#If any of y'all wanna hear more about a specific version just send me an ask
nonuggetshere · 2 years
PLS elaborate on ur hollow gets found out scenarios I beg
The most developed one (and one that even has its own variants) involves their first training session. They've been practising moves for a while and it was finally time to check their combat skills in a battle. Of course, they're like...7, so the knights go easy on them. Still, the hits hurt, and after 2 or 3 more they just burst into tears and can't stop crying even when the knights drop everything and try to comfort them. Pale King was watching them and is absolutely horrified, but pushes his impending emotional crisis away to go comfort his kid. Dryya is also the one that hit them and she's also absolutely horrified and feels guilty.
In another version, that's a variant of FaaF because of course it is, Pale King sort of breaks down one day early on because fuck he loves that kid so much and he wasn't supposed to love them, and they look so much like him and his beloved wife and it just crushes him. He's suddenly regretting all of it, regretting not keeping at least one egg. And when they're alone and he looks at them he finally just breaks down and falls to his knees. And then after a while of crying and apologising, he feels two little hands pet his head.
In a similar vibe to that one, there's one where Pale King and White Lady visibly mourn the child they think is dead, and after realising it PV decides to reveal themself. They end up getting named Joy in that one.
There's one that involves Pale King using weird mind powers on them. Basically, he links their minds together briefly to make sure they're hollow, expecting complete emptiness as he was so sure of his plan working out, only to be met with a very tiny very scared child instead.
There's a version where they just do not vibe with being taken away from their siblings and go back to the Abyss's door and scratch at it and cry, and Pale King finds them there like that.
There's one where they're having a bad dream or dreaming about having a normal life and loving parents (ouch) and they wake up crying. It's early in the day so one of the knights goes to wake them up and get them to the training grounds, but instead they find them crying in their bed.
There's one where Radiance realises they're not hollow very early on and decides to infect them. She can't do anything with a little kid, she just decided to be a spiteful bitch and hit Pale King where it hurts. She pushed her luck though because he's had enough and he's going to show her what a pissed-off wyrm is capable of. They recover, thankfully, but holy shit what a horrible way to find out.
The last idea is quite dark, so I'm gonna out it under a readmore
TW: physical abuse and child abuse, if you're sensitive to these topics please just skip that last one
The last one involves a staff member who decided to use PV as a punching bag to deal with their stress and problems because they weren't alive so it wasn't wrong, right? But they don't stop either when the poor kid starts crying and makes it clear that they are alive and hurt by this.
Thankfully, Pale King hears a kid crying and goes to check it out and walks in on this. And he damn near murders that fucker right there and then. The only reason he stops himself and calls the guards instead was because he didn't want his kid to see that, but he did scream his head off at the scumbag and gave them quite a bit of scratches after he threw himself between them and PV.
He coaxes PV from under the bed where they hid and gently pulls them onto his lap. They're still sobbing and sniffling and he tries to get them to show him where it hurts all the while speaking softly to them and rocking them in his lap. They pat their tummy and squeal quietly when he puts his hand on it, but calm down as he heals them. He then just holds them on his lap and comforts them for a long time, all the while rubbing their belly to try and soothe it.
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mrstsung · 11 months
Askbox: Closed. Until people send me requests instead of complaining about my posts and opinions on fictional characters.
These are what I'll write and not write.
IF YOU ARE A MINOR,I WOULD PREFER IF YOU DO NOT REQUEST NSFW WORKS. thank you. I am 18+ and I'm trying to make this a better and safer blog.
For recently, i have decided to not make any x reader fics and hcs for other people for the character shang tsung. I do not wish to share this particular character. So he is off limits. But anyone else is fine.
I do not post often here so apologizes if i dont get to anything right away.
My main blog is @arttrampbelle . I do post there but im trying to post here again more. For mortal kombat stuff
If you have any questions or concerns let me know
I don't do mk12/mk(1) 2023. So plz do not ask for that. I can do truly any other version. Sorry. I can maybe make a hybrid or my own version but it wont be like the actual game so of you're fine with that i could maybe make it work but i would very much rather do mk9,mk10,mk11,mk 1995,and mk legends.
I write hcs and imagines mostly. Full length fics are harder for my nurodivergent brain to do.
*added* i can write my own verse of mk12/mk1 shang tsung. But again i won't be writing him for anyone else,just myself or hc ideas. So if you wanna hear about them. I can do that. But sadly no x readers anymore of him. Again this is a personal choice.
