ibuprofenaddic · 2 years
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cus why is valter starting to look fine all of a sudden???🤨
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angelkurenai · 7 years
Thank you for your honesty - Alexander Skarsgard x Reader
Title: Thank you for your honesty
Pairing: Alexander Skarsgard x Reader
Warnings: None
Prompt: Reader is the leading lady in a new television program and is Italian. Alex is her co-star and has the biggest crush on her and thinks her accent or when she speaks Italian is sexy. And during a interview (Ellen,Cordon,Fallen,etc) he let's it slip live. So he's really nervous the next day while shooting.. He sees Reader and goes up to apologise incase he embarrassed her, but she takes him by surprise and kisses him passionately. Reader tells him she loves him in Italian then smut
A/N: I didn’t feel ready to write a real person smut yet, apologies! Hopefully if I can do so soon, I will make one for Alex as well!
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“Come on, why are you so nervous? You have more than 24 hours till the interview and you're freaking out for no reason.” you said with a giggle, handing him his own coffee as he sighed for a moment, throwing his head back all-too-dramtically.
“You don't understand, I'm going to mess up and it's going to be everywhere in a matter of seconds.” he groaned, running a hand down his face before taking a large sip of the coffee you offered him.
“Oh come on Alex-” you rolled your eyes, resting your head on his shoulder and getting comfortable on the couch next to him “Don't be such a drama queen, you've had plenty of interviews before this one and you'll have just as many. I still can't understand how nervous you can get before each and every one of them! Just relax and everything will be fine.” you said, wrapping and arm around his torso.
“Easier said than done.” he sighed, resting his chin on top of your head “You are always so optimistic about things I don't know how you do it.”
“Tutto per il caffè!” you said with a giggle and that accent he secretly loved to death as he looked down at you, raising an eyebrow and a small smirk, which only made you laugh more “It's all because of the coffee!” you explained and he grinned, nodding his head.
“And for a second I thought it was all because of me.” he said with a chuckle and you laughed, hugging him.
“Well, it usually is all about you, my wonderful bestie, but sometimes you can't compete with coffee, I'm sorry.” you said playfully and he gave you smile before going serious.
“I bet.” he still left a small sigh, a frown on his face as he was once more in deep thought.
“Hey, Alexander I'm serious.” you whispered, taking hold of his free hand “Don't worry, please, we know everything's going to be alright. And, you know, if you say anything silly you're just going to laugh, flash them a charming smile and I know for sure all of the women and even men will be all swept off their feet!”
“Charming smile?” he raised an eyebrow and you grinned, shrugging innocently.
“Well, obviously! It's like you Skarsgards have all the best genes there are out there but you definitely got the most of them.” you said with a smile “It's no surprise you're so popular with the ladies, Alex, so you can definitely use it to your advantage this time! Use that wonderful character of yours along with that gorgeous smile and I assure you that's what is going to be all over the net in seconds! And I know I'm going to make the first post about it!” you said with a wink and he chuckled.
“You've never told me such a thing.” he said with interest, looking down at you with a smirk and you giggled.
“Well, it didn't come up.” you shrugged shyly, smiling at him “Either way, I know you're going to do great with this no matter what happens so don't worry about it another second, yeah?” you whispered and before waiting for a response you cupped his cheek and leaned in to kiss the other tenderly. He almost felt as if his heart was going to jump right out of his chest but he did his best to not let it show.
“Farai grande. Per favore non dubitarti, ho fiducia in te. (You will do great. Please don't doubt it, I have faith in you.)” you said softly, head resting on his shoulder again and you saw a smile pull at the corners of his lips.
“I don't have a single idea what the means but-” he looked down at you, staring deeply into your eyes “Thank you, for being here for me and for always being so amazing. I couldn't ask for a better partner and I don't mean just the show.” he whispered, kissing your temple and you shrugged.
“What are friends for after all?” you mumbled and he only replied with a tight smile and nod before taking a sip of his coffee.
