#If someone's already posted it and added subtitles please feel free to @ me or add a link in the replies so I can reblog it here
royalarchivist · 10 months
Etoiles said some really kind things about Technoblade and how he made him laugh. If nobody else clipped it and plans to translate it, would any French speakers be available to help me translate the clip?
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kanasmusings · 4 years
[F.A.Q.] Engeki Haikyuu Subtitles
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Hello~! First of all, I’m so glad to know that everyone is enjoying all the Engeki Haikyuu subtitles that I’ve posted and that you’re all looking forward to more~!  A huge thank you to all of you who have messaged me words of encouragement and gratitude for all the projects! I really appreciate all of them and the fandom and I’m just glad to have been able to contribute~!  \(^▽^)/
But since I keep getting the same DMs and asks about a lot of stuff regarding the subs, I decided to make this FAQ.  I unfortunately don’t have the time to answer all anon asks and DMs about the subs, so please do check this FAQ first before asking me anything, thank you! 
I’ll reblog this every now and then so it doesn’t get buried under the other posts I make! FAQ under the cut ^^
1.) The file won’t open. | What program do I need to open a .ass file? 
--> I’ve mentioned this again and again, but the file I’m sharing are only the softsubs! That means, the video is not included in them. In order to be able to watch the play with subtitles, you need to have both the subtitles (the ones I post) and the video itself. 
2.) Where can I get the videos? | Do you know who is sharing the videos? | Where can I download?
 --> If you can’t get enough of the videos and want to see more, especially the backstage, the Engeki Haikyuu DVD/BDs are all available to order here. The site ships internationally, so by all means, feel free to order if you can ^^ 
Here’s a guide for first-time buyers~
3.) I have the video, how do I load the subs? | How do I play the subs? 
--> If you are using VLC, here’s a tutorial for how to play the video with subs. --> If you are using DAUM PotPlayer, here’s a tutorial. --> If you are using a Mac computer, here are various media players you can check out to try and play the videos. But from what I’ve been told, VLC works best! I unfortunately don’t know the differences between Mac and Windows players, so I can’t help with this too much if there are problems ^^;
--> For those who are downloading on mobile, MXPlayer works pretty great! It’s what I use and it’s easy to play videos and add subtitles to them. Free version may have ads, but it works pretty great! If you can, you can pay once to get the full version just for smoother playing. NOTE: There may be lags/unsyncing with the subs depending on your phone.
4.) The link isn’t working, can you re-upload them? | I can’t access the link anymore, will you re-upload?
--> Yes, I will re-upload anything that gets taken down! Just tell me which subtitle you’re looking for or which link isn’t working so I can update them on the masterpost ^^
5.) Do you have subtitles for “Start of a Giant”? | Are you working on “Start of a Giant”?
--> Yes, I still am. However, I have other priority projects, plus commissions, and real life + quarantine that keep me busy, so they are progressing really slow right now. I am grateful that you are very patient with me on this one though! 
6.) I recently got into Engeki Haikyuu and found the first two plays, do you have subs for them? | Do you have subs for “Itadaki no Keshiki”? 
--> No, I have not worked on “Itadaki no Keshiki” or its re-run. When it was first uploaded, it came subbed by the one who shared the original video, so I cannot help you with that. I also do not have subs for the “Karasuno, Revival!!” curtain calls because from what I remember, there’s already someone on Tumblr who has worked on them. 
--> I only started working on Engeki Haikyuu starting from “Karasuno, Revival!” until “The Strongest Challengers” which I am currently finishing.
7.) Can I re-translate your subtitles into [insert language here]? 
--> Yes!! Feel free to re-translate them~! The more people who know and support Engeki Haikyuu, the better! I just ask that you please keep my credit in the subs as the original English translator and uploader, thank you! 
--> If you post the re-translated subs on Tumblr, feel free to just tag me ^^
8.) What are all the subs you’ve worked on? | How many Haikyuu plays have subs? | Is there a masterpost?
--> Yes~! I’ve made a masterpost of all the Haikyuu!! content that I’ve worked on before~! 
--> The masterpost is here for those who couldn’t find them ^^
1.) Download video (Read #2 about where to get it.)
2.) Download subs (In the masterpost at # 8)
3.) Play video and then load subs (Refer to #3 for how to load them on your media player.)
