#If Andy and Henry and Ro got a high-tech spacer room with touchscreen tables and LED beds
pushing500 · 8 months
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Today there was a spectacular space battle over Parish-by-the-Expanse, so our cultists were looking forward to some fresh meat and potential new recruits.
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These two survivors in particular caught my eye, so we'll start trying to convert them ASAP.
Euclid is a genie with level 17 crafting skill, which we need to craft a new leg for Socks so she's not stuck with the peg leg anymore.
Magic Man is a Drakonori and, I'll be honest, I didn't even look at his skills or traits. His name is Magic Man, and he looks like fun to draw, so he's staying whether he likes it or not.
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Laursen put his skills to good work making a new bed for Cecil, who I'm sure will appreciate the effort.
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And finally, I wanted to show off the girls' new bedroom because I'm quite proud of how it turned out. You can even see Cecil's masterwork human-leather bed in the bottom left, next to Salvatore's human-leather cat tree!
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