#Ie ya know to do my job functions
downfallofi · 5 months
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"You don't smile a lot, it gets ya through the day!" - Pam from sales to me
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Oh thank you for liking my American wizards ideas
And about guns, okay modern trick a lot of writers use that magic is often uncomfortable with modern technology.
Now my Americans wizards gun magic is that they use mainly colonial muskets, revolvers, and recent advancements allow WW1-2 guns to be used.
Also like for the modern AK-47 and desert eagles, okay gamifying a bit. But american wizards enchantments get slow to change the type of bullets the guns use, ie a enchantment take make the bullets releasing posion gas after hitting the target and such
Actually I notice something I notice in post hp fantasy settings and especially after Rings of Power. A lot of modern creators try to put modern or globalized characters into middle age inspired settings
Like the push for black rep in fantasy…the problem is that the type of fantasy people that could resembled modern black people is if the fantasy setting take place in colonial or industrial eras.
But I think a lot of black activists in these progressive circles never realize or took the hard pill that the average black American and the modern Yoruba people are strangers to each other. We have no pagan cultural roots to Africa
Yeah it’s sucks…but it sure as hell will help you in the long wrong
And as you know I’m a Midwestern. This tweet made me realize my fantasy ideas is so different
It was a fun read
Now my Americans wizards gun magic is that they use mainly colonial muskets, revolvers, and recent advancements allow WW1-2 guns to be used.
You were talking about a steampunk type visual, you'll see a lot of old flintlock, wheel lock, and cap and ball type with the people that do steampunk, it's Victorian era so basically if it existed prior to to 1901 you're good.
Actually I notice something I notice in post hp fantasy settings and especially after Rings of Power. A lot of modern creators try to put modern or globalized characters into middle age inspired settings
Ya it's getting old, fantasy setting is not bad that and how they explained Morgan Freeman's character in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves worked great.
Moorish man that Robin had befriended instead of killed while out on the Crusade, came back to see England with Robin. It had a few 'magic negro' moments but not really magic other than the magic of his voice.
Just a inspirational speech, telescope thing too iirc been a while not really magic but a great vehicle for inserting someone who would not appear normally in that area at that time into a story.
But I think a lot of black activists in these progressive circles never realize or took the hard pill that the average black American and the modern Yoruba people are strangers to each other. We have no pagan cultural roots to Africa
Some are acutely aware of it
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It's the 'they took our jobs' that everyone says it racist when you're talking about immigrants, but this is slots in college admissions and not racist at all if you ask them.
Xenophobic would be closer.
And as you know I’m a Midwestern. This tweet made me realize my fantasy ideas is so different
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Guy moves to farm country and find out that farmers aren't actually the racist hicks he thought they were, many such cases.
There's a imageset from a post from FB or twitter or something, black woman breaks down in the middle of farm country on her way somewhere and her worst nightmare comes true when a white dude with confederate flag and maga stickers pulls up.
Guy was friendly and polite, helped to get her car functional and showed her where was a good place close by where a more permanent fix could happen.
There's a few, variations on who was driving and one I'm thinking of their bumper came loose, others with flat tires and what not.
They all end the same way, preconceived notions wind up being shown to be incredibly wrong.
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 28 days
Two people sit in cells right by each other. Something in them recognizes the other, but neither were fully sure on that.
"Haha, this is fine. We are fine. If he really was mad, we wouldn't be here. And hey- at least we are fed-" The male with long dark hair said, either trying to comfort himself or the other person, he wasn't so sure.
It had been a while since he was home...
The tired looking enby looked over at the male and sighed sofrly. "Exactly, I'm just... tired from the long journey..."
The man nodded and took off the cloak of the Obsidian uniform he wore "the abominations aren't great, but... here you go." The cloak was passed through the bars. "Where are ya from anywyas?"
The enby shook their head gentley and pushed the coat back "I dont need it, I have my cloak. And for where I'm from... technically, I am from here, but- let's just say... shit ex husband lead me to run away... and I ended up in Bennonite. "
"Yeah, but you could have two blankets~" 6 man urged, "make yourself a little sandwich of blankets~"
The enby softly giggled at the man's antics "I see why Gil likes you so much, I will be all right tough." They smiled gentley before a question popped into their head "what about you, what's your story?"
"Bennonite Huh? That's quite a ways from here..." The black haired man drapes his coat over his shoulders. "But I'm just stopping by for work, and... you know, I don't know exactly why I'm in here, but ie happens whenever I come by"
The other chuckled softly "try trekking through the mountains with next to nothing trying to get to Rohdinite." They laughed a bit at their own expense. "But, I think this is just Gil's way of making sure that we are safe... in his own way-"
"You came all this way to see him, didn't you?" The man shrugged and frowned a bit. "I suppose it's the same for me. If you haven't slept yet, you may want to lay down. I'll hold your hand if it'll help. You're not a threat to me if you're not a threat to Gil."
The enby smiled softly and shook their head "No I'm alright... I rested while traveling here..."
The man nodded and sighed a bit "it's funny though, the man won't let me attend court functions, but he can lock me. I'm a cell until he stops pouting." He raised his voice with the last few words
"I came to see you first, Gilbert! What more do you want?!" The man continued to complain at seemingly nothing.
"Well, I'm sure I can fix your problems with attending court as the minority representitive of both Obsidian and Bennonite" they gave the man a proud smile before sofening "and I'm glad you love him too... he deserves it..."
The man looked over at the brunette "too?"
"Yeah... I love him... I'm not afraid to say it. I'm sure you do as well, right?"
"Absolutely. I'm Kayden Bazen. It's nice to meet you"
"Morgan Solace. Used to be Viola Ripley- it's nice to meet you too"
He then whistles, "You got yourself a nice job both here and in Bennonite that Ex-husband sure lost out"
They gave Kayden a weak smile "heh- yeah... Silvio has been making sure things go good for me while in there..."
"Prince Silvio, right? The bad mouthed one who jangles and has his own fleet of ships?"
Morgan giggled a bit and nodded. "Yeah, Silvio may be a bit rough on the surface, but he is quite the sweetheart... I was definitely surprised when he took me in.. especially wearing an Obsidian uniform..."
After a few moments, something seemed to click in Kayden's head. "I'm sure that peice of shit ex has been taken care of in a way very different than it seems -"
"Oh yeah- Gil gave me his head after we met again-" Morgan said like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Buddy, you got a whole lot of good going on for you. I'm glad I met you, Morgan. Hey listen, are you at all close to crying?"
"I'm glad I met you too... and thanks... you got some good things going for you too, especially two princes~" they teased the man with a slight smirk, "but, yeah... a little... why do you ask...?"
Kayden tilted his head, looking confused. He the lower his voice, keeping that for later. "I bet if you manage some tears, I bet that you'll see a nice, fluffy mattress sooner than you thought."
They giggled a bit and tried to shake it off "I'll be fine- I can wait..."
"Yeah, but... have you not cried in front of Gil? The softness in his comes out, trust me."
Morgan looked down, "I... I haven't if I'm being honest... I'm scared to..." They softly chuckled, tears starting to fall. They tried to wipe them away.
Kayden gives them two thumbs up before cupping their hands and shouting "HEY GIL! THEY'RE CRYING AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! RODRIC! SOMEONE? DO I RUB THEIR BACK?"
Clattering could be heard from upstairs, along with rushed sounds and yells.
Morgan was balled up, still crying.
Gilbert fell down the stairs before getting up and brushing himself off. He went over to the two of their cells.
Kayden puts his hands up, shrugging and gestures to Morgan "Gil! They're crying! Said something about loveing you, then tears!"
Gilbert chuckled siftly before going into Morgan's cell and sitting by them "may I hold you butterfly...?"
Morgan nodded and curled into Gilberts arms quietly, sobbing into them.
"You know... I love you too, Gil. You can't hold us here forever. They'll cry some more. Atleast let Morgan out for a bit? I'm sure they have learned their lesson."
