soov · 2 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want
OMG OMG IM ACC SO HAPPY I LOVE THIS KIND OF ASKS (only doing some of my moots that i feel that fit these tropes 🙏 plus Yeah anon sorry..... i am not the best one w crackfics as u can see)
@isoobie : heeseung & strangers to lovers (hs bball au)
based on today’s heejay vid where jay says that hee fits the “treats everyone nicely but doesn’t know to talk to women” and heebot LMFAO imagining a hs au where he’s the popular basketball player who shares most classes with her, and has a crush on her. the whole school finds out about his crush and tries to get them together. it ends up with a bunch of students making a circle around them during lunch while heeseung sttuters and blushes the crap out of himself trying to confess, and ri accepts as equally as embarrassed cs who wouldnt 😆😆 the school’s it couple!!!!!!!
@voikiraz : sunghoon & small crochet business
mari w her lil crochet shop making the cutest bags and guess who liked them.... SUNGHOON!!! she packs his order very nicely (like she does to all cs shes the best business owner!!!!!!) but... it ends up arriving all messed up and basically destroyed. he sends her a kind dm in her shop’s insta about the order. when she checks his address, she notices they live in the same city and offers to give him a brand new bag personally. and when she arrives... love at first sight 😊 he’s def buying her whole shop and asking for delivery everytime just to see her!!
@boyfhee : jay & live jazz restaurant
why am i giggling js at the thought!! cael and jay would both go to a nice jazz restaurant every week and after some time of mutual pining, he gains enough courage and asks if he could pay her a drink!! they end up having such a good time together and after exchanging numbers, the next date gets set to jay’s house. and guess what 😂😂 private chef with meals even better than the restaurant’s, slow dances with a glass of wine in the kitchen, and jay playing his guitar after eating & having dessert OOHOHO
@haknom : juyeon & invisible string / dense and worse
Very Fitting!!!!!!! 😆😆 imagining a ton of those almost meeting moments w them like almost met each other at a convenience store, almost met at a morning stroll, almost met during a hangout with mutual friends... and in the end, they bump into each other accidentally someday. when they become friends it’s HELL because juyeon would be like Heyyy kayla 😏😏😅 and she wouldnt know hes flirting and same thing goes to him. they end up connecting the dots somehow and boom! couple 😂😂😂
@jongsie : nicholas & zombie apocalypse
HEHE THIS ONE WOULD BE SUCH A COOL DRAMA rav and nicho who aren’t really that fond of each other but a sudden zombie apocalypse forces them to work together. really angsty cs that’s what rav likes... one of them prob loses an arm or leg and dies in the end... the other suffers so bad!!! pure grief in its worst form. when the apocalypse ends the other digs a little hole in the place that they first met (and that was completely destroyed) and buries an item that one gave them before dying. (whoa i kinda ate with this one)
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koipepo · 4 months
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That omake of little Kabru not being able to show off his howetown sweets because of Misril gets to me a lot so...
Here's a happier Kabru (and Lairu)
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emry-stars-art · 5 months
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I’ll continue to wonder why the Trojans make me want a modern/snapchat au so badly lol but I loveeeeee them so much, it’s almost one of the first things I drew for them 😂
I’m imagining they’re on some trip in wintertime and none of them are built for it but Jean, like me, is reluctant to give some things up
More versions under the cut
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kyoten19 · 1 month
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they're very hakukoyu coded to me........
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undefeatablesin · 9 months
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My angel, my pride and joy, my beloved AKA the Good Hunter Ruza lmao 🧡 ft. Her Lost Chikage and her fun outfit from these screenshots! + some lil headshots of her in the Yharnam Hunter Garb, a look I also care Deeply About ✨️
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babymorte · 1 month
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my shirt is tetris 😀
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Jesper: Anyone else still traumatised from doing maths homework at the kitchen table with their parents?
Jesper: My Da flicked me on the forehead once cause he was so frustrated. He is the least violent person I know but he was sooo mad at me
Wylan: My Father used to hit me with the textbook like it was going to transfer into my head 😅
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rexscanonwife · 4 months
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Not me making a s/i for a game that I'm probably not even gonna play myself 😭🙏 here it is folks some simple ref of my bg3 tav!
