rekrootinginc · 10 months
Facing challenges in recruiting the IT talent in your organization? You have landed in the right place. This blog on IT recruitment helps you to overcome challenges that may arise while recruitment Read the details and get to know some insights that may be helpful. https://bit.ly/3MIEu0W #itstaffingservices #ittalent #itrecruiters #itrecruitment #staffingindustry
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bccunited · 1 year
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BCC-United helps you transform workforce into a strategic asset with optimized productivity and maximized performance to deliver greater operational value.
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smdtechnosol · 2 years
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Searching Java developers?.. We have experienced Java developers.. Feel free to follow and contact us for more information & send your requirements.. #java #javadeveloper #jvm #javascript #javaprogramming #hiring #itjobs #itrecruitment #itrecruiter #programming #instafollow #javascript #coding #developer #dallas #texas #smdtechnosol #usstaffing #usajobs (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnzeXOOPB5M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zitintechnologies · 8 days
SAP provides powerful analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling your business to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead in a competitive market.
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Implementing SAP streamlines complex processes, reducing errors and increasing the speed of execution across all business operations.
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Destiny HR Group Services is a leading IT Recruitment Agency in Delhi, offering the best solutions. Get in touch to know more about the Best IT Recruitment Consultants in Delhi.
For More details Contact us at +91 7503866196.
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eliaclark · 27 days
Efficient IT Talent Hiring: Simplifying the Process for Better Results
Hiring IT talent can be a daunting task for many organizations. The demand for skilled professionals is high, but finding the right fit is often challenging. Companies struggle with the time-consuming process of sifting through resumes, conducting interviews, and assessing technical skills. The pain point? It’s not just about filling a role; it’s about finding someone who aligns with the company culture and can drive innovation.
So, how can this be streamlined?
First, leverage technology. Use AI-driven tools to screen resumes, identify top candidates, and even conduct initial assessments. This reduces manual work and speeds up the process.
Second, focus on cultural fit early. Introduce behavioral assessments that highlight how a candidate’s values align with your organization’s. This ensures you're not just hiring for skills but for long-term compatibility.
Third, simplify the interview process. Multiple rounds of interviews can deter top talent. Consider combining stages or using panel interviews to gather insights more efficiently.
Lastly, invest in a strong employer brand. Candidates are more likely to engage with companies that have a clear, appealing brand. Showcase your company’s values, work environment, and growth opportunities.
By addressing these pain points, hiring becomes less of a chore and more of a strategic advantage. You’ll not only find the right talent faster but also build a team that’s committed and aligned with your goals.
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dietechrecruiter · 1 month
IT-Arbeitsmarkt Report Juli 2024 - aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen
Für uns als IT / Tech Recruiter ist der IT-Arbeitsmarkt essentiell - wie entwickeln sich die Beschäftigungszahlen, wie die Nachfrage von Arbeitgebern? In welchen Bereichen wird vermehrt gesucht und welche IT-Berufsgruppen sind vom anhaltenden Tech-Layoff am stärksten betroffen - diese und weitere Fragen beantworten wir in diesem Artikel.
Ein kurzes Intro zu mir: mein Name ist Björn und ich bin Mitgründer und Geschäftsführer von Die Tech Recruiter GmbH: Wir sind eine IT Personalberatung und fokussieren uns auf die Vermittlung von IT-Fach- und Führungskräften im Bereich der Festanstellung. Zudem vermitteln wir IT Freelancer für Projekteinsätze. Ich selbst bin fast 15 Jahre im IT Recruitment tätig und maße mir an, eine gewisse Expertise in dieser Branche aufgebaut zu haben. Individuelle Fragen können wir per Mail [email protected] oder bei einem virtuellen Kaffee besprechen.
Dies ist der vierte Artikel in dieser Reihe zum Thema IT-Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland. Im ersten Artikel zum IT-Arbeitsmarkt im April 2024 sind die wesentlichen Begriffe definiert und erörtert.
Die folgenden Zahlen, Daten und Aussagen beziehen sich auf den Arbeitsmarktbericht der Agentur für Arbeit vom Juli 2024.
