thestraggletag · 4 months
this is @rumbelle-scream! i've been in love with rumbelle since sept. 2023, and i missed getting The Thing when i first started!!!
as a rumbeller 🫡 may i please ask for The Thing? 🥹
One The Thing coming right up!
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Welcome to the fandom, dearie
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scarletwinterxx · 1 month
every comma, every question mark - mark lee scenario
helloo🥺 it's been a while since I wrote a mark lee scenario, and this one was supposed to be out for his birthday but i only finished now, better than never😅😅hope you like it!
all song credits belong to NIKI btw!!! her songs are amazing and I'm a big fan. true story is when I first heard plot twist, all i can think of is how mark lee coded that song is so here we are🤍
and yes the ending may be a hint that there's a next for this (?) not sure tho hahaha anywayssss
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"You need to let him go, it's 5 in the morning. You've been here since yesterday!"
Your manager's loud voice resonated through the room, breaking you from your train of thoughts.
"You're distracting me, if you do more of that I will never get out of here" you told him, turning back to your laptop trying. The only other person in the room besides you and your manager is your co-producer. These two is your closest companions, like your two older brothers. You spend most of your time with them, and you being the introvert you don't really have that many friends in the industry.
"As your manager, I love this whole creative wave you're going through. But as a concerned citizen, I'm begging you. Go home. It's your birthday, why are you hauled in this dark room" your manager continues to rant but you pay him no mind
"Yo, you're just making this last longer than it already is. I'm just letting her find whatever it is she's even looking for" your producer say, he's been here with you since yesterday ready to help you out when you need it.
Those two guys know you take your craft very seriously, each and every song you put out is like your own child. Each and every word, every tune, every melody all came from your pretty little mind. They are both very in awe of the discography you have created throughout the years and you're still so young.
Your manager exits the room, muttering something about getting breakfast and coffee before closing the door to the studio.
"How about one of the songs in your vault? You have a lot of unreleased demos" your producer suggests
"I don't know if there's one fit for this"
"Girl you have tons, surely there's one for now. Let's have a hear"
The two of you go through unreleased tracks, some finished and some still on the works before landing on a few possible candidates
"What are we looking for anyways?"
"Not sure, but I promised my fans I was going to put something out just in time for my birthday. It's my birthday and here I am" you grumbled, then suddenly you come across a demo you've written a while back
"Uh this one's old" you say before clicking on it, the beat playing through the speakers in the room
Where have you been All of my life? It's all growin' dim, now That you've come to light And who could've known, who would've thought Between the wishbones and dot-dot-dots There was always gonna be you and I
"When did you write that?" he asks
Just like that, the exact memory of when and where you first wrote that verse came flooding in your head.
"Oh what?"
"I feel like this is the one but I don't know if I can release this" you say
"What do you mean? Why?"
"I wrote this like some time a few years back... about a guy.. I had a crush on"
He chuckles at your reasoning, "So? All songs are inspired by something. You gotta start somewhere"
"Yea but what will I say when people ask what's the story behind it? I'm suppose to perform this on my birthday event this month"
"Then say it, what's the worst that could happen?"
Turns out a lot of things could happen. On the day of your birthday event where you're going to release your new song, your manager informed you a few artists are also present to watch you.
"What?? Why???"
"Cause they like you?" your manager asks back
"Who is it?" you ask but then the prod team calls for you
"Hey Y/N, we need you backstage now"
You get on stage, go on with your show and a short interview. The host surprises you with a cake from your fans and the crowd sings you happy birthday.
"I know it's my birthday but I have a gift for you also" the crowd cheers
"So I wrote a song, I actually wrote it a while back. It's about those unexpected moments that happen in my all to normal life. To be honest with you guys, I've always liked plot twists. The good kind" you add, making the crowd laugh
"Yea and uh sometimes there's someone who comes in your life who you didn't expect and suddenly the sky is bluer or the sun shines just a tad brighter" you blush a bit while trying to explain the song
"Anyways here's the new song, I hope you like it. It's called Plot Twist"
Look what we got A thickening plot Just when I started getting used to The thought Of closing the book There you were, in every nook Of every word, every page And now I wanna stay and wait, 'cause Met every comma, every question mark Bored of how all of the chapters start But you feel like a brand new arc That I never knew, oh I'd like to think I know a thing or two Like every day the sky's a different blue And then along came you, oh
The crowd turns their flash on, it's like a sea of stars in front of you. This made you smile while singing the words
Where have you been All of my life? It's all growin' dim, now That you've come to light And who could've known, who would've thought Between the wishbones and dot-dot-dots There was always gonna be you and I
You get to the last part of the song, enjoying watching the crowd have fun. Unbeknownst to you, the one who inspired this song was in the crowd bopping his head as he listens to your melodic voice.
Who could've imagined? Who could've imagined you? Who could've imagined? Who could've imagined you?
You finish the song and say your final ment before bidding goodbye to everyone.
Your team welcomes you backstage. congratulating you on another successful event. You were busy talking with the band when your manager pulls you on the side, "There's a few people here who wanted to greet you"
"Huh? Oh okay" you follow behind him down the halls.
When you get there the first person you saw was Haechan, a member of a group you're a fan of.
Your first thought was, what is he doing here
The second being, if he's here then surely his member is also here and you already have a hunch on who it might be
"Y/N, you already know Haechan and Mark. They came to watch tonight" your manager say
"Uh yea, oh sorry I wasn't expecting this. I'm a big fan" you tell them, bowing your head down as a sign of respecting and greeting. The two boys doing the same
"Me too, Love your songs" Haechan says, then adds a greeting at the end
"Happy birthday, we uh wanted to come and see you play live since we're on a break. Usually our schedules clash so we can't go to your shows" Mark says
Not believing this is actually happening, you give yourself a pinch on the back. It hurt.
"Me too, I mean I'm a fan too and uh thanks for coming"
"It's Mark hyung's birthday too so this was my gift to him" Haechan jokes, earning a jab on the side from Mark
"I invited him" Mark clarifies, you just laugh at that.
"You guys want some snacks? Refreshments? Let's go to the lounge room" your manager leads the three of you to the lounge area. The two guys, Haaechan and your manager, have a conversation between them. Turns out they're neighbors and Haechan's manager are friends with yours.
"I uh like your new song" Mark clears his throat as he tells you this
"Thanks, it's been a while since I wrote that actually" you mumble, feeling shy all of sudden. You definitely did not expect Mark of all people to be here tonight.
The very person who inspired you to write the song.
"I love the way you write your songs. There's always a story to uncover, big fan of your word plays" he tells you with a smiles you know will haunt your dreams for nights to come and until you make another song about him again.
"One of the few songs I've written that isn't about a heartbreak. And this is from my own point of view, usually I write them imagining the scenario in my head"
"What a lucky guy" he says
You chuckle, looking down at your shoes "He's great, but that song was a confession I'd probably never tell him"
"How come? It's a great song, he should feel honored"
You smile at that, finding the situation all too unreal.
"If he does figure it out, then I'll take my chance"
For a moment you gather up the courage to look him in the eye as if confessing the words without saying it. Like you wanted him to know it's about him but you're not sure if you can ever admit that to him.
Maybe not now. Maybe some other time, you do after all think he's the biggest plot twist of your story.
Then he's looking back at you, a glint in his eyes you wanted to know more about before he smiles at you again. His voice already writing the words in your head, ready for the melody and for your creative genius. He tells you,
"He'd be a fool not to take a chance with you"
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thecapricunt1616 · 6 months
The Bear & His Honey - Chapter 16
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♡ Chapter Inspo: Call It What You Want (Reputation - TS) ; I want to wear his initial on a chain 'round my neck. Not because he owns me, but 'cause he really knows me. Which is more than they can say, I recall late November holdin' my breath, slowly I said "You don't need to save me, but would you run away with me?"
♡ Summary: Carmy x Winnie are finally calling things what they are after 3 months of beating around the bush, YAY!!!
♡ W/C: 10,775
♡ Posted Date: 04/05/2024
♡ A/N: Here we have chapter 16 - I hope you all like it! I have been stepping back and seeing where I want things to go, & I think I have generally a good idea now, so I was able to finish up the next 2 chapters finally haha. As per usual thank you for reading, remember requests for one shots are open - or even if you want to see WxC doing something specific let me know! I am here to please hahah one shots I've already written are on my masterlist linked below! Also - no one has asked, but I usually see people will read one chapter, then go back and read all of them 1-15, so if you want to be on a tag list so you can keep up w/ the story just tell me in the comments and i'll make one!!
♡ Warnings for BTC: Swearing, Speaking of smoking, Weed, Smut!, Nervous Carmy, Mushy fluff!!!
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡
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𝒲𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝒫.𝒪.𝒱. 🍯
It was a few weeks later, and the beginning of spring had well arrived. The trees were becoming green again, the flowers were blooming, and Carmy and I were still hanging out nearly every afternoon, and he was staying over nearly every night. 
