#.[ cattleya.baudelaire ]
lunaetis · 1 month
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐞.
                a secret meant to be kept hidden. the voices that weren't supposed to be heard. the sounds hushed in tone and the noises muffled with each step they took. silence was common even when they were only the two of them. cattleya was no stranger to it, however. an auto-memory doll who often communicated through written words and letters was not unfamiliar with silence.
                but in that quiet air, she heard him ( @wesama ).
                in that silence, it was loud. the sounds of his footsteps as he walked next to her, the shuffle of his movement when dawn hadn't broken from the horizon just yet. when she first met him, he smelled of gunpower and blood, of battles and war clinging to his very form. no matter how many times she washed his hand, the red did not completely come off.
                now, he smelled of freshly baked bread and coffee. he smelled of soil and dirt as he helped her plant vegetables and flowers in the garden. he smelled of the faint floral scent of the flowers he picked out for her. the crimson tainted fingers were replaced by flour and oil of the breakfast he prepared for her.
                " william, " she would call him, despite knowing that probably was not his real name. how she yearned to know it, to know him, to know the man she had saved and the man she had come to — " good morning. "
                did you sleep well ?
                did you have a nightmare again ?
                do you miss your country ? your home ?
                the questions were swallowed down her throat when she looked at him. how shameful. a part of her wanted to ask that. a part of her wanted to know if there were anything she could help him with.
                if he was happy being here with her.
                do you want to leave ... and go back home ... ?
                as the footsteps retreated, the door of her room creaked open, barely making a noise. she could hear the silhouette of his back slowly disappearing into the shadow cast by the sunlight, as well as the muttering words that echoed. how she wished she could understand what he was saying.
                " william ... " that was not his name, but she had nothing else to call him by. fingers clutched gently against her chest, being able to hear the sound of her own heart thumping. calling for him. to hide him like this ... to keep him a secret ... a kind of life where he could not be discovered ...
                there was no way he would be truly happy.
                and she remembered his smile, the warmth of his hand upon her own, how his scarred digits would curl protectively around her smaller ones. a squeeze he'd give their connected hands as they walk. her heart fluttered when their eyes meet.
                william ... my william ...
                " i don't want you to leave ... " the words she wanted him to know, but never could bring herself to say. it's selfish. oh so selfish.
                can you hear me ? hear my heart beating for you ?
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lunaetis · 1 year
@75bpm asked :
kissing your lover after believing you’d lost them . - give us conrad and cattleya content thx
↪     𝑲𝑰𝑺𝑺  ﹠ ᵀᴱᴸᴸ . || accepting
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─「カトレア」─  the AUTO MEMORY DOLL couldn't remember the last time she felt this scared, this terrified, of the what could've been. they were still at war, so the feeling of uncertainty surfaced almost every second they breathed. whether or not they would still be alive come the next day, whether or not the peace they attained by fighting the enemies would last. what if something happened ? what if someone found him ? what if. what if. what if.
                from that night she first met him, that night where their EYES met, that gripping fear never left her. it dug deeper with each passing day, it crawled at her back whenever he looked at her and she felt her heart skipping a beat. that deep rooted fear became a reminder that PEACE might not last. that this little happiness they managed to find was only temporary.
                that FEAR was made true on a fateful day, when they both opened the door to the ch postal company and there stood dietfried bougainvillea, the naval captain along with his TRUSTED WEAPON in a form of a girl with sunlit golden locks.
                cattleya witnessed it, in that split second, the flame of war that was ignited within his gaze. and she knew, she knew, there was no TURNING BACK to that peaceful time any longer.
                the naval captain was attacked, his undine had dealt with him.
                she couldn't remember the last time she felt this scared, this terrified, of what could've been.
