#Idan and Seran
idanwyn-et-al · 3 years
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Thank you to @clockworkdragonffxiv for this. It is 200% accurate; so much so that the moment I finished reading the screencap I was like, “why do I ‘hear’ this in the same internal voice I ‘hear’ Seran’s more himbo moments in?”
Now I need to work this into RP.
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idanwyn-et-al · 4 years
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“Seven hells. Ye still smell o’ machine oil.” “...do I need to remind ya that I witnessed y’ tear into a dinosaur’s brains to fuel yer..yer earth aether?!” “Nae. Ye can see th’ remains in me teeth. Tis disgustin’.” “Gods, I love y’ so much, Idanwyn.”
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idanwyn-et-al · 4 years
Seran Lancier and Idanwyn Lluanswys are gettin’ hitched, me lovelies!
Yes, after a year and some change together, the two have decided it’s time to make a decent(ish) person of the other, and tie the knot. 
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((Art by the lovely @commander-sarahs-art​ ; I had been waiting to post this until we had this event finalized so yay! She was lovely to work with, and we thought it was fun that Seran and Idan first met on a bridge in Kugane OOC for overmelding, haha.))
WHEN: Saturday, January 11th, 2020, starting at 4PM EST!
WHERE: Ceremony at the Mark of Nymeia, Lower La Noscea:
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Reception to follow at Yainu-Par in Ward 20 of the Lavender Beds: 
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What: A bleedin’ weddin’, followed by games, music, and good times!
Who: A brash, bold, loving couple, and hopefully many friends! (This means you! It’s an RP event! Come RP!)
We hope anyone who’s looking to come to a heartfelt, laid-back, social event will feel free to attend! More details to come in a month or so. 
((Thanks to @liminal-storage for the having the reception near her house! Tagging @crystalxivrp and @mooglemeet since this is an open event!))
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idanwyn-et-al · 4 years
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I just want everyone to know that these two are getting married in January and this is 85% of the reason why
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idanwyn-et-al · 4 years
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It just be like this sometimes
(Apologies/love to @liminal-storage )
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idanwyn-et-al · 5 years
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“Wed proper by th’ sea, an’ a reception in th’ gardens, then?”
“Aye, lass. That’ll suit us just...deliciously.”
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idanwyn-et-al · 5 years
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“And where I’ve been called tsuki, th’ moon, th’ pearl in th’ sky...all these t’ings. I swear before Menphina ‘erself tha’ what they meant was I was e’er too big an’ too grand tae hold. In yer case, love...I feel me own work-worn hands are fit tae yers.” “Where I’ve been a soldier, you have ever been the face I fought for. An Ala Mhigan refugee brat in love with a pirate’s daughter...now wouldn’t that be something to make the temples tremble?”
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idanwyn-et-al · 5 years
In Which Seran Lancier and Idanwyn Lluanswys Make Vows at the Sanctum, but Aren’t Married Yet.
(we just wanted the teleport ring before the expansion shh but it was fun to have a little RP where they promised themselves to be wed this summer!)
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Idanwyn Lluanswys: “Here, taeday, before th’ Twelve, I make me oath; on La Noscean shores will we be proper wed, an’ until then, I’ll carry th’ blessin’s o’ this day wi’ us. I, Idanwyn Myrgenleita Lluanswys, promise tae meet tha’ day in full health an’ wi’ happy heart. I’ll remember this day where our words echoed against th’ glass, our feet treadin’ the carpet where many feet have walked before...me own included.” She pauses, running her thumbs over his palms, her chin high and her eyes bright and clear.  “This time, love, as I said on our path taegether...this time, I mean fer it tae stick. I’ll work as hard as I’m able tae keep ye, Seran Lancier, provided ye work at least as hard tae keep me pinned down.” A chuckle. “Mayhap pinned tae yer side is more appropriate fer th’ venue. Anyroad! I’ll wear yer ring, sae long as ye wear mine. This pirate’s daughter is yers, Captain.” Seran Lancier: "And t'ye I, Seran Lancier, make this vow: that I will love ye as I have, with every bone, with every beat of my heart. I vow to brave any storm, to bear any weight, to live for the bond we make today. I met ye in the dark, love o' mine. I will live with ye in the light, now and forever." Seran's eyes shine with tears, though he manages to keep them from falling, coming close to her, smile wide. "Whether in Ul'dah, or the mountains of Yanxia, whether in the skies of Eorzea or upon the throne of the Emperor himself, I pledge myself to ye."
