#Icarus borderlands
aith-art · 1 year
Yeehawgust 2023 - Day 18
Red Rock Canyon
Jules was out. They had been shot by the bounty hunters. 
Leroy had picked them up. He carried them across the wastes. They needed to get them to a doctor, or the next best thing. With the followers being pushed out of Vegas, and Arcade only knowing so much about medicine, he had only one idea left. They were near enough to this group that he could risk moving Jules there without fear of them dying in transit. 
Izzy had gone silent, they felt useless. He didn’t know anything about medicine and didn’t know the wastes. 
As the group made their way into the canyon, Boone stayed back. Not wanting to overstep more than Leroy’s request for help already would. The Great Kahn’s hated Boone for his involvement in the Bitter Springs Massacre, and they had harsh feelings towards Leroy for convincing them to leave then putting the NCR in power in Vegas. 
The red of the canyon seemed darker to leroy. Maybe it was his guilt over what he’d done. It didn’t matter, he just had to hope there was still someone there with the drugs they needed. 
“Hello?” Leroy’s voice bounced off the walls.
The exhaustion was beginning to kick in. His arms could have fallen off but he wouldn’t have cared. He was going to save Jules. 
As they reached the entrance of the camp, he saw the signs of a camp ready to move. No signs of the NCR, but the Brahman led caravans were filled with tents and such. Leroy found a rock to lay Jules against. Giving his arms just a moment to relax. He nodded to Izzy, silently asking for them to go find someone to help them. 
Izzy understood enough, running ahead towards the caravans. They found someone, a man with spiked hair. Izzy could tell people had been staring at them, he took one last breath running how he was going to ask this stranger for help through his head. 
“Excuse me, I’m in a rush. My friend got shot and we need medical help. Anything.” 
The stranger turned around, looking over Izzy once, then gesturing to someone nearby. “This one needs help.” He turned to Izzy, “Where’s your friend?” 
“Just back up there.” Izzy pointed. 
The stranger nodded,  Izzy ran back to the others. 
“Someone’s coming to help.” 
Jules looked bad, being held by Leroy. Arcade had tied some cloth around Jules’ shoulder. Without their Jacket they couldn’t hide their malnourishment. Two of the people Izzy had found, made their way over with Med-X and Stimpaks. 
They saw to Jules, silently. A couple others came over. Leroy was suddenly uncomfortable. He knew Jules was in good hands. Arcade helped out the Khans as best as he could. He could see the tension in the air as Papa Khan walked over, observing Leroy and the rest of them. The wasteland knew about Leroy’s apparent crime, about the death of the young doctor he was travelling with. 
Jessup had sorta liked Jules. Nothing romantic, they were just decent company about camp. Someone who knew the right amount of questions to ask. He was hurt when he realised it was Jules who’d died. But there they sat. Not quite dead, definitely not as dead as everyone thought. He watched as his fellow khans helped them back to health.
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dapper-lil-arts · 8 months
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and somehow, that only makes her fall in love more
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pockyteau · 2 years
✩ a chishiya x reader where the sun is a lot closer to him than he realised.
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"Do you know the story of Icarus?"
The question catches Chishiya off guard. He turns to you inquisitively, but you are already looking elsewhere; you stretch your arms out behind your head lazily, leaning back against the side of your bed. The sunlight that filled the room was enough to make one drowsy with all its warmth, little specks of light scuttling across the ground like golden ants.
It's always weirdly sunny, when you're around.
"I'm familiar with it, yes." Chishiya says mildly. He briefly wonders whether he should've admitted to it - while it was true he had read the book, it had been completely unintentional. He'd picked up an old paperback of the book in a library once, under the impression that the gold lettering on the cover meant the book held a multitude of literary treasures. On that day, Chishiya learnt two things: that Icarus was an idiot, and that he should never trust the gold lettering on books.
He had come to dislike the story since.
"Really? You know it?" You look at him with wide eyes, your earlier drowsiness thrown off. The expression you are making is glowing with excitement, and he feels as if he should de-escalate the situation before you get any ideas. 
"I didn't like it much," he warns. Much to Chishiya's distaste, he had come to know that you were a lover of storybooks, of which he never had much patience for. You blink, falling back against your bed with an audible thump. 
"But why not?" You ask, tilting your head to the side. From your lips the question sounds incredulous; it's almost as if you had, in fact, greatly enjoyed the story of Icarus.
Chishiya frowns. He had initially expected you to dislike it too, since the story ended in Icarus' death and you were the greatest lover of happy endings he'd ever met. After tuning many of them out, he had come to know that your personal favourite tales were the ones about love - sappy ones of sweetness and longing that spanned over many lifetimes. He didn't care much for them either, though they wouldn't have bothered him nearly as much if you didn't insist on telling him every single one. So, with that in mind, what reason could you have for liking this tale? 
"Icarus dug his own grave," Chishiya shrugs. "If he'd just been careful, he would've lived. He should've listened to the advice he was given."
You snort. "That's why you don't like it? You and Icarus are one in the same, then," you point out. "You never listen either."
It appears you've noticed him tuning you out. 
"Well," Chishiya muses, "I can afford not to." He turns his head to shoot you a lazy grin. "The same cannot be said for Icarus."
You press your lips together. "Wow, you are awful," you comment, though Chishiya can tell by the way your shoulders shake gently that you are trying not to laugh. Your attempt to stifle your laughter ends up in vain when your voice disappears towards the end of your statement, dipping your head forward to conceal the grin adorning your face. 
Chishiya finds he is smiling before he can stop himself - it's easy to make you laugh. He knows that if you lifted your head, he would see the crinkles under your eyes.
He allows you a moment to compose yourself before asking a question of his own. "But why do you like it?" he says, careful to keep the curiosity out of his voice. You raise your head when he speaks, traces of laughter still painting your lips. "The Icarus story, I mean. Since he dies in the end, I would've thought you'd hate it."
The question seems to surprise you. You frown, your brows drawing together. "Well, I wouldn't say that I like it, exactly," you say thoughtfully. "But it does have its charm. Icarus was happy for a little while." You muse. "Maybe being careless was worth it for him." 
"That's ridiculous," Chishiya snorts. Icarus was happy for no less than what, five seconds? No form of death could be worth that. Now he doesn't know why he asked in the first place, because of course you would supply him with an answer like that. "He still died."
"Hey, what've you got against Icarus?" You tease, arms folded as you lean back against the side of your bed. "To be honest, I think his story is a little sad. He was just glad to be in the sun."
"Mm," Chishiya makes a noncommittal noise in response, knowing that if he were to give a full answer it would probably be rather scathing. You smile at this, giving him a little nudge. 
"Okay, not a fan of Icarus," you say. Your voice is soft, tinted with amusement. Huh. Chishiya feels a small ache hatch in the centre of his chest - it pricked him in a strange way to see your smile as you spoke. You carry on, unaware of the sudden pain in his chest, that same smile still on your face. "Got it. Ah! Do you know Psyche and Eros? You have to have heard of them! Their love story is unrivaled." 