“E tu sei molto di più a me. (And you are so much more than that to me.)” you whispered with a hint of sadness in the end to yourself.
“So tell me Alexander-” Jimmy continued after the cheering from the audience came to a halt “You are staring in a show this year, am I correct?”
“Yes, yes it's our seconds season with uh with it and everything is going great.” he grinned, nodding his head “I mean I'm-I'm enjoying it so far so yeah.” he chuckled, adding and Jimmy nodded his head.
“Well fans are really enjoying it as well! It's not just great, it's phenomenal! The viewers are loving it and it's considered to be one of the greatest hits, with also a third season being confirmed very early as well. Right?”
“Yes, yes we got green light for another season and we've all been very very happy for it.” he nodded his head with a bright smile “And we all certainly owe great part of that to- to not just the crew and rest of the cast but our wonderful leading lady and her acting!”
“Yes, yes (Y/n)!” Jimmy nodded his head with a big smile “She was here about three weeks ago, sitting in your place and-and it's funny cause-” he chuckled “Cause you talk so much and so highly of her and she was doing the exact same thing herself! You certainly are pretty close on set aren't you?”
“Oh yes, yes we absolutely are! We're a family but-” he smiled softly “But (Y/n) and I, we've had this uhm sort of connection from day one. We- we clicked, and we went along so well we're pretty inseparable at this point. You literally have to try really hard to pull us apart from each other I will tell you!” he chuckled as Jimmy laughed as well.
“We've certainly noticed that!” he pointed out and Alexander smiled shyly “The fans don't let things like this just slip, I will tell you! You've got a great chemistry that everybody loves, especially on screen. And your scenes, which thankfully are more than the first season, are really everything we- we live for! And I say we because I am a great fan myself!
“Well-” Alexander laughed “Thank you, we- we really appreciate it! Yes, uh the scenes I have with (Y/n) are always the highlight of my day and week.” he confessed with a shy chuckle “It is always such a great pleasure to- to be able to work with her because her acting is truly phenomenal and I- I feel blessed to say the very least.”
“Speaking of scenes, which do you think you'd say are your favorite?”
“Uh the- uhm the-” rubbed the back of his neck in thought before a smile started forming on his lips “The sex scenes are always-” he chuckled when the crowd didn't think a second to cheer at him “They are always fun to film, I guess.” he shrugged but couldn't hold back a grin when all of the fans cheered.
“So the bed scenes, alright!” Jimmy chuckled “Thank you for your honesty by the way!”
“Oh you're welcome, I always- I always want to say the truth.” he laughed a little embarrassed “But uhm yeah, I mean-” he could hardly fight his smile off “I mean I always enjoy them, they're not- not so bad.” he made a face before laughing, feeling his cheeks heat up “It's- and every kissing scene is- it's pretty cool to yeah. Cool.”
“Yeah absolutely not bad!” Jimmy shook his head before laughing “Now I'm starting to think it's not because you are such a great actor that said scenes look so believable!” he laughed as Alexander shook his head, shrugging “But really, jokes aside, I think we can certainly attribute the great success of the show to your acting and and the way you interact as well!”
“Thank you, thank you very much.” he nodded his head with a big smile “I just- I usually don't see that, I- I can't really see myself and- and we have a scene together I just focus on her and my lines and being the character that I can't notice. But you know when its all about her scenes I just grab a coffee, some of her favorite snacks cause she'll sneak to grab some, and chill in the back with the director and just watch her work!” he confessed with a shrug and big smile on his face.
“That's- that's certainly a great way to spend your free time!”
“Oh yeah!” Alexander exclaimed “Absolutely, I find nothing else to be more... more pleasing than that. She's- I mean just looking at her is- she's a sight for sore eyes, you know, and I certainly love that.” he shrugged a little sheepishly as the audience cheered for him, making him laugh too “And- and of course her accent, that is something I can never just ignore when thinking about her.”
“Yes, of course she's Italian! Does she ever speak in her mother tongue on set or is it just strictly English?”