                please don't hurt him. please don't execute him. he didn't do anything wrong ! please don't — she heard herself plead, heard her voice pitch in a sense of desperation that rippled through her form. and she BEGGED that her worst nightmare didn't come true. she prayed to what ever power above that he would be safe. that flicker of a moment where she saw that flame in his eyes, why didn't she stop him ? why didn't she talk to him ? assaulting a HIGH-RANKED OFFICER was punishable by death, she knew that.
                when the door was opened, and the FAMILIAR SILHOUTTE of the soldier who owned her very heart came to view, cattleya felt relief washed over her. she was still shaking, but he was alive. he was here. there were bandages around his hands, around his arms, and he had bruises all over his face as though he had just gotten out of a rough fight, his wrists were cuffed, too.
                but he was alive. he's here.
                the DISTANCE between them was gone swiftly, as though her body moved even before her mind could. fingertips found themselves carefully cradling his expression as her lips sealed his in a SINGLE KISS. regardless of the eyes that were on them, regardless of the truth that was revealed. the female kissed him like it was the last time she could have, she kissed him like he was a dream come true, like he was everything she had been searching for.
                she kissed him like she could love no one other than him.
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                " i thought i lost you ... " the syllables dripped from her lips were quivering uncontrollably. she didn't realize her whole frame was trembling, either, as delicate fingers gripped tightly at his clothes. so many emotions run through her, they were messing up her head and thoughts, and she was struggling to burn the reality in place of NIGHTMARE she lived earlier. this was real, he was real. he's alive, he's alive.
                " i really thought ... i lost you ... william ... " AMETHYST HUES were burning with brimming droplets, and the jewel-like tears cascaded down her face. her lips quivered against his own, and her grip upon him tightened unconsciously. she was scared. she was so scared, she was absolutely terrified. the thought of losing him, the thought of losing her very heart shook her to the core. arms slowly came around him, and the embrace was bittersweet. it ... almost spelled the inevitable goodbye.
                she buried her face into his wounded shoulder, and just like that fateful day they met one another, she cried.
                she wept her heart out for the enemy soldier whom she loved with everything she has.
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lunaetis · 2 years
▸▸ [ @ervaurem || gladio & cattleya || morning sof offering ]
─「カトレア」─  it was to no surprise how smitten they were when they looked at one another, and the female had noticed his lingering gaze cast in her direction for a while now. instead of addressing it verbally, however, she took it upon herself to lean in and pressed a tender kiss upon his jawline, only pulling back to leave small distance between them. just enough for their eyes to connect.
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                " did i catch you off-guard ? " those amethyst orbs were sparkling in delight and mirth, if the way she tilted her head oh-so-innocently didn't speak of that teasing notion already. " you were staring quite a bit, so i thought you'd want attention. did i interpret it wrong ? "
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lunaetis · 2 years
@75bpm asked :
❝  stop saying i’m jealous.  i’m not—  i just.  i don’t like having to share. ❞ conrad and cattleya ofc in any verse cos ueueueueueueuueueueue
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─「カトレア」─  given the TIME OF THE YEAR, it was only expected that the amount of work for each auto memories doll would be through the roof due to the high demand of people wanting to send letters to their loved ones in blessing of new year. as one of the most popular dolls in ch postal company, cattleya herself had a long list of requests lined up throughout the month itself. a duty to which, of course, she had taken with great pride and dedication.
                that said, some of the customers did have a bit of underlying motives in coming to see her aside of REQUEST for letter-writing, clearly observed with the way they would stay behind even after their business had been done and their requests in the process. not to mention the repeated invitations for lunches or dinners, or even a day off proposed her way, to which the DOLL had politely declined.
                however, today she had already made plan with a CERTAIN SPECIAL SOMEONE that had her in a better mood than usual, and it seemed her sweeter smile had charmed a few of the passersby enough to have her lover looking rather grumpy from where she spotted him.
                " i apologize, but i already have plans for today. thank you for the invitation. i hope you have a nice day ! " with a grin and a friendly wave, she made her way back to her beloved who was waiting at the door. her arm immediately looped around his own, head tilting with a tender look in those amethyst hues. was he pouting, she wondered ? how rare.