Chishiya is vaguely aware of how he shakes his head, which causes you to clutch at your chest in mock horror. You then launch into your rendition of Psyche and Eros' romance, eyes shining. It seemed that unlike Icarus, Psyche and Eros got their happy ever after; their love was free to last forever, unbound by the constraints of mortal life once Psyche was immortalised. 
Of course, this was the ringer for you -  a love that lasted forever. Chishiya doesn't believe in forever; he knows everything must eventually come to an end. Perhaps that was where the two of you differed the most; you firmly believed in forever, simply because you insisted that things such as love could transcend all boundaries, resist the tests of time. 
He supposes this should only be expected from someone who pitied Icarus, for whom Chishiya has no sympathy for. Despite how careless he may seem to you, him and the boy with the wax wings are nothing alike, because Chishiya is careful. He takes care not to let his mind wander when he sets his gaze on the sparkle in your eyes, the curve of your lips. He takes care not to let the sunlit vision of you sink too deep beneath the surface of his mind. Chishiya is careful, always careful. He knows that the repercussions of getting comfortable with you could cost him everything.
Even without you telling him, he knows the story of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun. 
Today you are telling him about something new - probably another love story, judging by the delight in your voice. 
It's sunny again. Chishiya is sitting with his back against the wall of your room, basking in the golden sunlight that streams through your window. The atmosphere is peaceful, calm. The way Chishiya likes it. 
He leans his head forward slightly to stretch the stiffness out of it; he had long since stopped listening to you, and was now trying to figure out how to a rig a flamethrower. And every other step to making a flamethrower, really. It would be a lot easier to dance that risky line between life and death with one, and Chishiya intends to use it as his ticket out of this poolside hotel. He dreams of somewhere he doesn't have to attend meetings on the whim of an obnoxious man in sunglasses.
But where would he get the materials? If he were to ask someone like Ann for spare flamethrowing parts, he would most likely be bombarded with questions. Ann was terrifying in her own right, with her ability to speak so fast. It's a dilemma, certainly. Perhaps he could ask the handyman, Tatta, instead.
He doesn't seem like the type to ask what Chishiya would use them for, and Chishiya believes that is a quality more people should have. 
He lifts his head at your mention of his name. "Hm?"
You grin. Chishiya feels that little ache between his ribs again, filling in the empty space between his heart and his bones. It seems to be spreading, which he tries not to find concerning. 
It's probably nothing. 
"You weren't listening again, were you?" you chide, but you don't seem to mind. The teasing look on your face makes that plain enough.  
Chishiya sees no need to lie. "I was not."
"Of course not," you sigh dramatically, flopping down to sit next to him. He smirks at you, knowing that you would roll your eyes in response. He knows you, predicting the way your head tilts away from him slightly, covering a quiet laugh. "Actually, I don't know why I'm surprised. Do you even listen to all those executive meetings you go to?"  
Chishiya grins, which means the obvious answer is no - it's a close call between who he respects less, the Hatter or the mournful looking worm he'd spotted on his way back from a game. In fact, he might've even lent the worm an ear if it had deigned to speak - it probably had more worthwhile things to say than the Beach's number one.   
You seem to be able to follow his train of thought. "I guess not," you say, a small laugh escaping your lips. 
He finds himself thinking that the sound of it is rather nice.
Without warning you lean in closer to Chishiya and for a moment his mind goes blank, but all you do is reach out a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. "Here," your fingers brush lightly against the side of his face as you do so, the warmth of your skin lingering on his jaw even though the touch was only a brief one. "Now you'll be able to hear me better, hm?"
Chishiya snorts. His eyes flick over to you, that smile he wished wouldn't affect him so much dancing on your lips. Perhaps he should untuck the strand of hair from behind his ear again, just to annoy you. "There's a difference between wanting to listen and being able to listen."
"Hey-" you open your mouth to protest, but close it just as quickly. Chishiya is all but ready to give you a smug look, anticipating the way you would groan and pretend not to laugh - but then you lean in even closer, inspecting his face with curious eyes. He raises his brows in question. He doesn't like how your eyes have widened, mystified, as they rest just below his own eye level.
"What is it?" He frowns.
"You have a beauty mark!" You say, a delighted smile spreading across your lips. "I never noticed! Why didn't you tell me?"
Chishiya's brow furrows. He has to stifle the sudden urge to reach up and cover the little mark below his left eye. Why would he tell you? Perhaps he had fallen into the fool's trap of assuming you had working eyes, since the mark was, you know, on his face. "It must have slipped my mind," he says dryly. 
Unfortunately, you take no notice of his wry tone. "It's so cute!" you exclaim. You look dangerously close to clapping your hands in joy, and you are still much too close to Chishiya. He feels the warmth on his skin beginning to burn as you reach out a finger to lightly tap the mark under his eye. "Oh! that reminds me - did I ever tell you the story? Beauty marks are where you were kissed the most in your past life."
Chishiya brushes your hand away from his face. "I can't say I've heard that one before," he says, keeping his tone even. He hopes it will be enough to stop the liquid gold in his chest from spreading.
"I thought as much," you hum, reaching out to poke the mark under his eye again, grinning when he swats you away. "Hey, that means you were kissed there a lot. Isn't that so sweet? You must have been really loved in your past life."
Chishiya's frown deepens. Here is your precious everlasting love again. 
It's no secret that he doesn't believe in things like this; he knew better than most that human hearts were feeble things, easily stopped. As the vessel of love, didn't that show how not even the greatest love could last longer than the average human lifespan? 
"Is that so." He says flatly. The mark below his eye was merely a fixation of his face, nothing more. 
Your eyes dart over his unsmiling expression, the corners of your lips still turned up. "It's okay, I know you don't believe in things like that," you say mildly, eyes sparkling. Chishiya's gaze flickers; he didn't realise you had become so apt at predicting his thoughts. 
"You're right. I don't."
You merely hum again in response before falling silent, as if in thought. In the hush Chishiya allows his gaze to wander to you momentarily; it comes to rest on the pensive crease in your forehead, angling lower to where golden shapes are being cast over your face by the sunlight coming through the window. 
He's not sure if he can remember a time where you haven't been touched by light. 
"Ah!" You do clap your hands now, and Chishiya eyes you in apprehension. That can't mean anything good. "Alright. Why don't we test something out?" 
"Test?" Chishiya squints at you for a moment to accentuate his reluctance. "And what would that be?" 
"Well...why don't we give you a new beauty mark?" You smile. "You don't believe me, so I'll prove you wrong." 
Chishiya has to bite back his immediate scorn. What purpose would that serve? It's not as if you would be able to check if your theory worked, anyway. Even if you were right, neither of you would know what had conspired in this room, dappled in sunlight, in your next life.