She's a half-elf Paladin and a follower of Oghma, the God of Knowledge, with a sage background ♡ she's got an insatiable and somewhat macabre curiosity that leads her to explore things that are sometimes considered a bit disturbing but she finds fascinating! She has a bit of a manic edge that can make her seem a bit inconsiderate at times because she talks faster than she can think, but she means well and is very sweet! And of course she's catching feelings for a certain someone 😊
♡taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @squips-ship @drjohndisco @adoredbyalatus
#artfarts#self insert#self ship#bg3 tav#bg3 self insert#bg3#crush: 🗡#OUGGH I NEED A SHIP TAG 😭😭#thats the only thing i need to make wyll an official f/o...👉👈#GOD IDK HOW I FELL FOR HIM LIKE THIS#i cant help it he's so fucking sweet and romantic and he's so so so devoted to u when u romance him 🥺💖💖💖💖#maybe thats it devotion is a huge thing for me ajfjfk#if ur character will love with everything they have then im gone. and if the character is good with kids ajfjfk#WHICH WYLL IS BOTH#and idc if i dont have the game thats not gonna stop me uwu#i gotta draw us soon but alas...the call of dinner and needing to make it#but yeah her belt buckle has the symbol of oghma and her outfit is pretty simple but thats ok#between her studies she'll bash ur head in btw 😂 shes got no tolerance for nonsense#can u tell shes imbued with autism? specifically my autistic fixation on dark things#all my s/is have autism but the specific FLAVOR varies between them#and oughghh she'd be so enchanted by wyll 🥺🥺#and shed be so interested in karlach and astarion bcs she does a lot of reading about vampires and tieflings#she's just never met them before#thats what i mean abt MAYBEEE being a lil insensitive bcs she might not be the most soft about what she knows#but once they all get to know one another she'd be a very good friend to them and she'd throw down for them without hesitation 😤😤😤#speaking of karlach. uh 😳 uhm 😳😳 uhhhh#might want her too ngl 💘💖💘💖💘💖
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themiraclefish · 4 months
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Now kiss..(⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘ ˘˶ ⁠) chu~
Gabriel is definitely a good kisser fr fr
now the butterflies in my stomach won't staph 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
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socialprawn · 28 days
I feel like I'm in the middle of crossfire between 'go touch grass' and 'video game projection is my life' people
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good-beansdraws · 11 days
Massive Milgramsona art/info dump as a treat to myself!! Alas, my fatal flaw is being unable to shut up about anything even while simultaneously embarrassed/nervous to share, so here's literally all the info I have on her 😅
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Name: For the sake of posting online I’ll call her Rose!
Number: 012
Color: #E7355B
Age: She’d be 20 when Milgram started
Status: Milgram Staff, Machine Technician
Song genre: Pop/theater (a mix of Mahiru and Kazui's vibes)
Backstory: She is studying abroad in Japan to work on technology related to the mv machine when she stumbles into top secret info about the trials. Horrified at the lack of prior testing, she demands to be included in the experiment to make sure the brand new tech runs smoothly and doesn't harm anyone in the process. To prevent her leaking info to the public and deciding an extra participant wouldn't hurt, Milgram agrees.
Role: Rose performs routine maintenance and updates on the extraction machine, and checks in with prisoners' health to make sure it's not having any adverse effects. She listens in on the interrogations, ringing the bell to signal Es when the machine is ready for use (re: my theory on how it works >:3). She then watches the mvs after Es to make sure there are no glitches.
(Though she is a personal milgramsona, her role in the story is supposed to reflect the audience's experience overall when it comes to how much info we know, emotions we experiencing regarding guilt/responsibility, and how much power over events we actually have given the voting system and trial breaks.)
Trial 1
Jackalope's comments during trial commencement: Oh, I almost forgot participant 012, Rose. We've never had more than one staff member before, so we figured that sort of numbering would be fine. Hey, don't look at me, it's not like it was our idea to include her. She's not a prisoner -- the only crime she's committed is sticking her nose where it didn't belong... You can ask her for the details, but she's just here for maintenance on our extraction machine. It's not easy keeping that thing running smoothly, you know? As part of her duties, she'll be privy to all the same information as you, but don't let her be any more of a busybody than she already is -- she has absolutely no authority when it comes to your verdict decisions, got it?
MV: Mic Check - “Can anyone hear me?”
VD: Positive Feedback
Cover: Pathological Facade - Ghost
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Her album would release last in line. The VDs aren't interrogations since there's been no crime -- Es asks about her duties and observations of the prison. In them, she admits her predictions that she and Es will eventually be on trial for their involvement in the prisoner's fates.