Bonus blooper content, in which he d/c’d and I was like “this is it, this is how she gets left at the altar”:
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idanwyn-et-al · 4 years
In which Idanwyn and Seran go fishing in the Ruby Sea and a Bet is Made. (Also, in which there is Much Mushiness as we have not RP’d these two together in at least a month!)
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Seran Lancier: The Ruby Sea's dusklit descent into sapphire was well underway by the time they alighted: Idanwyn had teased him when he'd stumbled over the lip of the boat in the deceptive darkness of the twilight hour. But his recovery had been slick. The highlander tumbled forward, letting out only a momentary hiss of pain. He landed on his side, sprawled out like a luxuriating model, flimsy shirt baring half a nipple as he wormed into a more provocative pose. “[Join me, pale moon,]” he cooed, in the same voice as the Kugane oiran who'd mewled at her as they'd passed.They set out beneath the stars, and in time found a comfortable spot below a hole in the passing clouds. Above and below, a blue cavern, one into the heavens, one into the abyss. Beams of moonlight made a broad chapel of their spot in the ocean, and beside it, a school of fish. I'm going to catch a giant squid, Seran thought to himself. But Idan would tease him yet again if he shared his bold plan. He thought of the best way to tell her, still clad in the frills of their night on the town.
 "I'm gonna catch a giant squid," said Seran, and his steel fishing rod bobbed with the current of the waves.
Idanwyn tweaks his nipple with a low chuckle, replying, "[The classic parable of the nipple in a tidal lock with the moon...I see you have been studying your high poetry.]" Removing her bodice first, then her trousers and blousy undershirt, she stands fully nude under the night sky for a moment, reflecting the moon she occasionally resembles. "I've got tae put me ain tits away, an' sae should ye; ye ne'er forget th' first time ye miscast an' get a hook caught there." Shuddering at the clearly-real memory, she rolls her clothing into a neat bundle, tying it within a tarp and exchanging it for another similarly-tied tarp within a small crate. In a few swift motions, she's dressed in her Isari fisherman's pants and tight-fitting sealskin top, crouching down to bait her own rod. "A squid, ye say? A giant one, nae less? This goin' tae be lit' catchin' a shark, or..?" Her tone and demeanor are easygoing and lightly playful; she's clearly in a mood to indulge him. Who knows; perhaps Nymeia will smile upon Her son this evening.
Seran cringes at the thought of a hook through the nipple, though it seemed like virtually all of the women and a good many of the men he'd once patrolled through at the Quicksand had clear experience with the matter. Seran watches her beneath the moon, reaching out without thinking. His hand trails across her neck, down her shoulder. 
A tug on the line draws him back to the sea, but it fades quickly. There is only the unquiet calm of the sea at night, and her honeyed words. She is feeling affectionate towards him tonight, even for her. He can tell it immediately, when she indulges his moments of pique, much like a cat allowing the loafing of a dog it might otherwise swat."I say easier," Seran suggests. "Less teeth. More surface area. Per capita? Much easier." The math does, in fact, check out.
Idanwyn closes her eyes, enjoying his gentle show of affection. She baits her hook after a moment of consideration. "Ye t'ink sae, lad? Suppose it couldnae hurt tae try...might be as ye've th' strength tae haul it up, even." Standing to her full height with the easy grace she always has on the water, she watches the waves for a moment before casting her own line. "Are ye lookin' tae put yer gil where yer mouth is, love? Or are ye jus' tryin' tae impress meself an' Llymlaen, both?"