Gilbert sighs and chuckles a bit "Honestly, you're such a cute cunning raven. But fine, I can let go of Morgan keeping that little attempted assassination from me this time..." He handed Kayden his cane before scooping up Morgan. He walked over to the other cell and unlocked it. "Come now, my little raven"
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altdiamonds · 2 years
Back to School with the Tokyo Revengers Boys
Song of the Day: Venom by Stray Kids
"Yeah spider, you got me locked up ey~"
So yall don't know me, and I'm lowkey okay with that...if you do..zip ya lip /j. I had this idea in my head for a while since I'm going to college so hey, why not see what majors/minors/jobs would the TR boys have.
Characters: Tetta Kisaki, Atsushi "Akkun" Sendo, Haitani Ran, Haitani Rindou
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Honestly, with the way Kisaki has pulled the strings with everything in Tokyo Revengers, I'm surprised that he didn't make theater his major. Anyway, I say Kisaki is a Fine Arts major is highly based off the major itself; engage in a wide range of coursework and studio courses, exploring mediums like photography, painting, sculpture and graphic design. The program focuses on developing students' skills as artists, creative thinkers, designers and problem solvers.
Kisaki is seen a creative thinker and a somewhat problem solver. Now with the theater minor; designed for students who want a comprehensive experience in theatrical performance, production, design, management, and dramatic literature. Kisaki can use the experience from this minor to aid him in anything in the world. (We all seen what happens at the end on season 1 👀.)
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It was mainly based off his dream in the first character book. To be honest, I see him doing good with hair styling, but struggling with some of the other different styles...maybe. Cosmetology;teaches cosmetology students how to perform cosmetology services on Guests. Cosmetology is about more than just hair. Cosmetology is the study and application of beauty treatment to the hair, skin and nails. is an art form to Akkun, he would love to see the different styles, colors, and types or hair people have.
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Since the second character book came out, I liked seeing the fan art from Ran's likes ie. YSL. So while he is being a YSL model he is being a smart ass and getting a degree in Business. A business degree;  seeking a broad-based education in many areas of business, with the option to specialize. Students will learn how different types of companies function in local and global economies. is the thing that will keep Ran on his toes (I guess 🧍🏾‍♀️that nigga will sleep all day and still pass like how that work). Honestly, with Ran if and when he is done with being a YSL model he can automatically go into the business world while he can be an ambassador for YSL.
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DJ Rindou strikes again, but this time with a degree. Music management; prepares individuals to organize and manage music organizations, operations, facilities, and personnel. can help Rindou get better with his djing and his ways of being able to mix the music better. Also, he could work on his emotions and work on commentary. His location is great for it, Roppongi, mainly the Haitani house is the place most of these parties are held so, it helps.
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Yeah um...so...part two...maybe...I guess hell I don't know, imma need time to think on that cuz my head was hurting just thinking of this.
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taglist: @maydayaisha @happygoluckyalexis
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
You said in a previous ask that at the end, when everyone is safe, etc. you envisioned your V expecting Johnny to pursue Rogue, for them to swallow their own feeling, trying to be a supporting friend, encourage Johnny and push him to do it. Can you expand on your thoughts on the matter? Can’t help but think it is an awesome scenario
*Screams in someone asked me about my v’s canon* Thank youuuu
My V even actually does this a bit prior to the aftermath of Mikoshi, because in her canon Alt tells her about the six months thing during the first meeting (because other than dramatic tension or Alt not taking the time to check, I can’t think logically why she couldn’t have told V from the start) so my V has managed to mentally hide from the Johnny the fact that due to this, she pretty resolves herself to letting Johnny have her body after the oil fields. So, she wants to make sure his relationships with Kerry and Rogue are cleared up, so they can be there for him when she’s gone. She actually goes as far to invite Rogue to the Samurai Reunion gig in hopes that her and Johnny will be able to clear the air after whatever happened on the date.
And yes absolutely once everything has sorta cleared up a bit. My V is still encouraging Johnny to pursue Rogue. Because I have a habit with my oc’s universe for it to be like okay, once all the actiony stuff has settled we’re doing a complete tonal shift and this is now a romantic comedy. But, my V also ontop of all we see in game, she goes through Temperance endings and is fucking around in cyberspace for a while. And when Johnny becomes determined to save her, one of the first things he does once they find a way to save her life/body is go see her in cyberspace through the net and of course, who did he go to first, who did he bring for safety. Rogue. So, my V has that as well as part of the evidence Johnny really loves Rogue and has no feelings for my dumbass. Mixed, with my V’s generally low self esteem and belief that anyone who really knows her can’t possibly want her.
Of course one they’re back, post her recovery, Johnny and her are full clingy and even fall back into some old habits (ie casual sex), are living together. Are essentially living as if they’re a couple, but without technically being a couple. Like, to anyone with a single functioning braincell, its clear that they have some feelings between them. But, my V also knows how powerful the relic bond was and that a decent amount of this is probably because of that. She doesn’t believe that Johnny could have romantic feelings for her and all of this intimacy is due to left over effects of the relic. And she begins to worry that this is going to negatively impact Johnny moving on from all of this. Because she wants him to have his life back and take this new chance to do what makes him happy; rekindle his thing with Rogue, start playing with Kerry again, have some independence. Because Rogue’s not gonna want to be with him if he’s still playing house with V, fucking them, and they’re clinging to him like a leech. So, she doesn’t want to continue going along with enabling these side effects because as much as she adores having Johnny completely wrapped up in her; she thinks its just the relic and it’ll get in the way of him getting what he really wants. It feels good in the moment but won’t be sustainable long term, because who Johnny really wants is Rogue. So, she’s convinced she has to just swallow her own feelings and do this to really help Johnny and be a good friend.
And a big part of everything is the fact these two dumbasses have to use their big boy and girl words to talk, yet vehemently refuse to for a significant amount of time.
So, she starts like sewing those seeds of, “well you know we’ll have to eventually stop screwing around, after all can’t have a serious relationship if you still have a fuckbuddy” which Johnny takes as V wants a serious relationship with someone other than him.
“Hey, when you think you’re up for it, we’ll start looking at apartments, I know you don’t wanna share a bed with me for the rest of your life.” which Johnny takes as, she doesn’t want to live with him for much longer.
“Hey have you talked to Rogue lately, you two should have a chat, see where things stand now that you got your body back.” Which Johnny takes as, she’s trying to push me off on someone else.
“Oh hey, that looks cool….you should take Rogue there, she’d probably enjoy another date without my face ruining everything.” Which again Johnny just sees as she’s pushing him off on Rogue, because she doesn’t want him.
She’ll even do thing like take Johnny to the Afterlife with her to get a gig from Rogue and oh cool, this is a one man job though, so you stay and have some drinks with Rogue; okay byeeeee~ And him and Rogue have a chat, because he’s so fucking down about this, because this is like his worst fear realized to him. Now, that V doesn’t have to deal with him, doesn’t have to be with him, she doesn’t want to. That she’s trying to get rid of him, because why would she want him. And Rogue, having ya know functioning braincells sees through all this shit.
And Rogue asks what the fuck is going on because she wants to hear Johnny’s bullshit idea and he’s like “yeah, pretty sure V is sick of me, keeps trying to push me off on you.”
“She thinks she’s helping.”
“What do you mean?”
“She thinks you still have feelings for me and that what we had can be salvaged.”
“Why the hell would she think that?”
“You used her body to take me on a date.”
“….okay, fair point…”
And I’m still not totally sure how everything like resolves; I haven’t even written the third chapter of her fic yet, so this is way off in the distance as is. But, my V does eventually have to leave for a decent chunk of time to take care of personal shit, and doesn’t take Johnny with her because she feels she has to take care of it without him and honestly thinks its best to break some of the dependence as much as it physically fucking hurts. And when she comes back she learns that Johnny basically spent the whole time sitting by his phone and watching the door, waiting for her to come back or call. They end up finally talking it out because Johnny says like, “you must think I’m pretty pathetic clinging to you when you don’t even fuckin’ want me”  and shes like “woah what the hell do you mean I don’t want you???” And actually talk it out and she realizes her actions made him feel unwanted and like he was the only one feeling this pull, like he needed her and she could leave him in the dust and not think twice. And fuck that was not her intention and just admitting, that she does need and want him as much as he needs and wants her, she just didn’t think he wanted her and thought she was helping him get what he really wanted. Just them finally talking like grown adults and maybe someone will fucking confess or I’ll scream.
