#IU Spartans
kenttsterling · 2 years
TJD & Hoosiers need to regroup after #iubb loss to Michigan State! #Colts may lose Bubba Ventrone! Taylor, Pittman, Moore decisions loom!
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donaldtincheruniverse · 9 months
Wayne County Sports Report (12-29-23)
*** FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29 ***High SchoolBoys BasketballCenterville, Seton in Wettig Tournament at RichmondWrestlingNortheastern, Hagerstown at Spartan Classic in ConnersvilleNortheastern’s Heather Crull wins at 106, Hagerstown’s Roy Thornbury finishes second at 175Centerville at North Montgomery InvitationalNathan Westover goes 12-0 at 285 for Bulldogs Womens BasketballGovernors State 70, IU East…
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avid-dust-collector · 2 years
she morb on my ius till I
We shouldn’t be here when it gets dark.
Set the trap at the mouth of the cave, please.
PILOT: You need a doctor?
I am a doctor.
It’s impressive, don’t you think?
Vampire bats weigh almost nothing, but they can down a creature nearly ten times their size.
What are you using as bait?
You volunteering?
Pay me now.
Before the sun goes down.
You throw in that bushcrafter on your belt and we have a deal.
Come on.
NICHOLAS: Should be able to take better care of you here.
Everyone’s here to help you.
Michael, this is Lucian. Lucian, Michael.
Michael knows more about this place than I do.
[WHISPERS] Play nice.
LUCIAN: Hello.
Hello, Milo.
My name’s Lucian.
The person who was here before was Milo.
He was also the new Milo.
And before him was the other new Milo.
I don’t even remember the first Milo.
How long have you been here?
Long as I can remember.
And you’re still not cured?
There is no cure.
There’s something missing from our DNA.
Like a piece of a puzzle.
And until they find it, the only way to stay alive is an oil change three times a day.
What would you do if you could be normal?
Just for an hour?
I don’t think about it.
Hey, look at the freaks! Look at them!
Best not to be outside when school gets out.
Like the original Spartans, we are the few against the many.
With one of these?
It took a team of scientists to build that machine and you fixed it with a ballpoint pen?
There’s a school for gifted children in New York.
I think that I could get them to agree to cover your tuition and provide private care to help manage your condition.
Somewhere you could study, learn, hone your skills.
You have a gift, Michael.
I don’t think I could forgive myself if I saw it go to waste.
MICHAEL: “Dear Milo, this isn’t goodbye. I’m gonna find a cure for us, so we can be cranky old men someday. Your friend, Michael.
P.S. You shouldn’t have unfolded this. Now you’ll never get it back together. See you this summer.”
“Dear Milo…”
Please, can I have my letter back?
Please, can I have my letter?
Okay. Here.
Please. Ah!
[SHOUTS] Please!
Go away!
Let me have a look. Let me have a look.
He tried to steal my letter!
Milo, Milo, stop.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
What about Milo?
I’ll look after Milo.
He needs me.
NICHOLAS: Michael Morbius completed his doctorate by 19 and quickly established himself as the world’s leading authority on blood-borne diseases.
His development of artificial blood has saved more lives than penicillin.
Michael Morbius, please step forward to acknowledge the receipt of your prize from His Majesty, the King of Sweden.
ANNA: I can’t believe you dissed the king of Sweden.
The king and the queen, their loyal subjects, all of Scandinavia and the entire scientific community.
Yeah, but who does that?
Well, Anna, we both know I have issues.
But, hey, I kept the program.
[KNOCKS] There you are.
Hey, Dr. Bancroft.
Hey, Anna.
We going to play?
Oh, I don’t think so.
See, now that Dr. Morbius is back, maybe you should try losing for a while, see how that feels.
MICHAEL: Not gonna happen.
Uh, yes?
You got a minute?
Of course.
New one. For your collection.
[WHISPERS] Dr. Morbius is in trouble.
I’m in trouble.
MARTINE: “I can’t accept a prize for the by-product of a failed experiment.”
Lab 1.
Front page, “American Scientist Rejects Nobel Prize.”
You know that people actually like writing checks to Nobel laureates?
Makes them feel better about their investment.
It would help if you stuck around long enough to cash them.
You’re pushing yourself too hard.
Does our generous benefactor, Milo, know what you’re actually doing here?
What am I actually doing here?
Remixing human DNA with bat DNA.
I have no idea what you’re…
Talking about?
Is anything ringing a bell?
No bells ringing. Uh…
Okay. Maybe this will jog your memory.
MICHAEL: I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.
That is a…
It’s a fish tank.
Like, for… flying mammals.
Oh, I see.
Some friends I brought back from Costa Rica.
So when were you gonna tell me?
More importantly, how did you get my pass code?
It’s the first six digits of pi backwards.
It’s your password for everything.
You should change that.
You could lose your license for this.
I’m not gonna need it much longer, doctor.
You, on the other hand, will.
You know, there’s something called “plausible deniability.”
You should be thanking me.
These are the only mammals on Earth that have evolved to feed exclusively on blood.
So in order to drink it, these bats produce saliva that contains unique anticoagulants.
So your theory is, if you can successfully splice vampire genes into your DNA, it would allow your body to produce those same anticoagulants.
It would be a cure.
At what cost?
The fusion of different species is a legacy we already carry in our bodies.
Viruses insinuating their nucleic acid onto our own over hundreds of thousands of years.
That’s evolution. This is different.
I don’t think it is.
We have to push the boundaries, take the risks.
Without that, there is no science.
No medicine.
No breakthroughs at all.
Test subject for cell combination 117.
Come on, come on, come on.
[SIGHS] Test subject 117 has resulted in…
I don’t wanna see you get hurt.
I should’ve died years ago, Martine.
Why am I still alive if not to fix this?
To save my best friend, Milo.
And everyone else like us.
Not like this.
Dr. Morbius, it’s Anna.
Her temperature’s spiking, and her kidneys are shutting down.
We have to induce a coma before she has a stroke.
A hundred milligrams of propofol.
NURSE: Sure.
Come on.
MICHAEL: It’s okay.
It’s okay. We got you.
There you go.
There you go.
Thank you, nurse.
We’re gonna let you sleep a bit.
Take a nice long nap.
It worked.
Dr. Michael Morbius.
[IN NORWEGIAN] Some crippled guy’s here to see the Boss.
MILO: Michael! Get over here!
[IN NORWEGIAN] As long as I am a cripple you’ll be fine.
♪ Stop dreaming Of the quiet life… ♪
You’re late. I was trying out this new thing called “working.”
Oh, yeah. I don’t believe I’m familiar with the word.
I don’t believe you are.
So, what’s up with the goon squad?
Oh, I won a hand of cards against some Russian gentlemen.
Apparently they found his luck improbable.
There you are.
More like impossible.
So, doctor, how is our favorite patient?
Still determined to make his short life even shorter?
Yes, I am. Anyway, you’re one to talk.
You look terrible. Look at the state of you.
Says the man wearing… What is that, a quilt?
Oh, sorry. I didn’t get the memo to dress for a funeral.
Right. I will see you later.
And you… my door is always open.
We miss you at Horizon.
We could use your mind.
I’ll leave you two to your fun.
Bye, Nicholas.
I have some good news.
Let’s go for a walk.
How’s Martine doing these days?
Dr. Bancroft? She is, uh, overqualified, outperforming, brilliant as usual.
And a royal pain in my ass.
But she’s keeping me honest for the most part. Why do you ask?
Eh, no reason. Just haven’t seen you in forever.
I wondered if she had something to do with it.
Aw, I miss you too.
But, yes, she has been working with me to save our lives.
I could ask her to stop if you like, put us out of our misery.
Just don’t do something stupid and go and fall in love because, believe you me, there is absolutely no cure for that.
Says the guy who knows absolutely nothing about the subject.
Not true.
I read about it in books all the time.
Books, really? Wow.
Or romantic comedies. The point is…
The point is, love is not on the cards for us, my friend.
Listen, if you start quoting The Notebook to me, I am going to stop and hobble very slowly in the opposite direction.
Throw it!
MICHAEL: I’m close, Milo.
I can feel it.
A cure.
It’s finally possible.
Highly experimental.
Ethically questionable.
Very, very, very expensive.
I knew that was coming.
And not exactly legal.
Oh, and it has to be done in international waters.
You were always expensive.
Is it dangerous? Should I be worried?
You want me to lie to you?
That would be nice, yes.
It’s a walk in the park on a sunny day.
Oh, yeah, that bad, eh?
We don’t have much time left.
This could be our last chance.
So, what do you say?
We go out with a fight?
You with me?
Till the day you die, brother.
Till the day you die. You’ll have everything you need.
We’re the original Spartans, mate.
The few against the many.
You know, I’m sure you’re cheating.
No. No, you’re not.
What you got?
MICHAEL: Putting another one in the oven.
Wish me luck.
The moment of truth.
Success, Martine. We did it.
It’s holding together.
Test 243.
Human trials.
I’m glad it’s you.
Had a lot of other suitors, didn’t you?
You know, the whole near-death thing is very, very chic.
I read it in Cosmo.
Do they still make Cosmo? I don’t know.
I know it’s just what you always wanted.
Could be a collector’s item one day, you never know.
This better not be my last one.
I know this is painful, but you got it.
That’s it. Bingo.
Right there.
Almost there, almost there.
It’s all right. Come on. Come on.
There you go.
You can buckle me up.
You all right? Great.
I call.
Bringing out the big guns.
Let’s go again.
I’ll be back. I’m gonna check on the doctor.
All right.
You shouldn’t be down here.
I can be wherever I want, nurse.
It’s “doctor,” actually.
I’m afraid you’re gonna have to leave.
Doctor. Sure, I can see it.
But, uh, you’re still the help, just like me.
You can tell all that by just looking at me, huh?
Here I thought you were just another jacked-up dumb shit.
Get out.
Where is he?
Don’t move.
What the hell?
Everybody down to the lab now.
Roger that.
Don’t shoot!
It’s just me.
It’s just me.
Michael, please.
Michael, stop!
Stop! Please!
You’re hurting yourself! Stop!
Hey! Step back! Move!
Stop. Put that gun down…
Shit. Close it! Close it!
What the hell is that thing?
Fall back! Fall back!
MAN 1: Let’s move.
MAN 2: Go, go, go!
Get out of here!
MAN [OVER RADIO]: Sweeping Level 3.
Jason, come in.
Jason. Jason?
Oh, shit.
Son of a bitch!
Shit! Oh!
Oh, shit!
[WHISPERS] Oh, my God.
Mayday, mayday, mayday.
This is the LCV Murnau.
Call letters 3-X5Y.
We are 13 nautical miles off the coast of Long Island.
Request immediate airlift.
Repeat, this is the LCV Murnau.
Mayday, mayday, mayday.
It’s up here to the right.
FBI Agent Stroud. Can we have the room, please?
RODRIGUEZ: You heard the man. Can we please have the room?
If you could start exiting, that’d be fantastic.
Well, we haven’t had anything this good since that thing in San Francisco.
Uh, eight bodies, running IDs right now, but apparently they all shop at the same mercenary supply store.
Uh, one survivor, a Dr. Martine Bancroft.
Can we talk to her?
If she wakes up.
Uh, she fell down and hit her head, apparently.
Anything else?
Someone made a mayday call.
Not Dr. Bancroft.
It was a male, didn’t identify himself, then wiped all the surveillance footage.
SIMON: He grew a conscience and jumped overboard?
It happens. Oh, and get this.
All the bodies that you’re looking at are nearly drained of their blood.
So, what hunts at night and drinks human blood?
You’re gonna love this.
REPORTER: Early this morning an unmanned cargo ship was discovered near the eastern tip of Long Island with multiple bodies on board.
Authorities are not making any comment at this time.
But there are reports of one survivor, and we have learned from a high-ranking Coast Guard official that the vessel was flying a Panamanian flag when it drifted in from international…
What’s happened?
Some kind of accident.
How’s your pain today? On a one to ten?
[WHISPERS] I’m sorry.
You’re going to be okay.
Lab 1.
Privacy screens.
Come on. Come on.
As a result of my procedure, I have an overpowering urge to consume… blood.
Human blood.
In certain respects, I have succeeded far beyond anything I could have imagined.
For the first time in my entire life, I feel… good.
Yesterday, I could barely walk.
Today, I don’t know what I’m capable of.
For a period of time after ingestion, my numbers are off the charts.
I have the constitution of an Olympic athlete.
Increased strength and speed that can only be described as… superhuman.
And all of this… on artificial blood.
I’ve become something different.
I feel a kinship with these creatures.
They would tear anyone else apart, but they welcome me.
Like a brother.
I’ve even developed a form of echolocation.
Bat radar, for the uninitiated.
The question is:
How do I control it?
Isolate it?