Thus, her mvs are focused on her emotions towards the prisoners, her pride in helping bring justice, and her guilt at providing Milgram a means to pass judgement on people she cared about. I'm going to Goncharov the actual mvs/songs, but Mic Check is generally an introduction to her job behind the scenes prepping the equipment that will allow the prisoners' songs to be heard, as well kick off symbolism of her as a performer herself. She'll make a comment about how the experiment is leading to tragedy, "as if someone said Macbeth" (then covers her mouth, as she's standing in a theater herself).
I kept getting tripped up looking for Deco*27 songs that worked and weren't already taken, so I decided to go with some favorites and vibe-matching songs from other artists!
Comments during trial closing: It's good to hear you weren't a pushover when Rose gave her thoughts on the verdicts -- you guys disagreed on quite a few of them, eh? Ah... so she's not the type to pick fights, is that it? I guess that explains how she's managed to get along with everyone. (sigh) Even you knew better than to get attached like that. Well, at least she's kept our machine up and running the whole time.
Trial 2
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Commencement: Now I need to wake Rose. We're going to need some extra upgrades to our machine if we want to get the most out of this round of extractions. I've got a sneaking suspicion that she and her bleeding heart are going to try and sway you during this trial. Her duty is specifically to look out for the prisoners' safety, but yours is only to judge them. Don't forget that.
MV: Changement - “Don’t say ‘break a leg,’ if it might just break.”
VD: Control Variable
Cover: TOXY - Kujiragi
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I did my best to write out the title pronunciation out in katakana since I wanted it as the name of the dance move, not a direct translation of meaning. I went with シャジェモ "sha-je-mo" as the closest I could get to the "shanj-mou" sound, but feel free to correct me if there's a better way to write it. The door is based off of various set designs for Clara's home in The Nutcracker. (There's no deep meaning that this is the only one not opening -- I realized too late all the others are cracked open and my art app doesn't have the tools to easily fix that so I'm sticking with it 😭)
A changement is a small jump in ballet -- I thought it was fun to combine that (which means "to change") with Control Variable (refering to the variable in an experiment that never changes). The video shows conflicting emotions as her decisions/inaction caused so much to happen between trials, yet at the same time she feels like there's so much she'll be unable to change even if she really wants to intervene. Her mvs show the prisoners pretty regularly (since they are her crime, she's realized), and the teaser line is paired with references to Mahiru's broken leg.
The thumbnail combines different areas of study -- mechanical, medical, musical, mathematical (theater spotlight, muscles, Weakness notes, motion formulas). I think it's super cool how many areas of expertise are passed around the fanbase when discussing the characters. I've picked up new facts about plants, food, anatomy, geography, music, animals language, (sigh. color theory.), hobbies, professions, mythology, etc from fans with different fields of knowledge. While that's one of my favorite aspects of the project from the outside, I think it would be super intimidating to someone on the inside trying to tackle so much information at once.
Closing: As for Rose... (laughs) I thought she was dooming herself before--! Not only has she gotten hopelessly attached to everyone over the course of this trial, she's even started a relationship with one of the prisoners! And of all the people she could have chosen... Eh? Oh no, we have no policies against that for our staff. I mean, the whole point of Milgram is to explore human nature, the power of emotions, the complexities of connections, all that crap. I'm just grateful she shows a bit more common sense when she's operating the machine...
Trial 3
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MV: Showstopper - “There won’t be applause, but I’ll take a bow, okay?”
VD: Please Exit Left
Cover: Ironina - Nilfruits
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I don't know the album theme yet, but this is the tentative sprite and thumbnail design. The T2 sprite was kind of an "innocent" one, since at the beginning she still has faith in her role in the prison, excited to work with everyone there. (Plus, I joined the fandom a little after t2 started so that's peak excitement time lol). The T3 sprite has much more of a "guitly" feel to it because, at the end of T2 and after this hiatus, she'd harbor a lot more guilt about her position and fear about the experiment's conclusion. As a fun little detail, her pencil has been replaced with a more permanent utensil as final verdicts are locked in.
Now listen. My artist brain was constantly fighting my science brain when doing sprite designs -- I know gloves like that and nothing else isn't proper PPE. I know none of those are safety shoes (god forbid wearing just socks??? to the lab???). There should be no jewellery at all. The whole point of a lab coat is that you don't roll up the sleeves and expose your bare skin. However. It's anime character design. There can be compromise.
