#If only he'd actually change his ways in honor of her values.
thecruellestmonth · 4 months
We love Bruce's tragic ignorance of Sheila's role in Jason's death.
We love Jason never telling another soul what Sheila did, because he loves her, because he's grateful she showed him compassion as soon as it didn't cost her anything, because nobody needs to know.
We need to go further.
Jason's last act as Robin got an innocent woman killed. His own mother, a doctor who should've lived many more years making the world a better place.
Poor Doctor Haywood might've survived being forced to work for the Joker, but Jason dragged her into a dangerous confrontation instead.
It's obvious what happened: Jason was trying to show off. He wanted to impress his mother by revealing himself as Robin and taking down the Joker. Treating everything like a game, never considering the consequences.
And despite losing everything to his recklessness, Sheila still used her dying breath to praise him. It's a tragedy that such a sweet woman dedicated her life to caring for others, but her own son doomed her with his carelessness.
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yuridovewing · 1 year
Keep thinking about the Darktail twist and man I still think that Onestar was such a random choice for “has an illegitimate kid”. when imo Blackstar makes wayyyyy more sense. Like, consider, Blackfoot has a fling with Smoke when he’s still in exile during TPB. Smoke is wayyy more dedicated to him than he is to her, he actually looks down on her for being a kittypet.
By the time she’s pregnant though, he’s rejoined ShadowClan under Tigerstar. And oh man. Xenophobia is rife and alive and outspoken. And when Smoke tells Blackfoot about their kits, there’s no room for weakness. He lashes out at Smoke, maybe even outright attacks her (remember this guy killed Stonefur) and threatens her, telling her to either get off of his land forever or he’ll take care of their kits himself.
She’s either pregnant at that point or she’s had Darkkit and was trying to introduce them. Maybe the latter cause Smoke would not be coming back to ask ShadowClan to take him. Plus it’d be a formative memory to Darkkit that sticks with him for the rest of his life. Instead, she runs back home, Darkkit in tow. Warning him as he grew up to never go into the forest, lest his father find him and get rid of him.
Smoke lives out the rest of her days paranoid and distressed, Blackfoot knows where she lives. It gets worse when she hears that he’s become leader and could potentially send cats after her. Darktail grows up, angry and bitter that his mother was traumatized so. And he vows revenge. He trains himself, learns from the remnants of BloodClan how the clan cats fight. When Smoke dies, he leaves their twolegs to follow the clans, long gone at that point.
Revenge has consumed him, dedicating his life to unleashing his wrath onto Blackstar and his followers. He fantasized about how he would gut Blackstar and rip out each of his nine lives, dangle his dirty little secret over his clan and threatening their oh-so-fragile pride. He was going to make sure he would be considered Blackstar's worst mistake- that would be his end.
He sets up the Kin among some of the cats he trained with, some being former BloodClan cats. At first, it's formed in honor. He wanted to live with his friends was all, and this way they'd all be fed and healthy. But it slowly took a dark turn as Darktail still prioritized revenge above all else. He quickly grew manipulative, and while he still valued his cats, he began to view them more as pawns in a game of chess. A game he was always playing against Blackstar- even if Blackstar didn't know it. He took in vulnerable cats, promising them power and prestige, when he really was only concerned with how they could benefit his schemes. It takes him so long to get to a place where he can release an onslaught on his father’s clan.
… But when he arrives, Blackstar is dead. He drowned a year before Darktail arrived. He was buried, ShadowClan moved on, that was that. Darktail felt numb. It was all for nothing. Revenge on Blackstar, the thing that had driven him for so long, was gone. There was nothing left... except for the clan that Blackstar had built.
And it seemed plenty of the young, slighted, and immature apprentices were struggling at the change in power as well.
That was fine. He'd come this far. If he couldn't have Blackstar's skull, the rest of his clan would have to do. And as he witnessed the other clans' pride, he figured they could go as well. To hell with them all. He was gonna terrorize the clans just as they had terrorized his mother so, and he was going to relish every second.
