#You can just capture people for surgery practice
pushing500 · 8 months
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Today there was a spectacular space battle over Parish-by-the-Expanse, so our cultists were looking forward to some fresh meat and potential new recruits.
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These two survivors in particular caught my eye, so we'll start trying to convert them ASAP.
Euclid is a genie with level 17 crafting skill, which we need to craft a new leg for Socks so she's not stuck with the peg leg anymore.
Magic Man is a Drakonori and, I'll be honest, I didn't even look at his skills or traits. His name is Magic Man, and he looks like fun to draw, so he's staying whether he likes it or not.
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Laursen put his skills to good work making a new bed for Cecil, who I'm sure will appreciate the effort.
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And finally, I wanted to show off the girls' new bedroom because I'm quite proud of how it turned out. You can even see Cecil's masterwork human-leather bed in the bottom left, next to Salvatore's human-leather cat tree!
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prettyboypistol · 7 months
How to Seduce the TF2 Mercs
Pay attention to him. Give him genuine compliments and honest feedback. He wants to feel loved and like he's worth someone's time.
Kisses and physical affection. Mans thinks about the time you put your hand on his shoulder for weeks.
Just say you love him, man. He's been overlooked his whole life.
Take him seriously- don't belittle him or make jokes about how he views the world. He knows he's a little crazy but he is genuinely trying his best to make the world a better place.
Defend him!!! If someone shit talks him, punch that motherfucker in the jaw!!
Honest discussions with you asking a lot of questions, take the time to get to know him and you'll have a defender for the rest of your life.
Much like with Soldier, defend them and take the time to get to know them.
Gifts, gifts, gifts!!! Give them gifts!
Be a little flirty ;> don't baby them! Treat them like the adult they are!
Bro just ask to fuck. He'll probably say yes.
He loves a bold mf that knows how to take what they want. Come on to him, buy him a drink, and ask if he's got any company for the night.
If you're going for something a little more long term, just remove the sleeping aspect. Just say you're interested in getting to know him you'll most likely get a date and see how things go.
He's a sucker for practical use gifts (i.e. mechanical oil, a new wrench, etc) or sentimental gifts (photograph of you two, love letters)
Call him handsome! Call him pretty and a gentleman! Appeal to that cowboy energy and treat him all respectful like and you'll definitely catch his interest.
If you're not the type to do all that song and dance, go the opposite route. Stump him with a logistic problem and tease him about it. He'll nonstop think about you for months and bitch about you to his sentries.
Mikhail likes hotheads and determined people, someone who's not afraid to fight if the situation comes to it.
Ask him about general things and slowburn that mf about nice conversations until you two can talk about personal things.
Ask him to help you clean your guns! Ask him weaponry questions about what would suit you better in the field!
GET THIS MAN SOME ORGANS. GET HIM SOME FUNDING!!!! get him a lil lovebirddddd
Take the time to get to know his birds and if the birds like you, Medic automatically likes you more.
Take an interest in his medical discoveries and his life! He's a prime yapper and wants to t a l k. That's why he never shuts up when doing surgery.
Romance him traditionally, to be honest. Keep it classy and court him like the romantic he is. Roses placed in his locker, prime dinners delivered to his door, BE A ROMANTIC ABOUT IT.
If you can't dance, ask him to teach you "for a mission" (He will know that you're the one behind all the flirtatious gestures bc he's SPY)
Butter up that man like he's a piece of toast. Handsome young man who captured your heart and holds it hostage. Classy gentleman that could get away with world domination with gorgeous eyes like that.
Don't come on too strong, he's a bristly one. Be calm and casual. Hit him with that friends to lovers.
He's more of a tough nut to crack and insecure of if you actually like him, so be sure to flood his mind with ambiguous hints when you think you see signs of him showing interest in you.
To really seal yourself in his heart, spend a lot of quality time with him! Go camping, hunting, fishing, driving, anything that gets the both of you alone and quiet.
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benevolentbones · 2 months
Can I request something where an unsub is going after trans people, and you're very nervous and try to get out of that case since you're a trans man. But no one knows you're trans so you can't get out of it without outing yourself which you don't wanna do so you have to go.
But the unsub captures you anyways and has you tied up naked when spencer kicks in the door and takes down the unsub and you're begging him bot to look but he's just really sweet and understanding and helps you explain to thw others why the unsub went after you?
please don’t tell | spencer reid x ftm!reader
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warnings: !!!angst, graphic descriptions of murder, kidnapping, torture, derogatory remarks against transgender people, slurs, trans post top surgery reader. 16+
word count: 2k
a/n: thank you for your request, i hope you’re happy with it :) if you find these types of stories triggering please refrain from reading<3
“our unsub is targeting transgender males?” morgan quizzed, reading through the case file.
“yes. he is stalking them and kidnapping them, and then leaving their mutilated bodies in the forest around this area.” hotch pointed to a map that hung on the board beside him.
a cold sweat swept over you, your palms feeling clammy. you felt sick- like you might throw up any second. this case hit close to home, the unsub was kidnapping and murdering people like you.
“he has taken the lives of four trans men, their age range between twenty-one and thirty-four.” emily added, flipping another page.
jj strutted into the room, dropping a pile of pictures from the crime scenes. she spread them out across the mahogany table.
“our latest victim, was a twenty-six year old trans man, he was kidnapped outside of a gay bar just twenty miles from the dump site.” jj reported.
“the coroner states that the injuries here and here-“ jj pointed to large gashes along the chest area and stomach, “-were made prior to the death of our victim. the final injury that caused him to succumb was a gunshot wound.” she then pointed to another picture, a close up of the victims forehead.
“in 2014, the average life expectancy of transgender people ranged between thirty to thirty-five years of age, and in recent years the homicide rates have increased by 25%.” spencer added, listing off facts from his mind.
the taller man sat next to you, his posture slouched as he crossed one leg over another.
you felt yourself grow pale, your mind racking through all the facts you just heard spencer spill from his mouth. you could hear sounds from the team, more comments about the case, but you could not process what they were saying.
spencer noticed your distant state, you seemed off as you sat staring down at your hands placed on your lap. he leaned over to place a hand on your forearm, whispering over to you.
“you alright, y/n?” he questioned, you flinched at his touch, your eyes flickering up to his soft gaze. he could tell something was wrong, he just couldn’t quite place it. you nodded, flashing him a small smile.
none of the team were aware that you were trans, and you wanted to keep it that way. you knew they wouldn’t judge you, they were some of the most accepting people you’ve ever met. but you would rather stay incognito, it wasn’t their business.
“are there any connections between the victims aside from being trans?” emily questioned out loud.
penelope dropped a stack of paper onto the desk as she walked in, taking a seat opposite you.
“they all went to the same practice for their surgery and hormone referrals- the highland clinic.”
“it might be someone who has access to all of their files on hand- garcia?” hotch mumbled out.
“on it.” the blonde shot up, walking back to her office.
your stomach dropped, that’s the clinic you frequented. a wave of dizziness hit you, you lifted your hand to cup your forehead, using the other to steady yourself in your seat.
spencer’s eyebrows furrowed even more, studying your paling form. hotch picked up on spencer’s concern, turning his attention to you as the team continued to speak about the case.
“l/n. if you’re not feeling good i suggest you go home and rest.” hotch mumbled out towards you, spencer nodded in agreement.
"n-no i think i'm okay.."
hotch's stern gaze was all you needed to rethink your answer. "alright, i'll head home.."
you stood up, grounding your body by gripping the edge of the table. the room seemed to spin for a moment, and you took a deep breath, willing yourself to stay upright. the concern etched on spencer's face made your heart ache.
as you made your way to the door, spencer quickly stood up, his chair scraping against the floor. "i'll walk you to your car." he offered, his voice soft but firm.
you nodded, grateful for his support. the two of you moved down the hallway in silence, the sounds of the bustling office fading into the background. when you reached the parking lot, spencer gently touched your arm, his touch warm and reassuring.
"are you sure you're okay to drive?" he asked, his eyes searching yours for any sign of deception.
you managed a weak smile. "i'll be fine, spencer. just need to get home and rest."
he didn't look entirely convinced, but he didn't push further. "call me if you need anything, okay?"
