revvethasmythh · 8 months
decided to stop being a fake urban fantasy fan and actually read the antia blake vampire hunter series 😔✌️ (<- woman who knows she's about to get herself into something she can't even begin to anticipate)
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
personal pet enjoyment. just some things from the letters and ad space from mirage 8 i thought were funny. (literally just text. okay. and 2 outside images but just for joke purposes)
first not including the whole thing but just the use of the phrase comics fandom. in 1986. NEAT!
Bade Biker #1: Jim Lawson returns with a "prequel" to the Bade Biker story which appeared in TMNT #7. In this 30-page story, you'll discover the origin of Orson the frog, and see how he met up with the drifter, Bade Biker… and how they together confronted the evil Moto-Man! Art and story by Jim Lawson. Shipping September 15, 1986.
sorry for never having read bade biker but now just thinking the phrase "origin of orson the frog" issss so funny. (asss... mentioned. the version of issue 7 i read didnt have ANY side stories so /shrug)
Grunts #1: In every war, there are the foot-soldiers, those valiant trench-sloggers -- the 'grunts'. Now. Mirage Studios presents an anthology-style comic with stories by various artists and writers, featuring the exploits of these unsung heroes, with a twist all of the characters are anthropomorphics ('funny animals', for the uninitiated)! Thirty- two pages, black and white, hopefully bimonthly. First issue shipping in mid-1987.
literally just. 'funny animals' yeah man. yeah....
...Keep it coming! I love it! I think I've figured out who's who: Raphael's the crazy brawler. Michaelangelo's the warm, sensitive type, Leonardo seems to be the leader (aside from Splinter), and Donatello's the one with the mechanically-inclined mind! Am I right? (Spot-on, pal!--Peter) 'Til Fugitoid transforms into a truck, MAKE MINE MIRAGE!
Rob Sturma
Lindenhurst, IL
this is 1986 👍🏻 i say once again why do ppl act like the cartoon invented turtle personality. and being a comedy. that saaaaidd.....
The turtles are best in the city fighting thugs, killers, muggers in the alleys, rooftops, streets and sewers. This space stuff sucks -- Star Wars is dead! After the Cerebus issue, please get back to the basics, strong story and plot, and please start and finish the story in one issue. TMNT seems to work better that way. I'll be glad to see this space opera end. Also it is very violent. - "taking off heads"? Kids read this, you know. "Kick ass"? "Damn" all the time. You guys are an influence. Please consider that.
Despite all of that, I'll wait and see what #9 brings before I drop/continue collecting. Color would help the turtles.
Larry Mindy Chicago, IL
yes im gonna blast a rando from 1986... well e&l did it first (i never know whats weirder sending hate mail. or publishing it in ur comic). again. pre cartoon era here (tho coming soon). take the turtles back to basics. Oh you mean like issue 1 where THEY KILLED SOMEONE?? incredible. wild shit. turtles are making the kids violent the gift that literally never stopped giving. (pretty sure they say worse than 'damn' in these books)
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[ID from alt: 1. the turtlepedia advisory warning "You're not on Nicktoons anymore!" that says "Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids." 2. the next level up advisory "Hey, Kid, you're a long way from Nicktoons" that say "Some TMNT stuff was always meant for grownups. END ID]
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vanaera · 4 years
dammit, i knew HHA y/n is an intj (not really hehe). it was the same point you mentioned (her not having many friends) that got me doubting if she's an entj. then i thought, but entj isn't really people orientated, and in this theory, extroversion & introversion doesn't really describe how social someone is but rather but rather the way they learn/judge, is it based on external criteria or an internal one. but, where you get your energy from and how social you are sure still count for something1
that's why my head got messed up while thinking about it Lol. and I can definitely see y/n as an intj. i'm so glad i this close :D and i guess i kinda forgot the fact that story characters in general aren't built completely based on mbti, they also have a piece of their writer on them exactly like u said 3> omg i didn't expect to guess yoongs right! u don't know how happy i'm*-*. wow you're an infj! i haven't once in my life "not clicked" with an infj that it's a law of nature 4 me by now to 2
Love them! my sister, the same one i mentioned b4 happened to be infj as well :). Honestly, I love you anyway, infj or not. you also doesn't need to say srry for a long reply. i'm happy reading every word. also, *ahem* my asks are pretty long too lol. let's just embrace it hehe. I how you came up with HHA y/n and yoongs. i also like polar opposite dynamics! reminds me of love at first snow=) but the two introverts r pretty damn interesting as well. especially since it's u who's writing. ;) 3
Allow me to conclude by talking about my time! and oh I have MANY questions. but it's only natural since we're at the beginning hehe. Sci-fi is one of my fav genres so i'm extra exited. I liked the idea so much! and the technology in the story damn from where can i get one of those? it would be dangerous to mess with time tho. I'm looking forward to know what kind of people y/n is and... i think I'm a fan of my time!yoongs. I'll go read it a second time to completely wrap my head around it. 4?
