ce to be plac[e]d on Sam H[oldsworth] - out ag[ai]n at 12 for ab[ov]e an h[ou]r - then asleep an h[ou]r - in my study
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alexiacrystsal · 5 years
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astronomicpussy · 6 years
im going on a date with a girl this week, advice... im begg in g
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arledrone · 7 years
3, 10, 13 for the ffxv asks :U
3. Kingsglaive or Brotherhood? - this is an unfair question.  Enjoyment wise I’d say Brotherhood by a longshot.  But it also did my girl Luna DIRTY AS FUCK whilst Kingsglaive had her being… I don’t fucking know.  A person?  Kingsglaive.If you could have DLC on anything, what would it be and why?:  Lunafreya during her time in Niflheim.  Don’t you dare tell me she doesn’t know how to use that fucking trident to the best of her ability and shove it up someone’s arse.  Also.  Aranea when defecting.  Also Iris during the ten-year Starscourge.  Lemme see her become a Daemon hunter with Cor as a mentor (bless his fucking heart tho like goddamn.  This guy is OLD by then give him a break).  I want a Ravus DLC just so I can hit like a fucking truck.
Also.  And don’t get me wrong, I hate his fucking guts.  But I’m also a Lore Whore.  So… gimme Solheim!Ardyn DLC… pel ase … im begg in g u… at least lemme summon Literal Satan whilst playing the Blatant Antichrist Insert.  Because as much of a douche Ardyn is I want to visually see the spiral of his temperament as the Daemons corrupt his soul and mind and also see how much a dick Izunia Lucis Caelum is because he… obviously probably was one, honestly.  Also show me the first Oracle you bastards.
13.  How do you feel about Ardyn in terms of being a villain? Do you think he surpasses previous ones like Square said he did or did he fall short? :  Boy.  BOY.  
I was mulling over this question ALL NIGHT at work.  Because I’m… so on the fence? Like completely disregarding my hatred for Ardouche Fuckzunia, narratively speaking, I think he was a pretty good villain for what FFXV gave him (why did Square Enix rush Tabata.  Why.)
This is… extremely niche but I’m going to use Ultimecia (VIII) as reference.
Ultimecia is super fucking arrogant, hateful, and spiteful.  Just like Ardyn, and complete with her own flair.  They’re both eccentric. Also, this bitch wants to compress time itself and become the ultimate God.  In simple terms she’s able to just.  Hi-jack a person’s mind and manipulate their thoughts and knowledge.  And her main motivation is because she’s aware of her own fate of perishing, so what does she do?  Living God.  Hacked.
From a hate standpoint, boy, I fucking hate the bitch.  I won’t spoil anything further, but goddamn.  She’s heinous.  But such a fun villain narratively speaking.  I can’t say Ardyn is a ‘fun’ villain.  Which is… a good thing?  Things like stabbing Luna, tricking Ravus, the train scene… those were all great things to just hammer in how much a douchebag he is.
But at the same time I think his sob story should’ve come sooner.  Not explicitly saying it was HIM, but Ardyn is the exact sort to just ramble about historical things in a cryptic way to be petty and douchey.  I mean.  The audience is obviously going to know he’s talking about himself.  It’s a Final Fantasy game.  Shit gets predictable.  It happens.
But if we kept this juxtaposition between Ardyn’s snarky display mixed with this sob story before chapter nine… it doesn’t add mystery, persay, but if done RIGHT, it could make stabbing Luna that much more jarring, and his deception against Ravus all the more insidious.
Also I’m sorry Ravus but if XV just did us a solid and let us hear your agonised screams whilst Ardyn forcibly Daemonised you that’d be real cool in an incredibly unsettling and depressing way.  Just like the corpses in the Citadel (which there still seems to be debate on whether they’re real or not?  and if they are?  Why would Nyx be there?  There’s no indication Noct knows who Nyx even is or cares.  Iedolas, his father, and Luna all make sense but Nyx is just… an Easter Egg?  Congratulations you watched the movie?)
Idk my feelings on Ardyn are just… all over the place?  As far as him being an antagonist?  Like I said, for what he was given in XV’s story, he’s great.  He has this presence to him whenever he’s around.  Do you have any idea how pissed off I was to see him at the Vesperpool Dungeon.
But… that falls short when he’s not there.  His presence and plot-prevalance are… Empty… whenever he’s without screentime.  There’s no looming insidious nature early-game.  No build-up.  He just kinda springs the fuck up on us in Altissia.  Which isn’t bad persay but… I don’t count Cryptic Creepy Man Appearing Everywhere as an indication to be super worried.  Maybe that’s just me.
Like.  Listen.  I get it.  XV is Noct’s story.  What better enemy than his own evil descendant.  
lol, what about the fucking source and cause of the fucking Starscourge prophecy in the first place?
First off it seems largely agreed that Ifrit’s battle is waaaaaaaaaaaaay better and more intense than Ardyn’s.  Can you blame that consensus?  You’re not only fight a fucking god/Satan Incarnate.  You’re fighting the reason Noct’s been shoved into this shitty destiny in the first place.  Fucking.  Guys.  He’s the OPENING CUTSCENE IN THE GAME.  YOU ARE FIGHTING A GOD.  HALF HIS ORIGINAL BODY MAKES UP A DUNGEON.
Anyway between the Cosmology and usage of fire for loss (Sylva, Regis’ arm and the general way Kings reject someone, how Iron Giants turn into Red Giants upon defeat, all that hellish looking imagery where Gilgamesh is), FFXV had the perfect formula for making Ifrit this looming presence.  How fucked would it be if, when separated from Luna in the flood, she’s descending into the murky depths below, and Noct gets this last minute imagery of fire just.  Engulfing him.  I want Ifrit to plague Noct’s nightmares just as much as Ardyn does.
