silver-wield · 9 months
Have been thinking, i feel like making Aerith know the future is … ridicules, she doesn’t have a fight with sephiroth thats cloud fight? Even tifas fight because he burned down her village and murmured her father? Aerith would have more if a fight with shinra and hojo tbh. I wish we could rewrite her and make her not know just be a regular (it literally won’t change how annoying she is at hitting on cloud but at least I won’t be as furious since she literally know she will die and still hit on him) what do you think? If you would rewrite her and keep the story flowing what would you do ?
It'd be weird if they gave her a boss battle with Sephiroth, however I remember her action mocap mentioning a four hour session with Sephiroth's mocap, so it either took them four hours to film her death, which is possible with how much of a perfectionist Nomura is, or she has some kinda battle with him beforehand.
And if she does we'll have to listen to dumbasses going off about how "badass" she is and how she wasn't a victim blah blah blah.
If I rewrote the script I'd just remove her. She's useless and her role can literally be accomplished by any NPC as long as they're a cetra. It also gets rid of all that toxic garbage about "she wishes he was zaaaaack!!!!" Which some people think makes it okay that she's scum trying to get on a guy she knows isn't interested in her and is interested mutually in Tifa. It also removes her as a fake friend to Tifa because Tifa deserves real friends, not some two faced bitch.
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Just... Nomura can’t write female characters. He never has been able to, and he probably never will. And I see no point in denying that anymore, and I find it weird when people do.
Kairi he’s dropped the ball with numerous times (though I do think there’s been a lot of great there, and I don’t think she’s as bad as people say. Like, the fandom consent seems to be that the other girls have at least had some moments of greatness, but Kairi has mostly always been bad. And I don’t agree. I think they’re more on par than people think. Like, everyone always says that Naminé’s better than Kairi, because she had an arc in CoM: an arc where she was being used by the Organization--and partly wanted to be used, because she did want to make herself a part of someone’s heart--but then realized what she was doing was wrong, and stood up to them despite the odds and made things right. They then say she’s better than KH1 Kairi for this reason. But KH1 Kairi had an arc too, that most people didn’t see: about her being afraid of change because of her traumatic past, and having to let of of that in the end, in letting Sora and Riku leave her. And I think that’s just as valid).
Naminé used to be pretty great... but she’s pretty much disappeared from the series at this point (like Kairi used to be disappeared from it, and has pretty much been Exposition Girl every time she shows up again).
Xion... Xion is wonderful (though you still have people arguing this). And I feel she hasn’t really failed yet? But I sadly think this is somehow a happy accident, and it’ll probably happen eventually. Also, there are days I wonder if Nomura treats Xion well, because deep down he mostly sees her as another Sora: a boy. Since she was supposed to be a clone of him, after all. I sincerely hope not, but I still have this fear. Edit: Okay. So here’s the thing with Xion. There are people who think this girl is a complete Mary-Sue and has no development and nothing to her story... and those people are just wrong. They are. You also have people who think she’s useless, because at the beginning of Days she can only fire spells to help you (but not very well). And eventually she loses her Keyblade, and that kind of thing, and has to rely on Roxas and Axel to get her out of this situation. Some people seriously hate on her for this, because they think she was a burden to her friends. And I don’t think these people get what the point of friendship is, then. But Xion’s a pretty good character. Days is half her story (which actually angers some people, as they think she stole what was supposed to be Roxas’ and/or Organization XIII’s). And she does things and drives the plot. We learn a lot about her as a person, see her grow (from someone who’s pretty much an infant--with that little knowledge of the world--to a selfless young woman, willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good). But she’s only playable in mission mode (the only time she’s been playable to this date, so Aqua certainly beats her there. Which isn’t good). I also am sort of irked that she comes back working for Xemans in KHIII (though I get why she did. It wasn’t her choice or fault), when Days had such a huge plot of her abandoning them over and over again. But eventually she defects again, and does as much in KHIII as pretty much anyone who isn’t Sora gets to do at that point. It’s also worth noting that Xion’s the only girl in the series who’s been allowed to breakdown. Aqua almost did in 0.2, but then Nomura changed his mind about it. Like I said, Xion’s pretty great (in my, and others’ opinions). But she’s only been here for, like, two games. Doesn’t seem to be doing much now...  And since this is a series where people have to do things--dangit (at least for other fans. Not so much for me)!--I feel Xion still hasn’t done that much. At least not for the world. More than some of the girls and other characters’ maybe, but not at the top of the list.