“Oh absolutely and tell you if I'm in love with her personality once, I am head over heels deep for her accent!” he exclaimed with a big grin and Jimmy smiled.
“Is that so?”
“Hell yeah!” he exclaimed “Her accent, and even more so when she speaks Italian, is the sexiest thing in the world for me!” he could hardly hold back himself, not to mention think twice before speaking but he soon regretted it when realization set in and the crowd clapped for him. He laughed nervously, head slightly bowed as he glanced at Jimmy to see him laughing as well.
“Now-” Jimmy laughed “Now we all certainly know why the bed scenes are the most fun and easy ones for you! Thank you, Alexander, for your honesty it is much appreciated!” he too could hardly control himself.
“Well, there are plenty more reasons but I don't think revealing my huge crush on my co-star on live TV is a good idea.” Alex mumbled, again without really thinking, and mostly hoping he wouldn't be heard but he was.
“No it wasn't!”
The only time Alexander had experienced this sort of nervousness was the first day of filming, because he was going to meet you in person. Or maybe he had never experienced it whatsoever. Part of him didn't want to go on set, pretend he was sick and he really almost felt like that with how tight his stomach was. He had imagined of screwing up but he had not pictured it would be this bad.
His breath got caught in your throat when he spotted you standing a few feet away talking to the director. He let a small sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He didn't care so much about embarrassing himself in front of you, he'd done that numerous times already, but he didn't want to make you feel awkward without wanting to.
He noticed that with a smile you bid the director goodbye and made your way towards your trailer. He took a few seconds to himself, taking a final deep breath before following after you. Putting on a small smile he knocked on the door, hearing the familiar “Come in” come from the inside and he pushed the door open.
He felt his smile become more genuine and big as he watched you walk and mumble, reading your lines in the newest script. He cleared his throat, making you realize he was there and the moment you looked up your eyes widened immediately, not making him feel any better about it.
“Hey there, am I bothering?” he asked softly and you shook your head, lips falling apart and an almost awe-struck look on your face.
“No, no of course not.” you whispered, putting the script aside “You never are.” you admitted, wrapping your arms around yourself “So, what is it?”
“Yeah uh right.” he cleared his throat, looking down for a moment “As you know I uhm had that interview yesterday, at Jimmy Kimmel.”
“Yeah” a small smile played on your lips “I saw it. You did great with it.” you said in a soft voice.
“Yeah I-” he laughed nervously “I really doubt that.” he sighed “Look, I just- I just wanted o talk to you about- about the things that I said about you. It's something I simply shouldn't have in front of so many people and if I embarrassed you I really want to say I'm so-”
“You think you embarrassed me?” you whispered, tilting your head to the side with a frown.
“Well, I-” he smiled awkwardly “I spilled things I really shouldn't have. And- and it could only make you feel-”
“Embarrassed?” you breathed out, cutting him off “That's what you think I'd feel?”
“I'm- I'm guessing?” he shrugged before finally shaking his head “I just, I wanted you to know (Y/n) that- that about all I said I am sor-” he didn't get the chance to complete his sentence though because before he could realize it a pair of lips crashed onto his, taking all the words right out of his mouth along with air out of his lungs.
His eyes widened, and he almost jumped in his place but when realization set in that you were actually cupping his face and your lips were on his actually kissing him. It took him a second to blink but when he did his eyes actually fluttered closed and he didn't give it a second thought before he as well cupped your face and kissed you back with just as much passion. He heard a soft giggle leave your lips and he couldn't help but grin as his lips moved softly against yours. It was warm and soft, maybe not the first kiss you'd shared, but the fact that it was entirely real and because you really wanted it made it feel different than any other one. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed yourself as close as possible to him, deepening the kiss as much as you could. Your lips moved together in sync and he didn't want to pull away for a moment, getting lost in it as his mind went blank.
“Embarrassed-” you said breathlessly once you pulled away, but not that far because your lips were still touching “Is the last thing I could think of, not t mention feel.”
