#a lot of cameos at the end. I tried to squeeze as many as I could
yesyourstalker · 6 months
Koi: so what are your thoughts on advertising? I'm aware you have social media. Is it verified yet?
Neta: you have one friend who does my advertising on Inkstagram.
Koi: do you have a website?
Neta: uh
Koi: I can make you a website. I can also maybe try to get you a warehouse so you can start doing online orders.
Neta: oh I was thinking of doing that actually I-
Koi: this place is pretty big, very spacious. Do you know what you're going to do with the loft upstairs. You know the layout plan. Do you have any designers in mind
Neta: well I did get some support from the Octav-
Oshi: He already has an interior designer, Sole trevis. He's One of the head designers for zekko and zink.
Koi: ohhhh oshi ..... It's good to see you? You look Good.... How are your kids
Oshi: They're doing great. How about yours?
Koi: just fine
Oshi: hmm
Neta:...................... Anyway uhhh .... I sense a weird tension between you two ....you guys have any thoughts about making a catalog?.... And maybe hiring some fashion designers to help me with it.
Koi: Oh that's not my field Sweetie.
Oshi: It is mine though let's go to a table and talk about this Koi join us. I insist...... Shimi be nice koi's husband while we do business.
Shimi: ..................
Merv:............ [drink]
Shimi: [eating]............
Merv: so I-
Shimi: [leaves]
Merv: ok....... Nice conversation
Ikkan: how are you guys doing?
Ichiya: It's been solid.... My splatcast is actually ending because I just got offered a job at with research lab.
Murasaki: I bought a house
Nami: I'm actually working on a soundtrack for a TV show. How are your classes going
Ikkan: It's going great. I graduated a year I already got offered the job as a music teacher at several schools you need to pick which one I want to go to. My stepdaughter.....cod she's going to be my daughter.. is going to one of them so I might pick-
Noji: ikkan!!! Why have you been ignoring your big brother all night! That's a very rude!
Ikkan: *sigh* You're not my big brother. We're the same age we've twins
Nami: hehehe See you later ikkan Happy Frosty fest!
Ikkan: okay, I'll see you guys.... Tell claim I said hi and I'm still looking for that pedal they wanted.............. Noji what do you want?
Noji: I can't say hi to my brother on on the eve of Frosty fest, is that suddenly a crime?
Ikkan: what do you want?
Noji: I want a meet and greet and sighing for chirpy chicks at rock shock and I want to to sell store exclusive merch with every ticket purchase.
Ikkan: I can make that happen. Just give me your manager's number.
Noji: thank you little brother.... Also, our parents rented an Airbnb and they want you to stay over after the party.
Ikkan: seems a little last minute already all our presents and everything at home and nibbles is going to be alone I have to let her out of the guest room and if I do that then she's going to chew on the presents and
Noji: you can just bring your little snow bunny with us! Come on we have matching pajamas for everyone!!
Ikkan: is that supposed to convince me?
Noji: yes! We have a lot of expensive gifts at home and mom really wants you to be there. We haven't had a the Frosty fest together in years.
Ikkan:...... Ok
Noji: yay! Can I get a hug?
Ikkan: no
Noji: hug your brother..... Come on you. Hug your brother!. ....hug me..... we're family!........ It's Frosty fest!
Ikkan: get off me! You're annoying...... Now I have to buy more gifts for you and our parents...... The party ends in 2 more hours.....*sigh*...I guess I can go out and get some stuff real quick. Want to come with?
Noji: *gasp* I would be honored to go last minute shopping with you as family. Let's go!
Ikkan: All right, let's head out. I got a text Neta about a change of plans, get the gifts and head to your place after the party
Warabi: look at my boy friend playing his saxyphone....
Mahi: just when I think he's super lame. He just gets even lamer
Warabi::awwww yeah...... About that ummm.... I was wondering maybe we should.......... Move
Mahi: what?
Warabi: move. I think we should move to a bigger apartment with two bedrooms and separate beds
Mahi: why what's wrong with our appointment?
Warabi: nothing. It's a nice apartment If you're living by yourself and you have no one and you're single but I'm not single and you're not single and I feel like we should maybe have our own spaces and............... ....
Warabi:.......*sigh* I want Baja to move in with us... I think it would be a good idea since he's new to this place It seems like a good idea if he lives with someone that he knows and is comfortable with and can help him get used to his environment. He's also my boyfriend and I like him and I feel like you two would also get along uhhhhhhh
Mahi:............ Sure...... He can move in. I guess I mean help with rent....*sip*
Warabi: are you like positive that you want him to be here?
Mahi: Yeah sure he can move in and I guess we can look for a better apartment. I'm being honest. Our apartment fucking sucks heheh........................