That Friday evening, around 11pm, after Carmy had gotten off his shift, he came over to mine and had a shower after we ate dinner that he had made us before he came over. Tonight had been a favorite - a true garbage plate per my request. 
It was currently 1 am and we were snuggled up in bed, mostly I was watching a rerun of Criminal Minds, and Carmy was distracted by his phone, texting with someone back and forth. 
“Did y’wanna come w’me to Richie’s Sunday? We do Palm at his usually. He’s been textin’ me about comin’ over a little earlier to help with the lamb.” He said and I looked up at him from my spot snuggled up on his chest, my cheek adorned with lines from his sweatshirt since it had been mushed there while I watched the show, my hands playing with the tie of his sweats absentmindedly so I didn’t pick my nails. 
“Oh- yeah. Sure. I didn’t know you like- did that. Y’re…religious? I mean- I know the chain and everything but..” I gently play with the charm between my fingers. He smiled a bit, forefinger gently rubbing over the dark red marks in my cheek from laying. 
“I mean- nah. Not really it’s more like..tradition I guess? Palm Sunday and Easter were huge when I was growin’ up. I guess it’s just an Italian thing, but it’s like- second Christmas. The whole family gets together and has a meal” he said and I nod. 
“Well of course I’ll be your date baby. Thank you for asking, I assume we’re doing church? Like Christmas Eve if it’s a big thing right?” I ask and he nodded a bit. 
“You don’t…you don’t have to go. I mean- I don’t go unless it’s Christmas Eve or Palm or Easter Sunday. So..but I get it if y’arent comfortable” he bit his lip nervously. 
“No baby- no…I think it’s sweet. I grew up Catholic too, well- Irish Catholic. But- I was baptized, so I’m rightfully Catholic. So we can get married someday and not go to hell” I giggled and he snorts a laugh. 
“Oh thank god y’re baptized baby, how could we ever marry if you haven’t devoted yourself to our lord and savior” he teased, earning a laugh from me. 
“Does this mean I get to crack out my veil again? What do I wear? Well I know I can’t have my tits out - but like, color scheme for your church, still red?” I asked and he rubbed my back gently. 
“Yes still red baby.” He kissed my neck, gently nipping at the sensitive skin. “I didn’t know you wore a veil. You were dedicated, huh? Such a good little Catholic” he teased, pinching my bum playfully. 
I laugh a bit “mmhmm- my mom was serious about it. I used to hate it but since I stopped believing in the Catholic god- er- worshiping him, anyway, I just think it’s hot. D’you think we could sneak away to the bathroom for a quickie during the service? I’ve always fantasized about fucking in a church it sounds really hot.” I said causing him to laugh into my skin. 
“Babe. Holy fuckin blasphemy you trying to get on the big man’s ultimate shit list?” He bites my shoulder playfully. 
“Ohhhh we’re way past it Carm. Plus- since he’s so big and mighty and he’s the one that created my twisted fucked up mind- it’s really him who thinks it’s hot. So if he’s mad it’s not on me” I giggled, poking his cheek. “D’you have a bite kink I’m not aware of sir?” I teased. 
“Mmm no you just taste good, and y’so cute it just makes me wanna fuckin bite you I can’t explain it” he bites down on my neck gently, running his tongue over my skin. 
“Awwww you have cute aggression?” I gently play with his curls and he chuckled into my skin, his breath causing goosebumps to appear. 
“That’s a thing?” He questioned and I nod a bit, a wide smile adorning my features. 
“It’s super sweet. Like…when I was at college studying, I took my first round of psych credits, and I guess that uh…when we see something that’s cute, or makes us really happy we wanna like squeeze it or bite it because we’re so overwhelmed with how cute it is that we’re like…searching for an outlet almost? But yeah, so thank you I guess. I do have the urge to just” I take his forearm, gently biting down and giggling into his skin and he chuckled. 
“Y’can bite me. Maybe not in public so we don’t look like a couple’a freaks, but this is ok” he said and I released his flesh 
“Oh yeah I’m just gonna bite you in front of all the staff at work next time I see you. I’ll do it when you’re really angry” I teased, lacing our fingers together and resting our hands over my tummy. 
“Ugh no work talk right now baby today was fuckin’-” he rubs over his face with his other hand “remind me to never trust Richie with shipment ever again.” He grumbled, grabbing his phone to resume whatever he was doing. I mentally rolled my eyes. 
Really, Richie? The one time. One time, that Carmy decides to let someone else start the day- and sleep until 5 am instead of 4- he fucks it up somehow. 
“ ‘m sorry baby. You want a massage? It’s getting late. Maybe it’ll help you sleep, how’s your back?” I asked gently, rubbing his forearm. 
He sighed a bit, putting his phone on the wireless charging pad on the nightstand that had begun living there since he had been sleeping over. “Hurts..Think I pulled a muscle ‘er somethin’ in my shoulder too, fuckin bags of rice were on the lowest shelf and I didn’t use my knees at all apparently” he said and I sat up, grabbing my massage oil from the nightstand. 
“Alright roll over mister, no more work talk tonight, got it? Were Resting our brains now” I kiss his cheekbone and he nods tiredly, tugging off his sweatshirt and laying on his stomach.
“No more work talk” he agreed with an exhausted sigh. I warmed some of the oil in my hands, kissing the little freckles along his back as I did so and he hums softly. 
“Okay so where should I start on the map baby?” I asked him. I had taught him the system my mom and I used to use when she’d give my brother and I massages as kids, where you tell a state on the map so she could better gauge where it was hurting. 
“Fuckin’… Vegas to the Carolina’s. It hurts so bad babe” he said and I gently felt over his lower back, this was usually where we started, unless Wyoming and Nebraska which were more his mid back was hurting him worse, that only happened when he went too hard at the gym, though. 
“It’s probably Texas. Usually Texas, babe” I said, gently working my thumbs with light pressure from the middle of his lower back outwards and he lets out a groan. 
“Fuck Texas” he muttered into the pillow, causing me to giggle a bit. 
“I’ve never been, I hear they have great Mexican food.” I said, adding a bit of pressure as I got to his hips where he held a lot of his stress. 
“Mmm I’ve been- shit”  he hissed as I work at a knot at the back of his hip. “Fuck- keep going babe- ahhh mmhmm- yes” he grumbles. I added more pressure and he sighed gratefully. “Thank you” he said softly, resting his cheek on his forearm, eyes fluttering shut in bliss.
“You’ve been? Lucky! Did you try the Mexican food?” I asked, dragging the pressure across his lower back and he moans out quietly. 
“Mmhmm…Dallas…ACF conference- went in November. They do have great Mexican food. And the drinks are enormous, crazy strong for how cheap they were.” He said. 
“Ooo that sounds like my kinda place. We should go on a trip sometime, if I could ever afford it that is. But a road trip would be fun” I gently rub up to his mid back. 
“You don’t have t’pay anything baby, I didn’t know you wanna travel- where d’you wanna go? I just have to get the time off. That's the problem, not the money. But what’s y’dream place y’wanna go?” He asked. 
“Anywhere. Well, anywhere with you. I’ve never been on a plane before, I took the train here. Cause my Grammy wouldn’t let me take a plane, since our Grandpa died in one- she says they’re bad luck. But I’ve always wondered what it was like. It seems fun. Are airports fun like they make it look in the movies?” I smile a bit, gently massaging over his ribs. 
“No. Totally not. They don’t really put airports in tv and shit after 9/11 if you’ve noticed because now they’re a fuckin’ nightmare- but I mean…not as shit as being on a train for what- 30 hours babe? Y’not doin’ that t’go do that nanny thing right? I don’t want you sittin for 30 hours with y’hip.” He said and I shrug a bit, continuing to rub over his mid back with the pressure I knew he liked. 
“I set a timer on my phone, and get up and walk around every 20 minutes, So it doesn’t hurt so bad. Also- it’s like…50 bucks cheaper so. 50 bucks toward my next therapy session” I say simply. 
“50 bucks?! Baby. No. I’m buyin’ y’ticket and you can get there in 2 hours, so I can have you for an extra whole day. No arguing. It’s done” he said and I laugh a bit. 
“Oh so you boss me around now?” I said and he smirks, looking at me over his shoulder. 
“Hasn’t that been established? That I only make you do something when y’too stubborn to allow me to help?” He asked and I kiss his lips gently. 
“Control freak” I teased, starting on his shoulders and his eyes flutter shut in bliss. 
“Consider it payment f’r all the massages I’ll need when you get back. I dunno how I’m gonna manage babe it helps so much. Fuck ah- yes. There- there honey” he groaned as I drag my thumb with a good amount of pressure in the dip of his shoulder blade. 
“Y’know you can see a real masseuse, Bear. You don’t have to torture yourself until I’m home again” I said, adding a bit more pressure and he whimpered, burying his face in the pillow. 