He's already forming the word "no" in his throat, well aware that he shouldn't indulge you - but there are little crinkles under your eyes, the look of pure joy you usually wear when telling him your precious stories. Why were you so happy about his beauty mark, he wonders, and why hasn't the ache stopped by now? He should shut you down now, before this gets out of hand.
It is with these resolute thoughts that for some unfathomable, fanatical reason, Chishiya opens his mouth to find the words "do whatever you want," escaping off the tip of his tongue.
Just like that, the precarious nature he had built up around you is dealt its first blow when your face lights up with a pleasant surprise. 
"Really?" you say, so tentatively that the pull in his chest becomes so strong it almost hurts. Chishiya has to pull himself together to shrug in indifference. But it's fine. This is but a small allowance, one he will only let slide once. 
He still has to be careful. 
You delicately put both hands on either side of the blonde's face, turning it this way and that as if inspecting it. He looks at you, unimpressed, as you gently poke his right cheek, designating it as the spot for his next beauty mark. "Is here okay?"
Chishiya shrugs again with his face still in your hands, your hold on him causing a slight difficulty for him to do so properly. "It's your test, isn't it?"
"Okayy, here it is, then."
You lean in and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, then another, and another. The touch of your lips is sweet and light - Chishiya's soft chuckle is audible when you kiss him a fourth time, and he loses count of the ones that follow after you can't seem to help but kiss him once on the lips. 
Chishiya knows he shouldn't. He is aware that the wax wings fixed to his back are loosening by the day. 
But no matter how hard he tries to ignore it, he is compelled to push open the door to your room in his free time, the daylight hours before he leaves for a game. Where he is enveloped by golden sunlight the second he steps in, the way your face brightens like heaven is on earth there with him etching itself into the very corners of his mind. He listens silently to your stories, the lull of your voice. You've begun to kiss him on his right cheek regularly, like a habit, and he can't bring himself to stop you. 
He does his best to ignore the thought that perhaps he doesn't even want to stop you.
Chishiya knows that this is temporary. He has to be careful, make sure he doesn't forget. That no matter how many times you kiss him, he cannot stay. He is already flying much to close to the sun - the sudden warmth that consumes him as he does so is so immense that it scares him. Because every time you kiss him like that, he wonders what it would be like to sit there and listen to you tell stories forever.
And Chishiya knows forever doesn't exist. 
Chishiya declines citizenship in the Borderlands.
Even after playing Kuzuryuu, he had honestly considered staying. No matter where he was, forever still would not exist; he would eventually die in either world. It would be interesting to see what the future held for him here, in any case. Perhaps he could run the Diamond games - there's no question of him being able to take the crown of the King of Diamonds with his intellect. And after all, if he stayed, he wouldn't have to return to the tedious problems of the real world.
But in the end, he finds that something inside him has changed.
Maybe it's because he's slowly bleeding out, which probably doesn't bode well for him. Maybe it's because he's slumped against a car and it's less than comfortable. Maybe Kuzuryuu got through to him after all.
But maybe it's also how you find him there, hidden behind the car, worry painting your usually so sunny face as you rush over to kneel beside him.
"Chishiya?" you whisper urgently. "Are you okay?" 
He feels a gentle weight on his shoulder where you hand has immediately come to rest, like it's the most natural thing in the world. You don't even think twice about it; it surprises Chishiya that such a simple movement could feel so comforting, safe. He's gotten used to your touch, no matter how hard he'd tried not to. You're checking his wounds, eyes widening when you realise his hoodie is soaked in blood. "What happened to you? Oh my god, have you been shot? How bad is it?"
Chishiya manages a weak chuckle, even as you begin desperately searching for the bullet wound. You're worried, really worried, whispering something about putting pressure on the wound. Should he tell you he's been shot more than once? 
His eyes roam over your face, cast in deep shadow by the darkening sky. Where are the crinkles in your eyes? The look of unobtainable joy that never left your face? It's so strange - ridiculous, even - that all he can think of is that stupid story you'd told him so long ago, the one about the beauty marks. He aches to see you smile again, like you did then, and the all-consuming feeling almost outweighs the blood seeping from his wounds.
"Are you laughing?" you say tearfully. Another laugh forces itself out of Chishiya's chest even as he winces slightly, although whether he laughs out of amusement or exasperation he can't really tell. You give him an incredulous stare, eyes shining with perspiration, before you finally crack a small smile of your own.
That's all it takes for the dam to break and you exhale in relief, the panic leaving your body in the form of a heavy breath. Your whole body relaxes and your hand slips a bit on his shoulder as you slump down beside him. "Chishiya," you breathe his name like it's the only thing keeping you alive, burying your face in your hands. "I was so worried about you." 
Chishiya's broken laughter subsides into a grin. He leans back against the car, closing his eyes for a moment, although his look of amusement still lingers over his features. It's almost ironic - you seem more concerned about his own life than he is. And while Chishiya's concern usually reaches the brilliant heights of almost zero, he suddenly thinks that surviving his multiple bullet wounds wouldn't be so bad. 
"Why?" he says, opening his eyes slightly to peer at you through half-lids. "If I died, we could test out your beauty mark theory."
You groan, but the sound is half-laugh-half-exasperation. "I can't believe you." Your head falls forward to rest on his shoulder, the fabric of his hoodie muffling your voice. You sound weak, as if you had spent some time calling out his name, trying to find him. He exhales a soft laugh. it was always your voice that gave you away, but now Chishiya only finds it endearing rather than a weakness. Despite the situation he finds himself relaxing. 
He could get used to this. 
And that's when it hits him. 
That Chishiya has already become Icarus, the fool. 
He breathes out. No, he's been a fool from the very start. He wants your head on his shoulder, just like it is now. He wants the warmth of your touch. He wants forever, full of your dancing eyes and your buoyant smile. He wants too much, has flown right against the sun so that his wax wings have melted away and he's plummeted into the ocean. Look at where being careful had gotten him; everything he's ever believed to be true is lost in the deep water. 
But then you raise your head to graze a kiss on his right cheek between murmurs, your own cheeks slightly wet with tears, and Chishiya finds he doesn't care. He's willing to indulge in the idea of forever, no matter how unlikely it might be that it actually exists. He'll sink deeper into the ocean as long as you're holding on to him.
Fireworks explode around the two of you, marking the end of the world he'd met you in, and Chishiya makes his choice.
"I don't want citizenship," he says, and his eyes slide over to you as the words leave his mouth. He can admit, if only to himself, that he's looking forward to your reaction. "I think."
Your astonished face is illuminated in the light before it splits into that beaming smile. 
"I thought you would stay," you whisper, but you're smiling so hard even as glittering tears are sliding down your cheeks again that Chishiya can't help but laugh once more. You reach for his hand and clasp it tightly, intertwining your fingers and his in a way that can only be described as tender and sweet, and he knows he's made the right choice. 
