lunaetis · 8 months
@solivcgant asked :
🕯️ @ who is awake ouo
send me 🕯️ to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character. || no longer accepting
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─「アスナ」─  it was easy to overlook someone like him, or at least he wasn't the type to draw attention to himself from the very start. the thought crossed the female's mind one afternoon while they were out walking their dogs together. her hazel hues took in the sight of him attempting to make the STUBBORN SHIBA INU to listen to him. she remembered how he asked for tips on how she trained hers. he was determined, she could see that. it was adorable, actually.
                if one had asked her a few years back, she wouldn't think this would be where THEY arrive at. but, it was a kind of path that she found herself growing fond of. certainly better than the pained look on his face whenever he saw her hurting. the current present they're living in, and him, were what she treasured.
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                often he had a rather negative opinion when it comes to himself, and he placed little to no value to his own well-being. self-confidence issues, she would say, but asuna let out a soft smile at the thought. that was who he was, after all, and they were working on that. her eyes followed the way he attempted to pull the stubborn pup along with him, but being careful enough to not hurt the canine. heh, he was kind, wasn't he ? a SELFLESS MAN pretending to be selfish.
                she smiled adoringly before getting up to her feet and walked over to him.
                " need a hand, eiji-kun ? "
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eccentriically · 6 years
lunaetis replied to your post: lunaetis replied to your post: ...
[ JKLHHKLJ i won’t ! no worries X33 i’m just glad to catch you here ! i’m not on discord much bUT I SHOULD POKE YOU FROM TIME TO TIME THERE !! i’m mostly lurking around on tumblr more than discord that’s why hjklhjkl but i’ll keep in mind to poke you over on discord too ; v ; ]
I’ll try to get on tumblr more often if you wanna write again :0 I’ve been doing a lot of AUs and writing other characters from my story. I’m always on my laptop so it should be okay as long as I remember ;w;
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lunaetis · 2 years
𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 ?
swear i feel you in my memory i think i've seen you in my dreams
                dreams were often hazy to her, at least when it comes to a certain figure appearing within her subconscious. when those amethyst hues were closed, when her mind drifted elsewhere, she would see him ( @75bpm ). the figure she couldn’t see clearly of the face, yet, at the same time his presence shone so brightly within the foggy mind of her slumber. like she was pulled right back to the time long gone.
                “ i promise i am not trying to flirt but i feel like i've seen you in my dreams. ”
                she still remembered when she said that to him, cheeks painted with a faint shade of pink, decorated with a bashful smile upon her lips as fingers ran themselves through her dark locks. even when the words had left her lips, she couldn’t help feeling shy. it sounded cliché, like some kind of pick-up line one would say to another despite it wasn’t her intention.
                with how their hearts were intertwined, flirting was no longer needed. not when their eyes were filled with nothing but LOVE when they gazed at each other.
maybe in another life i knew you maybe if i try i'll see right through you and i'll remember who we were
                and her eyes were locked to him. the female might believe in love, ardently so, but she had never been a fan of LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. she believed in falling in love, she believed in the concept of soulmate, red string of fate, all that connection and pull. a hopeless romantic that she was, she couldn’t bring herself to think you can instantly fall for someone.
                so why was it that her heart beat so loudly when he was near ? why she was so overwhelmed by a sense of nostalgia whenever their eyes connected. she didn’t believe she had fallen in love with him at first sight, yet it felt like her heart refused to calm down and it was aching to return to its owner that is not her.
maybe in another time i loved you maybe you're the one that i would run to don't know why it's all a blur i think i know you
                and the way his eyes would settle on her, the way his smile would soften just a little as though he understood what was going through her mind. her hand wanted to reach out to him, to ask, to hold, despite not understanding why it felt like it was their reunion instead of their first meet.
                it took her a long time to admit she felt like she had seen him in her dreams before. and even then, it was embarrassing a confession to make, even more than when she confessed how her heart was full of him.
                “ then it must be a good dream. ”
                his response brought a sense of comfort and warmth. the writer recalled placing her chin in her hand, elbow rested to the surface of the table while head canting and violet orbs locked to his. that lilac hues was full of tender affection as they mellowed, sweetly, lovingly.
have we met before ?
                “ yes. yes, it was. ”
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lunaetis · 7 months
𝐏𝐒𝐀 - 𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐍'𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐋 ( 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭-𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐲 )
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this is subject to change once we see more of the new storyline, but eden's demeanor and personality post-penacony would change quite significantly from what we have seen prior. those who had met her before penacony and had formed a solid enough bond with her would be able to notice this change. prior to the events in penacony, eden was fairly trusting and open with strangers. she had no problem approaching others or open up about herself if she deemed the individual trustworthy enough by her standard. however, after penacony ( or at least up to the current point in time of 2.0 update ), eden will be less open and much more cautious when it comes to strangers. i'm still not sure yet how the event and story would unfold from here, but i can say for certain that the recent happenings and experience in the dreamscape will change the way i write eden with others. i'll list significant changes below ( to be updated & subjected to change ) :
overall less open, less trusting, more cautious. less optimistic, more realistic.
more observant, pays more attention to both her own body language and other's.
less energetic demeanor. more reserved. dimmer light in her golden eyes.
no longer quick to get attached, keeps distance with people.
is still blunt and forward at times but choose her words much more carefully.
more averse to physical touches when it comes to strangers / acquaintances. does not flinch away from challenging or daring touches but will brush away friendly touches / intimacy unless she truly trusts the individual.
quite self-conscious about the stellaron scar on her chest.
actively tries to be more analytical and less instinctual ( heavily situational. emphasis on actively trying. she's instinctual by nature, she's attempting to go against it and be more analytical. )
please note that these changes may or may not be long-term due to recent experience and exposure. this is a defense mechanism for eden. it's a change she felt the need to adapt in order to keep going and to survive this journey. she's still learning and developing as story goes, i just feel that i should write it out because it's heavily affecting how i'd write her interacting with other muses.
as mentioned, muses who met her prior to penacony will be able to notice the change ( including any hsr muses before introduction of penacony and her ship partners. ) whether you have your muses acknowledge it in our interactions / conversations is completely optional ! any new meetings that takes place post-penacony will have her new demeanor active. no prior relationships will be affected, of course. how she behaves with those she trusts wouldn't change much ( but that also depends on how deep the bond goes. ) so mostly it's new meetings / acquaintances that would be affected by this change the most !
sorry for the long read — i actually still have a lot to unpack regarding why and how these changes come about ( it's not just penacony, but its something accumulated over time. penacony events are just the trigger for it. ) but i'll get into that in a separate post because this is already lengthy hjklhjkl thank you for reading !
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