Referencing Rose's personal life as a performance and comparing Milgram's trials to one, I wanted the mv to play on "showstopper" as both a great show and a literal attempt to stop the project before it reaches its finale. There would be creepy comparisons in the mv between operating stage equipment and prison executions: curtain/set ropes and nooses, heavy duty lightswitches and electric chairs, etc.
And lightening things up again -- birthday art and minigrams :3
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Birth flower: Camellias. Pink camellias symbolize love but also longing. The fact that they bloom in winter, and have a quick death (the entire flower wilts at once, instead of individual petals falling off), have inspired different meanings in different cultures -- overcoming hard times, facing death in battle, inseparable lovers, and so on
Three minigrams featuring my own annoyance that her design is a bit close to Shidou's coat/gloves look, a mandatory short joke, and a pun that works so perfectly for my Put-In-Situations guy
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emry-stars-oc · 2 months
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New oc with a new sketchbook spread!
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Another bodyguard character, this time for Quinton! Meet Mercer Chantry ⚔️
Q and Mercer aren’t as close as Bo and Ambrose, but they’re still good buds. He and his sister live in Bylldewn castle with the rest, and things may start out rocky with a misunderstanding between him and the Beldans (Bo, Ambrose, Betony) but once it’s ironed out he and Ambrose make a TERRIFYING great team. Anyway I love him v much
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artemis-pendragon · 1 year
Me laying bits of Critical Role lore at my dad's feet like a proud cat having caught a rabbit that its owner very much does not need, let alone want,
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xinyuehui · 1 year
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*Intense staring at each other*
不良執念清除師│Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
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snickerdoodlles · 9 months
📓 :3
@mortimerlatrice got me thinking about a KimChay Chrestomanci AU, so more of that.
the Chrestomanci series, sidenote, is an absolutely delightful fantasy series by Diana Wynne Jones. it's composed of mostly independent stories set in a universe of 12 parallel universes (called Series), each with their own string of worlds (except Series 11). generally speaking, every person has eight identical copies borne into other series than their own, but very occasionally all nine lives will be borne into one person. this nine-life enchanter has all the power of nine magical people in them and is therefore the only person powerful enough to fill the role of Chrestomanci to regulate magical use and prevent any abuse of it across the 12 series.
which cool, very fun story premise actually, but not what I care about here. I'm setting kp in one of the series that doesn't deal much with magic because I don't care about magic meet mafia, I care about Chay having nine lives and all the ways that could make things worse.
(cw: non-permanent but slightly graphic character death under the cut. ft a dash of actual character death, but that only applies to Tawan.)
Chay doesn't have all his lives when canon starts. he lost his first one the same day he and Porsche lost their parents when he fell out of his crib trying to investigate the noise. he lost his second to food poisoning, before Porsche started working for extra food money and they had to make every scrap stretch. he lost another when a debt collector hit him too hard and snapped his neck. (Porsche wasn't home for that day. Chay told him he wasn't either.)
Chay loses his fourth life in the warehouse. it actually wasn't intentional on anyone's part -- Tawan's hired meat weren't careful enough bringing him in, and Chay's luck has his head hit a curb or scrap metal at just the right (or wrong, as it were) angle to kill him instead of concuss him, and head injuries take so long to come back from. Tawan drags out the charade because he wants Porsche desperate, not angry, and Porsche is in too deep of denial to accept the possibility of Chay actually being dead not to fall for it.
Kim arrives before Chay comes back to life. it's...bad. Porsche is screaming for him to get Chay out. Kim first checks Chay's breathing. failing to find that, he frantically (but carefully!) hauls Chay upright. that's when Chay's head flops limply to the side and reveals the dried blood down the back of his neck, which Kim had already felt grabbing but refused to process.
Kim sees red.
Tawan knifes Big. Porsche's shouts break through the fog threatening to overwhelm Kim. then Tawan gets one very distraught, very angry, very murderous Kim materializing in front of him and going right for his eyes. it doesn't matter that Tawan's the one with a weapon, he could've had an armory and that couldn't have helped him. Kim is very, very, very good at fighting, and he's on a mission to hurt. but he's also missing his control, and kicks Tawan in the kidney so hard Tawan stumbles back into a pile of scrap and, in true irony, jostles it hard enough the end of steel beam falls on his head. as discovered earlier, metal and concrete are not kind to heads, and bullet proof vests certainly can't protect from that.
it's too quick and too kind, and Kim stares at him disbelievingly, half a mind to drag Tawan out and beat out the little life he's surely still clinging to, when Chay groans. Kim first thinks he hallucinated it, but then he sees Chay move and he's so relieved he was wrong that he shoves everything else out of his mind and just gets Chay out. then everything and one trailing shouty Porsche slams back into him the minute Chay's out of his arms and with the paramedics that Kim bolts to go hide in a dark corner in his apartment and fail to process any of it.
