douenjan · 5 months
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loganking001 · 1 year
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j77m · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Kids 80s Indiana Hoosiers Satin Jacket Lined Basketball Button U Jacket.
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iuinspires · 6 years
Say You Love Me
I love IU's beautiful vocals, but I'm generally not such a big fan of her covers of English songs - I think her pronunciation isn't that precise, which affects her rendition of the songs somehow. But I recently stumbled on this clip of IU's cover of Say You Love Me - and I must say, I am in love! I can't get this song out of my head now, and I've replayed this clip endlessly.
Enthralled by its light, catchy beat, I did a quick Google search  - so this song was originally released by Patti Austin, but IU's cover is based on an arrangement by a Filipino duo called MYMP who made this song a number 1 hit in Korean charts. Such a fascinating history - and yet another example of the power of music to transcend language and cultural barriers!
IU really seems to love this song, for she performed it quite a number of occasions - was delighted to find clips of her live performance from as far back as 2011 and as recent as 2015 (please let me know if you find earlier/more recent renditions!) My favourite, however, remains this clip from 2014, where she was standing in as a DJ on bestie Yoo Inna's radio show Turn Up The Volume. It isn't her best performance - it's a shortened version, she misses some lyrics, and towards the end she even stumbles without finishing the song properly. But her voice is beautiful all the same, and I can't help but smile when I see her break off into a peal of laughter at her mistake. I suspect it was a happy thought which distracted her, for you can see a smile creep to her face shortly before she loses focus. And seeing that smile just adds to the sweetness of this delightful song, and makes me want to Say I Love U :)
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park92yura-blog · 7 years
I like it, i'm 25 © IU - PALETTE . У меня праздник! 😍 Моя любимая корейская исполнительница, IU(АйЮ), выпустила новый альбом и клип 😍😍👏👏 Весь альбом теперь стоит на репите 😌 . Заглавная песня называется так же как и альбом(Palette) ☝И эту песню называют дуэтом Карандаша и Палетки - благодаря участию GD 😍 а у него есть песня "Crayon" 😉 . Альбом точно такой же как и описывала сама исполнительница - похож на палетку: каждая песенка разная так же как и цвета в палетке. Каждая имеет свое настроение и свой характер 👍 . А еще я заметил у нее тенденцию акцентировать на возрасте х) на мои любимые 23 года у нее вышла песня о возрасте 23-х лет) в 24 она провела серию концертов "24 steps: 1,2,3,4...". И вот теперь в заглавной песне альбома она поет "i like it, i'm 25" (мне в этом году исполняется 25 лет😅). Это очень приятно, когда твой любимый исполнитель выпускает песни под стать твоего возраста 😅😍 . А теперь я жду новый альбом моей любимой исполнительницы из США - P!NK 😍😍😍 Обещали что в этом году точно выходит 😉 . Побольше праздник в вашей жизни ✨ With love, Yura ⭐ . ARTIST: IU feat GD SONG: Palette FAVE entertainmont . #Якутия #Yakutia #InstaSakha #instaykt #instayakutsk #instamood #amazing #ykt #yakutsk #sakha #asian #якт #якутск #саха #asianboy #ulzzang #uljjang #얼짱 #palette #iufeatgd #iu #gdragon #gd #iugd #faveent #iufan #fanboy #kpop #koreanpop #meizum1note
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keenywong · 3 years