Fast 118.000 ITler bei der Agentur für Arbeit gemeldet - Aktueller Stand - IT-Arbeitsmarkt Juli 2024
Wie gewohnt schauen wir zunächst auf die Arbeitnehmerseite:
Im Juli waren in der Berufshauptgruppe 43 “Informatik- und andere IKT-Berufe” 45.042 Personen arbeitslos und 72.913 Personen arbeitssuchend.
Dies sind in Summe 117.955 ITler, die im Juli 2024 bei der Afa registriert sind.
Nachfrage IT-Arbeitsmarkt - Wie viele IT Jobs wurden im Juli 2024 bei der Afa gemeldet?
Im Juli 2024 wurden in Summe 16.344 neue IT Jobs bei der Afa gemeldet.
Dies ist ein Rückgang von 25,7% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Im Juli 2023 wurden in Summe noch 22.003 IT Jobs bei der Afa gemeldet.
Vergleich zwischen Juni 2024 und Juli 2024 - fast 5000 mehr ITler arbeitslos und arbeitssuchend
Neben der langfristigen (Year-over-Year) Betrachtung halte ich auch die monatliche Entwicklung für relevant, um frühzeitig Trendentwicklung zu bemerken.
Im Juli 2024 waren in der Hauptberufsgruppe “43 Informatik” waren 45.042 Personen arbeitslos und 72.913 als arbeitssuchend registriert.
Im Juni 2024 waren 42.070 Personen arbeitslos und 70.836 arbeitssuchend.
Im Mai 2024 waren 40.615 Personen arbeitslos und 68.362 arbeitssuchend.
Im April 2024 waren 40.057 Personen arbeitslos und 66.935 arbeitssuchend.
Aus der Aktienanalyse / Charttechnik kommt der Begriff der Bodenbildung - dies kann sicherlich ein Indikator sein, wenn sich der IT Arbeitsmarkt stabilisiert.
Mit Blick auf folgende Zahlen kann ich mir gut vorstellen, dass wir ggf. eine Bodenbildung auf der Nachfrageseite sehen können:
Im Juli 2024 16.344 neue IT Jobs registriert,
Im Juni 2024 waren es 16.491,
Im Mai 2024 16.909,
und im April 2024 17.180.
Der Rückgang scheint sich abzuschwächen und sich auf einem Niveau von über 16.000 neu registrierten IT Jobs einzupendeln. Hoffen wir, dass diese Marke nicht fällt, sodass wir eine Stabilisierung erhalten.
IT - Berufsgruppen - Softwareentwicklung und IT-Infrastruktur
Neben den Makrodaten für den deutschen IT-Arbeitsmarkt, interessieren mich auch die Mikrodaten, d.h. die Entwicklungen in den jeweiligen Berufsgruppen:
Wie in den Vormonaten sind die Berufsgruppen der “Softwareentwickler und Programmierer (434)” und der “IT-Netzwerkt.,-Koord.,-Adminis.,-Orga. (433)” (im folgenden IT-Infrastruktur genannt) weiterhin besonders vom Tech-Layoff betroffen.
IT-Arbeitsmarkt im Bereich IT-Infrastruktur Juli 2024
Im Juli 2024 sind im Bereich IT-Infrastruktur 10.930 Personen arbeitslos und 18.162 arbeitssuchend. Dies ist ein Anstieg im Vergleich zum Vorjahr von 33,5 % (arbeitslos) bzw. 35,1% (arbeitssuchend). Im Vergleich zum Vormonat Juni sind 393 Personen mehr arbeitssuchend und 376 weitere Personen arbeitssuchend.
Mit Blick auf die Arbeitgeberseite bleibe ich weiterhin leicht positiv, da sich die Anzahl an neuen IT Jobs für den IT Infrastrukturbereich nur noch im einstelligen Prozentbereich verringert. Im Juli 2024 wurden 3.963 neue IT Jobs registriert - im Juli 2023 waren es 4134 - dies sind 171 weniger und ein Rückgang von 4,1%.
Die Nachfrage nach Experten / Senior im IT Infrastrukturbereich ist sogar um 19,5% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gestiegen. Dies spiegelt den Trend aus dem Vormonat wider.