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                " there's no reason for you to be jealous, you know ? i only have eyes for you. " a teasing poke followed her words, hoping to bring a smile back to his face to which he immediately countered —
                ❝  stop saying i’m jealous.  i’m not—  i just.  i don’t like having to share. ❞
                the words themselves made her hold back a gentle grin of her own. really, while she felt a little GUILTY for holding back a laugh, cattleya couldn't help thinking how he was absolutely adorable when he's like this. he had always been a mature and reasonable man, after all. so to see a more childish side to him was a treat all on its own. not to mention that it made her heart well in warmth and delight to know he was acting like this because of her.
                with a giggle, she stopped him from walking out by pulling him back. arms then threw upwards to loop themselves around his neck, guiding him down and lovingly placed an affectionate kiss upon his lips. the touch itself was like a brush of butterfly's wings, but soft enough for him to feel her LOVE reserved for no one but him.
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                " you're so cute when you're jealous. " before he could protest, however, she silenced him with another kiss to his lips, a LONGER and slightly deeper one this time. it was fortunate that no one was left in the room by that time, not that cattleya had any qualms showing her affection in the eyes of others. head tilted to the side, and she weaved her fingers through his hair, brushing over his eyes before sealing the deal with a peck to the corner of his mouth.
                " there's no one who could own my heart like you do, love. i belong to you, and you alone. " a tender laugh escaped her.
                " ah, but i have to confess. i can't help feeling so happy when you get jealous over me, so much that i want to see it more. would you forgive me for that, dear conrad ? "
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lunaetis · 2 years
@75bpm asked :
Wife, your husband demand a lot of chuu chuu now
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「カトレア」─ her beloved had always been an affectionate person. so one would imagine that him coming over to demand her attention was something of a norm, however, that was surprisingly not the case. despite being affectionate, the man who had her heart in his grasp was not the type to ask for anything even when she was more than delighted to shower him with. perhaps, it was within his core to give more than take ? or was it that he felt it was unfair should he be demanding of such thing unless she wanted to give those to him herself ?
                or, perhaps, it was all of those combined.
                no matter the reason, that was exactly why on the rare case like now, that he, her love and her very heart, had draped himself around her form and nuzzled his expression closer to her, his silent way of asking for attention and love, had the WRITER mellow her gaze in utter adoration.
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                " hey you. " simple greet, yet the way her whole body pivoted just so she could wrap her arms around her neck and bring him closer didn't tell of her soft spot towards the person already. there was no question as to why he was in need of some loving, for the way she ghosted her lips along the line of his jaw told enough that she was more than happy to spoil him the way he deserved.
                a kiss, once, twice, and more — the way those slender digits thrust themselves through his hair, and she laced her kisses along each part of his face that she knew he loved. trails of butterfly-like touches of her lips left warmth of devotion on its wake. from his jaw to his cheeks, a cute peck to his nose, followed by a gentle giggle. was that a tease ? an expression of love ? perhaps both.
                her show of affections ended at the way she kissed over his eyelids, left and then right, relieving any tension or stress he might harbor due to staring at written words for too long. hand weaved through his hair and brushed his light locks from his face, lips hovering over his own as amethyst hues softened incredibly.
