rockformed · 6 years
25, 26 and 29 please and thankyo
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
ummmm nothing really major, that i had to rethink a whole session on the fly..... i THINK.... i mean my current campaign has been going strong for a little over 9 months now so its a little difficult to recall. they HAVE killed a few characters that i would have rather they didn’t, for story reasons, but what are you gonna do when your party contains two chaotic neutrals am i right 
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
Role play heavy, no doubt. combat can be fun, but i feel like its more fun when it’s fast, and more fun when you put your own flair on it instead of it just being like “ok roll a d20 ok you hit it ok who’s next on initiative” yknow?? plus rp heavy sessions and arcs really give your players a chance to put themselves in the character and be creative with it!! not that fighting doesnt allow for creativity, i just like the role play aspect more :p
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They’re Coming
Then Let It Approach, We're All Capitalizing Our Sentences Here.
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sleepydoll-txt · 6 years
honestly 10/10 have a crush on you, your such a cutie ^//u//^
Asfhdjsi wait whoa hold on a crush on me? ////// gee uhm- thanks idontknowhowtorespondtothis
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misterzevran · 6 years
Thank you all for the help!! :)
lunastres replied to your post
“Hey guys, Does anyone have some experience with Funko Pop figures?...”
I looked at some reviews and some people pointed out that their figure just does not fit with the stand, so the figure needs some sort of support to lean against
That is just ridiculous. Poor Yennefer’s legs are so messed up she cannot stand properly even with support. I am sooo disappointed, I have 3 other Funko figures and they are perfect, all of them are great quality and I didn’t expect this one to be so poorly manufactured.
idontknowhowtorespondtothis replied to your post
“Hey guys, Does anyone have some experience with Funko Pop figures?...”
My Lilith figure did something like this. I used sticky tac.
I’ve tried, no use :( Her legs are not even on a level, I cannot glue them to anything. If I force them down, the entire figure leans right.
heraldsenjoin replied to your post
“Hey guys, Does anyone have some experience with Funko Pop figures?...”
I have a Tali funko pop that absolutely does not stand unless she's leaning against something. Funko are... not the best made figures.
vaswanis replied to your post
“Hey guys, Does anyone have some experience with Funko Pop figures?...”
unfortunately i think this is a pretty common problem,, i have two funko pops and neither of them can stand without leaning against something
I did not expect such a bad quality, to be honest, all my other Funko figures are A+.
axlarainai replied to your post
“Hey guys, Does anyone have some experience with Funko Pop figures?...”
(Funny, i actually have the Geralt POP lol) She couldn't stand if at least one of her legs can't support her on the stand? If not, you'll just have to lean her against the wall or a stable object. I have several POP figures that can't stand on their own without falling within a day (I wasn't provided a stand) so I end up just leaning them against the wall
She can’t stand at all, I’m afraid I’ll have to find something to attach to the stand so the figure can be maybe tied to it? Yeah, this is this bad...
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wemustbeghosts replied to your post
“Hey guys, Does anyone have some experience with Funko Pop figures?...”
in my experience almost none of the female funko's are able to stand on their own. They're just made too skinny and their feet are too small. it sucks, but you just have to lean them against a wall or something
I’m so angry all my other Funkos are cool, I thought this one will be as well... Although my other figures are all males, so I guess this is why I was mislead about the quality...
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owlickz · 10 years
idontknowhowtorespondtothis replied to your post “finally got with the future and made a steam account”
What ya name?
it is the same as on here
i like to keep things simple
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rockformed · 6 years
🍊 i couldnt find a jackolantern. so this is a reglur ol punkin
cerberus but like a nice sweet version that doesn’t live in hell
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rockformed · 6 years
idontknowhowtorespondtothis replied to your post “guess who just finished all their high school language courses!!!!!”
Im so proud of you!!!
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thank u will !!!
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rockformed · 6 years
Earl grey?
Early Grey Tea : The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action?
uh probably get the fuck outta florida and into the midwest where there’s not as many people and try to build up a lil farm :3c
Cafe Asks ☕️
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rockformed · 6 years
idontknowhowtorespondtothis replied to your post “writing for the campaign and thinking of a great twist on the spot is...”