An dieser Stelle möchte ich daher unseren Recruitment-Service für die Festanstellung empfehlen. ;)
Softwareentwickler weiterhin am stärksten vom Tech-Layoff betroffen
Softwareentwickler bleiben die am stärksten betroffene Berufsgruppe: Im Juli 2024 waren 14.565 Entwickler arbeitslos und 23.780 Developer arbeitssuchend bei der Afa registriert. Dies ist ein Anstieg im Vergleich zum Vorjahr von 39,5% (arbeitslos) bzw. 34,8% (arbeitssuchend).
Im Monatsvergleich von Mai 2024 auf Juni 2024 sind 544 mehr Softwareentwickler arbeitslos und 1057 arbeitssuchend.
Mit Blick auf die Nachfrageseite für Softwareentwickler kann ich noch keine positiven Zahlen entdecken: die Anzahl der gemeldeten IT-Jobs für Softwareentwickler ist weiterhin rückläufig. Im Jahresvergleich sind 33% weniger IT-Stellen für Entwickler gemeldet worden.
Solltest du aktuell als Softwareentwickler auf der Suche nach einem neuen Job sein, schau direkt direkt bei unseren aktuellen Jobs vorbei - wir suchen aktuell u.a. im Java / Fullstack Bereich - 100% remote.
Fazit IT-Arbeitsmarkt Juli 2024
Der IT-Arbeitsmarkt bleibt weiterhin angespannt - vor allem für Softwareentwickler.
Unternehmen bleiben weiterhin zurückhaltend und scheinen weniger neue Projekte zu starten, daher auch weniger Individualentwicklung.
Vieles hängt einfach vom makroökonomischen Umfeld ab. Erste positive Entwicklungen sind im IT-Infrastrukturbereich zu sehen und ich hoffe, dass die Anzahl der neuen IT-Jobs nicht unter die Marke von 16.000 fällt. Dann könnten wir wirklich von einer Bodenbildung sprechen.
Wir sind seit dem 1.8.24 aktiv im IT Recruiting / IT Personalvermittlung aktiv. Die ersten interessanten Anfragen haben wir bereits erhalten, daher kann ich jedem nur empfehlen, regelmäßig auf unserem IT-Jobboard vorbei zu schauen und / oder sich direkt zu melden.
Was glaubt Ihr, wie sich der IT-Arbeitsmarkt mittelfristig entwickeln wird?
Ich freue mich auf auf eure Anregungen und Fragen - [email protected]
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magnusmindsitsolution · 2 months
How to Find Top ASP.NET Developers for Blazor WebAssembly
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Blazor WebAssembly is transforming web development by enabling C# to run directly in the browser, which enhances performance and streamlines the development process. To find skilled ASP.NET developers for Blazor WebAssembly, look for expertise in C#, Blazor components, WebAssembly, Razor syntax, ASP.NET Core, and front-end technologies. Effective strategies include using job boards, engaging with developer communities, attending industry events, and reviewing candidates' portfolios.
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rana2coms · 6 months
Our expert IT Recruiting Agency can help you identify the rising stars with the cutting-edge skills your company needs to thrive.
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The IT landscape is constantly changing and evolving. With the rapid emergence of new technologies, industries are constantly being reshaped, requiring your workforce to adapt continuously and acquire new skill sets. In the fast-paced world of technology, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for companies. What may be considered cutting-edge today can quickly become outdated, forcing businesses to adapt or risk falling behind? So, how can you make sure your team is equipped with the necessary skills to navigate the unknown challenges of the future successfully? Having an IT Recruiting Agency on your side can be incredibly valuable. They function as experienced explorers, delving into the dynamic world of technology to discover the individuals with the skills that will drive your business towards success. But how do they manage to accomplish this?
The Challenge: A Crystal Ball for the Ever-Changing IT Arena
Long gone are the days when a single set of skills was enough to guarantee a long and successful job in IT. Companies today need to be quick to change and always looking for people who have the vision and adaptability to do well in a world that is always changing. What's the best way for a business leader to find these forward-thinking IT experts whose skills haven't even fully materialized yet?
The Solution: Partnering with an IT Recruiting Agency
This is where having an IT recruiting firm on the pulse of the business comes in quite handy. Here's how they can assist you in navigating the dynamic IT environment:
Specialized knowledge and expertise:
IT recruitment agencies specialize in understanding the complexities of the technology sector. They have in-depth knowledge of emerging trends, cutting-edge technology, and evolving skill requirements. Using their knowledge, they can provide valuable insight into skills that will be in high demand in the future. Using this knowledge will give you a wealth of information that can benefit your talent acquisition strategy. Whether it's expertise in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data science, or cloud computing, an IT recruitment agency can help you identify skills that align with your business goals.