"i will.” you promised, getting into your car. as you drove away, you couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in your stomach. the clinic being mentioned in the case was too much of a coincidence.
cold. all you could feel was something cold and hard pressed against your face. you blinked your eyes open, your eyes adjusting to the harsh ceiling lights.
you looked around, panic rising in your chest. the room was bare except for the chair you had fallen from, and a small table in the corner. the walls were made of concrete, the air damp and musty. the faint sound of dripping water echoed somewhere nearby, a constant reminder of your isolation.
you tried to move, but the ropes binding your wrists and ankles were tight, cutting into your skin with every attempt. your heart raced as you struggled to recall how you had ended up here. fragments of memory surfaced: the walk from your car, a shadowy figure, a sudden pain in the back of your head.
a door creaked open, the sound sending a shiver down your spine. footsteps approached, deliberate and slow. a figure emerged from the shadows, his face obscured by a hood. he stopped a few feet away, his presence filling the room with a menacing aura.
"you're awake," the figure said, their voice low and chilling. "good."
you wriggle around again, trying to escape the binding but causing a sharp burning feeling around your wrists. that’s when you noticed you had been stripped of your clothes, leaving you in your underwear.
“what- what to do you want.” you managed to croak out, your voice hoarse, mouth dry.
the figure stepped closer, and you could finally make out the cold eyes staring back at you. "you," he spat, a sneer curling his lips. "you disgust me."
you recalled his features, dark blond hair, blue eyes- he was one of the nurses from the clinic.
your mind raced, trying to understand the source of his venom. "i don't even know you.” you said, frustration mixing with fear.
"don't play dumb," he snapped, his voice dripping with contempt. "people like you make me sick. thinking you can just change who you are. it's unnatural."
your blood ran cold as the realization hit you. you had faced prejudice before, but never like this. "please," you began, "i haven't done anything to you."
"haven't done anything?" he echoed, his laugh harsh and bitter. "you existing is enough. you're an affront to everything decent. it’s against gods will.”
he turned away for a moment, rummaging through something on the table, and returned with a small knife. the light glinted off its edge, making your stomach churn. "i’m going to fix this," he said, he voice eerily calm. "i'm going to fix you."
the blade hovered over your skin, and you flinched instinctively. "please, you don't have to do this," you pleaded, tears welling up in your eyes.
"shut up” he snapped, pressing the knife lightly against your skin, drawing a thin line of blood. the pain was sharp and immediate, but it was the hatred in their eyes that terrified you the most.
"i'm doing the world a favor," he said, a twisted smile forming on his lips. you realized with a sinking feeling that there would be no reasoning with them.
you shut your eyes tight, mentally preparing yourself for this to be your final moments.
a loud crash interrupted the kidnapper's twisted monologue. your eyes flew open to see the door bursting inward, splintering under the force of the impact. spencer reid stormed in, his expression a mix of determination and concern.
"fbi! drop the weapon!" he shouted, his voice authoritative and unwavering.
the kidnapper's smile faltered, but he didn't drop the weapon. instead, he turned it towards spencer. you could see the tension in spencer's stance, ready to react at any moment.
"i said, drop it!" spencer repeated, taking a cautious step forward.
the kidnapper hesitated, and in a swift, practiced move, spencer disarmed the man, knocking the weapon to the ground and subduing him with a quick, forceful maneuver. within seconds, the kidnapper was on the floor, restrained.
spencer glanced at you, his eyes softening with concern. "are you okay?" he asked gently, but you couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze.
"don't look at me," you whispered, your voice trembling. "please, don't look at me."
spencer nodded, respecting your wish. "it's okay," he said softly, turning his attention back to securing the kidnapper. "you're safe now. i promise."
spencer quickly shed his jacket, draping it around your shoulders. the fabric felt heavy and warm, a stark contrast to the cold fear that had settled deep in your bones.
"i need to unbind you," he mumbled gently. "i'm going to be careful. just hold still."
you nodded, squeezing your eyes shut as spencer's hands worked quickly to free you from the restraints. his touch was light, deliberate, and you could feel the care in every movement. your wrists stinging as the rope slips from the raw skin.
once the ropes fell away, spencer helped you to your feet, his arm steadying you. "we're going to get you out of here," he assured you, his voice calm and soothing. he turned towards the door, raising his voice slightly. "hotch, hold on a minute. don't come in yet."
you could hear the muffled response from the hallway, but couldn't make out the words. spencer kept his gaze averted, respecting your request. "can you walk?" he asked, his tone filled with concern.
"i think so," you whispered, your legs shaky but functional. you slipped the jacket over your arms, clutching the fabric over your torso to hide your scars. you didn’t want the team to know.
"okay," spencer said, supporting you as you took tentative steps towards the door. "we're almost there. just a little bit more."
he guided you carefully, making sure to keep his body between you and the door as they moved. once outside the room, you saw hotch and the rest of the team waiting, their expressions a mix of relief and readiness.
"i've got him," spencer called out. "give us a moment."
hotch nodded, signaling the others to hold back. spencer stayed close, his presence a steady anchor as you moved further away from the nightmare you had just endured.
once you were a safe distance from the room, spencer finally looked at you, his eyes full of relief and care. he crouched slightly to meet your gaze, his voice barely above a whisper. "i won't tell the team, unless you want me to." he promised. "i’ll tell them the kidnapper took the wrong victim. that this wasn't supposed to happen to you."
tears welled up in your eyes, a mix of fear, relief, and gratitude. spencer's words were a balm, a small comfort in the aftermath of the terror. "thank you." you whispered, your voice cracking.
spencer gently squeezed your shoulder, his touch reassuring. “i’m going to take care of you," he said softly. "you're safe now. let's get you out of here."
as he led you towards the waiting paramedics, you felt a fragile sense of hope begin to take root. spencer stayed by your side, guiding you through the chaos, ensuring you were never alone.
you fidgeted with your hands as the paramedics examined you, having now removed the jacket. spencer kept his gaze averted, but kept a calloused hand placed on your leg.
“i don’t think of you any different…i hope you know that.” he mumbled out, you felt a wave of relief wash over you.
“i still care about you the same. this changes nothing.”
taglist!! @0108s22m @rainoftearss @potatovoyager @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @luvmia222 @shardsofmarxx @silver138 @lover-of-books-and-tea @thedancingnerdmermaid @khxna @cynbx
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withahappyrefrain · 1 year
Summary: The pain medication given to Bob after a training accident has some interesting, albeit endearing, side effects.
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As you weave your way through the people, desperate to make it to the front desk, the words kept playing over and over in your mind.
Training accident. Had to eject.
The strong possibility always hung over in your mind, taunting you whenever he went to work. That one day you would receive that dreaded phone call.
And while you didn't get that phone call today the fact you came close was unnerving.
Hurt pretty bad. Needed surgery.
Your throat felt thick, as though you were almost choking on air. It was a surprise you could audibly tell the nurse at the front desk your name.
"He's still in surgery, Mrs. Floyd. You can wait in the lobby and we'll alert you when he's done."
Nodding because of your fear that if you spoke, the tears would spill out, you sat down in the uncomfortable chair.
You tried to people watch, see if you could spot someone you knew, who Bob knew. Tell you what happened.
But did you really want those horrible details?
No. You wanted to know that your husband was okay. That he would recover. That he would be back in your arms, where he belonged.
You could call his mom and sister, let them know what was happening. It could be comforting to hear their voices.
But it would also remind you that your husband was hurt and you didn't know if he was okay.
So instead, your fingers fiddled with his wedding ring that hung on the silver chain around your neck. He always gave it to you when he had missions.
That way you had a piece of him if anything happened.
"Mrs. Floyd?" You looked up to see a nurse standing near you.
"Your husband is all done with his surgery, he's-"
"Is he okay? How did his surgery go? Can I go see him?" The nurse took a step back at your numerous questions.
"His surgery went well. He's currently hopped on a lot of medication to reduce the pain, so he may be out of it. Once the doctor is done, you can go see him."
The next ten minutes were somehow even worse. Knowing Bob was so close, but not able to see him was absolute torture.
You practically ran when the nurse said he was ready for visitors.
The sight of Bob, eyes closed as he laid in the hospital bed, bandages covering his arms, hooked up to an IV bag was heartbreaking. Despite his tall, broad frame, he looked so small in that bed.
Maybe you should sit by the bed and wait for him to wake up. What even are the standard protocols when your husband has to eject from his plane and gets injured in the process?
Your feet had a mind of their own, bringing you to the bed. Then your hands had their own idea, reaching up to card your fingers through his ruffled dark blonde locks.
His shifted towards your touch, those beautiful blue eyes still closed.
"Hey love," you whispered before pressing your lips to his forehead. Seeing the rise of his chest with each breath brought you comfort; he was here, he came back to you, just like he promised.
A confused, drowsy hum left his lips as his eyes slowly opened.
"Robby?" You should take a step break. Should give him space.
But how could you, when those eyes deeper than the ocean looked up at you?