Chay misses all of this btws. He was dead, then he was back with a headache, and he loves Porsche but he needs Porsche to please shut the fuck up and get him some tylenol.
then apartment confrontation, where Kim says I'm sorry and shoves off even quicker because all he can remember are those moments when he'd been so sure Chay was properly dead. club scene goes down even worse when Kim yells at Chay for making stupid reckless choices that could get him killed, and Chay demands to know why Kim even cares, and Kim goes pale with anger that Chay doesn't care that he (only nearly, surely) died, and it's all very terrible and ends in them storming away from each other.
then comes Yok's bar.
Chay dies. Kim had taunted them into a direct fight inside instead of picking them off outside, and it should have been fine, would have been fine, had Chay not had a bit more awareness and looked over to see Kim pinned between two guys and rushed to help only to get shot by one of the goons on the other end of the bar. he bleeds out while Kim kills off the rest.
Chay comes back to a bar full of bodies and Kim (clutching) cradling him. Kim isn't crying. he isn't really doing much of anything other than clinging and staring off into nothing with a thoroughly haunted expression.
Chay blinks and tentatively lays his fingers against Kim's cheek. "Kim?"
Kim's eyes snap to him, but still don't quite see him. he stays looking blank for a few seconds that feel like hours before saying matter-of-factly, "I've snapped."
"Kim!" Chay protests, distressed.
"It's okay," Kim says, still matter-of-fact but smiling tenderly, "better to be mad with you than without."
it takes a while to convince Kim he's not insane and that Chay's really back. Chay's not certain he fully manages it. but his death also shook loose a lot of confessions Kim normally couldn't say out loud. ("why--" Chay starts, voice cracking, "why did you say 'I'm sorry' that day?" / "You were supposed to be safe," Kim replies hoarsely, mad smile slipping for tears.) there's more clutching and clinging, this time by Chay too. both of them manage to forget they're in a bar of dead bodies until Porsche and Kinn come crashing through the door.
"Chay!" Porsche yells when he first sees him.
"Chay," Porsche pleads brokenly when he sees Chay's blood soaked shirt.
"Not mine!" Chay says quickly, and would've been given away by how fast Kim's head snaps around in any other circumstance. "See?" he says, raising his shirt to show unblemished skin, "No injury."
this does a lot to reassure Porsche, but Chay can tell Kim still thinks he's a little bit insane. Chay decides that's fine for now, because dying takes a lot out of you and apparently everyone around you too and it's unfair to expect Kim to just bounce back from him bleeding out on him, he'll work on it after a shower and dinner.
I'm not writing this AU because I only really have these two vague scenes in my head, but Chay having multiple lives making his existence in the mafia hurt more than canon's calls to me, it really does.
oh, also: in the AU source material, one of the nine-lifers has one of his lives removed and stored into a ring for safekeeping. he later gives this ring to his to-be-wife as her wedding ring. I'm not sure yet how to work that into this AU because Chay's contact with magic and other magicals would be slim to none in this, but please picture how this would absolutely wreck Kim, because there's nothing Kim wants more than to safeguard Chay but as far as he's concerned, he's already failed Chay in that regard twice. 😈
[[ ask me about fics im not writing ]]
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
The red string of fate is found in lichtenberg figures!!!
And Eddie’s back on a red rope (the first one he’s been on since Sheila’s balcony iirc) to climb up to him at a time when buck will have the figures.
And maybe Eddie will have some too - if he does in fact get hit by lightning. And all these red strings are connected…
The thing with lichtenberg figures is that they don’t last long - 24 to 48 hours usually (sometimes a bit longer depending on the severity of the strike) so Buck won’t have a permenant reminder, but we the audience will have seen them connected by that red string of fate. There is beauty in it only being visible for a short time - the red string is meant to be invisible - so is getting to see it temporarily is a really lovely narrative device the writers are using to clue the audience in!
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