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yesyourstalker · 9 months
Koi: so what are your thoughts on advertising? I'm aware you have social media. Is it verified yet?
Neta: you have one friend who does my advertising on Inkstagram.
Koi: do you have a website?
Neta: uh
Koi: I can make you a website. I can also maybe try to get you a warehouse so you can start doing online orders.
Neta: oh I was thinking of doing that actually I-
Koi: this place is pretty big, very spacious. Do you know what you're going to do with the loft upstairs. You know the layout plan. Do you have any designers in mind
Neta: well I did get some support from the Octav-
Oshi: He already has an interior designer, Sole trevis. He's One of the head designers for zekko and zink.
Koi: ohhhh oshi ..... It's good to see you? You look Good.... How are your kids
Oshi: They're doing great. How about yours?
Koi: just fine
Oshi: hmm
Neta:...................... Anyway uhhh .... I sense a weird tension between you two ....you guys have any thoughts about making a catalog?.... And maybe hiring some fashion designers to help me with it.
Koi: Oh that's not my field Sweetie.
Oshi: It is mine though let's go to a table and talk about this Koi join us. I insist...... Shimi be nice koi's husband while we do business.
Shimi: ..................
Merv:............ [drink]
Shimi: [eating]............
Merv: so I-
Shimi: [leaves]
Merv: ok....... Nice conversation
Ikkan: how are you guys doing?
Ichiya: It's been solid.... My splatcast is actually ending because I just got offered a job at with research lab.
Murasaki: I bought a house
Nami: I'm actually working on a soundtrack for a TV show. How are your classes going
Ikkan: It's going great. I graduated a year I already got offered the job as a music teacher at several schools you need to pick which one I want to go to. My stepdaughter.....cod she's going to be my daughter.. is going to one of them so I might pick-
Noji: ikkan!!! Why have you been ignoring your big brother all night! That's a very rude!
Ikkan: *sigh* You're not my big brother. We're the same age we've twins
Nami: hehehe See you later ikkan Happy Frosty fest!
Ikkan: okay, I'll see you guys.... Tell claim I said hi and I'm still looking for that pedal they wanted.............. Noji what do you want?
Noji: I can't say hi to my brother on on the eve of Frosty fest, is that suddenly a crime?
Ikkan: what do you want?
Noji: I want a meet and greet and sighing for chirpy chicks at rock shock and I want to to sell store exclusive merch with every ticket purchase.
Ikkan: I can make that happen. Just give me your manager's number.
Noji: thank you little brother.... Also, our parents rented an Airbnb and they want you to stay over after the party.
Ikkan: seems a little last minute already all our presents and everything at home and nibbles is going to be alone I have to let her out of the guest room and if I do that then she's going to chew on the presents and
Noji: you can just bring your little snow bunny with us! Come on we have matching pajamas for everyone!!
Ikkan: is that supposed to convince me?
Noji: yes! We have a lot of expensive gifts at home and mom really wants you to be there. We haven't had a the Frosty fest together in years.
Ikkan:...... Ok
Noji: yay! Can I get a hug?
Ikkan: no
Noji: hug your brother..... Come on you. Hug your brother!. ....hug me..... we're family!........ It's Frosty fest!
Ikkan: get off me! You're annoying...... Now I have to buy more gifts for you and our parents...... The party ends in 2 more hours.....*sigh*...I guess I can go out and get some stuff real quick. Want to come with?
Noji: *gasp* I would be honored to go last minute shopping with you as family. Let's go!
Ikkan: All right, let's head out. I got a text Neta about a change of plans, get the gifts and head to your place after the party
Warabi: look at my boy friend playing his saxyphone....
Mahi: just when I think he's super lame. He just gets even lamer
Warabi::awwww yeah...... About that ummm.... I was wondering maybe we should.......... Move
Mahi: what?
Warabi: move. I think we should move to a bigger apartment with two bedrooms and separate beds
Mahi: why what's wrong with our appointment?
