p4nishers · 2 years
why cant gay ppl just say "i love you" tf is "there's nobody in this world i trust with my son more than you" ???
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honeymouthedtales · 1 year
by someone less problematic are we talking about Jn? something about him is a lot like dh (not self depreciating or insecure or kinda dumb - sorry not sorry dh). but rather in the sense that he's silly and if jmn so much as turned his way he would be giggling and making a fool of himself. (or maybe i misunderstood how you wanted to portray iotol jn?). but since we're confessing our controversial opinions I'd like to admit that I too, am i jaemwon shipper. Sue me🤷‍♀️. they were very cute before shit popped off. i also got the sense that chaewon is just a little jelly and deals with a bit of invisibility in a family of boys (please don't let me have forgotten some little sister) and her boyfriend (someone that was "supposed" to be for her only) kissed her brother (who's getting all the attention lately if not HAS been getting all the attention from the start.
With love,
an iotol jaemwon shipper
i'm going to publish your other two asks before i reply:
jaepropaganda asked:
naur naur NOUR! because when we actually analyse this situation! we've already established the fact that chwn kinda lived in dh's shadow (if not all the other boys). like you would think being the only girl (my goodness i really hope im not forgetting some little sister) would kinda make her the princess or whatever of the family. But looking back on the first couple of chapters she highkey fades into the background. Yes, we talk about her, and yes dh thinks she could be perfect for mark and kinda would like for mk to be with her (shtewpid boy!!!) if only mark gets to be part of the family (like tf😑) the fact that mk doesn't even see chwn like that and doesn't really regard her other than being the love of his life's little sister very much puts her on the side. for goodness sake mk prolly tutors chwn just to get a glimpse of his best friend (he's so pathetic lmao😭).
[1/2 coz im shy about how long this is getting🫣]
jaepropaganda asked:
[2/2] I kind of get it. her animosity. jmn refusing to stop seeing dh was kind of a slap in the face. idk if this has to do with jmn's dck weighing his brain down too much for him to think things through or just general teenage inadequacy but (and i get that you can't really control your boyfriend like that) (and also yeah, I guess good on him for choosing to leave bla bla choose yourself king🙄) imagine your boyfriend kisses your brother who steals the show (ik very unfair considering dh didn't choose this) and then says "Nah, I don't feel like not seeing him anymore". The insecurity, she already feels really inadequate, and now her boyfriend refuses to give her the reassurance that something like that wouldn't happen again. Coz obvi it wasn't Jaemin's choice. But she's probably thinking about this happening again (even if it would be an accident) and her not getting to be mad about it coz everything's fcked and still live with the feeling she's kinda sharing her boyfriend like she shares the attention in her family (look at me, once again doing a trauma analysis for one of your characters 🧍🏾‍♀️). Idk, I feel we need to apologize to chwn. Her and dh are siblings and yes her treatment of him sucks ass and she should apologize profusely and make amends but damn even her parents think she should get over it, and they prolly contribute to her feelings being misunderstood and overshadowed. When you think about the aftermath of everything she might feel like in the end everyone chose dh's feelings over hers and I'm sorry now I'm emo about it ☹️
You're very right in many of the things you said. chwn has many complicated feelings that stem from the fact that she's no one's priority in the family. Her little brothers are close in age and they're Alphas so they generally bond with each other and also they're younger so she doesn't want to play with them anyway. And also they probably look up to dh more because he's a boy, even if he's an Omega, while she's the stereotypical girl who likes girl things and makeup and boys, you know?
Generally in that family her role should be 'the only girl' and normally the only girl is a little spoiled, but her parents have always paid attention to dh because they didn't want him to think he was lacking something for being a male Omega, which means she was never the center of attention as the only daughter. Plus, dh is like very academically gifted, which she isn't, so he always outstaged her in that field too. So what did she do? She turned to the things that made her stand out from her brothers, as in being pretty and dating boys. Except even in that dh literally stole her thunder because she's a Beta and he's an Omega so even if guys are het they would still be attracted to him on a physical level. This was even before what happened with jmn. chwn has had a crush on mrk and has realized quite early on that she never stood a chance, but what happened with jmn was the last she could stand.
Still, I do believe the way she's behaving is quite wrong. The reason dh is always at the center of attention is that he leaves in a society where he's heavily discriminated and always made feel like he was wrong. His parents tried to overcompensate by supporting him completely, and even then they couldn't totally keep him safe because as you know he still developed a lot of self-esteem issues and internalized shame. Plus, no matter how we look at it, dh is an Omega who will never be able to have children. It might not affect his life too much but it's still a disability and something he'll have to live with for the rest of his life. Is it fair to chwn that she has to suck it up just because her brother was born like this? Nope, but at the end of the day if we put their problems on a scale, is having Donghyuck as a brother really a problem for her? Her parents are not really neglecting her, she's not forbidden from pursuing her passions, she has no less opportunities than any of her brothers to do everything she wants. The reason she's throwing a tantrum is basically because she's not in the spotlight the way she wants, but I'd say it's not that grave of an issue when dh has to deal with both mental and physical health problems, having to take medicines to keep his hormones in control, having a bad reputation because he sleeps around, knowing it'll be hard for him to find a mate since he cannot provide a family, and on top of that his sister slutshames him both in front and at his back. Like, grow up? At this point it's not that people like her brother more because he's an Omega, but because she's childish and a little bit of an attention-grabber, and there's nothing wrong with wanting attention, but it's a problem when you hate other people for supposedly outstaging you.
As for what happened with jmn, that was the best thing he could do. You're right, he could've coddled up to her and assured it wasn't going to happen again, but the fact that she wanted to dictate who he was seeing was wrong. The fact that she pulled a me or him was wrong. Jmn didn't break up with her because he prefers her brother, but because if he had given up on this he would've rewarded a honestly fucked up, controlling, and toxic behavior, and that's no way to be in a relationship. Chwn needs to let go of her insecurity in order to be someone who can be happy and who can make other people happy, but jmn is not her therapist and he should not be the only one shouldering her trauma. He would have, tbh. He would've stayed and he would've helped her, but she was the one who said we do it my way or not at all, and if that's the premise all the love in the world wouldn't make things work, let alone a few months old relationship between teenagers.
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