We’re talking about the Astral that betrays Solheim, with sun right in its name, screwed over by a god that controls fires as hot and hotter than the sun itself.  Why’d he betray them?  Was he bored?  Did he feel slighted by the Astrals, did he feel like Solheim didn’t put as much heed into him as the other Astrals and wanted them to pay for that?  Did he know something before the prophecy came forth and he was just “Nope” like Ultimecia?  Did he find a human (Ardyn) to be so full of himself as a ‘king’ that he wanted to see what he could do against a bunch of daemons?   Is Starscourge similar to Chaos, but just so hot as a substance (it LOOKS like blackened lava okay) he can manipulate it to his will, something none of the Astrals have over him?  Why did he make a Covenant with Ardyn?  If the hubris theory holds any value did he make that pact with Ardyn after he, too, had been slighted by the Foolish Mortals?  Was is all for sheer amusement?  
We just don’t fucking know.  We have a literal evil god embodying Satan who teamed up with the Antichrist and we don’t.  Know why.  His fucking BODY is a dungeon, essentially. 
I want you to imagine a boss battle on Ravatogh with the god himself.  Goafuckinghead.  
Ardyn is a great villain for what FFXV offers but at the same time he’s paired up with Ifrit, who gets a short end of the stick for having such a cool boss battle and looming presence due to being the CAUSE of all the bullshit Noct goes through.  Hell, you could make Ifrit the ultimate boss and Noct’s perishes still.  Make the poor bastard use Ifrit’s horn to kill himself and kill Ardyn in the Afterlife.  I don’t fucking know.  Just.. do something… he’s Satan…
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4bestmarks · 5 years
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Mon[day] 17 October 1836
7 1/2
12 1/4
No kiss - thick, foggy morn[in]g and F[ahrenheit] 48° at 9 1/4 a.m. – br[eak]f[a]st at 8 3/4 - wore 1st ti[me] my new
pelisse that arriv[e]d 20 Aug[u]st last - Mr. Duncan br[ou]ght me a 3 y[ar]ds long broad crape w[hi]ch he merely
put r[oun]d me and tied in front (slipp[e]d one and thro’ the oth[e]r) - off fr[om] the h[ou]se at 9 54/.. - the
fun[era]l process[io]n m[u]ch the sa[me] as for my fath[e]r - a change as to the persons   so[me] of the bearers and mutes – n[o]t
all the sa[me] as then b[u]t ev[ery]th[in]g conduct[e]d m[u]ch the sa[me] as for my fath[e]r – desir[e]d Mr. Jubb
to sit w[i]th me at ch[ur]ch, and we w[e]nt int[o] the Shibd[e]n fam[il]y-pew oppos[i]te the pulpit –
Mr. J- [Jubb] sat dur[in]g the gr[ea]t[e]r part of the service r[ea]d fr[om] the pulpit - I stood the who[le] ti[me] - Mr. Steward
d[i]d the duty ver[y] well – w[i]thout any affectat[io]n – ver[y] simply and impressively – bett[er] pleas[e]d w[i]th his man[ne]r than w[i]th
the vicar’s - off fr[om] here at 9 54/.. - at the ch[ur]ch door in 50 min[ute]s at 10 44/.. - all
ready – alight[e]d immed[iatel]y and foll[owe]d (Mr. Jubb and I) the corpse int[o] the ch[ur]ch - Mr. Steward d[i]d the
who[le] duty in 26 min[ute]s - I stood close over the grave the who[le] ti[me] saw the coffin low[ere]d
and took one last look bef[ore] com[in]g away - It w[a]s the sa[me] vault in w[hi]ch my fath[e]r and I h[a]d
seen my unc[le] laid in 1826 - I saw no trace of my unc[le]’s coffin, yet my a[un]t’s seem[e]d
to sink deep d[o]wn - deeper than I expect[e]d tho’ I h[a]d ord[ere]d it to be laid as deep as poss[ible] –
ho[me] in 3/4 h[ou]r at 12 – h[a]d gone and ret[une]d thro’ N[orth]gate and along the wool-shops, as at my fath[e]r’s fun[era]l –
Mr. Duncan h[a]d so ord[ere]d it - we us[e]d to go d[o]wn Winding hill lane for the mo[re] quiet, b[u]t I
bef[ore] omitt[e]d nam[in]g this to Mr. Duncan, and w[oul]d n[o]t na[me] it now - thankful that this solemn
melanch[ol]y cerem[on]y w[a]s ov[e]r - all w[e]nt off well, and w[i]thout bustle – s[a]t w[i]th A- [Ann] read[in]g
h[e]r Pinnock’s Goldsmith’s Rom[a]n and look[in]g at the plan of old Rome - s[e]nt for Mr. Duncan
at 2, just bef[ore] he w[e]nt away – desir[e]d him to tell Mr. Steward that I w[a]s m[u]ch pleas[e]d w[i]th his
man[ner] of do[in]g the duty – ask[e]d Mr. D- [Duncan] wh[a]t w[a]s us[uall]y giv[e]n as a compl[imen]t - the ch[ur]ch dues
are 1/. for a fun[era]l – so[me] peop[le] ga[ve] a p[ou]nd – so[me] as m[u]ch as £5 but nev[e]r mo[re] - I s[ai]d that consid[erin]g that
at my fath[e]r’s fun[era]l so late[l]y pass[e]d noth[in]g mo[re] than the dues w[a]s giv[e]n and that I mere[l]y wish[e]d to pay
Mr. Stew[ar]d a compl[imen]t I begg[e]d Mr. Duncan to gi[ve] h[i]m w[i]th my comp[limen]ts and th[an]ks 2 sov[erei]gns –
Mr. D- [Duncan] s[ai]d it w[a]s ver[y] handso[me] and seem[e]d m[u]ch pleas[e]d – noth[in]g h[a]d happ[ene]d that annoy[e]d me b[u]t
the York joiners send[in]g up by John Booth to ask for beer - Mr. Duncan th[ou]ght it h[a]d been
the workmen in gen[era]l - I undeceiv[e]d h[i]m – s[ai]d no! there w[a]s n[o]t a man of our own
peop[le] who w[oul]d ha[ve] done s[u]ch a th[in]g - Mr. Duncan and all the peop[le] gone at 2 5/..