Seran ponders this. "Hmmm... ye wish t'make a wager of it? Aye. Let's do it as such: if I can catch a giant squid, ye'll prepare it for the entire crew, an' ye'll do it alone while we cheer ye on. Seems a task fer a mighty captain an' chef such as ye, aye?" He cackles at the thought. "But, if I fail, then whatever else we catch I'll take t'the kitchens, and I'll run the galley for a night... I'm sure ye'd love to critique my techniques, wouldn't ye?"  It was a dangerous wager. Idanwyn would spare no mercy for an untrained hand in her glorious kitchen. Seran's eyes twinkled. He did want to impress Llymlaen, teats and all. And what vengeful goddess of storm and sea did not have love for an ambitious and confident man swaying gently upon her bosom?
Idanwyn grins mischievously, nodding her head. "Tha's a mighty good wager, Seran. Ye're on...though I'm warnin' ye, I'll need tae scrub me skin raw after preparin' such a t'ing." Llymlaen, it was said, did indeed love such sailors of fortune; her devoted captain was no different. "Sure an’ aye, th’ wager tis on, then. I'll give ye a hint; ye'll need a long line, an' much bigger bait; ye might want tae weight th' net fer assistance. Counterweighted tae th' starboard o' th' boat, o' course." Seran follows her advice- there is a different between a bold wager and a foolish one. He is set up well, trawling deep, the ocean calling to them both. They do not talk any longer of the Nixie or her crew. Seran worried, when their journey aboard the ship began, that they would find themselves at odds, that the stresses of leadership and responsibility would drive a stake through their bond. It had done the opposite. The times that they spent aboard the ship only bound them up closer. The trust that had been the mortar of their relationship was now the foundation for a family of sorts. That, Seran teased her for. She had been so adamant that they would never have children. In a way, they had dozens, a brood they had chosen, not birthed, a clan made entirely of its own volition. Apart from the ship, in the nights they spent together, they put the weight of it out of their minds. On these nights, they were simply travelers and lovers, meaning nothing to the world, and everything to each other. Seran let a tug pass into the night. Not a giant squid.
The Sea Wolf woman watches him as he unfurls the weighted net, tossing it over portside, puzzling it out, then looping the tail of the manta-ray-shaped net over to the sturdy steel hooks on the boat's starboard side. It took him time, of course, but as with everything he did, she was always impressed with the tenacity that inspired him to see things through. A man mountain-born and desert-raised; a good captain in a sea of filth; and here he was, with an unlikely captain above a sea of coral and long-held secrets, and...he still managed to figure things out. He never gave up, and never hesitated to defer to her expertise; and even then, she realized, such expertise was quickly learned by someone with a deft hand and a tactical mind, both qualities her husband posessed in spades. "Careful, there, love. Wi' those skills, ye're goin' tae net us a squid that'll drag us down tae Sui-no-Sato, if we're lucky, an' straight intae th' Hell o' Fire, if we're no'."  Her lilting accent is as suffused with her affection for him as it is her gentle humor. It's clear she's sincere in her praise, however; she checks over her shoulder, listening to the boat adjust its weight as the net lurks in the waters below. Her own line comes back with yet another flounder; she seems pleased as it goes into the bucket.
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idanwyn-et-al · 4 years
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Seran sent me this and I really hope this screenshot continues to be a meme.
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idanwyn-et-al · 4 years
My discord is doing a “good/neutral/bad” ending writing project, so here’s Idan’s good ending. Other endings to come after I stop weeooing.
