#Idk if i should tag....im bad at tagging anywau xD
suumekoi · 4 years
OK so basically. u start out the game w/ a different protag from the last game, this time ur uh another guy just starting out w/ ur first life, and from the beginning ur told that after (insert events of the previous game here) yuelia and the protag from the first game (im going 2 call the first protag lili for convenience bc thats the name of my fl chara) have basically just been chilling in reveria and things have been rlly peaceful bc theyve been around 2 protect everyone, but since they havent had much 2 do sometimes lili has taken up giving training to people in different lives bc she has a proficiency in all of them 
so like in the first game the protag goes 2 the king 2 get their life's outfit and all and then the king instructs them 2 go 2 visit lili 2 learn the basics of their life, so u go there and meet yuelia and lili and u basically get a lil tutorial on ur life and all, before a sudden a loud noise outside interrupts what you were doing and the protag and everyone else runs outside 2 see what it was and UH turns out it is just a Big Fucking Dragon that somehow snuck up to castele (that will be explained later) and so everyone is understandably a bit freaked out by this, and what ends up happening is lili and yuelia tell everyone else in the town to evacuate while they handle fighting the dragon bc ykno they can handle it theyve fought dragons before!!!!!
so the protag goes with everyone else 2 evacuate from the town (maybe fighting a few enemies in the way as they go for a lil combat tutorial) and after a bit of time has passed and nothing has happened they send someone back 2 see what was going on, and they come back and go "hey i didnt see any dragon!!! i think we can go back now" so everyone heads back 2 castele and there Is no dragon so everyone assumes that lili and yuelia must have beaten it, but looking around for them everyone just finds both of them in castele square like Knocked Out Cold 
yuelia wakes up and seems to be fine, but lili is injured and just like Exhausted almost like someone drained the energy out of her (hint hint) and yuelia notices lill was injured and attempts to heal her, but for some reason cant seem to manage it, much to her chagrin since her powers have never just. Not Worked before according to her
after they brought lili 2 someone that can help patch her up everyone else asks yuelia abt what happened, and she told them that fighting the dragon was Weird because it really only seemed focused on her and lili, like not on any of the ppl escaping or even really destroying anything because most everything was untouched minus the occasional misfire, and eventually she got knocked out and can't really explain what happened after that
and so everyone looks around and kinda comes to the conclusion that the dragon didnt come 2 attack the city, it came there for lili and yuelia specifically for reasons they dont know yet
things kinda calm down from the big drama, and as ppl are sorta just standing around or cleaning stuff up yuelia is just realising its not just her healing on the fritz, its All her powers 
she starts to suspect somethings up and wants to go talk to divinius and noelia, the protag offers to guide yuelia to the goddess ship since she cant rlly defend herself as is and yuelia accepts and u both head for lunares 2 figure out whats goin on
after a bit of Adventuring u both get to lunares, and divinus confirms that Yup yuelias powers just like got Snatched, and after explaining what happened with lili says it was likely she had her energy stolen somehow as well, and then everyones just standing there like hm. this dragon whatever it is probably Literally has the powers of a goddess right now this might be kind of an issue??? so divinus tells the protag and yuelia to head back to reveria to look for the dragon bc thats the most likely spot it would be, and him and noelia will look for the dragon elsewhere 2 see if it escaped 2 another world
and after that part its a bit more chill, ur mostly focused on doing Life Quests and all that and u go out w/ yuelia 2 look for the dragon sometimes and ask others if they've seen it, but u ultimately dont end up finding much for a while
eventually yuelia ends up getting a message 2 come back 2 lunares bc they found something, so her and the protag go back there and divinus tells them he figured out the dragon wasnt actually In reveria this whole time (hence why u couldnt find it) and that its actually able 2 hop between different worlds w/e it wants (hence how it showed up so suddenly without anyone noticing) and then UH basically the rest of the game is the protag chasing this dragon between different worlds to try and figure out what its trying 2 do, and if anyone else might be behind all of this... ooooooo spoky
and thats kinda the basics of my idea!!!! i wont rlly elaborate past that bc if i do it Will be at least 20 more paragraphs but i feel like this is an alright overview jfdgjkd i dont think lili and yuelia will just be unable 2 fight the whole time tho, i like 2 think lili can join the protag as an ally once she stops Being Injured and while yuelia doesnt have her powers maybe she can try learning one of the combat lives........ please i wanna give her a cool staff but UH anyways thanks for coming 2 my ted talk im done now
Ohh that's a really good idea too! The dimensions hopping dragon... Stealing powers from two specific people... Don't cliffhang up on me Ted. Keep on talking, I wanna know the full story*_* is the dragon gonna be stealing powers from other characters too?
Would also be cool if the dragon was stealing the power of wishes so everybody wouldn't be inspired to do anything in reveria, and then we later found out celestia has a sister(like yuelia and noelia) who's been trying to sabotage celestia's creation because she's jealous of her. But like everyone in a fantasy life game, she's not a villain, she just felt neglected because her sister was always spending time in that star tree and not with her. But seeing yuelia and noelia's sisterhood changed her. I think it would be cute anyway xD
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