So TLDR: Blackstar's crimes, and Brokenstar and Tigerstar's reign, still haunt ShadowClan to this day in the form of Darktail. Something about how when you die, some of your sins will be passed on to your loved ones who will be forced to deal with it in your stead. Darktail, try as he might, will never be satisfied with his revenge. He is now aimless, lashing out at everyone in sight because he missed his chance to kill the one he hated most.
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❣️ 💙 💘 } Spirit Blossom .
💙  💘 } Classic .
Spirit Blossom: God, these two would start off butting heads, simply because they're not communicating!!! Sett definitely misunderstands The Spirit of Longing's lesson, he isn't there to preach about forgiveness, pity, or even necessarily wisdom. Painful pasts need to be dealt with in a way that allows them to be opened, examined, and realized in a way that doesn't choke them through anger. Robin knows Sett is hiding pain through anger but GOD is that hard to admit. Once Sett realizes there is no judgement between them, I feel like he'd relax as you said, and finally just...spill out all of that misery; only then will he be able to see how it has shaped and changed him. Yes, that painful memory existed and was wrong, but...it has shaped Sett to be fiercely loyal and loving. And what a beautiful thing to fall in love, and surrender every harsh part of himself to be smoothed over and kissed by someone he knows will never harm him.
Base/Runeterra: Your honor they are stupid. Okay not in terms of actual intelligence, obviously, but these two are so funny in their interactions. Robin's persistance of Sett actually needing to take care of himself, and Sett denying it at every possible turn until he actually can't anymore. Despite all of the funnies though, I do think the same values from SB verse work here; Sett realizing Robin won't think of him any less for having a moment of weakness. There's a slow progression of trust through protective and tender actions, and I genuinely feel that Robin would help to negate some of those toxic traits Sett has; as we spoke about. Not only that but Robin's own feelings of inadequacy would be dampened through Sett's encouragement, and brash behavior; he isn't one to hold back how he feels after all, and Robin knows he won't lie to him. ((plus there's the whole deliciousness of Sett being large and physically intimidating, and having to force back the toxic traits he knows so well in order to not freak Robin out), or scare him. I feel like if Sett realized he scared Robin he'd really beat himsef up-)
Also I love the idea of Robin meeting Sett's mother and her being super enamoured with him because he's polite, kind, and generally soft spoken. ALSO AS WE DISCUSSED, THEM ARGUING AND SHE PEEKS IN AND JUST, "I’ll leave you two love birds alone. I apologize." while Sett SHRIEKS internally and Robin just smiles. I love the idea of Sett's mother and Robin getting along, it just warms my lil heart since Robin is so respectful towards women already, and misses his own momma.
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otnesse · 3 years
Commentary on Peace Walker’s lionization of Che Guevara
Well, guys, as I promised earlier, I’m going to do coverage on a particularly infamous aspect of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and quite frankly if you ask me, one of its worst elements. Sorry for the delay, didn’t realize that Peace Walker was actually released on April 29 in Japan and not the 30th. I’m basically going to cover the game’s lionization of Che Guevara in the various briefing files, and in particular Big Boss and Kazuhira Miller’s lionizing of that monster. For a bit of background, Peace Walker was the second canon PSP entry into the Metal Gear series, after Portable Ops (yes, Portable Ops is in fact canon, and if you ask me was a superior game to Peace Walker in terms of story and characterizations at least, but I digress…). The game has some controversial elements, namely it being very overtly anti-American even by its usual standards, not to mention pushing left-wing values to a far greater degree. One of these values is in the blatant promotion of Che Guevara in the briefing files (in the main story itself, ie, strictly going by the actual missions you undergo, the Che love was at least limited to the Sandinistas and to Vladimir Zadornov, with it being left ambiguous as to whether Snake and Miller actually were fond of him, and while you could argue that the Sandinistas’ sympathetic portrayal could point toward a promotion, Zadornov’s promotion was definitely meant to be a negative since he was planning on having Big Boss reenact Che’s well deserved execution after successfully changing Peace Walker’s target to Cuba in a disinformation op. The Briefing Files, however, aside from obviously Amanda and Chico, members of the Sandinistas, they also had Big Boss and Miller singing praises for that jerk.).