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Finally, after all these years, her countless acts of Ceigybet---the sail prayers---paid off. Llymlaen was singing to her, loud enough that Seran could hear, even through the clouds of white hair sprouted from his inner ears. They sat on the shores of Mist, outside of Syntblyss; it had changed little over the decades, save to add framed pictures of Idan’s articles; Seran’s conquests, both of the sword and the soul; Okuni’s bookshop, complete with a smudged definitely-yokai in the corner; Claire and Percevains making silly faces in front of a restored Firmament; Nachtiyrn half-blocking out the camera even as he grinned around his thumb; Falkgara laughing wildly from the bow of an experimental ship wrought by Zakuro, who was also grinning wildly, clinging to Odile’s legs, the rest of the Elezen woman just out of frame; Lu’rath zapping Idan’s foot with a better-placed bolt of blue levin than hers could ever hope to be. The Nixie sailed well and welcomed many guests, and when she was passed to the next in line, Idanwyn took only her photos to Syntblyss. She would cook there frequently, mostly for neighbors; so few were the folks who remembered the calamity nowadays, and it gave them just enough to talk about while they enjoyed her omelettes, her tea cakes with creme fraiche, her oversized bowls of the ramen she’d learned to love in her youth. 
 Seran laughed at her as she felt her heart’s beat slow---’slow as a mermaid, love, that’s why they call us that, remember?’ her long-dead mother’s voice sang from the waves. She breathed deep, drawing her husband’s laughter into her lungs with the salt, the memory, the certainty of death that is only given to those who imminently face it.
The Ala Mhigan man stood, his muscles weathered but still hardy like the gnarled trees of his homeland, and sat beside his wife in the rising tide. When the tide receded, no bodies remained; only two silver rings bearing blue stones, a beachside cottage full of memories,  and a cloud of dancing fireflies above the waves.
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idanwyn-et-al · 4 years
Surging Tides.
Idanwyn's eyes flutter closed; to her crew, she looks like the worst parody of her that they'd heard about from the mutinous Breathless. No regard for clan markings, check (they’d been scrubbed from her); wears silly clothes, check (they’d been assigned to her); pale and tired and useless, check that box, bo's'n. Idanwyn sees the slacking able crew swinging their bare feet over the larboard railing; she can hear their snickering. It's too much, enough to outweigh her exhaustion. Standing to her full height of six fulms, three ilms--small for a Roe, but tall enough---she clenches her fists and raises her dominant left hand to the deck, extending her knobbly index finger. Her aetheric tattoo surges to life, and she sends a gout of wind---something akin to a ceruleum engine starting for the first time after a time in cold dormancy---right to the larboard deck. Those assembled are blown back. "Fuck ye," Idan growls. "I'm th' bloody daughter o' Lluan, an' I'll no' have ye slackin' on me ship." She stalks forward, her wet silks dragging on the dock below.
Seran reaches for her, tries to gather her up in his arms, but she pulls away- worse, the water, the travel, the constant blasts of aether- the First-woven slip of clothing has taken its all. It flakes away in his grasp, and Idan proceeds aboard the ship in the nude, though her fury doesn't seem to pause- to abate, even for a moment. Seran looks around confusedly, following after Idanwyn, barking orders at the sailors, who scramble in their wake.
She strides through the ship, wilting foreign flowers in her hair leaving a path behind her; Seran's tread grinds their sweet petals into the planks. She takes the ceremonial captain's place when a ship is docked, right at the wheel, naked as the moon and just as imperious. "Weall? I've gone tae another world an' come back alive. I've brought guests what'll speak me proof. If Nixie is truly th' legacy o' th' Heavensaxe, then let it cleave a path back tae tha' world, an' many others." Her skin is pebbled with goosebumps, but only Seran can see that, as she knows. "I'll no' be shamed by ye fer no' bein' a Marauder; th' blood o' Lluan th' Depth Charge runs t'rough me, an' I'll bring all o' ye tae adventure an' plunder beyond yer wildest dreams...Llymlaen's teats, perhaps those same dreams'll guide us. Stand wi' me, or mutiny now, lads an' lasses. This is how I'll meet ye!" She holds up the copper knife in her left hand, her aetheric tattoo surging; she looks for all the world like some primal goddess, naked and wearing a silver headdress adorned with the white feathers of a distant bird, wilting flowers in her hair, a true sort of knight behind her.
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