“Mmm- don’t wanna” he said into the fabric as I work his other shoulder the same way. “Holy shiiiit. Baby. Fuck- fuuuuck me.” He moaned and I laughed a bit, rubbing my thumbs up to the base of his neck and back down. “Mmm shit- fuckin’ hurts soooo good” 
I laughed at his bear like grumbles “Jesus baby. Thank god I don’t have roommates they’d think we’re sex addicts with the way you moan when I give you your massages” I straddled his hips as I work from the balls of his shoulders in towards his neck. 
“Mm not my fault you have tiny magical hands” he teased and I laughed. 
“Do not make fun of my little hands. I can’t help it, and it makes my life tedious” I joked, gently using the knuckles of my thumbs to release the tension in the sides of his neck. 
“How is me calling your doll hands magical, making fun of them?” He said and I smiled, pinching his arm gently. 
“May I remind you Bear who’s mercy you’re at right now?” I bite down on his neck playfully and he chuckles. 
“My favorite girls” he counters and I smiled big, a blush creeping to my cheeks. 
“You are a big flirt” I sat up, continuing to work at the base of his neck. 
“I am being accused left and right t’night, of crimes f’which you have zero admissible evidence” he teased and I laughed, covering my mouth to not wake up the neighbors. 
“Okay- we’re watching way too much criminal minds and SVU lately, admissible evidence, babe?” I shook my head, working on rubbing his biceps in sections since they were quite large. 
“Not my fault I wake up f’work and it’s still on. That shit can’t be givin’ you good dreams babe. Y’need to turn it off” he said and I smiled a bit at his concern. 
“Oh, and you when you go home, and turn on YouTube cooking videos until you pass out, that’s not giving you bad dreams about work?” I mused and he hums. 
“No. Cause I usually don’t watch the English ones, my italian is spotty, which makes my Spanish shitty. And our French lessons have only gotten me so far. So- if my eyes are closed, nothin but noise” he countered and I roll my eyes with a smirk. 
“And how do you know how much of everything to put in?” I ask curiously, massaging over his biceps. 
“By the look” he replied as if that said anything at all. 
“So, if I right now, gave you my water bottle- you could tell me how much water was in it?” I snort 
“Depends, is there ice?” He asked and I raised my brows. 
“ Carmy you can’t just- I mean you can guess. But you’ll have no form of accuracy.” I said and he hums. 
“Think of it like Cooking is biology, and baking is science babe. 2 different sides of the same coin. I don’t need accuracy, I need flavor and balance. A good chef doesn’t solely stick to a recipe. But a good baker always sticks to a recipe. F’r cookin’ It’s about what the dish wants. F’baking it’s what it needs. So yeah I’m confident I could give you a fairly accurate measurement by look” he explained and I gently massage over his wrists, paying extra attention to them because of all the repetitive motion he did at work with all the chopping and stirring and whisking. 
“Mmm I love it when you get all sexy technical chef on me” I kiss the top of his hand lightly and he smiled a bit. 
“Well I’ll tell y’anythin y’wanna know angel” he said, covering his mouth with his hand as he yawned big. “Mmm. Y’always put me t’sleep” he mumbled. 
I giggle a bit “that was the point. Geez like a colicky baby sometimes, so overtired y’can’t sleep” I said and he snorts. 
“Mmm this is my favorite part” he rolled on his side as I took my place next to him and he lays his forearm over my tummy so I can lightly drag my nails across it for him. 
“Spoiled, spoiled little bear” I teased, obliging him and gently dragging my nail across his skin with a featherlight touch causing goosebumps to appear. 
“Mmhmm, the most spoiled” he said and kisses me sweetly I hummed softly, cupping his cheek and gently rubbing my thumb over his cheekbone. 
“Just one more day”  I said when he pulled away, alluding to his Sunday off. 
“One more.” He said softly and snuggled into my chest as I continued gently caressing his arm, my other hand tangling in his muss of damp curls and scratching his scalp as I usually did to help him fall asleep. 
This had been our routine for the last 2 weeks now, he’d come over after working out, we’d eat dinner, he’d have a shower, then we’d sit on the balcony and smoke together, then come in and get in bed, I’d give him a massage after cuddling for a while, and stroke his arm and give him scratches to help him fall asleep, since the first night I did it for him he was out in less than 10 minutes, (which was an all time record for him) - and he’d be little spoon until he fell asleep. Then when I eventually did as well- we’d wake up in the morning with me having stolen the title of little spoon once more. 
He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck, his warm breath hitting my collar bone. I focused on the tv and continued stroking his arm gently, a few minutes went by like that before he muttered a half asleep “night honey” bringing a small smile to my lips.  “Night Bear” I said softly, brushing his curls off his forehead and gently kissing it, lingering for a moment before resting back on the pillow and continuing to stroke his arm gently.
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I was woken by the sound of Carmy’s first alarm that he’d nearly knocked his phone off the nightstand trying to silence, before groaning tiredly and plopping his arm back around me, pulling me closer to him. 
“Morning” I said softly, my eyes still closed. 
“Mornin’ babe.” He said quietly, planting a soft kiss to my jaw. He’d been setting his alarm for 4:00 instead of 4:30 for the past week or so, so we’d get a little bit of snuggle time before he had to get in the shower. 
“How’d you sleep?” I asked, lacing our fingers together and turning to face him, wrapping my leg between his and hooking them together. 
“Alright. My back feels a lot better, thanks for the massage honey. How’d you sleep?” He rubbed over his face, yawning which caused me to catch it and yawn myself. 
“Course love. I slept okay, had a really weird dream, wanna hear about it?” I ask and he smiled lazily, nuzzling his face into my neck. 
“Mm. Always” he said softly. 
“So-“ I giggle softly at the absolute bizarreness “so, Syd was there- oh I’ll have to send her a voice note about this. But Syd was there, and we were at my middle school? But it was here, in Chicago. And it wasn’t my middle school, it was a hospital? But my teachers were there. Well they weren’t my teachers they were strangers, but I like knew they were my teachers, ya’know?” He chuckled a bit into my skin. 
“Okay, and what were you and Syd doin baby?” He questioned. 
“Literally Carm- playing with a Ouija board? Like?” I laughed a bit, causing him to follow suit. 
“Who were you trying to get ahold of?” He asked. 
“I don’t know! But it was like scary lookin. I don’t even - oh! Yes! That’s how I know it was a hospital cause we were in this dingy like basement, and there was a gurney? Like. I dunno. Oh! And she was like” I laughed, shaking my head. “She was like Winnie- they’ll know the right ingredient. Like- like we’re summoning the dead for recipe advice? But she was so stressed like she was dyyying to find out what they had to say” I said and his chest vibrated with laughter. 
 “And yeah, that was it that’s the dream- dream Syd, and real Syd, both are OCD about recipes to the point of insanity” I said and he shook his head, planting a kiss on my temple. 
“Thanks f’r sharing babe. Y’know, maybe the dead could help us out with recipes- dream Syd could be onto somethin’ ” he joked and I gently play with his sleep tousled hair. 
“Mmm I think the only ghost that would give a shit about food they can’t eat- would be you and Syd baby. I can totally see that. Us hanging out in the afterlife, and you’re like ‘but honey, if I help them and tell them it needs more lemon it’ll be so good’ “ i mimicked him doing my best Carmy impression and he snorts a laugh. 
“I do not sound like that, when did I turn into a fuckin- southside chain smokin’ uncle?” He teased and I laughed, poking his cheek playfully. 
“Not too far off, you’re a north side chain smoking uncle in real life, so I guess the accent was a little off” I said and he rolls his eyes. 
“Yeah yeah. I’m down to half a pack a day now I wouldn’t call that chain smokin anymore” he mused, kissing my neck with open mouth kisses, trailing down to my collarbones. 
“Mmm Bear?” I question and felt him smile into my skin before biting down gently in the fleshy spot between my neck and shoulder. 
“Mmhmm?” He mumbled, his teeth still gently clamped around my flesh. 
“It’s 4:09” I said, gently scratching his scalp with my nails. 
“So that means we have..21 minutes, no?” He questions and I raise my brows with a smirk. 
“And what are we doing with this twenty one minutes, Bear?” I muse and he lifted the covers, crawling underneath, and getting between my thighs. 
“Don’t they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day?” he asked, kissing over my pantyline in the way that made my breath hitch. 
“Real breakfast, baby. Which you refuse most the time” I told him, gently pushing his curls back, watching as he carefully slips my panties to the side. 
He licks a stripe up my heat with the pad of his tongue, stopping at my clit and applying more pressure, open jawed, rubbing his tongue messily back and forth. I whined in pleasure, my head dropping back to the pillow. 
He hooked my knees over his shoulders, pulling me closer by my hips and gently sucks on the sensitive bud that was now getting firmer and more prominent, flicking and smoothing his tongue over it in small circles, earning hot moans of satisfaction from deep in my chest. 
“Oh-“ I breathe out, my voice coming out as more of a squeak then anything and my hips buck involuntarily as a jolt of pleasure cracks through me at his actions. 