And let it go.
But, unfortunately, this condition is temporary.
I’ve been timing myself.
Artificial blood keeps me stable for six hours.
But that window… is growing shorter.
Artificial blood won’t work forever.
One question remains: What if…?
What if artificial blood becomes ineffective?
What happens if I go without?
No blue…
No red…
Eventually, my vitals drop precipitously and my illness returns with a vengeance.
Soon, I’ll face a choice.
Drink the red… or die.
But what happened on that ship… can’t ever happen again.
It’s me.
You in here?
Where are you?
Michael? What are you doing?
Michael, it’s Milo. What are you doing?
Do you need help?
You want the blood in the freezer? Wait.
MILO: I’m coming, I’m coming.
I’m coming.
Michael, hang on.
Here. Here.
You’re… You’re strong.
You did it.
You did it. You found a cure to live.
What? What is it?
I’ve made a terrible mistake, Milo.
We all make mistakes. Don’t worry about it.
You’ve never made one like this before.
Michael, enough.
Just give it to me. I need it.
I can’t live like this any longer. Please.
I can’t.
What do you mean, you can’t?
I can’t.
I need this. I… I’ve done things, Milo. I killed people.
W-we… We can make that go away.
The ones on the boat, they’re thugs, guns for hire.
I can make that go away.
You don’t understand.
I do understand. Please. Have I ever denied you anything?
Said no? Have I always given you…?
I can’t control it!
What, so… So you get to live and I get to die? Is that it?
It’s a curse.
Believe me, brother. It is.
Now, please, I need you to go.
It’s not safe here.
No, don’t make me go. Please, Michael, don’t…
I said, get out!
I said, get out!
She’s right here.
Dr. Bancroft? Agents Stroud and Rodriguez.
How you feeling, doctor?
Like I’m in a hospital, eating really crappy Jell-O.
This shouldn’t take long.
You were out on a container ship that washed up off of Long Island.
Doctor, there were eight dead bodies inside.
We also noticed that their blood was… What do you call it?
Exsanguinated. I looked it up.
So, um, sorry for the graphic nature of some of these photos.
But, um, you’re a doctor, so you know what people look like on the inside.
These puncture wounds right there, those look like fang marks to you?
Well, you were out there conducting a major experiment.
We’re just hoping you could shed some light.
Yeah, that… Not exactly sanitary, isn’t it?
I’m having a little bit of a hard time remembering what happened that night.
Sure. Let’s go.
You also work at the Horizon Lab, right?
With Dr. Michael Morbius.
Appreciate your time, doctor.
Who’s there?
MAN 1 [ECHOING]: Get away from her. Just step back.
MAN 2: Has she been there all night?
MAN 3: Looks like all the blood was drained from her body.
Any contusions?
Not that I can see.
Back to our rooms, okay?
Dr. Morbius?
Agent Stroud.
Agent Rodriguez. Can we have a minute?
Of course. How can I help you?
SIMON: First, I wanna say thank you.
Your artificial blood actually saved my arm in Afghanistan, sir.
I’m glad I could be of service.
I mean, I must admit, doc, you don’t look
anything like you do on the news.
Yeah, you look downright robust.
I have good days and bad.
Pilates helps.
How are you on boats?
As you can see…
don’t have very good sea legs.
Why do you ask?
‘Cause you’ve been looking for a cure for your condition your whole life, right?
You’ve pretty much tried everything.
Crazy experiments, maybe on a boat?
“Crazy” isn’t a term that I would use… detective.
Unorthodox, maybe.
But I’d do just about anything to save a life.
I’m sure you can understand that.
Anything else I can help you two with?
DISPATCHER [ECHOES OVER RADIO]: All units, the 120 block, Horizon Labs, female body drained of blood, initiate lock down.
Copy that. Doc, got a couple more questions for you.
RODRIGUEZ: Yeah, you’re coming with us.
Hey, freeze!
SIMON: Stop him!
Hold fire!
Get backup and meet me up top.
MICHAEL: It’s worse than I first thought.
At this rate, artificial blood will stop working in a matter of days.
8:13 p.m.
Down from six hours to four hours, 22 minutes.
I got a problem.
Holy water?
I’m not taking any chances.
It’s triple blessed.
We found this little guy on the container ship… with those bodies.
That’s a little hobby of yours, right?
RODRIGUEZ: You know, eight dead mercs on a boat really doesn’t ruffle our feathers.
I’m pretty sure they were guilty of something and happy to have them off the water.
But Nurse Sutton, single mother with twin girls, that’s… something else.
Yes, I know.
Her name was Kristen. We worked together every single day for seven years.
She was a good person.
So why’d you do it?
I can’t answer that.
What did you do to yourself, doctor?
Make us understand.
I wish I knew.
Great stuff. Um, Really informative.
Thank you. Uh…
I dropped a bag.
There’s something inside that I need.
Bag of artificial blood.
Yeah. It’s in evidence, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry.
I’m starting to get hungry.
And you don’t wanna see me when I’m hungry.
SIMON: We’re done here. Let’s go.
Your lawyer’s here.
You look terrible.
Lawyer, huh?
I don’t remember you ever finishing law school.
‘Cause I didn’t.
Sit down. Sit down.
I mean, if one of us was going to end up in bright orange trainers, I would never have guessed it would be you.
They’re charging me with murder.
I don’t know. I don’t know.
Maybe I blacked out? Uh…
Now listen to me.
[QUIETLY] I don’t believe it.
You’re not capable of that.
I know that all you’ve ever tried to do is help people.
You don’t belong here.
This place is for terrorists and drugs lords and God knows who.
Michael, we need to get you out of here.
In whatever way possible.
Maybe this is where I belong.
If I’m in here, then nobody else dies.
Listen to me.
You are not capable of killing that woman.
Hey, Your Highness, time’s up.
Michael, here’s something to keep you going.
Never too early.
OFFICER: Let’s move!
Come on, this way!
Let’s go. Let’s go.
Open the door.
Now! Go!
He’s getting away!
Daily Bugle, please, sir.
There you go, buddy.
Here you are, my friend.
Always figured that guy for a freak.
How’s that? You’ve never met him.
I mean, look at him. What else you need to know?
MILO: You know, you shouldn’t judge someone by how they look.
Didn’t your mother teach you any manners?
Take me, for example.
I may look harmless enough.
Do you think I’m joking?
Got me.
You see? I knew you could do it.
You took the serum even after I warned you.
What am I gonna do, lay down and die?
Thank you for the death wish.
I tried to protect you!
Protect me? Protect me from what?
Becoming a monster like me.
I don’t think you’re a monster. Okay?
I killed the nurse.
I killed the nurse.
I know. But you know what it’s like your first time.
You have no idea what you’re doing. You have no control.
Milo, you have to stop.
You have to stop. You have to stop denying who you are.
It’s boring. We can go anywhere, we can do anything. Let’s go.
Let’s have some fun.
This isn’t you.
I know you. Where’s the brother that I used to have?
How can you say that to me?
Look what you’ve become.
Everything I am, I am because of you.
I looked up to you my whole life.
I will never leave you, and I will not go back.
You cannot make me go back. I won’t let you make me go back!
Move, bitch, move!
We’ve evolved!
You’re a scientist, Michael.
Surely, surely you understand that.
That’s not what this is. This is a mistake.
But I can fix it. I’ll figure out how to reverse it.
Artificial blood will keep us stable until I do.
Yeah, I’m fine just the way I am, thank you very much.
OFFICER: Hey! Hands up!
Up against the wall. Now.
MILO: Officer.
Come on.
MILO: Anything you say.
You. Don’t move.
Okey-do key.
We have the suspects.
Like we used to say… live a little.
All our lives, we’ve lived with death hanging over us.
Why shouldn’t they know what it feels like for a change, Michael?
[ECHOES] Michael!
I’m not gonna fight you, Milo.
SIMON: Now he’s laying out officers in my city, huh?
It’s unforgiveable.
Just keep your eyes on Dr. Bancroft.
Woman in the jeans, where’d she go?
Yeah, right.
Hey, stranger.
You shouldn’t be here.
I didn’t kill Nurse Sutton or the police.
Or any of those people.
I know.
Milo, he…
He took the serum.
He’s out there.
And I have to stop him.
But I need your help.
No, thanks. I quit caffeine.
It’s decaf.
Not that kind of vampire.
Just checking.
I shouldn’t have dragged you out there. I’m sorry.
You didn’t.
I wanted to be there.
Well, then apology rescinded.
I guess we’re both a little crazy.
How do you feel?
I mean, I went from dying my entire life to feeling more alive than ever.
Thankfully, artificial blood keeps me stable.
I just have to drink it more often.
How often?
Every four hours, 22 minutes. Down from six.
It’s losing its effectiveness.
The issue is, when it stops working… I’ll become like Milo.
You won’t.
Hi. Over there.
Sorry, this one’s no good.
Check it again. And keep one for yourself.
No, I don’t wanna do it.
There’s plenty more where those came from.
Come on, man, we gotta get back to the lab.
Okay, I know that look.
You’re up to something. What is it?
I’ll need a couple of things from the lab.
Can you do that for me?
Yes, I can.
But you didn’t answer my question. What is it?
You’re right. I’m up to something.
You got the blood?
Got it.
MAN 1: The ink on this new batch is pretty legit.
It’s a good thing we switched the chemicals.
MAN 2: Yo, finish up.
It’s a nice place that you got here.
Oh, I love this movie. Is this the part where the mysterious guy with the hoodie comes in and kicks everybody’s asses? I love that part.
Who the hell are you?
It doesn’t matter, but I am gonna need your laboratory.
MICHAEL: You can keep the money, all your little toys.
Just leave the science-y stuff and that bag of spicy Cheetos.
He wants my lab?
You trying to be funny?
No, no, no. Absolutely not. That’s their job.
I mean, look at their matching necklaces.
Time to go.
Did you know that there are 27 bones in the human hand?
Allow me to introduce the phalanges.
The metacarpals.
Shit. Let’s get the fuck out of here!
And the pretty, little stinky pinkie.
Who the hell are you, man?
[IN DEEP VOICE] I am Venom.
[IN REGULAR VOICE] You can go now.
Six to eight weeks, a little ibuprofen.
Should heal up just fine.
Yo. Can I get a tequila, please?
Don Julio 1942.
Do I know you?
No, I don’t think so.
We’ve met.
I’m sure of it.
No, I’d remember.
You’re too pretty.
You know what they say, “Tequila to remember, whiskey to forget.”
That’s good.
Sir, two tequilas, please.
Hey, yo.
Her drinks are spoken for, bro.
You know, uh, ahem, I’m gonna do you a favor and let you walk out of here, all right?
That’s very kind of you.
Here was I thinking you were a complete asshole.
Sir, can I get my friend here…
…and his friends a round of whiskeys?
JEAN: Hey!
MAN: I’ll get you another drink.
Another time.
You see the size of that guy? I’m not paying for those drinks.
MILO: Martine.
Sorry. I let myself in.
I hope I didn’t startle you.
It’s okay.
If I’d known our biggest funder was coming, I would have planned a nice dinner for us.
Actually, I’ve already eaten.
Whatever it is, it’s doing wonders for your health.
I feel great.
What can I do for you?
Well, it’s Michael.
I’m worried about him.
He’s alone out there.
And I think he needs me.
If I can get to him before the police do, I can help him.
You wouldn’t happen to know where he is, would you?
You two have always been so close.
I’m sorry.
I don’t.
Just to be sure, I’m going to ask you one more time.
You don’t happen to know where he is, do you, Martine?
I wouldn’t lie to you, Milo.
I don’t.
Now, if you don’t mind, I have work to do.
Well, if you see him, if you hear from him, tell him: “We are the few against the many.”
We’ll have to do that dinner another time, Martine.
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
Cat’s gone. And she’s probably gone along with it.
It’s time to eat, you little monster.
[SLAMS FLOOR] Michael.
I’m sorry.
You may wanna close that up.
How does it feel… when you’re on red?
Something wakes up inside of me, something… primal. And it just, uh… And it wants to hunt. And wants to kill.
I’m sorry.
Good as new.
Nice work, doctor.
Thank you, doctor.
You know, for the record, I… I wasn’t gonna go full Dracula on you downstairs.
For the record… I find him to be quite the romantic.
Come here.
Just close your eyes.
Move closer.
Did you know the average male body has 12 pints of blood?
I mean, how much do you think the doctor can drink?
I don’t know.
When’s the last time you had 36 beers?
When’s the last time you had any beers?
I’ll go grab the footage.
I don’t want you to have to move or anything.
All right, check this out.
Wait, wait, wait.
Zoom in. And hold right there.
That’s not the doctor.
RODRIGUEZ: It’s what these bloodsuckers do. They multiply.
Breaking news on the Lower East Side where three people have been killed.