My commentary is on how Big Boss and Miller’s promotion of the guy was a complete and total betrayal of their characters, and also a betrayal of the explicit themes of the game, and also how it’s just one sign of Kojima just being a hack writer, not to mention was extremely poorly done even if we were to assume Kojima intended for Big Boss and Miller to be seen as the villains.
Out of character
For the first part, I’ll cover how the gushing for Che Guevara was completely out of character for Big Boss, and especially for Kazuhira Miller, aka, Master Miller from MG2 and MGS, not just going by past entries, but even when taking into account Peace Walker itself and any supplementary materials. I’ll give separate sections for the two of them, since it’s going to be lengthy.
Big Boss
For Big Boss, I’ll acknowledge that he was meant to be the main villain in the MSX2 games, or at least the main antagonist. However, his singing praises for Che Guevara even knowing that tidbit still didn’t make any sense at all, for a variety of reasons. First off, the games, namely Metal Gear Solid 2, strongly implied that Big Boss adhered to a more, for lack of a better term, right wing outlook. For starters, the New York Mirror review for Nastasha Romanenko’s book gave brief coverage on the official reports of what went down on Shadow Moses. In particular, as you can see with the screencaps down below, they specifically called the Sons of Big Boss a “radical right-wing group”, and the group itself for all intents and purposes, was modeled after Big Boss (even Liquid, despite hating his father, nevertheless was influenced by his ideology).
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And then we get into the character Solidus, who unlike Liquid, or even Solid Snake, practically idolized his “father” (I put it in quotes since Solidus is a clone of Big Boss, as are Liquid and Solid), to the extent that he was practically ecstatic that Raiden shot out his eye and made him look even MORE like his dad. Aside from that, as you can see below with these screencaps, he was also depicted as a proto-Tea Party type, heck, a proto-MAGA type even, basically wanting America to return to the way the Founding Fathers envisioned it. There’s definitely no way Solidus would have been the type to sing praises for a scumbag like Che Guevara, knowing that, and considering his idolization of Big Boss, it’s also unlikely Big Boss would have sang praises for that creep either.
There’s also the fact that in MGS3, he wasn’t fond of Communism at all, and had already interacted with a guy similar to Che in many respects (well, other than maybe in terms of sexuality), Colonel Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin, as both were renowned sadists, and even directly attempted to cause nuclear war. In fact, even before the torture, Big Boss, more accurately Naked Snake at that time, learned a bit about Volgin’s past, in particular his involvement in Katyn, and presumably Bykivnia and Kurapaty as well due to EVA’s references to similar massacres occurring in Western Belarus and the Ukraine, as you can see below:
His reaction in that conversation with EVA, in particular Volgin’s personal role in executing those guys, had him downright horrified. Bear in mind that Che Guevara actually DID do several of those things himself, shot innocent and unarmed people, and if anything, unlike Volgin who at least allowed Snake to have weapons on hand to fight him, Che outright dithers when confronted with people using guns, even if they’re his own allies based on his interaction with Jorges Sotus, and to a lesser extent Jesus Carreras. It says a lot when even someone like Volgin, a psychopathic mutant, had more honor than Che Guevara. Plus, in Peace Walker, Big Boss when recalling the Cuban Missile Crisis implied that he blamed that event for his ultimately having to kill The Boss (with Miller even noting it was uncharacteristic of him to get into hypotheticals), as you can see in these screencaps below.