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
QQ has me shaking in my boots ✊🏻👏🏻 but I’ve had a lingering question for the last few days; if the rest of the BTS members were in QQ, what districts would they be from? Love your work 🥺❤️
oh my god, okay here me out; an alternative Quarter Quell Fic were all past victors must play again and all the bts members are victors who come to play the quell but they somehow all become yandere over Y/n.....Lemme know if that’s something ya’ll would like to read.  Anyway, here ya go;
(Btw I’m gonna base these profiles on the crackhead idea I stated up above, except I’m not going to do Jungkook and Tae bc they’re already in my Quarter Quell Fic and their games are being played right now so I don’t feel right doing profiles for them...it’ll deadass confuse me.)
BTS as Victors (Hunger Games AU)
Kim Seokjin- District One (Luxury)  
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Jin originates from district one, most would say that he figuratively hit the birth lottery by being from this district.  
The first district is essentially the crown jewel of the capitol, it’s by far the most favored.  The main job of district one is to provide the capitol with all luxury items, so most people make their money by creating jewelry and makeup.  (Both of which are in extremely high demand in the capitol, so 1 is by far the most economically flourishing district.)
Jin never had to suffer food outages or abuse by peacekeepers because of 1′s good status with the capitol.  To further his prosperity, Jin’s father was actually the mayor of district one.  
Which makes Jins’ reaping all the more scandalous.  
There was a rumor that Jin’s father expressed sympathy towards the damaged and less favored districts (11 and 12).So when Jin’s name was reaped, people suspected that the system was rigged and Jin’s name was going to get called out either way.  Because after all, how would the capitol keep a loud-mouth mayor in check?  By putting his son in the games, of course.  
No one volunteered in fear of interfering with the capitol’s plans and getting in trouble. 
However Seokjin fancied himself an actor and practically skipped to the stage with a big grin on his face, announcing his name proudly and even stating that it would be an honor to compete on behalf of his district. 
His strategy was to get on the good side of both the audience and the gamemakers.  Unlike other tributes who sometimes couldn’t help the look of terror they had, Jin made sure to constantly look happy and would even compliment the gamemakers in his interview by saying things like, “This game is going to be the best one in years, I could already tell.”  “I caught a glimpse at the makers during my assessment and let me tell you...they’re not playing around this year.”
Because of this Jin wasn’t the target of any foul play or natural disasters bc the makers held no ill will towards him, if anything a lot of them actually wanted him to win. 
He earned himself many fans and thus sponsors, mainly due to his good looks and partly due to his surprisingly goofy nature.  
Jin was always sure to keep his attitude light. He constantly made jokes and did impressions in the arena, showcasting his humor bc the last thing he needed was to be painted as the bad guy.  His number one rule was to always keep his fans satisfied.  That kept him alive.  
He stuck to the career alliance; teaming up with his district counterpart, two and the girl from four.  He stuck with them because he knew he would need the numbers and the supplies.  But a bit more than halfway through the games, when the careers took down all the main threats, Jin zipped up all the tents that his sleeping allies were in, took a good amount of supplies and set the camp on fire; effectively killing the career pact.  
For two days after that he wandered alone but was having trouble with basic survival skills.  Unlike more than half the tributes, Jin grew up in a city with no true sense of nature.  He was struggling.
 That’s when he came across a boy from 11 and a girl from 7.  They both were rather weak and Jin offered them protection in exchange that they let him stay in their hideout with them.  But when 11 and 7 were under attack, Jin fled and let them be killed.  
Jin eventually had to go against the last tribute standing; a girl from 6.  She was also frail and only lasted that long because of her hiding skills.  Jin overpowered her and threw her off a mountain.  Thus, he became victor.  
He still is to this day one of the most popular victors and a really good mentor (although he mainly just advocates for having allies, using them, then killing them before they can kill you.)  
because of his good looks, he is often sold off to elite women and men for a night with a handsome victor.  Jin has no choice, it’s the only way he was able to make the president forgive his father.  (Think of Finnick Odair).  
Choice of weapon; spear, betrayal (all his allies will eventually end up killed by him)
Min Yoongi- District Six (Transportation)
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District Six is responsible for all methods of transportation the capitol has.  The hovercrafts, the high-speed trains and advanced cargo ships are all products of 6.
Citizens from six are heavily oppressed by the peacekeepers.  Although not as poor as 11 or 12, they are one of the more rebellious districts.  It’s also the largest district and the most unstable, lots of the population suffer from a morphling addiction which is party responsible for the citizen’s disobedience.  
Yoongi came from a lower middle class background, raised by a single working mom who fell victim to the morphling epidemic.  Needless to say she was very absent from his life.  
Life at six is so bleak, when Yoongi’s name was reaped his first thought was ‘well, at least I won’t die in this shit hole.’  
He was very numb due to shock so he appeared very aloof when he went up to the stage; a total contrast to his counterpart who was bawling her eyes out.  
He managed to keep this stoic act up for the entirety of his time in the capitol, his thought process was that he never wanted to give the capitol the satisfaction of seeing him break.  
He mainly enjoyed all the food and luxuries the capitol had to offer, thinking that he had no chance of winning and might as well enjoy his last days.  
It wasn’t until his interview where even the host forgot his name that he realized that he might have a secret weapon under his belt; no one knew who he was, he was forgettable, someone who other tributes overlooked and even underestimated.  
He went to his mentor with this revelation and was told to go the ‘Joanna Mason route’.  
Ie; play weak and stupid until there’s only a few tributes left, then release your inner crazy and kill them all before they ever even saw you coming.
Yoongi figured it was better than nothing and decided this as his strategy.  
Yoongi had no help of sponsors or allies, all he had was himself.  But that’s the way he wanted it.  
He hid for more than half the game, his small stature making it easy for him to hide into small nooks and crannies.  He survived mainly on small plants, insects and any rainfall he was able to get.  
It wasn’t until he witnessed someone die near one of his hideouts that he allowed his murderous side to snap.  
It was a fight between a girl from 5 and a boy from 9.  The girl had knives while the boy had an ax, the girl managed to get him in the throat and he fell over dead.  After the girl searched his pockets for supplies, she turned around to stalk off, unaware Yoongi was only yards away.  
Yoongi silently got out of his hideout, took the ax and ran up behind her before chopping her head off.  
There was only four tributes left and Yoongi hunted them all down, tired with how long this game was taking and desperate to get home.  
he managed to kill them all, the tributes being caught off guard bc of his excellent hiding skills  
He became one of the youngest victors of all time, he was only 14.  
As a mentor, he’s actually pretty absent.  
Yoongi doesn’t like to get too close to the tributes because it becomes too emotionally crushing to eventually witness them die.  
His general advice for them is to lay low and never draw any attention towards you, the factor of surprise is the ultimate weapon for those with patience.  
Yoongi has never been the same since the games, he isn’t proud of it but he’s also become dependent on morphling; it’s the only thing that keeps his nightmares and depression away.  (Like Haymitch, except Haymitch was dependent on alcohol and Yoongi is dependent on drugs)
He despises the capitol even more now, hating the fact that they made him a murderer and he was forced to play into the very game he promised to never have a part of.
He lives with that guilt everyday and doesn’t think he’s any better than the ruthless career kids he sees every year
He’s quite belligerent too.  He is almost never given mentor interviews or screentime because he’s blown up one too many times that the hosts know to avoid him.  (Think Joanna Mason and the one catching fire scene where she flips shit on national tv).
Weapons; hiding, ax
Kim Namjoon- District Three (Technology) 
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District three has some of the smartest tributes, and Namjoon was no different.
District Three is responsible for all the high-end technology the capitol has; the people may not be as strong as two or as flashy as one, but their intellect alone runs the capitol.  