the bearers and mutes ret[urne]d w[i]th me, and h[a]d cold meat and Negus aft[er]w[ar]ds, as at my fath[e]r’s
fun[era]l - it w[a]s n[o]t so at my unc[le]’s fun[era]l or bef[ore] - I rem[em]b[e]r my fath[e]r’s say[in]g it h[a]d n[o]t
been the cust[o]m – howev[e]r it w[a]s th[ou]ght right at my fath[e]r’s fun[era]l, and so it I w[oul]d therefo[re] ha[ve]
it at my a[un]t’s - I c[oul]d ha[ve] been attendrie - I c[oul]d ha[ve] h[a]d tearful eyes, and wept to
the people own content, had I chosen to g[ive] way; b[u]t I calm[e]d and turn[e]d my th[ou]ghts as well as
I c[oul]d and seem[e]d undisturb[e]d up[on] my count[enan]ce – b[u]t, my poor a[un]t! she w[a]s ver[y] good to me -
I hope I shall nev[e]r be ungrateful to, or unmindful of the mem[or]y of her, or of my unc[le]
and I shall shew my real affect[io]n and resp[ec]t by endeav[ouri]ng to do as I kno[w] they w[oul]d best ha[ve]
lik[e]d - I will try to do as well as I can; and may Heaven assist and bless my endeav[ou]r!
A- [Ann] and I chang[e]d our dress - Poor A- [Ann]! she h[a]s been all kind[ne]ss and attent[io]n, and griev[e]d for
my a[un]t as if she h[a]d been her own - we walk[e]d in the walk from 2 55/.. for 1/2 h[ou]r
(fr[om] 2 55/.. to 4 25/..) - then left A- [Ann] in the h[ou]se, and put on my tartan cloak ov[e]r my
pelisse (the ev[enin]g becom[in]g ver[y] damp and foggy) and staid out till 6 – w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann
+ 3 (Jack Green gone ho[me] n[o]t well this aft[ernoo]n) at the dry wall arch[in]g w[i]th Ingham + 2 men
and a boy – g[o]t the centres put on to a new length (anoth[e]r 7 y[ar]ds) this morn[in]g and h[a]d
g[o]t on ver[y] well - then to the Lodge to see poor W[illia]m Pollard – poor[l]y still – dress[e]d –
din[ner] at 6 20/.. coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch - I asleep a wh[ile] on the sofa - then fr[om]
7 3/4 to 8 35/.. wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today – writ[in]g my journ[a]l alw[a]ys does me good –
Mr. Jubb h[a]s been so attent[ive] to my a[un]t, the th[ou]ght str[uck] me as I w[e]nt to ch[ur]ch, to gi[ve] him
a piece of plate, a silv[e]r cup or so[me]th[in]g in testim[on]y of my thanks - I am alw[a]ys gl[a]d
the vic[a]r d[i]d n[o]t co[me] ov[e]r - now I owe h[i]m noth[in]g - my a[un]t lik[e]d him – th[ou]ght mo[re] highly
of him than I ha[ve] ev[e]r done - his talk often exceeds his doing? the last offices were
done by a stranger – b[u]t he d[i]d them impress[ivel]y; and I am satisfi[e]d – ver[y] fine autum[na]l
day. F[ahrenheit] 54° now at 9 40/.. - A- [Ann] and I whi[le] out this aft[ernoo]n talk[e]d of the prob[able] exp[ense] of trav[ellin]g
etc. etc.  I s[ai]d we w[oul]d be off as soon as we c[oul]d b[u]t d[i]d n[o]t hint at any partic[ula]r ti[me] – s[ai]d
we w[oul]d form no plans now b[u]t to be at Rome next Easter if we c[oul]d - sat calculat[i]ng
my inco[me] – mak[in]g out rough rent[a]l etc. till 10 10/.. p.m. - then sat w[i]th A-  [Ann] look[in]g
int[o] Hallam, hist[or]y of the mid[dle] ages, till aft[e]r 11 –
0 notes
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Industrial Relations in Canada, 3rd Edition Robert Hebdon, Travor C. Brown Test Bank.
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Understanding Art, 11th Edition Lois Fichner-Rathus Test Bank .
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Developmental Mathematics, 3rd Edition Elayn Martin-Gay Instructor's Solutions Manual.
The Skilled Helper, International Edition, 9th Edition Gerard Egan Test Bank.
Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic, 10th EditionDavid I. Schneider, Instructor Solutions Manual.
Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic, 10th EditionDavid I. Schneider, Test Bank.
Management Fundamentals Concepts, Applications, and Skill Development 7th Edition Robert N. Lussier Test Bank SAGE  Publisher .
Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, 3rd Edition Nagraj Balakrishnan ,Barry Render,Ralph M. Stair Instructor Solutions Manual.
Labour Relations, 4E Larry Suffield, Gary L. Gannon ISM.