“What- what does that mean then?” he whispered, a smile playing on his lips as he looked at you with sparkling eyes, expectation and nervousness matching that of a teen's.
“You idiot, you still don't get it do you?” you whispered and he bit his lower lip, trying to fight the smile but unable to fight the skip of his heart beat.
“Get what?” he whispered softly and you closed your eyes, resting your forehead against his and grinning.
“Do you really want me to say that?”
“Please” he breathed out, pressing his lips briefly to yours “I love it when you speak Italian so much. “
“Ti amo, Alexander. Ti amo tanto.” you breathed out and he broke into a big childlike grin.
“Jag älskar dig också.” he whispered, hearing you giggle and chuckling himself before finally crashing his lips back to yours again and not letting go.
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marredbyoverlength · 7 years
Super-Roundup: June and July 2017
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I was out of town during June Roundup Week, so I pushed it all into this super-roundup.  Buckle up.
The Mummy (2017) Dir. Alex Kurtzman. Starring Tom Cruise, Sofia Boutella, Annabelle Wallis. For a cynical cash-in, The Mummy had a lot of cool ideas. I liked the history surrounding the evil mummy, and the monster-hunter group led by Dr. Jekyll (Russell Crowe), and even parts of the silly conclusion. There’s probably a good movie in there somewhere. But alas, those good ideas were stifled under a thick, grey blanket of unfeeling money-grubbing. Why is Tom Cruise in the film? Because Tom Cruise Makes Money. Why is every shot the same dull grey color? Because the Marvel and DC movies are grey, and those movies Make Money. The film isn’t bad exactly, but it is soulless. 5/10.
The Book of Henry (2017) Dir. Colin Trevorrow. Starring Jaeden Lieberher, Naomi Watts, Jacob Tremblay. A true cinematic disaster, magnificent in its ability to fail in ways I never dreamed possible. What begins as an inane precocious-kid flick rapidly morphs into one of the more baffling movie plots I have ever experienced, all while clinging to a totally inappropriate feel-good tone. Ever wanted to see a movie where Sarah Silverman kisses a preteen boy on the lips? This is the film for you! 2/10.
Baby Driver (2017) Dir. Edgar Wright. Starring Ansel Elgort, Lily James, Kevin Spacey. Nobody shoots action like Edgar Wright. Baby Driver is a fast-paced, high-energy car flick with a surprising amount of heart. It gets a lot of mileage out of its terrific supporting cast, especially a deranged Jamie Foxx and a slick Jon Hamm. Sometimes the dialogue gets a little hokey, and the ending stretches credulity, but overall it’s well worth the watch. 8/10.
Okja (2017) Dir. Bong Joon Ho Starring Ahn Seo-Hyun, Tilda Swinton, Jake Gyllenhaal. A semi-entertaining story about a girl and her genetically-engineered superpig. I guess this is supposed to be satire, but I’m not sure who it’s directed at. Is this anti-corporatist? Pro-vegetarian? Anti-GMO? Its total lack of focus leaves it with a toothless The Answer Lies Somewhere In The Middle message barely worth the film it’s stuck to. Not that there aren’t funny moments—Paul Dano is especially great as an animal rights revolutionary—but they don’t add up to much. The film has way more ambition than intelligence. 4/10.
I Don’t Feel At Home In This World Anymore (2017) Dir. Macon Blair. Starring Melanie Lynskey, Elijah Wood. Macon Blair’s directorial debut is a lot of fun and has some impressive flashes of style: one scene stands out in particular, where a painkiller-addled Melanie Lynskey watches a garish reverend lip-sync the soundtrack. But these stylistic efforts felt constrained, or maybe unconfident, which makes sense for a first-time director. Worth watching just for Elijah Wood as Lynskey’s weirdo neighbor. 7/10.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Dir. Jon Watts. Starring Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Jacob Batalon. Easily the best of the MCU movies for a simple reason: it’s consistent. Spider-Man is a fun IP, and Homecoming is a fun movie, nailing the inherent humor of a high-school superhero. And Michael Keaton’s Vulture is a strong contender for Best MCU Villain (though I think Ultron still beats him). But while the film hints at some interesting class-conflict themes, it instead centers on an underdeveloped coming-of-age story that left me wondering what Peter actually learned. 7/10.