※ I’m really grateful for all the patience you have with me regarding these subs, and I felt a bit bad that I couldn’t answer all your questions individually >< Hopefully, this FAQ will help out a bit! 
※ If there’s still something unclear and something I have not addressed in the FAQ, please DM me ^^ I’ll try my best to help, if ever!
※ If you enjoyed my work so far, please consider buying me a coffee here, if you can. It’ll really help me out a lot.(o^▽^o) Thank you!!
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destination-of-fate · 8 years
(English Subs + Text) Soraru and Mafumafu’s new Cooking Videos
”I tried making Sticky Ramen for my friend” I’ve subbed Soraru’s latest video on his official channel where he tries to cook a meal for Mafumafu! :O If the English subs don’t pop up immediately, click the gear icon and enable them~ Below the “read more” is the full transcript for Mafumafu’s video! Watch Mafumafu’s video here. I can’t subtitle it because his channel doesn’t have community contributions enabled, sorry! ;_; But feel free to share the link to this post if you see people wanting to know what’s happening in the video! This goes line by line and might be a bit hard to understand without the video side by side, so feel free to ask if you have any questions~ I hope you enjoy both videos! :) (Please do not use these translations to upload a subbed version of either video to Youtube or anywhere else)
Title: “I made Medicine Curry for my friend [I’m sorry]”
(Lines not spoken)
Mafumafu: My face looks so bad today… Hey there! Everyone! Hello~ I’m Mafumafu. Well, you see~ Soraru-san, who I work with for certain things He’s… So physically frail! So as for that- I can’t cook or anything at all, but there’s- Medicinal cooking!! That word means-
(Lines spoken) Mafumafu: Siri~ “What’s medicinal cooking?” How do you activate Siri? Siri: I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get that. Mafumafu: SILENCE! What’s “medicinal cooking?” Siri: I found some information about “incidental cooking” on the web. Mafumafu: “Medicinal cooking is a variety of Chinese cuisine.” Eh… it’s Chinese food…? But I wanted to make curry. So for today I want Soraru-san to feel a bit better That was our plan So here! Medicinal curry That’s what I want to make! I don’t actually know anything about medicinal cooking But basically I just need to make something that’s good for your body, right? Here are our ingredients. Meat!!! *sniff sniff* Ginger I really hate this stuff G-garlic Potatoes! And this… Can you see this? “Lily bulb…?”
“It’s said that lily bulbs have positive effects on the throat” Mafumafu: It’s like sawdust… Aah, something came out! And finally, the curry. These are the items I want to work with What should I do? For now I guess maybe I should put this in The directions are written here! Huh, I see... Okay~! Wash my hands thoroughly… with soap First of all, since I’m not very skilled I think I should start with chopping the ingredients Is this right…? Soraru: It’s right, it’s right. Peel it Mafumafu: Do I have to peel it? If it were you, do you think you could eat it if it wasn’t peeled? Soraru: We’re eating it together. Mafumafu: Eating what? Soraru: Huh? Don’t say that Mafumafu: Eh, I’m not eating it. I don’t eat curry. And I just ate before this. Soraru: The thing about curry It tastes good Because You eat it together
(Caption) “No more forced comments”
Mafumafu: I wonder how long it’s been since I last cooked Ah, but I did cook during our DVD project Is this right? Do you even wash the peel with water first? Do we even have a peely thing (*He means a peeler) A peely thing (*He means a peeler) Uwaaaaa~ Let’s peel this potato I’m a little scared What’s with this? OW! I hit… my fingernail… Eh, can I stop now? As for why we suddenly decided to do cooking videos The truth is that Soraru-san was in poor health at the start of the year Soraru: That’s true Mafumafu: He couldn’t even sing… That’s why… We wanted to upload videos that weren’t songs… And put at least some kind of work out there Or maybe rather than “work” This is “rehabilitation...” He can’t do livestreams either… He can’t talk much… So I said I’d make something and he could eat it… He said “Me too~ Me too!! I want to cook too!! I want to post videos too!!”