Kids from three are good at creating functional tools, codes, wires, ect.  But sadly, these traits don’t translate well into the games given the clear advantage towards physical superiority over intellectual superiority.  
Namjoon was determined to show the capitol how far a smart kid can go.  
Like most tributes, Namjoon went into a little bit of a shock when his name was reaped.  
He walked up, void of any emotion and avoided any eye contact with the district representative or the female counterpart.  
When he was escorted into the room to say his goodbyes to his family is when he finally broke.  
But his mother made him promise to do anything to get back home, she didn’t care how dirty he had to get she just wanted her boy to live
This encouragement/promise was enough to motivate him to become the last one standing, he didn’t care how gory he would have to get.
He utilized his mentor heavily, talking their ear off and asking countless questions.  Soaking up any information/advice he could get, knowing it could very well be the difference between life and death.  
His mentor advised him to choose the Beetee Latier strategy, telling Namjoon that if he just got his hands on some tools and put his mind to it he could be the most dangerous tribute in that arena. 
During his training days Namjoon spent all his time in the rope stations, net stations and hook stations, knowing that his future plans would require him to be good with these skills.
During his interview, he hinted to the audience that he was very smart.  He was careful to not make it obvious enough to make him a target of the careers but enough to raise the interests of the sponsors.  
His personal score was also good, making the act of getting sponsors a little bit easier.  
When the game began, he ran off from the blood bath but not too far.  He stayed close enough to watch who left and with what supplies.  With this knowledge, he began to track the people who had the tools he would need to play out his plan.  
He would track these people very slyly, waiting until their guard was down to swipe their supplies.  
With these supplies he would build traps and set them up for tributes to unknowingly walk into.  His favorites were bear traps, snatching nets and digging up 8 ft deep holes then covering them up with debri for tributes to stumble into.
He managed to kill a decent amount of tributes before killing off what was left of the career pact.  
However, Namjoon wasn’t able to avoid hand-to-hand combat forever.  
When it came to the end, it was between a male tribute from 5, a girl from 2 and Namjoon himself.  Both tributes had weapons while Namjoon didn’t.  
He fought with them and got stabbed and sliced a good amount, but even with his fatal blood loss and fading consciousness, his brilliant mind came up with a plan.  
He staggered over to one of his traps, making the tributes think he was just trying to run away when the truth was he was trying to lure them to their deaths.  
They took the bait, got strung up into a net before being electrocuted to death.  
The last words Namjoon heard before he blacked out was the head gamemaker announcing him victor.  
Namjoon is now one of the greatest mentors of all time.  Whenever it’s his turn to overlook the tributes of his home district the chances of 3 winning goes up 50%
He is very good at strategy and has even helped the gamemakers create certain arenas for future games.  
namjoon teaches his students the importance of staying calm and sticking to a plan. “When kids are scared, starving and fighting for their lives they’re very easy to pick off.  Utilize that.”  
Weapons; stalking, traps
Jung Hoseok- District Eight (Textiles)
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Hoseok was a victim of the reaping gamble.  (The process in which kids will enter their names in the reaping bowl more times than required in exchange for food)
Hoseok is the oldest of four children, his mother died with the birth of the youngest child and his dad died years later due to poor health via the unlawful work conditions in the factories. (District Eight is responsible for all the clothes the capitol has, this means the vast majority of citizens work in factories. Eight is also very oppressed so peacekeepers beat citizens and hand out punishments often.)  
Hoseok dropped out of school in order to help provide for his brothers and sister.  He is the only one working and he refuses to let the second to oldest child drop out of school to help him.  He just wants his siblings to get their education so hopefully they can end up with manager positions at the factories and wouldn’t have to suffer the awful conditions/abuse average factory workers go through.  
Hoseok is used to putting his name in more times than needed.  Of course it means his panic is through the roof when reaping comes but when the names are called and he’s not one of them, he walks away with a relieved heart and bags full of food for his siblings.  
Hoseok depends on that food, because it saves him up to three weeks of salary and he can use that money to get his siblings some new clothes that they had to wait all year for.  Along with some small gifts in order to make up for the birthday’s Hoseok wasn’t able to afford.  
Since this was his last year of being eligible for the reaping, Hoseok made sure to add his name more than usual, hoping to get more food so he could spread out the money for even longer. 
So in a way, when his name was called, he wasn’t completely surprised.  
But he was heartbroken, realizing that in his effort to provide for his siblings he may have robbed them of yet another caretaker. 
When it was time to say goodbye, he tried his hardest to be strong and promised them he’d come back.  
On the train ride over to the capitol he was completely inconsolable, unable to sleep at the prospect of his siblings having to watch him die on national tv.  
He went through the motions of the first days at the capitol, but it wasn’t until the training days begun that he was approached.  
it was a girl from 10 and she was only 13 years old.  She asked him if he had an ally and if he would be interested in working with her.  Hoseok was about to say no when he fell silent, the girl reminded him so much of his younger sister that he couldn’t help but want to protect her.  
They made an alliance.  
And it was working rather well.  Turned out the girl from 10 was very handy and knew how to keep her and Hoseok alive.  The arena was a freezing arctic and she skinned polar bears in order to keep her and Hoseok warm, later cooking the meat for them to eat.  
Most tributes that year died via freezing to death, very little fighting was done.   
Not the career pact though.
They found Hoseok and the girl from 10, holding him down and forcing him to watch as they tortured her. 
Eventually she died but he would never forget her screams for help.  
This was enough to make Hoseok snap.
So he did.
Hoseok became a monster, broke free and killed the pact.  There was only three (two boys, one girl), he stabbed one in the throat, strangled the other and tracked the fleeing girl down before holding her head under the freezing water till she drowned.  
Hoseok won.  
In a way he’s glad because now him and his family live on victor’s row and no longer have to worry about their next meal. 
 But his sanity will never be the same....
He is the kindest mentor, mainly because he knows that the majority of them won’t be coming back so he’s sure to be very nice and always offers to look out for their family when they eventually die.  
Park Jimin- District Four (Fishing)
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Jimin volunteered for the games, an act that was surprising to everyone and anyone in four.  
It’s not that Jimin wasn’t strong, it was just that he didn’t seem like the type to hurt people and he was mainly just known as a really sweet local fisher boy.  
People wondered how such an angel could even think of volunteering, much less actually win the games...
(Rumors even spread that he must’ve been suicidal or in serious debt, why else would he volunteer?)
But he strutted up confidently and announced his name, holding a certain benevolence that made him seem self-assured in his own ability.  
Jimin was already acting like he won the games before he even got to the capitol.  
He never really showed any anxiety or distress, he talked to the escort and mentors very casually....as if they were all old friends.   
He also was extremely close to his designers/stylists, he allowed himself to get spoiled by the pampering and new clothes/makeup.  (This also could’ve been part of his strategy.  Most tributes could care less about their team but by Jimin becoming close to them, they most likely were more motivated to get him the best clothes, jewelry, makeup and overall helped him get more fans.)  
Needless to say he became popular very quickly, he was by far the most attractive tribute and his laid back/flirty personality was infectious. For the first time ever a tribute’s concept was sex appeal, something that was unheard of for tributes to do because of their young age.  
During his interview when asked about his strategy, Jimin just shrugged cutely and said “I’m a very lucky person, I doubt this will be all that hard.”
he buttered up the careers very nicely, they all basically just saw him as eye candy with lots of sponsors, not an actual threat.  
Little did anyone know, Jimin was actually playing a very intelligent game that requires lots of manipulation.  
His main objective was to stick with the careers until more than half the tributes were gone, then he would turn the careers against each other.  
It would start off really slow and deliberate; going to one career and saying “This isn’t any of my business, but I heard (blank) talking in their sleep about offing you.”  Or going to another and saying, “Don’t you think it’s weird how (blank) is acting?  Maybe they’re thinking about killing us and winning this thing for themselves.”
He creates chaos and distrust and watches as they slowly turn against each other.  
Eventually the careers would begin to kill each other, the alliance crumbling all thanks to Jimin.  
Jimin would wait until only him and another career remained.  At this point the career would realize that it was Jimin who destroyed the alliance...but it would be too late.  