Characters i will do:
Liu kang
Kung lao
Kuai liang (SUB ZERO/TUNDRA)
Hanzo hasashi(THE ONLY SCORPION!)
Reptile(lizardman look only because y'all cowards. Im not sorry)
Shao kahn
Johnny cage
Erron black
Quan chi(yes even him)
Shinnok(tho im not as good with him so plz bare with me)
Characters i won't do,things i can't do:
Any of the other elder gods besides shinnok because im not as good with them. So apologies.
Any of this titan nonsense. They don't exist to me. Sorry.
Shang tsung. He's my blorbo. And i have decided to not share or write for him anymore. So i really do apologize but i can't trust writing for other people with this character. I wanna write and self ship with this character in peace. So plz do not request any writing with shang tsung from now on. All my writing,art,kontent, for shang will be exclusively for myself only.
I do not write god liu kang(unless a corruption arch au idea?) Nor write him as some savior. You get the real chosen one or nothing at all.
I do not do character x character. I do not do anything outside of self shipping or character x reader or canon x oc/self inserts. So plz do not ask for this.
I do not write smut for minors. You can request fluff or sfw kontent only.
If you have something specific in mind,plz be as detailed as possible. Otherwise i will more likely do a in general thing
I write mostly GN and fem readers. I am not as good with masc readers yet. So apologies.
If you again have any questions. Let me know.
Ask box:closed
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kassaunjra · 4 years
Tumblr media
🍀 [About the Mun] 🍀
• Hi and hello, I'm Rosaiel but you can call me Rosa for short! My main blog is Rosaiel; it's mostly for posting my art and reblogging stuff in general.
• I'm a 25-year-old digital artist who's technically a veteran roleplayer, as I have been making characters and roleplaying since my wee middle school years!
• I sort of took a couple years off from roleplaying due to some really bad experiences on a roleplaying website that with stay anonymous for now. However, I'm trying to get back into the swing of roleplaying as I genuinely miss it, so please bare with me!
• I'm non-selective for the most part; so long as you give me a little something to work with, then we're good to go!
• I usually try to match what you write, but sometimes I go overboard! I just really like to write; if I end up writing ten paragraphs, you by NO MEANS have to match that! Go to your own pace; contrary to popular belief, I will NOT be upset if you don't write the same anount as I do! xD
• If you don't want to roleplay and would much prefer to send asks instead, go for it!!! I love asks that delve into character development to be honest. I love thinking about my characters and asks often help me develop my characters in ways I never would have thought of myself. 👀
• I love reading tags??? Seriously some of y'all put some really interesting and funny comments in the tags. Keep 'em coming my funky lil' dudes!
• I also love talking to folks OOC (Out of Character)! If you want to send me an ask that's OOC just to talk, go right ahead! Just make sure you clearly mark it as OOC so I don't mistake it for an in-character reaction.
• Most of the artwork you'll see on this blog is mine; if it's not, it's either reblogged from another artist or it was a commission that I had permission to post here!
• I'm very friendly but also very shy, so if you want to roleplay, it might be easier if you approach me first. Sorry about that.
🍀 [ Roleplaying Rules ] 🍀
I know, I know. No one likes rules, but given the bad experiences I've had in the past, I need to lay down some rules.
• First of all, no hate. What-so-ever. I don't care if you don't like me, my character(s), someone I roleplay with, a character I interact with, or if there's oc x canon content on my blog; hate will NOT be tolerated. Also there's nothing wrong with oc x canon; y'all just want to normalize bullying through silly, trivial things. :)
• I have anonymous asks on currently. If people abuse this and harass me or make me feel uncomfortable through it, anon asks WILL be turned off permanently. No exceptions.