Asia Essentials of Contemporary Management, Global Edition Jones, 6th Test Bank.
Fundamental Accounting Principles 1st Middle East Wild, Test Bank.
General Chemistry, 10th Edition Darrell D. Ebbing, Steven D. Gammon Test Bank.
Quantitative Methods for Business, 13E R. Anderson, J. Sweeney,  A. Williams, D. Camm,  J. Cochran, Jeffrey ,  Ohlmann Solution Manual with Cases.
E-Commerce 2017, 13th Edition Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Guercio Traver Test Bank.
Gateways to Democracy An Introduction to American Government, 4th Edition John G. Geer, Richard Herrera, Wendy J. Schiller, Jeffrey A. Segal Test Bank.
Essentials of Biology Companion Site, 4e Sylvia S. Made rMichael Windelspecht  Test Bank.
M Marketing, 5e Dhruv Grewal, Michael Levy,  Test Bank.
Database Principles Fundamentals of Design, Implementation, and Management, International Edition, 10th Edition Carlos Coronel, Stephen Morris, Peter Rob Instructor solution  Manual.
Introductory Statistics 7th Edition ISV Mann Test Bank.
Munson, Young and Okiishi's Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, Binder Ready Version, 8th Edition Gerhart, Gerhart, Hochstein Solution Manual.
MKTG, 10th Edition Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel Test Bank.
Understanding Financial Accounting, Canadian Edition Burnley, Hoskin, Fizzell, Cherry  Test Bank.
Marketing Real People Real Choice, 9th edition. Michael R. Solomon. powerpoint slide.
Human Anatomy & Physiology,     Erin C. Amerman  Test Bank.
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 6th Edition Goodrich, Tamassia, Goldwasser Instructor Solution manual.
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 6th Edition Goodrich, Tamassia, Goldwasser PDF Handouts .
Auditing A Practical Approach, 3rd Edition Moroney, Campbell, Hamilton Solution manual.
Auditing A Practical Approach, 3rd Edition Moroney, Campbell, Hamilton Test Bank.
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Quantitative Analysis for Management, Global Edition, 12E Barry Render,     Ralph M. StairMichael E. Hanna,  solution manual.
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Public Finance in Canada, 5e Harvey Rosen Test Bank PDF.
Psychological Testing History, Principles and Applications, 7th Edition Robert J. Gregory, IM w Test Bank.
Public Finance in Canada, 5e Harvey Rosen Test Bank TG.
Software Engineering, 9th Edition Ian Sommerville Instructor Solutions Manual .
Principles of Managerial Finance, Global Edition, 14E Lawrence J. Gitman Chad J. Zutter Test Bank.
Operations Management, Global Edition, 11E Jay Heizer Barry Render .
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Grewal - Marketing - 1e, ISBN 1743077025 [Australian Version]  Instructor  manual.
Principles of Corporate Finance, 12e Richard A. Brealey Test Bank,.
Grewal - Marketing - 1e, ISBN 1743077025 [Australian Version] Test Bank.
Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach, 6th Edition Jeffrey M. Wooldridge Test Bank.
Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach, 6th Edition Jeffrey M. Wooldridge  Instructor Manual +Solutions Manual.
Security in Computing, 5th Edition      Charles P. Pfleeger Solutions Manual.
Corporate Finance The Core, 4th Edition Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo Instructor's Solutions Manual.
MKTG, 10th Edition Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel Instructor Manual.
Marketing Real People Real Choice, 9th edition. Michael R. Solomon. Instructor Manual.
Marketing Real People Real Choice, 9th edition. Michael R. Solomon. Test Bank.
Exploring Biological Anthropology The Essentials, 4E  Craig Stanford John S. Allen, Susan C. Anton, Instructor's Manual.
Corporate Finance The Core, 4th Edition Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo Test Bank.
Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, 14th Edition Frances Sizer, Ellie Whitney Test Bank.
Lifespan Development, 7th Edition Denise Boyd, Helen Bee Test Bank.
Strategic Management A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases, Global Edition, 16E Fred R. David , Forest R. David Test Bank.
Strategic Management A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases, Global Edition, 16E Fred R. David , Forest R. David PowerPoint Slides.
International Business The New Realities, Global Edition, 4E S. Tamer Cavusgil Gary Knight, John Riesenberger Instructors_Manual.
Financial Management Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt, Jerome Gessaroli, Richard R. Nason Instructor Solutions Manual.
Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications, 10th Edition Margaret L. Lial, Raymond N. Greenwell ,Nathan P. Ritchey, Instructor's Solutions and Resource Manual .
Survey of Accounting, 7th Edition Carl S. Warren Test Bank.
International Business The New Realities, Global Edition, 4E S. Tamer Cavusgil Gary Knight, John Riesenberger Test Bank.
Auditing Cases An Interactive Learning Approach, 6th Edition Beasley,  Buckless, Glover,  Prawitt, Instructor's Solutions Manual.
Understanding Financial Statements, 11th Edition Lyn M. FraserAileen Ormiston Test Bank.
Intro to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version, 10th Edition Y. Daniel Liang  Test Bank TG.
College Algebra Concepts Through Functions, 3rd Edition      Michael Sullivan,  Instructor's Solutions Manual.
Valuation The Art and Science of Corporate Investment Decisions, 3rd Edition Sheridan Titman Solution manual.
Developmental Mathematics, 3rd Edition Elayn Martin-Gay  Test Gen.
The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, Sixth Canadian Edition , 6EFrederic S. Mishkin,  6EFrederic S. Mishkin,  Test Bank.
Project Management Achieving Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition      Jeffrey K. Pinto, Instructor's Solutions Manual.