"Robby!" You all but threw yourself at him, burying your head into his neck, the comforting scent of sage filling your nostrils, "I'm so glad you're safe, I was beside myself when they called."
"I-huh?" His voice was drowsy and full of confusion. Makes sense, considering when he was last conscious, he was in a fighter jet, thousands of feet up in the air.
"Doctors say if you keep up your current trajectory, you'll be able to go home tomorrow. Gives me time to get your favorite meal ready."
"Beef Goulash?" Bob mumbled, his eyebrows knitted in confusion.
"Of course! Your mom's recipe." You pressed your lips against one of his red cheeks before capturing his lips with yours. You couldn't help it. Your husband had survived, he was right there. How could you not kiss him?
"Am I in heaven?"
You couldn't help but laugh at Bob's question, shaking your head as you kissed him again.
"No Robby, you're at the Miramar Hospital."
Bob pulled away, confusion written all over his face, "But....you're an angel?"
You shook your head again, but without laughing this time, "Robby. You okay?"
"I.....I was in the air and Phoenix, she kept telling me to eject and I think I did? Then I woke up and you're....you're here and wow. You're stunning."
Your stomach fluttered at his compliment, "Of course I'm here," you grabbed the hand that wasn't hooked up to an IV bag, "What kind of wife would I be if I wasn't?"
Bob's nearly widened, "Wife? Did you say wife?"
Oh boy.
"Yes, I'm your wife. We got the rings and everything." You held up your hand, showing the gold wedding band, which matched the one Bob wore.
"We're married?" His eyes were as wide as saucers, hope and confusion dancing along those oceanic irises.
"We are. Have been for five years now."
"Five years?!" Bob put his hand over his heart, as if he were afraid of it jumping out of his chest, "Wow. I bet those five years have been wonderful."
"They have! And I will tell you all about them, after I get the nurse!"
You began moving to get up when a large hand grabbed yours.
"Wait!" You stopped to look at Bob, "Are you.....are you sure you're my wife? Not that I'm complaining it's just you're so beautiful and lovely and I....I'm....just Bob."
So the pain medication could make him temporarily forget you, but not his insecurities? Go figure.
"No, you are not just Bob. You are the smartest, sweetest, kindest, most amazing man I have ever met. You're a wonderful husband and father, and every day I'm thankful I get to wake up next to you."
A small albeit sweet lopsided smile appeared on Bob's face, before his eyes widened once again, "Wait....did you did you say father?"
You couldn't help but giggle, "Yes. You are the father to three cats, two dogs, a rabbit, and three amazing kids."
"I am? With you?" His body was practically buzzing with excitement. His eyes were shining so brightly as he looked at you in pure amazement.
"You are. In fact, we were working on our fourth kid before all this," You smiled slyly as your fingers reached over his forearms.
"We-oh. Oh. We were-we did-um, I'm just wow I'm just going to lie down, oh look there's a bed."
The nurses rushed in upon hearing the heart rate monitor increase.
One even asked, "What did you do?!"
"Told him he was married with children."
The next day, the nurses alerted you that after the pain medication had worn off, Bob did remember you as his wife.
According to them, he wouldn't stop talking about you.
"My wife! There she is!" You smiled at hearing Bob's cheerful voice, knowing he was there, safe and sound.
"Hey hot stuff, you ready to go home? Mack has been asking when you'll show the Wizard of Oz," you paused, "You know Mack? Our daughter?"
Bob chuckles while shaking his head, "Yes. I remember all my children, as well as my amazing wife."
"Good, though I was looking forward to you recreating our first date. Was hoping you would kiss me this time."
Bob pulled you into his lap, his hands cupping your face, "Guess I'll just have to kiss you for the rest of my life to make up for it."
His lips pressed against yours briefly before moving to your cheeks, then your forehead, then to your nose.
"I think I can deal with that," you giggled as he continued to pepper your face with light kisses.
"Me too darlin. Me too."
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hwaddist · 8 months
Kiss me better.
Pairing: Astarion/Male Tav (named, half-drow, storm sorcerer) Word Count: 1324 words. Tags: NSFW!!  loss of virginity, blood drinking, body worship, mentions of dissociation, transmasc anatomy (top surgery scars, tdick), nothing too graphic Ao3 - SquidgeWorld
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“I have never… done this before.”
Astarion is staring at him like he just grew horns. It wasn’t exactly the best place to confess his virginity, in the middle of the woods, both of them naked, Ezra a little bit delirious from blood loss. He opened his mouth to keep apologizing for not saying anything earlier but was interrupted by Astarion’s sultry voice.
“Oh! So that’s why your blood tastes so sweet.” He grinned, guiding his own face towards Ezra’s neck, taking a deep breath, nose against the warm skin of the sorcerer. Ezra shivered and held a whine when Astarion pressed his tongue against the wound, still open. “I was wondering why I was so strong, I was being fed the blood of a virgin.”
Ezra noticed that something was different about Astarion’s eyes. Ezra did notice how distant his eyes were when they started this whole ordeal, how lost those red eyes that have been haunting his dreams have been since they started kissing. 
“We don’t… have to do this if you don’t want to.” Ezra said softly, placing his hand in Astarion’s chest. That seemed to bring him back to the present, looking directly at Ezra’s eyes with certain confusion. “There’s nothing wrong I promise! It’s just that you seem distracted, and I don’t really want to take advantage of you.”
Astarion straighten up and kept his confused look for a quick second before chuckling dramatically. “Dear, please.” He rolled his eyes, placing both hands on Ezra’s sides so the younger could sit up with him. “If I didn’t want this you would’ve known by now. With my new found freedom it has been so much easier to reject undesirable people.”
Ezra sighed, a bit frustrated. “I am going to need your explicit consent or I am going back to bed.”
The ultimatum captured Astarion’s attention, which made him turn back with an eyebrow raised. “Aren’t you such a dear? So what? What do you want me to say?” He approached Ezra enough for his lips to be right in front of Ezra’s, merely inches away from each other. “Do you want me to say how much I’ll mourn the taste of your virgin blood after tonight?” He nibbled Ezra’s neck, not drawing blood, but he kne that it was the half-drow’s soft spot, drawing a moan from him.“How am I eager to listen to your beautiful cries, how are we close enough from camp for everyone to hear how good you are for me?” Astarion breathed cold air against Ezra’s hot skin, his attention now turned to the younger’s ear, another sensitive spot for him. Ezra’s breath was heavy, his lips slightly parted. “I can feel it already, how you shiver under me. It’s addicting”
Ezra let out a loud moan as he felt Astarion’s long fingers close to his entrance, due to the previous blood drinking and Astarion’s words, he was soaking wet. It was painfully obvious how practiced Astarion’s lines were, but he noticed how his eyes were more present, the second he could see them before they both closed their eyes. 
“Star...” Ezra whined as Astarion slowly pushed two fingers inside of him, he felt like he was on fire, hyper aware of the other man’s actions. Astarion laughed softly before kissing Ezra’s neck.
“That’s a new one, you usually call me Fangs.” Astarion sighed before lowering his face through Ezra’s neck to his shoulder, kissing all the way until he bit close to the sorcerer’s collarbone, his fingers finding a steady rhythm which made Ezra’s legs shake around Astarion’s waist. Ezra wanted to bite back at the snarky remark towards the nickname but he was feeling overwhelmed by all the sensations he was feeling at the moment, so instead his hand traveled to Astarion’s cock, trying to imitate the same rhythm the vampire had started. He smiled when he heard a quiet whine from Astarion. “You are so full of surprises, Storm boy.” 
The valley had started to be filled with their voices and slightly nasty sounds. Ezra was so much closer but he was determined to not finish before Astarion, he desperately wanted him to feel good, however, that disappeared when Astarion suddenly pulled away, leaving Ezra burning.
“Are you ok?” Ezra was quick to question, Astarion’s eyes burned with desire as he quietly stared at Ezra’s naked body. “Did I do something wrong?” The half-drow then asked, a slight panic in his voice. Astarion didn’t answer again, instead putting his hand on Ezra’s chest and pushing him down again to the ground.
“I just don’t want you to come just yet, my love.” Astarion finally answered, his eyes half closed, his look dangerous, like he was a predator looking at his prey, which definitely woke something up in Ezra. “The night is young after all.”
With a swift move, Astarion positioned himself between Ezra’s legs, grabbing them with both hands as he guided the sorcerer to wrap them around his waist like he was doing when they were sitting down. They looked at each other, Ezra was sure his pupils were so dilated and Astarion still had that dangerous look in his red eyes that made Ezra feel so small under him. Astarion wasted no more time and he slowly entered Ezra, one hand in the sorcerer’s waist, the other one pulling his dick softly, sending an electric sensation to his entire body. Ezra let out a loud moan followed by a series of heavy breaths, Astarion wasn’t necessarily big, but anything was enough for Ezra to get over the edge, trying to maintain the lock he had on the elve’s waist.