Authorities have confirmed the discovery of three new bodies outside a bar popular with Wall Street traders.
And like the victims before them, they were completely drained of their blood, earning the killer the moniker “Vampire Murderer.”
The prime suspect, renowned scientist Dr. Michael Morbius, remains at large.
What have you got yourself into?
However, another source inside the department has told us that CCTV footage of the murders suggests the killer could be a copycat.
Residents are being urged to stay home after sundown until the killer, or killers, are brought to justice.
You’ve discovered my secret.
I mean, look at me.
I am reborn.
I am the resurrection.
My God, what have you done to yourself?
Do you disapprove?
What’s the matter, Nicholas? Is Daddy cross?
All right. Settle down.
Let’s go and have a drink together.
Come celebrate with me, please.
Just one drink.
Milo, you’re scaring me. Please. Just…
Just… Just calm down.
What’s the matter?
I can’t… I can’t sleep.
I can help you with that.
I’ve been more than a friend to you all this time, Milo.
And I’m going to stay here with you.
But there will be no more violence, understand?
That doesn’t do it for me.
I should have known. You always take his side.
Tell me your side, then, Milo.
Michael doesn’t accept what he is, Nicholas.
I’m gonna make him accept it.
By ruining his good name?
See? There! There you are!
Perfect Michael, selfless Michael, Michael the favorite!
Don’t be childish, Milo!
If anyone has a claim to being my favorite, it’s you.
I’ve devoted my life to you.
You pitied me before.
You did. You pitied me before. You’re repulsed by me now.
I am repulsed… by what you’ve done, by what you’ve become.
Whatever this thing is… you’re not up to it.
There’s no shame in what we are.
“We are the few…”
“Against the many.”
Tell Michael, you tell him I’m going to kill as many as I want.
MARTINE: “He’s only destroyed by a stake through the heart, made from the wood of the Holy Cross.”
You don’t believe this.
MICHAEL: No. But after the week that I’ve had, anything is possible.
What is that?
This is an antibody.
It inhibits ferritin, induces a massive iron overload, instant hemochromatosis.
Deadly to bats, fatal to humans.
Who’s the second one for?
My window’s closing. We both know that.
By tomorrow I’ll be forced to consume human blood.
I can’t do that. I won’t do that.
So this is your solution, huh?
Injecting yourself with poison?
I brought this into the world.
It’s up to me to take it out.
I need you to go now. It’s not safe here. Okay?
Nicholas, you okay?
[WEAKLY] Michael, I need help.
I went to see Milo.
Come on, we have to get you to a hospital.
[WEAKLY] You have to stop him.
MILO: Michael.
Call out for him.
I want him to hear you.
I won’t ask you again.
Say, “Michael.”
MARTINE: Michael.
MILO: Good girl.
MARTINE: Michael.
MILO: Yeah.
MARTINE: Michael.
You’re hurting me.
It’s okay.
MICHAEL: Martine?
Let me take a look. Martine.
Let me look.
It’s bad.
Make it mean something.
I can help you.
I’m sorry.
Drank the red.
Good for you.
It’s just you and me, Michael!
Nothing, no one, to hold us back.
I’m all you have left.
That’s the spirit. Yeah.
Come on, Michael!
Come on!
You can do better than this!
It’s not a curse.
It’s a gift.
You started this, you created this, you created us!
You can’t kill me.
I mean, it’s me.
[WHISPERS] You can’t kill me.
You gave me my name.
I remember everything.
[SOFTLY] I’m sorry.
OFFICER 1: Stay back, people.
OFFICER 2: Get back! Back!
Hope the food’s better in this joint.
REPORTER [ON TV]: The bizarre story developing at the Manhattan Detention Center when a man identifying himself as Adrian Toomes simply appeared in an otherwise empty cell.
A hearing has been set that could likely lead to his immediate release.
Thanks for meeting me, doc.
I’ve been reading about you.
I’m listening.
I’m not sure how I got here.
Has to do with Spider-Man, I think.
I’m still figuring this place out, but I think a bunch of guys like us should team up.
Could do some good.
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2021 Top Games of the Week: Week 1
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Football is back! Week 0 was incredibly boring but Week 1 should more than make up for that. We’ve got a load of interesting games this week that should kick off the season in style. Let’s have a look!
The Top Ten Games of the Week
10. West Virginia at Maryland (Saturday 9/4)
The 10 spot goes to one of the fun rivalry games once again kicking off. West Virginia and Maryland have kept their non-conference rivalry going even as both schools changed conferences in the past 10 years. I hope they keep playing it moving forward. Neither team is expected to contend for their conference, or division in the Terrapins’ case, so winning the rivalry games is #1 on the list for many fans on both sides.
9. Michigan State at Northwestern (Friday 9/3)
The Big Ten is trotting out several conference games to open the season. Michigan State at Northwestern is perhaps the least interesting, but it does feature the defending champions of the West Division. In 2020, the Wildcats came out of nowhere last year to claim their second division title in three years. Meanwhile, the Spartans gutted their way through a season that would have been incredibly disappointing if not for their win over Michigan. Both squads have question marks but with this early conference game we’ll get a better idea where each team stands.
8. #4 Ohio State at Minnesota (Thursday 9/2)
Ohio State is ready to kick off another season with a national championship in their sights. The Buckeyes are quite clearly one of the best teams in the country and expect to go 12-0 or 11-1 at the very worst. Minnesota hasn’t had an opportunity like this is a while. The Gophers are expected to be loaded for bear as they prepare to take the next step forward under P.J. Fleck. Back in 2019, Minnesota defeated #4 Penn State to catapult themselves into a tie with Wisconsin for the West title. I’m sure they have a similar outcome on their minds here for OSU.
7. #16 LSU at UCLA 1-0 (0-0) (Saturday 9/4)
This one is going to hold my attention this weekend. LSU has had a strange two years, going from national champions with potentially the best football team of all time to 5-5 also rans nearly overnight. Sure, they have had time to reload now and the Tigers should be fine, but more than a few eyebrows have been raised already. Meanwhile, UCLA’s long rebuild under Chip Kelly has finally started to bear fruit. The Bruins mauled an overmatched Hawaii squad in week 0. Big deal, the Rainbow Warriors aren’t on the same level as Louisiana State, who will give UCLA a real litmus test to see how far they’ve come. Also it’s cool to see a PAC-SEC matchup, I feel like those conferences have the most infrequent combinations of matchups among the P5 leagues.
6. #10 North Carolina at Virginia Tech (Friday 9/3)
The ACC isn’t quite matching the Big Ten for Week 1 intrigue, but this early bout may have big ramifications on the Coastal race. North Carolina is favored in a race with Miami according to the experts, but things rarely ever go right in this strange division. Virginia Tech are in an awkward position. Things haven’t been going well in Blacksburg lately and fans wanted Justin Fuente fired years ago at this point. It would be a huge opportunity for the Hokies to turn their fortunes around if they can jump on the Tar Heels at home.
5. #23 Louisiana at #21 Texas (Saturday 9/4)
This is a trap game for sure. Steve Sarkisian’s first game as Texas head coach and it’s against a team that made their name last year upsetting regular season Big 12 Champions Iowa State. Louisiana will absolutely give the Longhorns a tougher test than they would normally expect from a G5 program and if they’re not careful UT could faceplant.
4. #17 Indiana at #18 Iowa (Saturday 9/4)
It’s not a sexy matchup in the conventional sense, but you have to give credit where it’s due. Indiana were one of the darlings of the 2020 season. The Hoosiers shocked the world last season with a breakout 6-2 record. With a full season’s worth of games to play now, IU is gunning for double digit wins. Iowa is their usual selves. The Hawkeyes were once again a strong team last year and that should be the case in 2021 as well. Iowa expects to contend for the West Division this year and have to win their cross-division games to give them their best chance at getting to Indianapolis.
3. #19 Penn State at #13 Wisconsin (Saturday 9/4)
The biggest of the Big Ten’s Week 1 matchups sees two of the best programs in the conference square off. Penn State had a bad year in 2020, no other way around saying it. The Nittany Lions need to rebound in 2021 or there will be a lot of question marks surrounding the direction of the program under James Franklin. Wisconsin is their usual selves, meaning the Badgers should once again be one of the top teams in the league but still a step (or two) behind Ohio State. Both Wisconsin and Penn State want to win their respective divisions, a loss in Week 1 would be a crucial setback for either side.
2. #1 Alabama vs #14 Miami FL (Atlanta, GA) (Saturday 9/4)
The defending champions start off the year in a high profile matchup with another high profile team. Miami isn’t quite playing up to their potential just yet, but the Hurricanes are on more solid footing than we’ve seen in a while. Many are expecting another breakthrough season similar to what we saw in 2017. It might not matter either way if the Canes get back to that level. It will be incredibly hard to unseat Alabama. The Crimson Tide are losing a lot of guys from their championship squad, but new faces with similar levels of talent are coming in to replace those who’ve left for the NFL. It feels foolish betting against Bama but a Week 1 loss would be one of the more likely scenarios for a regular season loss at all for the Tide.
1. #5 Georgia at #3 Clemson (Saturday 9/4)
This one is a no-brainer. Georgia and Clemson’s on again-off again rivalry is once again heating back up. The stakes haven’t been this high since the early 80′s, with both the Tigers and Bulldogs attempting to claim national championships this year. UGA is hoping to rebound and reclaim the SEC East after giving it away to Florida last season. The Dawgs are on the short list of 6 or so teams that are aiming to make the Playoff every year. Clemson is one of the other squads on that special list. The Tigers are hosting and may be favored, but we need to be wary of their lack of depth at the QB position. A loss here might not end a Playoff campaign, but it would be a bad start to one as well as a black eye against a regional recruiting rival. 
5 G5 Games of the Week
5. Syracuse at Ohio (Saturday 9/4)
Frank Solich unfortunately won’t be the head coach in Athens, but I think his old team is in great position to claim a P5 scalp as hapless Syracuse makes the trek for a rare MAC road date.
4. Marshall at Navy (Saturday 9/4)
Two of the G5′s more consistent brands face off. Marshall is trotting out their first new coach in 15 years while Navy is attempting to spit out the bad taste in their mouths after a disappointing 2020 season.
3. Miami OH at #8 Cincinnati (Saturday 9/4)
The Battle of the Bell is one of FBS football’s oldest rivalries and I love giving it the spotlight. I don’t expect Miami to win of course, while they have been a solid MAC program in the last couple years, the RedHawks aren’t up to the same level as Cincinnati. The Bearcats are favored to repeat as the #1 G5 program in the nation. Cincinnati haven’t lost to their in-state rivals since 2005, giving Miami plenty of reason to try and solve the Cincy defense that gave teams such fits last season.
2. Texas Tech vs Houston (Houston, TX) (Saturday 9/4)
That’s right, Houston was able to call on to upgrade this game to NRG Stadium. The Cougars and Red Raiders are throwing a Southwest Conference reunion party and everybody’s invited. Both Texas Tech and Houston have been struggling lately and this game definitely has high stakes for both programs.
1. Boise State at UCF (Saturday 9/4)
Two of the G5′s biggest brands face off as Boise State travels to the Bounce House to take on UCF. The stakes are obvious: the winner here will be the G5′s #2 option after Cincinnati moving forward through the season.
FCS Games of the Week
5. #14 Central Arkansas at Arkansas State (Saturday 9/4)
More likely to happen than you might imagine. Arkansas State moved on from coach Blake Anderson at the end of 2020 and Butch Jones (yeah) needs time to get things set. Central Arkansas has an opportunity to knock off their big brother in Jonesboro.
4. #9 Montana at #20 Washington (Saturday 9/4)
It’s the revival of an ancient PCC series dating back to the 1950′s. Montana will certainly be an underdog against a Washington squad that technically did win the PAC-12 North last year.
3. #21 Northern Iowa at #7 Iowa State (Saturday 9/4)
Iowa State has moved mountains to become this good, but the Cyclones aren’t impervious to upsets as last year showed us. Northern Iowa has their own chance to knock off big brother.
2. #6 Weber State at #24 Utah (Thursday 9/2)
This one should be tough no matter how good Weber State is. The Utes’ physical game will be tough for the Wildcats to overcome, but they’ll take their shot at glory no matter what.
1. #10 Jacksonville State vs UAB (Montgomery, AL) (Wednesday 9/1)
Now this is cool, an FBS-FCS game played at a neutral site. I love to see matchups like this. UAB is one of the best G5 programs of the last 5 years while Jacksonville State is one of the most consistent FCS squads in the deep South.
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nsfwflint · 4 years
NSFW Tag Game: Roleplay
Created by @nsfwzy! Tagged by @ggidolsmuts and forgot to do it when I got home from work the other night. Oops. Practically all of these are going to sound like porno plots but it is what it is. Also this got HELLA fucking long so I’m adding a read more line after number ten because I don’t want to clog up everybody’s dash. But there’s still some good stuff after it (in my opinion) so be sure to click it.
