clockworkbee · 11 months
Cardan really thought about Jude, often, it was disgusting but he couldn't stop. pricked her finger to bring her to her senses, gifted her one of the most beautiful dresses ever, looked for her while his family was getting murdered, crawled after her, kissed her at knife point (a moment among many that he remembered as romantic), fucked an alliance just to get her back, MARRIED HER (let's not talk about that exile rn), went into an enemy war camp for her. Also, did I mention his LETTERS??? And that he ALWAYS. KNEW. HER!!!? Honestly, it is disgusting how much I think about HIM. Often. And I can't stop.
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mothboypoison · 4 months
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Hakuri remembered when Chihiro got back up, the scene which inspired him right back when he was first introduced, and he got back up as well. He's mimicking Chihiro's pose. I can't with these two.
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clarissaweasley-10 · 4 months
Imagine how crazy the fangirls would have been if Thea was a boy.
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m1lkteaboi · 8 months
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Been playing a lot of Dragon Age Inquisition. Lots of fun! And shenanigans.
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plus-low-overthrow · 3 months
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The Young Rascals - It's Love (Atlantic)
arr. Arif Mardin & Felix Cavaliere, prod. Tom Dowd, 1967.
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I would unironically LOVE this 🐦
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
Delta’s prepping an argument for Rynn to leave the (incompetent) order
Fixer has a power-point presentation, it's 50 slides long, and new slides get added every day. Some of the slides are serious, others are filled with petty things like, "They make you wear muted colors even though you look amazing in pastels 😠"
Scorch slides his arms around Rynn's waist as he lays face down in her lap, "This briefing has been going on forever," He grouches against her stomach. "It's important," Rynn says wryly, as she cards her fingers through his hair. "They could literally have turn this into an email." Scorch mutters, "I bet Fixer is going to add that to his powerpoint." "What powerpoint?" Rynn asks. "Don't worry about it." Scorch replies immediately, "When you retire, where do you want to retire to?" "What makes you think I'm going to get to retire?" Her voice is light, and Scorch tightens his grip around her tightly. "Because if you don't get to retire due to premature death, then I'm going to murder the entire jedi order." Scorch says honestly. "A bit dramatic, don't you think?" "For you? Not in the slightest." He presses his face against her stomach, "I don't think you quite realize how much you mean to us." "I think I'm starting to figure it out."
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sf-bl · 1 year
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Still posting old unfinished WIPs, and it's been quite a 24hrs, so let's throw dignity to the wind with .... aquatic lizard monster boyfriend Rhys. Think if Hyperion R&D wrote the little mermaid, but with more mutated middle managers, and far fewer survivors.
(Honestly, today has been A Day. If I tell you that posting this mutant lizard Rhys is actually the most dignified thing to happen to me so far, you'll get a rough idea.)
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haute-pockette · 2 years
Sometimes a family is a himbo knight, his day dreamer sister, a lesbian half-elf, a nutritionist dwarf, an alcoholic halfling, and a feral catgirl.
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oscargoldksoo · 20 days
It's Love
c: kokokbop
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thecipher · 2 years
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A quick Stucky thingy 💙💙💙
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cuddly-asexual · 1 year
Let's chat about the Fell Xenologue (again). I wanna talk about what I think is one of the main themes, if not THE main theme. Wanna take a guess what it is?
It's Love baby!
What kind of love, you ask? All kinds!
There's the romantic love between Nel and her divine dragon. Definitely the least touched on of the kinds I'm going to talk about, but still very sweet and still adds to the story as we see Nel work through her grief through her relationship with Alear. There's also the one-sided affection Madeline has for Mauvier, but I appreciate that he sees her more as a daughter or younger sister.
Next we have the familial love between Nel, Nil, Rafal and the Four Winds. The Four Winds on their own have a nice little found family going on, of course this is supposed to mirror the Four Hounds (they find each other in every universe I guess). Then we have the deep love Nel, Nil and Rafal have for each other. We see how much Nel cares for Nil through the flashbacks of her protecting him, entrusting him with her dragonstone, even killing some of the siblings who threatened him (albeit not 100% intentionally). The last chapter shows us how Nel cares just as deeply for Rafal as well, as she knew he wasn't Nil, but still treated the same and grew to love him all the same. Even off screen we learn that Nil and Rafal were very close, with Nil trusting Rafal to take care of his sister in his stead. Nel chooses to end her own life because she couldn't bear to lose another sibling and sees herself as the source of Rafal's pain. And of course we can't forget how Rafal stayed by an unconscious Nel's side for a thousand years, ALONE, to bring her back to life.