“*This is an impression”
Mafumafu: He said to me all of a sudden: “I want to move to the countryside, where no one knows me-” (Impression Fade-In) “Maybe I’ll start a second life as a farmer or something” When he said that, I was worried about how depressed he was Of course, I was worried So I quickly bought a video camera…. Like… I said “It might seem weird, but do you want to film some video and post it?” “Want to do something for fun?” It was funny to see Soraru-san unexpectedly get so excited while preparing for it. Soraru: There’s something on my mind right now, more than that potato… Mafumafu: Yes? Yes? Soraru: Why do you have Lipovitan D on the counter? (T/N: Energy Drink) Mafumafu: Oh, no no, that’s just there because I wanted to feel fired up as I cooked. Soraru: Ah, you’re drinking it yourself. Mafumafu: Right, right. Don’t worry. Please don’t worry about that at all. I would never! I would never! www Soraru: Yeah, I guess not (Confirming) Mafumafu: Right, I would never www You see, I just… Soraru: Even someone as ignorant about cooking as you… Mafumafu: It’s so I can wholeheartedly cook a meal. And I do want you to get your nutrients (?) Soraru: Aren’t you the one drinking it? Mafumafu: Ah, that’s right! I’m drinking it! Of course, of course! Well, you can supplement some vitamins and such too (?) Soraru: Ehh ww Aren’t you the one drinking it wwww Mafumafu: I’m drinking it! Of course, of course! Don’t worry about anything. In fact, you can sleep if you want. Since you’re not feeling well. One is plenty, right? (potatoes) It’s just for one person, after all. Time to cut? I’m used to using silverware. *bam!* I’m good, right? Time for ginger! How do you eat this? Do you shape it like this? Soraru: Chop it small, at least Mafumafu: Soraru-san, you can go away now Soraru: No I can’t Mafumafu: I’m making the ginger around the same size as the potato Can you even tell the difference between them? Soraru: Yes, yes, yes I can. Mafumafu: Eh, could this be… Could it be that if I use this trick, you won’t be able to figure out that it’s ginger? Soraru: Is this Russian Roulette… w Mafumafu: Mmm. Okay. I think I can get away with this? Look, you can’t tell! (Delighted) Soraru: What would happen if you ate that… Mafumafu: I don’t know Should I grate it and fry it? I’ll grate it into the pot Ehhh I hate garlic~ I don’t want to touch it... Soraru: Can you put garlic in curry? Mafumafu: Yeah you can! I wonder if this will be ok… I’m sorry, Soraru-san Soraru: Stop it. Don’t apologize before you make me eat it. Mafumafu: I’ve never had this before. Lily bulb? What does it look like? What part of a lily bulb do you even eat? How do you prepare it? Alright… (He googled it) I wonder if you can really eat this I’m so sorry Soraru: Don’t apologize before making me eat it. Mafumafu: Let’s do this- Soraru: All the stuff is white Mafumafu: Yeah… Ok, first! Let’s cook the meat and vegetables Maybe I’ll start with the meat? Let’s cook it! I wonder if I’m doing this right It’s already scary! It’s splattering! It’s splattering! I’m scared! I’m scared! HEY! AAAAAH Wait, wait, wait Eh? I’m scared! Am I doing this wrong? Eh, ah, wait www eh, hold on- AAAAAH You need high heat for Chinese food
(Caption) “*Curry is not Chinese food”
Mafumafu: Seriously, stop it! Hey! Seriously! STOPPPPP ITTT!!!
“*His highest voice of the day”
Mafumafu: Alright, I’ll add the vegetables now~ Here I go~ Yaay~! Soraru: I really can’t tell which pieces are ginger Mafumafu: It’s splattering. It’s splattering. (He’s a bit used to it now) Which is it!? Soraru: Eh, I can’t tell at all. Mafumafu: Doesn’t it smell good? I can measure the water by eye, right? I’m adding the water~ Is that enough? Ehh, should I open it? Oh! That looks good~! I’ll add the roux How much do you need? I guess I’ll add about half? wwwwww this is so rough www Even for me, this is really imprecise I want to put it in piece by piece while it gradually melts I should have brought some chocolate or something Soraru-san wouldn’t notice, I’m sure Soraru: Some people do add chocolate as a subtle seasoning Mafumafu: That’s not what I mean It would be completely chocolate… You probably wouldn’t notice it, right Soraru-san? “It’s sweeter than usual this time”
(Caption) “*This is an impression” Mafumafu: Like this? The work I’m doing here is quite tech-y
“Tech-y: To do something in a technical way. He’s using it to show off.”