Aqua is exceptional, the fandom knows it. But many of us don’t think she really had any character development until 0.2 (that she was kind of static in BbS before that). And people have even criticized her BbS arc: where she doesn’t really have her own plot or her own unique boss (even though she did end up the main character), and was just baby-sitting Terra and Ventus, essentially. A lot of people also had issues with her saying that Sora and the gang had seen her weak (in falling to the darkness) to long and now needed to see her be strong... only for her to lose to Vanitas, and her giving up and letting herself get killed in the Keyblade Graveyard (some people are okay with this, as it was in response to her PTSD. Others are not).
Tifa and Aerith in then FFVII Remake. Tbh, I think they’re only as great as they are, because Nomura had other people helping him with them: Toriyama, Nojima, and maybe even Kitase. And since he’s going off of the great characters form Sakaguchi, Nojima, and Kitase’s previous work with them.
And Stella... I am a Stella Stan. I always have been, and I always will be. And for the longest time, I resented Lunafreya for taking Stella’s place and thought Stella would have been a better character. Now I kind of find that laughable. Because now I believe Tabata was telling the truth when he said that Stella was a complete damsel in distress (that mostly seems to be a trend of Nomura with female characters. Even when he tries to get out of it), and we’ve certainly seen that with Nameless Star in KH though far (though I do love her personality. And she has given us the key to save Sora now--which I appreciate--and hopefully she’ll do more in the future). The thing with Luna and Stella, is that Luna actually did things... but I feel she had little personality. (Though this can be defended by the plot: she was essentially brainwashed at a young age and then grew up under house arrest, where the only thing she was allowed to do was associated with the thing she was brainwashed for. That was literally all she had, so of course it’s going to be the only thing she cares about. And Dawn of the Future fixes this about her, when she realizes the thing she’d believed her entire life was a lie and now she has to figure out how Lunafreya the person is, not Lunafreya the Oracle), whereas I feel Stella probably would have and will have a lot of personality (maybe. Hopefully), but probably not do much. We’ll see.
And I could get into the other girls, too: Like how Invi in KH is a nothing character thus far... how Strelitzia was created just to die... how Skuld was kind of cool in KHUX, but is now just kind of there... how there have been some consistency issues in Ava’s characterization, maybe (even when she might be shaping up to be one of the greatest KH girls now, if not already there. But I’m not gonna).
Also: This is NOT me bashing ANY of these girls. I love them all--as one should, I feel--and want them to have all the love and content they deserve, that canon doesn’t always give them. I’m just pointing out how Nomura’s not the greatest at them (maybe so we don’t get our hopes up?), and why I think it’s silly to pit them against each other, when they’re all pretty equal in my eyes. And also.. hopefully Nomura could change his ways sometime. -fingers crossed-
Edit: Nomura also has a bad habit of wanting to fridge female characters. It was his idea that they kill off Aerith in FFVII. And now Strelitzia and Kairi. And I think Lunafreya in FFXV was his fault, too (her getting fridged there was probably leftover from when she was still Stella), since Stella herself is pretty much fridged in KH right now.
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darkvolley · 5 years
I finished ReMind and started the Limit Cut episode but tbh fuck the databosses. I am weak babey noob gaymer and I've never beat a secret/extra boss in a KH game in my life and that's not about to change anytime soon. So whatever plot stuff may be past the bosses I'll just look up in a bit.
But anyway! Uh, to sum up my thoughts on ReMind, please have this not well put together list!