“Mmm so fuckin sweet” he grumbled into the slick flesh, the vibrations causing my core to clench around nothing.  
“Holy fuck Carmy” I gasp as I felt his tongue lapping over my enterence, thrusting his tongue inside in one swift motion, humming in satisfaction as he felt me squeeze tightly around his tongue and I tugged his hair between my fingers. 
“Ah- shitholy-fuckingchristCarm” I moaned out as he nudged the bridge of his strong nose against my clit with a pressure that was gonna drive me right over the edge- and fast. 
“Mmhmm- mmhmm” I nod quickly, biting my lip hard as I feel that all too familiar tightening in my stomach, the pool building quickly and the dam walls getting ready to snap, all of my muscles tightening and my thighs quivering. 
“Breathe” he reminded me gently, reaching up and grabbing one of the hands that had taken grip on his hair, lacing our fingers together and squeezing my hand gently. 
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, “sorry” I mumble sheepishly and he continued, humming happily into my slick when I gasp in a enormous breath as he flicks his tongue wildly over my clit, pressing my hips into the bed to make me remain still with his other forearm. 
“Oh- oh- fuuuck! Ah- ahh! cumming! Yes- yes!!!” I cry out, squeezing his hand tightly, my head thrown back in bliss and spine arched off the bed. 
“mm- shit- fuck- too sensitive” I whine, as he continued the rough assault on my clit, digging my nails into the back of his hand. 
“I think I can get another one babe - cmon be good f’me, please?” he said lowly, his voice coated in thick, honey-like lust. 
“Ah- fuck-fuck- okay- mmmmillbegood” I slur, my thighs pressing against his temples and ankles locked behind his head. 
He removed his forearm from my hips. “Y’gonna be a good girl, mmm? Y’gonna stay still f’me? Er do I need t’keep holdin’ you?” He asks and I shook my head. 
“Ill be still, promise” I said quickly, squeezing his hand gently. 
“That’s my girl” he brought his mouth back to my clit, slipping two fingers in my entrance and curling them expertly into that amazing spongy spot he seemed to have memorized by now, that I could somehow never manage to get to so well on my own. 
“Holyfuck” I groaned, tugging his hair taut and he moans into me, the vibrations on my over sensitive clit dragging me to the edge and leaving me dangling there. 
“Ah- fuck mmm-d’that- keep doin’ that Bear pleeeease” I begged as I tug at his hair harder, earning a deeper moan out of him. My hips snap back into the mattress, twitching and shaking as I mewl and whine through my second orgasm, my back arched and hand leaving his hair to grip the sheets so I wouldn’t hurt him as I held them in a white knuckle grasp. 
His alarm goes off for 4:30 a few moments after my thighs stop quivering in pleasure and hips finally stilled. He messily wiped his wet chin, mouth, and the tip of his nose on my thigh, slick with my arousal, before placing a gentle kiss on my mound, and popping his head out of the sheets, casually hitting the stop button on the alarm. 
“Thanks f’breakfast honey” he joked, getting out of bed and stretching his back, before giving me a peck on the lips and heading off to the bathroom, leaving me fucked absolutely dumb. 
“Anytime” I said tiredly, feeling exhausted once again after only a few hours sleep and being feasted on so intensely, and so early in the morning. 
He left the bathroom door cracked so Persephone wouldn’t scratch the whole time trying to get in and investigate what he was doing, and I heard him start the shower before I rolled back over and fell asleep. 
I was awoken by sweet gentle kisses about 45 minutes later, feeling the icy metal of his chain brush over my chin as he pressed lingering kisses on my forehead. “Hey sleepy” he said softly, rubbing my side. 
The smell of his cologne and minty toothpaste hits my nose and my eyes flutter open. He was sat next to me, backpack and hoodie already on. 
“Already?” I whine, laying over his lap and nuzzling my face in his tummy, breathing in his scent and wrapping my arms around him. 
“Mmhmm. But 3:30 yeah? I’ll come pick y’up from the library we can have lunch in the car?” He gently runs his fingers through my hair in the way that made me sleepy, and my eyes flutter shut once again subconsciously. 
“Can’t you call out sick?” I mumble into his sweatshirt and he chuckled. This was the same conversation we had nearly every morning. 
“And do what princess? Mm? Follow you to the library and sit around while you put away books?” He joked and I huff. 
“Yes. Exactly that.” I said and look up at him, puckering my lips, knowing I wouldn’t win this battle possibly ever unless he was actually sick. 
“Mmhmm I’m sure y’boss would love to just have a chef loitering around all day waiting for her star employee” he teased, leaning down and giving me a sweet, tender goodbye kiss. 
“Be safe.” I said softly when he pulled away, cupping his cheek and rubbing over his cheekbone with my thumb. He leaned into my touch, sighing softly and eyes fluttering shut. 
“Always. We have a big catering order today, so if I don’t text back that’s why. What do you want f’r lunch in case I forget to ask?” He took my hand, gently kissing my palm. 
“Mmm- dunno. Surprise me, nothin’ spicy but you knew that” I said, covering my mouth as I yawn. 
“Surprise it’ll be then baby” he leaned in, kissing me once more before pulling away and rubbing my stomach signaling it was that dreaded time. 
I sigh, sitting up off his lap and giving him a big hug, kissing his cheek with a smooch “have a good day baby” I said softly into his damp hair, kissing his head once more before letting him go. 
“Thank you angel, lock the door behind me please” he said and I nod, following him to the door and see Persephone was sat on top of his shoes in the hallway.  
“See I think Persephone says you should stay home too” I smile and he shook his head with a grin. 
“Not t’day snowball” he picks her up, kissing her head and he licks the tip of his nose, causing him to scrunch it adorably. 
“Ugh fish breath” he mutters and I giggle. 
“She looooooves her Carmy, isn’t that right little baby?” I scratch her chin and he plops her in my arms so he can slip on his sneakers. 
“Mmhmm and I love her too but duty calls, stinky” he tells her in a sweet voice and kisses her head once more before pecking my lips once he had his shoes on and opening the door. 
“And put some panties on Winnie the Pooh” he said in my ear, spanking my bum lightly before heading down the hall. 
I laughed “Sorry- I’ll make sure to put your leftovers away sooner next time” I call after him teasingly, shutting the door behind me and clicking it locked.
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I was in the Young Adult section at the library, putting returned books back on the shelf, when I felt my phone start buzzing in my bra. I fished it out, abandoning my cart of books I’d yet to put away, quickly heading to the employee back room once I realized it was Carmy. 
I clicked green answer button. “Hey Bear! How’s the-“ he cuts me off suddenly. 
“Hey- um- hey. I need like- a huge favor baby”  
He said nervously. I put a concerned hand on my hip, nervously pacing the break room. “What is it love? Are you ok? Are you hurt?” I asked, already on edge due to the anxiety lacing his tone. 
“No- no I’m ok- it’s uh. Syd. She’s….fuck I’m sorry - her stomach? Something about her stomach. She’s in the office right now, she can like- barely move but she doesn’t want to go to the hospital and uhh.” I could see him in my mind nervously shaking his hand and pacing. 
“Okay- okay I’m coming. Is it like a girl tummy ache- or something different?” I asked, grabbing my purse and light jacket I’d worn, quickly putting it on as I held my phone pressed to my cheek and shoulder.
“No - no way honey. This is like- she can barely speak - I’ve never…I’m scared baby.” He said, his voice cracking a bit. 
“Shhh. It’s ok, it’s ok, Bear- Syd has had stomach ulcer problems in the past, I need you to get her to try and eat something, ok? Shes gonna say no, but she has to eat- the acid in her stomach is irritating her. I’m coming. I’m grabbing an Uber right now, breathe baby. It’s all gonna be fine” I said and he took a deep trembling breath. 
“Ye’…yeah. Ok. Okay, I’ll see you baby, be safe” he said and I sigh softly. 
“Always” I said softly and hung up. I shoved my phone in my coat pocket, untucking my hair and heading to my bosses office. 
I lightly knocked, waiting for her ‘come in’ before nudging the door open. 
“Hey- Family emergency, I have to head out. Could you let Jessie know I left some returns in the YA section?” I ask and she nods. 
“Hope everything’s ok, call me if you can’t make it in Monday.” She said and I nodded. 
“Thank you” I told her before shutting her office door behind me. 
The Uber ride to The Bear was torturous, I’d texted Syd thrice - to no avail. She was constantly pushing herself so hard- that she was making herself literally burn from the inside out. I’d told her time and time again, from everything I’d learned in my 3 years at college- stress can literally kill you, and that she should really take some time off before she seriously injured herself- but unfortunately she never listened. 
I got out of the car when we’d barely come to a full stop, rushing to the front door, stepping inside and seeing Sugar at the host stand. “Oh- thank god- Carmy is freaked out Winnie- he literally is convinced she’s dying- can you go cool him off? Please?” She begs and I nodded quickly, heading behind the counter and pushing the back door open to the loud kitchen. 