Mafumafu: This is kind of a pain I’m sure this is fine ww Alright, it’s done~ Soraru: There’s definitely not enough roux in there Mafumafu: Eh, really!? I think it’s enough… This really doesn’t look appetizing at all I wonder if I’ll ever be able to get married Soraru: Definitely not at this rate Mafumafu: It’s bubbling now Ah, but doesn’t this look kinda good? Soraru: Has it thickened? Mafumafu: Yeah, it has! I think I want to use a bit more Hmmm~mmmmm Should I add the whole thing? I’ve been cooking properly up until now, so I want to be careful with this Little by little
“Putting in ⅓ of it at a time”
Soraru: No way wwwww You did it with so little hesitation I thought maybe my eyes were deceiving me... Mafumafu: Ah, look! It’s so thick! Yeah, it looks good! Soraru: Aren’t you playing this off a bit too much? w Mafumafu: You sure complain a lot… Such a pain… It’s a pain, but… There's no foam forming this time, huh Time for the secret ingredient! *clang* Soraru: He suddenly opens the fridge… Mafumafu: Honey~
(Caption) “He believes he is doing an impression. Please treat him kindly as you listen.”
Soraru: Oh, it’s honey The sweet curry is getting even sweeter *drip* *drip* *drip* *drip* Hey, hey, hey!! You added so much… Mafumafu: Eh? That’s normal I want to put more in Butter~ Soraru: Can you really put butter in curry… Mafumafu: Butter curry! Butter chicken curry! Soraru: Does that have butter in it? Mafumafu: Eh, it’s butter chicken, so wouldn’t it have butter in it? Soraru: I see… Mafumafu: But who knows What about Tabasco? Soraru: Wouldn’t that taste bad? Mafumafu: Maybe? Soraru: Ah, ah, ah, ah… Mafumafu: I tried my hardest to make this, so please eat it, ok? Ok, Soraru-san, you can leave the room now~ Soraru: Alright Mafumafu: The curry is almost done… But for the secret ingredient…
(Bottle Label) “Lipovitan D” (T/N: energy drink)
Mafumafu: Maybe that’s too mean? It might be a bit too mean It can’t be helped, then I’ll go with this
(Caption) “A meaner upgrade”
“Yunker” (T/N: Nutrition drink to help with fatigue and illness) Mafumafu: He won’t figure it out, right? He’ll feel better, right? Healthy things + Healthy things = Healthy things This is fine, right? Soraru-san! I think it’s done~ It’s done now! Soraru: Yeah, that looks good Mafumafu: It’s still full! It’s still full! I didn’t drink any! Soraru: Huh, you really didn’t put any in. Huh??? Mafumafu: (Oh crap) I didn’t, I didn’t… Soraru: I thought so. Mafumafu: I just felt like I had a cold coming on… Soraru: I thought so. Mafumafu: Yeah~ (monotone) Although I don’t actually feel that way IT’S DONE!!
(Caption) “First taste” Mafumafu: I’m giving this the name “Mafumafu’s Medicine Curry” Soraru: But you didn’t put any medicine in, did you... Mafumafu: Of course not. Of course not w Soraru: Here I go Mafumafu: It’s curry that works like medicine H-How is it? The ingredients are: Meat Sliced garlic Ginger (chunks) Shredded ginger Soraru: Ah, the garlic… It’s so strong… Mafumafu: Really!? Soraru: But I actually like garlic quite a bit Mafumafu: There’s also~ (continuing) Lily bulb How’s the lily bulb!? Soraru: The lily bulb… Mafumafu: Did you eat it? Soraru: Is it… this thing…?? Mafumafu: The curved things Soraru: I can’t find any? Did they disappear...? They dissolved? Mafumafu: Eh, no way… Ah, that’s it Soraru: This? Mafumafu: Maybe that’s garlic Soraru: It’s garlic, it’s garlic www Mafumafu: Maybe they didn’t get added? Soraru: But you know~ It’s not bad Mafumafu: Ah, it’s like a gray area? It doesn’t taste good? Soraru: It’s like… Well, there’s garlic in the curry…. Mafumafu: Doesn’t it taste good? I thought it’d be pretty good
(Caption) “Ginger disguised as potato” Soraru: Want some? Want it? Here Mafumafu: Me? Sure, of course. Soraru: Want this bite? There, potato! (Huge lie)
Soraru: Isn’t that horrible? Mafumafu: The End
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