• If I follow your blog on my main account, that means I want to roleplay with you at some point! I'm just very shy. ;; I am open to roleplaying with both RDR OCs and Non-Fandom OCs! I love AUs and fully welcome them as well! I am Crossover friendly, and Multi-ship friendly as well! 🍀
• Do not rush me to reply. I understand being excited about a roleplay and wanting it to continue asap, but please understand that I suffer from severe depression and some days, I just don't wanna reply. I will get to it when I get to it. I promise. ❤ If you have any concerns about if I got your reply, if I'm still interested in the roleplay, or just want to check in, that's a-okay! I understand that Tumblr can sometimes be fickle and doesn't always send notifications, so I'm okay with folks checking in! All I'm asking is for y'all to not be forceful, pushy, or demanding. I've dealt with this before in the past and it is not a nice feeling. :(
• I sometimes drop roleplays because I am a poophead and I'm either feeling the Big Sad, I genuinely forgot, or because I just sometimes lose interest/don't know how to continue the plot. If you want us to continue a roleplay I dropped, let me know! I'll try my hardest to pick it back up! ;v; If I can't, I'll tell you. ❤
• Upon our first roleplay, please assume that our characters have not met, even if you've seen me interact with another version of your character on someone else's blog; I treat each roleplaying blog as their own character, so if I have not interacted with your blog before, then it's to be assumed that our characters have not met! Unless we have previously discussed this matter, of course. xD
• You don't need to discuss a plot with me beforehand; if you want to send a starter out of nowhere, go ahead! Just please nothing that would make me uncomfortable. I also reblog a ton of sentence starters, which can be used at any time!!! ❤ Doesn't matter how long ago I reblogged it; if it's on my page, it's good to go!
• Nothing extremely NSFW please. I'll answer some more 'risky' questions, but if you're specifically looking for ERPs and straight up porn, I'm not your girl. That kind of stuff makes me very uncomfortable. I'll imply it happened if plot comes to it, but I'm not gonna sit there and write it out and upset myself. Sorry, but no. ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE UNDERAGE. I will not hesitate to block you if you're underage and are trying to get me to ERP with you; I'm not about to get myself in trouble just because you can't control yourself. Blood and gore is fine with me and so are fights, magic, ect. Just do not God-Mod (making your character overpowered and making the fight unfair by always landing hits and always dodging attacks), take control of my character, or Perma-Kill. Severely injuring or wounding my character is okay though!
• I will give out my Discord to folks that I am comfortable with and have interacted with quite a few times with! I'll let you know if I'm comfortable with you yet or not. C:
• I don't know what else to put right now, so more to come later if need be!
Anyway, hope to hear from y'all soon! ❤
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ckret2 · 5 years
tumblr you need to stop deleting the question when i edit an ask:
What characters can you think of, that you like, fall under unhealthy obsessive romance?
Sit down we're gonna be here a while.
God is anyone gonna be surprised if I cite the yandere trope? Is anyone gonna cringe away if I say Gasai Yuno from Future Diary? No? We're all good? Okay.
Yandere characters are really hit or miss with me. Too often, I've seen yandere characters portrayed like their bloodlust, their willing to kidnap their beloved or kill potential romantic rivals, is working in tandem with their apparent sweet, affectionate, self-effacing devotion—rather than in contrast. Like a yandere character who's willing to draw blood is an exaggerated romantic ideal. I'm not about that. To me, a proper compelling yandere is a horror character disguised as a cute love interest.
Yuno pulls that off. Even as Yukki gets used to her and even begins to grow attracted to her, he still remains very reasonably terrified of what she might do—and his terror is validated by her actions. What really sells her for me, though, is the series's awareness of the arbitrary nature of her obsessive love. She flat-out tells Yukki, the target of her obsession, with shocking coldness and self-insight, that she doesn't love him because he's really that unique or special, but because he was there and she needed someone. When it feels like so many generic dull lead boys "win" the attentions of the cool interesting yandere for no obvious reason as a sort of wishfulfillment, Yuno's open acknowledgment of Yukki's plainness and the arbitrariness of her own affections would be a great deconstruction of common yandere tropes, if it wasn't for the fact that Yuno was basically the codifier of the modern yandere archetype.
Another character who hits all the right yandere notes is Tarantulas from the IDW Transformers comics. Mad scientist who makes wicked inventions for a high-ranked military officer who's rattled by the brutality they inflict together and terminates their professional relationship by attempting to terminate the scientist; scientist comes back from the apparent dead to kidnap the officer with the help of a gang of terrorists, blackmails him by threatening to reveal confidential information about the officer's army that could tear it apart from the inside and that the officer has gone to great lengths to keep hidden, reveals that he's invented a way to make enemy soldiers effectively invisible and untraceable, and shows off his secret lab powered by a devastatingly powerful superfuel that he's invented... and then reveal he doesn't want revenge, but for the officer to be his partner in crime again, and all these wonders will be used FOR him instead of AGAINST him. He calls the officer his "muse," and feels like he can't reach his peak scientific potential without the officer there, requesting new weapons and acting as his inspiration.