Everytime I was here during the day, I made it a point not to come in this way because the environment made my skin crawl. The noise, the lights, the crashing of pans and pots, the yelling, the sudden bursts of flames while various chefs flambéd dishes that would singe your hair if you weren’t paying attention. 
I swallowed thickly “uh- oops! Sorry” I squeak, quickly getting out of a foodrunners way as he briskly moved past me, shoving the door open with his hip and heading to the front of the restaurant with a large tray of food he held with one hand over his shoulder. 
“Uh- behind you? I’m behind you!” I tried to call over the noise as I pass various people. Usually if I came through the front, Carmy greeted me and people parted for us like Moses and the Red Sea- but without his presence, I was just another body in here and no one seemed to even realize I was there. 
I finally made it back to the hall where the offices were, taking a deep breath to center myself before pushing open the door. 
Carmen was knelt in front of the big comfy couch in Sugars office, offering Syd some water. 
“Winnie- if you don’t get your boyfriend the fuck away from me- I’m gonna peel off his skin and enjoy it” Syd said through gritted teeth. 
“Syd- Syd- eat. Y’have t’eat.” He pleads and I shut the door to silence out all the noise. 
“Carmy” I said softly and he looks up at me, concern and worry written all over his face. “Take a walk, yeah? Go have a cigarette ok?” I said gently and squat next to him, rubbing his shoulder that was hard as a rock with all the tension he was currently holding. 
“No- no. She’s sick Winnie. She’s just bein’ a jagoff because she hates bein’ cared for. Cmon syd” he looks at her and she glared back at me with the fire of 1000 suns, a look that if I was quite honest- scared me slightly. 
“Bear” I gently play with his curls, earning his attention once more. “What Syd needs right now, is the energy in the room to be calm, and you’re literally vibrating with anxiety. Please, f’me? Go relax. Ok?” I said and kiss his temple. 
He huffs and got up, leaving the room with a hard closing of the door, but not quite a slam. I look at Syd, and before I could start, we both hear Carmy going off 
“I’m steppin’ out f’r 5 FUCKIN MINUTES- If that GOD DAMN DIRTY BOWL I ALREADYTOLD SOMEONE TO WASH IS STILL SITTING AT THE EXPO WHEN I GET BACK HEADS WILL ROLL FUCKERS. MOVE. IM NOT FUCKIN’ AROUND T’DAYISN’T THE FUCKIN’ DAY “ he barks before we hear his heavy footsteps stomping off down the hall and a harsh slam of the back door. 
Syd rolls her eyes and I gently sit next to her. “See what I have to deal with? And you wonder why I’m - fffuuuuck oh my gooooddd” she groans, keeling over and laying on my lap as she clutches her stomach. “Fucking kill me. Oh my god- kill me please” she moaned in pain. 
I gently rub her arm, digging through my purse and taking out one of my vials of RSO I kept in there for emergencies. “Here, Y’gonna have to go home- but..it’s gonna make it stop” I told her. 
“Give it. Give it. Whatever it fucking is. I’d literally take heroin right now holy shit Winnie it feels like I’m being stabbed” she said, hands shaking from how much pain she was in. 
“Open.” I told her, tilting her face towards me. “Tongue up” I said when she opened her mouth and I squirt a decent glob of oil under her tongue. 
She closed her mouth, nose scrunching at the taste “what the fuck is that weed?!” She mumbles and I nod. 
“Mmhmm, well kinda- don’t swallow. Let it sit until the pain stops enough that you forget about it and wonder why your mouth is so full of spit” I teased, gently dabbing her sweaty forehead with a napkin from my purse. 
“Thank you” she mumbled, closing her eyes and sighing softly as she waited for it to kick in. 
“He was really worried, Syd.” I said after a few minutes of silence, when I knew the pain had started to dull since her hands had stopped shaking. 
She shook her head in annoyance, unable to speak yet because of the oil and scrunching her nose as if to say ‘he shouldn’t be.’ 
“Y’re his only friend. Other then me, and Richie. But Richie raised him. Of course he’s gonna worry for you. Especially when you’re like- near the point of vomiting blood because of how bad this is getting. You have to do the surgery, Syd.” I said and with that she swallowed, sitting up and looking at me. 
“No- no. Winnie. No! I’m- I can’t. I can’t and I won’t. It’s not even that bad and I’m not vomiting blood miss theatrics- I’m not gonna take 3 weeks off work to do a stupid surgery that isn’t even guaranteed to find anything wrong! What if they go in there and find nothing and I’m back at square one- and out of work for THREE WEEKS?! I can’t leave Tina yet, she- she’s. No. I can’t let her drown. Carmy too- a-and Richie. We can’t-“ I inturrupt her 
“Sydney.” I said in a dead serious tone. “Y’need to get it. This is literally like - this should not even be a discussion at this point! The reason the doctor wants you to have it is because before they can just give you all these medicines to fix your gut bacteria that’s all shot from fucking stress- it’ll hurt you more on the very slim chance you don’t have a stress ulcer, but it is something with your stomach, Syd. It’s an exploratory surgery they don’t do those for no reason.” I said as Carmen came in and his eyes nearly fell out of his head. 
“Surgery?!” He exclaims and slams the door shut behind him. “What? Syd- what’s going on. This isn’t a stomachache you didn’t just eat somethin’ that’s not agreeing with you. What is it, Sydney” she said and I crossed my arms, sitting back and letting her do the talking. 
A slow smile grows on her face, and she covers her mouth with her hands as she begins to giggle. Fair to say the oil has now done its trick. 
“Have I ever told you, when you get mad, there’s this vein in your forehead- and- it’s- it’s so funny” she said, causing me to start laughing with her. 
Carm’s eyes flickered to mine. “What the hell did you give her?” He asks and I shrug with a smirk. 
“Somethin’ t’make her floaty, and” I shield my mouth from Syd so only Carm could see “agreeable” I mouthed and he smiled a bit, shaking his head. 
“Syd.” He looks at her. 
“Caaarrrmeeennnn” she replied in a sing-songy voice “I need to get back to the spice mixture for my cod now- but this was a great chat guys. Winnie- you’re the best” she said and got up, heading towards the door. 
“Noooo ya’ don’t” Carmen stops her, spinning her around by the shoulders and leading her back to the couch. She groaned dramatically, sitting down next to me once more. “What is this about a surgery, Syd?” He asked, pulling up the rolling chair and sitting in front of us. 
“A stuuuuupiiiidd surgery Carmen. Stupid. Doctors wanna slice me open and prod around hoping they find something. And then when they don’t i'll be stuck at home with my dad glued to my bedside, for no fucking reason, and I’ll loose three weeks minimum of work. And that’s if they find nothing. If they do find something, I’ll have to schedule another surgery and I’ll be out for SIX weeks.” She said and Carm nods, rubbing over his face for a moment as he thinks. 
“And how long have they been buggin’ you t’get this surgery, Syd?” He asked finally, brushing his hair back and looking at her seriously. 
“Mmm….” She crossed her arms, averting his gaze “7 months” she mumbles. 
“What?!” Carmen leans forward in disbelief. “Say that- say that again? I know y’didnt just say you’ve been dealin’ w’this f’r a fuckin year” he said and she shrugged. 
“They reccomended it a year ago, they’ve just been hounding me for the past 7 months. It’s really not that bad, Carm.” She said and he shook his head, getting up and going over to the filing cabinet silently. 
“What are you doing?” Sydney sits up as he opens a drawer, thumbing through different file folders before popping out what looked to be a blank information sheet of some kind and plops back down in the chair, rolling over to the desk and beginning to fill it out with a pen. 
“Carmen - what are you” she stood up, looking at the form he was filling out “no” she said, ripping it from under his pen and crumpling it up, throwing it in the wastebasket next to the desk. “Fuck you. No” she seethed. 
“What’s going on?” I sit up. 
“Syd- there’s like 50 million copies, I really don’t want to do it like this, but I know you aren’t gonna do it unless I make you do it.” He said and got up, walking back over to the same filing cabinet. 
She followed him, holding the drawer containing the forms closed with her hand. “No! Carmen are you fucking kidding me?! You aren’t my fucking parent. Stop! We are equals here! You can’t do this” she said and he shook his head, resting his hand atop the cabinet. 
“Sydney. This isn’t a discussion, are you really gonna make me say it, you’re really gonna push me?” He asked lowly. 
She crosses her arms, “say it.” She countered chest quickly moving with rapid angry breaths. 
“As your partner. I’m ordering you, mm? It’s an order, Sydney. Y’gonna go to the back, Y’gonna empty out your locker- because y’not gonna be around here for a while, and you are going to come back to this office, Y’gonna take the short term disability form I give you, Y’gonna call them, file. it. I will be checking, and then, Y’gonna schedule whatever fuckin procedure you need, and when your doctor clears you to come back in the kitchen, then, and only then will you return to work. I’m being more then fair, considering you’re making me force you t’do this, so I’ll be paying you your full wages while you’re out. Even though, im gonna have to train 3 dumb fucks to even-“ he shook his head, sighing deeply. “T’even keep us runnin’ half as well. So there. There. You wanted me to fuckin’ play mean mentor partner there ya go.” He said before opening up the drawer, plucking out another blank form and sitting back at the desk. 