It was a girl career and although she was strong, she was no match for Jimin who dragged her to the swamp and held her head under water until the cannon sounded.  
He would then kill the remaining two tributes, a piece of cake since he only kept the careers around to off the bigger threats, only weak kids remained.  
Wins the game and becomes one of the most popular victors of all time.  (Although it’s still a mystery as to why he volunteered, a lingering question Jimin has always refused to answer.)  
Because of him a new strategy in the games was born; The Jimin game (ie; get in an alliance, use the alliance for supplies/food/protection, then when all the big tributes are gone plant a seed of deception into the allies so they all turn against each other)  
Also because of him tributes began selling a more sexier side of themselves.  (Esp tributes from four bc Jimin mentors them into it so that they can get more sponsors)  
Jimin also frequents the capitol often, being an A-list celebrity and receiving special treatment whenever he comes around.  Unlike Yoongi, Jimin fully embraced his role and is always ready to give out interviews or guest on shows.  
he also sells himself to elite capitol women, not because he was forced to but because he enjoys the sex and gifts that come with it (sugar baby)
Although there is one catch to sleeping with the infamous Park Jimin.....you have to tell him a secret worth his while.  
What he’s planning to do with these secrets....no one knows.  
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
IDK who I am?
Ok so this is kind of a whole ass mess, I started off with a question that would make it a useful read for everyone and not a waste of time, but it ended up being a bit of a personal advice question so I hope that’s ok.
What would cause unhealthiness in a type? Most of the time, i feel like i’m a healthy ENTP, but multiple arguments with my ESFJ (or ESTJ?) mom have caused me to seriously doubt myself in many ways over the years. I read that an unhealthy ENTP can be argumentative, unwilling to drop arguments, etc. These are all things my mom tells me I do, along with not taking responsibility and making excuses. I’m 18 now and we don’t argue that much but we did a lot when I was around 13-15 and kind of, ya know, going through it as teenagers do. And since my mom has basically always used these same digs at me, I’ve assumed that maybe that’s the reason that it really hurts whenever those same digs are brought up now, and basically I have a lot of self doubt and am insecure about being an immature version of my type (because that would mean that i’ve been in the wrong in so many instances in my life if everything my mom says about me is true, and i think that sentence in itself proves my mom right in that i don’t like taking accountability.) As I’m typing this, I’m wondering if maybe that fear of being an unhealthy version of my type or admitting my faults could be related to enneagram ?? Anyways, I know that nobody’s perfect and can definitely appear even worse especially in conflict, I just sometimes wonder if i’m unhealthy or a completely different type altogether. That’s another thing, I’m always trying to find an answer to things, but have a hard time settling on just one. This could be another reason for my self-doubt. I guess my question, after that exhausting story, is WHY? I go back and forth between caring or not caring about personality type, but I’m in a particular stage right now where i care and really just wanna know why i am the way i am (i’m in a bit of desperate state of mind rn lol.) I don’t know if i gave enough info for you to answer this, but what causes me to fear failure so much? Does it have to do with being raised by an ESxJ? Or is it related to enneagram? Or something else altogether? Also, am i even an entp?? you’d probably need to know more about me, but from the way I wrote this, could you give me anything? I’m asking for so much right now, I’d honestly be annoyed at me. But I’ve been so unsure about so many things lately and I just want one thing in my life I can be at least a little more sure about.
I’m sorry you are in a place of feeling like you aren’t sure who you are; if it helps, most people who embark on MBTI journeys face that, sooner or later. And it often precedes a period of self-understanding that helps you find your type, because you start focusing on how you respond to things and how you get things done, rather than what others are telling you about yourself, and linking that to specific functions.
So much hyper-focus on what your mom says about you either indicates you are a high feeler (FJ seems more reasonable than FP at this point, since it’s not about defending self from the outside world, but wondering if what others say about you is true; but if you are sure of Ne-dom, I’d look into ENFP also) or in a Fe-loop. EFJs often mistype as ETPs at first, because they don’t realize how much they lack a specific sense of self, because their entire identity is built on how others perceive, relate to, and speak to them. If this has been a persistent concern for as long as you can remember, consider EFJ (most ETPs at your age care way less what others think, and way more about how they can ‘use’ them to get what they want, since Fe is just a tool for them and not a place of ‘being’).
If you are an ENTP, you sound as if you are in a Fe-related loop, excessively ruminating on others’ external views of  you and causing you to wonder if you are really the irresponsible jerk they tell you that you are. To break this loop, you need to get back into Ti and return to building inner frameworks of logical understanding and consistency. Your natural, healthy tendency will be to notice flaws in arguments, belief systems, and logical inconsistencies, and point them out to yourself and others. You should be learning ‘how things work,’ and not worrying so much ‘how others are reacting to me.’
To gain a better understanding of oneself, you need to put your mother’s criticisms into perspective. Is she the sort of person who finds something harsh and critical to say about everyone, all the time? Or is it just you? What is the objective truth in her digs? Can you come up with specific examples of you doing the things she is accusing you of, or is it just generalization on both your part?
Immature (and at 18, you can’t be anything else, cognitively) ETPs are prone to not taking personal responsibility for themselves and making excuses about it, yes. Ti can rationalize, argue, avoid, and shift responsibility away from self (a natural behavior of unhealthy Fe) rather than simply admit, “What I did was wrong, and I’m sorry.” Arguing, for an ETP, is like breathing – they are so good at it, and so self-assured of thinking up an excuse for everything they do in order to justify their “what I want” based thinking, they forget that their “fun banter” is actually seen as “aggressive behavior” from feeling types. (Sherlock is a great example of what I am talking about.)
If you think your mom has a point, and you can come up with times when you did avoid taking personal responsibility, you have a choice – to work on next time refusing to give an excuse, humbling yourself and admitting you didn’t do what you were supposed to do, or you were selfish and ate the last bag of chips in the house, or whatever else she “gets on you” for. You can also start taking “adult initiative” and doing “mature” things around the house, to show her you are taking responsibility for your stuff, your chores, your bills, etc. The only way to convince an ESJ that you are a mature adult is to consistently act like one and show them you are being responsible with your decisions. Part of being a mature adult, regardless of type, is admitting when you are wrong and taking responsibility for the problems/pain you cause.
If she is criticizing / nitpicking needlessly, analyze her and think about her reasons why she might be doing this, or feels the need to bring others down, or is being “hard” on you in particular. There are many factors that go into people’s behaviors. Do you remind her of someone she used to know, who went the wrong way in life, and is she associating your behaviors with that person’s downward path? High Si’s are prone to instant sensory comparisons of that nature. SJs are also highly responsible people, very driven, who have a specific idea of “how the world works,” and how YOU will have to be, to succeed in it. (IE, 9/5 job, be responsible, buy car insurance, save for retirement, take care of your family, etc). This is how and why they clash with the “when I see it, I’ll know I want to do it, and do it for awhile, and then find something else to do” fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants EP types.
With parents, it’s also important to remember their bias. Their opinion of you is just their opinion. What matters more out in the world is what your boss, your coworkers, and other people who have a direct financial impact on you as an adult in the workforce think of you. Your parents have watched you grow up. Seen all the good and bad things. Things that do not matter at all in the workforce, and that nobody knows about, outside the family. Things that do not have to ‘define you’ as an adult. EJ parents can also have a lot of trouble transitioning from being “parent” to “friend” – she is used to being your “mom.” So, prove her wrong. What can you do to show her you’re an adult?
You might also be an Enneagram 9 or 6 (both, Tritype-wise, is likely) which is messing with your ability to have a concrete sense of self.
Once you’re in college, your functions will show clearer. Heavy school work / an environment where you need to please peers and teachers will bring out lower functional development.