He's willing to burn down the universe if his muse wants it or burn down the universe if his muse scorns him, he kidnaps him just to beg him to be his partner, and he does all this despite the fact that the officer destroyed his life work and tried to kill him. It's fantastically messed up.
Moving away from the yandere archetype: Venom—comics Venom, from their intro through the 90s and then again once Mike Costa got hold of them—is a fantastic obsessive love story, about two people who reject everything that both of their societies defines as normal and acceptable in order to be with each other, and are incredibly tender and affectionate and mutually supportive; but like, they also validate each other's worst beliefs and tendencies in a way that lets them egg each other on into oblivious villainy, and even if "live with and for one and only one person, literally in 24/7 physical contact," is normal and psychologically healthy for the symbiote's species, it's not for a human being. Impressively, they're SO obsessively codependently in love with each other, that they each independently decide that they want to be the best possible versions of themselves for each other, and violently wrest their relationship from the jaws of toxicity in order to become an emotionally mature couple with a support system, outside friends, and the ability to communicate about their fears and insecurities, and it's a beautiful thing. It's too bad nobody's written anything with Venom since Mike Costa's run ended, but I'm sure someone will bring them back around eventually.
The knight-in-love-with-their-liege trope is one that appeals to me in theory, but in practice I basically never see it written as zealously as I'd like, so I usually have to headcanon it up myself. Pearl in Steven Universe is the only solid canon example I can think of that hits all the right notes for me.
Not strictly canon but: Drift from Transformers, who goes from grim street rat survivalist to bloodthirsty mass murderer to repentant ninja vigilante to faux-spiritual warrior with weird flashes of extreme violence while under the wing of four different mentor/leader figures, I like to interpret as a serial zealot whose repeatedly shifting morals and loyalties have nothing to do with his newest leader actually convincing him of the righteousness of their perspective, and everything to do with Drift's becoming smitten with their charisma and being willing to reinvent himself completely to conform with his new beloved leader's worldview. Drift's last writer even ship teased him pretty heavily with leader #4 (for any of y'all that don't read Transformers: not like "ship teased" in a queerbaity way, Drift eventually hooked up with a different dude), and he's shown to go out of his way to perform roles that he thinks will impress leader #4; so like, there's some canon basis to read him like that—even if my main reason is "because I want to."
I also like to slip in shades of knight-loves-leader in how I write Zim being shipped with a Tallest; the unhealthy, destructive obsession with them is definitely canon, even if the romance isn't.
"Characters that are otherwise emotionless for scifi/fantasy reasons except for ONE emotion and that emotion is love and therefore they get really obsessed with their love because it's the only thing in their void of a life, but it's not portrayed in a cutesy 'robot learns to feel' or 'demon is saved by love' way but rather in a 'this is almost as unbalanced and unhealthy as not feeling anything at all was' way" is like... a trope that I keep writing but don't think I've ever actually seen done EXACTLY like that in canon. The Nobodies in Kingdom Hearts are good for this—I've written them as having meaningless sex to try to counter the fact that they can't feel emotions, on the justification that sexual arousal is a physiological sensation rather than an actual emotion but is still close enough that they can almost feel a feeling, and end up getting extremely attached to their cooperative let's-pretend-we-can-feel sex partners. (i realize that physiology and emotions can't actually be disentangled like that but like, it's fantasy.) Axel, you can argue, latched onto Roxas in what can be (and often is) read in a romantic way, also arguably sheerly on the merit of the fact that Roxas makes him feel anything at all.
Shockwave in IDW I've also used to played around with this idea, although I haven't published the main work I've done that with. Yet.
And from what I’ve seen, it looks like the main character in Yandere Simulator is gonna have a backstory kind of like that? I’m looking forward to that game, haven’t played any of the demo versions yet but what I’ve seen from the dev’s videos looks fun.
