ponett · 7 months
there have definitely been a lot of nerd boys who missed that you aren't supposed to want to be like scott pilgrim, but i don't really see where the claim that there are specifically droves of incels who see scott as a role model came from
if anything, i see a lot of hatred for the series - and particularly the movie - from incels. their prevailing meme is "scott pilgrim vs. the world ruined an entire generation of women." they HAAAAAAAATE ramona. of course they do. she literally has blue hair and pronouns. many of them have convinced themselves that all the left wing women they hate who dye their hair and listen to indie music have literally modeled their entire lives after ramona. they believe that this apparent mass brainwashing of millennial and gen z women by ramona flowers is why they can't find a date
i would explain more but some loser literally wrote a whole fucking "incelcore" song about this
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they also seem to hate scott, particularly as portrayed by michael cera in the movie. they think he's a lame, scrawny nerd who's constantly emasculated next to ramona's bigger, stronger, more conventionally handsome exes. they do not want to be like scott. they think he's a soyboy. they think he's gay. they think that in real life ramona would choose a "chad" like lucas or todd over scott, because that's their understanding of how relationships work
i would say more but some of the comments i've seen are truly heinous so i'll spare y'all
really i think folks have just forgotten that "incel" describes a type of guy with a very specific, very extreme, very hateful ideology. it is not interchangeable with your typical "tfw no gf" type nerd guy who just really liked all the video game references and writes in his tinder bio that he's looking for his ramona
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breakfastoversugar · 4 years
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incel marvin is real
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taramaclaywasaterf · 3 years
I also just read your other tags on that post and you’re hilarious bc Jason momoa is a god among men and I wish all men looked more like him 🤣 I have an ex boyfriend who when we were dating told me he literally can’t see the difference in attractiveness in men because he’s not attracted to men. So I asked him if he can tell how attractive or unattractive a WOMAN is even if he’s ‘not attracted’ to her. He said he could. I called him a dumbass and said it’s the same thing and that that was the straightest man bullshit I had ever heard. He said he couldn’t tell the difference in attractiveness between himself and JASON MOMOA 🤣🤣🥲 this mfker was 27 with a head of gray hair, 5’4 and scrawny with pasty white skin. Fucking cmon man, men are clowns
Omfggg dude, men are so fucking ridiculous. It’s like they’re incapable of thinking about things without first filtering it through the lens of sex. You don’t have to be attracted to someone to tell if they’re good looking or not, and it’s just bizarre to pretend otherwise. I think the ocean is pretty…that doesn’t mean I wanna fuck the ocean…? Flowers are objectively pretty… I don’t wanna fuck followers lol
Funny how men seem DO to be able to tell the difference between ugly/good looking dudes when it comes to “chads” vs “incels” and it’s time to demonize women for who they choose to date/marry/fuck tho… like THEN ~all of the sudden~ straight men are damn experts of male beauty lmao
Also, I can’t imagine living like that- caring so much about coming off ~manly~ (🙄🤮.) Like, dudes, you’re the ones doing this to yourselves. They’re like that meme of the kid holding the boot to his own neck.
Anyway girl omg I’m so glad this dude is your ex, he sounds batshit. I’m sitting here picturing Mike White from the show Survivor, ngl
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I’m so sorry😭😂 I hope you’ve found a himbo Jason Momoa of your very own💕
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