Warabi: nothing. It's a nice apartment If you're living by yourself and you have no one and you're single but I'm not single and you're not single and I feel like we should maybe have our own spaces and............... ....
Warabi:.......*sigh* I want Baja to move in with us... I think it would be a good idea since he's new to this place It seems like a good idea if he lives with someone that he knows and is comfortable with and can help him get used to his environment. He's also my boyfriend and I like him and I feel like you two would also get along uhhhhhhh
Mahi:............ Sure...... He can move in. I guess I mean help with rent....*sip*
Warabi: are you like positive that you want him to be here?
Mahi: Yeah sure he can move in and I guess we can look for a better apartment. I'm being honest. Our apartment fucking sucks heheh........................
Warabi: *sigh* That's great. I don't know why I kind of expected the worst
Mahi: are you kidding me? I like Baja He would be a great roommate!
Warabi: I know right he's such sweetie-
Mahi: I can be mean to him and tell him what to do and he just does it with no hesitation. He'll be a great maid
Warabi:........... Mahi that's-
Mahi: Baja!! Grab some drinks You're a new roommate. Let's celebrate!
Baja: ok!
Warabi: mahi..
Mahi: Yeah
Warabi: ............You're still my best friend and I love you
Mahi: I know... Love you too
[end of the party Everyone is leaving]
Neta: sigh.... That went well surprisingly!
Pearl: night Neta!!! Great party man.
Neta: see ya pearl! Night Marina!
Warabi: yeah you went great!
Candi: I had fun... Do you have fun Bowie?
Candie's son: *sleeping*
Candi: He had fun. night guys also thanks for the gift Neta! [Peck]
Neta: awww It's no big deal. You deserve it....... *sigh*... A lot of phone calls to make... I have at least 30 business cards. At least two pages of phone numbers I have to contact.
Warabi: sounds like a successful business venture
Beika: amazing night man. You got my manager's number right? Hope to see my t-shirts in your store
Neta: so you'll see them. night.
Umishi: It was a nice party. I had fun Mr. Verns
Neta: I'm glad you had fun....... Aren't you that kid mahi gives discounts without my permission?
Umishi: you must be mistaking me for the wrong person.
Neta: No, No I'm not not you can't keep coming to the store- Wait a minute. How did you even get into this party?!
Umishi: I had fun!! Happy Frosty Fest. Byyyyyye!!!!
Neta:..........*sigh* bye
Ryu Chang: awesome night bro
Neta: Yeah it's nice seeing you again Ryu
Ryu: you got our manager's number.... We about to drop some exclusive shit we'd love to put in your store
Neta: we got you man. Don't sweat it.
Lionel: amazing party! I'll email you some more information about our ticket vendor here's my card
Neta: thanks have a good night
Tanguru: AmAziNg paRTy MAN! You'RE the BEST!!?
Neta: Go home tangle, you're drunk.
Mizole: where the hell is mahi?! The golden salmon is going to to go bad if they don't come now.
Warabi: how the hell did you afford a golden salmonoid?
Mizole: unlike you, I actually earned my money and don't mooch off my parents
Warabi: you piece of shit!-
Neta: It's not worth it not on Frosty Fest.
Mahi: I'm here! Sorry Baja was putting one of the wine barrels in the back of the car. Let's go night boss.
Neta: wait!! Hold up you two. I got something for you.... Here
Warabi: what's this?
Neta: Your bonuses. Don't spend it all at once... Happy Frosty fest kids
Neta: holy shit. That's a lot of money..... Thanks Neta happy Frosty fast!!!! We might be able to get a better apartment than we thought
Warabi: night Neta Happy Frosty Fest!!
Neta: good night.....*sigh* ..... Cici? .... Crab cakes??
Cirrina: *sleeping*
Neta: hehehe [picks up]...... Let's go home. Pick up the presents and head over to b&b
Cirrina: Happy Frosty Fest dad
Neta: Happy Frosty Fast sweetie....
Mahi of course belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort and a very special guest umishi belonging to @catastropic
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