The Beguiled (2017) Dir. Sofia Coppola. Starring Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst. A creepy Southern-isolation aesthetic and strong performances from the entire cast, especially Kidman and my perennial favorite Elle Fanning, aren’t enough to save this movie from itself. It’s a character-driven movie where the characterization is inconsistent, making it difficult to care about anyone, much less divine a sense of purpose from the film. The last act in particular feels totally out of nowhere. 5/10.
Dunkirk (2017) Dir. Christopher Nolan. Starring a bunch of interchangeable white guys and Mark Rylance. This is Nolan’s best movie in a long time, but boy was I still bored stiff.  Between the film’s confusing temporal structure, its cast of indistinguishable actors, and its allergy to characterization, it’s difficult to figure out what the heck is going on in any given scene and even harder to care about it. But the film deserves praise for its stunning visuals and flashes of something approaching emotion. Nolan is at his best when tethered to reality. 4/10.
Atomic Blonde (2017) Dir. David Leitch. Starring Charlize Theron, James McAvoy, Sofia Boutella. Very cool, to the exclusion of all other substance. Charlize Theron is a great action hero wasted on a character and story with no depth. But it’s entertaining, despite its lack of ambition, because of the wonderfully choreographed action sequences and visual sense of Cold-War paranoia. 6/10.
A Ghost Story (2017) Dir. David Lowery. Starring Casey Affleck, Rooney Mara. Absolutely beautiful. If you can swallow the premise (Casey Affleck is a ghost wearing a bedsheet with eyeholes), you’re rewarded with an emotionally gripping extended visual metaphor of enormous power, exploring grief, loss, and the very human habit of tethering emotions to places and things. But don’t go to this movie expecting a plotline. 9/10.
The Emoji Movie (2017) Dir. Tony Leondis. Starring T.J. Miller, James Corden, Anna Faris. I want to die. 1/10.
The Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015) Dir. Marielle Heller. Starring Bel Powley, Kristen Wiig, Alexander Skarsgard. Believable, authentic, but ultimately not much more than a run-of-the-mill coming-of-age story. Bel Powley is great as a 15-year-old girl who has a sexual affair with her stepdad, but the rest of the film doesn’t match her personality. 6/10.
Calvary (2014) Dir. John Michael McDonagh. Starring Brendan Gleeson, Kelly Reilly, Chris O’Dowd. Calvary is one of those rare films that manages to balance comedy and melancholy without detracting from either. Brendan Gleeson is excellent as a small-town Irish priest of a wayward flock, and Kelly Reilly is just as good as his daughter (from before he donned the cloth), who struggles with depression. Each individual scene is excellent, and they’re gorgeously framed, but the lack of fluid transition between them makes a thematically consistent film feel disjointed. 8/10.
Mallrats (1995) Dir. Kevin Smith. Starring Jeremy London, Jason Lee, Shannen Doherty. Defiantly juvenile for a film that tries sometimes to be emotionally serious. Where the heroes of Clerks felt like vulgar adults, these characters feel like immature kids. They’re difficult to root for, and the overall amateur look of the film doesn’t give you much to grab onto. But it does pick up a bit at the end. 4/10.
Slacker (1991) Dir. Richard Linklater. Starring: Nobody in particular. Slacker is a series of conversations between mostly unrelated characters in Austin’s early-90’s counterculture. The film is almost purposefully ugly, shot on grainy film with bad equipment, sometimes with the boom mic in the shot. With no characters or visuals to lean on, the film lives and dies by its conversational vignettes. Some are strong: I am particularly fond of the two women who pass out cards from Brian Eno’s “Oblique Strategies” deck to passersby as an art piece. But others totally miss, including the vignette at the very beginning starring Linklater himself. 6/10.