Out of Many A History of the American People, 8e (Faragher, et al.) Test Bank.
Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, 14th Edition Frances Sizer, Ellie Whitney Instructor's Manual.
Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals, 5th Edition Toni Lee Hebda, Patricia Czar Test Bank.
Human Resources Management in Canada 13E Gary Dessler, Nita Chhinzer, Test Bank.
Nutrition for Health and Healthcare, 6th Edition Linda Kelly DeBruyne, Kathryn Pinna Test Bank.
Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications, 10th Edition Margaret L. Lial, Raymond N. Greenwell ,Nathan P. Ritchey, Test Bang TG .
College Algebra Concepts Through Functions, 3rd Edition      Michael Sullivan,  Test Bank.
Campbell Biology in Focus Campbell Biology in Focus  L. Cain, A. Wasserman, V. Minorsky, B. Jackson,  B. Reece, .
Introduction to Food service, 11th Edition      June Payne-Palacio IM w Test Bank.
REVEL for Communicating in Small Groups Principles and Practices  11th EditionSteven A. Beebe John T. Masterson Test Bank.
Understanding Financial Statements, 11th Edition Lyn M. FraserAileen Ormiston Instructor's Solutions Manual.
Modern Management Concepts and Skills, 14th Edition Samuel C. Certo S. Trevis Certo Test Bank.
General Chemistry, 11th Edition Darrell D. Ebbing, Steven D. Gammon Test Bank.
Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence A Systems Approach, 2nd Edition Danica G. Hays Bradley T. Erford IM w Test Bank.
Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition John V. Thill, Courtland L. Bovee,  Test Bank.
Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, 5th Edition Eric J. Simon, Jean L. Dickey ,Jane B. Reece, Kelly A. Hogan,  Test Bank.
Structured Computer Organization, 6th Edition      Andrew S. Tanenbaum,     Todd Austin Instructor Solutions Manual.
Entrepreneurial Finance, 6th Edition Philip J. Adelman, Alan M. Marks,  Test Bank TG.
Critical Concepts of Canadian Business Law, 6E     Jan D. Weir     Fran Smyth Test Bank.
Cost Accounting (Arab World Edition) Horngren , M. Datar, V. Rajan,  Cripps, Hindi Test Bank TG.
Launching New Ventures An Entrepreneurial Approach, 7th Edition Kathleen R. Allen Test Bank.
Quantitative Methods for Business, 13E R. Anderson, J. Sweeney,  A. Williams, D. Camm,  J. Cochran, Jeffrey ,  Ohlmann Test Bank.
Enhanced Microsoft® Office 2013 Introductory, 1st Edition Misty E. Vermaat Test Bank.
Launching New Ventures An Entrepreneurial Approach, 7th Edition Kathleen R. Allen Instructor's Manual .
Business Data Networks and Security, Global Edition, 10E Julia Panko Raymond R. Panko Test Bank.
Psychology,  Canadian  5E Carole Wade,Carol Tavris , Garry,Saucier, Elias, Test Bank.
Critical Concepts of Canadian Business Law, 6E     Jan D. Weir     Fran Smyth Instructor's Manual.
Children and Their Development,  Canadian  3E Robert V. Kail, Anne M.C. Barnfield, Test Bank.
Human Resource Management, Global Edition, 14EGary Dessler.
Campbell Biology, Canadian Edition Reece, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Jackson, Rawle, Durnford, Moyes, Walde, Wilson,.
Calculus A Complete Course, 8E Robert A. Adams, Christopher Essex, Test Bank.
Organization Development and Change, 10th Edition Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley  IM w Case Teaching Notes .
Contemporary Project Management 3rd Edition Timothy Kloppenborg Instructor Solutions Manual.
Global Marketing Management International Edition, 8E     Warren J. Keegan,  Test Bank.
The Challenge of Democracy American Government in Global Politics, The Essentials, 9e Janda, Berry, Goldman, Schildkraut, Hula Test Bank .
Youth Gangs in American Society, 4th Edition Randall G. Shelden, Sharon K. Tracy, William B. Brown Test Bank.
Database Principles Fundamentals of Design, Implementation, and Management, International Edition, 10th Edition Carlos Coronel, Stephen Morris, Peter Rob Test Bank.
Sociology in Our Times The Essentials, 8th Edition Diana Kendall Test Bank.
Cognitive Psychology, 6th Edition Robert J. Sternberg Test Bank.
Microeconomics, 10th Edition Roger A. Arnold Test Bank.
Macroeconomics, 10th Edition Roger A. Arnold Test Bank.
Services Marketing Global Edition, 7E Christopher Lovelock Jochen Wirtz Test Bank.
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prostreetdk · 6 years
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Danske priser: Mercedes-AMG 4 dørs Coupé
Som den første model i GT serien forener Mercedes-AMG GT 4-dørs coupé banebrydende sportsvognspræstationer med elegant hverdagsduelighed
Mercedes-AMG GT 4-dørs coupé er en fuldblodssportsvogn udviklet af Mercedes-AMG. Og kombinationen af de markante luftindtag under de smalle LED forlygter, de muskuløse bølger i motorhjelmen og ikke mindst den dybe rumlen fra V8’eren gør da heller intet for at skjule, at den smukke coupé fra Affalterbach er garant for rendyrket performance i verdensklasse.
Intelligent firehjulstræk og op til 639 hk Mindste V8-udgave er Mercedes-AMG GT 4-dørs coupé 63 med 585 hk, mens topudgaven Mercedes-AMG GT 4-dørs coupé 63 S 4MATIC+ leverer hele 639 hk og et brutalt moment på 900 Nm. Det rækker til en 0-100-tid på imponerende 3,2 sekunder, mens speedometernålen først stopper ved 315 km/t.