Also: very frequently, unrequited love. Especially secret unrequited love. "Unrequited-to-requited love" doesn't fit the bill at all. It's gotta be perpetual pining. There's NO satisfaction. The longing just builds and builds eternally, until the internal pressure causes something to shatter. I can think of ships I like to imagine this way (Drift w/ any of his mentors, Starscream/Wheeljack, Hashirama/Madara, Ψiioniic/Sufferer), but off the top of my head no canon ones that reach those dizzying heights of eternally unfulfilled yearning. Sure, plenty of stories have unrequited love—but rarely the all-consumingly obsessive kind, and even more rarely is that portrayed as—oh! I got a couple canon ones, albeit more villainous/predatory ones: the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera and that dude with his mouth stitched shut in the Abarat books, I haven't read those in years. And some spins of Dracula and Mina, although it's no fun if she loves him back. You can also do this with Hades and Persephone, although for this to work it's imperative that Hades still feel like he doesn't actually "have" Persephone even if she's contractually obligated to live with him so long as she doesn't love him, and just sort of wistfully watches her from afar whenever she's in the underworld. (But to be honest I generally prefer "Persephone and Hades: Hypercompetent Goth Power Couple" to spins that lean on Persephone being an unwilling unhappy victim.)
The further I go down this list the more obscure and/or headcanony these examples are gonna get, so I think I'm gonna stop here. But feel free to send any follow-up questions if u wanna hear me ramble more about my extremely specific tastes in romance.
Shoutout to "The Maiden and the Minstrel Knight" by Blind Guardian for being a song that captures peak romanticized out-of-control love.
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megers67 · 6 years
The Great Erasermic Road Trip
I was talking with @ibelieveinahappilyeverafter and there's so much to be had here. But both of us are too busy to actually make a proper fic of it (because it could easily be a multi-chapter fic or a long series of vignettes). But I want to share with y'all so here's a bullet point version of what we came up with. Since we're not likely to use this ourselves beyond headcanons, if at all, you are free to add some of your own and use any of these (I would like to know if you do end up using them because I wanna see!!).
There are a lot of these so they're under a Read More.
They go when they're 21 because they're young enough that they're not incredibly busy (since their careers have only barely started), but old enough to have saved enough money to take at least a month off and old enough to drink in the USA.
Though they're only licensed to be heroes in Japan, not internationally. Because of this, they weren't allowed to bring weapons with them. After this trip, Hizashi works on his international certification so if he travels outside of Japan for his radio/music career, he can still do hero work when necessary. Shouta does as well, but unrelated to this trip (more to do with undercover work in Korea and China).
They go in the late spring/early summer.
Shouta had to learn to drive, specifically because of this trip. So he only actually knows how to drive American-oriented cars and with American driving rules. He hasn't needed to drive in Japan because of public transport. Hizashi already knew how to drive and took some time adjusting to American road rules but then had trouble getting back to Japanese when they returned.
They don't really have too many plans. They just kind of pick a direction and go. Even still, Hizashi brought a bunch of guide books and tries to plan what he can or at least multiple options for Shouta to choose from. It's not that Shouta doesn't care, but he surprisingly spontaneous about it and willing to just go wherever life takes him on this trip, fine with basically anything. So if there are any things that he even slightly expresses interest in, then Hizashi will immediately divert things to accommodate it.
They spend most of their time in rural America rather than larger cities. Hizashi says this was the more real America, but it's at least partly because they just had unexpected fun out there and forgot about their plans in the larger cities other than entering and leaving the US. They have plenty of cities in Japan, and while they're very different, rural America is REALLY different.
Even still, when they were in the cities, they ended up off the beaten path in order to avoid crowds.
They try to do the thing where they're continually driving and just taking it in shifts, but this only lasts a couple of days because it meant that one of them was always sleeping so it wasn't as fun. They start sleeping in cheap motels, but they end up sleeping in their car most often.
In one of their motel stays, they meet a group of four friends who are also taking a road trip before starting careers as heroes. Drinks happen and next thing you know, they're having an impromptu, drunken tournament in the middle of an abandoned field nearby. One of the Americans wins, but Shouta got 2nd. Much respect is had by all.
Hizashi and Yamada go to a pop-up carnival and get stuck at the top of ferris wheel. They get down on their own and help other stranded riders. They are praised for their efforts, but are lectured to NOT do that again because they're unlicensed.
At that same carnival, Shouta ends up doing well in quite a few of the games. Or at least the ones that aren't rigged. I bet the carnival has ways to prevent quirk use on their games, but Shouta's ninja-like agility, balance, and precision doesn't come from a quirk. Shouta wins a big fuck-off prize and now they have to lug it around the rest of their trip. It's a giant, neon yellow, monkey with a banana. Over the course of the trip it gains a baseball cap for some local sports team, tacky souvenir shirt, goofy sunglasses, and boxers from Buccee's. Hizashi still has it.