The Conversation (1974) Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Starring Gene Hackman, John Cazale. A film that survives entirely on tension and suspicion, heightened by one of Hackman’s best performances and an all-time great score. But the plot is a little too thin to sustain the runtime, making the conclusion feel abrupt. 7/10.
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seajudge70-blog · 6 years
Chris Meloni Best Films and TV Shows
Welcome to TV Guide's 12 Days of Chris-Mas, a festive celebration of famous dudes named Chris. Every day leading up to Dec. 25, we will honor a single Chris, counting down to the best Chris of the year. Today, that honor goes to Chris Meloni, the sixth best Chris.
It has been seven years since Chris Meloni left Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, but in the minds of many Meloni still is and always will be Det. Elliot Stabler. Meloni has worked consistently, including in several high-profile projects, since leaving SVU, but more people probably know about his latest reunion pic with Mariska Hargitay than they do his recent IMDb credits. And you know what? That's a damn shame, because Christopher Meloni's career is one wild ride, and it's time we give it the appreciation it deserves.
12 Days of Chris-Mas, Explained
I'm not saying we shouldn't all worship at the altar of Det. Stabler, merely that Chris Meloni has been serving up a lot more looks than Catholic Crime-Solver Who Ignites Your Daddy Issues over his 30-year career. So if you only know him as Olivia Benson's hot-headed partner, it's time to change that. And to make it easy for you, we've put together this chronological viewing guide to help you get to know the beauty, the grace, the absolute weirdness that is Christopher Peter Meloni, actor-at-large and your low-key favorite Chris.
What It Is: An ABC sitcom about a family of anthropomorphic dinosaurs, portrayed by animatronic puppets. The series ran for four seasons and famously ended with a series finale that saw the dinosaurs' irresponsible actions toward their environment causing the Ice Age that led to their own extinction. Dark stuff. Who Meloni Played: Spike, the trouble-making friend of the family's eldest son Robbie. He appeared to be a Polacanthus dinosaur if you're into that kind of trivia. This role is really just great because Meloni is playing a slang-slingin' teenage bad boy, which is pretty much the last thing you'd picture when you think of Meloni. Where to Watch: Hulu
12 Monkeys
What It Is: An Oscar-nominated and Golden Globe-winning science fiction film in which a man, James Cole (Bruce Willis), is sent back in time to prevent the release of a deadly virus that wipes out most of humanity. While in the past, Cole kidnaps but ultimately teams up with a scientist, Dr. Railly (Madeleine Stowe), to try and prevent the apocalypse. Who Meloni Played: When you think of 12 Monkeys, you think of three people: Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe and Brad Pitt. You definitely do not think of Meloni, but that doesn't mean he didn't play the small role of Lt. Halperin, aka that guy who investigates Railly's abduction by Cole. It was very much a "that guy" role for the "that guy" stage of Meloni's career. Where to Watch: Starz, Hulu with Starz add-on, Amazon Prime with Starz add-on
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
What It Is: The adaptation of Hunter S. Thompson's iconic novel of the same name that your college boyfriend was probably obsessed with. Johnny Depp stars as Raoul Duke, a Gonzo journalist who goes on a surreal and psychedelic exploration of Las Vegas in a drug-induced haze. Who Meloni Played: Sven, an embattled desk clerk at the Flamingo who has a heated confrontation with a guest before checking Raoul Duke in. It's a very small role, but Meloni brings such intensity to it that when acting teachers say "there are no such things as small parts, only small actors," they're probably thinking of this. Where to Watch: Starz, Hulu with Starz add-on, Amazon Prime with Starz add-on
Runaway Bride
What It Is: A beloved Garry Marshall rom-com starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere in which Roberts plays Maggie, a woman who has jilted three men on her wedding day but is finally planning to make it down the aisle... that is until she falls in love with the reporter (Gere) who is covering her wedding. Who Meloni Played: Maggie's fiancé! With an ensemble cast that also includes Joan Cusack and Rita Wilson, Meloni's performance as Maggie's latest fiancé, high school football coach Bob Kelly, is often overlooked -- much like how Bob Kelly overlooked the fact that Maggie fell in love with someone else right up to the moment that they started making out in front of him. Where to Watch: Starz, Hulu with Starz add-on, Amazon Prime with Starz add-on
This Bracket Will Settle the Hollywood Chris Debate Once and for All
Wet Hot American Summer
What It Is: David Wain and Michael Showalter's satirical comedy about the jam-packed and surreal last day at a summer camp in 1981. The beloved film features an all-star cast that includes Bradley Cooper, Amy Poehler, Elizabeth Banks and Paul Rudd as the camp's counselors and staff. Although the 2001 film flopped when it was released, it developed a cult following over the years and has since spawned a Netflix prequel series, First Day of Camp, and sequel series, Ten Years Later.