Warabi: *sigh* That's great. I don't know why I kind of expected the worst
Mahi: are you kidding me? I like Baja He would be a great roommate!
Warabi: I know right he's such sweetie-
Mahi: I can be mean to him and tell him what to do and he just does it with no hesitation. He'll be a great maid
Warabi:........... Mahi that's-
Mahi: Baja!! Grab some drinks You're a new roommate. Let's celebrate!
Baja: ok!
Warabi: mahi..
Mahi: Yeah
Warabi: ............You're still my best friend and I love you
Mahi: I know... Love you too
[end of the party Everyone is leaving]
Neta: sigh.... That went well surprisingly!
Pearl: night Neta!!! Great party man.
Neta: see ya pearl! Night Marina!
Warabi: yeah you went great!
Candi: I had fun... Do you have fun Bowie?
Candie's son: *sleeping*
Candi: He had fun. night guys also thanks for the gift Neta! [Peck]
Neta: awww It's no big deal. You deserve it....... *sigh*... A lot of phone calls to make... I have at least 30 business cards. At least two pages of phone numbers I have to contact.
Warabi: sounds like a successful business venture
Beika: amazing night man. You got my manager's number right? Hope to see my t-shirts in your store
Neta: so you'll see them. night.
Umishi: It was a nice party. I had fun Mr. Verns
Neta: I'm glad you had fun....... Aren't you that kid mahi gives discounts without my permission?
Umishi: you must be mistaking me for the wrong person.
Neta: No, No I'm not not you can't keep coming to the store- Wait a minute. How did you even get into this party?!
Umishi: I had fun!! Happy Frosty Fest. Byyyyyye!!!!
Neta:..........*sigh* bye
Ryu Chang: awesome night bro
Neta: Yeah it's nice seeing you again Ryu
Ryu: you got our manager's number.... We about to drop some exclusive shit we'd love to put in your store
Neta: we got you man. Don't sweat it.
Lionel: amazing party! I'll email you some more information about our ticket vendor here's my card
Neta: thanks have a good night
Tanguru: AmAziNg paRTy MAN! You'RE the BEST!!?
Neta: Go home tangle, you're drunk.
Mizole: where the hell is mahi?! The golden salmon is going to to go bad if they don't come now.
Warabi: how the hell did you afford a golden salmonoid?
Mizole: unlike you, I actually earned my money and don't mooch off my parents
Warabi: you piece of shit!-
Neta: It's not worth it not on Frosty Fest.
Mahi: I'm here! Sorry Baja was putting one of the wine barrels in the back of the car. Let's go night boss.
Neta: wait!! Hold up you two. I got something for you.... Here
Warabi: what's this?
Neta: Your bonuses. Don't spend it all at once... Happy Frosty fest kids
Neta: holy shit. That's a lot of money..... Thanks Neta happy Frosty fast!!!! We might be able to get a better apartment than we thought
Warabi: night Neta Happy Frosty Fest!!
Neta: good night.....*sigh* ..... Cici? .... Crab cakes??
Cirrina: *sleeping*
Neta: hehehe [picks up]...... Let's go home. Pick up the presents and head over to b&b
Cirrina: Happy Frosty Fest dad
Neta: Happy Frosty Fast sweetie....
Mahi of course belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort and a very special guest umishi belonging to @catastropic
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the problem is you, peter.
i waited until i watched spiderman: no way home for the second time to write this, and i’m happy to say that a second viewing only reaffirmed for me why i loved every second of every minute of this film. 
mcu!spiderman has always felt the weight of multiple legacies--not just of the already-established mega-heroes of the mcu, but also of the spidermen that came before him, both in movie and comic form. he’s somebody that’s already firmly entrenched in the collective cultural consciousness for the better part of the last several decades, which means we can look at every subsequent peter parker swinging on to screen in two ways: as a deeply cynical attempt by multiple mega-corporations to squeeze every last penny from this highly popular piece of intellectual property; and as an interrogation of a pop culture icon, a rare kind of indulgent character study that’s played out in front of the world over the last twenty years. no way home tries in its way to reckon with all of this, and--incredibly--manages to give us something coherent, emotional, and genuinely fun.
SPOILERS AHEAD for the whole movie. i’m going to place a Read More here and have tagged this with as many spoiler tags as i can think of but in case the text still shows up, please scroll past to the next post as fast as you can (or just press ‘j’ on your keyboard) if you want to avoid being spoiled for the whole thing.
1. i’ve talked about this before, but it really feels like the home trilogy is this peter’s origin story--the first hour or so of a standard spider-man movie--stretched out over three films (and in cameos in other films). everything’s been working towards that one glorious, crowning moment right at the end of the film: where peter-as-spiderman swings out over new york city, ready for his next adventure.