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The reason that ties in to Che Guevara is because, believe it or not, Che is the reason why the CMC nearly caused the Cold War to become hot. He and Castro even attempted to launch nukes at the United States, and it actually spooked Khrushchev enough that he had to muzzle Che and agree to end the standoff with the United States via the Turkey Deal (or retrieving Sokolov). Knowing that bit, it’s extremely unlikely Big Boss would have been particularly fond of the guy who essentially set the ground for Operation Snake Eater and his having to kill The Boss. And that’s not even getting into how he tried to stop a nuke being launched not just once in the game, but TWICE, and the second time was a perfect opportunity for him to emulate Che Guevara and succeed where Che failed. When Paz hijacked ZEKE, she revealed that she intended to nuke the Eastern Seaboard and pin the blame on MSF under Cipher’s orders, and yet Big Boss fought her in an attempt to stop her. That definitely wouldn’t have been something Che Guevara would have done, and if anything, he bragged to the London Daily Worker that he WOULD have launched the nukes at America preemptively had they been allowed to remain.
Heck, in Portable Ops and even Peace Walker, or at least the backstory for those games, Big Boss specifically served western interests after Operation Snake Eater. In the former, Big Boss was revealed to have participated in the Mozambique War of Independence, and a comment made by Null, aka, Gray Fox, aka, Frank Jaegar, after being bested the second time around, implied that Big Boss had fought alongside the Portugese during that time (Jaegar at that time was siding with FRELIMO), as you can see from the following screencaps:
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And in the tape detailing how he and Miller met (not to mention the extended version included in the Peace and Harmony Blues drama tape that was later included in the Japanese version of Ground Zeroes, specifically chapters 1 and 2), it was mentioned that Kazuhira Miller at the time was a mercenary operating with an implied communist rebel group in Colombia, while Big Boss was clearly siding with the Western-backed government.
I think the events proper for Peace Walker was the first time Big Boss explicitly sided with Communists (not counting Portable Ops, since it’s implied the Russian soldiers renounced their Communism after being abandoned by the Soviet government), and even there, he did it more out of his own personal motives of getting closure regarding The Boss’s true motives after learning she may have somehow survived Snake Eater than out of any liking of Mena/Zadornov’s objectives.
Besides, Big Boss is former CIA, and grunt or not, he'd still need to have at least some degree of knowledge about Che, namely stuff like how Che tried to commit to the Cuban Missile Crisis and make it a hot war, among other things like his instituting gulags in Cuba. And let's not forget, when Gene in Portable Ops tried to pull a similar stunt, Big Boss was genuinely horrified by what he was planning to do.
Kazuhira Miller
Now we get to Kazuhira Miller, aka, Master McDonnell Benedict Miller. Unlike Big Boss, Miller was consistently up to that point depicted as a good guy (probably the closest he got to engaging in villainy was in MGS1 regarding manipulating Snake into arming REX, and even there, he was dead three days before the events of the game, and that had been Liquid who did so). He was also shown to be a huge Che fanboy, and if anything he was depicted as being an even bigger fanboy than Big Boss himself in that game. And Peace Walker also retconned his origins by revealing he was in fact born in Japan with bi-racial ancestry (Japanese and American Caucasian), as he originally was third-generation Japanese American. He was made clear to have more love for America than his own home country of Japan, and only recognized the meaning of peace when talking to his hospitalized mom. He also was mentioned to have been influenced to get into the mercenary business by Yukio Mishima’s suicide, though he does imply that he wasn’t on the same political spectrum as him. Him singing praises for Che Guevara doesn’t work well at all, especially considering that he repeatedly stressed that they not allow another Cuban Missile Crisis to happen, and going by his comments in these screencaps below (in the same briefing file as Big Boss’s uncharacteristically going into hypotheticals, and if anything happened immediately before then), he was fully aware about how Japan itself was almost nuked again thanks to that event (with the only difference being that the Soviets were more likely to nuke them), as you can see with the following screencaps.