She scoffs, looking to me. “You’re just gonna let him do this?” She narrowed her eyes at me, brows furrowed with anger.  
“Syd- this..this isn’t my restaurant…you only answer to-“ Carmy cuts me off. 
“Do not. No. Sydney, out. Step the fuck out, now. Y’not doin’ this t’her. She fuckin-“ he shakes his head, rubbing his eyes before pointing to the door. 
“Fuckin- go. Go before I say shit I’ll regret. Leave. Now.” He orders her and she left the office with a loud slam of the door. 
I sighed, dropping my head back on the couch and closing my eyes, wanting to melt into a puddle on the floor. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby” he sighed, the soft sounds of pen on paper filling the silence. 
“Not your fault” I mumbled, crossing my arms. 
“I-it is. Babe I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be bringin’ you into this shit. It’s not fair, she’s your friend” he said. 
“Exactly- she’s my friend. I love her, Carm. She’s a hard headed fuck at times, but it’s because she loves being here. She just- has this idea that I have some semblance of control over what you do” I took off my shoes before sitting crisscrossed on the couch. 
He snorts a dry laugh, shaking his head. “Well. I mean, not full control- but I listen to you” he gives me a small smirk and I roll my eyes. 
“In our relationship of course. But I can’t honestly give you advice about that. Shes gonna cool off and apologize, to you too babe. Shes gonna realize we just want her better” I sighed softly. 
He nodded, continuing to fill out the form. “I get if you don’t wanna sit around here, want me t’drive you home?” He asked. 
I shook my head “why not? Well if I can stay back here. I don’t like being in the kitchen like at all” I said and he chuckled. 
“Why? Too busy?” He asked
“Too busy, too loud, too bright, to many stabbey things, too many people, too many smells, too much yelling.” I said, pulling my kindle out of my purse. “But back here I have a comfy couch, my books, and my bear. So, I’m ok here” i smile a bit and he rolled over, giving me a peck on the lips. 
“Thank you f’comin, honey. Really” he tucked my hair behind my ear. 
“Baby, any time. If you’re ever scared, or need to talk, or just- I dunno…need a hug? I’m here. That’s what I’m for.” I said and he kissed my nose sweetly. 
“Then I’m the luckiest guy alive” he said softly before kissing my lips in the way that gave me a feeling of a swarm of monarchs being trapped in my chest.  
“Oh you are the mushiest ever” I said and kissed the cute little moles on his cheek.
The door slammed open and Syd comes in “give it.” She snipped, outstretching her hand. 
Carm rolls back over to the desk, handing her the form and she plucks it from his hands. He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and they look at eachother in silence, almost like 2 lions deciding if it was worth it to continue a fight over dominance. 
“Please.” She said quietly after a few moments, her big brown eyes teary. 
“Syd” he said softly, signing to her ‘I’m sorry’ over his chest and i bit my lip, looking out the window, trying to appear uninterested so that they could have some semblance of privacy. 
“Then I want you to get your back checked out. Fair is fair, Carmen.” She said shakily. 
My eyes flicker back over to him and he sits back in his chair, rubbing over his chin for a moment as he thought. “Fine. Fine. I’ll go to the doctor. Back pain is different Syd you know this. But fuckin’ whatever. I’ll go if it’ll make you get Y’r surgery” he said and she nodded once. 
“Fair is fair” she outstretched her hand for him to shake, and he rolled his eyes. 
“Really, we have to seal this with a handshake?” He asked. 
“Fair, is fair.” She replied and he shook her hand firmly. 
“And I’m sorry” she said to me. I nodded 
“It’s okay, I know this is…it’s hard, kid. I get it. But did you have to give me the near impossible task of getting him to the doctor?” I tease with a smile. 
The faintest upturn of a smile replaced her frown and she shrugs. “It’s his deal to go through on. I’ll be checking.” She repeated his words from earlier and he gave her a smug smile. 
“And how will you do that? You don’t know what doctor I see, or if I’ll just go to an urgent care and have some random ass doctor write me a pain pill prescription and that’s it.” He countered. 
“Oh- because I have eyes on you at every angle.” She told him. “I’m always watching.” She teased, closing the office door behind her when she left. 
“What- is she gettin’ daily reports from you ‘er somethin?” He asks and I laughed, shrugging a bit. 
“Mmm. Not reports. I don’t like tell her everything, but- mood reports” I giggle and Richie opens the door. 
“What the fuck are you doing?! How are we gonna run this shit without Syd?!” He shuts the door behind him and looks over to me. “Sorry sweetheart, nice t’see you” he gives me an apologetic smile before turning back to Carm. “You let her go?!” He asks and Carmen looks at him as if he had 3 heads. 
“Let her go?! No, jagoff. I told her to take short term, I’m paying her full wages as long as she needs, and she’s gonna be back when she’s fuckin’ better.” Carmy explained. 
“Short term? Short term termination? Short term what?!” Richie asked frustratedly. 
“You IDIOT. SHORT TERM DISABILITY!” He shouts at him and I flinch. 
“Carmen” I said sharply, he quickly looks over to me. 
“That scares me. Please. You don’t need to yell, Bear- also- you aren’t an idiot, Richie. He’s just…in a mood.” I said softly and Carm’s cheeks flush red.  
“ok” he muttered, turning back to Richie. “It’s-“ he takes a deep breath. “It’s fine. I have it under control. What I need you t’do, is ask Nat for the login shit for the recruiting website she used to find the runners and shit. Can you handle that f’me while I figure out how this shits gonna work while Syds out?” He asked him calmly, but I could still…feel him. His energy. He’s way too wound up. 
I wish I could just tell him to come home, talk it out with him, I knew all of this rage was just him burying his fear. He was so fucking scared. 
“I can. I can do that” Richie nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “So- so what’re we doin’ what’s the fuckin plan?” He asked and I give him a look. 
I knew he had to get out of here or Carm was going to rip in to him just because he could. “Richie, Syd just left- like 5 minutes before you came in here? Carmy is still working that out…can you- can you do me a favor?” I asked and his brows raised in surprise. 
“Yea? Yeah. Wha’dyou need?” He asked. 
“Can you go get that stuff from Nat and then make me a grilled cheese? Eva said you make really good grilled cheese. So Carmy can have some quiet time to figure this out, and you guys can tell everyone what’s going on together.” I look at Carm. 
“Because you don’t have to do everything alone, you’re a team. Breaking difficult news is hard, but when you have the people you love with you, it can make it easier to bare the weight.” I said, looking directly at Carmen. 
Carm nodded, swallowing thickly and biting at the inside of his lip nervously. “Sure- yeah. She uh…she said that?” Richie asked and I smiled, looking over to him once again. 
“She specifically said - ‘My daddy makes the best grilled cheese in the whole wide world’ “ I told him and he smiled a bit, a light blush creeping to his cheeks. 
“Alright well the kid has quite the flare f’dramatics, but I can make a pretty good grilled cheese. Comin’ right up” he said and headed back out to the kitchen, shutting the door behind him. 
Carm got up, locking the door, before coming over to the couch and laying down with his head in my lap. I knew he didn’t have the confidence to ask, so I gently start scratching his head in the way that he liked and his eyes fluttered shut. He let out a deep sigh, like a pressure valve releasing so it wouldn’t explode. 
“So let’s make a plan, baby. I don’t think you need three. I think you know that but you’re planning for someone to drop” I said softly, gently stroking my nails through his hair. 
“Cause someone will drop babe it’s how it fuckin goes. If I hire 2 we’re gonna be left short when one quits because they aren’t as good as the other one.” He said. 
“Well why do you say that, baby?” I asked. 
“Because no one’s gonna fight to be the best when they inevitably find out they’re a temp” he said and I furrow my brows. 
“Carmen. You weren’t planning on hiring someone without telling them right?” I asked and he got quiet. “Carmen. Are you kidding me?! Absolutely not! Oh my god that is so- so mean baby!” I said and his cheeks heat. 
“Well who the fuck is gonna wanna work here when we already have a full fuckin staff?!” He asked annoyed. 
“Because you are the best fucking restaurant in Chicago, are you kidding me baby?! Just like you sent Richie to Ever to gain experience? There are fucking talented chefs Carmy, ones like Richie who don’t have the time to save and go to super nice culinary school like you did and garner that expirience. There would be a line out the door if you were honest and said ‘hey who wants a 2 month opportunity at a luxury fine dining restaurant that’s been nominated for best new restaurant by the JBF in its first year open’ “ I told him. 
He was quiet for a moment, thinking it over. “I guess” he mutters. 