“No no, look at me darling.” Astarion demanded, verbally forcing Ezra to open his eyes and look at him with what he can believe are crazy eyes, judging by how Astarion started laughing. “Gods you are truly a virgin. How tight you are for me.” The elf purred, the hand that previously was holding Ezra’s waist was now traveling through the man’s chest, caressing his scars, especially the ones under his pecs. “How delightful you are, so pliant to take me…”
Astarion had found a steady pace that was slowly driving Ezra more and more crazy and over the edge, the half-drow sure that at any moment he would just explode from pleasure. The weather around them getting significantly warmer, Ezra was unsure if it was just him or if his powers were finally betraying him, but he could see the sweat forming on Astarion’s forehead (how can a vampire sweat?) so he assumed he was in the same position. With Astarion’s praise, it didn’t take long for Ezra to get even closer to his climax and something within him told him that Astarion was close as well, judging by how erratic the thrust were getting, a little faster. Ezra couldn’t help but finally start a series of whines a moan that were getting a little too loud for his own comfort, but he didn’t care at the moment, as he saw that Astarion grinned before hiding his face in the creek of Ezra’s neck, scraping his teeth against Ezra’s sensitive skin.
“Good my love, let everyone know.” Astarion breathed next to Ezra’s ear before nibbling it. Ezra’s eyes rolled at the back of his head and then closed, his arms closing around Astarion, desperately wanting him closer. “That’s it angel, you are doing so well.”
That was enough to send Ezra to his climax, with a loud cry, his entire body shook as he said Astarion’s name like a prayer, which might have been Astarion’s own reason to finally finish, quickly pulling out, his spend spilling all over Ezra’s lower body. They looked at each other, Ezra’s eyes were cloudy and Astarion’s were admiring him from head to toe, a unrecognizible fire in his eyes that sent a shudder through Ezra’s body.
“Little love, Aren’t you a sight to behold?”
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Transmasc sanuso relationship I can are sanji feelings a little jealous of usopp's tradition and how fast he's developing. He started T around the same age he did and he already had fuller facial hair and muscles development . It took sanji years to properly grow a goatee and Usopp grew it in what one year? Tho he claims it just runs in the family to grow hair faster and thicker than normal and of course he's going to have big upper body He's a sniper. But that doesn't stop Sanji from feeling a certain way and guilt for feeling that way. He's happy that usopp's transition is going well I just wished it did the same for him. Even now he feels like he's not in the ideal place in his transition and watching usopp practically speed through it just irks him. He didn't even need a binder or surgery his chest was naturally small all he needed was to get buff and he was set how infuriating. He hates feeling this way especially towards someone he cares so deeply about and just wants to see happy
Trans femme sanuso tho usopp would be at a loss for words seeing her girl friend. She's gorgeous. Soft face, full chest, plump hips and long and luscious eyelashes. Not only is she beautiful she's happier brighter and Even more confident. She's everything she's not, she's just starting her transition and sanji is practically finished even tho they came out around the same time. She's happy for She looks amazing but she also feels hurt and a little betrayed. they were going to do this together that was their plan until sabaody happened. Sanji got the ivankov one in done treatment while she spent weeks extracting estrogen from plants that don't do that much. Even though sanji supports her and shows never ending affections she can't help but feel it's out of pity. Like wow the pretty girl is being nice to the ugly girl how sweet...fuck you. She feels terrible for thinking that way because she knows it's not true but dysphoria is bitch sometimes and it can warp how you see this
Idk No one ever talks about the negative aspects of gender envy
Honestly, this is so real. Besides the fact that nobody ever talks about the negative aspects of gender envy, I think jealousy and envy are things that people often never talk about within Sanuso. I think they both are very jealous of each other for lots of things. I think you captured perfectly how it'd be if they both transitioned :( <3 They'd talk things out, ofc, but it hurts anyway.
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marley-manson · 2 years
i’ve never actually sat down and laid out why hawkeye was 100% right in preventative medicine apparently, i just went thru my season 7 tag and i just take it as read that we all agree he’s obviously right. so now i wanna do that.
So, despite how the ending is framed, Hawkeye isn’t trying to end the war by taking one colonel out of commission. What he’s specifically trying to prevent is this particular colonel defying orders and making a reckless, pointless attempt to capture a hill that would undoubtedly, as Lacey readily admits, get many men unnecessarily killed. As Hawkeye says, “You heard him. He’s gonna take those kids up that hill tomorrow and send them back to us in pieces.”
In taking out his appendix, he also causes Lacey to be taken off the front lines, and prevents even more reckless decisions down the road, at least for a while, which is effectively a bonus. He succeeded in his aim of preventing the deaths of many soldiers.
BJ thinks this is pointless because Hawkeye didn’t end all suffering in the world, apparently lol. “You treated a symptom. The disease goes merrily on.” BJ’s line of thinking assumes that all soldiers are interchangeable and saving one life doesn’t matter if another dies somewhere else.
All the specifics of their argument in the scrub-up room don’t really matter next to the main point there, but it’s also worth noting that BJ’s other objections are, “Cutting into a healthy body is mutilation,” “Some things are wrong and they’re always wrong,” and the guy who’ll replace the colonel might be worse. These are all bullshit objections. Hawkeye’s response to the mutilation accusation is kind of beside the point (plenty of doctors do unnecessary surgeries on people for money) when the real argument is “so what? better a mutilated colonel than a hundred dead soldiers” but he’s still technically right about that too lol, cutting into a healthy body isn’t always “mutilation.”
Hawkeye’s response to BJ saying it’s always wrong is “There are gonna be a hundred boys still alive tomorrow. Go tell them how wrong it is,” which is the perfect response to that kind of moral absolutism, no notes. And his response to the replacement colonel point is “So I’ll take them one at a time,” which is also the correct response. You can’t predict the future - if the next guy’s worse, Hawkeye will deal with the next situation that comes up in front of him in the best way he can. All you can do is focus on what practical steps you can take to mitigate harm here and now, and that’s what Hawkeye does. Plus considering Lacey is the battalion commander with the highest casualty rate of all, the odds are pretty good that the next guy won’t be worse.
The fact that the narrative backs BJ up by ending on Hawkeye’s guilt and BJ’s statement that the war continues (plus I’ve seen the writer directly state that Hawkeye’s action was pointless, somehow) is baffling to me lol, even ignoring the (forgotten by the writers) fact that Hawkeye and Trapper did the same thing to Flagg in season 2 and had a great time. Hawkeye accomplished his stated goal and saved a bunch of lives, and based on Hawkeye’s sound argument, the episode seems to understand that, until the end.
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By: Ben Appel
Published: Jun 13, 2023
As a gay man, I have no pride in Pride month. Radical LGBT bullies have captured it – and threaten to 'fix' us by medicalizing and transitioning us. But gay people will NOT be erased again.
Everywhere around me, I see Pride flags. 'It's time to celebrate the LGBT community!' I'm told. But, this year, as a gay man, I'm not proud of my so-called 'community.'
In fact, I'm horrified by it.
Two decades ago, when I attended my first Pride parade, the LGBT world truly needed it. Pride is the opposite of shame. And for decades, even centuries, gay people had been told to be ashamed of ourselves, of our same-sex attraction, and our supposed inability to behave like 'normal' people.
We were harassed and oppressed. Homosexuality was criminalized. If a man was convicted of having consensual sex with another adult man, he was given two options: imprisonment or chemical castration.
Gays were forced to be something we were not. We were erased.
And that's why I am so heartbroken that 20 years later, the LGBT community supports a new practice that threatens to erase gay people.
It is benignly called 'gender-affirming care.'
Today, LGBT Pride marches arm in arm with radical ideologues who contend there is no such thing as biological sex.
Their extreme doctrine claims that men can simply decide to become women, and, most disturbingly of all, that children can actually change their sex.
Educators, policymakers and physicians are telling young boys that if they like wearing dresses or playing with dolls, they might be girls; young girls are told that if they prefer football to ballet, they might be boys; and that with some experimental pills and high-risk surgeries, they can all finally be 'normal.'
Magically transformed, forever.
But what if a young person struggling to be 'normal' is not trans, but gay? What would have happened to me?
In the course of research for my forthcoming memoir, 'Cis White Gay,' I interviewed a wide range of experts and people within the LGBT community on this troubling, evolving ideology. 