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Having him sing praises for Che Guevara, whom as I pointed out earlier actually attempted to launch nukes and jumpstart World War III, comes across as ESPECIALLY distasteful knowing that bit, since it comes across as him basically cheering for the guy who tried to wipe out his fellow Japanese, to say little about the Americans, whom back then, he idolized. It would be the same thing as a Holocaust survivor singing praises for Adolf Hitler after narrowly surviving being killed by him. It also doesn’t match up at all with his characterization in MG2 or even MGS1 (and believe me, Liquid posing as Miller or not, his statements to Snake would have been what Miller himself would have said since Snake didn’t seem suspicious at all about him.), the latter regarding the bit about Meryl after she was captured. Even his not being fond of Japan doesn’t cut it, especially when, ignoring that he put that to the side after his mom was hospitalized, the character Sokolov ALSO wasn’t fond of the Soviet Union at all, risked crossing the iron curtain alongside his family to get away from it, and would have been free as a bird had the CMC not happened, and almost got away again until The Boss interfered. Even THERE, however, he still retained at least some degree of love for Russia itself, as when Gene decided to try to nuke Russia (or at least, that’s what Gene led everyone to believe at the time), he secretly went against Gene and adopted the alias of Ghost to aid Big Boss specifically to prevent a nuke from being launched there, being THAT against harming Russia despite hating the Soviet policies. I would have expected Miller to not be fond of Che Guevara at all for that reason.
The whole thing also didn’t work since if they were meant to be seen as heroes, it ticks off a whole lot of players who are fully aware of some of the crap Che Guevara caused and know his true nature, and regarding painting them as a villain, the problem is that the story DOESN’T depict them as villains for that. Heck, they don’t even STATE any bad things Che did other than maybe dying, and if anything, the way everyone was talking, you’d think he’d walk on water. If Kojima wanted to depict Big Boss and Miller as villains by having him sing praises for Che, the very least he could have done was make sure to specifically reference Che Guevara’s role in nearly causing the Cold War to go Hot by the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis and his being upset at the nukes being removed.
Apparently, if Kojima’s secretary is of any indication, the reason the Che love was in the game was because Kojima himself tried to force in his socio-political views into the game in blatant disregard for the narrative and characterizations therein, as you can see below with links (screencaps will have to be in an addendum post since, unfortunately, I've hit my limit regarding screencap postings):
The Che praise doesn’t work too well with the themes either, since he was not a peaceful man, even called himself the opposite of Christ, and tried to start a nuclear war. It definitely goes against the stated themes of the game, which was peace, not to mention the anti-nuke themes of the overall franchise. Heck, if anything, specifically referencing Che’s attempt at nuking the US and causing Nuclear War, and by extension outright condemning him for it would have worked much better with the themes of anti-nukes, especially considering that they made sure to reference Vasily Arkhipov’s actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis at one point, not to mention referenced both Katyn and the fact that the Turkey silos were already rendered obsolete even before the Turkey Deal made removing them required due to the advent of nuclear subs in Snake Eater earlier. And without the references to that, or any other bad stuff, you’re literally left thinking that he must be a good guy. I’d know because I fell for that myself, especially after getting the game (I didn’t follow the briefing files, but I did follow the cutscenes on YouTube back when it was still in Japan, and I also was baffled as to how people were talking about Big Boss and Miller were Che fanboys since the cutscenes never even pointed in either direction, and if anything, Big Boss nearly being killed by Zadornov would probably point to him NOT liking Che afterwards due to nearly being forced into Che’s fate).
The only thing it did was just have Kojima force in his political and social views, and I’ll be blunt, that kind of crap is something I have distaste in, I hate having propaganda pushed onto me. Ironically, Kojima or at least the Benson books for MGS1 and MGS2, instilled that view onto me. So my anger at Kojima doing that, after learning what Che was truly like in one of the Politically Incorrect Books (either Vietnam War or the 1960s one), is very much personal as well as political and social.