-The cutscenes look so much better than the ones for the base game and it finally looks like Square figured out how to make the lightning not look like absolute shit in Unreal Engine
-He still can't get Ienzo's name right on the first try and I love it I'm cry over it
-Playing as Roxas was the most amazing feeling I've had in a while and it was hype as FUCK
-Kairi is... actually kinda difficult to play as and I almost died so many times but her Limit Break with Sora was fuckin BEAUTIFUL and I love how there were different pictures that showed up each time on the feather
-Michael Mouse you goddamn fucking hero I've never respected you until now and you definitely deserve it now
-I couldn't catch all the dialogue the other guardians had with each other in the big team up fight but the fact that Roxas and Ven actually say something to each other is. Glorious.
-Did... did it get confirmed Vanitas is Darkness from KHUX??? And why was Dark Inferno x fought after that?? What is Dark Inferno x anyway??? Is it Vanitas in like a pure form or... something???
-There was no confirmation or hint towards who Luxord might be or what connections he has but HE MENTIONED GOATS AND XIGBAR'S BIO IN THE BOOK COMING OUT TALKS ABOUT GOATS AND IT'S MAKING ME FREAK OUT!!!!
-Why did I get the secret ending when I played on Easy and fulfilled none of the requirements?
-I must now return to asking. WHERE IS DEMYX??? Is that answered in whatever other info is in the Limit episode that I'm too lazy to do myself???
-Precious wonderful babey boy Junior made the greatest expression I'd ever seen during his talk with MoM and I need a screenshot of it it's really truly the cutest thing I've ever seen and I would die for him
-Now that I think about it, thank fucking GOD I didn't have to replay the entire fucking game just for the DLC
-Scala is beautiful and I don't think I have the right words to ever describe how just. Great it is.
-Xehanort confirmed for at least 85 or so years old considering '75 years later-'
-Also..... *Spongebob narrator voice* 1 year later-
-ALSO ALSO! I'm a little insulted that after the greater Kairi focus in ReMind, Nomura suddenly turns around and makes her be asleep for a fucking year. Like, I get it's so they can study her heart, but it feels like him just tossing her aside again after he gave us what we wanted and then not knowing what to do with her anymore.
-I'm gonna go find the stuff I'm missing on Limit Cut cuz I wanna know when that Yozora scene comes into play and if he's actually the super duper extremely hard and painful and torturous secret boss I've heard about
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dawnblxde · 5 years
[Kingdom Hearts 3 Review]
Welp I’ve finally done it, finally played and finished KH3! - After intentionally delaying doing so with my day one copy after finding out for some silly reason - it lacked multiple world visits for development sake and had no Final Fantasy characters - so I decided to finish the games I was in the middle of then replay the entire KH franchise, except the ones you could watch. Gonna leave my thoughts below. Just in case there are those out there still trying to avoid legit spoilers!