Who Meloni Played: Gene, the shell-shocked Vietnam vet and camp chef who develops a close friendship with a talking can of mixed vegetables and who would prefer fondling sweaters and humping fridges to dealing with actual people most of the time. Of all of Meloni's many, many eccentric roles, this one definitely takes home the top prize and really is a must-watch for anyone who is having a hard time imagining Meloni as anything other than the super serious Stabler. Where to Watch: Netflix, Starz, Hulu with Starz add-on, Amazon Prime with Starz add-on
What It Is: HBO's first hour-long drama series ever, Oz is about the experimental unit of a maximum-security state prison, following the lives of those who were imprisoned there and those who worked there. The series was known for its brutality and refusal to shy away from harsh real-world issues, but this violence was balanced out by a heightened sense of surrealism and even a dose of well-done camp. Who Meloni Played: Chris Keller, a charming but ruthless murderer who develops a complicated romantic relationship with fellow inmate Tobias Beecher (Lee Tergesen). The couple's intense on-and-off love story provided much of the heart of the series (and much of the heart-wrenching betrayal). Other than Stabler and Benson, this is probably the role and the pairing Meloni is shipped hardest for. Where to Watch: HBO Go, Amazon Prime, Hulu with HBO add-on
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
What It Is: The famous stoner comedy starring John Cho and Kal Penn as a pair of friends whose quest to get White Castle leads them on several misadventures. There really isn't much more to the film than that. Who Meloni Played: Freakshow, the boil-riddled tow-truck driver who picks up Harold and Kumar and tries to have a foursome with the duo and his sexy wife. And if you forgot this was Meloni or didn't realize it was him, we forgive you because the prosthetics and makeup Meloni wore for this role were so good/disgusting that they actually made it a little hard to look at him. Meloni also played a different role, that of a KKK Grand Wizard, in the sequel, Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. Where to Watch: Amazon Prime (for purchase)
This Daily Show Sketch
What It Is: After a cop named Anthony Bologna was recorded using pepper spray on Occupy Wall Street protestors in 2011, The Daily Show imagined what a police procedural about Tony Bologna would look like. Who Meloni Played: Tony Bologna, obviously. And while the sketch is solid overall, really, the best part is when they credit the actor as "Chris Melogna." Where to Watch: YouTube
True Blood
What It Is: A sexy supernatural drama about a small-town waitress (Anna Paquin) from Louisiana who falls in love with a vampire (Stephen Moyer) and then a lot of murder and orgies ensue. But, more importantly, this HBO series features Alexander Skarsgard as a vampire so hot he can even pull off a tracksuit. Who Meloni Played: Meloni joined the cast in Season 5 as Roman Zimojic, an ancient vampire leader who would do anything to foster peace between vampires and humans. This definitely wasn't True Blood at its peak (not even close), but it's worth noting that this does mark Meloni's first post-SVU role. Not the most memorable way to kick off the new era of his career, but it was quite a buzzy casting at the time. Where to Watch: HBO Go, Amazon Prime, Hulu with HBO add-on
Which Chris Is Your Soulmate?