"Let's go home," you say, eyes shining, and Chishiya is falling, falling. He wants to go back and live in a world with you, where a love that outlasts even the two of your beating hearts is more likely to be possible. Because even though he doesn't believe in forever, you do.
And Chishiya has never wanted so badly, with all of the heart he thought he didn't have, for it to be true. 
Chishiya couldn't shake the feeling that something was strange.
He knew exactly where he was before he even fully woke up - the beep of the heart monitor, the sharp scent of sterilisation, the coolness of the pillow behind his head. From all the time he'd spent in residency, the atmosphere of the hospital was unmistakable. 
He opens his eyes slowly to ease his transition into the waking world. His body aches with injury, and there is a stinging pain in his abdomen. The thoughts in his head are sluggish, bleary. He's still gaining his bearings, trying to figure out what happened. 
A sudden jolt of urgency shoots through him and he almost bolts upright; he is met with the resistance of the tightly tucked in hospital bedsheets, and has to slowly push himself up instead. He looks around, scanning the other beds in the room. There is a strange new ache blooming rapidly in his chest, but he doesn't think it's related to his injuries. Where is...
He blinks. Where is what? 
He frowns, freeing one of his arms from the linen sheets to rub his forehead. He tries to summon the thought up again, but it's like grasping at sand. Where is...? He attempts to close his fist over the question, but it slips through his fingers like the grains of an hourglass. What was he so desperate to find just now?
He just can't seem to recall. 
The curtain around his bed is drawn with the slight scrape of metal, revealing a nurse with a clipboard. Chishiya is momentarily distracted from his thoughts when the nurse looks surprised to see him awake, her mouth forming a little 'o' of astonishment.
"Oh! you're awake," her expression quickly eases into a professional smile. Chishiya dips his head slightly in acknowledgement, but he is still unsettled. It's the strangest thing. It feels he's missing something, but he just can't figure out what.
The nurse begins to check his vitals, scribbling something down on a clipboard with a ballpoint pen. To Chishiya's newly awoken mind, the scratch of pen against paper is louder than it should be. As she writes she tells Chishiya what happened - the tragedy of the meteorite, how he was one of many victims of the crash. 
"Your heart stopped for a full minute," she says, "you went into cardiac arrest. The same thing actually happened to a lot of the other patients here who were injured by the meteorite crash..."
Chishiya stops listening there. The nurse continues to talk, but his mind is already is elsewhere. His heart stopped for a full minute. He wonders, briefly, why it even bothered starting back up again. Perhaps he had some underlying will to live that even he didn't know about. 
Human hearts were strange things. 
It turns out that Chishiya has to stay at the hospital for a while before he can be discharged. He's familiar with the procedures - although his injuries aren't as severe as the man in the bed next to him, who is bandaged from head to toe, it'll still take a while before he makes a full recovery. Though Chishiya isn't too happy about this, he supposes there's nothing much he can do about it. And while the man stationed beside him is rather boisterous at times he does talk to Chishiya on the occasion, and it's not too irritating. In fact, he thinks they might even be a little bit alike in some ways.   
But even as his injuries slowly heal, the ache he'd woken up with still lingers. It's such a strange, implacable feeling. Something inside him yearns for a specific kind warmth, the gold of sunlight that filters through windows. The hospital wards are too silent, too dull. Since when did he begin to long for company? But it's not even that - the room he's been staying in is full of people, yet he still feels as if someone is missing from his side. It's endlessly frustrating. 
If his heart was going to torture him like this for surviving, maybe it shouldn't have yanked him back from cardiac arrest after all.
Chishiya's hospital days blur together with the utter sameness of them all. He goes through the motions, the scans, the checkups, all without a second thought. 
Until, that is, he catches a proper glimpse of his reflection in the chipped bathroom mirror. 
He stops in his tracks, leaning in closer to check whether it was just a speck of dust on the mirror, but no - it's really there. He frowns. That's weird. 
He has a new beauty mark.
Has it always been there? There had always been one, just below his left eye. He had never paid it any heed. It was simply there, an affixation of his face. But he finds that there is now another mark, sitting on his right cheek. If it had been there all his life, he certainly didn't remember it. How had he never noticed it before?
He raises a hand to brush the new mark in confusion, his fingertips grazing the skin. As he does this, he recalls something odd - in the very back of his mind, it's almost as if he can feel the gentle press of someone's lips against his cheek. 
Chishiya is finally going to be discharged from the hospital today.
He will not miss this place. In fact, his parting from the bed he'd known for the last month or so was joyful, to say the least. The ache he had woken up with still hasn't disappeared, but maybe the unsettling feeling that he'd forgotten something would fade once he left.
The sooner, the better.
He is just making his way to reception, having bid an amused farewell to the boisterous man in the bed beside him. Unlike the others in his room, neither of them had had any visitors, so he supposed the least he could do was be civil to the guy.
For once, there is silence in the hospital's white-walled corridors; visiting hours had not yet begun, and while Chishiya had grown to find complete silence somewhat unnerving he welcomes the change. There are no families weeping in the grey couches, no nervous chatter as they waited to be given updates on their loved ones' condition. There is even an abundance of sunlight, drifting in through the windows. It's peaceful, calm. The way Chishiya likes it.
Except when the receptionist's desk is finally in sight he finds someone else is already there, talking to the receptionist. By the looks of it, it's another patient - probably another crash victim, like him. Chishiya slows down, not particularly wanting to wait around for the conversation to finish. He stuffs his hands into his pockets, turning to look at the grey visitor's couches and then back at the receptionist. The patient is filling out forms now, blue ballpoint pen in hand. He spots the receptionist holding a rather thick stack of papers in her hand and frowns.
This may take a while.
Chishiya resigns himself to the grey couches, sinking into the soft fabric of the furniture. At least there's plenty of sunlight, streaming in through the rectangular glass pane overhead. He shoots another glance over at the counter, where the receptionist's stack of paper has diminished by about two sheets. He wonders if he would be chased if he just walked out of the hospital without signing the discharge documents.
With a sigh he leans back into the couch, turning his head to the side. With a note of surprise, he realises that there is a book lying open-faced a few inches away from him - judging by how it's been left open, someone must have left it there in the middle of reading it. With nothing else to do he lets curiosity take over, reaching over to pick the book up by its spine.
The book is a thin copy of an old story, battered and clearly well-read. He frowns slightly when he reads the title, bringing it closer to him to make out the words - gold lettering, the font of deceit. It's the story of Icarus; who wanted too much, giddy upon his taste of the heavens, and paid the price for it. Chishiya had always held contempt for that particular tale. If the fool had just been a little more careful, perhaps he would've lived.
"Oh! You know the story of Icarus?"