- ENFP Mod
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whenemmafallsinlove · 5 years
don’t understand how:
- in the course of a year my contacts went from being coMPLETELY COVERED by my insurance to costing $450 without a WORD from my insurance notifying me of that change in advance
- my contacts are not deemed “medically necessary” hi hello i can’t see clearly seven inches in front of my face without correction. legally cannot drive without them. literally just cannot function without sight correction. not sure what that says to you but. ya know.
so as of right now i just have my glasses and no contacts bc i’m so fucking mad i haven’t ordered any. and yes i know glasses are fine but also it is HARD to do the jobs i do w these glasses bc no matter how often i get them tightened they loosen so whenever i look down (ie EVERY TEN SECONDS AR MY JOB TO DO LITERALLY ANYTHING W MY PATIENTS) they slide and sometimes fall off my face which i can’t have happen during STERILE PROCEDURES IE CATHETERIZING SOMEONE but yeah tell me more about how my contacts just aren’t a necessity
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rnarjan · 4 years
I’m in the mood to write because this font is too pretty and I’ve got a handful on my mind. 
For one, my unofficial gay close friend is for some reason experiencing some kind of sensitivity lapse. I decided to read and write to not deal with him. I gave him space because he seriously needa chill. 
For some reason, this acquaintance of mine, Zandro - a cute close friend of my former friend, keeps landing on my mind. He’s cute and mysterious and could actually be right up my alley. Almost like a loner non-intellectual Lance Leighton. Maybe it’s bout’ time I date normal intellectually unremarkable people. Maybe unspecify my type to actually land a lay. I want some loving, too, ya know. I can think and feign interest about dating later on.
For now, I’ve decided to actually read the classic novel, The Catcher in the Rye. Holden Caulfield seems to have the uncaring and hermit-like spirit of my good friend Mark. Getting a whiff of his presence is impossible. It’s like trying to cup water with your bare hands.
But enough about college friends.
I’ve been thinking of putting myself out there. Being a public figure. Becoming more active on social media. Gaining a network of influential and intelligent people. I can do it.
I can’t see myself doing otherwise.
Being an External Affairs Associate in my home org can be pretty exhausting. I might have underestimated the workload which serves me right, since I am now feeling the brunt of the excessive round’ the clock workload. The most frustrating thing is the need to be aggressive to actually get the job done. My org members are too lazy to function. Liking and sharing publicity materials is easy and yet I get motherfucking seen zoned. Oh well, if it ain’t a meme, it will just be seen.
I have got to think bigger than SPECA. To be honest, the org only serves me academically. It’s convenient to be in this org, but aside from that – I really don’t see anything else it can offer. I’ve been eyeing IE Club for the longest time now but I’m too intimidated too apply. I want to try AdCore but I feel like it’s too stringent and a lot of work, too. Maybe I should stick to Esoterica for a while (which reminds me: I need to find the minutes of their Grand Orientation somewhere in my files).
I could horse around in Reddit for the meantime. I’ve been doing it for the longest time. Why stop now? I’ve landed a lot of good friends in that site.
2:26 am
I guess it’s an Arctic Monkeys kind of night where you pretend to be in a dive bar with all sorts of perverts and drinking some kind of battery acid cocktail and smoking a Camel or a nicely rolled blunt.
It can be that kind of night, or it can be an alternative kind of night. Wearing a different kind of shoes for once; listening to music you don’t even think of listening to, and even taking a good look at yourself at a new angle.
It’s a breath of fresh air to embody a different kind of skin. I wonder if I might be a little bit happier had I tried to listen, even just for a bit, a different kind of music or even wore different kinds of clothing  - or even cared to.
I don’t have any alcohol on me right now. The closest feeling I get nowadays to intoxication is the heaviness of my eye lids whenever I feel sleepy as fuck.
Speaking of sleep, I guess I should sleep now. No amount of literary-gazing is worthy enough to lose sleep over.
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I never remember to do tag memes, but I don’t have anything going on, so eh, here we go. Here ya go, @sharp-tender-shock
Nicknames: —
Zodiac sign: Taurus.
Height: Six even
Hogwarts house: Softest Hufflepuff that there is.
Last thing I googled: I believe I looked up Doris Day’s Wikipedia page!
Favorite musicians: The basic gay pop divas: Lady Gaga, Britney, Donna Summer, etc.
Song stuck in my head: Whitney’s How Will I Know
Following/followers: Somewhere around ~150/900?
Do I get asks: Occasionally. Sometimes I forget to do them though, whoops.
Amount of sleep: 6-7 hours.
Lucky number: 25!
What I’m wearing: Grey and black. We’re not very fun today, lads!
Dream job: I’ve wanted to be a teacher since I was tiny. At first it was elementary school, then English, then French, and then finally Theatre. But always always teaching in some function.
Dream trip: A summer moving slowly through France, ending on the southern Mediterranean beaches. 
Favorite food: Pizza and any kind of bread/sandwich really! The more cheese the better.
Instruments: I wish I could play piano :(
Languages: English/French, with smatterings of stuff here and there from intermittent research. I don’t truly have the attention span to commit to more languages. I wish I did.
Favorite song: You know, I’m not sure. Perhaps somewhere between Cabaret, Last Dance, and Bad Romance.
Random fact: Indo-European languages are most commonly associated with the European continent and the nearby areas of western and southwestern Asia, stretching from Ireland (Celtic branch) through northern India (Indo-Aryan branch, including Sanskrit, Hindi, Punjabi, etc.); however, lesser known is an extinct branch of IE which managed to make it all the way to northwestern China. This branch is the Tocharian branch, which in itself divides into three varieties, called simply: Tocharian A, Tocharian B, and Tocharian C. Most texts date from the middle of the first millennium CE. Tocharian B is, I believe, the main source of information on the family (as it were), while Tocharian A is almost entirely used to render Buddhist religious texts, and so there remains a question of how truly widespread Tocharian A was. (Was it a widely spoken native language contemporary to Tocharian B, or was it merely a Buddhist liturgical language, similar to the function of Latin in the Christian West?)
Aesthetics: 1920s flapper fashion beaded dresses, 1930s and 40s Hollywood glamour, 1950s housewife fashion, art nouveau, 1950s classic Hollywood black and white movies, over-the-top Halloween decorations on doors and on streets, pink cupcakes and other baked goods, big poofy pink clothes.
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castlehead · 6 years
makeshift feels from the opinion lab
kafka wrote in a journal urhmherm of being limited to prague, then his room, then his bed, then nothing at all. to be limited at last to nothing at all. well. turns out i guess the most kafkaesque sentiment came from franz kafka.
enjoi ya rickety gethsemane while it is still to be dreamed, young writers, young writers of youth.
after a job on a hot day back in april or may or something i started listening to this while walking out of the truck towards the gas station convenience store and abruptly pivoted away from the sliding doors to sneak around the side and weep near the green fencing around some boilers. it occurred to me how little i could ever forgive myself for doing.
the shit ive done, all of it, i havent forgiven myself. if i did it and it was bad, or even meagre, dumb, really no big deal, bet yr ass it still keeps me from thinking i deserve happiness. i do not forgive myself for anything ive ever done. no deed is too temporal to etch itself cleanly into my head as something unforgivable, if only it makes a small point.
i know this is true because no joy i ever feel is felt fully, because i do not think it is deserved; and because i allow myself to be joyous only when i think of the truth of my unforgiven, unforgivable state. never to be. Never will.
and that is what is depression.
There must be something here, in me. Here where the jackals caterwAul Like streetcats Mewing their gizzard After this night’s heat, What’ll it be Jackals, Buzz off, shit man
i feel like the key to life is knowing that 90 percent of anxiety & depression, either in degree or in its truth, and at least somewhere not wracked by war, is unsubstantiated (the ten percent being actual crises, like fear of violence, a death in the family, etc). The problem is how persuasive these feelings can be that lead to the fulfillment of the very fear or solidifying the reason for being depressed. But with positive feelings, the least thing, whether true or no, can always be rewarding. A bit of happiness must be allowed to be felt, indiscriminately, because it is more useful to us than a bit of sadness. Take the fierce dialectic u use to establish a depressing ‘truth’ and persuade yourself of something good. If one is far fetched, let it be the something bad. Until it happens, after all, all of it remains in your head, to do with what u will.