I spoke with Dr. Laura Edwards-Leeper, the founding psychologist for the first hospital-based pediatric gender clinic in the U.S. 
'There are definitely cases when I strongly suspect sexuality is the issue with young teens,' Dr. Edwards-Leeper explained of her work with gender diverse and transgender people. 'I wonder about it with children, too.' 
I told Dr. Edwards-Leeper about my own gender-nonconformity in childhood and my concern that if I were growing up today, I would have been erroneously affirmed as a transgender girl. 'I'm sure you would have,' she said.
Dr. Erica Anderson, a transgender clinical psychologist who treats children, shares the same fear.
'I'm afraid too often, [gay boys are] consuming social media that says, "If you are uncomfortable in your body when you hit puberty, if you don't quite fit with your age mates, well, maybe you're trans,"' she told me. 'I think it's a terrible message to kids, that there's no place for variance. And I think it is the foundation under which, in some circles, there is some transing of the gay.'
Can the LGBT community truly be proud of this?
I cannot overlook the devastating reality that the same pills offered to distressed adolescent boys to feminize their bodies and stave off male adulthood are the same pills, just decades ago, that were used to render gay men asexual.
I cannot turn a deaf ear to the words of former gender clinicians at a U.K. clinic, who told The Times U.K. in 2019 about a dark joke among staff, that soon 'there would be no gay people left,' that what happened in their clinic felt like 'conversion therapy for gay children,' or that 'for some families, it was easier to say, this is a medical problem, "here's my child, please fix them!"'
'Fix them'? 'Fix' children?
I also cannot ignore the testimonies of the detransitioners — adult gay men who sought escape from homophobia in a trans identity and have come to regret it. Some tell me that they were coerced to believe that their atypical femininity meant that they were trapped in the wrong bodies.
'Michael' told me, 'The reason why I felt so happy [after transition] was because I got a break from being seen as a gay guy; I was just this normal, hetero-appearing girl.'
Brian confessed that, 'With estrogen, my libido just kind of died, and it felt so great because I always viewed my sexuality as something bad, and [transgenderism] kind of appealed to me because my dad always hated gay people.'
'Steven' said, 'I felt like I'd rather be a trans woman than a gay man because that was like the lowest and most disgusting thing you could be.'
There are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people who are horrified by what is being done.
So, we write, we talk, we tweet. We phone our friends and our relatives and neighbors. We tell them that what is being done to children is medical malpractice.
We explain that recklessly administered 'gender-affirming care' is nothing less than the experimental medicalization of homosexuality that carries significant risks. It leads to infertility and loss of sexual function, and no child can adequately consent to it.
To advocates of these practices, I ask you: Is this what you mean when you say you're on 'the right side of history?'
I cannot shrug off the feeling that in the name of the so-called 'LGBT community' a great injustice may be happening before our eyes. But when gay people speak out – we're called bigots.
Lesbians are told they're hateful if they don't want to date males, who identify as women. And gays are told they're hateful if they don't want to date females, who identify as men.
I've had the term 'cis' spat at me with the same venom that I was once called homophobic slurs on the playground, all because I am 'cisgender.'
I am a male that is exclusively attracted to other males. Is that no longer allowed?
Is this what my 'community' has become – the bullies that we once fought against?
If I am proud of anything this Pride Month, it is my new 'community' of LGBT heretics.
Those of us who stand up in the face of ridicule to say: This is not us. This is not who we are.
I am proud every time we're shouted down by authoritarian activists. I remain proud even as we're called 'evil,' 'right-wingers,' or 'transphobes.'
To that community, I say: Happy Pride.
Note: links added by me to preempt deniers: "LiTeRaLLy nO oNe iS sAyInG tHaT!" "tHaT nEvEr hApPeNs!"
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falciesystemessays · 1 month
it is hard to capture pain in video games.
this is one of the things i ended up thinking about a lot in the hospital over the past few days. i had been going through a lot of stomach pain, and it turns out it wasn't overeating, that i had to get my gallbladder removed. i am finally back home laying in bed, trying desperately to find a good position that will kill neither my back nor my abdomen. it's not going great, but i'm too much of a wuss to use the opiate i was prescribed, so now i am typing this post in a kind of terrible state. the people sending their love and good vibes and best wishes are nothing to me, no amount of good energy will cure this abdominal pain, no amount of thoughts and prayers will take away my shortness of breath. i normally have better writing than this, but you don't deserve better writing from me right now. i don't owe you that.
so, look, i spent most of this time playing a shitton of fire emblem fates and some rhythm heaven megamix, i have been desperately trying to distract myself from the everything of this situation. and of course, as a game designer, i try to think of how to turn this into a teachable moment for my design work. but it's not fuckin easy, is it? it's hard to sell someone on a game that will physically hurt them without being a very real health risk, and it's hard to emotionally capture that sense of viscerality using game mechanics alone. tell me in the replies games that come close! but genuinely no amount of heartbreak or dread or panic in a game comes close to the sheer horribility of being in actual godawful pain, for days on end.
in my past, i actually worked on a game that tried to be about pain. it's a very different project now, and no longer in my hands, but i ended up getting its protagonist, Fang, in my head. fang's gimmick is Blood Aura, essentially an attunement to pain that gives her greater strength the lower her health is at. in a sense, it kinda captures the sense of letting yourself get harmed on purpose because that's when you feel the most alive. it makes you put yourself at risk so that you can lash out in spades. but it's all very calculated, and more to the point, it's not making you the player experience pain.
the thing i've realized about games, rpg's especially, is that you are not your player characters. the player character acts as a surrogate for you, essentially as an arm for your will, but you do not become the character as you play. the reason i emphasize rpg's is due to the nature of a party-based game. you don't play as marth in fire emblem shadow dragon, you do not play as tidus in final fantasy x. but you also, crucially, do not embody any of these characters individually as you control them. you play as the collective, the group, the dynamic itself. you play as a collective id, or perhaps, an unspoken sense of team play. games like into the breach and xcom compensate for this by simply making you an offscreen commander. it's a practical solution, and it carries me to my next point.
shortly after the surgery, i started asking various people - my mom, my friends, my beloved - how they personally felt seeing me go through this. i realized that while you can't easily capture my kind of visceral pain as a player character, you can capture the feeling of knowing someone going through it. perhaps a party member in an rpg could fall ill, and you as a commander would have to marinate in that reality. some were worried, some sympathized but knew it was gonna be alright, my beloved was terrified, and my mom talked about wanting desperately to know, and to do something. that's something that can all be done in a game form.
so here's my idea. at one point in a fairly long rpg, one of your characters gets sick, or needs some kind of operation, or something like that. this isn't foreshadowed, medical peril so often isn't, but you have to deal with it anyway. this character, who may have been vital to your team composition or may have been just another unit, is now completely unable to do any of the things you expect. you're told this won't be permanent, probably, but recovery will be a very slow process as they slowly, slowly drift back into normalcy. during this process, you have several opportunities to check in on them, for all the good that'll do. maybe it'll do something, maybe it won't. you don't know, and you don't know how successful or quick this recovery will be. you can choose to process this however you like.
this will of course run into some issues. something i've noticed playing fire emblem is a tendency i and others have to care less about characters of less tactical use to us. whether i let a unit die on classic mode hinges on whether i can be bothered to reset. so there is, always, a possibility that a gamer could see this thing and be like "wow, now this fucker is useless to me, so i don't give a shit." and, if they know this is coming, they might not bother to level up the character because it'd just be a waste of exp. not that i even like exp systems to begin with, and i highly encourage you to ask me my thoughts on exp systems because i am running purely on spite at this point.
maybe what games ultimately need is to be willing to actually physically punish the player. we have game-linked vibrators after all, why not shift the pleasure into pain? but trying to actually sell this game would mean it only appeals to masochists, and while i respect them deeply, they are not my target audience. i want the player i inflict pain upon to hate every moment of it, just as i hate every moment of being in this goddamn bed waiting for things to finally recover. apparently it'll take about six weeks. awesome, right? maybe i finally will go on that damn opioid. i am on three hours of sleep, and before the surgery i had barely eaten anything for two days. this past week has been nothing but pain, distractions from the pain, and eventual relief from the pain. fuck i hate this.
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dr-davis-mde · 11 months
both my personal blog and my work blog. blanket trigger warning for potential gore, medical distress, drugs, and sex (discussed but not depicted)
keep the parahuman politics to a minimum, im trying to stay as out of that shit as i can
DNI if you are anti-Amy Dallon/Panacea, pro-Cauldron, or a Slaughterhouse Nine fanboy/wannabe
FAQ and commission info under the cut.