1.5. peter’s transformation into spiderman across all of his different origin stories is shaped by terrible tragedy--but usually set off by relatively mundane, and even perfectly understandable, desires. tobey’s and andrew’s spider-men revelled in their abilities initially for the unexpected power that it gave them, then sharpened that power towards getting revenge. peter-the-nobody can now out-bully his bullies. he can throw men thrice his size across a cage without breaking a sweat (and indulging in a fair bit of unfortunate homophobia). he can hunt down his enemies and make them pay.
but what would a peter parker who’s starting out in a world with already-established superheroes want? what does it mean to wake up with spider-powers in a post-avengers universe, where it’s common place to see men in robot suits, supersoldiers and demigods fight against aliens? he wants to be one of them. peter can’t help but admire videos of him online saving civilians. he doesn’t have many--if any at all--questions when tony stark carts him off to germany to fight captain america in service of an agenda he has only the foggiest idea about. he is so desperate to be everything at once but he can’t quite grapple with what it means to be every one of those roles. he’s the friendly neighbourhood spiderman, sure, stopping burglaries and helping out little old ladies, but he’s also an avenger, fighting aliens on distant planets with the stakes so huge that they’re incomprehensible. he’s a poor kid from queens desperate to use his smarts to make something of himself but he’s also the benefactor of tony stark’s often misguided mentoring, receiving the gift of his technology but then having to deal with cleaning up tony’s planet-sized messes. he’s peter, ned’s best friend and mj’s boyfriend, but he’s also peter parker, the brains and heart and soul who decides which crisis spiderman will handle next. 
1.75. it’s a lot to draw upon. for peter, his new life might as well have been created in one of tony’s fabricators, the pieces tweaked and rearranged and brought to life in perfect harmony, but he’s spent the last several years realising that he can never make it so. he is still consumed by self-doubt. spiderman still feels like Something Else to him, the part of his life that’s apparently given him everything that he’s wanted but is also threatening to take it all away the next moment.
there’s a moment in this film (when he’s talking to one of the villains? i don’t remember exactly) where somebody’s taunting him about mj loving him or spiderman and peter says that he doesn’t really know; that he hopes that she would love him even if he wasn’t. the moment passes quickly, but it’s an insight into spiderman-as-a-construct, and how little control peter has had a lot of the time over how that construct fits over him as a person.
2. this slots neatly into my feelings for how meta this film is. there’s a sense of a spiderman universe trying to define itself without being sucked into a broader creative engine and succeeding for the most part. that iron man would be the hero to introduce spidey, or that iron man would have such an outsized influence on the world that holland’s spidey lives in are things out of this trilogy’s control. outside of the home trilogy there’s very little honest interrogation of what it means that tony stark is peter’s mentor, or the fact that he recruited this kid out of nowhere and outfitted him with potentially planet-destroying technology. but the home movies do have to reckon with that--in ways that are honestly quite interesting, by making peter’s biggest nemeses products of the very same person he considers his mentor, and of the superhero team he looks up to and aspires to join.
2.25. and so when it comes down to it, when peter is facing his biggest crisis and is spiralling from well-meaning but ill-considered decisions, it’s the so-called mcu mentor who (in a well-meaning way) fails him. when he’s flailing for a moral reference point, it’s aunt may who gives him one, and then people who have literally been him in different lives reinforce that with what they’ve learned the hard way. 
i mean, sure, tobey/andy/green goblin/”i’m something of a scientist myself”/”great power, great responsibilty” nostalgia cashgrab yada yada, but it’s worth not losing sight of the fact that this doylist framework was used to tell a very quintessential peter parker story.
2.5. and while we’re still meta, don’t think i didn’t notice the digs at all the criticisms of holland’s spiderman: that he’s “iron man jr”, that he didn’t “make it on his own”--he ends the film firmly cut off from the mcu and any billionaire benefactors, sewing his own decidedly tech-light costume and swinging out into the city to do what’s right. 
2.75. and what a glorious way to address all of the endless “which spiderman is the best” debates on the internet! the three spidermen coming together and revelling in each other’s presence, genuinely happy to see and work with and help each other. andrew’s peter in particular was an absolute delight to watch, and a reminder how terribly his movies had failed him. 