You don’t get to lower taxes on the rich and gut social services at the same time. The reason social services are in place is to provide a fair shake for john q public. Mostly investors are feeling the benefits of the corporate tax cut. They’re not giving the money towards a better product that would help the people. but one day there will be no sesame seeds on the bun of yr Big Mac and you’ll wonder how that’s possible with an entire sesame seed dept that just got a pay raise.
tax reform should be done to help a free market, so that the rich can be poor and the poor rich. Taxation helps the people so that social services become less necessary. Social services were developed because the percentage of taxation was unequal between higher and lower class. Poor folks felt the pain while rich folks shrugged it off.
Thats why I say you can’t do both: social services are a protection against the world being entirely controlled, if it’s not already, by those from the very swamp this president wants to drain. T**** hasn’t drained shit.
i feel like writing takes over for your thought process. You can’t think and write at the same time, or something. something turns off or it switches where it’s doing the shit it’s doing to a different place, like yr hands. I don’t think you can write down one linear thought with another thought being thought in your head. This is why people say their mind goes blank in extended periods of inspiration. The functioning has gone from being untethered and temporal, ie wandering thoughts, notions, speculating, to being possessed in a focused place, ie yr hands, which usually leads to a more focused expression of perhaps a thought of particular value, enough in the first place to require writing down. But tho this can be easy for some talented people, who might, as Joyce said, polish their nails while writing some genius thing, what does not come easy for anybody, because it is imposssible, is thinking two disparate things, of the everyday and of some behemoth philosophic concept, for example, without either one taken place after or before; or, one of them being intermittently disturbed, tho linearly, by the other, like a notification on yr phone- until at last one of the two breaks down, and the foxus superseded by the one left. This is especially novel. One thinks; one does not think and also think. That would make it two people in one head. Therefore we can presume that ones identity is found in the unity, or internal focus, of their story in thoughts down one narrow wire: thought can cross many paths and examine everything under and beyond th sun, but per person it is still in the singular. It cannot divide into two simultaneous paths of equal focus. there can be multilayered thoughts with a similar core concept behind them, and these can be thought simultaneously as much as one can ante up and dole out shades of emotion and shades of thought, and so on. But I cannot think of a teleological explanation for all creation and with the same focus Apply myself to letters in the mail. There is a dominant voice, and the rest, the mundane voice, is seen thru that lens.
ya cant say yr colorblind then gripe about people hatin ya cuz u r white. contradiction of terms no? if you really didnt see color, ud say people hated yr ass because yr a damnfool entrylevel, grunt-ass lowbrow. not because of the color of ya skin, which ya recognized and put to the forefront in making that very statement.
feel like uh, a priori is not intuition alone. Intuition is a function of the mind, while a priori is, if I understand Kant correctly, a representation synthesized before there is an object of focus available for the senses to interpret, ie an essentially true conclusion drawn, that has no need for a combined manifold, as, Kant tells us, is offered by merely living in space and time: time to extend and progress from cause to effect to cause, and space to do it in. In other words, intuition is cognitive- psychological, and a priori, theoretical- logical.
Pathos is the one thing most divine about people, for i see that in my worst state I can still grieve for the savaging of life’s last hope, and be uplifted, feel tears, at least for a little blessed while. There is no state so low that does not inspire one to at least pity themselves, and feel the comfort of passions, however mistaken or wretched the person.
i feel that / Some subjects do not even allow to be proved through the scientific method, yet they are still issues of a scientific nature and not just mysticism. the line is very thin however, since usually these subjects devolve into mysticism. In fact, if science only worked with that which could be proven, from the outset or otherwise, we’d have a pretty limited roster of discoveries. Sometimes discoveries can be made along the way towards proving; sometimes, discoveries can be made, scientifically, thru means that for lack of anything better, are entirely theoretical. And sometimes the search is not to prove something true but to clarify something. Science is not out to be incontrovertible.
The man in mismatched sox inhaled not as deeply as he would have liked at such a crescendo, even if on the third listen in a row, then, looked up at the massive pure blue upwards, cloudless, felt likely to cry for joy, but in the end simply mouthed the words:
“I’m gonna die of loneliness, fo sho.”
So often doth trespass our intuition upon realms and pathways of a more intimate enumeration of cause and effect than could be available to any witness, and that is available only to the actioning of objects involved in the event seen and analyzed by what and who were no player.
The crisis paid goodbyes in the form of telling your ass off, is what he said. But we all knew he thought he was merely a parable often enough already. We didn’t listen to the crisis, deliberately shut our ears like boxing them very slowly ourselves before anyone else could. Later in the year many terrible events would occur that were the direct result of ignoring his words. But nobody came around to believing he did it. The crisis was way off teaching prophecies someplace probably foreign. But if I refuse to be confined to learning from my own folly I should at least give the follies of others a chance. Fatass karma, and more hell than handbasket.
What the crisis he said was
And to this day All I remember is him Looking slain already Like he’d be on the slab In days Or even hundreds of years from then And it’d be how, uh, how He looked then Slamming the door While my sister and things Was gatherin they buckets for weeping later In that queer disease of spite where You grieve for the vanquished enemy.
all triumph is in some sense humorous, for in itself triumph is the opposite of tragedy. that is why the soldier laughs as he shoots at a retreating enemy. there is an element of rowdiness that is somewhat comedic, taken in itself.
Numbers are the only symbols that stand for what they are. In this way they are more like hieroglyphs
is bed porn a thing? it should definitely be a thing.
No art is permanent, in that its aims in being created do not last, do not translate between epochs. I will never experience Homer as one living in Ancient Greece. Have not closely read Homer, but when I do it will be as myself in my time, with all the sullying context of those years from then to now only left to unguide me.
Kierkegaard tricks you into thinking he knows his insanity is illogical, the side effect of writing his labyrinths. The frightening moment comes when you realize how fiercely logical his insanity seems to him, and how insane the World actually is, and you wonder if it is that you do not understand it or just do not accept it.
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pileofsketches · 5 years
Hi Writer!
I’m noun on Ao3; thank you for writing for me! To give you an idea of my tastes, I’ve got the standard DNWs below. Anything not mentioned is fair game.
On consent, I’m ok with dubious consent—be it because consent cannot be discussed beforehand, dubcon turning into con, or simply because desire overcomes reasons why person didn’t consent fully in the first place. Otherwise, go wild. I like enthusiastic consent, arousal is arousing.
DNWs: dialogue lifted entirely from canon (callbacks are fine!), first-person writing (unless in epistolary format), character studies (whole fic musing on someone’s canonical actions, no new content/action), hopeless or depressing endings (angst and struggle during the fic = great), coffee shop/minimum wage struggle AUs, noncon, trans headcanons, autism headcanons, asexuality headcanons, prostitution as a positive (background prostitution/mentions of trafficking are a-ok), daddy kink or parental role kink, and sexualized choking.
A/B/O is a trope I absolutely adore—the changes to society! the possessiveness! the various kinks!—but please no male pregnancy/women who can impregnate.
If, in any place, a kink/trope looks to override any specific DNW, the kink/trope wins out. That shouldn’t happen in this exchange, but if it does—kink/trope trumps.
List is organized by fandom, then universal kinks, parings, then paring specific kinks if applicable. There are so many freeform tags, I tried to give a sentence each as to why I like each one, and more if possible. Also, you can assume if I like a specific kink (ie, Breeding Kink -- We Have to Conceive the Chosen One(s)) then I will like it in a general sense (= breeding kink) and it’s a-ok to use it in combo with another prompt.
Assassin’s Creed – All Media Types
I have not played anything after Syndicate, but am familiar with the comics up to Juno’s death and some of the YA novels. Please do not use any of the Odyssey/Origins lore, be it on whatever they’re doing with the Precursor backstory or Assassin motivations or whatever.  
 A/B/O - Alpha begs to be allowed to knot: I love the desperation and the contrast between perceived authority of the alpha versus the omega actually giving permission.
 A/B/O - Animalistic Behavior: Biting, marking, a general retreat to more animalistic instincts. I like A/B/O set-ups where it’s the alpha who gets uncontrollable while the omega, while in heat, retains their wits. I do love nesting omegas!