Well, as I said, I did buy into the narrative around the time Peace Walker was released, but then I learned I was being tricked by Kojima after reading the PIG books. I’d argue that event definitely was a watershed event for me. Not only did it have me lose any respect I might have had for Kojima, it also influenced my outlook on life, left me becoming distrustful the second I started picking up how they’re trying to push an agenda instead of, say, actually teaching the material in college. It also may have influenced my later views on Star Wars and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast (specifically, George Luca’s open admission to basing the Ewoks/Rebels on the Vietcong, and especially modeling the Galactic Empire after American soldiers; and Linda Woolverton admitting that she was trying to push a radical feminist agenda in Beauty and the Beast, the same one she tried to push in that awful Maleficent movie. Though I also was becoming disturbed with Belle for reasons other than that bit due to researching the French Revolution, though I will acknowledge Big Boss and Kazuhira Miller’s fanboying of Che Guevara, and in particular their reference to Sartre and his infamously singing praises for Che as “the most complete human being of the century”, certainly worsened my views on Belle, thinking that she may turn out like Sartre and throw her lot with the Jacobins and other groups.). It also left me distrusting of whatever Metal Gear had to say, may have also led to my not liking Chris Redfield after Resident Evil 5, or heck, some of the more anti-American commentary in 5 and other games, and also Dead Rising. It also influenced my decision to become a Dead or Alive fan (especially when before, I wasn’t particularly fond of the game due to the fanservice stuff), and in particular a Tina and Bass fan. May have also influenced my later distaste of Greg Berlanti’s writing of Arrowverse shows, in particular Supergirl starting with Season 2 (though that also had Heroes Redemption as a factor, which predated Peace Walker, thanks to how it changed Claire Bennet).
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rawiswhore · 2 years
Raven x Fem Reader- "The Bitch Sucks Dick"
In 2002, the World Wrestling Federation changed its name to the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), which is what it's still known as today.
And in 2002, the World Wrestling Federation's Attitude era arguably ended and introduced a new era that was basically the Attitude era 2.0, known as the Ruthless Aggression era.
The Ruthless Aggression era had some of the same content as the Attitude era: blood, sex, oversexualized women (and sometimes men), profanity and even some shock value.
Not to mention, 2002 was one of the last years the WWE would still try to hang on to the Attitude era's shock value with moments like Triple H having sex with Katie Vick's corpse, the Dawn Marie, Torrie Wilson and her father storyline and Billy and Chuck's same sex marriage, although the WWE still did have some shock value moments and Attitude era like things after '02.
Speaking of that year, one wrestler in the WWE had gotten a makeover that year, and that wrestler was Raven.
The same Raven that was once in ECW and WCW and eventually TNA and had a match with CM Punk in Ring of Honor.
Raven ditched his damp curly hair, handlebar moustache, denim shorts and plaid shirts wrapped around his waist for blond braids, eyeliner, and kilts, and with his new look he had little to no facial hair.
Even though Raven with his makeover wasn't as sexy as he looked in ECW and WCW, Raven's new look was an improvement over that tacky handlebar moustache he had.
You still miss the way he looked in ECW and even WCW, though.
Even better, he'd wear these skirts that reached his knees as well as kilts.
During the last year Raven would be in the WWE, on an episode that was actually filmed and broadcast in the WWE, Raven had a match against someone.
Raven was dressed in one of those kilts/skirts, and you were the valet to his opponent during this match.
During the middle of the match, when Raven was exhausted and out of breath, you had interrupted and interfered by sliding your body underneath the ropes and entering in the ring, which got a rise out of the audience and made some of them gasp.
You arrived during the right time.
They knew what was coming up, and the commentators as well as the camera was focused on you instead of the actual wrestlers.
You sauntered to Raven with your head slightly tilted, whereas Raven was looking and staring at you.
When you were close enough to him and standing right in front of him, you turned your head and looked at the camera with a smirk on your face, only for your head to turn back until your eyes and head was facing Raven.
You then began to slowly crouch your body down to where his kilt was, and as your body crouched down lower and lower, the audience gasped and roared, many of their eyes growing wide and their mouths smiling from ear to ear.
