dutyfcrged · 1 year
@intcthatgoodnight / anakin sent a meme. ( modern au. )
Send ‘☰’ to find my muse after missing for months on end with signs of being tortured.
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Time had lost most meaning. Time was relative. The time between visits from his captor had grown further apart - and that in and of itself was a double edged sword. It meant less pain but it also meant less sustenance ... if the scraps provided could be called that. (He'd never thought the day would come that he would miss MREs.) He was growing weaker. He was fairly certain it was only thanks to the years he'd spent in the military and the specialized training to survive scenarios such as this one that had kept him alive, but even that training had not provided him a method of escape. Initially he'd been kept drugged and bound by the impenetrable manacles in between ... sessions. When his captor had thought him weak enough to be kept in the underground prison by the chains alone, Ben had attempted an escape.
It had been weeks before he'd been able to move without exacerbating the injuries from the attempt. The visits from his captor had grown longer after that, once he'd grown bored watching Ben suffer without the capacity to deal anything other than mental torture. The time between had stretched longer and longer since. Ben suspected that the man had grown bored with him altogether. Perhaps it was time to discard the broken toy and find a new one, he mused, not for the first time. A grimace, a shift of his weight to twist a scabbed wrist against the manacle, as if this one time out of the million before would be the one to snap the metal.
And then the sound, a sharp grating as the panel in the ceiling of the old bomb shelter that had become his prison was pried open. Daylight, foreign to him now, flooded the room and he flinched, throwing his hands up with the rattle of metal to shield his eyes from the blinding light. That was a first. Every other visit had come at night. The clank of the drop down ladder followed, and he pushed himself back, trying to find his way into a crouch to have even the smallest amount of leverage if he could charge at his attacker. He squinted, brows furrowing deeper as he blinked against the sunlight, peering between his fingers. It wasn't right. The dark silhouette of the person climbing down was too lean. Too tall. A shift of frame, the tilt of a head... a profile that was -- his breath caught in his throat and he felt his heart seize, painfully, in his chest. "A--- Ani?"
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brittlefcrged · 1 year
@intcthatgoodnight​ / sith ani sent a meme for her sith sw verse.
❛ You must be very special. ❜
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         It wasn’t possible.   It was not possible.  Yet, even though they had never met, his face was as known to her as almost any one else’s in all the worlds.  Holos of him, the time that he had spent training with her Master, with Lord Fernos -- the holos in Amidala’s home, even the visions of him that she had experienced... none of them had prepared her.  And how could they?  He was dead.   Even she had not imagined or foreseen, even with her visions, any other alternative.  How --
      Fear trickled like ice down her spine, sat sour in her throat.  She swallowed it down, clung to it, tried to solidify it into anger.   Into strength. 
       Power emanated from him.   Icy rage cloistered the air around him and she could feel the goosebumps tracing lines along her arms.   A spirit?  No.  She did not have to reach for him to know that he was a palpable form. Alive.  Here.  In her home.  No one came here.  No one except Obi Wan.   This island was the sanctuary that he had made for her, with droids to tend to her needs, droid sentries to keep her safe.  And yet ...   Here he stood, in her sanctuary.  In her sanctum.   His words made her heart skip, her stomach ache and tighten.  Were they a threat?  His very presence here was a threat.  
      How had she not seen this coming? 
             “I do not know who you are, or what you are doing here, but you are not supposed to be here.”  The tremble in her voice, in her lies, made her jaw tighten, but perhaps it worked to her favor.  “Please leave.”   She was no one, nothing, there was nothing to see here.   Leave.   
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halofcrged · 2 months
@intcthatgoodnight anakin sent a meme.
❛ Look, I ask and you answer. It's common courtesy, right? ❜
It was taking every ounce of self control that the Spartan possessed not to physically bristle at the figure across from him in the - he assumed it was an interrogation room, and even if that wasn't its original designation, that was its current purpose. First glance would've led most people to think that this boy was simply that, and while he did not exude the kind of strength that John correlated with soldiers, there was a sense of control to his movements and posture that hinted at some form of military training. That still, in John's opinion, didn't give him much wriggle room to ask anything.
Whoever these people were, they'd given him medical treatment when they'd found him (according to them) unconscious in space where he'd been floating for some indeterminate amount of time. His suit, and perhaps more importantly Cortana, were nowhere to be seen, and the medical staff had not taken kindly to his rude awakening on their med bays. Which had led to this particular circumstance.