Q: Wait, so your name is Riley Grace Davis?
A: yes my name is Riley Grace Davis. yes I used to go by Bonesaw. yes I used to be a member of the slaughterhouse nine.
Q: Are you the serial killer that (insert crime against nature here)?
A: probably. i did a lot of those. i dont really REGRET them but i wont do it again i prommy
Q: Are you still a member of the Slaughterhouse Nine?
A: its been 25 years and i legit still get this question like every week. NO!!!!!!! we disbanded when Jack died and I was captured and the apocalypse started. im not involved with any of the copycat killer groups either, they all suck :/
Q: You're a monster, you should be behind bars, you should be dead, you tortured/traumatized/murdered my family/friend/loved one, you were part of the chain of events that started the end of the world, its unthinkable that people like you get to walk free just because you're a parahuman while unpowered people are imprisoned for petty larceny, etc.
A: L+ratio+direct all questions about the amnesty to your local PRT chapter
Q: What's an MDE?
A: medical diploma equivalency, established by the PRT of Earth Bet in 2002 AD. allows Thinker-class capes whose powers give them medical knowledge to obtain licensure to practice medicine without needing to attend medical school. after two decades of pestering the PRT nonstop it was expanded in 24 GM to also include Tinker-class capes with medical specialties in what historians call the "for fucks sake riley shut up, fine" amendment.
Q: What sort of surgeries do you do?
A: i am capable of performing almost any medical intervention, though these days i mostly limit myself to cosmetic body modifications
Q: How do you cope with the unbearable trauma of having had your childhood ripped away from you by a serial killer, your mind filled with unending horrors by a fragment of a cosmic being, and trying to find out who you were and atone for the sins of your past while in the middle of a world-reshaping calamity?
hard drugs, amazing yet potentially unethical and illegal sex with my beautiful perfect wife, and staying silly :3
i AM open to taking clients currently but i live in New Brockton on Earth Gimel and have heavy travel restrictions as a result of my parole so you'll have to come to me. payment in cash preferred but i also take valuable gemstones or drugs, if they are at equivalent value to the price. (for legal reasons the drug part is a joke.) no cards. or well, no credit/debit. i guess if you gave me a giftcard to somewhere that the food doesnt suck id accept it. unfortunately no insurance plan recognizes me but my rates are very affordable ($50-200 for most standard procedures, up to $400 if unexpected complications arise, esoteric procedure price uncapped and depends on cost of materials, legality, ease of operation, and how interested in the operation i am.)
operations i will do include but are not limited to:
gender-affirming surgeries
therian-affirming surgeries
phantom limb replacement surgery
turning you into your fursona
tentacle prosthesis
non-lethal flaying
genital enhancement
most body plan restructurings (additional limbs, fewer limbs, wings, organs that you carry in a bag outside your body and are connected to your torso via strange fleshy tubes, etc.)
multi-person conjoinment
hard nos:
creation of any virus, plague, biological weapon, etc.
natural weapons - claws/teeth are okay but no ranged weapons, venom, acid, prehensile bladed spines, etc.
ANY operation on another parahuman - too many chances to accidentally become an accomplice to something
anything capable of reproducing. THIS IS A CONDITION OF MY PAROLE. i am allowed to give functioning reproductive organs but any resulting offspring will be baseline human regardless of the state the parent or parents is in
ANY operation without the consent of ALL parties being operated on. this includes if the party is incapable of giving consent and you are their power of attorney (pets, minors, mentally disabled, intoxicated, etc.)
i reserve the right to refuse any procedure for any non-discriminatory reason or for no stated reason.
if you're still interested let me know and we can work out an appointment. i do not use general anaesthesia so if youre coming over for your surgery i recommend you bring a book or game or something. or we can talk, but for some reason usually people dont want to talk to me while im rearranging their limbs
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artfromsaturn · 2 years
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 Previous Dresses: Scarecrow | Riddler, Ra’s, Two-face, & Penguin
I think this will be the last of my Batman Villain Lolita Post for now, with a few of the more challenging villains.  Again, feel free to make your own designs or use these in some way, the more the merrier. :D  
A few thoughts underneath the read more + alt colors for Zsazs & Killer Moth
Black version for Zsazs to keep with his pants & classic Killer Moth:
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Pyg: I think he’s one of the most Devianart Edgelord of the Batman villains, but his portrayal in Arkham Knight was done well enough that I warmed up to him.  His plastic surgery nightmare face design is fun and the reactions of the victims & other people worked well, and showed Lazlo as terribly messed up instead of cool edgelordsona.  Like, you know, a person who’d exist.  Good job Batwriters. 
Anyway I leaned towards the guro lolita + simple butcher look his comic and his game designs went for.  There are extra additions of frills for both a more “doll”ish look and a touch of ita, since tacky feels part of his character.  I didn’t want to just make a mask so I framed the hair as “pigtails” (what else?).  I think some make up would add to the look to make the doll idea and the pig idea go farther.  The pattern on the bottom of the skirt and boots is supposed to be those chain link people you can cut from a piece of paper that all hold hands, all perfect, like Pyg declares his dollitrons.  I’m not sure how successful the transparent apron is but at the end oft the day I like it and that’s what counts.
Freeze: This design might lean too much towards literal costume and less into a more practical interpretation of the design, but I can’t help it, I like the Tron and glowy stuff aesthetic.  Doing a retro futuristic lolita look was too fun of an idea to pass up.  Not much has changed outside of converting it to a dress and turning the gauntlets into Miku bell sleeves.  Snowflake earrings & delicate hair for Fries’ one true love & because they’re pretty.
Black Mask: I didn’t want to do all skulls since there’s enough dresses out there that do that, so I ended up with the mask part of his name.  Made sure to give the rich colors of a mobster along with the swag of the suit as well.  I think this one could be designed to be better and less busy (to fit in with the sleekness of Black Mask’s look more) but I wanted to go a bit over the top because why not, Lolita’s very theatrical.  
Ventriloquist: Ok, this is a silly one.  This is nice and casual lolita that doesn’t look too close to Wesker, but that’s because Wesker’s design is supposed to be intentionally plain and meek.  Without the (badly drawn, sorry) Tommy gun purse & Scarface, I don’t think he’s recognizable.  That’s not a bad thing - him and Scarface complement each other perfectly and make a memorable design.  So I did my best to make a cute casual coord and add the few touches to make it look more like Wesker, & drew a teeny Scarface to show such.  I wish I could have done more to reference Peyton Riley/the second Ventriloquist but all I could capture was the color since her design is also very simple. 
Scarface himself only got colors that were closer to the outfit.  I didn’t fancy him up too much since I think it would mess with the gangster look he has, which is already close to aristocrat fashion in the lolita world.  He was lucky not to get extra frills at the ends of his sleeves!
Zsazs: another mainly Arkham Design.  Most of mine are based partially on Arkham since that’s where I get most of my Batman fix, apologies!  Anyway, I just liked the idea of a skin-flesh dress with the locks and buckles of the Arkham prisoner jacket/uniform.  The bell sleeves already being on him made this a lot easier.  I left a spot open where I was going to draw the bat symbol, but I decided against it.
Killer Moth: Top are his Arkham Asylum Artwork colors since I think they’re very nice.  Went for a cute little 1960s inspired fur coat & bob, as his design is already psychedelic. Gave a fun flower crown to round out the colors & hold up some cute moth antenna.
Firefly: His The Batman design was the most unique to pull from and a good starting point to make an outfit.  I took some inspiration of the warning stripes, junk around the belt, & burnt skin tights from the Arkham version too.  *ellis voice* I ever tell you about the time Keith and I made fireworks? Otherwise, his design would have been much harder to work with considering it’s mostly a solid suit with not many features in his apperances.  It would have had to be more abstract if I went for one of those.  
But yeah his The Batman design and designs spinning off from it kick ass, so I did a sporty-ish look.  I hope the bonnet doesn’t look too silly, I just wanted headware that differed the outfit from Killer Moth better.
Strange: Another design that had to go with the Arkham look.  Strange is a classic villain with his face being one of his big, defining features.  This is a great thing in character design, it just means it’s harder to make an outfit around it! 
I love the classic mad scientist look so I didn’t stray too far from it, it looks fun medical Lolita already. All I really did was add the medical book brain pattern (thank you British Library) + little bats, because of course he’d have bats on his brain.  It’s also a nod to his habit of Batman Cosplay & impersonation.
A few people I thought of but didn’t make dresses for:
Joker - He’s fabulous, I just didn’t feel jokery & wanted to focus on others more.