What It Is: Chadwick Boseman stars in this biopic about Jackie Robinson, the first African-American to play Major League Baseball. It was a box office success and is every bit as earnest and inspirational as you'd imagine. Who Meloni Played: Leo Durocher, the Dodgers manager who insists that Jackie Robinson plays with the main team. It's not a huge part or anything like that, but if you're craving some Prestige Meloni, some Get This Man to the Oscars Meloni, this should definitely be at the top of your to-watch pile. Where to Watch: Amazon Prime (for purchase)
What It Is: This hit political satire stars Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Selina Meyer, the vice president (and later president) of the United States. She and her team attempt to create a lasting legacy while subjecting anyone within earshot to their brutal, artful insults. The HBO comedy has won 17 Emmys so far, which is probably a record when it comes to shows that include the phrase "Jolly Green Jizzface." Who Meloni Played: Finally a role that takes advantage of Meloni's best asset: his butt! In Season 3, Meloni recurred as Ray Wheelans, Selina's personal trainer with whom she begins a sexual relationship. The role required Meloni to deliver a lot of hilariously ill-informed lines, but more importantly meant we got a lot of scenes of him wearing spandex, other tight clothes and sometimes no clothes at all. Where to Watch: HBO Go, Amazon Prime with HBO add-on, Hulu with HBO add-on
What It Is: A critically acclaimed historical drama about a group of runaway slaves who escape a Georgia plantation and attempt the 600-mile journey to freedom along the Underground Railroad. Who Meloni Played: August Pullman, a bounty hunter who catches runaway slaves and returns them for profit. But credit to the writers and to Meloni's performance, August isn't the one-dimensional villain his character description would imply. So if you thought Meloni didn't play enough fascinating antagonists, well, you thought wrong. Where to Watch: Hulu
This YouTube Video
What It Is: A game Meloni played while appearing on Steve in which Steve Harvey challenged the actor to juggle, do the dougie and do the splits. If that doesn't get you to click, I don't know what you're even doing reading this list. Who Meloni Played: Himself, which means he wore a very questionable hat. Don't fight it. Just accept it. Meloni is who he is and that's why we love him, hat and all. Where to Watch: YouTube
What It Is: FX's groundbreaking drama follows the juxtaposition of several segments of New York society in the late '80s, including the black and Latino ball culture, the downtown social and literary scene and the uptown yuppies. The series broke ground by featuring the largest cast of transgender actors in a narrative series. Who Meloni Played: Elektra Abundance's (Dominique Jackson) mysterious sugar daddy, who keeps the ballroom queen dripping in jewels but refuses to finance Elektra's gender confirmation surgery. As for how Meloni landed the small but crucial part? Executive producer Janet Mock said that she wanted to cast "a man where no one would question his sexuality." But also, Mock added, "I was like Zaddy," which really does sum up Meloni in a nutshell. Where to Watch: FX+, Amazon Prime (available for purchase)
What It Is: A bizarre black comedy based on the comic series of the same name, Happy! is about a disgraced detective turned hitman who teams up with his estranged daughter's imaginary friend -- who appears as a small, blue, winged unicorn -- in order to save his daughter after she's been kidnapped by an evil man dressed as Santa Claus. Remember when we called this show bizarre? That might have been an undersell. Who Meloni Played: Nick Sax, the alcoholic cop with a chip on his shoulder and an imaginary sidekick. Of all the credits to his name, this one feels like the most Meloni role of them all, even more so than Stabler. It blends everything Meloni is great at: gritty cop 'tude, electric intensity that can boil over into violence at the smallest provocation, over-the-top comedy and just generally being really, really weird with impressive conviction. Where to Watch: Amazon Prime (available for purchase)
But look -- if you still aren't convinced that Meloni is anything more than Det. Stabler, all of SVU is available to stream on Hulu now. Trust us, though, if that's all you know him for, you're missing out.
Source: http://www.tv.com/news/chris-meloni-best-films-and-tv-shows-15453252170066408/
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