There were good and bad elements to this game.. Plenty of my experience that I enjoyed, but I believe more so that I didn’t - which made me want to pull out my hair. But I like my head shaved, so that wouldn’t work lol I liked the graphics, beautiful but I knew a PS3 could handle them as the quality of Woody in this game was the same as him in Toy Story 3 (2010 Video Game). Enjoyed the gameplay, though it felt like a flawed, floaty and broken version of Kingdom Heart’s 2 near perfect improvement of Kingdom Heart’s gameplay. A problem was the fact that in the first two main games, even when I was level 50-60′s - I always felt like I could DIE. It was always a fear during major combat moments. I had to concentrate so much just to be successful. Even if I tried to be a higher level then recommending through grinding. I never felt like that in KH3, every moment was such a cake walk. Even the final battle. Did they even try. Regardless, I had a good time with the gameplay and the visuals. But I wasn’t as drawn in as previous games. It did the game no favors and was a massive flaw, it lacking Final Fantasy characters. We should of been able to explore Radiant Garden or had other worlds relevant to FF characters. They were really important to Sora’s development as a Keyblade wielder. Cloud and Squall for sure. Sora wouldn’t be who he is if he hadn’t encountered and spoke to them. They’d of been useful in multiple sequences. We deserved the next part to Cloud’s issues with Sephiroth. That wasn’t resolved. See how Squall/Leon and the others reacted and dealt with what was going on at Radiant Garden. They’re capable of other world travel, seeing how they’d react to some of the new worlds would of been great as well. Nomura confirmed the only Noctis he’d put in KH was his Noctis. Versus XIII Noctis. And interest in doing so. Yet he wasn’t in the game, when as an Anti-Hero of both light and darkness would of been interesting. Seeing he’d take neither side. Also has important factors in common with Rapunzel and Elsa. Seeing them relating over this would of been nice. The lack off FF adds to factors that make KH3 be disappointing experience - along with an enjoyable one. One of the things that still makes KH2 the best. Was how awesome it was to watch the Final Fantasy characters and Disney characters team up in the battle of 1000 Heartless. One of the best aspects about the franchise is the concept of it being a FF x Disney - a Final Fantasy and Disney collaboration. Multiple visits were really needed. Some of the worlds were quite enjoyable and not frustrating. But they all have different percentages of feeling rushed and not fleshed out enough due to one visit. And some annoyingly treated Sora like he didn’t matter. Just acted like making you watch rushed unfinished version’s of the original Disney movies. Sora’s just there like. Oh look, it’s Sora over there! Hi Sora! You don’t matter here! Shouldn’t be like that. The Disney characters should be well blended into the Kingdom Hearts plot and Sora in the plot of the Disney world. The story made me feel emotional, I enjoyed all the Kingdom Hearts parts, even if I felt some of them were rushed or not written well. Tears did leave my eyes. I liked how Aqua didn’t actually give into Darkness, it was Ansem’s fault. I liked the reunion, final battle sequences and all the stuff leading up to it. My favorite parts to praise are the deaths of all Org 13 members, each made me feel emotional and I wanted to see those character’s again reborn. Not so much young Xeraxnort. But Ansem and Xemnas? Oh the feels there, they were strong. I clapped. I felt there could be more with Larxene in the game in general, including her end. Luxord’s! Clap, really want him to come back and play cards with Sora. Riku Replica’s was great too. Both Riku Replica’s. Marluxa’s.. Vanitas’s was disappointing. However, these great moments aren’t enough for me to forgive those disrespected by this game. The one’s from the worlds you could visit. I’ll get to the unforgivable bits last. Toy Story’s new story and world were great. I loved exploring that world and playing through it. The development was great. Only flaw was what they did with Buzz, he’s stronger character then they take him for. He wouldn’t lose himself to the Darkness. Otherwise, everything was great. Pretty sure it’s my favorite. Hercules’s world was the level of quality I expected! It was decent, I miss the goddamn tournament's, Phil’s voice - but I did love the exploration of his city and meeting his father! Shame no boss fight with Hades's, they’re great and fun! Twilight Town sucked! I liked seeing the gang again, Uncle Scrooge and little chef. But that doesn’t make up for the fact that more then half of Twilight Town is cut and it doesn’t look like the same place! I liked exploring the entire world, not just a portion of it. Monsters Inc’s sequel to the first film with that world experience was great! I had a blast! I always wanted to see Sully’s reunion with Boo! It wasn’t perfect, but I had a good time! Pirates of Caribbean felt like it changed things from it’s canon, but it was an emotional blast! Jack Sparrow scenes and Will scenes, it was just great! The Big Hero 6 world! Oh it was great! It was emotional to lost Baymax in the film, to get him back was great! Kinda sucked to not see the big brother come back, but they’re saving that version of events for the sequel. Two Baymax’s. The only thing I didn’t like was how the whole cast was shrunk. Best example