Most IT staffing firms do more than just fill open jobs. Together with you, they come up with a long-term plan for hiring people with the skills that will help your business grow. This means figuring out what skills your company needs based on its specific goals and problems and then matching those needs to the new skills that will be essential for success.
Access to a Diverse Talent Pool:
One of the biggest challenges in talent acquisition is finding qualified candidates with the right skills. An IT recruitment agency meets this challenge by providing access to diverse talent. Through their extensive networks and recruiting channels, they can connect you with top professionals who have the skills you need for your business. In addition, these agencies often have relationships with passive candidates—people who are not actively looking for work. but are open to new opportunities. It expands your talent search beyond traditional job openings, allowing you to attract candidates with specific skills and experience.
Tailoring Strategies for Talent Acquisitio:
Every company is unique, with its own goals, challenges, and culture. An IT recruitment agency understands the importance of tailoring its approach to your specific needs. They work closely with you to understand your business goals, organizational culture, and capabilities. Based on this information, they develop customized talent acquisition strategies designed to identify and attract the best candidates for your organization. Whether you're looking to assemble a team of data scientists, software engineers, or cybersecurity experts, an IT recruitment agency can streamline the hiring process and deliver results that meet your business goals.
Proactive Talent Acquisition:
In a competitive job market, passive candidates play an important role in talent acquisition. These are talented professionals who are not actively looking for work but may be open to new opportunities if the right offer comes along. Identifying and engaging with these candidates requires a proactive approach. IT recruitment agencies excel at proactive talent acquisition. They use a variety of strategies, including networking, social media, and targeted messaging, to connect with passive candidates and introduce them to the opportunities available at your organization. This proactive approach expands your talent pool and increases the likelihood that you will find candidates with the skills you need.
Continuous Development of Skills
Technology is constantly evolving and new tools, frameworks, and methods are emerging rapidly. To stay at the forefront of development, companies must invest in the continuous development of their employees' skills. An IT recruitment agency can help facilitate this process by identifying candidates who demonstrate a commitment to learning and professional growth. Work with an agency that prioritizes skills development, and you can build a team of adaptable, forward-thinking professionals with the right. opportunities tools to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Whether it's through training programs, certifications, or on-the-job learning opportunities, investing in continuous skill development is essential to maintaining a competitive advantage in an ever-changing IT environment.
Staying Ahead of the Curve: 
Remember, the IT industry is a marathon, not a sprint. A strong IT recruiting agency is a long-term partner, keeping you informed about the latest skills trends and industry developments. They regularly share valuable insights and reports, helping you stay ahead of the talent curve and make informed decisions about your IT workforce.
The Human Aspect of IT's Future Beyond Technical Competence 
Human attributes, in addition to technological know-how, will determine IT's success in the future. You can find people with the following soft talents with the help of an IT recruiting agency:
Ability to Think Critically and Solve Problems: Future IT difficulties will require the capacity to analyze complicated situations, find their causes, and come up with creative solutions. 
Collaboration and Communication: In a future where information technology permeates every facet of a company, the capacity to communicate effectively and work together across teams will be essential for achieving success. 
Continual Education: Anyone working in information technology must possess a hunger for knowledge and a dedication to lifelong learning. To build an IT team that can withstand the test of time, you need candidates that can show they are willing to learn new things and adapt. 
Investing in the Future: The ROI of Partnering with an IT Recruiting Agency
Working with an IT staffing firm may seem like an extra cost, but it's an investment that will pay off in the long run. By making sure your IT team has the right skills for the future, you'll gain a competitive edge, improve speed, and encourage new ideas within your company.
The Takeaway: Building a Future-Ready IT Team
You can confidently tackle the future of IT with the appropriate partner by your side, even though the landscape is always evolving. If you're looking to establish an IT team that can handle any challenge that comes your way, an IT recruiting agency like 2COMS can help you identify the capabilities of tomorrow and grow it with their industry expertise and future-focused strategy. Consequently, you shouldn't be discouraged by the talent shortage. In order to establish an IT staff that can withstand the future, you should take advantage of an IT recruiting agency.