Teacher / Student OR Student’s Parent - Twice Jihyo. One day Jihyo talks to you after class. She realizes that you’ve been making mistakes lately as her TA. You confess that you’ve been distracted by her amazing body. As she starts sucking you off, the next class is about to start. She ends up leaving you to teach as she titfucks you under the desk. (Cheating slightly by changing it to TA instead of student because this was an actual idea I had for Jihyo at one point. Wasn’t happy with the way I was writing it at the time so I scrapped it to try again later.)
Nurse OR Doctor / Patient - Gugudan Mina. One day you decide to take Viagra just to see what it’s like. Once your erection lasts more than four hours, you visit the doctor responsibly as you’re supposed to do. After a preliminary examination and seeing your throbbing cock, she decides to move you to a private room so she can relieve you the old fashioned way.
Boss / Secretary - Laboum Haein. Haein is a high powered CEO with a lot of stress. Thankfully, she has you as a loyal secretary. Always eager to help relieve her stress, you stiffen whenever she calls you in her office. (No this is not a spoiler for Office Politics. I haven’t decided who the CEO is yet.)
Officer / Criminal - Uni.T Suji. One day you get pulled over for speeding. Having always liked women in uniform, you feel yourself start to harden as you see Officer Suji step out of the cruiser and walk towards your car. Knowing what another ticket will do to your insurance rates, you plead with her to let you off with a warning. After she catches a glimpse of the erection bulging in your pants, she tells you that there is one way she can get you off (Barney Stinson wink)
Fictional Characters - SNSD Yuri. Not gonna lie, sat here staring at this for like seven minutes. I’ve got nothing for this one sorry.
Personal Trainer - IU. IU’s cute and charming personality quickly falls away during her spartan training. Still, as brutal as the sessions are, you’re determined to stick them out. If only to check out her tight sweaty body every session. When you finally finish your final session, you’re a little sad that you won’t be able to check out her body anymore. Thankfully she decides to reward you with the hottest workout you’ve ever done and lets you finish inside.
Strangers In A Bar - Rockit Girl Leeseul. One night out on the town, you see Leeseul across the bar. Immediately blown away by how hot she is with her low cut shirt highlighting her cleavage, you decide she’s out of your league and go about your night. A few hours later she walks up to you out of nowhere. “Why didn’t you come talk to me?” After admitting you thought she was too hot for you, she pulls you into the bathroom for a magnificent titjob. As she mercilessly rides you, you practically devour her tits. After you cum inside her, she hovers over the toilet as all your cum drips out of her and into the bowl.
Librarian / Patron - Berry Good Johyun. One of you favorite fantasies, you couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw the hot new librarian at the campus library. Seemingly stressed from her first day, you see her walk into an isolated section looking upset. Worried, you follow her to ask if she’s okay, only to see her masturbating furiously. Noticing your giant erection, she quickly pulls you into a lustful kiss and a frantic fuck session. It soon turns into a desperate race to finish before you get thrown out, because there’s no way either of you are able to stay quiet as you ravage her pussy.
Celebrity / Fan - Laboum Solbin. Solbin is always happy to meet and greet with fans. After you ran into her in the street by chance you nervously told her that you were a big fan. not knowing if she’d remember you from fan meetings. Happy to be recognized and remembering you from past fan meeetings, she pulls you into a nearby alley and thanks you for all your support by letting you pound her wet cunt. Mercilessly pounding her against the wall, you empty your balls inside her. Giving you a grateful kiss, Solbin giggles as she gives you her number for some more private fan meetings in the future.
Spy / Interrogator - Dreamcatcher Handong. You find yourself in an unforeseen predicament after being captured by enemy forces. You manage to withstand all their torture when you hear them whispering about bringing in their ace interrogator. When Handong walks into the room, you’re blown away by how jaw-droppingly gorgeous she is. Bewitched by her beauty, you struggle to resist her fatal charms. She admits that her role is to be the carrot as opposed to the stick from earlier. Finally you succumb to her temptations and spill everything you know. As a reward, she lets you absolutely ravage her cunt. Right as your about to cum, she pushes you off of her. Your cum flies everywhere with most of it landing on her pretty face. That’s when you realize the worst torture of the night was not being able to cum inside her.
Jock OR Cheerleader / Bookworm - Lovelyz Yein. Even though you spent most of the time with your face in a book, you couldn’t help but stare whenever you saw Yein. One day she pulls you aside into an empty classroom after school and she ends up shoving your face into something else. After she cums from you eating her out, Yein rides you on the floor. At some point a switch flips in you and you start railing on her from behind over a desk. The thrill of possibly getting caught excites you in a way you never thought of. You soon realize that it’s only a thrill if you don’t get caught as a teacher walks in right as you blow your load inside of Yein. The school hasn’t decided if it will stay as suspension or if it will change into an expulsion, but either way seeing the confident Yein begging for your cock was worth it.
Tutor / Tutee - Soyou. You were thrilled when you found out that upperclassman Soyou was your tutor. How could you not be? While it was great for your fantasies at night, it turned out to be horrible for your studies. All you could ever focus on during your sessions was her fantastic body. Finally one day she gets sick of it and offers you a deal. If you ace the next test, she’ll let you fuck her. You study harder than you think anyone ever has and your efforts come to fruition when you crush the test. A little while later after you show Soyou the results, your study efforts aren’t the only thing coming to fruition as you fuck her brains out over you bedroom desk.
Vampire OR Werewolf / Human - Dreamcatcher Jiu. You were shocked to find out that the members of Dreamcatcher weren’t just following a concept. Even more shocker to find out that JIu was a weird type of vampire. While you initially started dating to be a convenient blood bank for her, the two of you quickly discovered that your semen worked even better than blood. Soon after, you dumping your cum into her depths became a nightly ritual. .
Other Monster (Choosing Succubus here.) / Human - CLC Seungyeon. Finding yourself at Seungyeon’s house was a surprise. While you definitely knew who she was from checking her out all day at work, you were shocked that she knew who you were. The first time you came was when she rode you so hard the chair broke. That’s when you felt a different kind of exhaustion creep over you. But you didn’t care at first. The second time you came, sucking on her tits as you pounded her pussy, that’s when you realized what was happening. Seungyeon was a succubus and was draining your life force. But as the two of you continue ravaging each other, you decide that you don’t care at all. If it’s the last thing you’ll do on Earth, you have absolutely no problem emptying your soul into the depths of her tight cunt.
Imaginary Audience - AOA Seolhyun. I don’t even know what this is supposed to mean so I’ve got nothing. Sorry.
Master OR Mistress / Maid OR Butler - Ailee. One thing Ailee always liked about having you as her butler was your unwavering loyalty. As long as you were around, she never had to worry about anything. You took it upon yourself to take care of all her affairs. All of them. Using you as her own personal sex machine was never a problem for either of you. While the bond you shared was unique, you know full well that it will never evolve into anything more than this. 
Escort / Client - EXID Hani. It was your first time with anyone, let alone a prostitute. You were so nervous that you paced back and forth in the hotel room before she finally knocked on the door. Opening the door, you’re shocked at the woman in front of you. Hani was beautiful for sure, but she also had a comforting feeling to her. Something that made you feel that she had no problem being an escort by night and your average goofball by day. While you were nervous about initiating, you soon lost all of those emotions when the two of you started making out. You lose yourself in the lust you have as you indulge in her body. As much as you hated it, just when you’re about to cum, you pull out and blow your load over her tight tummy. After all that was one of the rules, no cumming inside. As you slowly recover from the most intense orgasm you’ve had in your life so far, you ask her if she ever takes regular clients. She says she does and you eagerly arrange a standing appointment for every week. After the two of you shower up and get dressed again, you say goodbye at the door. She gives you a soft kiss before giggling and telling you maybe she’ll let you cum inside next time. Watching her walk off, you know that she’s just saying that to drum up more business. Unfortunately, your hopes weren’t the only thing she was getting up as you chase her down to see if you could make your session a little longer.
Photographer / Model - Stay tuned and find out.
Master / Slave - Skipped
Resident / Delivery Driver OR Repairer - Apink Naeun. Being a delivery driver was definitely an experience. You encountered all sorts of customers. Good, bad, crazy. But your favorite was definitely Naeun. She opened the door wearing a loose robe. When she went to pay, she dropped some coins. As she leaned down to pick them up, her robe reveals everything and you can’t help but stair at her incredibly tight body. Soon she realizes that she doesn’t have enough money to pay you. Thankful for the show, you tell her not to worry about. But she insists she does something for payment and drops her robe. You drop the food and rush towards her and kiss her. Between kisses, countless giggles escape her lips which relieves you because it tells you that she’s okay with it. Collapsing together on the couch, during your initial penetration you realize that her body isn’t just tight on the outside. After spending what feels like hours pounding her tight pussy, you finally blast your load inside. As you get ready to leave, you see the food you were supposed to deliver spilled all over the floor. You quickly turn to her and assure her that you’ll bring a replacement meal. Naeun smiles and tells you that it’s okay beause she’s already full
Tagging @sinsatmidnight and @lockefanfic if they want to give it a try.
Rules: Go to random.org. Click on Lists & More and click on List Randomized. There, enter at least 15 of your biases/idols you find attractive. Select at least 8 of the below options that you like. Randomise on the website to find who you remember doing these sexual roleplays/costume-plays with.
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the-wild-queen · 4 years
Part I Chapter I
"Kaylah. You lost us this game."
"You think that was my intention?"
"I thought Hoosiers were supposed to be good at basketball."
"Hey, this is the only game we've lost this season. I don't know why you're yelling at me. If this was Assembly Hall, it'd be different."
"I don't think it'll be our only loss."
"Look. How was I to know I would get pushed to the ground? You know what? I'll leave y'alls to get over it yourselves. This definitely ain't Indiana. Only Hoosiers can go undefeated in basketball."
Since her and her dad's move from Connersville, Indiana, to Minneapolis, Minnesota, the only thing that helped Kaylah fit in was her power with a basketball and baseball.
"Hey, Hans."
"Kaylah. You don't look good."
"We lost the game tonight. I got pushed to the floor and lost the ball and the whole team is mad at me. Have you seen Dad?"
"He's in the store rebuilding a shelf for me."
"Well. It was just an extra point. I don't think he'll be mad at me for that. Besides. Bob Knight isn't my coach and this ain't the 75-76 Hoosiers. It's okay if we don't go undefeated. But I'm seriously thinking of quitting the team."
"Are you interested in another sport?"
"No. Not really."
"How about you learn how to skate?"
"I'm not doing figure skating."
"Not figure skating. Just learn how to skate. And when you've learned, I'll give you some hockey equipment."
"Yes. You should learn hockey."
"I mean Indiana does have a minor league team called Indy Fuel. And IU has a hockey team. Okay, Hans. You got me. I'll learn. I just hope dad will be okay with me quitting basketball. I'd do better if I was playing for the Connersville Spartans."
"Well. Go in there and tell him."
"Okay. Dad!"
"Hey, Kaylah. How'd the game go?"
"We actually lost this one tonight. I got pushed to the ground and lost the ball. But it was only one point. But, because of the team's reactions towards me, I'm thinking of quitting basketball."
"And what do you want to do in place of it?"
"Hans has convinced me to learn how to skate. I thought he meant for figure skating, but no, he means hockey."
"Yeah. Our cousin Kyle plays for Indy Fuel. Maybe I can learn something from him."
"That's minor league."
"So? It's still hockey. Indy Indians is minor league baseball, but it's still baseball."
"Alright, then. Learn how to skate. And we'll see about hockey."
"Hans. I need a pair of size five skates."
"Here you go. They're on the house. But first, start with roller skating, and then work your way to the ice."
So Kaylah learned to roller skate, then she worked her way to the ice. She would skate around on the pond the district five team would practice on, and often just sit and watch from the sidelines.
Then one day, she got up the notion to ask if they would teach her hockey.
"Hey. I know you don't I?"
"I've seen you at school."
"I'm Charlie Conway. And you are?"
"Kaylah Bedwell. I've got a favour to ask. I recently just quit the district five basketball team, and a friend of mine encouraged me to get into hockey. Would you be willing to teach me the game?"
"Sure. But I don't know if we can be of much help. We suck."
"That's fine. No one said I had to learn from professionals."
"Well, we are definitely not professional."
"That's okay. I know someone who is, but he's back home in Indiana. Ever heard of Indy Fuel?"
"Isn't that a minor league hockey team?"
"Yeah. Their star player is my cousin. Kyle Fischer?"
"Kyle Fischer is your cousin?"