being Honey should of been taller then Jack Sparrow’s model, but she wasn’t. These worlds could of really done with multiple visits. Even more so the three left, that were wronged and disrespected. Don’t try to praise/defend what was done to them, they deserved better. Winne the Pooh deserved better. I liked not having to collect Torn Pages, but even if you didn’t have to. In the previous games, The Winnie the Pooh worlds lasted about an hour or so doing all the activities, helping out all Pooh Bear’s friends - stuff like that. Then you have KH3′s version, which is less then 20 minutes, doing the same activity three times. That was awful. Pooh’s universe deserved better. We deserved better. This is a massive flaw. Can’t forgive this. I love Pooh Bear. Now, as someone who love’s Rapunzel, not fond of how they treated her world either. It was basically the movie with bits cut out and skipped. She hardly interacted with Kingdom Hearts lore, Sora hardly stuck around her. It was just like. Now and then, Sora’s there. Why were they so scared of showing Rapunzel kissing Flynn? There were so many moments Sora should of got to interact with? Where were the two bad guy twins? Rapunzel just generally deserved better in this game. Last but not least, Frozen. Probably the worst world in the game. Because you spend most of it just falling off mountains. They hardly let Sora interact with Elsa or Anna. Or left them get involved in Kingdom Hearts lore. Sora would of been able to relate well to Elsa if they let it happen. You can’t explore the palace, Han’s has no lines and you’re forced to listen to Let It Go again with Sora basically just there. Like hi Sora! All I liked was Snow guard getting more of a role. Don’t even get to explore the city. Just the snowy place. No real development, it’s like - what was the point? There really was none. Why did we go there? Why was Larxene there? Elsa and Anna deserved better then this. Also while not all Disney worlds could of returned in KH3, due to their stories being settled. A lot definitely could! Also, Kairi deserved better then pretty much being a plot device, hardly getting development at all just to go poof. And the idea that Sora’s sacrifice to get her back doesn’t lead to the priority of everyone to find and/or bring him back somehow instead of chilling. Just made the whole ending sequence an OOC moment for me.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is a decent game and fun experience, but it’s also a flawed mess. Like handling in a English report that gets a low C and just barely hits the passing grade. It is not the worst in the franchise, but Kingdom Hearts 2 easily beats it and so does Kingdom Hearts, the original one. Funner to play then Dream Drop Distance, Chain Of Memories, Recoded and the Roxas focused game! But the rest defeat it! I have no interest in a new game plus, roleplay wise I intend to amend the flaws. The Disney worlds that were wronged will get justice. Add back Final Fantasy and the missing Disney worlds. Make it what it should of been! I had a good time, I really did. But once was enough. After finishing, it now shocks me that an amount of people I can count on just one of my hands tried to either tell me KH3 was good enough or superior to all the other games, even KH2. My assumption now is, they hadn’t recently played the other games before playing 3, were lost in Nostagla or something else was going on. Just how.. How could this possibly beat the two other main titles? The only thing superior is the more then three team mates tbh. xD
I really feel like I’m being generous here, but if I went lower then I’d think I was being too harsh. It’s not FFXV and Bound by Flame 5/10 quality, but it’s certainly not The Walking Dead (by Tellale) and The Last of Us 9/10 quality. So this will have to do. Nomura, I strongly advise you to look back at Kingdom Hearts 2 and what made it so great, before you work on your next main title. 
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icharchivist · 5 years
One thing I'll be curious about is how FF7 handles the love triangle. I've more or less known several other canon sources throughout the years regarding it. It seems like older stuff had it that both woman were in love with Cloud (while keeping Cloud's feelings vague) and downplayed Aerith's feelings for Zack. However in more modern times it seems like crew is making the Tifa options canon (where Aerith decided she loved Cloud but was still in live with Zack). Dissidia had a big section -
2 of backstory in the sequel devoted to showing how much Cloud valued Tifa. He didn't remember her and was on the enemy side. But when meeting her he refused to hurt her. Not only that after talking to her he goes straight to his evil god boss and dies fighting him (which makes the makes goddess promise to get Cloud on her side next time). Then in KH it's Tifa who represents Cloud's light and opposes Sephiroth w/him. Other sources just show them together a lot. Of course CC spent a lot of -
3 time developing and showing just how much Aerith and Zack were in love with each other. Not to mention even way back in Advent Children we saw them walking off together in death while Tifa and Cloud are happy together in life (raising kids to boot). Even the latest FF7 remake seems to take advantage of the graphics to have Aerith notice Zack's sword as a way to show why she's following a visibly disinterested Cloud. Point is if there's no dialogue options I wonder if Tifa options are canon?