                " i love you. "
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lunaetis · 2 years
@75bpm asked :
¥ you know the drill! yes yes!
put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate yours. || accepting
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 " while i'm not someone who put much consideration regarding someone's appearance, he's certainly a charming person, no ? " Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 " he's a caring person. someone who would go out of his ways to help others. extremely patient and understanding. need i say more. " Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 " i'm quite positive that my feelings for him had been rather obvious. perhaps from the very start. it's difficult for me to deny it. " Would they date them: yes | no " given that we already are dating, this question answered itself. i'm blessed to be given the chance to love and be loved by someone like him. " Favorite thing about them: " have you ever looked at someone, and suddenly couldn't think of any word except for perfection to describe them ? i never thought i'd think that of anyone, until i met him. everything about him, from his voice, to his mannerisms, right down to any small quirks or habits he has, i adore them all. i cannot simply pick one. " Least favorite thing about them: " aah, this is difficult. but if i really have to pick one, it'd be how he's too selfless. it's not a bad thing, of course. it is actually one of his strong points, however, i do wish that he'd put himself and his own needs above others from time to time. to care about himself and his own well-being more. would that count ? "
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lunaetis · 2 years
𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 ?
swear i feel you in my memory i think i've seen you in my dreams
                dreams were often hazy to her, at least when it comes to a certain figure appearing within her subconscious. when those amethyst hues were closed, when her mind drifted elsewhere, she would see him ( @75bpm ). the figure she couldn’t see clearly of the face, yet, at the same time his presence shone so brightly within the foggy mind of her slumber. like she was pulled right back to the time long gone.
                “ i promise i am not trying to flirt but i feel like i've seen you in my dreams. ”
                she still remembered when she said that to him, cheeks painted with a faint shade of pink, decorated with a bashful smile upon her lips as fingers ran themselves through her dark locks. even when the words had left her lips, she couldn’t help feeling shy. it sounded cliché, like some kind of pick-up line one would say to another despite it wasn’t her intention.
                with how their hearts were intertwined, flirting was no longer needed. not when their eyes were filled with nothing but LOVE when they gazed at each other.
maybe in another life i knew you maybe if i try i'll see right through you and i'll remember who we were
                and her eyes were locked to him. the female might believe in love, ardently so, but she had never been a fan of LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. she believed in falling in love, she believed in the concept of soulmate, red string of fate, all that connection and pull. a hopeless romantic that she was, she couldn’t bring herself to think you can instantly fall for someone.
                so why was it that her heart beat so loudly when he was near ? why she was so overwhelmed by a sense of nostalgia whenever their eyes connected. she didn’t believe she had fallen in love with him at first sight, yet it felt like her heart refused to calm down and it was aching to return to its owner that is not her.
maybe in another time i loved you maybe you're the one that i would run to don't know why it's all a blur i think i know you
                and the way his eyes would settle on her, the way his smile would soften just a little as though he understood what was going through her mind. her hand wanted to reach out to him, to ask, to hold, despite not understanding why it felt like it was their reunion instead of their first meet.
                it took her a long time to admit she felt like she had seen him in her dreams before. and even then, it was embarrassing a confession to make, even more than when she confessed how her heart was full of him.
                “ then it must be a good dream. ”
                his response brought a sense of comfort and warmth. the writer recalled placing her chin in her hand, elbow rested to the surface of the table while head canting and violet orbs locked to his. that lilac hues was full of tender affection as they mellowed, sweetly, lovingly.
have we met before ?
                “ yes. yes, it was. ”
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lunaetis · 2 years
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[ you know she’s in love with you when she looks at you like this. ]
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lunaetis · 2 years
▸▸ [ @75bpm || morning sof offering ]
─「カトレア」─  it wasn't uncommon to find her beloved nodding off while doing his work or reading something, that was why she wasn't all that surprised to find him passing out upon the sofa, with his drafts opened on his lap and a pencil in his hand. he was a hardworking soul, after all. and while the WRITER wouldn't want him sleep in such uncomfortable position, he looked utterly peaceful when he was like this. quietly, she reached her hand out to tenderly brushed his hair from his face, gaze softening incredibly. when her touch had prompted those eyes to reopen, a smile grazed her lips. a lean forward, and her lips placed a kiss to his temple.