"Yes, sir. But anyways. I wanna learn the game. You got an open spot on the ice for me to learn?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Charlie! Get over here! It's your turn!"
"I'm coming! Let me introduce you to the team. This is Jesse and Terry Hall, Guy Germaine, Connie Moreau, Peter Mark, Dave Karp, Les Averman, and Greg Goldberg, our goalie. Guys, this is, what was your name again?"
"Kaylah Bedwell."
"Yeah. And she wants to learn hockey."
"Have you ever played before?"
"No. All I played was baseball and basketball. And a few other sports. But I got a good swinging and shooting arm."
"Okay. Whatever works. Well first, let's see you shoot the puck."
"Don't let this hit me!"
"Goldberg, just let her shoot the puck. Go ahead, Kaylah."
"Thanks, Charlie. And here I go."
And she hit that puck to where it knocked Goldberg down and turned over the goal.
"Woah. That's a good arm."
"I have never seen a girl make a shot like that!"
"You alright, Kaylah?"
"Yeah I'm just not used to Minnesota winters. I'm used to Indiana. And I miss it."
"Do you maybe want to play for our team?"
"I'll check with my dad. Everything goes to him first."
"What about your mom?"
"She's outta the picture. If he says yes, I'll join. You can count on that."
"Great. It'll be awesome to have you here."
Days and weeks passed, and the District Five team was still without a coach, since their old one had a heart attack. Kaylah still hadn't joined the team yet. She wasn't ready. She just needed someone to push her into joining the team.
The team was short. So all the kids were hoping Kaylah would join the team. They could use her slapshot.
"Hey, kids."
"Hey, Kaylah."
"Mind if I play a game with y'alls?"
"Go right ahead."
"Who's the guy in the suit?"
"That is our new coach. Gordon Bombay."
"Well, speaking of new, y'all just got a new addition to the team."
"Me. My dad said I can join."
"Coach Bombay! This is Kaylah Bedwell. She just joined the team."
"Your name's not on the roster."
"It will be. Hopefully number nineteen."
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freenewstoday · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/03/02/bubble-watch-2021-indiana-slumping-in-bid-to-make-the-cut/
Bubble Watch 2021: Indiana slumping in bid to make the cut
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3:01 AM ET
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John GasawayESPN Insider
ESPN Insider college basketball contributor
First began covering college hoops in 2004
Has written for Basketball Prospectus and the Wall Street Journal
Indiana won the second of its five national championship banners in 1953, when coach Branch McCracken guided a team headed by Don Schlundt to a one-point victory over Kansas in the title game. By the time Bob Knight won a fifth banner for the Hoosiers in 1987, the days of McCracken and Schlundt, 34 years earlier, seemed part of a distant past.
It has now been 34 years since that last national title for IU, 19 since the program’s last Final Four and five since the team’s last appearance in the NCAA tournament. The first number represents Indiana’s longest dry spell in the NCAA tournament era, while the other two figures signify the longest droughts in their respective categories for the Hoosiers since the bracket expanded to 64 teams in 1985.
2 Related
Quite possibly Indiana would have heard its name called last year had there been a Selection Sunday. What we do know is that the Hoosiers’ 2021 tournament picture has grown significantly more uncertain after two losses to Michigan State and one each to Rutgers and Michigan, all recorded over the past two weeks. IU is 7-11 in the Big Ten and will play its regular-season finale on the road at Purdue.
Indiana hired Archie Miller in 2017 in part due to the excellence his Dayton teams had displayed on defense. Yet defense has been the Hoosiers’ weak point this season, at least in Big Ten play. IU entered its second game against the Spartans ranked No. 12 in the 14-team league for defensive efficiency in conference play. To be sure, part of that has been simple bad luck. Big Ten opponents have, relatively speaking, been on fire from the perimeter when they play Indiana.
Trayce Jackson-Davis is one of the best players in the nation’s strongest conference, but, as chance would have it, the Big Ten is brimming with identities that double as ways to win. Iowa outscores you. Illinois beats you with Ayo Dosunmu‘s heroics when he’s available and with defense when he’s not.
Conversely, Indiana’s identity the past few years has been that of a team that regularly lives life dangerously on the bubble. In 2021, it’s happening again.
Here’s our current projection of the bubble:
Bids from traditional one-bid leagues (minus the Ivy): 20 teams Locks: 26 teams The bubble: 31 teams for 22 available spots Should be in: 9 teams Work to do: 22 teams
ACC | Big 12 | Big East | Big Ten | Pac-12 | SEC | American | Others
Locks: Virginia, Florida State, Clemson
Should be in
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Virginia Tech Hokies
The day before a scheduled home game against Louisville, Virginia Tech announced that the contest was canceled due to a COVID-19 “contract-tracing review” in the Hokies’ program. The news landed at a time when Mike Young’s team was coming off a dominant 38-point win over Wake Forest. Virginia Tech is projected as a No. 8 seed and scheduled to finish the regular season with a road date at NC State. Bubble Watch HQ sends best wishes to the Hokies for good health and a return to action sooner rather than later.
Work to do
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Louisville Cardinals
On consecutive Saturdays, Louisville played road games at North Carolina and Duke. In the game against the Tar Heels, Chris Mack’s team was playing its first competitive basketball in 19 days due to a COVID-19 pause. It showed. The Cardinals lost by 45 to UNC, and missing the NCAA tournament entirely suddenly seemed a tangible, if remote, possibility. But then, in the second leg of its Tobacco Road visit, Louisville prevailed over Duke 80-73 in overtime. That gives the Cards a season sweep over the Blue Devils and halts a slide in the projected bracket that landed this team on the No. 10 line. Louisville will close the season at home against Virginia.
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North Carolina Tar Heels
Who knew the win at home over Florida State would be even larger for North Carolina than it appeared in real time? Flip that single outcome from a win to a loss and you’re looking at a UNC team that now would be sitting on a three-game losing streak. Instead, Roy Williams’ team is merely coming off a hard-fought 72-70 defeat at Syracuse. The Tar Heels were shown as a No. 10 seed in mock brackets before the trip to upstate New York, so, to be sure, things could become uncomfortable for UNC in the event of a loss in its upcoming home game to a certain storied rival. Has Duke-North Carolina ever been a bubble showdown? It is now.
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Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
If big guys can be Kemba Walker figures too, Moses Wright is a Kemba Walker figure. Over the past five games, Wright has put this Georgia Tech team on his back and said, in effect, they’re going to the tournament. His 29-14 double-double in the Yellow Jackets’ 81-77 overtime win over Duke at home pushed his team across the finish line at the most critical moment of the season. Josh Pastner’s group is seen as a likely No. 12 seed and will now finish the season with a road game at Wake Forest. A win there and one more at the ACC tournament just might close this deal. It has been quite a run for a team that wasn’t even showing up under “next four out” a mere two weeks ago. Wright has been sensational.
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Duke Blue Devils
Mike Krzyzewski’s team is ending its regular season with back-to-back Quad 1 win opportunities, and the Blue Devils have already swung and missed, barely, on the first one. Duke took Georgia Tech to overtime in Atlanta before falling short, and now more or less everything rides on their its at North Carolina. Could the Blue Devils conceivably earn an at-large after a loss in Chapel Hill by going all the way to the ACC tournament title game? Anything is possible, but one thing to price in there is that the ACC is not offering its usual menu of “big” neutral-floor wins. It’s not clear that beating Florida State or Virginia in Greensboro would, by itself, get the job done. Better to pair a win like that with one over the Tar Heels at the Dean Dome.
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Syracuse Orange
We here at Bubble Watch HQ are going to go out on a limb and offer a view that there really does seem to be something about Syracuse and the bubble. As in, you can’t keep the Orange away from the bubble for long — either on the high side or the low. That’s striking, really, because as a percentage of Division I teams or even as a share of major conference teams, the bubble is really small. Yet here is Jim Boeheim again. Welcome, sir! Syracuse is still seeking its first Quad 1 win (the home victory over North Carolina was Quad 2), and the season finale at home against Clemson might or might not qualify. That will depend on whether the Tigers are above or below No. 30 in the NET. It is perhaps rather an odd way to approach this question of whether Syracuse should be in the NCAA tournament, but here we are. Watch that Clemson ranking.
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Big 12
Locks: Baylor, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Texas, Kansas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma State
Oklahoma State is shown here as a “lock” to make the tournament. OSU is appealing an NCAA ruling that would prohibit the men’s basketball team from postseason play. As long as that appeal is still under consideration by the NCAA, this season’s team would be allowed to participate in the tournament.
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Big East
Locks: Villanova, Creighton
Work to do
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Connecticut Huskies
The Big East has struggled to produce solid at-large profiles outside of those belonging to Villanova and Creighton this season. Xavier, Seton Hall and St. John’s all took turns as teams blessed by momentum, only to fall into greater or lesser degrees of bracket peril. But Connecticut might at last be joining the Wildcats and Bluejays as the third program that can begin to make some tentative travel arrangements for the middle of March. The Huskies are carrying a projected No. 11 seed, a number that has improved as James Bouknight has returned to action and as UConn has won four of its past five. The Huskies really love to crash the offensive glass.
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Xavier Musketeers
If there’s one team that is really puzzling the committee right now, it might be Xavier. Wins over Oklahoma and Creighton are highly impressive. Yet the victory over the Bluejays came in the midst of a stretch in which the Musketeers have now lost four of their past six. Xavier’s NET ranking topped out in the high 40s even after taking down Creighton, but it will now slide back into the worrisome 50s. Travis Steele’s team was envisioned as a No. 11 seed prior to the loss at Georgetown. Now the Musketeers are hanging by a thread, and the season finale at Marquette takes on added importance.
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Seton Hall Pirates
The No. 10 seed Seton Hall carried in bracket projections just two games ago is long gone. The Pirates have dropped road games at Georgetown and Butler, and, at a minimum, Seton Hall is headed for an introduction to the No. 12 line. (Make that a reintroduction. It’s where this team was at the beginning of February.) If up-and-coming teams elsewhere on the bubble keep winning, Seton Hall could be bumped out of the projected field entirely. Kevin Willard’s group has two more regular-season chances to impress the committee. Games remain against UConn in Newark and St. John’s in Queens.
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Big Ten
Locks: Michigan, Ohio State, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Purdue
Should be in
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Maryland Terrapins
With the notable exception of Arkansas, no team in the projected field had a more transformational February than Maryland. In the middle of that month, the Terrapins were cooling their heels in the “first four out” waiting room. Now, after an 18-point win at home over Michigan State, Mark Turgeon’s team is projected as a No. 9 seed and has been granted “should be in” privileges here at Bubble Watch. Maryland’s defense in particular has been outstanding during this five-game win streak, holding opponents to just 0.90 points per possession. Partly that’s the result of two home games against Nebraska, but this D was undeniably impressive against Rutgers and the Spartans as well. The Terps have put the pieces together.
Work to do
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Rutgers Scarlet Knights
You don’t often see a team being dismantled by Nebraska in 2020-21, but that’s what took place when Rutgers played a road date against the Cornhuskers. The 72-51 loss means the Scarlet Knights can say goodbye to the No. 8 seed they were carrying in bracket projections prior to the shellacking in Lincoln. Rutgers is now 9-10 in the Big Ten, and falling to Nebraska increases the likelihood that the Knights, with a game still to play at Minnesota, will finish the conference season at 9-11. That need not be a deal-breaker in terms of selection (see Oklahoma, Minnesota and Ohio State in 2019), but at a minimum, the Knights have made this a more interesting situation.
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Michigan State Spartans
Winning at home against Indiana (a Quad 2 victory, for those keeping track) holds the Spartans in position as either a “last four in” or “first four out” kind of tournament hopeful. You can find plenty of mock brackets that include Michigan State’s name, but this feels like a situation in which one or even two more wins would be highly advisable for MSU. Tom Izzo’s team is about to play its two-game set against Michigan, and, obviously, one win against the Wolverines would be a great leap forward in the bracket at a crucial moment. There is also the question of what the committee will do with Michigan State’s outlier of a NET ranking. Teams in the high 70s in the NCAA’s metric are usually few and far between in the at-large conversation.
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Indiana Hoosiers
The Hoosiers have lost four straight, and this stretch has transformed Indiana’s season. Four games ago, IU was 7-7 in the Big Ten and shown in mock brackets as a No 10 seed. Now, Indiana is “first four out” material trending downward to “next four out.” The final game of the season for the Hoosiers will be at Purdue, and a win there is essential for IU to revive or even begin to revive any realistic hope of a bid. Archie Miller is winless against the Boilermakers as Indiana coach, and, from the Hoosiers’ perspective, it has never been more important for that streak to end.