“Babe cmon we can write the posting together. We don’t even have to do all this today. Don’t rush, y’know what would be a good idea?” I ask. He hums in response. “I think, that you should go back out there, work as usual, keep Syd’s stations covered best you can, and we can have a nice Sunday together, relax, recharge, and then we’ll have Palm Sunday dinner with the family, and then on Monday, you can come in fresh and rested with a great plan on what you’ll tell everyone with Richie.” I explain. 
He contemplated for a moment, looking over at the desk in thought before looks up at me, “thank you.” He said softly. I gently caress his cheek with my knuckle. 
“Nothin’ to thank me for, Bear.” I said and he took my hand, placing a gentle kiss to my knuckles. 
“There’s too much to thank you for. We’d be here forever” he mumbled against my fingers with a small smile.  
“You’re getting mushier by the day” I ruffle his hair and the doorknob jiggles. 
“D’you still want this?” Richie calls from outside. 
“Yeah! Sorry” I said getting up when Carmen got off my lap. I opened the door and Richie offers me a plate with 2 grilled cheeses. 
“He hasn’t eaten” he said so only we could hear and I nod. 
“Thank you, best cousin ever” I took the plate. 
“Course, anytime. Oh Carm” he looks to him “user is MBerzatto87 password is fuckin password234.” He said and Carm chuckled a bit. 
“I coulda guessed that shit. But I guess I was hopeful he gave more a shit about cybersecurity” he shook his head. 
“RICHIE. DID YOU TOUCH MY ORANGE ZEST?!” Tina shouts from the kitchen and Richie heads back 
“What the fuck would I need orange zest for?” He yells back as I shut the door, locking it once again. 
“How do things always go missing?” I giggle a bit, sitting next to him and placing the plate on his lap, taking one of the sandwiches and taking a bite. 
“Cause people at the same stations doin’ the same thing will think they already did their orange zest, and just take it.” He said, staring at the plate on his lap. “Also I’m not hungry” he put the plate on the desk. 
I shrugged, putting my sandwich back on the plate. “Okay” I said, brushing off my hands before grabbing my kindle again and continuing to read. 
“What- what’re you doin’ babe. Eat” he said, putting the plate on my lap. 
“I’m not hungry” I said, not looking up from the page. 
“Yes you are, you - you don’t ask for food unless you’re hungry, Winnie.” He said. 
“Mm- I like it when we eat together. I don’t wanna eat by myself so, my appetite is gone.” I lie with a shrug. 
“Y’really gonna be difficult right now?” He asked and in response, I playfully stuck out my tongue before going back to reading. 
“Oh you are a child” he huffs, picking up the untouched sandwich and taking a bite. 
“Oo! I’m hungry again!” I teased, grabbing mine as well and taking another bite. 
He snorts a laugh, rolling his eyes. “Y’re lucky y’cute” he said before taking another bite. 
I smiled, “I love winning you over. It’s my favorite game” I said teasingly. 
“Yeah yeah, I’m just saving myself, you turn into a tiny demon when you’re hungry. Especially on your cycle” he said and I laughed. 
“You’ve learned your lesson though so you don’t have to meet that demon again as long as you keep us fed.” I peel off the crust, setting it on the plate. 
“You don’t like the crust?” He asked. 
“No…well- I don’t know..really. I didn’t as a kid, but Chris did, so I always gave it to him. Never stopped” I said, staring at the crust on the plate as I got lost in memories of sitting in the school cafeteria with Chris over lunch, carefully peeling off the crust after taking my first bite and putting it on the top of the empty ziplock he’d taken his sandwich from. 
“That’s sweet. I’m sure he’s happy you still leave it for him” he said. My heart melts at the sentiment and I gently kissed his cheek before resuming eating my sandwich. 
“I don’t like pickles, so when we were kids- Mikey always picked em off for me.” He says quietly and I looked up at him. It wasn’t often that he brought up stories about Michael, so each one I safely tucked away in my mind where I’d never forget. 
“I love pickles, I could eat a whole jar if you let me. I’ll always take unwanted pickles” I smiled a bit. 
“Ahhh ok. So you’re a sour person not a spicy person. It’s usually one or the other” he said before finishing off his sandwich. 
“Yes- exactly. You like spicy stuff? We haven’t eaten a single spicy thing” I said and he nods. 
“Love spicy shit. But you don’t, so doesn’t really matter” he shrugged. 
“Wha- Carmy. No! No you can eat spicy things, I feel bad. I don’t want it to always be what I like. Just like- make mine less spicy” I said. 
“It’s fine babe, I try spicy stuff here all the time. Plus the food I like with a ton of spice in it is usually Indian and Filipino and shit where the whole profile is about the heat and the spice so-“ I inturrupt him. 
“You like Filipino food?!” I asked and he nods 
“Yeah- why, do you?” He asks and I nod happily 
“My neighbor! Ms.Mendoza! She’s from the Philippines! Before you started bringing me dinner I’d usually stop by her place because she always made too much and asked me if I wanted it, you have to talk to her babe she’s like- amazing! I’m sure you guys will have so much in common she loves cooking- and she has like all these connections back home in the Philippines and they send her spice mixes and stuff for her to try. You have to try this stew- she calls it um..” I think for a moment “inew? Inihaw? Yeah- I think that’s it. Inihaw na leimpo! “ I said excitedly. 
“Oh- the lady- the lady I met?” He asked and I nod. 
“Yeah- I…I never asked- was she there when you got there?” I asked
“She- well” he chuckled. “Almost knocked me out with her cane cause I guess she thought I was trying to break in, cause I heard you screamin’ and I was trying to pick the lock, I told her I was a friend and she didn’t really believe me, but then she saw the flowers and she nearly dropped the keys getting the door open.” He said and my cheeks go pink. 
“I’m…I’m sorry- she’s like….such a grandma. She’s been hounding me about a boyfriend since I moved in don’t mind her pushyness about it. She’s been trying to hook me up with her friends grandsons left and right” I finished off my sandwich. 
“Well, she can stop looking now right?” He asks. 
I brushed my hands off before nervously picking at my nail polish at the question. “What does that mean?” I asked and the room went eerily silent for what felt like minutes. 
“Cause’…” he trails off. “Are you…are you still seeing other people?” He asks and I look over at him. 
“No. No, Carmy. No just you..are you?” I asked and he shook his head. “So…what does that mean?” I asked biting the inside of my lip nervously. 
“I…I dunno…” he looked at the clock. “I uh- I have to get out there, you still wanna hang out here?” He asked. 
I swallowed thickly, realizing that I didn’t want to be here all day if he was just going to run away. 
“So…what Syd said. You’re- you’re my boyfriend now?” I asked and he went pale as a sheet. 
I stare at him, waiting for a response, and he opens his mouth like he was going to say something but he closes it again, nervously rubbing his lips together. 
“Well- are you?” I ask. 
“So- so Y’re like…my girlfriend now?” He asked. 
“That’s my question, am I your girlfriend?” I asked and he shrugged. 
“I guess? I dunno…I’ve never done this I just…kinda assumed?” He said rubbing his neck nervously. 
“Well- I don’t remember you ever asking me…” I nudge his knee with mine gently. 
“You didn’t ask me to be your boyfriend either!!” He said. 
“Because I knew you’d freak out! And like- Y’re a masculine guy Carm I didn’t wanna make you feel insecure!” I exclaim. 
“Okay fine! Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks, a small smile on his lips. 
“Hmmmmm….” I put my finger to my lips, pretending to contemplate. “Of course I will dummy” I pull him into a deep wanting kiss and he hums happily, gently rubbing over my hip with his palm. 
“Y’know y’mine baby I tell you like every day” he said, his breath fanning my lips. 
I look up at him, biting my lip to contain a grin. “I dunno…I thought you said it just t’like..please me when we fool around, I didn’t know you meant it.” I said softly. 
“I’d never say something I don’t mean baby, everything I tell you I really mean” he leans in, kissing me again. But this kiss was sweeter, somehow more intimate then the last. It felt…truthful. 
I gently cup his cheek, humming softly and he pulls away when the doorknob to the office starts to jiggle and someone pounds on it. 
“Chef?! We need more hands out here if we’re gonna be gettin’ this order out on time are you with us?” Tina calls through the door. 
“Duty calls” he sighs softly. “You know where to find me baby” he kissed my forehead sweetly before heading back out to the kitchen.