You still kept that smirk on your face while you crouched down lower, your eyes looking into Raven's eyes whereas he was towering above you.
Once your head was in front of his kilt, your head slid underneath his kilt, which made the audience roar and get out of their seats in cheer.
Some men in the audience were even whistling at you.
The commentators, meanwhile, kept exclaiming and shrieking about what you're about to do to Raven.
Both the fans in the audience and the commentators were guessing what was going to happen.
While your head was underneath his kilt, your hands grabbed the sides of his wrestling trunks and slid and pulled them all the way down to his ankles.
The camera zoomed in on his trunks being pulled down to his ankles, which made people in the audience cheer even louder.
You pulled his trunks down to make it seem like you really were going to give him head.
Wrestling is about storytelling, especially good storytelling, and good storytelling in wrestling is making something seem real.
Plus, sex sells, and the WWE was desperate for ratings in 2002, doing anything to increase the dwindling ratings.
Despite that you're underneath Raven's kilt and have pulled his trunks down, he isn't pushing you away from him yet, which is surprising.
It's like he's in a trance state of mind.
As you were underneath his kilt, your face was right in front of his crotch, and his erection was growing longer and harder because of you.
You were trying to be careful under his kilt so the tip of his penis won't poke one of your eyes.
One of your hands let go of his trunks when they reached his ankles, and that hand slid under his kilt and grabbed his cock, where you inserted the tip of his penis inside your mouth.
When his cock was in your mouth, you began sucking on it, bobbing your head up and down his shaft.
You didn't just suck his dick, but lick it as well, your tongue caressing and stroking the shaft of his erection.
While he got oral sex from you, his genitals were not shown on television, and even when your head was under his kilt, the front of his kilt covered the back of your head, though your head was protruding through his skirt.
Raven, however, began to act like he really was getting oral sex, by leaning and arching his head back and his eyes rolling to the top of his head, while his hands were fumbling to grab on to the ropes.
The camera zoomed in on Raven's face, filming his facial expressions, and the audience caught his facial expressions.
The audience was roaring, hollering and cheering as Raven got a blowjob, and the audience really did think you were giving him head.
And you were, it just wasn't shown on camera.
Was it really necessary to actually suck his cock on camera?
It could be pretended and implied, not for real.
Pretty soon, Raven's opponent approached him and then attacked him, which made Raven's skirt slip away from you.
Now you were crouching in the ring and didn't even get a chance to swallow his precum.
But at least you were distracting him.
You then managed to crawl out of the ring by crawling out from under the ropes and leaving the ring.
Raven, however, was arguing with his opponent about his trunks down to his knees and how he wanted to put them back on due to fear of embarrassment.
Raven did try to manage to pull his trunks back up and cover his private parts.
You actually wish you could've given a blowjob to Rowdy Roddy Piper in the late 80's and early 90's because he was known for wearing a kilt in the ring, however, you were underage then, not to mention, the World Wrestling Federation was still mostly kid friendly.
You've even said on Howard Stern's radio show and interviews that giving Rowdy Roddy Piper head under his kilt is one of your fantasies.
When Scott Hall wore a kilt on WCW in the late 90's, you wish you could've given him a blowjob in the ring, though you weren't allowed to cross over to other wrestling companies, not to mention, WCW was a family friendly show that had little to no sexual content.
In the late 90's and early 2000's, if a professional wrestler guest starred on a Nickelodeon show, it had to be a WCW wrestler due to how violent and oversexualized the WWF had become during their Attitude era.
Scott Hall would've looooooooooooooooooooooooooooved that.
In fact, Scott did love it when you gave oral sex to Raven amongst other sexual things you did.
Fun fact: in 2002, Raven was going to have a 7 Deadly Sins themed storyline/gimmick, and of course, one of the 7 Deadly Sins is lust.
However, because Vince McMahon didn't like Raven, this storyline/gimmick was dropped.
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