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#1 法國真係發覺 • 7h 烏克蘭局勢更新: 1. 美國的第一批軍援於昨天已抵達烏克蘭首都基輔。初步估計,至少有 100 枚 FGM-148標槍飛彈(FGM-148 Javelin)、M141反碉堡彈藥(M141 Bunker Defeat Munition, SMAW-D)的一次性榴彈發射器。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZE6ndZBTAk/ 2. 一架美國空軍 RC-135W「鉚接」電子偵察機目前正沿烏克蘭與俄羅斯之間的頓巴斯地區(Donbass)分界線行駛。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZE6xaBp3Et/ 3. 美國總統拜登和日本首相岸田文雄於週五在網上會議中,同意加強於迫切的經濟及安全問題的合作,包括針對中國、朝鮮發射導彈及俄羅斯對烏克蘭的威脅。岸田文雄表示,如果俄羅斯襲擊烏克蘭,日本將嚴厲回應。俄羅斯駐日大使館在社交媒體表示,日本就此威脅俄國是「不可接受」。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZE84XfBiVU/ 4. 英國副首相兼司法大臣藍韜文(Dominic Raab)表示,「如果俄羅斯在烏克蘭建立傀儡政權,它將會面臨嚴重的經濟後果」,但同時亦指英國「極不可能」向烏克蘭派遣軍隊支援。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZER_x9puH-/ 5. 英國外交部根據其掌握的情報指,俄羅斯計劃在烏克蘭安插一位親俄領袖,其中一位潛在人選為烏克蘭最高議會(Verkhovna Rada)前反對黨領袖穆拉耶夫(Yevheniy Murayev)。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZEEax2h5m2/ 377 3 #2 我是粵族不是漢族 • 7h 初步估計,至少有 100 枚 FGM-148標槍飛彈(FGM-148 Javelin) 反戰車好好用 39 3 2 #3 三步中出西門 • 7h 最緊要係美國啲無人機ready,嗰啲先係真打 ��啲軍備都係PR用途 219 37 14 #4 法國真係發覺 pish #5 Nishimiya • 7h 三次大戰由俄羅斯揭開序幕[sosad]? 179 7 15 #6 不管五毛的連登 • 7h 拜登瞓醒啦#sad#cow#sad#cow#sad#cow 4 21 3 #7 IUfans • 7h 其實點解俄仔突然會有咁大動作呢? https://www.instagram.com/wongkeeny/p/CZFyLKtvn3L/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tvdoramas · 4 years
Are you ready to see IU grow up? *Yes *No Una gran actriz y cantante. Tiene una carrera muy especial IU 🤩💝 #iu #iü #iufans #iuedit #iuedits #kpop #kpopers #lovekpop #lovekpopshop (en South Korea) https://www.instagram.com/p/CES-cjjpNE-/?igshid=1g12ggb38m71r
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douenjan · 5 months
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creating some IU sticker designs for freebies on the IU Concert! HEREH MANILA!! #1 - Blueming
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tvdoramas · 4 years
Are you ready to see IU grow up? *Yes *No Una gran actriz y cantante. Tiene una carrera muy especial IU 🤩💝 #iu #iü #iufans #iuedit #iuedits #kpop #kpopers #lovekpop #lovekpopshop (en South Korea) https://www.instagram.com/p/CESlnqmpMJb/?igshid=1b9ol0ln2ywi5
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iuinspires · 7 years
Dingo Studio’s Well Done Today Too
This video of IU having a heart-to-heart talk with her fan was one of the first few videos I watched in my early days of discovering IU, but it remains one of my favourites today. I would strongly recommend it to any ueana who has yet to watch it, because it gives you a good sense of IU’s beautiful personality. Even if you are not an IU fan, it makes for a heart-warming video in itself.
I wasn’t able to find much (English) information online about Dingo Studios or how its “Well Done Today” series was conceptualised, but what I’ve gathered is that it features Korean celebrities/public figures who make a surprise appearance in the life of an ordinary person who is going through difficult times, to encourage and cheer them on. In this episode, the target of the surprise is Yoo Rim, a young aspiring musician who works as a part-time waitress to support her music studies. Through a hidden camera, we see Yoo Rim hard at work during her part-time job, where she appears diligent and cheerful despite being on her feet all day, juggling multiple menial tasks. We also see her at her music lessons, where we get to hear snippets of her singing that demonstrate her impressive vocals.
IU makes an appearance at around 1:18, walking down the street. I love how she looks – she is dressed simply in a white T-shirt and jeans paired with a black leather jacket, pulling off her characteristic casual style that radiates an understated charm. She creeps surreptitiously into the music studio where Yoo Rim is practising alone, and settles down quietly on a piano chair behind her. Yoo Rim is so absorbed in her singing that she is completely unaware of IU’s intrusion, until she ends off her song to IU’s applause.
Yoo Rim’s reaction upon seeing IU is so priceless that the video is edited to repeat that moment three times, each captured at a different camera angle. Yoo Rim turns round smiling at first, probably expecting to see someone she knows; as she sets her eyes on IU, her expression turns into one of bewilderment, before she claps her hands to her face and dissolves into tears as the reality of seeing her beloved idol sinks in. IU’s reaction is hilarious as well – she also claps her hands over her mouth and bursts into a long peal of shrill laughter, perhaps a release of nervous energy from the anticipation of preparing for the surprise.