For more information - https://bit.ly/3V2gCKv
Resource - https://2coms.com/category/it-staffing/our-expert-it-recruiting-agency-can-help-you-identify-the-rising-stars-with-the-cutting-edge-skills-your-company-needs-to-thrive
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kodytechnolab · 7 months
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bccunited · 10 days
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There's no space for compromise when you strive for growth. You indeed deserve the best talent. That's where, we, BCC-United provide you the best talent as per your needs for the best outcomes!
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amyrasheldon · 7 months
Unlock the secrets to successful IT project management hiring with our detailed guide! 🚀 Learn essential tips, interviewing strategies, and industry insights.
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zitintechnologies · 11 days
Our workforce management solutions provide real-time insights, helping you make informed decisions that enhance workforce efficiency and support your business goals.
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Zitin Technologies | Best Staffing Services in USA | as your business grows and changes, your need for qualified workers increases. You may be hesitant to invest in staffing, but it is the best way to preserve and improve the quality.
Zitin Technologies | Best Staffing Services in USA | as your business grows and changes.
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Destiny HR Group Services is a leading IT Recruitment Agency in Hyderabad, offering the best solutions. Get in touch to know more about the Best IT Recruitment Consultants in Hyderabad.
For More details Contact us at +91 7503866196.
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foodnewsandupdates · 8 months
Boosting Your Company: Using Assimilate Technologies to Unlock the Potential of Staff Augmentation Services
The need for qualified professionals is greater than ever in the ever-changing business and technological world. Recruiting the appropriate people at the right moment is essential as businesses aim for efficiency and creativity. Assimilate Technologies, a top supplier of contemporary technology solutions, provides customized Staff Augmentation Services made to satisfy the changing demands of IT companies.
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Key Benefits of Staff Augmentation Services:
Access to Skilled IT Professionals: Our IT specialists are qualified and experienced to assist you with all of your technological requirements. We have access to an extensive range of knowledge, so we can offer you the assistance you require when you need it.
Flexibility: Every project needs excellent communication to be successful, which is why our IT staffing team keeps in constant contact with our clients.
Cost-effective Solution: You may make use of the knowledge and experience of qualified IT specialists without having to pay for the expenses of recruiting and onboarding new staff by utilizing IT Team Extension Services.
Improved Time-to-Market: Assimilate Technologies is aware of how critical it is to complete projects on time. Our staff augmentation services are designed to provide results on schedule without sacrificing quality.
Take Advantage of Our IT Skills to Grow smartly:
Being the top provider of IT staff augmentation consulting, we can help you employ the best tech-specific personnel needed to close the knowledge gap between the necessary expertise and the available resources. Enrolling an experienced expert with specialized tech knowledge is simple.
Why Choose Assimilate Technologies for Your Staff Augmentation?
Expertise: We choose the best candidates to meet your requirements with our IT industry experience and tech expertise.
Quality: With our previous customer reviews and testimonials, we can ensure you that we have a proven track record of delivering high-quality IT professionals
Flexibility: With our large fleet of IT experts, we can scale our augmentation services to match your project requirements with the right IT professionals at the right time.
Communication: Effective communication is crucial for the success of any project, therefore, our IT staffing team maintains regular communication with our clients.
Security: We value business data security; we apply robust measures to secure your data.
Access to Latest Technologies: Our IT professionals are up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices, ensuring you always use the most effective solutions to meet your business needs.
The Staff Augmentation Services provided by Assimilate Technologies are evidence of the company's dedication to providing outstanding IT solutions. Businesses may succeed in the quickly evolving digital landscape by embracing the flexibility, knowledge, and affordability of staff augmentation. Work together with Assimilate Technologies to realize your company's full potential and maintain an advantage in the cutthroat world of technology.
For more; https://bit.ly/3O8qE8C
About us:
As a top technology consulting firm, Assimilate Technologies is passionate about finding straightforward answers to complex issues. Assimilate was founded by a motivated, enthusiastic group of technophiles who wanted to use straightforward technology to address issues in the real world.
Assimilate Technologies Pvt Ltd | India | USA |  https://[email protected]+91 88888 99151 | +1 860 251 9229
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