Catwoman, Harley, & Ivy - All three ladies have so many designs it’s hard to choose.  They have so much more freedom with their designs than most of the male crooks.  I’d have to make like... 4+ outfits for each just like I did with Scarecrow if I was to ever be satisifed. ;w;
Mad Hatter, White Rabbit - All the Alice themed supervillains have been done as Lolita Coords by Lolita fashion already since, well, Alice was a big inspiration for the fashion in general. I’d be down for them but I just felt bad because I couldn’t think of how to separate them from others as well as I could, like how I made Black Mask’s design more elaborate as to make sure the themes and connections to the villain was clear rather than just a skull design.
Killer Croc & Man-bat: Also hard to differ between a general animal-themed coord and them.  
Thanks, hope you guys are enjoying your new year so far. :D
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thatchainsguy · 2 years
We’re comin up on two years on testosterone and top surgery number two (a revision) here this month, so of course, I have some reflection. The thing is, my reflection typically comes out in art form, so I wanted to say something about the glitched self portraits I’ve been taking over the past couple of years.
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It’s become some sort of weirdly cathartic practice in dealing with the weird process of Puberty 2.0 when you’re in your 30s. Instead of taking “progress” or “before and after” photos, I’ve been more into these warped reality images. That’s not to say I don’t have the photos that everyone says to take so that you can reflect back during those especially dysphoric days and see how much change has actually occurred. And I also have the doctor-mandated top surgery virtual follow-up photos that I loathe. Seriously hated having to take those every time a visit was scheduled. They’re in the hidden folder on my phone.
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I just don’t feel like those things capture the experience well. That’s not to claim that my glitchy edits do, but they feel closer to the reality/unreality of moving into an existence that is highly controversial and polarizing. I don’t want my gender to be political, but it is. It’s both personal and public. It’s a very bizarre experience, and all my work over the past year has revolved around turning over this prism of experience and asking how I can convey it to others. The glitch photos are a small view of the bigger work.
I’ve done so much research. Academic, physical, emotional research into this subject. I do have a Patreon that houses the more formal archiving of this work. It’s there so that I can apply for grants and report my findings and get support from other artists and patrons. If you feel led and able to, I very much welcome the support over there. The money from Patreon pays for things like hiring a composer so that I have the rights to my own music, renting filming and training space, hiring costumers, choreographers, filmographers, all sorts of other artists! Art isn’t created in a vacuum or on an island, but damn if it don’t also cost money. The US is, well…y’all know. “Hostile to queer artists” is an understatement.
If you’ll indulge me, here’s an excerpt from my big project proposal that is slowly chugging along. (We have a composer on board and can pay him!) This hasn’t even been shared on Patreon yet! I don’t like the idea of Patreon being a pay-wall gate that queer people can’t access, so I will always make an effort within my ability to share things as publicly as possible.
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Put simply, QUIET is two parts photography and one part performance, using my own trans body and chains to reflect on my queer lived experience and construction of identity.
The work that I propose here is a three-pronged project revolving around the multitudes I find to be true within my own body: “the conditioned body, the spiritual body, and the body I am destined to be.” (Jose Richard Aviles) I’m ultimately seeking to capture the essence of being all of these things at once, in one body, while also showcasing the nuance of the perceived body imposed upon mine. In this investigation, I hope to achieve the comparison of a fractured experience in its distinct parts with the wholeness of being greater than the sum of my parts.
I want to highlight the importance of noticing this juxtaposition for marginalized bodies and how the pieces that were not selected by us still inform the position we take in places in society, while also being present in a stream of collective pieces coming and going and becoming greater than our, or anyone else’s, present understanding. I want to create imagery that not only acknowledges the powerful self-analysis challenges that multiply-marginalized folks are faced with when those positional identities are held against the spirituality of our whole selves, but also imagery that is rich with a sense of wholeness and love for ourselves.
This piece is informed by my ongoing examination of the concept of the fallacy of stability: that change is the only constant in our lives, despite the capitalistic prescription for being frozen in time at the height of our efficiency. I hope to present viewers a more nuanced sense of understanding of where queer marginalized bodies exist in both a larger context of Western late-stage capitalism and heteronormative patriarchy, and also for my viewers who share my intersections of marginalization: some sense of hope and joy in seeing themselves and their lived experience represented.
Overall, viewers from any background should be held by a sense of yearning and longing, and most of all, quiet.
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robustlaser · 2 years
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Evelyn was created by a monster, and the villagers that were out to spill his blood would have agreed, had she not beaten them to it.  Not being as mindlessly destructive as the scientist’s other creations did much to dissuade the angered townsfolk from immediately taking out their aggression on her, but it did little to gain their trust.  Her attempt at integrating in with their society went poorly, being nearly twice as tall as the average of them.  Her tailoring work was exquisite, but the business was doomed from the start, perhaps setting a new record for time from business opening to being captured by Venture.
Evelyn is stone-faced and fucking massive, which even in a mall full of weirdos and monsters, tends to unnerve people.  Yet, despite her demeanor and the fact that she absolutely has killed (see above), she’s calm, empathetic, and tries to be helpful in as few words as possible.  
She runs the shop Stitches, a tailor that’s easily one of the best in the mall.  Also despite her size, she’s got a fine hand with a needle. She’ll be the first to admit creative design isn’t her strong suit, and the ready-to-buy clothes on the rack are extremely well made, and very functional, but not particularly eye catching.  But you can be sure that if you’ve got fabric needs and know what you need, it will be done flawlessly. Clothing is the most common, but she’s been known to do plush-making, furniture upholstery, and... well she picked up a thing or two about surgery from her upbringing.
Evelyn actually is a bit annoyed at how often people come to her instead of one of the myriad of healers in the mall for patch-ups.  Of course her creator was a mad scientist, which means she’s a bit more talented than many mudnane surgeons.  She can attach limbs practically like lego, even if they’re limbs that shouldn’t be there, and if she’s out of fresh skin for a graft, she can use some fabric in a pinch and it’d feel so natural you’d almost swear you were born with a floral patterened shoulder. 
But she’s a people pleaser.  So once one person got a cool fabric skin graft, people started occasionally showing up just for aesthetic surgery without even being injured.  It is what it is, she supposes.
Evelyn is dating Wrenfall Dander, another mall store owner who’s shop is usually located right next to hers.  Evelyn is the responsible one.  She is also generally fine with Wren getting up to shit, she just makes sure that xe doesn’t get too many people upset with xir.
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
Hey Nisi!!!💜
7. Is there something you're good at drawing but don't enjoy?
Yeah definitely. For years I have drawn traditional portraits for commissions and I've gotten super burnt out on it. Portraits in general can be kinda stressful at times. Some people are really particular about capturing the exact likeness of their pet/person. I am definitley skilled at doing this but I haven't taken many commissions like this in a few months because it's just not enjoyable at all anymore and I was recovering from major surgeries. Sigh.
18. Do you experience art block? If so how do you deal with it?
Yeah I frequently run out of motivation and ideas. I am very on and off with my personal art. I'll draw draw draw for months and then suddenly fizzle out and not be able to draw again for a while. It sucks.
Here are some of the tips I use that may help others: I often take breaks and not draw/post for a few days, even when im not super art blocked. This allows me to not get burnt out as quickly. I also will just make simple unfinished sketches that I have no intention of sharing/posting. This takes off some of the pressure and allows me to still practice my skills. Also, drawing things that I like and that make me really happy is definitely helpful. Like I may not feel like working on bigger projects but i can still draw fanart lol. And it's fun so it kinda rejuvenates me.
I mean these aren't foolproof and I've gotten super bad art block before where I didn't draw much for months. But hopefully this was helpful...
Thanks for asking 💙 hope you have a nice day tomorrow.
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john-carle123 · 10 days
What Are the Latest Technology Trends Showcased at GITEX? 
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GITEX, the Gulf Information Technology Exhibition, is where the digital future comes to life. This year's event is a kaleidoscope of innovations that are set to redefine our world. Let's take a journey through this tech wonderland and discover the trends that are capturing everyone's imagination. 
Artificial Intelligence: The Silent Revolution 
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a distant dream - it's becoming the invisible force powering almost every technological advancement. At GITEX, AI is omnipresent, from smart homes to healthcare solutions. 
One of the most captivating demonstrations is an AI system that can predict and prevent health issues before they become serious. Imagine a world where your smartwatch doesn't just count your steps, but also alerts you to potential health risks weeks in advance. That's the power of AI in healthcare, and it's happening right now. 
But AI isn't all serious business. There's also a charming robot bartender that can not only mix your favorite cocktail but also engage in witty banter. It's a delightful reminder that AI can bring joy and entertainment to our lives too. 