The question catches Chishiya off guard. He looks up from the book to see someone standing in front of him, smiling. It's that patient, the one who had been talking to the receptionist, silhouette dappled golden in the sunlight trickling into the room. That must mean the receptionist's desk is free now - but for some reason, he can't seem to tear his eyes away from the patient's expression; sparkling eyes, lips curved sweetly. Those bright eyes study him as he feels a familiar pull in his chest, the ache growing stronger by the second. And then, he hears the soft words:
"You have lovely beauty marks."
And it's so strange, because suddenly he feels a tug at the back of his mind. He feels as if he's heard something like that before, in another room dappled in sunlight. Where he felt warmer, safer than anywhere he had ever known.
Chishiya feels the smile come to his lips before he can stop himself. Perhaps his admin papers could wait a little longer. "Is that so."
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digowrites · 2 years
A Niragi Suguru work of fiction. ‼️‼️SPOILERS FOR S2‼️‼️
No idea how many words, had fun writing.
No Beta, we die like Karube and Chota.
None of this is canon and is purely of my brain. Not My Gif!!!!
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“Icarus is flying too close to the sun, And Icarus’ life, it has only just begun” Music blasted into Suguru’s ears as he walked under the bridge on his way home. He drowned out the insults hurled his way, hoping to make it past the bridge so he was left alone.
He could only hope to get past before they noticed he was there, before they noticed he was ignoring all of them. Suguru was lucky today, he was ignored for the most part and made it home without new bruises or scrapes.
Sighing, he let his guard down once inside his house, noticing his mother and father were gone again. A stack of money on the counter and a note saying not to spend it all, that they would be back in a week. He was fine with being alone again, he didn’t have to worry about them seeing him potentially come home, beaten and bruised from school and the walk home.
He was able to stop by the library before returning home the next day. He got a book, a myth to be specific. It was the myth of Icarus. The tale of the boy who flew too close to the sun.
Week after week passed, his parents came home, gave him more money and were gone once again. He managed to escape to the library occasionally, constantly checking out the myth of Icarus. He was fascinated by the idea of being able to fly away from his life with only wax wings carrying him away. He wished to be Icarus, care free and able to fly.
Years passed, now owning that copy of Icarus. He sat waiting for his bus, only to see fireworks. Those fireworks that made him blink. When he opened his eyes there was nothing.
The bustling city was now barren, not one person in sight. His book was still in his hand, the only normalcy he had as his first game commenced. An eight of spades. Someone took a shot at him and that book was tucked away in his shirt, right in front of his heart.
He understood he survived because of Icarus, so he lived as though he was a man with wings.
He joined The Beach, became a militant with excellent marksmanship. He was feared by the members with a well known name, he was finally better than those that put him down for years.
When Hatter was killed, he was excited. He could fly higher than ever without being told no.
During the Ten of Hearts, he flew higher and higher. Taking his place atop the roof as a sniper for the tenants trying to flee from the game. As he was burned he believed he had flown too high and his wings melted, burned by Chishiya and falling to his death. He believed that was the end, he had flown too high and melted his wings, now plummeting back to earth much like Icarus.
The wreckage of The Beach was slowly dying out, the fires done and the embers cooled. Niragi woke up, his body had survived the fall and the burns. He stood in pain, believing he should be done for. But there he was, standing in the charred rubble of the home he had known while in this strange world. He was alone, much like when he was young.
He stumbled around, narrowly escaping the King of Spades, making it to the King of Clubs. He was greeted by Usagi, Arisu, Tatta, and Kuina, horrified by the sight of him. After the game, he escaped death once again and he was back to stumbling around. He had flown higher than thought, feeling the rush of almost being killed in a face game.
The standoff was how he got to where he lay now, bleeding out. He tried to kill Chishiya, only to get shot by Arisu, knocking him off the car and onto his back against another. He felt in his heart that he would fly higher once again. Eventually, night fell and the Queen of Hearts blimp held its position steady, tricking him and anyone who saw into believing Arisu had lost. Mumbles were heard, but he never registered the words, only the oh so familiar voice that followed after every game won.
Time seemed to halt as Suguru saw what could only be described as light passing his line of sight in the darkness of the city taken back by nature. His burns tingled and his bullet wounds stung. “This is how it feels to take a fall, Icarus is flying towards an early grave” He mumbled out loud. The final lyrics of the song that once protected him, were now the lyrics that forced his realization.
He finally flew too close to the sun. Suguru was Icarus, flying too close to the sun only for his wings of wax to melt.
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Characters included in bracket
The Onceler from the Lorax (11)
Noise from Roleslaying with Roman (10)
Link from The Legend of Zelda (8)
Ambrosius Goldenloin from Nimona (4)
Enjolras from Les Miserables (4)
Chip from Just Roll With It (4)
Osamu Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs (4)
Vash the Stampede from Trigun Stampede (3)
Hong Lu from Limbus Company (3)
Silver the Hedgehog from Sonic (3)
Julian Bashir from Star Trek Deep Space 9 (3)
Homestar Runner from Homestar Runner (3)
Keefe Sencen from Keeper of the Lost Cities (3)
Marvin the Magnificent from Jacksepticeye (3)
Ballister from Nimona (2)
Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle (2)
Yuki Sohma from Fruits Basket (2)
Hunter from The Owl House (2)
Nico di Angelo from PJO (2)
Prompto Argentum from Final Fantasy XV (2)
Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club (2)
Mercutio from Romeo and Juliet (2)
Hamlet from Hamlet (2)
Daniel from Camp Camp (2)
Lear from Pokemon (2)
Asmodeus from Obey Me Shall We Date (2)
Nathan from Misfits (2)
Scout from Team Fortress 2 (2)
Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa (2)
Alfredo Linguini from Ratatouille (2)
Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss (2)
Jermey Heere from Be More Chill (2)
Shin Tsukimi from Your Turn to Die (2)
Rui Kamishiro from Project Sekai (2)
Luke Skywalker from Star Wars (2)
Nei Huaisang from mdzs (2)
Lester Papadopoulos from The Trials of Apollo (2)
Vince Noir from The Mighty Boosh (2)
Rick Pratt from The Young Ones (2)
Haruka Sakurai from Milgram (2)
Lilia Vanrouge from Twisted Wonderland (2)
Riddle Rosehearts from Twisted Wonderland (2)
Kuzco from The Emperor’s New Groove (2)
Ennon from Good Omens (2)