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Locks: USC
Should be in
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Colorado Buffaloes
Gaze upon the Buffaloes for one last admiring time, for it’s exceedingly likely that the Buffaloes are about to become a lock. Tad Boyle’s team cooled off UCLA’s win streak with a 70-61 victory in Boulder. A projected No. 7 seed, Colorado now stands at 19-7 with wins over the Bruins and Oregon as well as season sweeps of both USC and Stanford. In the victory over the Bruins, McKinley Wright IV did McKinley Wright IV things. The senior scored 26 points on 16 shots while dishing six assists as CU put the finishing touches on an impressive two-game display of offense at home against UCLA and the Trojans.
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UCLA Bruins
Mick Cronin’s team was poised to both boost its projected seed and wrest control of the Pac-12 title race until a nine-point defeat at Colorado brought a four-game winning streak to an end. The conference title will now hinge in part on the upcoming game between the Bruins and Oregon in Eugene, as the two teams are tied in the loss column for the league lead. If UCLA can record victories over the Ducks on the road and USC at Pauley Pavilion, the team can still climb higher in mock brackets than the No. 9 line that it now inhabits.
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Oregon Ducks
The Ducks have won eight of their past nine, a late push that has lifted them from a projected No. 10 seed in early February all the way to … the No. 9 line? That seems overdue for a revision upward. Justice from the mock brackets is sure (in the sense that they’ve imitated the NCAA’s committee quite well in the past), but it is also slow. Oregon closes its season with a home game against UCLA and a road date versus Oregon State, and Chris Duarte heads the scouting report for both opponents in boldface type. The senior has scored 41 points in the Ducks’ past three wins.
Work to do
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Stanford Cardinal
For the second game in a row, Stanford played without Oscar da Silva. For the second game in a row, the Cardinal lost. Jerod Haase’s team dropped back-to-back home games against Oregon and Oregon State after da Silva suffered a “lower extremity” injury in practice. Stanford is now 10-9 in the Pac-12, and the team began the game against the Beavers shown in mock brackets as one of the first four teams out. This profile still has its crown jewel, a neutral-floor victory over Alabama, but now the Cardinal will in all probability have to win at USC in order to stay in this conversation.
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Locks: Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee
Should be in
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Missouri Tigers
Cuonzo Martin’s team hasn’t played a game since its loss at home to Ole Miss back on Feb. 23. This period of inactivity stems from a previously scheduled game against Texas A&M being removed from the Tigers’ slate, and the quiet time has additionally prevented Mizzou from becoming a lock here at Bubble Watch. To recap: Missouri has games remaining at Florida and at home against LSU. The Tigers are projected as a No. 7 seed on the strength of wins over Illinois, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee and Oregon. It’s an outstanding trophy wall; however, Missouri has now dropped four of its past five.
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Florida Gators
Tre Mann appears to be peaking at a good time for Florida. In road wins at Auburn and Kentucky, the sophomore scored 40 points on 25 shots to go along with 21 rebounds. The Gators’ memories of coming back from a COVID-19 pause and losing by 11 at Arkansas have now been superseded by three wins in a row. Mike White’s team has spent all of February alternating between the Nos. 7 and 8 lines in mock brackets, and they will open March with a home game against Missouri and a road date at Tennessee.
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LSU Tigers
The probability that LSU will face a top seed in the round of 32 (if the Tigers proceed that far) can now be termed high. Will Wade’s team has settled in comfortably as a No. 8 or No. 9 seed in mock brackets, and absent an SEC tournament win over Alabama or Arkansas, it’s probable LSU will stay right in that seeding neighborhood. Looking ahead, any No. 1 seed with an assistant coach who meets standards of due diligence in scouting is likely to be given pause by LSU. This has been the best offense in SEC play, one that makes its 2s and is incredibly careful with the ball despite playing at an accelerated pace.
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Locks: Houston
Work to do
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Wichita State Shockers
With 40 minutes of basketball, the Shockers launched themselves from perhaps the third or fourth team under “Next four out” to quite possibly the middle of the action in “First four out.” A five-point win at home over a projected No. 2 seed like Houston will have that kind of impact. To be sure, Wichita State will have to work to keep its spot on the bubble. Two games remain to be played against SMU, and Isaac Brown’s team will finish the season with road games at Tulane and Temple. But, at 13-4 and with a win over the Cougars to their credit, the Shockers are now close enough to a bid to taste it. Well done, Coach Brown.
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SMU Mustangs
Maybe someday in the far off future the committee will be replaced entirely by a metric that measures how difficult it would be to duplicate any team’s wins and losses given the opponents and venues where that record was compiled. When that happens and “strength of record” (SOR), “wins above bubble” (WAB) or something similar is in the driver’s seat, it will be good news for SMU. In a SOR world, the 11-4 Mustangs would be a No. 10 seed. In the real world, however, Tim Jankovich’s men rank in the high 50s on the NET and inhabit the far outer fringes of the bubble. Keep winning, SMU.
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Memphis Tigers
Careful observers of mock brackets have watched with mounting interest these past few weeks as Memphis has climbed steadily closer to the cut line. The Tigers aren’t in the field yet, but they’re close enough to the last at-large bid to merit consideration here at Bubble Watch. With a NET ranking right around No. 60, Penny Hardaway’s team has one beautiful opportunity remaining at Houston. Needless to say, a road win against the Cougars is the richest prize, by far, the American has to offer. Capturing that prize could well lift Memphis up into the “last four in” or “first four out” territories.
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Locks: Gonzaga, BYU, Loyola Chicago
Should be in
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San Diego State Aztecs
With one regular-season game still to play at UNLV, the Aztecs are about to start their fourth rock-steady week as a projected No. 9 seed. In cases of such consistency across time, perhaps we should listen to the forecasters. SDSU’s profile shows wins over UCLA and Colorado State and two victories against Boise State. Brian Dutcher’s men have forced a high number of turnovers all season long. In two games against this defense, the Broncos gave the ball away no fewer than 31 times in 147 possessions.
Work to do
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VCU Rams
Losing on the road to Davidson by eight shouldn’t expose VCU to undue peril. The Rams entered the contest projected as a No. 10 seed, and the Wildcats were ranked No. 80 in the NET. This is a Quad 2 defeat for Mike Rhoades’ group, but it’s conceivable it could shift into Quad 1 territory with a slight uptick in Davidson’s ranking. Throw in the fact that VCU played without leading scorer Bones Hyland, and the likelihood is that the team will drop slightly and not significantly in the mock brackets. Now, the Rams must hope Hyland recovers from his foot injury in time for the Atlantic 10 tournament.
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St. Bonaventure Bonnies
Before losing at home to Dayton by three points, St. Bonaventure had risen to the top 30 in the NET rankings and was being shown in mock brackets as a No. 10 seed. The defeat inflicted by the Flyers qualifies as a Quad 3 loss, the first of the season for the Bonnies. Dayton is better than its NET ranking at game time (No. 89) suggested, but, yes, this is the part where Bubble Watch states the obvious for the Bonnies. Recording what was, strictly speaking, a new low in team performance on the first day of March is bad timing. St. Bonaventure has enough cushion to avoid falling out of the projected field, but the importance of avoiding an early exit at the Atlantic 10 tournament has increased significantly.
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Drake Bulldogs
Playing without both ShanQuan Hemphill and Roman Penn, the Bulldogs lost 67-61 at Bradley in the season finale. Penn is out for the year, Darian DeVries hopes Hemphill can return in time for the Missouri Valley Conference tournament and Drake’s NCAA tournament hopes are now a bit more tenuous. The loss to the Braves was a Quad 3 defeat, the second of the season for a Bulldogs team that nevertheless compiled a 24-3 record. Drake’s NET ranking was eminently bid-worthy (in the mid-30s) prior to the loss in Peoria, but an early exit by a shorthanded team at the MVC tourney would likely send the team’s projected No. 11 downward (if the loss to Bradley hasn’t already). The best news for the Bulldogs would be Hemphill returning soon and at full speed.
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Colorado State Rams
Few teams nationally can match the Rams’ body of work when it comes to consistent and sustained bracket peril. Day in, day out, no matter the spectacular rises or dramatic falls charted by other teams, Niko Medved’s group clocks in as a No. 12 seed in the mock brackets. In the past few weeks, fellow members of the No. 12 club have included upwardly mobile Maryland on the one hand and long-gone Minnesota on the other. But CSU is still here, clinging to one of the last spots in the projected bracket. The Rams are 1-1 on the season against each of the Mountain West’s other three tournament hopefuls: San Diego State, Boise State and Utah State.
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Utah State Aggies
Welcome back, Aggies. Bubble Watch has missed you. After Craig Smith’s men lost two games at Boise State by a total of 13 points, the bubble outlook looked grim indeed. Then a funny thing happened. Projected Nos. 11 and 12 seeds started falling out of the bracket, while a few “first four out” and “next four out” programs also encountered difficulties in winning games. Meanwhile, USU was quietly taking care of business in a two-game set at home against Nevada. This combination of faltering competitors and steady performance on Utah State’s part has lifted the Aggies back into the picture. The 50-something NET ranking still looks adequate and the “sweep” of San Diego State (both games were played in Logan, Utah) is still impressive. USU has a chance. Again.
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Boise State Broncos
The “Quad 4 loss on the second day of March” thing is not a good look. Boise State was being projected as a No. 11 seed before losing at home by three points to Fresno State. Now BSU’s tournament fate is very much open to question. Prior to the loss, the Broncos seemed as “safe” as a team on the No. 11 line can be, meaning Boise State had appeared in the consensus projected field every day over the course of the past month. That streak in the “fake” bracket will likely end, and the previously top-35 NET ranking will take a hit. BSU is very much in need of a strong showing at the Mountain West tournament.
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Saint Louis Billikens
The Billikens have concluded their abbreviated regular season at 13-5, with a NET ranking in the top 50 and profile-enhancing wins over LSU and St. Bonaventure. That body of work is good enough to put SLU right outside the projected field. This also is more or less the same bracket location that Travis Ford’s men have inhabited for the better part of the past month. The consistent, consensus view over that time has been that Saint Louis still needs to play its way into the field. The best way to do that at the Atlantic 10 tournament will be to beat the highest NET-ranked opponent possible, namely St. Bonaventure — the Billikens’ potential foe in the semifinals.
0 notes
2021 Big Ten Coaching Power Rankings
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Hello everybody, welcome back to the Coaching Power Rankings. I’m rating coaches against their peers conference by conference. Remember, with power rankings I weigh both recent and overall career success. Let’s see where each man stands.
Check out last year’s rankings here.
The Big Ten had a strange season in 2020. Regular powers Michigan and Penn State both had crippling losing season while Wisconsin took a step back. This vacuum allowed Indiana and Northwestern to flourish. Ohio State still won the league, of course. The Buckeyes don’t seem to be going anywhere and should be expected to run the conference for the foreseeable future.
The only coach that was fired was Lovie Smith at Illinois. I’m not sure if that was the right call, especially since the Illini finally made a bowl in 2019.
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14. Mel Tucker
Record at Michigan State: 2-5 Overall Record: 7-12
Movement: Same
It was year 1 for Mel Tucker in East Lansing so I’m not too concerned about the 2-5 record. The Spartans managed to beat Michigan so I think you can still call it a successful season.
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13. Mike Locksley
Record at Maryland: 6-17 Overall Record: 8-43
Movement: Same
Maryland showed some signs of life in 2020, especially with their road win over rival Penn State. If Locksley can translate that improvement into more wins he’ll start moving up the list.
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12. Bret Bielema
Overall Record: 97-58
Movement: N/A
Welcome back to the Big Ten, Bret Bielema! Bielema was of course the coach at Wisconsin from 2006 to 2012 and he led the Badgers to three consecutive Rose Bowls. I have my doubts that he can replicate that kind of success at Illinois, but here’s to hoping.
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11. Greg Schiano
Record at Rutgers: 71-73
Movement: Down 1 spot
It took Greg Schiano 5 years to get to a winning record at Rutgers the first time he was a had coach there, so we need to give him some time to turn things around in Piscataway.
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10. Tom Allen
Record at Indiana: 24-22
Movement: Up 1 spot
Indiana had a hell of a year under Tom Allen. The Hoosiers went 6-2, finishing 2nd place in the Big Ten West. It was their best season in decades and if a full 12 game schedule had been played there’s a decent chance that IU would have gotten to 10+ wins. I hope Allen can keep things running smoothly at Indiana, it’s always great to see long downtrodden programs rise up to compete with the big boys.
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9. Scott Frost
Record at Nebraska: 12-20 Overall Record: 31-27
Movement: Same
Is Scott Frost the guy who can turn around Nebraska? I don’t know, he’s starting his 4th year and is still attempting to make his first bowl as Cornhusker head coach. I know the program has taken a nosedive and realistically will never be on Ohio State’s level anymore, but in the Big Ten West you should be able to find 6 wins in a season. Any day now.