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➵ 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡♡♡
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mehrtini · 10 months
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I’m gonna have another baby~
Ive never looked forward to a coming year more than I am for 2024. this one has been hard starting last January, I’ve had more curveballs and kickflips in the last 12 months than in the last 4 years combined but each step has had a purpose and I do be growin
these pics are my last month or so. I’m 12 weeks preggies and due in June, baby Walker is literally due one day after their sister was due. So I almost get a do-over in a way for this pregnancy with my last one being so traumatic. This one isn’t nearly as miserable as the last but it’s still hard. My body rejects the hormones like they’re poison i stg. Nauseous like every moment of my life. But I prevail!!! I always prevail
Just been eating a lot of yummy food (thankful that it ever stays down) and I spend my free time day dreaming about our cute little black house we are moving into in January
Stop I’m too excited to speak further! Xoxo
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The global demand for Metrology Services was valued at USD 691.2 million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 1177.7 million in 2032, growing at a CAGR of 6.10% between 2024 and 2032.The metrology services market, a critical segment of the industrial landscape, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the accuracy and quality of manufactured products across diverse industries. Metrology, the science of measurement, has evolved significantly over the years, encompassing various techniques and technologies to achieve precise measurements. This market is driven by the need for high-quality control in manufacturing processes, stringent regulatory standards, and advancements in measurement technologies. In this article, we explore the key drivers, challenges, and future prospects of the metrology services market.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/metrology-services-market
Market Drivers
1. Growing Demand for Quality Control: In an era of increasing competition and consumer expectations, manufacturers are under constant pressure to deliver products that meet high-quality standards. Metrology services provide the necessary precision in measurement to ensure that components and products meet specified tolerances. This demand is particularly pronounced in industries such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, and healthcare, where even minor deviations can lead to significant consequences.
2. Advancements in Technology: The metrology services market has witnessed substantial technological advancements in recent years. Traditional measurement techniques are being complemented and, in some cases, replaced by cutting-edge technologies such as coordinate measuring machines (CMM), optical digitizers and scanners (ODS), and X-ray computed tomography (CT). These technologies offer higher accuracy, speed, and versatility, enabling manufacturers to achieve better quality control and reduce production costs.
3. Regulatory Compliance: Stringent regulatory standards across various industries necessitate precise measurement and documentation. For instance, the aerospace and automotive sectors must adhere to rigorous safety and quality standards, which require meticulous measurement and inspection processes. Metrology services ensure compliance with these standards, minimizing the risk of product recalls and enhancing overall safety.
Market Challenges
1. High Initial Investment: The adoption of advanced metrology equipment often involves significant initial investment. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may find it challenging to allocate the necessary resources for acquiring and maintaining these high-tech instruments. This can be a barrier to entry for some companies, limiting the market's overall growth potential.
2. Skilled Workforce Shortage: The effective utilization of advanced metrology technologies requires a skilled workforce capable of operating complex instruments and interpreting measurement data accurately. However, there is a shortage of qualified professionals in the field of metrology. This skills gap poses a challenge for the industry, as companies may struggle to find and retain personnel with the necessary expertise.
3. Integration with Manufacturing Processes: Integrating metrology services seamlessly into existing manufacturing processes can be challenging. Ensuring that measurement data is accurately incorporated into production workflows without causing delays or disruptions requires careful planning and coordination. Overcoming these integration challenges is crucial for maximizing the benefits of metrology services.
Future Prospects
1. Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing: The advent of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing is expected to revolutionize the metrology services market. The integration of metrology with digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), will enable real-time monitoring and analysis of measurement data. This will lead to predictive maintenance, improved process control, and enhanced product quality.
2. Increasing Adoption of Non-Contact Measurement Techniques: Non-contact measurement techniques, such as laser scanning and 3D imaging, are gaining popularity due to their ability to measure complex geometries and delicate surfaces without physical contact. These techniques offer higher speed and accuracy, making them ideal for industries like electronics and medical devices, where precision is paramount.
3. Expansion in Emerging Markets: Emerging markets, particularly in Asia-Pacific and Latin America, are experiencing rapid industrialization and urbanization. As manufacturing activities increase in these regions, the demand for metrology services is expected to rise. Companies are expanding their presence in these markets to capitalize on the growing opportunities and cater to the evolving needs of local industries.
Key Players
Hexagon AB
Trescal SA
Optical Metrological Services
Carl Zeiss Corporation
Danish Micro Engineering A/S
Nikon Metrology Inc.
FARO Technologies, Inc.
Renishaw plc
Optical Gaging Products, Inc.
By Type of Service:
Coordinate Measuring Services (CMM)
3D Scanning Services
Reverse Engineering Services
Calibration Services
Dimensional Inspection Services
Form Measurement Services
Alignment Services
By Product Type:
Hardware (Coordinate Measuring Machines, Optical Digitizers and Scanners)
By End-User:
Energy and Power
By Application:
Quality Control and Inspection
Reverse Engineering
Dimensional Analysis
Material and Component Testing
By Technology:
Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM)
3D Scanners
Laser Trackers
Optical Digitizers
Portable Measuring Arms
X-ray and CT Scanning
By Service Provider:
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Metrology Service Providers
Third-Party Metrology Service Providers
By Industry Standards:
ISO 9001
ISO/IEC 17025
ISO 13485
By Measurement Type:
3D Measurement
2D Measurement
4D Measurement
By Region
North America
The U.S.
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of the Middle East and Africa
About Us:
Credence Research is committed to employee well-being and productivity. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented a permanent work-from-home policy for all employees.
Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
Website: www.credenceresearch.com
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vijukumar · 3 months
Protected Cultivation Market: A Booming Industry with Endless Opportunities
Protected cultivation, also known as controlled environment agriculture (CEA), is a method of growing crops in a controlled environment, shielded from unpredictable weather conditions and pests. This technique has gained significant traction in recent years due to its numerous benefits, including increased crop yields, improved quality, and reduced environmental impact. The protected cultivation market is booming, driven by the growing need for sustainable and efficient farming practices. In this blog, we will delve into the market size, share, and growth, as well as the key trends, players, and challenges in the industry.
Market Size and Growth
The global protected cultivation market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.5% from 2024 to 2030, reaching a market size of USD 15.4 billion by 2030. This growth is driven by the increasing adoption of protected cultivation techniques among farmers, particularly in regions with challenging climate conditions. The market is also being fueled by the rising demand for high-quality and year-round produce, as well as the need for sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices.
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Market Trends
Several trends are shaping the protected cultivation market, including:
Increased Adoption of Technology: The use of advanced technologies such as automation, data analytics, and precision farming is becoming more prevalent in protected cultivation. This enables farmers to optimize crop growth, reduce costs, and improve yields.
Growing Demand for Organic Produce: Consumers are increasingly seeking organic and sustainable produce, driving demand for protected cultivation methods that can provide these products.
Expansion into Emerging Markets: The protected cultivation market is expanding into emerging markets such as Asia, Latin America, and Africa, where there is a growing demand for high-quality produce.
Integration with Greenhouse Structures: The combination of protected cultivation techniques with greenhouse structures is becoming more popular, offering additional control over environmental factors and extending the growing season.
Market Players
The protected cultivation market is dominated by a few key players, including:
Agriplast Protected Cultivation: Agriplast is India's largest polyhouse manufacturer, providing high-quality polyhouses and expert guidance to farmers.
Khetigaadi: Khetigaadi is a leading provider of protected cultivation solutions, offering a range of products and services to farmers.
Tractor Junction: Tractor Junction is a well-established player in the agricultural sector, offering a variety of protected cultivation products and services.
Ken Research: Ken Research is a market research firm that provides comprehensive reports on the protected cultivation market, offering insights into market trends, players, and growth.
Market Challenges
Despite the growth and opportunities in the protected cultivation market, there are several challenges that need to be addressed, including:
High Initial Investment: The initial investment required for setting up a protected cultivation facility can be significant, making it challenging for small-scale farmers to adopt this method.
Energy Consumption: Protected cultivation facilities require significant energy consumption, which can be a challenge in regions with limited energy resources.
Pest and Disease Management: Protected cultivation environments can be susceptible to pests and diseases, which can impact crop yields and quality.
Regulatory Frameworks: Regulatory frameworks for protected cultivation are still evolving in many regions, creating uncertainty for farmers and investors.
Conclusion The protected cultivation market is a rapidly growing industry with significant opportunities for farmers, investors, and consumers. The market is driven by the need for sustainable and efficient farming practices, as well as the growing demand for high-quality produce. While there are challenges to be addressed, the benefits of protected cultivation, including increased crop yields, improved quality, and reduced environmental impact, make it an attractive option for farmers and investors alike. As the market continues to evolve, it is essential to stay informed about the latest trends, players, and challenges to capitalize on the opportunities in this booming industry.
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eitmonline · 7 months
EITM Playlist 3/4/24
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Foo Fighters - The Teacher | 6:14
Kacey Musgraves - Deeper Well | 6:32
Kacey Musgraves - Too Good To Be True | 6:37
Lykke Li - Ring Of Fire | 7:05
U2 - 40 (Live) | 7:41
Bruce Springsteen - Growin’ Up | 7:54
Godsmack - Truth | 7:59
Galantis, David Guetta & 5 Seconds of Summer - Lighter | 8:35
The Snuts - Millionaires | 9:04
Foo Fighters - Everlong | 9:37
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water | 9:53
Paramore - Thick Skull | 9:58
Lake Street Dive - Good Together | 10:37
Blackberry Smoke - Ain’t Much Left Of Me | 11:12
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coldlobbiesofmarble · 5 years
My mood right now is very much “the archipelago is in exile from itself.”
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