Yoo Rim seems overwhelmed at first, but after she calms down, the two of them slip into a conversation which flows naturally and comfortably. Under IU’s gentle probing, Yoo Rim opens up about her family difficulties and worries as an aspiring singer. Perhaps because IU has undergone similar circumstances herself, she seems genuinely empathetic and understanding; her words of advice are sensible and sincere, without being patronizing in any way. IU and Yoo Rim later share a sweet potato pizza, and move on to sing a duet of IU’s debut song Mia, rendered beautifully in perfect harmony of their lovely voices. Towards the end, IU slips off and returns with presents for Yoo Rim. In the spirit of generosity so typical of IU, she has not one but FOUR gifts – pain relief patches, an autographed leather-bound notebook for song-writing, headphones of the same model used by IU, and a microphone (which later creates a buzz amongst netizens when its price is discovered to be a whooping $3 million won).
So what was the most impactful part of the video for me? I love the entire video, but if I had to choose my favourite part, it would be when Yoo Rim asks IU for advice on song-writing (09:00):
-          Yoo Rim: You compose and write lyrics for your own songs. Can you give me some advice on how to do it well?
 -          IU (in between bites of pizza): I really like putting words together and constructing sentences.* Ever since I was young. During the process of making songs, I think writing lyrics is the part I like the most and have the most fun. I love the stress from writing lyrics of a song.
(*Note: In the original Dingo video, the English subs of the first line simply says “I really like writing”, but this is taken from SGHeartIU’s version, which I’m guessing is a more literal translation, and which I prefer because it sounds so much more lyrical!)
 -          Yoo Rim: You must enjoy it a lot. I guess the only way to get good at it is to do it a lot?
 -          IU: But there isn’t really set standard for what’s good and what’s not so it’s really hard to say. You can’t please everyone. All you can do is find your personal style and to find and meet people who like it. In my opinion, I think being successful means finding people who like the writing you like and people who tell you that you like your honest thoughts and will listen to you.
When I first watched this, this part of the video moved me deeply and resonated powerfully for two reasons.  Firstly, because IU’s comments on music standards and on finding one’s personal style was so honest and made so much sense; it is an example of the kind of deep thinking we see from the introspective, thoughtful side of IU. Second, knowing that IU is someone who loves “putting words together and constructing sentences” means so much to me because growing up, I loved reading and dreamed of becoming a writer. Unlike IU, I never had the courage to pursue my dreams, and I’m nowhere as talented as her, but I like to believe that people who love to read and write are kindred spirits who share similar temperaments to some extent – we are sensitive souls, easily moved by the power of the written word and the emotions it can evoke.
As an IU fan, my greatest regret is that I do not understand Korean because I’ve read so much from fans who rave about how beautiful her lyrics are; without the knowledge of the language, the nuances of the lyrics are lost in translation. Even so, I do appreciate the beauty and emotional clarity of the imagery evoked from IU’s lyrics, such as the glow of a firefly (Through the Night), or of laying your head in the lap of someone you love (Knees).
But I digress – perhaps I’ll go into some of my favourite songs for later posts. To sum it up, this is a lovely video which leaves me all warm and fuzzy from watching the genuine connection between two human beings who seem so different yet share so much in common, and I hope you’ll watch it if you haven’t!
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iuinspires · 7 years
A Ueana’s Journey: How I Became An IU fan
So…I am a huge IU fan, and I’ve decided to dedicate this blog to her.
Being the un-tech-savvy person I am, I have no idea how to create/edit pretty IU GIFS or photos which so many fan blogs feature. So I’ve decided instead to record the personal musings and emotions that the beautiful IU aka Lee Ji-Eun inspires in me.
So how did I become an IU fan? Given her long and productive career since her debut since 2008, IU must have gained fans at different points in her career, and I’m sure every ueana has a very different story to tell. I’m a relatively new fan, having discovered IU only in 2017, which was arguably one of her most productive and successful years: she released two albums, including Palette, which was commercially successful and critically acclaimed; appeared in Hyori’s Homestay which earned her the affection of the public; held a successful series of nationwide concerts, and ended off the year by winning a number of accolades for her music.
But it was through sheer serendipity that I became a fan - for I discovered her not through any of her 2017 activities, but from her 2013 drama You’re the Best Lee Soon Shin, which happened to be broadcast in Singapore in the early part of the year (yes, four years late). Prior to that, I had absolutely NO IDEA who she was, and knew next to nothing about Korean music, nor had interest in it, for that matter. It was thanks to Lee Soon Shin that I discovered IU’s existence. The 50-episode drama, like all long-running shows, took a little while to grow on me, but I came to develop a fondness for the characters, in particular the adorable Soon Shin which IU portrayed so well. Like any good show I enjoy, I did a quick Google search after I was done with it. I found out that Soon Shin was a well-known Korean singer called IU, got curious, went to YouTube – and the rest, I guess, is history. :)
I must confess though that I didn’t become a fan overnight. The first IU MV I watched was of Good Day, the hit song which had propelled IU to fame. It sounds sacrilegious as a ueana to say this – but I must confess that I was not particularly impressed. The colourful visuals, theatrical orchestration, and somewhat cheesy dance moves seemed consistent with my prejudice that K-pop was mere bubble-gum pop.