3. there are a couple of narrative choices that both took me by surprise and delighted me: one was the decision to “cure” the villains that came through the multiverse, and the other was the bittersweet way the whole trilogy ended, with peter sticking to his sacrifice, letting go of what he wants to be able to do right by everybody else. these two unexpected beats seem to me to reflect in a way how the superhero narrative has “grown up” lately, now that there is seemingly endless demand for more stories with the same characters. 
the home trilogy took its sweet time letting peter come into his own, and the future is so pregnant with possibilities that i can hardly contain myself.
this is such an incredible tipping point for holland’s peter parker: he can make a clean break from the mcu if he wanted to here (and honestly i kinda wish he does--i have watched no mcu that doesn’t have spiderman in it since endgame.) the multiverse is now a thing that Exists, and he can tap into it if he wanted to. everything he does now is weighed by delicious sense of tragedy, of things he coveted and gave up, and the sacrifice that it took for him to be where he is.
gosh, i mean--i really really can’t believe i watched all of that with my own two eyes. incredible!
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blu-joons · 3 years
You Appear On Knowing Bros Together ~ Park Jimin
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Your eyes widened as you took your first glimpse of the school set, squeezing tightly onto Jimin’s hand in excitement. He let go of a loud chuckle at your thrill, tightening his own grip against your hand.
“Calm down,” he laughed, pulling gently against your tie. “You’re going to end up scaring everyone in that classroom by the end of the day unless you just take a moment to breathe.”
As soon as Jimin mentioned that you’d been invited to go on Knowing Bros together, you snapped his hand off. It was one of the few programmes you watched every week without fail, you were convinced you’d managed to make your way through every episode at least twice.
Throughout the whole journey to the set, you’d barely been able to sit still. You’d watched and admired the programme for so long, and now your chance to finally be on the show had presented it, fulfilling one of your biggest dreams.
Several apologies came from Jimin as he led you down to the corridor on the other side of the classroom. Most of the staff probably thought you were crazy for being as excited as you were, but you were metaphorically on the edge of your seat to get in the classroom and start shooting.
“We’re ready when you are,” one of the producers called out as the cameras started rolling.
Jimin nodded back at them, “we’ll go now before she loses her mind.”
You took a step back as Jimin took the handle of the door and pushed it across, hearing a chorus of cheers greet the two of you as you stepped in.
Despite your thrill, you tried your hardest to keep yourself as calm as possible, only smiling and bowing in the direction of the seven men who looked back at you. Jimin looked back and smirked across at you as you hid behind his figure.
“I’m Jimin,” he smiled, waving briefly, “and I come from the school of my girlfriend hasn’t shut up about being here all week.”
“And I’m Y/N, and I come from the school of the girlfriend who can’t believe she’s actually here.”
Hodong applauded loudly, the first to see the shine in your eye that was full of excitement. You smiled shyly across at him, struggling to believe that the same Hodong who you’d spent hours watching on the television was in front of you.
“It’s nice to see you both,” Heechul grinned, the first to speak up. “Y/N looks like she’s just been told she’s about to experience the happiest day of her life. You’re only at Knowing Bros, it’s nothing special.”
Your head shook immediately in response, “you have no idea of how big a fan I am of all of you guys, I keep trying to get Jimin to pinch me because I don’t believe it.”
“If you’d rather date one of us than Jimin, just let us know,” Soogeun teased.
Your eyes widened, picking up the hammer straight away to go over and hit the top of his head, making sure any jokes were squashed instantly. You’d learnt from watching Knowing Bros over the years that it was important to stand your ground early.
After your profiles were read out, Jimin invited you to sit down whilst he picked up the cue cards that had been left on the desk for you both. As he read through the first one, he couldn’t help but chuckle, glancing across at everyone.
“Y/N loves this programme, but what event did she once miss out on with me because she wanted to stay at home and watch Knowing Bros instead?” He questioned.
Your eyes widened as you recalled the occasion. Jimin quickly spotted you sinking down in your seat, hitting the palm of your hand against your forehead. Heechul sniggered beside you, whilst Hodong knocked your seat with his foot.
“Was it a concert?” Kyunghoon questioned, raising his arm in the air. “I would pick one of your concerts over us any day of the week.”
“It’s not to do with the group,” Jimin clarified, “something a bit more important than a concert.”
“Have we ever aired on Christmas day?” Janghoon asked, trying to figure out the answer.
Jimin’s head shook, “it wasn’t Christmas, but if you were on, Y/N would watch it.”
You paid close attention as guesses continued to be yelled, most of them completely off the mark. You only hoped that the guesses would continue for long enough that the answer wouldn’t be read out, but as time was of the essence, a member of crew soon asked Jimin to give out a hint to help.
“Here’s something that will make it easier to guess,” he spoke up, walking back to the front of the classroom. “It was something to do with my family.”
“Answer!” Sangmin yelled from the back of the classroom, “did you miss maybe a family birthday? Was it a special occasion that you decided to skip for us?”