For companies looking to stay ahead in this AI-driven world, IT staff augmentation services are becoming increasingly crucial. These services allow businesses to quickly adapt to new technologies without the need for extensive hiring and training processes. 
The Metaverse: Blurring Reality's Boundaries 
Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) technologies are creating new worlds for us to explore. The Metaverse, once a concept from science fiction, is materializing before our eyes at GITEX. 
Visitors can step into fully immersive virtual environments where they can shop, learn, and even attend concerts. One particularly impressive demo allows users to try on clothes virtually, with incredibly realistic fabric simulations that show how the garments would look and move on their body. 
But it's not all fun and games. The Metaverse is also showing promise in fields like education and healthcare. Imagine medical students practicing complex surgeries in a virtual operating room, or children exploring ancient civilizations by walking through virtual reconstructions of historical sites. 
As the demand for Metaverse experiences grows, IT staffing solutions that can provide skilled VR/AR developers are becoming increasingly valuable. 
5G and Beyond: The Digital Highway 
With all these data-hungry applications, we need networks that can keep up. The 5G demos at GITEX are showing us what's possible when we have lightning-fast, low-latency connections. 
One eye-catching demonstration shows a surgeon performing a delicate operation on a patient thousands of miles away, using a robotic arm controlled over a 5G network. Precision and real-time responsiveness are truly awe-inspiring. 
But the excitement doesn't stop at 5G. There are already whispers about 6G technology, promising speeds that will make our current networks look like dial-up in comparison. It's a glimpse into a future where the concept of "buffering" becomes a distant memory. 
Robotics: Our New Companions 
Robots are no longer confined to factory floors. At GITEX, they're showing up in all shapes and sizes, ready to assist us in our daily lives. 
There's a friendly robot designed to keep elderly people company, capable of engaging in conversation, reminding them to take medication, and even alerting healthcare providers in case of emergencies. It's a touching example of how technology can provide care and companionship. 
On the other end of the spectrum, there are robots designed for harsh environments. One impressive example is a firefighting robot that can enter burning buildings, locate survivors, and even extinguish fires, all while withstanding temperatures that would be deadly for human firefighters. 
As robotics technology advances, resource augmentation services are becoming essential for companies looking to integrate these new technologies into their operations. 
Green Tech: Technology with a Conscience 
With climate change being one of the most pressing issues of our time, it's heartening to see so much focus on green technology at GITEX 2024. 
One standout innovation is a solar panel that's not just more efficient than current models, but also biodegradable. Imagine a future where our renewable energy sources don't create waste at the end of their life cycle. 
There's also an impressive array of electric vehicles on display, from sleek cars to practical delivery vans. But perhaps the most eye-catching is a prototype for a flying taxi, promising to revolutionize urban transportation while reducing carbon emissions. 
Cybersecurity: The Digital Guardians 
As our lives become increasingly digital, the need for robust cybersecurity has never been greater. GITEX is showcasing some impressive advancements in this field. 
One particularly interesting demo shows a system that uses AI to detect and neutralize cyber threats in real-time. It's like having a vigilant digital guardian watching over your data 24/7. 
There's also a focus on making cybersecurity more accessible to the average person. Simple, user-friendly apps that can protect your digital life are being showcased, proving that you don't need to be a tech expert to keep your data safe. 
For businesses, partnering with an IT staff augmentation company can provide access to cybersecurity experts who can help implement these cutting-edge security measures. 
Quantum Computing: The Computing Revolution 
While still in its early stages, quantum computing is generating a lot of buzz at GITEX. These super-powerful computers promise to solve complex problems in seconds that would take traditional computers years to crack. 
The potential applications are mind-boggling, from designing new medicines to optimizing global logistics. While we might not see quantum computers in our homes anytime soon, the technology on display at GITEX gives us a glimpse of the incredible possibilities that lie ahead. 
Blockchain: Beyond Digital Currencies 
Blockchain technology is moving beyond its cryptocurrency roots, and GITEX is showcasing some innovative applications. 
One interesting use case is in supply chain management, where blockchain can provide unprecedented transparency and traceability. Imagine being able to scan a product and instantly see its entire journey from raw material to store shelf, ensuring ethical and sustainable practices along the way. 
The Human Touch in a Digital World 
While all these technological advancements are exciting, GITEX reminds us that the goal of technology is to improve human lives. Many of the innovations on display are focused on accessibility, making technology more inclusive for people with disabilities. 
From AI-powered prosthetics that can be controlled by thought, to smart glasses that can describe the world to visually impaired users, these technologies are changing lives in profound ways. 
As GITEX draws to a close, attendees leave with their minds buzzing with possibilities. The technology on display isn't just impressive - it's a window into a future that's rapidly becoming our present. It's a future where AI assists us in our daily lives, where virtual and physical realities blend seamlessly, and where technology works hand in hand with nature to create a more sustainable world. 
The trends showcased at GITEX aren't just shaping the tech industry - they're shaping our future. And if what we've seen is any indication, that the future is looking bright, exciting, and full of possibilities. For businesses looking to stay competitive in this rapidly evolving landscape, embracing these technologies and leveraging IT staff augmentation services will be key to success in the years to come. 
Give your team more power with Codiant. Hire an individual or a team of skilled developers with zero long-term contracts. Schedule a meeting or connect now for 7 days free trial.   
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capturelifedental · 7 months
Revolutionizing Dental Care: The Painless Precision of Laser Dentistry in Hyderabad
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Those days when going to the dentist just made us feel anxious and uncomfortable have gone. This has been changed drastically with laser dentistry coming into place. Laser dentistry that is accurate and noninvasive has brought a new era of patient comfort and confidence.
In this blog, we will delve further into the intriguing field of laser dentistry by focusing on its various applications, many benefits as well as the considerable influence it has had on our perception of oral dental health in the current fast paced lifestyle.
What’s Laser Dentistry? 
Laser dentistry is a precise method for addressing various dental health issues using laser technology. These include cavity removals, gum reshaping and teeth whitening all done with concentrated light beams. Enhancing precision of these procedures makes them even faster thus eliminating the need for anesthesia in most cases.
This is done using concentrated light beams and that makes it very useful for patients in all age groups including even young patients or people who are nervous about having their teeth cleaned. As well as there will be less infection risk with lesser bleeding, faster healing times. 
Benefits Obtained from Laser Dentistry
One major benefit of laser dentistry is its ability to reduce and eliminate pain suffered during dental procedures. Lasers can accurately eradicate bacteria, reshape gums, and remove dying tissues while at the same time protecting the neighboring healthy ones.
Here are the overall advantages you will get when you opt for laser technology in dentistry:
Painless Procedures: No more drills and needles since laser dentistry helps in reducing discomfort during procedures.
Precision: Targeted treatment is made possible by laser technology, which protects healthy tissue while treating tooth problems.
Quicker Healing: When compared to conventional techniques, laser dentistry encourages quicker healing durations.
Minimal Bleeding: During and after procedures, there is minimal bleeding when using laser dentistry.
Lower Risk of Infection: The accuracy of laser technology lowers the possibility of infections following surgery.
Applications for laser dentistry
Laser applications in dentistry can be applied to various dental problems. Laser technology is now used by dental practitioners to carry out procedures such as:
Treatment of Gum Disease: By killing bacteria easily and removing the gum infected tissue, this method improves the health of gums and reduces any invasive operations required.
Cavity detection and treatment: Lasers can help in early cavity detection that results in timely management and conservative therapy options.
Tooth Whitening: This can be done faster using laser technology than traditional methods, which takes less time, giving more obvious results after a shorter duration.
Dental Surgery: For several dental surgeries including but not limited crown lengthening, root canal treatments etc. lasers are the most accurate and least invasive therapeutic measures available.
Best Laser Dentistry in Hyderabad
Choosing the right dental care provider is important for your oral health. Modern technology and a focus on patient comfort are characteristics of the best laser dental practices. By choosing procedures based on lasers, you can enjoy gentle dental care with shorter recovery periods and superior end results.
Therefore, if you live around or in Hyderabad, Capture Life Dental Care is happy to offer you laser dentistry, a cutting-edge treatment that cares more about your comfort and produces outstanding results!
We acknowledge that maintaining good dental health contributes positively to your general well-being. Consequently, we are committed to offer you top quality services while employing the latest advances in dental technology.
In conclusion,laser dentistry has revolutionized our approach towards dental treatments by offering painless accuracy and maximum outcomes. Consider how laser dentistry can change your life as it relates to your oral health journey whether you want specialized procedures or ordinary preventive measures.
To start on the path of attaining a happier healthier smile, book for your consultation today!
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