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8. Jeff Brohm
Record at Purdue: 17-21 Overall Record: 47-31
Movement: Same
I have half a mind to move Brohm and Frost even lower given their specific circumstances, but I’ll trust in them a bit longer since they both did so well at their previous stops. Brohm’s Purdue Boilermakers have been struggling in the past few years despite their initial success. I honestly have no idea if Brohm can right the ship a second time, I know fans are disappointed how things have played out considering the promising start of his tenure.
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7. P. J. Fleck
Record at Minnesota: 26-19 Overall Record: 56-41 Division Titles: 1 (2019)
Movement: Down 1 spot
Minnesota regressed in Fleck’s fourth season at the helm. Given the 11 win season in 2019 I think Fleck has earned some patience. He’ll rise back up in the rankings as long as the Gophers continue to build up their program under his careful guidance.
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6. Jim Harbaugh
Record at Michigan: 49-22 Overall Record: 107-49 Division Championships: 1 (2018)
Movement: Down 1 spot
Jim Harbaugh tumbles out of the top 5 after Michigan suffered their first losing season under his leadership. I know the dramatic regression came as a surprise to Wolverine fans, many of whom are concerned with the direction things are heading with the program. It’s a tough position for the coach and the administration, who will struggle to beat Ohio State no matter who is coaching the team. We’ll see if Harbaugh can turn things around in Ann Arbor, he might not get too many chances if things don’t break his way in 2021.
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5. Paul Chryst
Record at Wisconsin: 56-19 Overall Record: 37-13 Division Championships: 3 (2016, 2017, 2019)
Movement: Down 1 spot
Wisconsin was fine in 2020. I expect them to compete for division titles every year and they did, the Badgers just didn’t win this time. Better luck next year. Wisconsin hasn’t gone two years without at least tying for the West title so I am confident that they’ll be competing in 2021.
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4. James Franklin
Record at Penn State: 60-28 Overall Record: 84-43 Division Championships: 1 (2016) Conference Championships: 1 (2016)
Movement: Down 1 spot
Much like Michigan, Penn State suffered from a similarly horrible year. James Franklin has done much for the Nittany Lions, bringing their program back into regular competition with the top flight of college football. However, losing seasons don’t come out of the blue very often to a well run program. We’ll see if this downturn is just an aberration. Franklin certainly still seems like he’s capable of turning things back around.
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3. Pat Fitzgerald
Record at Northwestern: 106-81 Division Championships: 2 (2018, 2020)
Movement: Up 4 spots
Pat Fitzgerald really outdid himself in 2020. The completely unheralded Wildcats went out and beat both Iowa and Wisconsin to win the Big Ten West for the second time in three years. NU continues to punch above its weight and it’s all thanks to the hard work of Pat Fitzgerald and his staff. I don’t know if Northwestern can ever really be a year in and year out competitor in league play, but if anybody can do it Fitzgerald can.
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2. Kirk Ferentz
Record at Iowa: 168-106 Overall Record: 180-127 Division Championships: 1 (2015) Conference Championships: 2 (2002, 2004)
Movement: Down 1 spot
The longest tenured coach in FBS football has slipped down one spot. It’s not really his fault, it’s hard to keep pace with a guy who’s making the Playoff every year. Ferentz is a living legend and as long as he’s around Iowa is going to be just fine. The Hawkeyes continue to battle it out with Wisconsin for West Division supremacy and I don’t think that will change for the time being.
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1. Ryan Day
Record at Ohio State: 23-2 Division Championships: 2 (2019, 2020) Conference Championships: 2 (2019, 2020)
Movement: Up 1 spot
Ryan Day hasn’t crashed the Ferarri yet. Ohio State was the second best team in the country last year after an Alabama squad that might have been the greatest ever. That’s not bad competition. The Buckeyes seem well served by Day so far and will compete for Big Ten and national championships for the foreseeable future as long as he’s in Columbus.
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clevelandandbeyond · 6 years
Sunday 2/24 - CBB weekend IMO notations  - 
Michigan State D leading the way 
What an impressive win by the Spartans, down two key players and winning on the road…the intensity and defensive mindset was fantastic…they also did a great job controlling the tempo and forcing Michigan to commit bad fouls…I want to watch the return match in East Lansing to make a proper judgement on this club, but what a great win for Sparty.
As for Michigan
I said two weeks ago I feel like Charles Matthews is key for Michigan on the offensive end, only four points for the Senior in Sunday’s game.…he has the ability to create shots in space, but that did not happen against the Spartans and it showed late in the 2nd half when the Michigan offense went stagnant…I am still a believer in Michigan going very far in March, but at Maryland and at Michigan State to end the year will be tough, lets see how the Wolverines respond.
Everything else in the Big 10
I love seeing my Boilermakers fight for the top spot and win two road games this week, but Carsen Edwards had a tough go of it…7 for 40 in the two games combined, ugh…Edwards is getting double teamed and it does take some adjustment, so hopefully for the Boilers sake he figures it out before the Big 10 and NCAA tournaments (I think he will)…great week for Matt Haarms, GW hoop against IU and was the difference maker against Nebraska…very happy for Haarms, he plays hard and with great passion…tough L for Minnesota after having a lead at half against Rutgers…Gophers might need to win multiple games in the Big 10 tournament to secure a bid…Terps are coming on, they had a good week winning in Iowa City and at home against the Buckeyes…great win for Penn State against the Illini and Wiscy hangs on in Evanston…IU with another hard fought loss in OT on Friday night against Iowa...the Hoosiers have won two games in the 2019 calendar year….TWO!
Wrap up the weekend 
An emotional night in Syracuse ended with Duke pulling away for the win…everyone says it, but it is so true, if Duke hits three’s it is so hard to beat them…’Cuse played a good game, but with Alex O’Connell hitting multiple three’s in the 2nd half, it was too much for the Orange…UNC with an impressive thumping against Florida State…LSU escapes with a win in OT as the Vols seem to have the game in hand on multiple occasions, but the Tigers found ways to win the game late…Admiral Schofield for Tennessee is a fun player to watch, he plays with no fear….Jayhawks get blown out in Lubbock…this is an unique season for KU.
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junker-town · 6 years
Why the MSU-Indiana trophy is a thing people spit into
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The Old Brass Spittoon is a rivalry trophy quite unlike any other.
Indiana and Michigan State play annually in the Big Ten East. It’s rarely all that consequential in the standings, other than for frequently appearing on the Hoosiers’ list of heartbreakers against ranked teams.
But Spartans-Hoosiers has something no other game has. It has the Old Brass Spittoon.
@thenameslech Yes sir! Old Brass Spittoon style. Lol pic.twitter.com/sTnNFgNFMH
— Mike Sterner (@Sparty_Mike) September 27, 2016
The Big Ten’s got a lot of rivalry trophies. Most of them are weird. There’s Paul Bunyan’s Axe (Minnesota-Wisconsin), the Paul Bunyan Trophy (Michigan-MSU), the Old Oaken Bucket (Indiana-Purdue), the Illibuck (Ohio State-Illinois), the Floyd of Rosedale (Iowa-Nebraska), and the $5 Bits of Broken Chair Trophy, the biggest of them all.
The Spittoon, as its inscription notes, became a trophy in 1950.
The schools played four times between 1922 and 1940, but the winner did not get a spittoon. Three of those four games were Indiana wins, and one was a tie. In the history of the series as a whole, MSU leads, 46-16-2.
Here’s Michigan State’s student paper, The State News, describing how the Spittoon actually became a thing:
In 1950 MSU football had just come off a 36-33 emotional victory over Notre Dame and were looking to avoid a letdown against Indiana the following week. Knowing this, junior class president Gene McDermott wanted to play his part in keeping the Spartans from falling trap to Indiana.
McDermott and class secretary Virginia O’Brien hit the town to find something that would rile up not only the football team but the student body heading into the Indiana matchup. Inspired by the Little Brown Jug, which University of Michigan and Minnesota play for, the two wandered into an antique shop in Lansing.
McDermott spotted the spittoon and thought it would be perfect for the rivalry. Inside the spittoon was a note that said the spittoon was in use during the 1800s at a trading post around what is now East Lansing. As the story goes, residents of both Michigan and Indiana would pass by the trading post and use the spittoon while hunting and fishing in Michigan, therefore becoming the basis for the reasoning behind the Old Brass Spittoon. The spittoon was cleaned up, and bought for $25 by McDermott.
However, for it to become a rivalry trophy, Indiana had to first accept the challenge of playing for it. McDermott sent a telegram to the Indiana Student Senate telling them about the new found trophy. Their reply?
"We the students of Indiana University hereby accept your challenge."
Michigan State needed a reason to get up for a game against Indiana, a lousy team that would go 3-5-1 in the Western Conference that year. The Spartans, an 8-1 team that year, found motivation in the Spittoon.
Maybe because the Spartans have won 80 percent of the games for the Spittoon, Indiana fans don’t even know much about it.
Here’s an excerpt from our IU blog, Crimson Quarry, describing this trophy:
A spittoon is literally a pot for people to spit in. That's right. And it's made of brass, which I doubt is easy to clean after all these years. In a conference that also has an axe, a pig, a top hat, a turtle, a little brown jug, and $5 bits of broken chair, the spittoon earns is place as the most disgusting of its B1G rivalry trophy brethren.
It’s probably true that it’s the grossest Big Ten rivalry trophy. Here’s another spittoon, for example:
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Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
Congrats to the victor, and make sure you've got a dishwasher.
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athlonsports · 5 years
Off to a decent start, Indiana will try again for its first Big Ten win of the season when the Hoosiers head to East Lansing to take on the Michigan State Spartans. After losing 51-10 at home to Ohio State on Sept. 14, IU bounced back with a decisive 38-3 victory over UConn last Saturday to improve to 3-1 on the season.
  Read the full story on Athlon Sports
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itsasif007-blog · 6 years
3 the lead rangers down pointers night
New Post has been published on https://www.highasduck.com/3-the-lead-rangers-down-pointers-night/
3 the lead rangers down pointers night
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14 Most Important Big Ten Rivalries in 2018
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The Big Ten is home to some of the oldest and most revered rivalry games in all of college football. As with what I did with the ACC, this isn’t really looking at the stakes currently present in the rivalry, but looking at the overall vitality, fan interest, division, conference, and national stakes.
The only way to make the list is for a rivalry to be played in 2018, by the way.
Some honorable mentions before we begin:
Nebraska-Colorado Northwestern-Notre Dame
Two old rivalries that are seeing the spotlight for the first time in a few years. Nebraska and Colorado had a great series in the Big 8 and Big 12, which was unfortunately halted by the current conference realignment situation. It’s refreshing to see them take to the gridiron again, we know the fan interest hasn’t waned. Northwestern and Notre Dame have one of those interesting on and off series. A big deal at one point, the game hasn’t been played regularly since the 1970′s. Usually dominated by the Irish, the Wildcats won the last two meetings in dramatic upset fashion. With ND again expected to be pretty good, another upset bid is on the table.
14. Purdue at Indiana
One of the most played rivalries in college football, Indiana-Purdue is on the list mostly as a nod to their status as archrivals. Fan interest is obviously always high, and bragging rights as well as owning the Old Oaken Bucket are important aspects to Hoosier State fandom. The game is usually irrelevant to the conference and national picture, at least in football. However, there’s a spot for the game on this list. The Boilermakers currently own the Bucket, having beaten IU last season, thereby snapping a four game Hoosier win streak (tied for the longest in history). It’ll be the 121st playing of this old rivalry.
13. Iowa State at Iowa
The Big Ten doesn’t really have any other yearly out-of-conference games anymore now that Notre Dame isn’t regularly playing Michigan State, Purdue, and Michigan anymore. It’s nice to see these two in-state rivals square off every season. Iowa has been consistently good, and last season Iowa State took a big step forward. The Cy-Hawk Trophy is up for grabs in what is usually a closely contested affair. The Hawkeyes currently hold possession, having won three in a row. It’ll be the 66th game in this series.
12. Iowa at Minnesota
The Big Ten West has some good, old rivalries. Iowa-Minnesota usually flies under the radar because in the past decade (or five) neither team has been good at the same time. However, with the Gophers looking like they’re improving under P.J. Fleck, this one has the potential to get stronger. The Hawkeyes are usually solid and if Minnesota can get to the same level this game will be an important factor in the divisional pecking order. Iowa currently holds Floyd of Rosedale, possible the greatest rivalry game trophy in the country, having won three straight against the Golden Gophers. This will be the 112th meeting between these long-term rivals.
11. Illinois at Northwestern
I’m not sure this game will be too interesting this year, or any year until Lovie Smith resigns or gets fired. However, this is one of those archrivalry games that I have to put here as a nod to history. The Land of Lincoln Trophy currently resides with Northwestern, who have won three straight against Illinois. Like Iowa-Minnesota, this game has been played 111 times.