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                " didn't mean to wake you, love. but you should rest proper. you'll hurt your back that way. "
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lunaetis · 2 years
@bitesyu asked :
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「カトレア」─ one could spot him from miles away, but the writer surely didn't mind the enthusiastic announcement of his arrival, especially with the way he was grinning from ear to ear like that. a smile of ADORATION curved her lips as she waved to him, letting out a tender laugh to follow.
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                " you sure are in a good mood, aren't you ? " it was probably difficult to discern whether he was in his usual upbeat mode or being extra cheerful given his demeanor, but nothing escaped her eyes. " something nice happened ? "
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lunaetis · 2 years
▸▸ [ @welivetoserve​ || continued from here ]
─「カトレア」─  the playful tap to her hand did the trick, and the female let out a soft giggle before pulling her hand that rubbed at the now untied knot from his person. she had always been extremely observant when it comes to reading people, even more so because it was him. he was the type to HIDE his troubles, after all, so she developed a way to pick up those small clues others wouldn’t.
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                “ your co-worker and his girlfriend ? ” the smile on her lips faded and was replaced by a clear hint of worry. no, she wasn’t judging him or assuming anything, but somehow trouble seemed to find a way to him despite him keeping himself in his lane. “ is it jealousy issue ? ” girls do like to get close to him, well, after all he was friendly, so that could cause a problem here and there. her hand reached out again, this time nudging his larger palm. “ c’mon, spill. ”
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lunaetis · 3 years
Jongin vc: -mumbles- mine
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─「カトレア」─  “ all yours. ”
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lunaetis · 4 years
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─「カトレア」─  a small white flower was extended towards the other, accompanied by a tender smile on her lips as her head tilted. the moment their eyes met, her own smile softened slightly.
                “ you seem like you need a little pick-me-up, so i thought something beautiful like a flower would help put a smile on your face. ”
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lunaetis · 3 years
@dystcpiia​ said: ♤ claudia and cattleya
send ♤ and my muse will tell you something they like about your muse. ( or send ♠ for something they dislike. ) || accepting
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─「カトレア」─  “ he’s someone who would give people the happiness and warmth they deserve. ” her eyes reflected the candle light before her, watching the FLAME dance to the smallest of air movement. “ he’s warm, tender, considerate. he always looks for ways to make those around him happy, to provide them with positivity. sometimes, i want him to take care of himself half as good as how he’s taking care of everyone else. ” those amethyst orbs of hers then softened incredibly, if the way her lips pulled into AFFECTIONATE SMILE didn’t tell of how fond she was of the man she was talking about already. “ he deserves to be loved ... deeply, devotedly, the way he had cared for those in his life. he deserves that and more. ” if not much more than she could hope to provide.
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lunaetis · 3 years
▸▸ [ @dystcpiia​​ || continued from here ]
─「カトレア」─  while he looked like he was deep in thoughts, the RESPONSE coming from his lips wasn’t something out of ordinary. the female couldn’t say that she didn’t expect him to say it like that, of course, but perhaps a part of her was HOPEFUL that for once, he might get a hint of what she meant. not that she could blame him either.
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                “ so that’s a no, huh. ” just like everyone else. the look of melancholia flashed across her expression regardless of her trying to hold back. it wasn’t his FAULT, she knew that. a hand rose to run through her dark locks, then eyes of AMETHYST returned back to him once more. “ let me ask you this: am i attractive in your eyes, claudia ? ”
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lunaetis · 4 years
▸▸ [ @valhallic​​ || chaos & cattleya || plotted starter ]
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─「カトレア」─  “ the wind is exceptionally strong here even though we’re not that high up yet. ” an observant comment regarding the SUDDEN GUST OF WIND that seemed to enveloped the grassland they discovered within the thick of the forest. with how many trees surrounding them, such wind shouldn’t be able to penetrate the thick leaves, so that fact alone would’ve raised a few flags. the female turned towards the other, gaze laced with a hint of caution. “ do you think it’s a work of a human ? or ... a magical creature residing here ? should we turn back for now ? ”
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