Jimin’s head shook, spinning around the room. “It was a special occasion, but not a birthday. Think of special occasions within a relationship.”
“If it was a special occasion, was it maybe when you were meeting his family?” Youngcheol asked.
Jimin’s smirk grew, as Hodong yelled out to add something to the end of it. “Did she forget about meeting your family because she was too busy watching Knowing Bros at home?”
“That’s it,” Jimin chuckled, throwing his arms up into the air. “I waited for an hour at my parent’s before having to ring her and see whereabouts she’d got to.”
“That is proper dedication,” Soogeun cheered, “you really are a huge fan of all of us. I bet his family weren’t too pleased though?”
Jimin’s head shook, as he turned the card over to read over the next one. His eyes rolled as he read through it, meeting your eyes with a smile.
“Not many people know I made a cameo in Y/N’s latest music video, but what was my cameo?” He asked, “and when I say no one knew about it, I mean no one knew.”
“Were you a love interest?” Kyunghoon asked, earning groans from everyone for his obvious answer.
Even Jimin scoffed at his poor answer, trying to encourage them into the right direction better. “It was something very discrete, I don’t think you would have been able to see my face in the music video unless you knew it was me you were looking for.”
Janghoon called out next, “were you a part of the set, maybe something stupid like an animal or a plant in a costume?”
Jimin’s shoulders shrugged, “you’re not far off the mark with the costume part.”
“I think I watched this video,” Heechul grumbled, trying to remember it all. “I remember that there was a guy who had prosthetics on his face.”
The sudden squeal from you pretty much gave the answer to the rest of the room. “Did you play the guy that tore the mask off at the end of the video?”
“That’s it,” Jimin laughed, as a photo came up on the monitor by the cameras. “The guy who was supposed to do it dropped out, and after a lot of convincing from Y/N, I agreed to put the prosthetics on and be the guy.”
The two of you ran through the rest of the segments, participating in a game with Shindong before the shoot was finally brought to the end, and the two of you led off the set.
“So, did Knowing Bros live up to your expectations?” Jimin asked as you walked back into the room.
You smiled back at him, “it was everything I imagined and more. I really don’t think I’ve laughed that much in a very long time.”
“I’m glad you had a good time jagi.”
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sunlightdances · 4 years
Time Has Brought Your Heart to Me (Soulmate!AU)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, feat. platonic Steve, platonic Tony and a brief cameo by Agents of SHIELD. Rating/warnings: T (for language), mentions of PTSD and anxiety, a little angst. Many of our characters being adorably dense. Words: 14,418 (literally why am I like this) Summary: Bucky Barnes’ soul mark appeared on his left arm when he was seventeen years old. His injury and HYDRA took it from him, but does the mark have to physically exist for the connection to take hold? Author’s Note: Post-CA:CW. Assume Tony helped Steve and Bucky get out of Siberia and finds out the truth about his parents from Steve. AU after that. This idea literally came to me when I was shampooing my hair and I wrote a good chunk of it immediately afterwards. This idea has been done before, but I hope you like my take on it! Disclaimer: I don’t own Bucky Barnes, or canon elements from the movies, tv shows, or comics. All of that belongs to Marvel. Please don’t repost my work on any other sites without my permission. Reblogs are encouraged!
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When Bucky Barnes is seventeen years old, a charcoal black swirl of ivy and leaves appears on his left arm.
He spent a lot of time panicking and then trying to find his soulmate, feeling disappointed almost every time he left a date with flushed cheeks and a charming smile only to remember that they didn’t have a mark, or had one that didn’t match his.
He forgot about it as soon as the war was on - bigger things to worry about then.
He enlisted because he wanted to make something of himself, but there was always the possibility burning in his mind that he might meet them. No matter what persona he tries to put on, he’s a romantic at heart. The singing under his breath, buying flowers for pretty girls, romance paperbacks in his back pocket type.
There’s no semblance of romance in war.
His days are never ending - walking, walking, brief bursts of combat. Shouting orders at his platoon, all of them trying to pretend they were feeling more courageous than they were. Still, he spares a few thoughts for his soulmate. When he takes a bullet to his shoulder in France, he hopes they can’t feel it.
He thought that was the worst it could get. He was wrong.
When he’s half conscious in the snow after falling from the train, praying for someone, anyone, to come looking for him, he feels guilt, and regret, and then doesn’t feel anything at all.
It happens in flashes - a medical exam table, a German accent, a shock to his entire body when all he does is repeat his name, rank, and serial number.
In a brief moment of lucidity, he lifts his left hand. He tries to see the mark, one more time, tries to orient himself with the one thing that’s remained constant for almost the last ten years of his life.