Okay don’t get me wrong, ff7 is fun and i love to discuss it, but also i tend to... Erg. Be less up overanalysing canon than I am with others media xDD
I’m also a diehard Cloud/Zack & Aerith/Tifa shipper and I have MAJOR bias there and tbh I don’t really feel like trying to be unbiased, canon is dead. 
I’ve also not really followed others stories that aren’t into the compilation to start with (so all of KH/Dissidia stuff are things I didn’t follow- Although i’d say i’m almost certain the only things FFVII and the rest have in common are Nomura but now the whole team of the Original Game is back, so whatever Nomura might have developped in his own games could be overhauled by the others developpers) so I can only go with the vague stuff there. 
And for CC oh my actually don’t get me started about it i have a lot of grips with how the Zack/Aerith romance was handled. (they are CUTE and I like them together, but CC kinda ruined all good faith i had in taking it canon by making everything that makes Aerith’s personality coming from Zack. But that’s Tabata’s directing for you. Overshadowing what is... Cloud’s plotline because developping women is hard.)
so personally I kiiinda fear how much they will put on the new content into the Remake, because it can be for the best... and for the worst. Just like you i’m really worried about the lack of different answers too - I think it was probably just the eyecandy for the trailer but even there it... doesn’t even go like the actual scene that gives you Aerith’s points (if you shut Aerith away in the OG she... leaves lmao, not runs after Cloud). I HOPE it is just for the trailer and the option is still there.
My problem, bc i’m a nippicky bastard, is that the choices aren’t just about whenever you end up dating Tifa or Aerith (or Yuffie or Barret for that matter since they are still options). It’s about the kind of person Cloud pretends to be at that moment, the sort of persona he pulls on, and losing the choice means losing the fact Cloud’s identity crisis is a gameplay mechanism ahah.
As for Aerith noticing the sword, YEAH so- We know when Cloud falls into the Church (exactly like Zack in CC, Aerith must have had her own “what the FUCK” crisis when this happened), when Aerith and Cloud run together, Aerith already starts hinting at Zack. I don’t remember if she brings up the sword but she brings up the eyes and the outfit and vaguely mentioning someone in Soldier, and we know the very next day she brings Cloud onto the place of Zack and her’s first date and talk more about him. All to say, Aerith noticed right away once Cloud fell from her roof that there was something fishy about him reminding her of Zack.In a way it makes more sense that the moment she sees Cloud (eyes+clothes+sword) it would click in her head. Aerith is smart after all. 
So even if i’m concerned about Aerith chasing Cloud in the trailer while she wouldn’t have done it in the OG, it does fit with what we know later in the OG was something she questioned herself about the whole time after her second appearance. 
As for however the love triangle gets handled, whatever happen we lose. The shipwar will come back and there will be OG purist and Remake purist, if it’s vague people will still tear themselves to shred, if it gives more confirmation toward one ship than another they will still tear themselves to shred. 
As for the date options, I think they will still be opened to interpretation. I don’t know if it was an announcement for the remaster on PS4 or if it was an announcement for the remake but i’ve seen them mention an achievement of “Most Epic Bromance” if you manage to unlock the Barret’s date. I’m almost certain i’ve seen it in the idea of the remake though so if Barret’s date remains available, Tifa and Aerith’s should both have their own questline as well. 