 A/B/O - breeding triads:  ‘Successful’/stable relationships involve either one of each, or two alphas and an omega, or two omegas and an alpha.
A/B/O - First time rut Alpha with experienced omega: Self-explanatory.  
Alternate Universe - Role Reversal: Fandom specific! Either a) make the Assassins Templars, or b) swap motivations as far as Pieces of Eden.
Bondage and Discipline - Honor Bondage: Give me some of that Assassin control! Does the paranoia and like, actual expertise with restraints and weapons make this the more interesting/more sexual option? How does control get handled when that’s one of someone’s huge ideological pillars?
Breeding Kink - Those are some excellent genes you have there: For any of the past parings, they know they have to have a kid to make Desmond happen. For any of the later ones, is it a pre-Flare attempt to get them a backup plan? Is Abstergo making them do it?
Breeding Kink - We Have to Conceive the Chosen One(s):  For any of the past parings, they know they have to have a kid to make Desmond happen. For any of the later ones, is it a pre-Flare attempt to get them a backup plan? Is Abstergo making them do it?
Character From Future Tries To Convince Current Enemy They Will Be Friends/Allies In Future: Desmond going back to the Farm, Desmond going back before his kidnapping, Desmond waking up from any of his Animus experiences with knowledge of the Flare and trying to get to Lucy earlier, Maria going back to the first time she met Altair and trying to help him, Altair waking up in the middle of his missions from either the end of his life or the middle of his successful relationship and trying to mend things with Malik/meet Maria sooner.
Character goes bad to save the world and enjoys it more than expected: I will kill for this in a ToWK setting for Connor. Or, Desmond—the Eye somehow gives him all the power, and he decides to fix everything/break the cycle. I’m also for this with anyone in the Altair/Malik/Maria trio—what does it look like if one of them manages to use the Apple?
Comes Back Wrong: Mostly for Desmond. Everyone is glad he’s ok, but there’s some element of Precursor/just plain done with being manipulated/whatever you want to slap on. Also, for Malik or Maria after their canonical deaths.
Dubcon voyeurism to consensual threesome: self-explanatory.
Lavish Descriptions Of Historical Clothing: specifically 18th century, but I’m flexible.
Loyalty Kink: self-explanatory.
Sex Pollen: self-explanatory.
Soulmates: Characters have each other's names on their wrists: self-explanatory.
Soulmates - they know from a young age that they're soulmates but smth keeps them apart: self-explanatory.
Touch-Starved Character Having Overwhelming Tender Long Foreplay First Time Sex: self-explanatory, but it does scream Connor.
Werewolves - Sex With Werewolf in Wolf Form: self-explanatory. 
Desmond Miles/Lucy Stillman (Assassin's Creed)  
I like this paring because of what an effective lure Lucy was for Desmond, with the fact that she was 1) attractive 2) saved him and 3) had a relationship with Bill that seemed like perfect bait (and was) for Desmond’s own issues with him. Desmond’s forgiveness of her, Lucy’s tragic death, the parallels that were made in the game between him and Lucy and Maria and Altair—all great.
Malik Al-Sayf/Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad/Maria Thorpe (Assassin's Creed)
My favorite OT3s are the ones where each person has an independently strong relationship with the other two in the trio, and supports each one/gets different things out of each one. I like Maria and Malik moderating Altair and dealing with the complicating feelings he has for each one when he’s been such a lone wolf for most of his life. (I am also a big fan of Tazim being Malik and Maria’s kid)
Ratonhnhaké:ton | Connor/Original Female Character(s) (Assassin's Creed)
This ship is entirely a vehicle for kinks/tropes, do whatever you’d like to make the OFC work. My only request is that she not be a colonist who’s Not Like Other Girls, ie, won’t wear stays/a corset and a skirt, or be someone that Connor rescued who now has a crush on him. Also, I would kill for a ToKW setting.
Rebecca Crane/Shaun Hastings/Desmond Miles (Assassin's Creed)
Pretty much the same as the Altair/Malik/Maria ship- I like OT3s are the ones where each person has an independently strong relationship with the other two in the trio, and supports each one/gets different things out of each one. I would be as happy for something set pre-Flare where the three of them fall in together because hey, it’s the end of the world, as much for something Syndicate/Black Flag era where Desmond is revived/downloaded from the cloud and they’re very glad to have him back.
Dishonored (Video Games)
 Arranged Marriage - Public Consummation
Bondage and Discipline - Honor Bondage
Breeding Kink - We Have to Conceive the Chosen One(s)
Character goes bad to save the world and enjoys it more than expected
First Time - A Patient with B's Clumsy but Enthusiastic Blow Job/Cunnilingus: Would prefer Emily to be the experienced one. 
If I Must Solve A Dozen Geopolitical Problems Just To Have Sex With You Then I Will
Lavish Descriptions Of Historical Clothing
Loyalty Kink
Ritual Sex Magic
Soulmates - they know from a young age that they're soulmates but smth keeps them apart
Emily Kaldwin/The Outsider
General monster boyfriend vibes, the idea of the destined lover, the inevitability of fate vs active and individual choice. I prefer Outsider-Outsider, but am ok with a story that splits between divinity and mortal or sets him as the slightly-off human. Please no naivety/woobie human Outsider.
Xeno - Loving oral on Wet Pinecone Dick (Awapuhi Plant gif)
Xeno - sex shouldn't be physically possible but we're not cowards
Be Not Afraid for I have some excellent dick
Kirin Jindosh/Emily Kaldwin
Coup-tested royalty vs clawed his way up from the gutter genius—the class divide is a huge part of why I like this paring. I like Emily pushing and Jindosh resisting—until he doesn’t—and the idea of the public/private divide as far as behavior.
Masked Ball As An Excuse for Inadvisable Sex: This is just the Fugue Feast, so. 
Pregnancy - Impregnator Wins the Throne
Soulmates - Characters have each other's names on their wrists: The angst! How does Jindosh handle this, growing up. (How do you even prove it’s real?) How does his struggle to get close enough to Emily influence his choices? Is he even interested in nobility? How does Emily handle her side? Just give me class issues and the concept of fate/avoiding fate.
The Witch (2016)
Please don’t make Thomasin’s age/youth a kink. In the period setting, she’s more or less a full adult, dresses like one, etc. Also, I would prefer a benevolent/semi-benevolent Black Philip in the sense of a viable alternative to the religion Thomasin was raised in, and a humanoid over a goat. The theme of willing and educated consent is particularly important to me in this one- Thomasin makes her choices understanding the cost, and is an enthusiastic participant, or is actively convinced. 
Black Philip/Thomasin (The Witch)
Alternate Universe - Formal Matriarchy: How does the witch commune in the forest work? Where do they get their food/supplies? (’noun, that’s too much thought for a horror movie’) How does this turn out in fifty years/sixty? Listen, I just want a functioning magical matriarchy that yells fuck off/fights expansionism. 
Breeding Kink - We Have to Conceive the Chosen One(s) Slash anti-Christ, or a bunch of demons, or whatever.
Lavish Descriptions Of Historical Clothing: Particularly corsets, or the sort of clothing that wealthy women would wear in this time period. She was tempted by a pretty dress, among other things. 
Pregnancy - pregnant with multiples
Sex with Monsters
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (TV)
Please keep this in the era the show is set in! I am a-ok with period homophobia, but am not interested in a coming out type story where the focus of the struggle is triumph over adversary- I like Midge’s career being the focus, or little domestic scenes. Maybe something where they’re in a relationship by the time she realizes that Shy’s gay? Is she able to handle herself better because of this? I am also perfectly happy if Midge and Susie remain closeted to friends/family during the story/their relationship seems like how it is in the show to everyone else, and there’s no angst over that.
Miriam "Midge" Maisel/Susie Myerson (Mrs Maisel)
Butch woman is allowed to remain butch for entirety of story
Canon Got Fucked and They Lived Happily Ever After
Character A thinks they're just character B's rebound but they're not
Lavish Descriptions Of Historical Clothing
Make This Fic Super Excited About Bing Set in New York
0 notes