It isn’t there.
His arm, gone. The leafy scrawl with it.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, to no one, to someone, and then it all goes black.
The sun streaming in the floor-to-ceiling windows of the guest room you’ve been assigned is the first thing that wakes you, followed shortly by a disembodied voice calling your name. You have a brief moment of panic, sitting upright in bed, until you remember where you are.
Avengers Tower.
“Miss?” The kind voice inquires again.
“Sorry. Yes, I’m here, sort of,” you reply, looking-- where do you look when you’re talking to an AI?
“Captain Rogers is requesting your presence in the third floor kitchen.”
“Tell him I’ll be there in a half hour,” you reply.
“He said to tell you no matter your response that you have fifteen minutes.”
You scowl. “Awesome,” you mutter, swinging your legs over the side of the plush mattress. “Tell him I’ll get there when I get there, and he’ll just have to deal with it.”
FRIDAY is silent, but you suspect the message has been delivered. Yawning, you walk to the en suite bathroom and stare at yourself in the mirror. Hair? A rat’s nest. Skin? Could not look more dull. You really need to get more sleep, you think, but apparently that’s not going to start today.
Twenty minutes later, you step out of the glass elevator and into the brightly lit kitchen. There’s not many people milling about, and you discover why when you come across a clearly agitated Captain Steve Rogers at the large table, leg bouncing and chewing on the end of a pen.
“Morning,” you say when you get within earshot.
“You’re late.”
“You never told me we had an appointment,” you point out, swiping a muffin from the large plate in the middle of the table where he’s sitting, and slide into the seat across from him.
“I asked you to come here for a few days, didn’t I?” He looks up, revealing dark circles and day-old stubble. He’s got a pile of papers on the table in front of him, and a cup of half-drank coffee off to one side.
You hum in agreement, “And you’ve been very secretive about it all. Barely gave me time to pack a bag.” A wink, so he knows you’re (mostly) joking. “Not very gentlemanly, Captain.”
“Bucky’s arriving today.” He blurts, and your mouth falls open in surprise.
“Steve--” You breathe, suddenly understanding his nervousness.
“I sent Sam to get him a week ago, if he even wanted to come back to New York.” He smiles, but it’s weak. “Figured it might do some good to have someone… non-partial around.”
“This is…” You shake your head, “Wow, Steve. This is good, right?”
He exhales. “It’s-- yeah. More than good.” He meets your eyes, “I need you to give him a physical, just a regular check up. Protocol.”
You’re already nodding. “I’ll get the lab set up, although are you sure you don’t want Dr. Cho--”
“I want it to be you,” Steve explains, “You’re-- well, I think he’d like you, that’s all.” You must be blushing because he quickly backtracks. “I just mean that you’re a friend! My friend. He’ll trust you because I do.”
“Jeepers, Steve,” you tease, “Getting my heart all aflutter.”
He rolls his eyes. “Okay, okay. I’ll have FRIDAY let you know when he’s settled? Don’t want to overwhelm him.”
You nod. “I get it. Just let me know.” Impulsively, you get out of your chair and hug Steve from behind, sort of wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “I’m really happy for you.”
He squeezes your hands, a long breath leaving him like he’s been holding it for awhile. “Thank you.”
It’s hours before you’re summoned, and you feel strangely nervous. You don’t really know what to expect. Sure, as trauma-nurse turned Avengers in-house care, you obviously know who Bucky Barnes is, and what he means to Steve Rogers. You were beginning to think you’d never meet him, though.
You follow voices until you get to your “office”, which is really just an open-air lab not dissimilar to the one Dr. Banner has for himself down the hall. Yours is less tech-savvy, though. You have office hours like any other doctor, and typically don’t live at the Tower unless a mission is wrapping up, or you’re on call.
You semi-retired after everything went down with SHIELD, but had been part of Steve’s team there, so you’re sort of contracting for the Avengers whenever things are scary enough that they need a full time physician.
Turning a corner, you see the back of Steve’s head as he sits in a chair across from the imposing figure that must be James Barnes.
You clear your throat and try to make your footsteps a little louder so you don’t interrupt them, but then remember they’re both super soldiers. They definitely have already heard you coming.
Steve greets you by name and introduces you to Bucky, who surprises you with a quick smile and a handshake.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he says, his voice somehow gruff and gentle all at the same time.
“You too,” you say. “Steve’s filled me in on the basics, but this is just a physical so we have your information on file. Nothing invasive, no needles, and nothing gets touched unless you say so, okay?”
He looks like he wants to smirk at your wording, but you can tell he’s a little tense and nervous too. You’ve thought about what to say to him and how to do this exam. You know he’s spent most of his life doing things without his consent, including receiving whatever poor medical care he was given.