Honestly the game (and additions to the compilation) have remained vague enough that you litterally can interpret the routes however you want when the romance doesn’t specifically gets triggered. For exemple I can totally say Aerith was curious about Cloud because of the Zack stuff and Tifa was mostly concerned for Cloud since she found him homeless and with a madeup story about Nibelheim that worked too well with her version of the facts. And of course both ended up caring for him as a friend after that. the OG at least made it as such as I can totally see them as platonic if i want to (which i do.). 
And for AC i mean. Yeah sure I see your point, but I personally will still se it as platonic, because if only, Tifa and Cloud are survivors who both have similar damages (from the OG to Nibelheim to doubting the events of Nibelheim), and because Zack and Aerith are both dead and well. Can’t hang out with anyone else. Of course those are all as good reasons to ship them, don’t get me wrong!! Yeah I see  how it can be interpreted as romantic there. I’m just not interested in reading them as romance as far as it goes. I find value in Tifa and Cloud living together and trying to mend their lives in a perfect platonic way, and Aerith and Zack looking out in the afterlife. What you won’t take away from me is that they’re all fRIENDs (orwellCCcouldhavegivenusmoreZackTifatime) and they deserved better. Because I have an unbashed bias and I don’t care about looking out of it with ffvii dkjhfdkjfh. 
That SAID i truly insist, i feel like all ships are perfectly valid and that’s why i like the vagueness of at least OG and AC as far as it goes. There’s a bit of everything people can care about for every dynamics and that’s so cool that it exists, and in the end i mean. It doesn’t matter what’s canon or not, the only thing that matters is for you to find the dynamic that ring with you and make you think “i like to explore this one and see them explore it”. Which is why the vagueness is great, it gives so much advantage in all of this.
and I hOPE this vagueness remains in the remake. If only because I will not bear any talks about “[ship] is canon how dare you dislike it” and “[canon] made a terrible decision that betrayled the OG”. I know it’s coming. I am not looking forward to it. 
.... Basically yeah I am. not the kind to be overreading ff7 and when it comes to ship i do not care what is canon or not, just want the game to keep it vague enough that people don’t add the remake to the weapons they use against each other already ahah
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silver-wield · 4 years
I don't know why you have to defend SE and the dev. these people deserve a lot of hate Tbh. FF7 is already fucked up because of the LTD BS they're dragging. it's very obvious they intend to cause this stupid drama. they aren't dumb they know it's very easy to end this BS but they always refuse to do it. Nojima is not dumb he know the song like Hollow will cause drama but he did it anyway. you can clearly see they always avoid to answer the question when it's about the LTD like they're afraid :(
Because I'm not a blame laying asshole when I know the reasons why something happened and that people's hands were tied. Nojima didn't push any Ltd bs, he had no choice because that's what his bosses commissioned from him. One of his demands for writing remake was total creative control over the script. He wouldn't have done that if he was happy with how his work was handled in the past. He even said in an interview he wanted to rewrite all of it. That's not someone who's happy with how the story has been portrayed and he also said he wrote everything so there'd be no more misunderstandings this time, but the fuckers on the NA translation team decided they wanted an otome game and ignored the script for their own twisted version. I'm not gonna blame the devs when it's not their fault. Se is a company, and I'm also not gonna blame all of them for the actions of a few asshats.
Nojima wrote hollow for Cloud. It wouldn't have mattered if he was totally bloody obvious it wasn't about shipping, those salty dumdums would find a way to twist it. Ffs they made a high five and literal rejection romantic, but Cloud hugging Tifa and being totally attentive to her isn't romantic according to them. They were gonna twist the song, and Nojima knew he'd have to suck up his resentment of that until the rest of the game is out and he can clearly explain the lyrics instead of saying that those who played the game will understand. He's frustrated by those dumdums too, ykno. So is Nomura. You think he likes seeing them shit all over his favourite girl and make racist comments about his culture because they want their headcanon to be real more than they want to respect the people controlling the content? Why would I or any decent person give them shit when they've dealt with this bs for decades because of a stupid ass advert and people who didn't understand the game?
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