audiodog · 11 months
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sad--meow · 7 years
My year
So it’s been a year since I went to the psych ward
A lot of things have happened
We’ll try to start from the beginning
January 11th was the day I went to the hospital
I made a couple friends
The first one I made was Maddie
She was great I never really stayed friends with her but she was a super sweet person
The one I mostly stayed friends with was sadie
I’m a really crappy friend sometimes
I wish I was better friends with her because I really like her she just lives an hour away and I go see my boyfriend a lot (we’ll get to that in August)
And then there was my little buddy Cat
Oh my god I loved her while I was in the psych ward but she was super annoying on like snapchat and shit and like I just wasn’t about that
When I got out it was the 17th
I immediately went to the highschool and told my teacher happy birthday
He was my favorite teacher
I tried to get my grades back up in school but I just couldn’t
I was still super depressed and couldn’t get back on track
I almost dropped out
But instead I went to the alternative school and it went really well
We’re in the middle of February now
I didn’t go to school for about a week before I started the alternative school because I was too far behind I just didn’t do anything
But while I was at the alt school I did great
By March 28th I had graduated high school
I actually did it
It made me feel great about myself
But then came the slump from the end of March to the beginning of May
I was home all day all alone becaus emy friends had school
And I didn’t have a job
I eventually got a job at dot foods that I kept until around August when I started COLLEGE like I’m the first one to go to college
But back to May
I started a job and then I could do things again
I was happy for a while
Then in July I went to warped tour with my best friends Dana and dalton
I had so much fun but I got overwhelmed by the heat
After that I started talking to this person on tinder
His name is James
He was such a dork and we had a lot of common interests
For a little while I ignored him because I was talking to someone else
Who was totally not right for me but I talked to him anyways because he was into computer science as well
But after I got over him I started really talking to James
And me and him would talk about anything and everything
We just couldn’t stop talking
We would talk from the time he got off work to the time he went to bed
He would send me pictures of the sunset and tell me how they didn’t compare to me
He was perfect
So now we’re in the middle of August
It’s the day before my birthday
I’m talking to him and he was going to come take me on a date for my birthday
I was so nervous
But then I decided to drive down there (WE HAD NEVER EVEN VIDEO CHATTED BEFORE THIS IM FUCKING INSANE) it was 7 when I left and I got there at like 10:30 because I kept getting lost (fuck round abouts)
He bought me chocolate, a monster, and some flowers
Like getcha a guy like mine
I was so nervous I was shaking in the middle of the night when we were sleeping
The next day we get up and we go to sonic (classy)
And then we go to advance auto parts to get a fuse for his cigarette lighter so he can use his Bluetooth in his car
And we just sit in the parking lot laughing and eating
I was still nervous but I wasn’t at the same time
I remeber him feeding me a “Coneie”? Is that what the giant hot dogs from sonic are called?
But he cut off a piece and fed it to me and listen he gave me like half a regular hot dog in one bite and expected me to be able to eat it
This bitch got a big ass mouth so he thought I did too
I can’t really remember what happened after that other than I stayed another night and then went home on Monday
By the time I left on Monday we were dating
The next week was his birthday
I came out and met his brother
We went to his brothers apartment for his birthday
And then the next day his brothers cat had KITTENS
I never got to see them until we brought ours and his sisters kittens home
We have a little stinker named Kovu and his sister had a little girl named Petunia
That’s in November we’re not quite there yet
In September was his brothers birthday
We went bowling
It was fun
The next thing I remeber vividly was the beartooth concert
It was October 14th
And then on november 11th we went to see his FAVORITE BAND
We went all the way to Kansas City
That’s the farthest I’ve been away from home by myself
We stayed in a hotel
And the concert was great
Even tho I had a few minor panic attacks because of the crowd
The next big thing was thanksgiving
Oh my god his grandmother is a terrible person
It was kinda funny tho
And then there was Christmas!!!
We were at my house for Christmas Day and then his house for Christmas night
His parents even bought me a few gifts
I was really surprised at how much they got me
I wasn’t expecting anything honestly
They’re such sweet people even if his dad is a little nutty lol
And we went to a New Years party on the 30th with his family and played cards against humanity
And then we went my my family New Years party
We played this game of adult go fish called go fish yourself
It was so much fun
And then we played our normal game of phase 10
I got sick halfway through it and had to go home
Then in the morning I had this terrible headache that wouldn’t go away
And since then I’ve had a lot of problems with it so I’m scared there’s something wrong with me
But I’ve been at James’s house since Christmas and then went home for a day and came back until this Friday
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