10. Penn State at Pittsburgh
At one time this was the most important rivalry in all the Northeast United States. The brief revival of the Penn State-Pitt rivalry has already seen a big impact on the national stage. The Panthers’ win over PSU in 2016 helped to keep the Nittany Lions out of the Playoff that year. The game will once again have high stakes, as Penn State will undoubtedly enter their visit to Heinz Field undefeated and ranked in the top ten. It’ll be the 99th game played in this storied rivalry. The first two games of this current four game home and home series have been split.
9. Minnesota at Wisconsin
The most played rivalry in all of FBS football. Wisconsin has dominated this game of late, having won a staggering 14 games in a row against Minnesota. The Badgers are again going to be favored, probably by a lot, but really one of these years the Gophers just have to win. This year the game will be Wisconsin’s last hurdle in defending their division title, if there was ever a time for an upset it would be now. This will be the 128th time these oldest of foes will meet on the gridiron. 
8. Nebraska at Iowa
I feel a bit weird putting a this game ahead of Minnesota-Wisconsin but it has more potential to actually get interesting. The new Heroes Trophy has already passed many times in exciting and unexpected ways. This year, the game features prodigal son Scott Frost facing off against the longest tenured coach in the Big Ten, Kirk Ferentz. The Hawkeyes have won three straight. This is the 49th meeting between the pair.
7. Nebraska at Wisconsin
The Freedom Trophy is up for grabs in this youngest of all the Big Ten West rivalries. Scott Frost won’t fix Nebraska in a year, and certainly won’t get them up to Wisconsin’s level anytime soon. However, this game likely has the most long-term room for growth if the Huskers regain even a semblance of their former glory. The Badges have won five straight against NU. This will only be the 13th time these two programs have met.
6. Michigan at Notre Dame
The Big Ten’s greatest out-of-conference rivalry is being played after a three year hiatus. Michigan is the only team to have ever played Notre Dame more than a handful of times and gotten the better of the Irish. The Wolverines will have to give it everything they’ve got this year, because ND looks loaded. All eyes will be on this week 1 game, which was just announced to be the first College Gameday location this season. It’s only the 43rd time these legendary rivals have played. Notre Dame won the last time they played, shutting out UM 31-0 in South Bend in 2014.
5. Wisconsin at Iowa
The most vital of the Big Ten West rivalries has to be Iowa-Wisconsin. The Hawkeyes have been a cut above Minnesota and Nebraska in the past few years, as one of the few teams in this division that can really challenge the Badgers. The game one of Wisconsin’s many challenging road dates and will be a critical factor in the Big Ten West race. Since this game was reinstated as a yearly rivalry, the Badgers have won four of five. The rivalry has been played 91 times.
4. Michigan State at Penn State
The Big Ten East is a total meat-grinder. There are four contenders this year and they all have a bone to pick with the other. The least of the major rivalries in the division is between Michigan State and Penn State, who compete for the Land Grant Trophy. Last year the Spartans upset the Nittany Lions, another death blow for a potential Playoff appearance. MSU has beaten Penn State three of four times since the new divisional alignment made them play annually again. They’ve only played 32 games.
3. Ohio State at Penn State
Getting down to brass tacks, these have been the two best teams in the Big Ten the past two seasons and their annual game has decided the conference. Ohio State and Penn State don’t consider each other archrivals, and that’s fine, but they definitely circle this game on the calendar each season as an absolute must-win, the last couple of seasons have added even more urgency to the contest. The Buckeyes have won five of six, though these past two games which decided the East have been split. It’s only the 34th game played between these teams.
2. Michigan at Michigan State
If you want the most bang for your buck in terms of entertainment per minute, this is the best rivalry in the Big Ten. In fact, I’d be hard pressed to name any rivalry game in the nation with this much importance that has had so much excitement, controversy, and intrigue in the past few years than Michigan-Michigan State. The wildest part is that the game is usually kinda boring, until something absolutely incredible (or stupid) happens which redefines the stakes. You have to watch to find out. The Spartans control the Paul Bunyan Trophy, having won 8 of the last 10 against “big brother” UM. This is the 111th time these rivals have faced off. 
1. Michigan at Ohio State (The Game)
The alpha and the omega. The first and last word when it comes to rivalry games in the Big Ten. The once and future king (or kingmaker). Like Michigan-Michigan State, this game just demands to be watched. I mean, we know how it’s gonna end. Ohio State is gonna win, but the big plays, tantrums, fights, penalties, and crowd shots just give that extra atmosphere that only rivalry games provide. And it isn’t just any old rivalry. The Game has to be the biggest yearly contest between the highest achieving teams in all of college football. I’d reckon only USC-Notre Dame comes close, and without conference stakes that game just isn’t quite the same. This will always be the biggest rivalry in the Big Ten, even if OSU has won 13 of the last 14 games (lol). This will be the 115th playing of The Game.
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blogmidouni · 8 years
How a Non-Dieter Survived a 5-Day Raw Vegan Clean-Eating Plan
Image Source: Juice Press
It was 11:00 a.m. and I was viciously chasing a concoction of kale, spinach, green apple, and lemon with exaggerated amounts of water. While I'm one to normally be chasing a tequila shot with lime, this was my reality, for the moment at least: I had committed to a spartan five-day raw vegan diet and, admittedly, I'm better for it.
The months leading up to my de facto diet overhaul weren't great. After indulging a little too much, I was beginning to feel unlike myself. Though I still regularly worked out, I somehow always felt bloated and overstuffed. After my coworker and deskmate, Perri Konecky, expressed feeling the same way, we decided to actually do something about it . . . after the holidays, of course.
We ultimately landed on Juice Press's clean-eating plan. Though most customers opt for the three-day plan, we were up for the five-day challenge. The day before the diet began, Perri and I stopped by the nearest Juice Press to list our personal preferences and customize the diet to our liking. Now, this doesn't mean that I was able to add pasta or a juicy burger to the diet plan — hard as I may have tried — but I was able to narrow down the juices, ingredients, and even the salad dressings that I did and did not like.
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Details of the Clean-Eating, Vegan Cleanse
As an overview, the clean-eating plan consists of entirely raw vegan food. The daily caloric intake ranges from 1,340 to 1,510 calories, with the final day being the lightest. The daily amount of protein varies from 32 to 69 grams. Since it's recommended that women consume 46 grams of protein per day the plan pretty much meets that quota, with just the first two days falling below that recommended number. While artificial trans fats are definitively absent, healthy fats are included in the use of avocados, almonds, oil, and the like. Similarly, carbs are included with the addition of quinoa, which is used in many different menu items. Sugar is scarcely used and is really only present in the fruit-based juices, chia seed pudding, and oatmeal. Vitamin A and Vitamin C are the more prominent ones derived from the diet, while the level of iron is relatively low given the absence of meat.
Related: 1 Way to Hit Your Weight-Loss Resolution Every Month
Every day was pretty much a variation of the menu. Here's a sample menu, below.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Perri Konecky
While the above menu is the one that Juice Press recommends for starters, remember that you can still customize the diet. For me, I quickly learned that I did not appreciate the texture of the raw oatmeal. Instead, I asked for a smoothie for the remaining breakfasts. I also must confess that, generally, I'm not too comfortable with downing earthier juices. In fact, I'm a wimp. While I was drinking two juices a day, I narrowed them down to the lighter, more citric juices that wouldn't make me gag. As someone who loves to snack throughout the day, I also found that the kale chips, raw almonds, and chia seed pudding were pretty essential.
At the start of the diet, I was pretty pleased with the amount of food — and veggies by way of juice — I would be consuming. By eating or drinking something every two hours, I didn't feel like I would go hungry. I did, however, have my reservations about the obvious lack of meat, carbs, sugar, and all those other things I'm used to eating on a regular basis. Following the diet, I found the opposite to be true.
Surviving the Real World on Kale Juice and Chia
There was an initial withdrawal that I felt from sugar in particular, however, that lessened after the second day and I found that Juice Press's chia pudding and sweeter juices ended up satisfying any cravings I had. I know that people may typically experience headaches or other negative reactions when cutting out sugar — something I had certainly expected — but I was relieved to know that it wouldn't be the earth-shattering shock to my system I thought it would be.
Image Source: Juice Press
On the flip side, I did feel hungry often despite the amount of food and liquid I was consuming. Each meal was so light that I frequently felt like I could have gone for seconds . . . or thirds. By the end of the day, the rich soups felt so nourishing and satisfying, however, there were many times where I fell asleep with my stomach growling, still feeling like I was missing something. A slice of bread, perchance?
Then there was the inevitable effect it had on my social life. Now, I know that five days isn't a very long time to simply abstain from dinner dates or nights out with girlfriends. What I didn't take it into account though, was that the final two days of the diet happened to fall on the weekend. I clearly did not think that one through. So, while my friends drank wine and indulged on Chinese takeout that Friday night, I brought along my Kelp Me! Summer Noodles, took a deep breath, and told myself that everything would be OK. If I had to do it all over again — which, hey, I might — I would definitely consider starting the diet on a Sunday so that my final day would be a Thursday.
Benefits of a Buddy System
I must say, I don't think I would have been able to commit to the entire plan were it not for the fact that Perri was also doing it. (Read about her experience, here.) Though we both struggled at varying times — like really, really struggled — we both motivated each other during our respective low moments. When I couldn't stomach another earthy juice, Perri encouraged me to chug it and reminded me that it would all be over soon. When she started to seriously miss her beloved pasta, I would note how delicious the salad dressing was. OK, so maybe that wasn't always so effective but, regardless, we leaned on each other in the healthy and supportive way that is actually reminiscent of our professional relationship. I recommend trying the plan with a friend or close co-worker — emphasis on "close." In my experience, strict diets like this one tend to elicit grumpiness or the occasional mood swing, both of which might put off an acquaintance.
What I Learned
From a weight loss perspective, the diet was successful. I lost five pounds in the process and felt significantly less bloated after months of indulging. While my weight has since fluctuated, I have gained a newfound appreciation for meatless meals and I'm even trying to stick to a vegetarian diet on weekdays. I've also tweaked my daily eating schedule to reflect Juice Press's lighter yet more frequent meals and snacks in place of larger meals straddling each day. In the end, I learned to listen to my body more, nourish it when I'm hungry, and not ignore signs that I'm full. It's all about balance, meaning I can now appreciate the right type of green juice with a some good tequila . . . although maybe not at the same time.
Related: 9 Things to Cut Out in 2017 to Be Healthy
from POPSUGAR Fitness http://ift.tt/2k1SZAk How a Non-Dieter Survived a 5-Day Raw Vegan Clean-Eating Plan POPSUGAR Fitness from Weight Loss & Diet Plans http://ift.tt/2jTmr9R
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junker-town · 7 years
Recruit announces commitment to FIU during Signing Period, announces commitment to Indiana during Signing Period, and signs with UCF during Signing Period
Even better: this is the second time this happened in UCF’s favor this calendar year.
Randy Charlton is a three-star defensive lineman from Miami’s Southridge High. The following events happened during the 2018 class’ three-day Early Signing Period:
Morning of December 20
Evening of December 20
Charlton announced his decision with this [deleted] post on his Twitter page.
"I love everything about Indiana," Charlton said. "I love the coaches, and the players that are there, and the ones that will coming in with me."
Charlton also told Peegs.com that IU defensive line coach Mark Hagen believes he can come in and be an impact player for the Hoosiers.
“Coach Hagen said they are looking for D-linemen that are game changers and he sees that in me,” Charlton said. “He also said that he believes I would be a good fit for their system.”
(It’s perhaps worth noting one of Charlton’s teammates, James Head Jr., signed with Indiana right before Charlton’s FIU announcement.)
Morning of December 22
Randy Charlton from the 305 is a Knight! He's now the third Southridge Spartan on our roster ⚔️https://t.co/8E3QcnyHb6#GetHeuped18 http://pic.twitter.com/EjIr7K9fWC
— UCF Football (@UCF_Football) December 22, 2017
Things moved so quickly, his 247Sports timeline doesn’t include the FIU commitment.
This wasn’t the first time this year that someone announced elsewhere and then signed with UCF.
On the 2017 class’ National Signing Day in February, four-star running back Cordarrian Richardson announced to Maryland via an elaborate and since-removed Bleacher Report video involving a weather balloon being flown into space, then signed with the Knights one day later. As a freshman, Richardson had 45 carries for 161 yards for the Peach Bowl-bound Knights.
These things happen.
What happened? I don’t know. Recruiting is strange.
Charlton ended up upgrading his deal, moving from a middle-tier-ish Group of 5 program to one of its elites (with a brief Indiana commit in the middle), all while staying in his home state.
”It’s closer to home,” Charlton told 247, “and it’s a great program.”
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