Oh you fucker
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rockformed · 6 years
idontknowhowtorespondtothis replied to your post “oh really wacom?? is there no device connected??? cause i coulda sworn...”
Dude. Look at what i tagged you in. It might help
its not an issue with a windows update or with a drawing program, wacom desktop center is being an asshole and my computer is physically not recognizing my tablet as a tablet
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rockformed · 7 years
idontknowhowtorespondtothis replied to your post “hey so im leaving tomorrow night and i wont be able to talk to very...”
Have fun! We'll play some video games when you get back
will this made me very happy ily
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rockformed · 7 years
1-100 for that ask thing. Cuz fuck you
JESUS CHRIST WILLim putting this under a read more fuck you too
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
is your room messy or clean?
always messy, last time it was clean was when we first moved in lmao
what color are your eyes?
very dark brown
do you like your name? why?
i do!! cause it means “helper”!! and i love to help vv
what is your relationship status?
single as fuck, ive never been in a relationship ;;
describe your personality in 3 words or less
shy, creative, and passive
what color hair do you have?
natural redhead babeyyyy
what kind of car do you drive? color?
i dont drive ;;
where do you shop?
usually i get my clothes from a place called torrid, they sell plus sized stuff!! but i get all my t-shirts from redbubble and thinkgeek! 
how would you describe your style?
all over the place lmao, messy
favorite social media account
tumblr is m fav just cause the site works the way i think it should, in chronological order 
what size bed do you have?
any siblings?
yep!! 2 step brothers, 1 half brother and 1 half sister 
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
a small cabin on a riverside with self-sustainability. i just dont wanna have to worry about stuff and be left to myself in a cute little cabin!!
favorite snapchat filter?
favorite makeup brand(s)
dont wear makeup :p
how many times a week do you shower?
i uhhhhh try to shower once every day but i have a hard time remembering a lot ;;
favorite tv show?
atm i dont have one, i dont really watch tv! im excited for the return of steven universe tho 
shoe size?
8 womens
how tall are you?
5′3″ last time i checked!!
sandals or sneakers?
SNEAKERS, i hate sandals :(
do you go to the gym?
used to every day, stopped cause we moved away from my gym and i have no way to get there :(
describe your dream date
oh gosh, i dont really know, something chill where i could get to know the person a bit, maybe lunch at a cute airy restaurant vv
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
i have misc change and a 15 dollar red lobster gift card lol
what color socks are you wearing?
im not wearing any!!
how many pillows do you sleep with?
3, and many stuffed animals :3
do you have a job? what do you do?
i do commissions, but i dont have a 9-5 “job” yet
how many friends do you have?
oh gosh, uuummmm 2 really good ones, maybe 7 others?? im probably forgetting ;;
whats the worst thing you have ever done?
when i was 5 i stole a harmonica from a cracker barrel and swore on the bible that the woman at the counter let me have it ;;;;; it haunts me everyday for real
whats your favorite candle scent?
i dont have a specific, but i love sweet scented candles, and holiday ones :p
3 favorite boy names
Ben, Oliver, and Andrew 
3 favorite girl names
Lily, Genevieve, and Lorelei
favorite actor?
Robin Williams %100 forever
favorite actress?
amy adams
who is your celebrity crush?
Chris Pratt i guess??? i dont pay too much attention to that stuff :p
favorite movie?
ever, is wreck it ralph, atm is beauty and the beast (not the remake)
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i dont read too much anymore, but my favorite book(s) is the Doll People by Ann M. Martin.
money or brains?
brains if by brains you include personality
do you have a nickname? what is it?
a lot of people on here call me Rock, but i dont have a real life nickname!!
how many times have you been to the hospital?
one, when i was born lmao 
top 10 favorite songs
GOD fuck umm, Overwhelming by Jon Bellion, Fiddle and the Drum by Perfect Circle, 24 Karat Magic by Bruno Mars, Ticker Tape by Gorillaz, Separate Ways by Journey, I Believe in a Thing Called Love by The Darkness, Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston (i know, i know), Kill Your Heroes by AWOLNATION, Clocks by Coldplay, and Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap.
do you take any medications daily?