The last observation I have is the distinct LACK of familial love between all the royal siblings in this world. Of course all their personalities have been flipped, which also means that the dynamics between the siblings has to change to fit these new personalities. The Firene siblings in this world do still care about each other, but it feels off. Celine uses the fact that Alfred cares about her to get him to start a war, which is kinda fucked up. Both Diamant and Alcryst assume the other is out to kill them and Alcryst actively loathes Diamant. Ivy has none of the care she holds for Hortensia in Alear's world. As for Fogado, I wish we could learn more about what he was like before he decided to go freak mode, but as is he does admit he always wanted to be the one to kill her.
The main conflict is Rafal seeking validation since he perceives himself to be weak. Even after Sombron dies, Rafal is still seeking something even if it means killing the last remaining people in the world. What he didn't realize is that all those remaining people (Nel, the Four Winds) love him dearly, but he was too caught up in his end goals. During that last battle with Rafal every conversation he has with everyone is them trying to get it into his thick skull that they love him. Even Alear, an outsider in this situation, is like GOD DUDE WHEN WILL YOU REALIZE???
I just aaaaa, having the main theme for a world filled with so much death and despair can be love and hope.
Anyway, they said it themself everyone. It's love :)
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(Also just a fun detail since I was playing in Japanese. Rafal says 好き (suki) and 大好き (daisuki) more than you'd expect. Off the top of my head he says it twice when talking about Alear and another time when talking about Nel.)
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therelentless · 6 months
ooc;; nandor "buying" 20 laptops for guillermo, because he didn't know which one to get (or anything about them really), but he heard he needed one.
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inkykeiji · 8 months
Everywhere I look I am reminded of Touya-nii 😔
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P.S i hope you have been doing well Clari!!!
LMAOOOOO oh my gosh this made me giggle hehehe no but quite literally that’s him, desperately attempting to soothe or quell that aching, gaping emptiness behind his sternum, and then desperately attempting to smother those very scary, very new feelings that begin to emerge from that bottomless hollow, that begin to eat away at the edges of it and give way to something so much worse, something vulnerable and raw
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babsbabbles · 2 years
We need to be okay with not knowing how to fix things.
When someone you care about comes to you sobbing in the night or is crumbling in front of you and you can hear the way their soul is groaning beneath the weight of whatever it is they happen to be dealing with - my friends, I am sorry to say, you will not always know the answer.
In fact. Most times, you will sit there, cradling a phone in your hand, staring at the screen of your computer, watching them shudder across a table, and you will feel hollow and useless because you do not have the reach or the power to solve their problems, you do not even know where to start.
You will not know how to fix it because you are not all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing. And furthermore, if you do not know, you should not try, because you may make it so much worse.
But - this is so important - but, dear friend, you will be there.
Their soul will groan and their hands will shake, and you will be there. You will have the opportunity to take their hands. You will need to say, I'm sorry, I don't know how to fix it. But you can also say, I am here for you. I am not giving up. I will walk with you.
Because someone in a situation so horrible, who is feeling hopeless, who is lost, ultimately, does not want to be alone.
We are not made to be alone.
So be present with them.
This is not to say you should be physically near them every waking moment, or on the phone every hour of the day, but to offer what you can. Remind them that you care. Tell them you are here.
Do not try to fix things. The fixing will come when the sorrow is over, in due time, and it may not be how you expected it at all, or whatever you thought was best. That's okay. No man can know everything.
Simply be there. Care. Love.
Everything else will come.
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boobpancakes · 9 months
when u love someone but u don't understand what love is but the person u think u love is obsessed w u and wants to kill you to live with your soul so you kill them instead and devour their body as payback for all the lessons they taught you,,,
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