De mange kræfter sendes ud til alle fire hjul igennem det nyudviklede, dynamiske firehjulstræk 4MATIC+, som fordeler kræfterne mellem for- og baghjul variabelt. Det betyder en køreoplevelse, som giver føreren fordelene ved firehjulstrækkets faste greb i asfalten ved kraftig acceleration og igennem sving med høj fart, samtidig med at baghjulstrækkets sportslige dynamik bevares, når Drift-indstillingen i køreprogrammet RACE vælges.
Langt fra hverdagsagtig, men fuldt ud hverdagsduelig De imponerende præstationer til trods er Mercedes-AMG GT 4-dørs coupé komfortabel som få og decideret praktisk uden for racerbanen.
De elegante og komfortable AMG sportssæder, som er standardudstyr, yder sublim støtte for såvel fører som passagerer, og det er desuden muligt at vælge de eksklusive First-Class bagsæder, som kendes fra S-Klassen. Skal der også være plads til svigermor, er det muligt at vælge bagsæderækken med tre siddepladser.
Bag det fladbundede AMG Performance rat i enten nappalæder eller DINAMICA mikrofiber har føreren udsigt til standardudstyr, som blandt andet omfatter Widescreen Cockpit, Burmester surround sound, Ambiente kabinebelysning i 64 farver og de intelligente MULTIBEAM LED forlygter, som får nat til at føles som dag.
Fra rattet kan lydniveauet på AMG Performance udstødningssystemet desuden styres efter førerens ønske via de digitale knapper, som også bruges til at vælge køreprogram.
AMG GT 4-dørs coupé med EQ Boost lanceres senere Senere bliver det muligt at vælge Mercedes-AMG GT 4-dørs coupe 43 og Mercedes-AMG GT 4-dørs coupe 53, som begge er udstyret med den nyudviklede rækkesekser på tre liter og leverer henholdsvis 367 hk og 435 hk.
Begge modeller er ligeledes udviklet af Mercedes-AMG og er derudover udstyret med 48-voltssystemet EQ Boost, som ved hjælp af genanvendt bremseenergi leverer op til ekstra 22 hk og 250 Nm over korte perioder.
Mercedes-AMG GT 4-dørs coupé 63 fås fra 2.920.400 kr. Mercedes-AMG GT 4-dørs coupé 63 S fås fra 3.206.000 kr.
Begge modeller kan bestilles nu med levering i efteråret 2018.
18C0090_017 Mercedes-AMG GT 53 4MATIC+ 4-Türer Coupé, AMG Night-Paket, Exterieur: Außenfarbe: designo diamantweiß bright, Farbvariante schwarz;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 9,1 l/100 km; CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 209 g/km* (vorläufige Daten)Mercedes-AMG GT 53 4MATIC+ 4-Door Coupé, AMG Night-packet, Exterior: Exterior paint: designo diamond white bright, colour variation black;Fuel consumption combined: 9.1 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 209g/km* (provisional data)
18C0090_024 Mercedes-AMG GT 53 4MATIC+ 4-Türer Coupé, AMG Night-Paket, Exterieur: Außenfarbe: designo diamantweiß bright, Farbvariante schwarz;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 9,1 l/100 km; CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 209 g/km* (vorläufige Daten)Mercedes-AMG GT 53 4MATIC+ 4-Door Coupé, AMG Night-packet, Exterior: Exterior paint: designo diamond white bright, colour variation black;Fuel consumption combined: 9.1 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 209g/km* (provisional data)
18C0090_082 Mercedes-AMG GT 53 4MATIC+ 4-Türer Coupé, AMG Night-Paket, Exterieur: Kofferraum, Außenfarbe: designo diamantweiß bright;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 9,1 l/100 km; CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 209 g/km* (vorläufige Daten)Mercedes-AMG GT 53 4MATIC+ 4-Door Coupé, AMG Night-packet, Exterior: boot, Exterior paint: designo diamond white bright;Fuel consumption combined: 9.1 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 209g/km* (provisional data)
18C0091_051 Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Türer Coupé, AMG Carbon-Paket, , Interieur: Leder Exklusiv Nappa DINAMICA / schwarz mit gelber Kontrastziernaht, Zierteil: AMG Zierelemente Carbon;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 11,2 l/100 km; CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 256 g/km* (vorläufige Daten)Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Door Coupé, AMG Carbon-packet, Interior: Leather exclusive nappa DINAMICA / black with yellow contrast ornamental seam, Body trim: AMG body trim carbon;Fuel consumption combined: 11,2 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 256 g/km* (provisional data)
18C0091_170 Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Türer Coupé, AMG Carbon-Paket, Exterieur: Außenfarbe: Graphitgrau magno, Rad: AMG Schmiederad im 7-Doppelspeichen-Design, Farbvariante schwarz;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 11,2 l/100 km; CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 256 g/km* (vorläufige Daten)Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Door Coupé, AMG Carbon-packet, Exterior: Exterior paint: graphite grey magno, Wheel: AMG Performance wheels in 7-double crossing design, colour variation black;Fuel consumption combined: 11,2 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 256 g/km* (provisional data)