But I persisted, and stumbled on the MV of Not Spring, Love or Cherry Blossoms, IU’s 2014 collaboration with boyband High4 – and had a change of heart.  There are some songs that take a while to grow on you, but there are others which catch your attention almost immediately – and this song belongs to the second category. I was hooked very quickly to its catchy, upbeat tune, carried beautifully by IU’s light, airy vocals, and found myself strangely magnetised by IU, who looked so gorgeous and happy and carefree that my spirits could not help but be uplifted each time I watched the MV.
That started me on a journey of discovery of IU songs – a journey which I am still on and enjoying very much, thanks to her long and productive career. My list of favourites keep growing as I discover more songs, but my current loves include Knees, Friday, Zeze, Sleepless Rainy Night, When a Love Passes, and Modern Times. It has been delightful to discover the diversity of genres IU has experimented with, and the versatility of her vocals. I love how her voice can be light and sweet at times, low and soulful at others, strong and powerful at the right moments, or even sultry and playful for some songs – but always with that distinctive, unique quality that is so hard to define, but makes it so unmistakably IU’s voice.
It was interesting, too, to discover that IU is not merely a singer, but also an artist proactively involved in the creation of her music as a producer, songwriter and lyricist. I particularly enjoyed watching interviews where she talked about the creative process behind her compositions, song choices, and the conceptualisation of her albums. As I delved deeper into IU’s musical career though, I came to realise how far she had come: after the commercial failure of her debut album Lost Child, which had a concept deemed too dark and mature for her age, she forayed into the cutesy genre with the likes of Marshmallow and Boo (which I’m sorry to say are a travesty in my opinion!), before rising to overnight stardom with her hit song Good Day. It was only with public recognition over time that she began to gain more creative control over her music, such as her more recent albums like Chatshire and Palette. I guess you can say that she has evolved beyond a mere idol to an artist who paints with her palette (pun intended!) of musical notes and words.
But I didn’t become such a huge IU fan merely because of her musical talent - I must confess that a large part of my intrigue stemmed from her fascinating personality. I first got a sense of IU’s personality when I started watching Hyori’s Homestay shortly after I was done with Lee Soon Shin and found myself longing for more IU content. For the uninitiated, Hyori’s Homestay is a variety show featuring singer Lee Hyori and her husband Lee Sang Soon who open up their home on Jeju Island to ordinary folks for short homestays. IU featured in the first season as a part-time worker who helped the Lees. She was a little slow and clumsy in carrying out her chores, and somewhat shy and awkward at times when interacting with the guests, especially when meeting them for the first time. She also displayed strange quirks like a penchant for spacing out, chewing her food very slowly, and having a questionable fashion sense manifested in the form of large sun hats, baggy t-shirts and bright-coloured monochrome tracksuits. But for all her dorkiness, she was also incredibly endearing – coming across as someone who was hardworking, earnest, down-to-earth and genuine. I found myself developing a soft spot for her, especially when she revealed her vulnerabilities and confided her insecurities to Lee Hyori. As an introvert, I couldn’t help finding her relatable.