Eric “Bitty” Bittle from Check‚ Please! (2)
Mars from Project Nought (1)
Twink from Q-Force (1)
Mike from Roleslaying with Roman (1)
Icarus from Greek Mythology (1)
Kajiyama Fuuta from MILGRAM (1)
Damien from Dream Daddy (1)
Mills from Be my Villian (1)
Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket (1)
Tobias from Faroff (1)
Venti from Genshin Impact (1)
Kyoya Ootori from Ouran High School Host Club (1)
Bo from She-Ra (1)
Zazie from Trigun Stampede (1)
Leviathan from Obey Me Shall We Date (1)
Demon Eric from Good Omens (1)
Hypnos from Hades (1)
Jenson Endo from The Prince of Southland (1)
Yule from Wild Beast Forest House (1)
Lyney from Genshin Impact (1)
Kyle from She Ra (1)
Sampo from Honkai Star Rail (1)
Tartaglia from Genshin Impact (1)
Oscar from Tea for Two (1)
Ezra from Tea for Two (1)
Shut from Pretty Cure (1)
Merlin from Fate Grand Order (1)
Felix Escellun from Last Legacy (1)
Asra from The Arcana (1)
Julian from The Arcana (1)
Florian from Tea for Two (1)
Marlon from Tea for Two (1)
Errol from Tea for Two (1)
Billy Kaplan from Young Avengers/Marvel comics (1)
Chuuya from Bungou Stray Dogs (1)
Belphegor from Obey Me Shall We Date (1)
Haku from Spirited Away (1)
Anasui from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Stone Ocean (1)
Mizuki from Kamisama Kiss (1)
Kurama from Kamisama Kiss (1)
Sigma from Bungo Stray Dogs (1)
Gowther from Seven Deadly Sins (1)
Yukito from Cardcaptor Sakura (1)
Ren Ichimoku from Hell Girl (1)
Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke (1)
Shuntaro Chishiya from Alice In Borderland (1)
Bailin from Bailin and Li Yun (1)
Li Yun from Bailin and Li Yun (1)
Kappa from Castle Swimmer (1)
Siren from Castle Swimmer (1)
Jack from Check, Please! (1)
Al Leon from Appare-Ranman! (1)
Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog (1)
Shang Qinghua from The Scum Villian’s Self Saving System (1)
Lio from Promare (1)
James from Pokemon (1)
N from Pokemon (1)
Bruno from Encanto (1)
Diego the Squire from Nimona (1)
Finnian from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler (1)
Satan from Obey Me Shall We Date (1)
Ingo from Pokemon (1)
Akito Sohma from Fruits Basket (1)
Hatori Sohma from Fruits Basket (1)
The Man with the Yellow Hat from Curious George (1)
Laurent de Vere from The Captive Prince (1)
Miles Maitland from Bright Young Things (1)
Lance Mcclain from Voltron Legendary Defender (1)
Lelouch from Code Geass (1)
Edgar Valden from Identity V (1)
Hercules (pre training) from Disney’s Hercules (1)
Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion (1)
Connor from Dear Evan Hansen (1)
Orpheus from Hadestown (1)
Charlie Price from Kinky Boots (1)
Wallace from Pokemon (1)
Keith Kogane from Voltron (1)
Double Trouble from She Ra (1)
Shigure Sohma from Fruits Basket (1)
Ayame Sohma from Fruits Basket (1)
Langa from Sk8 the Infinity (1)
Jaskier from The Witcher (1)
Fay D. Fluorite from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles (1)
Karube from Alice in Borderland (1)
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seaofimaginarysins · 4 months
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Manami Sora, student of Nikasho Academy and member of the Borderlands Strike Squad. Representing the Sun Arcana, her persona is that of Icarus.
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themattress · 1 year
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The Top 25 Greatest Video Game Villains, as selected by me.
In order: Ganondorf Dragmire / Ganon (The Legend of Zelda series), Majora (The Legend of Zelda series), Chaos (Final Fantasy series), Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy series), Sephiroth (Final Fantasy series), Bowser (Super Mario series), Dr. Ivo Robotnik / Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog series), Ridley (Metroid series), Andross (Star Fox series), Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts series), Gruntilda Winkybunion (Banjo-Kazooie series), Giovanni (Pokémon series), M. Bison (Street Fighter series), Hades (Kid Icarus series), Pokey Minch (Mother series), Liquid Snake (Metal Gear series), Handsome Jack (Borderlands series), Count Dracula (Castlevania series), GLADOS (Portal series), Monokuma (Danganronpa series), Dutch Van Der Linde (Red Dead series), Haytham Kenway (Assassin’s Creed series), Pyramid Head (Silent Hill series), Alduin (The Elder Scrolls series), and Lord Gwyn (Dark Souls series).
Honorable Mention: These wacky guys (Super Smash Bros. series).
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If there’s anyone you feel deserves a spot in this category, let me know in reblogs.
....But you’re not allowed to bring up King Dedede. I refuse to accept this guy as a villain:
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lingerxng · 7 months
borderlands character descriptions whee
25, chipper, incredibly smart. has a doctorate in engineering from a prodigious university on eden-2... which is how she ended up on pandora. she has just. so goddamn much student debt. norah actually developed the original hover tech for maliwan (and a few other experimental tech), but her designs were stolen by the company. she's not terribly upset about it because she knows she can build it better. developed her siren abilities after commandant steele was killed. she can PhaseShield, throwing up a barrier that allows her to protect both herself and her allies while keeping enemies out. think like an ion loader's barrier. at higher levels it can regen ammo or health, or stun enemies who walk into it. probably other things. listen i'm not here to design a skill tree.
norah is 6' tall with dark brown hair and brown almond shaped eyes. she has a thin oval face with thin lips and a long nose. she can usually be found in her grease stained jumpsuit, tied off at the waist, toting around her favorite (augmented) maliwan pistol and smg.
28, loyal, deadly. she looks like a psycho, but she appears to have better control of her faculties. her mask is different, too; she's painted over the vault symbol, and the holes for the eyes are missing the glass. her group, known as the saints, is loyal to her to a fault. they're an enemy to the crimson raiders, but they don't go out of their way to attack. that doesn't mean they won't defend themselves, though.
boss is 5'2 with bleached blonde hair and creamy, golden tan skin. her face is impossible to make out under the mask, save for large brown eyes. she wears the typical orange psycho pants and a loose fitting, long sleeve shirt over top. her weapon of choice is a nail-studded baseball bat.
24, intelligent, mildly anxious. orion was *supposed* to take over hyperion after tassiter retired, but... well. he didn't exactly feel like putting up a fight against handsome jack, so he gracefully stepped aside. once jack died, he fully took over-- once rhys burned hyperion to the ground, he decided to start anew.
orion is 5'10 and pale all over. pale blond hair, pale skin, pale grey eyes. his face is long and thin, making him look blue blooded before he even opens his mouth. he can typically be found in slacks, button downs, and fitted vests, all of the highesr quality. when he's *forced* to wield a weapon, he prefers to snipe from afar. (he'll also take a jakobs sniper over hyperion any day, but don't let that get out.)