He'd resisted the urge to fight back against the security forces that had requested he accompany him to someone who could answer his questions. There were too many unknowns. So here he was. Trying not to bristle. The vein in his forehead twitched as he forced himself to exhale slowly, softly.
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"John One-One-Seven," he offered, the words stiff, carefully articulated. "Master Chief Petty Officer of the United Nations Security Council."
Another careful inhale. "Now it's my turn -- sir. Where the hell is my suit?"
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quixoticfcrged · 11 months
@intcthatgoodnight / anakin sent a meme.
❛ Your compassion is a weakness your enemies will not share. ❜
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"That may be true," Holden admitted with a tired shrug, a hand scraping across his eyes for a moment in a futile attempt to clear some of the fog from his brain. He needed caf. "But I'd rather take the risk involved in giving somebody else the chance to have some empathy, some kindness, some humanity, than go through live without any of my own."
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factiousfcrged · 11 months
@intcthatgoodnight / anakin sent a meme.
“So, how do I make you go away?“
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"Well, you could try and kill me." It wasn't actually a challenge, it was just -- a fact, really. "Wouldn't be the first, probably won't be the last." A casual shrug of one shoulder. "You could try asking nicely, but that doesn't generally go the way people want it to. Or you could tell me what you are doing here, and what, or who you're after, and if I decide you're not feeding me a line of bullshit, and you're not here to do something I don't like, I'll just let you go on your merry way."
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ofthclight · 2 years
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the hammering of her heart is offset by the even cadence of his breathing .  mechanical ,  intimidating ,  terrifying .  in her lap ,  leia wrings her hands together ,  she swallows thickly ,  but she refuses to look away .  refuses to give into the fear .  she is a princess of alderaan and she is not so easily intimidated ,  even when faced with the things of nightmares .   ❝ you’re not as scary as they say you are . ❞          /          @intcthatgoodnight​   +   liked for a starter ,   based off the fourth bullet point here ! 
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alderaanfcrged · 1 year
@intcthatgoodnight / vader
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"Lord Vader." The name - the title, was acrid in his throat, but he kept his face stoic as he offered a partial bow towards the Sith as the suited menace strode into his offices in the Senate hall. He kept his hands clasped loosely in front of him in an attempt to present a pretense of calm. This was a moment that he had been dreading since his return to the Galactic Senate: the first time that he would come face to face with the entity that had once been Anakin Skywalker. He stifled the knot of anger and pain that rose in his throat at the memories of the Temple, still seared fresh and agonizing in his mind. How quickly the galaxy had turned on its head.
He'd spent many hours in debate with his wife about the dangers presented by returning to the senate but in the end it had seemed prudent to retain his seat. The last thing he wished was to draw untoward attention towards his homeworld, or his home where the Sith lord's newborn child was nestled safe in her crib. He would continue to do what good he could here ... if such a thing was possible. "If you are here for the census documents for Alderaan, I'm afraid they've already been sent on to the security bureau. I can have my assistant prepare an additional copy for you, if you require."
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lifefcrged · 1 year
@intcthatgoodnight / anakin sent a meme.
“I get so mad. I wanna fight the whole world. You got any idea what that feels like?“
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                   “I think I might have some idea, yes.”   There was a lightness to her words that did not match her heart, or her mind, or the weight of guilt that sat like Atlas’ stones on her shoulders -- but these were her burdens to bear, not his.   He had more than his own fair share of guilt and burdens to carry.    “Stay still -- this is going to feel ... strange,” she warned him as she curved her fingers to settle around the abrasions and burns against his forearm.  She hadn’t asked where they had come from, or what the other guy looked like.  She didn’t really want to know, if she was being honest with herself.  Sometimes it was easier that way.  
      It wasn’t the first time she’d treated him at her clinic, after hours - hours reserved for patients that were illegals, or mutants that didn’t want to risk being exposed by a doctor not like themselves.   She doubted it would be the last.   Lips pressed thin for a moment as her fingers came into contact with his skin and the abrasion, burns and, just for good measure, assortment of bruises, aches and bumps that were scattered across his body slipped away from his and to her own.    “The world hits harder than you do, though --”  She offered an empathetic smile.  “Than any one of us.”
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diplomacyfcrged · 1 year
VERSES. ( tags. )
VERSE. ( sw. / sith.  nw kash zo tash. ) ; @intcthatgoodnight peace is a lie; verse with anakin, obi, padme, reese & baby twins.  