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
soft vv cause i drink so much fuckin water lmao
what is your biggest fear?
uhhh my loved ones dying and not knowing if i’d be okay if they did??
how many kids do you want?
whats your go to hair style?
natural i guess, i dont really do up my hair :0
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
ideally, id love one of those micro-houses and to travel the country with my house, but if that doesnt work out id like a shotgun style! 
who is your role model?
Robin Williams, again :p
what was the last compliment you received?
“i love the way you color” was the last one!!
what was the last text you sent?
“my feet are gonna fall the fuck off” sent to my mom sjhdfjhdjfs
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
i didnt grow up believing in santa, my mom always just wrote her name on my presents! 
what is your dream car?
a tucker, even tho thats very VERY unlikely lmao 
opinion on smoking?
dont do it 
do you go to college?
no, but i want to!! 
what is your dream job?
character/concept designer for a film or game studio
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
no >:(
do you have freckles?
lots on my arms, none on my face anymore :p
do you smile for pictures?
yep!! i have a bad sameface problem lmao
how many pictures do you have on your phone?
100+, my phone doesnt tell me an exact number
have you ever peed in the woods?
yep, once when i was younger i got locked out of my house on the way home from school so i had to pee in the woods behind our house and wait for my mom to get home 
do you still watch cartoons?
yeah, its the only thing i really watch lol
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Wendys, but Mcdonalds has better fries
Favorite dipping sauce?
sweet BBQ
what do you wear to bed?
sweatpants and a t-shirt!
have you ever won a spelling bee?
no, but i one a book fair contest once!
what are your hobbies?
drawing, singing, music in general, video games, and seeing how long i can stay up without passing out lmao
can you draw?
i like to think so
do you play an instrument?
flute, but i think ive forgotten how by now
what was the last concert you saw?
i havent seen any, but im going to see one next week!!
tea or coffee?
neither, unless we’re talking sweet tea lmao
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
do you want to get married?
yes, id like to!! but if the person i end up with doesnt want to im cool with that!
what is your crush’s first and last initial?
im not answering this fkdjgghjdhf
are you going to change your last name when you get married?
depends on the other persons last name and if they wanna change theirs!!
what color looks best on you?
do you miss anyone right now?
yeah, a friend of mine and my dad :(
do you sleep with your door open or closed?
closed and locked lol
do you believe in ghosts?
what is your biggest pet peeve? 
when people are rude or self-absorbed ://
last person you called`
my mom
favorite ice cream flavor?
cookie dough!!
regular oreos or golden oreos?
regular (put them in the fridge first, they’re better cold!!)
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
i hate sprinkles :p tastes like paste 
what shirt are you wearing?
a fallout t-shirt!
what is your phone background?
cinderella’s castle, a pick that i took last time i went to magic kingdom!!
are you outgoing or shy?
shy :3c
do you like it when people play with your hair?
yeah!! but only if i know them fkhgdfg
do you like your neighbors?
some of them, our neighbor to our right is really nice but past that we have two trump supporters and on the left we have a couple thats really really mean lmao
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
in the morning!!
have you ever been high?
have you ever been drunk?
last thing you ate?
 a subway sandwich!!
favorite lyrics right now
summer or winter?
day or night?
Day, specifially mornings :o
dark, milk, or white chocolate?
favorite month?
december :)
what is your zodiac sign
who was the last person you cried in front of?
uhhhh my therapist lmao
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rockformed · 7 years
idontknowhowtorespondtothis replied to your post “hey you wanna see something cursed ”
Whats wrong with pops?
nothing for people who like them, but i dont like the way they look at all and i have 30+ of them on my windowsill next to my bed 
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rockformed · 7 years
Nihils - Save Our Souls
“I finally saw the world for what it was; The good and bad, they were part of one,”
Send me “heya” and I’ll shuffle my music and give you a song, and my favorite lyrics from it.
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rockformed · 6 years
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happy times feat @idontknowhowtorespondtothis
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rockformed · 7 years
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aforementioned big buff ladies 
my (on the left) and @idontknowhowtorespondtothis‘ (on the right) co-op saints row characters who im now in love with and adore
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