18C0091_232 Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Türer Coupé, AMG Carbon-Paket, Exterieur: Außenfarbe: Graphitgrau magno;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 11,2 l/100 km; CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 256 g/km* (vorläufige Daten) Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Door Coupé, AMG Carbon-packet, Exterior: Exterior paint: graphite grey magno, colour variation black;Fuel consumption combined: 11,2 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 256 g/km* (provisional data)
18C0138_006 Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Türer Coupé, AMG Silver-Chrome Paket, Exterieur: Außenfarbe: Brilliantblau magno;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 11,2 l/100 km; CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 256 g/km* (vorläufige Daten)Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Door Coupé, AMG Silver-chrome packet, Exterior: Exterior paint: brilliant blue magno;Fuel consumption combined: 11.2 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 256 g/km* (provisional data)
18C0138_010 Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Türer Coupé, AMG Silver-Chrome Paket, Exterieur: Außenfarbe: Brilliantblau magno, Rad: AMG Leichtmetallrad;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 11,2 l/100 km; CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 256 g/km* (vorläufige Daten)Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Door Coupé, AMG Silver-chrome packet, Exterior: Exterior paint: brilliant blue magno, Wheel: AMG light-alloy wheel;Fuel consumption combined: 11.2 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 256 g/km* (provisional data)
18C0138_014 Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Türer Coupé, AMG Silver-Chrome Paket, Interieur: Leder Exklusiv STYLE magmagrau / macchiato, Zierteil: Holz Esche offenporig metallisiert;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 11,2 l/100 km; CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 256 g/km* (vorläufige Daten)Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Door Coupé, AMG Silver-chrome packet, Interior: Leather exclusive STYLE magma grey /macchiato, Body trim: Wood ash open-pored metallised;Fuel consumption combined: 11.2 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 256 g/km* (provisional data)
18C0138_015 Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Türer Coupé, AMG Silver-Chrome Paket, Interieur: Leder Exklusiv STYLE magmagrau / macchiato, Zierteil: Holz Esche offenporig metallisiert;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 11,2 l/100 km; CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 256 g/km* (vorläufige Daten)Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ 4-Door Coupé, AMG Silver-chrome packet, Interior: Leather exclusive STYLE magma grey /macchiato, Body trim: Wood ash open-pored metallised;Fuel consumption combined: 11.2 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 256 g/km* (provisional data)
18C0370_12 Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ Edition 1; Exterieur: designo graphitgrau magno; Interieur: AMG Performance Sitze, magmagrau/schwarz mit gelben Ziernähten;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 11,2 l/100 km, CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 256 g/km*Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S Edition 1 ); exterior: designo graphite grey magno; interior: AMG Performance seats, magma grey/black with yellow stichings;fuel consumption, combined: 11.2 l/100 km, combined CO2 emissions: 256 g/km*
18C0370_28 Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4MATIC+ Edition 1; Exterieur: designo graphitgrau magno; Interieur: AMG Performance Sitze, magmagrau/schwarz mit gelben Ziernähten;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert: 11,2 l/100 km, CO2-Emissionen kombiniert: 256 g/km*Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S Edition 1 ); exterior: designo graphite grey magno; interior: AMG Performance seats, magma grey/black with yellow stichings;fuel consumption, combined: 11.2 l/100 km, combined CO2 emissions: 256 g/km*
0 notes
valcanous · 7 years
@ butch lesbians im beggging with three g’s 
0 notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thurs[day] 21 August 1834
9 3/4
get on as fast in the night as day – n[o]t long[e]r in chang[in]g horses – fine, b[u]t dull, cool morn[in]g – th[e]re h[a]s
been a gr[ea]t deal of r[ai]n ver[y] recent[l]y – it preced[e]d us last night – the dust qui[te] laid even fr[om] M[on]targis –
on[l]y one postill[io]n for our 4 horses all the way fr[om] Nemours to Essonne, th[e]n 2 ag[ai]n – want[e]d to be
p[ai]d the sa[me] as if 2; b[u]t, tho’ I profess[e]d to gi[ve] 2/. p[e]r p[ai]r dur[in]g the night, I w[oul]d n[o]t do th[i]s, and on[l]y ga[ve] h[i]m 3/. p[e]r p[air]
at 7 1/2 sm[all] drizzl[in]g r[ai]n – Fr[om] Fontainebleau, the count[r]y, tho’ neith[e]r beaut[iful] n[o]r pict[uresque], improves – good
lit[tle] towns or vil[lage]s – good maison de campagne – evid[entl]y appr[oa]ching the capit[a]l – at Villejuif at 9 53/..