Fascinated by IU’s personality, I took the chance to read every article and watch every English-subbed video I could find, including virtually every video on the wonderful SGHeartIU and IUTeamStarCandy YouTube channels. (To side-track - for that, I must give special thanks to the amazing people behind both channels, whose efficient and competent translations over the years must have helped connect IU to countless English-speaking fans. A big THANK YOU to you all, whoever you are; your Singaporean-style efficiency makes me proud as a fellow Singaporean!) What struck me was that while IU’s mannerisms and what she said may have varied across the years and across different contexts, the overall impression which came through consistently was that she is a filial child, loyal friend, obliging idol, hardworking artist, and above all, a good person with a kind heart. Cynics might say that celebrities are obliged to create and maintain a positive image which may differ from their actual personalities, but I don’t think it’s possible to keep up with a false countenance in perpetuity, and IU has displayed remarkable consistency in those aspects over her ten years in the public eye. There are also a few distinctive traits which I find especially compelling, and worth elaborating on:      
a.       Her strength of character: I think IU’s petite frame and soft, girlish features belie the fact that she’s one tough cookie who has managed to overcome countless adversities throughout her life. I’m sure most ueanas will be familiar with IU’s story but I think it’s worth summarising what I know here, based on what I’ve gleaned from articles, videos and other online resources: As a child, IU’s family fell into financial difficulties and for a period of time, she had to live in poverty with her grandmother, separated from her parents; in her teens, she was swindled by fake entertainment companies and faced numerous rejections at auditions during the pursuit of her dream to be a singer; when she finally debuted, she was jeered at on her debut stage, and her first album was a flop. Even after she became successful and well-known, she encountered numerous setbacks in her career, including some “scandals” that were completely blown out of proportion and fuelled by distorted facts. She also battled with depression and bulimia for a period of time. Despite these challenges, IU survived. She triumphed the odds, and has arguably gained considerable public recognition and respect for her talent, even if she continues to have her detractors. One can only imagine the strength of character and resolve it takes to weather such storms but achieve so much at such a young age.
 b.      Her intelligence and maturity: Perhaps because of the setbacks she had to contend with from an early age, IU comes across as someone sensible, grounded and wise beyond her years. When talking about her past difficulties, for instance, IU speaks with no bitterness or self-pity, but in a calm and measured manner that often makes one forget how young she is. IU may have often displayed the obligatory “aegyo” (i.e. act cute) behaviour expected of her as a young female idol, especially in the early years of her career, but more often than not, she reveals her thoughtful, introspective self at more serious interviews, or during her concert “talk-time” with fans. There were many a times when watching her videos that I found myself amazed by the intelligence and maturity reflected from her words. I could cite examples, but there are just too many – perhaps I’ll reserve more in-depth discussions for future posts. In any case, other celebrities/public figures have described IU in similar terms – bestie Yoo Inna has labelled her a “mountain god” who acts more like someone 500 years old than her age; actress Gong Hyo Jin (IU’s co-star in The Producers) has described her as a “grown-up child”, commending her for her dignity, patience and remarkable self-control; lyricist Kim Eana, who has worked with IU on multiple occasions, has complimented her for being someone who is thoughtful and mature, and who self-reflects when something goes wrong while giving credit to others when things work out well.
 c.       Her kindness and loyalty: Throughout her career, especially in her early years, IU has had aspersions cast on her character by malicious tongues who twisted her words and misinterpreted her actions. But I think the best judges of character would be the people around her, and time has proven the loyalty she shows and gains in return from others. Many of IU’s staff members have stayed with her since her debut, and IU’s camaraderie with them is especially palpable in behind-the-scenes videos like IU TV, where one gets to see her playful side through her amusing banter with staff members like her manager Hanteo (whom I love for his deadpan humour by the way!). IU has proven herself to be a loyal friend as well – her involvement in High4’s Not Spring, Love or Cherry Blossoms was an act of loyalty and a fulfilment of a pledge to her good friend Kim Sung Gu from her trainee days, to whom she had promised to help with his debut. There are many other examples, but I guess the best testament to her ability to sustain long-running strong relationships would be her well-known friendship with Yoo Inna, whom she has remained close to since meeting her in a variety show in 2010.
In the course of learning about IU, I’ve discovered erstwhile foreign concepts like “stanning” and “shipping” in the world of K-pop fandom, and found that many hardcore fans place their idols on a pedestal, describing them in superlatives along with labels like “King/Queen” or “God/Goddess”. I’m not a fan of such terms, and would hesitate to use them on IU. It may seem strange to say this after having written long paragraphs of praise, but I’m sure IU is not perfect, and is human just like you and I (pun unintended, ueanas!). However, I do think she has an overwhelming number of positive attributes deserving of respect, and she has become a great source of inspiration, joy and comfort to me since I discovered her existence. Which is why I’ve decided to start this blog – to document the musings and emotions she inspires in me. I’m not sure if anyone will read this at all, but if you are someone new to IU, I hope this will pique your curiosity to find out more, and if you are already a ueana, I hope this will inspire you to share your personal story and help spread the IU love.
Alright this sure has been one looooong post, but this, in short, is the story of my ueana journey. I’ll end off for now. To anyone who may be reading this, annyeong, I hope to be back soon!
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park92yura-blog · 9 years
#iu #uaena #chat-shire #chatshire #23 #iufighting #iufighting_cisfans #IUfan #iLoveIU #asianboy #asian #me #ulzzang #fanboy #uljjang #lol
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