“Whatever you say,” he agrees, and hops up on the exam table when you ask him to.
The entire exam only takes about ten minutes, until the only thing you have left to ask about is the arm. You sneak a glance at Steve, who’s chewing on his bottom lip. He gives you a small nod, so you take a deep breath and turn back to Bucky.
“I have to ask you a few questions about this.” You tell him, gesturing towards his left arm.
He flinches, barely noticeable if you weren’t standing right in front of him. “What do you want to know?” He leans in, voice conspiratorial, and whispers, “This isn’t my real arm.”
You’re momentarily stunned, but a breathless laugh escapes. Okay. Maybe this isn’t going to be as awful as you worried it might be, for him or for you.
Later, you’re in the kitchen with Steve and Sam, a glass of wine in front of each of you as you pick at your dinner. The rest of the Avengers are on a small mission, Falcon and Cap staying behind to look after the newest member of their team.
They don’t say it, but they’re worried.
“Captain Rogers,” FRIDAY interrupts, “Sergeant Barnes is experiencing some distress.”
The three of you stand, but Steve waves you off. “It’s a nightmare,” he says. “I’ll take care of it.” He takes a few steps and stops, not turning around. “FRIDAY will let you know if I need help.”
Sam’s face is tight with worry when he sits back down with you.
“What’s your take on this, Sam?” You ask, “Really. Honest assessment.”
“I think he needs help,” Sam says, and for a second you’re not sure if he means Steve, or Bucky. “He’s been through a lot. He’s a lot better physically, and some mentally, too. But there’s still-- it’s PTSD. He’s been a combat soldier for 70 years of his life, a POW. You can’t recover from that in a few months or even a few years.”
“I’ll try to help if I can,” you reassure him. “If he’ll let me.”
Sam stands up to leave, probably to check on Steve. He squeezes your shoulder as he walks behind you. “I know you will. Thanks, kid.”
You don’t respond, not even to dispute him acting like he’s so much older than you. Your brain is too busy trying to figure out what to do next.
The next few weeks go by in a similar fashion. You take up semi-permanent residence at the Tower.
Bucky sticks to his room a lot, though you see him sparring with Steve or hanging out with Sam in the common room a few times.
He doesn’t seek you out, and you don’t bother him except for subtly asking FRIDAY to let you know if he’s experiencing any distress that requires medical attention.
Now, you’re in the kitchen with Steve, eating at the large island and watching him warily. “Steve. You’re pacing.”
“I know I’m pacing.”
You set your fork down. “Why are you pacing?”
“I’m taking Bucky to Brooklyn today.”
You blink, eyes wide. “Whoa. That’s-- wow, that’s great! Was it your idea, or--”
“It was his, actually.” Steve stops pacing long enough to meet your eyes. “I’m a little worried it might be too much once we get there. Once he sees how much has changed…” He trails off. “I remember when I first went back. It was too much all at once.”
“Can I offer you some non-professional advice? As a friend?”
Steve still looks wary, but he nods.
“You gotta have a little faith in him, Steve. He’s been through a lot, yes. You’re still learning who he is right now. But he was in Wakanda for a year. Recovering only half of that time. He’s had time to catch up, to figure out how to be a person with agency. If he says he wants to do this, he probably does. You have to trust him.”
A movement from the doorway catches your attention and you flush when you see Bucky come into the kitchen slowly, looking a little sheepish. Damn these supersoldiers and their stealth. “Uh-- sorry to interrupt. Bad time?”
Steve smiles, though it’s a little shaky. “No, just talking to Doc here about coming with us to Brooklyn today.”
Your eyes widen as you whip around to face Steve, who sends you a pleading look quickly before Bucky sees him.
“Oh.” Bucky looks a little disappointed, but you don’t take it personally.
“I don’t want to intrude,” you say, “I know you had plans with Steve,”
Bucky waves a hand, “No, it’s fine, really. Could probably use someone around to make sure we don’t kill each other.”
You and Steve both freeze, and Bucky looks back and forth between you. “That was a joke.”
You’re the first to smile, and you’re doing it mostly for Bucky’s benefit, but also in hopes that Steve will relax a little bit. You know it’s not healthy for him to be this worried all the time. You also know that Bucky will never truly be at ease if Steve doesn’t start treating him like his friend again.
“I guess if I’m going to get a tour, I couldn’t ask for better guides,” you say, heading out to grab a jacket and your wallet.
A half hour later, you’re getting off the subway and heading into one of Brooklyn’s old neighborhoods. Bucky appears outwardly calm, but you could see how tense he was when you were on the train, and the way his eyes darted around cooly, mapping out all the entrances and exits. It’s the same thing you see Sam and Steve do, maybe more subtly, when you go out with them.