22, sarcastic, quick to anger. icarus is one of the experiments to come out of hyperion laboratories. he wasn't caught up in eridium experiments, though; instead, icarus was the result of human augmentation. he lived in the laboratories for all his life, raised there from childhood. he remembers when they took his sight. he remembers when they took his legs. he remembers healing faster than he should, he remembers being subject to more because of that. he was given new eyes, eventually-- more importantly, he was given *wings*. icarus worked for hyperion for a short time, proving his worth, proving he could be trusted, but as soon as he was given a chance, he escaped.
icarus stands at 6'10 on artificial, augmented legs, unnatural on his slender form. he has tanned skin and dark blond/light brown hair, and his eyes are an unnatural glowing blue. notably, he has a pair of wings, halfway between mechanical and natural, coming out of his shoulderblades, stretching to a 16 foot wingspan. yes, he can fly, but no, he will not carry you. he prefers to handle a shotgun in a fight.
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murdrdocs · 6 months
hii icarus (luvv the mythology inspired name) my love !
i hope you’re having a good day/night ! <33
sooo, imagine : you’re bored and don't know what to watch…
i would recommend you try the show 'alice in borderland' on netflix !
idk if you've seen it yet it's a japanese science fiction-thriller drama series (that’s wikipedia i quote) with two seasons and a third one is announced !
also if you don't like it just leave it it's just my obsession of the month :3
— anon ☁️
[ps. idk if this message comes across as a little chaotic lmao english is my second language]
(ur message was fine dw abt it)
a) thank u !! i also love the name icarus hence why i changed from celeste
b) i’m having a great day i hope u are too !!
c) i’ve been seeing sm abt that show so im gonna store this in my mind for a rainy day (literally)
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hxperion · 10 months
13. what themes/motifs do you hope other people notice most about your character?
{questions for the mun] A major theme for Jack is Heroism corrupts. or the quote "you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain" Because at the end of his day is a key theme to his character. Because he was technically a hero in the pre-sequel (with the underlying motive of take over hyperion and actually get into the vault on eplis). and disagreeing with the lost legion motive of destroying eplis which would of killed the thousands that lived on the moon. which of course we see at the end of that, he is more willing to slaughter all bandits or anyone who wrongs him on Pandora. who has a higher population then Eplis. This leads into another minor theme but also apart of his character is that money and power corrupts as we know from the first ever borderlands game, he used Angel to manipulate the original vault hunters to open one of the vaults on pandora and kill the monster inside, so he could later come and collect the eye of the destroyer to make into the eye of helios laser on helios that is used in the pre-sequel. another theme that is more present in borderlands 2 is that grief turns into rage or "why does tragedy exist? Because you are full of rage. Why are you full of rage? Because you are full of grief" Considering a lot of his anger especially towards Angel is because of her accidental killing of his wife (and her mother). and his initial hatred towards bandits for putting them in that situation in the first place. But we see it also when the vault hunters kill Angel as per her request to stop Jack from charging the vault key. we see when Jack no longer playing around and is determined to kill the vault hunters and all of the bandits on pandora to finish his goal and to get revenge for his daughter. its not a huge theme but its there. of course there is the theme of Icarus from the Greek legends of a man who flew to close to the sun and ended up having his wings that was made of wax melted and fell and drowned in the ocean. This is a good theme for Jack's character considering he did go too close to the sun by taking over Helios (which in greek is the Greek god of the sun) and getting too powerful but ended up being defeated by the vault hunters he underestimated the strength of even with all of his tech at his device and the warrior he relayed on to be defeated. furthermore, in tales, Helios does end up crashing on pandora due to Rhys and his group of friends, and the shutdown of A.I Jack, So the themes and motifs are there. Something important i would like people to know at least how i portray Jack is him having generational trauma, especially towards how he treats Angel. We see even before the death of his wife in Bl3, that in the audio logs that Jack did ask Angel to not- repeat any swearwords he says, upon being question by her when he did swear. Which we see that spirals towards him getting aggressive with her when she swears and often corrects her by saying "language". or being followed by a physical punishment. Something I headcanon personally he picked up from his grandma that raised him considering we know in borderlands 2 that we can find a buzz axe in the house that she had on pandora, and was label as her favorite thing to use for punishments, and we know from the pre-sequel he mentions being beaten by her casually when he was a child.
So i assume that he detests people who are below him either in family-wise or employees-wise of people swearing in front of him is something he detests and outlaws on Pandora and helios, even more so that he hates it the most when Angel does it. So it probably stems from generational trauma of dealing with his grandma and using a lot of her abusive control methods on those below him. It doesn't justify nor will it ever be a justification for the abuse he does because he's still actively doing these things at the end of the day and holds zero regrets in the long run.
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aith-art · 1 year
Stupid question here, is Jules gender-fluid?
It's one of those thing I kept forgetting to put at the top of my posts, but yes
Jules is Gender Fluid (they/she/he)
And I know you didn't ask about my other ocs but it makes sense to clarify in one post.
Izzy (Icarus) is trans Masc (he/they)
Leroy's cis (he/him)
Dana is cis (she/her)
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dapper-lil-arts · 10 days
What are your favorite games/movies/shows outside of MLP?
Eh a couple dozen, when it comes to movies in live action, my faves are Everything everywhere all at once, The secret life of walter mitty and destination wedding. When it comes to animated movies theres bangers like shrek 4 (my fave ever), puss in boots and the last wish, treasure planet, etc etc, MANY such cases As for shows, theres too many to count rly, lets not get into it. I did recently watch all of spectacular spiderman and it was abaaaanger. fr.
as for games, a couple million. Kid icarus uprising is my favorite handheld game ever (and I love the mario rpg series and played many pkmn games. Shoutout to pokemon reborn!), I recommend it to EVERYONE. Bloodlines masquerade is my fave rpg, my favorite game ever is borderlands the pre-sequel, And some recent standouts in my mind were returnal(gorgeous game, rly inspired my prose), prey 2017 of which i've loved since day 1, Deltarune which I've somehow gotten more attached to than undertale, and recently they released a remake of one of my fave games ever, age of mythology RETOLD and its an improvement in nearly every way of which I am CHERISHING.
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prommethium · 2 years
Tag game time!!
Thank you Yzz mi amor @fismoll7secinv for the tags (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.)
1) 17 Questions:
Nickname: Cris 
Sign: Positive
Height: over 165cm.
Last thing I googled: Archive of our own.
Song stuck in my head: Carolus Rex
No. of followers: ?173 (lmao, I don't think this matters, I only interact with 3 of them.)
Amount of sleep: lately 3 hours per night; but usually 9.
Lucky number: 8
Dream job: mad scientist, mermaid (a real one, to wreck ships and eat men,) a fairy or a witch.
Movies/books that summarize me: Books: Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, Until the end of time, ERHA. Movies: Dancer in the dark, The phan's labyrinth, Mad Max fury road. 
Favourite song: lately I've been obsessed with "Con la Brisa," by Foudeqush (YouTube link here <3 this song is so damn pretty!!! also, very unrelated but is quite annoying that some people read it as a romantic song when the lyrics are about someone building a place of peace and light to call home.)
Favorite instrument: Violin (but love the sound of the fagott and the harp.)