VERSE. ( sw. / sith.  pro midwan nu gauti pergaleas. ) ; @intcthatgoodnight through power i gain victory; verse with obi ; arranged marriage.
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devotionfcrged · 2 years
@intcthatgoodnight​ / anakin gets a starter.
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           “Did he --  Did Master Kenobi ever talk of .. of Mandalore or The Duchess?”  She glanced towards Anakin, a quiet click of her tongue offered to the mount she sat upon to coax it towards the right side of the riding path to leave more room for his.   “Before you came here, that is.”
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dutyfcrged · 1 year
@intcthatgoodnight / hannibal sent a meme.
❛ There can be great satisfaction in small revenges. ❜
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An eyebrow quirked upwards at the psychiatrist's remark, a half huffed snort accompanying the quizzical and vaguely bemused reaction. "I'm not overly keen on petty crime or adolescent prank wars much these days," he replied dryly, shifting his weight down a little further in the overstuffed leather seat across from Hannibal. "Especially seeing how it was the need for revenge that led us here in the first place," he pointed out. Not that it had been his need for revenge, but the end result had been the same. Fingers folded against his palm, knuckles dragging restlessly against the seam of his jeans agitatedly. "The only satisfaction I seek is to put an end to all of this, to see justice served." There was a stiffness in his words, in his shoulders and jaw as he spoke - the discomfort at his statement manifest in his physical form. It was true - he wanted this over, he wanted to stop Anakin. What Anakin was doing was not justice. It was taking the law into his own hands, it was denying others their due process, it was a perversion of justice.
And still, the thought of seeing Anakin in cuffs and watching him spend the rest of his days behind bars left a gnawing ache in his chest that felt like it would eat him alive.
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brittlefcrged · 4 months
@intcthatgoodnight - anakin, lyric starter.
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"And one day, what's lost can be found."
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sufferingfcrged · 2 years
@intcthatgoodnight​ / obi wan sent a meme.
[ HESITATE ]:     startled by a sudden hug from the receiver, the sender pauses for a moment, before hesitantly returning the embrace.
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      It would have been an understatement to say that the Jedi Master’s movements caught the Knight off guard -- there was an initial reaction of stiffness, partially brought on by the sheer unexpectedness of the gesture, and partially out of an unfamiliarity with touch, especially one meant to soothe, or reassure, as openly as a hug was oft meant to.   And then, a shift, his own arms raising to tuck around Obi Wan, albeit on the side of awkward, a light pat against his master’s back, though he could not deny there was a rush of warmth in his chest that made him grateful for the unexpected gesture.  “All right, so, how hard did you hit your head back there, Master?” It was asked lightly, in jest, but there was a kindness and perhaps even a softness to it that their jests might sometimes lack.
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soufflefcrged · 3 years
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@intcthatgoodnight​ continued from [X]
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      She didn’t need the Force to know the emotions that roiled beneath the surface -- they were written in the creases of his lips, the shadows beneath his eyes, the tension in his shoulders.  She could almost feel heat roiling off of his form and she had to wonder when the last time was that he’d slept for more than an hour or two.   “Ani...”  Her voice was soft, her touch gentle as it came to rest on his shoulder, her other hand rising to catch lightly against his chin to draw his focus down to her.   “Breathe,” Clara reminded him with a low smile, her hand settling on his chest over his heart, breathing in and out slowly, trying to pull him into the same pattern as her.   “I know you did everything you could.”  And more, most likely.  Risking himself to save others was a habit of his.  “How long has it been since you’ve had a real meal?”  She knew food, a hot bath and a long night’s sleep would serve him well, but getting him to actually pay attention to his own needs would be a fight in and of itself. 
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ofthclight · 2 years
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she’s not one to speak out of turn ,  but she’s always had a fondness for the jedi .  but as she stops beside obi wan and watches ,  barely biting back a smile ,  as padmé and anakin make their best attempt at being professional in one anothers’ midst ,  she finds that she can’t quite hold her tongue the way she usually would .   ❝ do you think they’re at all aware of how obvious they are ? ❞  she would die before betraying her lady’s secrets ,  but she also knows better than to think that obi wan remains oblivious to the romance budding before them .          /          @intcthatgoodnight​ ,  obi wan  +   liked for a starter ! 
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tuppencetrinkets-a · 5 years
     @intcthatgoodnight liked for a one liner from pre-vader anakin skywalker.
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     “ Are you an angel? “
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