and off ag[ai]n at 10 – a dirtyish look[in]g goodish 1 st[ree]t vil[lage] – Fine view of Paris, and Montmartre,
en sort[an]t de Villejuif – the day clears a lit[tle] and the sun app[ea]rs – traces of a gr[ea]t deal of r[ai]n here in the
night – Pass the barr[ie]r int[o] Paris at 10 29/.. – pass[e]d by the r[ue] S[ain]t Vict[oi]re n°27 – sev[era]l let[ter]s 15
days, and s[e]nt immed[iatel]y to Geneva! how terrib[l]y unlucky – the wom[a]n s[ai]d I h[a]d prom[ise]d to wr[ite] and say
when no mo[re] were to be forward[e]d – I do rememb[e]e so[me]th[in]g of th[i]s, b[u]t nev[e]r th[ou]ght of it till th[i]s
inst[an]t – How unlucky! – Alight at Meurices’ at 11 1/4 – noth[in]g b[u]t a sm[all] 3me – lit[tle]
sitt[in]g r[oo]m and bedr[oo]m and 1 ver[y] sm[all] pl[a]ce for Eugenie – ta[ke] it – a lit de sangle put up in
the bedr[oo]m for A- [Adney] w[oul]d n[o]t tell the pr[ice] -    br[eak]f[a]st at 11 5/.. – wash[e]d and dress[e]d – and wr[ote] 1 end and finish[e]d
A-‘s [Adney] let[ter] to my a[un]t writ[ten] at Clerm[on]t – afr[ai]d we sh[oul]d n[o]t get off fr[om] Paris till Mon[day] – will
wr[ite] a few lines fr[om] Lond[on] – wr[ote] also to ‘Monsieur  Monsieur le directeur de la poste
aux lettres, à Genèva, Swisse’ begg[in]g h[i]m to forw[ar]d mine and A-‘s  [Adney] let[ter]s to me aux soins de
Mess[ieu]rs Laffitte and c°, bankers Paris – A- [Adney] and I out at 4 – walk[e]d immed[iatel]y to the gr[ea]t poste
aux let[tre]s r[ue] Jean Jacques Rousseau – too late for let[tre]s affranchis – the off[i]ce closes at 4 –
b[u]t put in the let[ter] (vid[ere] 5th line ab[ov]e) to Geneva – saw the hall an bled (inter[io]r and walk[e]d all r[ou]nd it) –
saw als[o] the ch[ur]ces de S[ain]t Eustache and S[ain]t Roch, and call[e]d and ask[e]d M[ada]me Contant ab[ou]t Edredon –
n[o]t m[u]ch the bet[ter] for th[a]t – ord[ere]d one (w[oul]d ta[ke] 2 1/2lb. Edredon at 28/. p[e]r lb.  (us[e]d to be on[l]y 25/.) to be
116fr. – ho[me] at 7 10/.. – din[ner] at 7 1/2 – ver[y] fine day – F[ahrenheit] 71° at 9 35/.. p.m. neith[e]r of us the
worse for being up all night –
4 notes · View notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Thurs[day] 21 August 1834
9 3/4
get on as fast in the night as day – n[o]t long[e]r in chang[in]g horses – fine, b[u]t dull, cool morn[in]g – th[e]re h[a]s
been a gr[ea]t deal of r[ai]n ver[y] recent[l]y – it preced[e]d us last night – the dust qui[te] laid even fr[om] M[on]targis –
on[l]y one postill[io]n for our 4 horses all the way fr[om] Nemours to Essonne, th[e]n 2 ag[ai]n – want[e]d to be
p[ai]d the sa[me] as if 2; b[u]t, tho’ I profess[e]d to gi[ve] 2/. p[e]r p[ai]r dur[in]g the night, I w[oul]d n[o]t do th[i]s, and on[l]y ga[ve] h[i]m 3/. p[e]r p[air]
at 7 1/2 sm[all] drizzl[in]g r[ai]n – Fr[om] Fontainebleau, the count[r]y, tho’ neith[e]r beaut[iful] n[o]r pict[uresque], improves – good
lit[tle] towns or vil[lage]s – good maison de campagne – evid[entl]y appr[oa]ching the capit[a]l – at Villejuif at 9 53/..
and off ag[ai]n at 10 – a dirtyish look[in]g goodish 1 st[ree]t vil[lage] – Fine view of Paris, and Montmartre,
en sort[an]t de Villejuif – the day clears a lit[tle] and the sun app[ea]rs – traces of a gr[ea]t deal of r[ai]n here in the
night – Pass the barr[ie]r int[o] Paris at 10 29/.. – pass[e]d by the r[ue] S[ain]t Vict[oi]re n°27 – sev[era]l let[ter]s 15
days, and s[e]nt immed[iatel]y to Geneva! how terrib[l]y unlucky – the wom[a]n s[ai]d I h[a]d prom[ise]d to wr[ite] and say
when no mo[re] were to be forward[e]d – I do rememb[e]e so[me]th[in]g of th[i]s, b[u]t nev[e]r th[ou]ght of it till th[i]s
inst[an]t – How unlucky! – Alight at Meurices’ at 11 1/4 – noth[in]g b[u]t a sm[all] 3me – lit[tle]
sitt[in]g r[oo]m and bedr[oo]m and 1 ver[y] sm[all] pl[a]ce for Eugenie – ta[ke] it – a lit de sangle put up in
the bedr[oo]m for A- [Adney] w[oul]d n[o]t tell the pr[ice] -    br[eak]f[a]st at 11 5/.. – wash[e]d and dress[e]d – and wr[ote] 1 end and finish[e]d
A-‘s [Adney] let[ter] to my a[un]t writ[ten] at Clerm[on]t – afr[ai]d we sh[oul]d n[o]t get off fr[om] Paris till Mon[day] – will
wr[ite] a few lines fr[om] Lond[on] – wr[ote] also to ‘Monsieur  Monsieur le directeur de la poste
aux lettres, à Genèva, Swisse’ begg[in]g h[i]m to forw[ar]d mine and A-‘s  [Adney] let[ter]s to me aux soins de
Mess[ieu]rs Laffitte and c°, bankers Paris – A- [Adney] and I out at 4 – walk[e]d immed[iatel]y to the gr[ea]t poste
aux let[tre]s r[ue] Jean Jacques Rousseau – too late for let[tre]s affranchis – the off[i]ce closes at 4 –
b[u]t put in the let[ter] (vid[ere] 5th line ab[ov]e) to Geneva – saw the hall an bled (inter[io]r and walk[e]d all r[ou]nd it) –
saw als[o] the ch[ur]ces de S[ain]t Eustache and S[ain]t Roch, and call[e]d and ask[e]d M[ada]me Contant ab[ou]t Edredon –
n[o]t m[u]ch the bet[ter] for th[a]t – ord[ere]d one (w[oul]d ta[ke] 2 1/2lb. Edredon at 28/. p[e]r lb.  (us[e]d to be on[l]y 25/.) to be
116fr. – ho[me] at 7 10/.. – din[ner] at 7 1/2 – ver[y] fine day – F[ahrenheit] 71° at 9 35/.. p.m. neith[e]r of us the
worse for being up all night –
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