Aesthetic: perfume, soft lights, fruits, pearls, and books. 
Favourite author: Louise Glück. 
Favourite animal noise: The chirp of birds. 
Random: 🌊 Espuma blanca que lava el mar, le hiciste cuna de agua y sal, las estrellitas del cielo con nácar peinan su pelo ⭐ Lloran los cielos, aúlla el mar, mueren los sueños en ultramar. 🌒
2) Personality Colour Test & 3) What kind of flower is my love life.
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I like being alone, but I'm not an individualist, it's easy for me to engage in conversations and work with others, etc. And yes, I'm often the leader (I like being reliable, efficient, and cold-minded, but also, I'm okay following someone else's lead (if they are worthy.))
Yeah, I struggle with empathy, but I'm no asshole, I'd ask people if I can do something and constantly check on them. Low empathy doesn't mean that I'm not capable of loving or caring.
About the love life... lmao, I'm an extrovert!!!! but dude!!! I'm not talking with the person of my interest, I'm gonna freeze, and act cold around them, sometimes even a little rude (I would hate if they find out, so... just to be sure.)
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4) Eight Questions or whatever this is.
3 ships: hualian, beauyasha, dreamling.
First ever ship: honestly I don't remember... probably Sinbad and Eris and growing up Sinbad and Proteous. 
Last Movie: Emma 2020 (I'm not a fan of Jane Austen; watched this because of the clothes and well... it didn't disappoint.)
Last Song: Limón y sal by Daniel Sabater and Maria Blaya
Currently Reading: 七爷 Qi Ye. 
Currently Watching: Nothing, but been considering to watch Alice in Borderland.
Currently consuming: coffee (DO NOT JUDGE; vanilla, soy milk, and honey.)
Currently craving: A nap or a good night of sleep.
5) Music.
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AND NOW… 🔥😈 tagging the last 13 blogs who left a note 🔥 Please do not feel obligated ✨ lots of love to all of you!! 💖 @birbfeeder2artisticboogaloo // @icarus-suraki // @stareyemoth // @youmaycallmecas // @oneiro-nautical // @azure-prince // @flappyfeet // @sweetcheriwine // @regular-john-16278 // @jadedzer0 // @niphradel // @quilleth // @shooting-the-stars
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todayimgonnaplay · 9 months
Favourite box/cover art
Some games have promotional visuals that I never get tired of, here are some of my favourites:
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
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Kingdom Hearts 1
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Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
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Grand Theft Auto III
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Final Fantasy II (PSP)
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Borderlands 2
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Fable Anniversary
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Kid Icarus: Uprising
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Ten fandoms, ten characters, ten tags 
1. Dragon Ball: Gohan (sorry Trunks) and I’m sure much to the surprise of anyone who reads this, Baby.
 2. Metroid: Samus Aran. Because how can you be a fan of the series and NOT like her?
3. Mass Effect: Kasumi Goto or Urdnot Wrex. These two are just so much fun, a shame there’s not more of them I would pay all my money for them at any given moment.
4. Borderlands: Gaige. My main gal got a great personality and a great playstyle what more can be asked of a person.
5. Overwatch: Lucio, another main and a fun character over all I have made a lot of good memories while playing the character so he’s very good.
6. Ai: The Somnium Files: Kaname Date. A horrible mess of a human being from a very underrated game, he’s so good. 
7. Kid Icarus: Pit (Though Palutena and Pyrrhon are a good tie) I love the whole cast of uprising so much, it’s honestly hard to choose.
8. Soul Eater: The one and only Free. He’s just trying his best with his one brain cell man.
9. Portal: GLaDOS. This snarky A.I.
10: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Muhammed Avdol. He’s such a good character I wish he was there more, he doesn’t develop throughout the story but it never feels he has to? He feels pretty fleshed out and doesn’t have to grow, which is something I can appreciate.
tagged by: @risingsouls
tagging: @henkou @regledesflorale @anemcia @indomitablepride @berscrker @veroxins @lonesymbiote @tidesborn @pinklocksoflove @wellfated @kibonosentoki and anyone else who wants to do it!
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pinerwinner · 2 years
Happy game characters
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We didn’t really get into Sonic until the released a game on the best system ever made: Dreamcast. He made for an excellent villain for our Hero of Oakvale, though! Sonic the Hedgehog Must have been a lot of twisted issues going on behind this bad boy’s mask. We never could get over that long-legged split of his, holding himself up above enemies like that. The man could clean up! In multiple senses of the word. Agent 47Īh, we have yet another iconic character in this bald-head barcode boy. She’s a big part of one of the greatest franchises of all time. Zelda, a name all non-gamers can inexplicably recall. Gotta’ rep the ladies on this list, too and Samus is a darn fine place to start. Such a dastardly Genetic Lifeform and Disc Operating System. We don’t know how she ever made a cake look so good. We’d be long gone, having succumbed to a headcrab attack. Where would we be without this guy? I’ll tell you where we’d be. A character that embraces his archetype with a fervor unmatched in all of Sanctuary. It’s just like…think of all that charting he’s done, you know? Deckard CainĪh, Deckard Cain. This guy is just a real go-getter, and you really have to admire that. This iconic purple dragon was always a little too cute for our taste. Ninja Gaiden on the original Xbox is still one of the greatest action-adventure games ever made. We’re back in space! At least it isn’t procedurally generated space! That would be boring! If you don’t think the Krogan Mercenary should make this list, then you have to be the one to break the news to him. “He’s back again, and it’s about time too // and this time, he’s in the mood // He can fly real high with his jetpack on // with his pistols out, he’s one tough kong…” Urdnot Wrex Look at this guy! No neck, no arms, no legs! It’s incredible! Diddy Kong Spacey, we have the big baddie from Borderlands 2 coming in hot. Sticking with the fun villain theme started by our friend Mr. He’s too much fun as a villain not to mention. Jonathan IronsĪlso known as CoD Kevin Spacey. We know he’s just in his infancy in the scheme of the world of video games, but we couldn’t resist his rustic charm. We wish we could steal his gold all the time. Fargothįargoth is the smarmy wood elf from the early moments in TES: Morrowind. While he’s fun in the Super Smash Brothers franchise, we’re this high-five back to 1986 when our little angel first appeared in Kid Icarus on the NES. Earthworm JimĪ musclebound worm with a humanoid body and a tiny worm head? Exceptional character design. Few characters are as fun to parkour with, either. Give this guy some credit though, a human specter? Incredible! Ezio Auditore De Firenzeįew characters have names that are as fun to say as Ezio Auditore. This list is bound to include some characters that are there just to throw a nod towards a particular game or franchise. “For me, character design is all about balance.”.“Look past other people’s interpretations.”.“Decide who your character design is aimed at”.“Don’t lose sight of the original idea.”.Video Game Character Design Expert Tips.What You Need to Consider for Character Design.
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