I'm glad you're fine! You can do anything & you absolutely deserve the love and support. Btw *virtual hug excepted* and *giving you a one of my own as well* have a good day/ night lovely =)
ASEEL!!! OMYGOD THIS GOT ME SMILING EAR TO EAR! 🙈😊 First off, how are you??? I hope you're safe and doing fine!
It really is confusing to type in The Heart Holiday!OC. I as well had a hard time to put her in a comprehensible category when she herself carries so much values, strengths, and weaknesses of mine. I only got to type her in tMBTI bc of you and hon, I'm so shook how you managed to get THH!OC and Yoongi so well! Ugh you're so knowledgeable in applying the things you learned in psychology. I just love watching educational videos and learning psych through philosophies in novels and films. So teach me more, senpai 🥺. Also, what's your mbti if you don't mind me asking? You and your sister sounds so amazing! It's so cool you have this law of nature to click with INFJs when they themselves can be hard to understand when their dominant functions can be so contradictory hshdjjdjd (this I only learned through 16personalities.com which I 70% believed bc it applied to me. The other 30%, I only get to believe if I learned more. So if I'm wrong, just please correct me 😊).
Secondly, omygod, thank you for putting your trust in me 🥺. I never imagined I'll finally have a reader aside from my family and close friends who trusts me so much when it comes to writing. To have you say my idea is interesting esp bc I'm the one who's gonna write it just made my chest aflame! And the way you remembered Love at First Snow? Hon, this means so much to me bc this fic practically started my new journey into loving writing again this year!
Lastly, I'm glad you have MANY questions about My Time! This is oractically my goal (and it should be lmao) bc after all, it's a mystery story! I'm glad I, in some way, gave justice to your favorite genre! Writing sci-fi is scary bc I never loved it until now so this is me practically tsking baby steps to the thing I'm loving! I'm so happy you liked the story world bc building story worlds is one of the happiest things I got to do when I'm writing! I just love creating worlds to escape to! So even if I still somehow get freaked out by the word counts I end up with, this insecurity gets flattened by being proud I managed to build a world of my own for me and my readers as well (and I'm also proud bc this is me training to finally write a book of my own 😆). Thsnk you do much for enjoying My Time and even going for a 2nd time reading it!
Aseel 😭😭😭 Thank you so much for always making me smile and happy about myself. You don't know how many times I doubted myself and you just came in to help me believe in myself. I love you and I wish I could do the same things you did for me, for you. Because, you also deserve all the love and support! 🥺
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finchbeak · 5 years
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Madagascar - Day 7 - Anjajavy
Another early morning start. Arrived at the charter plane by 6:30. I am immediately annoyed. So. Many. White. People. 
Now. I'm not immediately averse to white people. But they gotta prove themselves. Especially when traveling in a country not predominantly filled with other white people. Every single one of my fellow white travelers failed. They didn't thank anyone in the office (they did demand different coffee tho). They didn't even acknowledge the pilots (but they were happy to put their cameras into their personal space while on flight). No attempts at French and definitely no attempts at Malagasy.