Hizashi likes stopping at those niche museums and roadside attractions because they're so unique. He takes so many pictures. Not just the ones at the various locations, but also of nature and candid shots of Shouta driving. One of these pictures is one of Hizashi’s all-time favorites and he keeps it in his wallet.
Shouta looks like a really typical dad on this road trip at the ripe old age of 21. Socks and sandals and everything. That dork. He likes the more typical tourist attractions, but not the crowds so he also ends up preferring the weird stuff too because there aren't a lot of people.
One thing they were least prepared for was for how varied the weather is in the US.
Because of the timing, they end up running into tornado season. Hunkering down in a random ass basement and meeting this really nice family in the process. The Thompson family I have now decided. They met on the road while the dad (Robert) got last minute supplies and was like "WTF are you two doing without shelter, come home with me because you could legit die out here" as they wait out the storm.
The mom (Linda) and dad are older folks and have two adult children. The older one is a son (Richard) who has basically taken over the farm by now. The daughter (Margaret, but goes by Margie) is Hizashi and Shouta's age and also has radio aspirations. She and Hizashi become really good friends and even become pen pals for years after. She invites them to her wedding years later and while they can't attend, they still send her a gift.
As thanks for the shelter and because the mom and dad basically immediately adopted Hizashi and Shouta, the two of them help out on the farm the next day since the son is helping with more heavy-duty repairs. Shouta is convinced that he was almost killed by a cow. She's just a sweet dairy cow named Delilah.
There is a really awkward moment when they encounter a villain because they're not allowed to intervene and they have to figure out what they're going to do. Like they want to help but that would get very messy VERY quickly as it would be a major crime for them. Then a corn quirk hero who specializes in rural America barrels in from out of nowhere on a fuckin horse. And it is the most obnoxiously American thing either of them have ever seen before or since. He turns out to be Margie’s boyfriend (and future husband) and is actually pretty chill outside of his persona. All Might's mannerisms and American references reminds Shouta of this Corn Hero.
Shouta's most embarrassing moment was when he got rescued by a local hero (completely different location from the Corn Hero) in a situation that arose because Shouta wasn't entirely fluent in English and accidentally started a bar fight via an insult.
Hizashi is convinced that he had an alien encounter while Shouta was asleep. He is frustrated to this day that Shouta doesn't believe him.
Shouta's favorite moment was seeing the crazy amount of stars on a clear night miles away from the nearest sign of civilization. They ended up not sleeping that night because they spent hours having a heart-to-heart instead. They sleep until noon to make up for lost sleep.
They get really competitive over those dumb car games.
They want to go to a baseball game because it's one of the sports they're actually somewhat familiar with. But there's not a lot going on so they end up at some high school game. At first they get weird looks because why the fuck are these random guys here for a school game, but once the crowd finds out they're Japanese tourists, they actually get pretty into it and both teams' parents try to get them to support their team. It ends up being a really close game and it was a rival game on top of it. They get a hat for each team. The one Hizashi wears was the one that ended up winning, beating out Shouta's by a slim margin.
Shouta gains an appreciation for jerky on that trip and strives to try as many different types as he can. He is saddened that he can't get any of it in Japan (and it tends to be confiscated when you try to take bring it in).
When they return, Hizashi laments that he hasn't been able to find BBQ sauce even remotely like that one hole-in-the-wall they found in Bumfuck Nowhere, Texas. And they can't even remember the place because it was one of the times they were lost and they just chose the first place they found when they were just too hungry to continue.
Hizashi makes an effort to at least try to remain in contact with most of the people they encounter on their trip. The Thompson family keeps contact the best.
This trip has produced a plethora of inside jokes. All Might has the best chance of their coworkers at understanding in any capacity since he's traveled the US as well. It makes Midnight facepalm because she's been hearing these inside jokes for years and isn't any closer to understanding any of them.
After Aizawa's current 1A students graduate, they want to go on another road trip, because honestly he could use a goddamn break after what this batch of students had put him through. There are a few differences. For one, they will bring their kids with them. They will also make stops at several radio stations since Hizashi is a bit more well-known of a radio personality this time around. He will definitely include Margie's station among these where he will be on as a special guest for a full show (instead of just an interview like at the other places). They will also be visiting that family in general. Because they have specific stops and their kids, the trip will be a lot more structured this time around.
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