I am the only solo traveler. There are two older couples and a family. We land in Anjajavy and are transported to the lodge via truck. The climate here is a drastic change from Masoala. Where in Masoala I was a constant prune, with varying levels of dampness, Anjajavy is a desert. It takes about a half hour to get to the lodge on the very bumpy dirt road. I catch glimpses of Sifakas and baobob trees on the way.
We arrive at the incredibly bougie lodge. It is so damn bougie they don't even operate on the Madagascar time zone. They put everything an hour ahead. This is dumb.
For the record: When NatHab sent me a proposed itinerary I questioned this stop. It did not seem like someplace I would pick on my own. I emailed the NatHab team: "But are we sure I won't get tired of Anjajavy for that long? I am also very concerned about what I call privileged white lady syndrome. I am very aware that not everyone can do this. And that I literally make in one week what many Malagasies make in not just one year, but many years. I just want to make sure I am doing this right."
They assured me that this was fine. That I would have plenty to do and it wasn't as bougie as it seemed. Well. It wasn't as bougie as it seemed. It was FAR bougier. And to have plenty to do? I'd have to shell out what is, so far, an untold amount of money to get the experience I want. Sigh. 
When we arrived at the lodge it took everything in my being to not ask to be taken back to Tana. 
That is not to say that this place isn't lovely. It is. It's fucking gorgeous. The staff is amazing. The facilities are 5 fucking star. But... 5 star isn't what I was looking for.  I want to trek through rainforest and traverse tsingy. I want to spend 6 hours in search of a lemur and get gross and dirty while doing it. I want to come back and be so exhausted that I don't care that my cabin had a second floor (yes, it has a fucking loft. I refuse to go up there).
I got into my cabin and nearly had a panic attack throwing out all the superfluous flowers they had laying about. WASTING FLOWERS ISN'T FANCY, MKAY! I may have sat down and stress cried. I have 5 days here. 5 days of white person Madagascar.
I took my frustrations out on my laundry (they want to charge me €1 for every piece of underwear they launder. No.) I fill up the sink and scrub, scrub, scrub. Handwashing laundry is an overlooked life pleasure. 
By the time I'm done washing and hanging my clothes I am calm enough to go back to the lodge and seek out a guide. They give us this paper to fill out with what we want to do, but... I don't want to do any of those things? And I definitely don't want to do them with the other assholes here. So I get a glass of water, pull a Lemurs of Madagascar book off the shelf, and wait for a guide to meet me.
Radu and I spend over an hour together. He gets it. I tell him about my experience in Masoala with Sarafen and how no other way will do. He lights up when I tell him about how many helmet vanga I saw in Masoala. He's a bird guy too.
We come up with a rough sketch and he says he will finalize and find me later.
I spend the afternoon sitting under some trees at the far end of the beach. Everyone else is at the pool.
Late late afternoon I go in search of a glass of Rosé. And shortly thereafter Radu comes up and gives me his proposed schedule. We start tomorrow. 7:30. Trekking for 5 hours.
At 5 I am told to enjoy tea time at the Oasis. This is actually fucking wonderful. I am the first guest to arrive. I get a glass of lime juice. And as I sit down, a brown lemur crashes through the trees. A few minutes later a Coquerel's Sifaka comes bounding through the garden. I snap all the photos.
I'm wandering around with my camera, the only one looking for birds. Radu comes up and takes me on a mini guided tour. I see the Madagascar Hoopoe; Madagascar Magpie Robin; the Grey-headed Lovebird; the Crested Drongo; some Paradise Flycatchers; amongst others. Maybe this place isn't so bad after all?
After spending two hours watching lemurs and birds I know it is time to head back, snap some sunset pics, and get ready for dinner.
I'm currently on my private deck. Listening to waves crash on the shore. I've opened up every window and shut off the AC. I'm a little wine drunk .
Going to try to stay up and watch the MAD v. TUN match for AFCON. Send me wakeful football vibes. 
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