They all do it, really. The Avengers are battle weary already, and you wish you could give that sense of calm back to them.
“I’m going to grab a coffee,” you tell Steve and Bucky as you mill about on the street. You get the idea that neither of them has thought this through very much - they don’t really know where to go first. “Do you want anything?”
“Two black coffees. Is that okay?” Steve says, looking at Bucky.
“Add a little sugar to Steve’s. He won’t complain but he’ll make a face every time he takes a drink.” Bucky says, and you snort.
“Good to know.”
Five minutes later, you’re interrupting what looks like a serious conversation between the two men with a cautious smile, and with Steve scrambling to grab the coffee carrier out of your hands before you have to juggle three cups.
“Where to?” You ask once they’re both happily sipping hot coffee, Bucky only looking mildly uncomfortable.
“I don’t really know,” Bucky admits. “Guessing our old building isn’t there anymore?”
Steve smiles. “It is, actually. We can go there first if you want.”
You follow behind them on the sidewalk as they reminisce about places they used to go, people they used to know. It’s not sad, more nostalgic, and you’re content to listen to them talk as you sip your coffee.
Bucky shoves Steve lightly as he starts to point out all the places he used to get beat up. “That alley,” Steve points, “and behind that butcher shop--”
“I think she gets it.”
You laugh, “Tony should make landmark signs. We can put them in all your favorite places,” you tease, and Steve glares.
“You’re hilarious.”
You pull on his arm when Bucky suddenly stops right in front of him, keeping Steve from plowing straight into his friend’s back. You feel the mood shift and know this must be the place.
Bucky rubs at his jaw thoughtfully. “Huh. Smaller than I remember.” His voice is a little less confident than it was this morning. You stare at the building with him, trying to picture what it might have looked like decades ago. “This place was a shithole when we lived here--”
“Bucky!” Steve exclaims, but he’s laughing too, turning to face his friend almost for the first time all day. You’re giggling too, and Bucky shakes his head, his smile a little smaller, but still there.
“What? We were poor.” He shuffles his feet a little. “I loved it here. No better place than that apartment.” He inhales sharply before meeting Steve’s gaze, “Wait, no one-- we don’t know anyone who still--”
“No,” Steve says quietly, carefully. “No one we know still lives here. I checked when I first got out of the ice.”
Bucky nods. “I don’t-- I don’t want to know about them yet. Any of them.”
You assume he’s talking about his family, and whoever might still be alive. You feel like you’re intruding on a private conversation, so you busy yourself taking a few photos for your Instagram -- you’re not too shy to admit that this neighborhood is lovely. Old brick buildings and shops with lots of flowers blooming.
(And if you sneak a photo that has the back of Bucky and Steve standing there, shoulder to shoulder… well that’s nobody’s business)
In hindsight, you and Steve should have seen this night coming. The memories prove to be too much for Bucky, and the entire floor nearly shakes over your head when he has an episode in the middle of the night, spurred by nightmares and twisted memories of his family.
Footsteps speed by your doorway and you hear FRIDAY asking you to stay in your room, but you don’t listen. You’re too worried, despite the racing of your heart telling you that this is a bad idea.
You open the door just in time to see Steve sprinting down the hall towards the stairs. He must hear your door (or your heart, you think idly), because he turns to you. An authoritative, “No,” is all you get from him before he’s gone, apparently taking the stairs four at a time.
Not content to be left on the sidelines, you head downstairs to the lab, pausing just long enough to throw your hair into a bun and slip your glasses on, grabbing a sweatshirt off a hook by your door. You have no idea if you’ll be seeing Bucky tonight, but you want to be prepared just in case, even though you think Bruce and Dr. Cho are going to take the lead on his care while he’s here.
Forty-five minutes go by before you hear footsteps, and Steve and Bucky come trudging in. Steve has a black eye, and Bucky seems content to stare at his own feet.
“Steve--” You’re about to ask him to let you look at the bruising, but he holds up a hand to stop you. You’re suddenly filled with dread, wondering if Bucky is wholly himself, but you find it hard to believe Steve would have brought him down here at all if he wasn’t.
“I’m fine.” He smiles at you weakly, “Can you…” He trails off, looking at his best friend.
“I need something to help me sleep.” Bucky finishes, voice rough. “Preferably without dreams.”
You pause, “I can’t guarantee anything,” you give him what you hope is a reassuring smile, “But I can try.”
“Thanks.” Steve sounds exhausted, but Bucky looks worse.
“Can I have a minute alone?” You ask Bucky, but the question is really for Steve. Bucky tenses, and you rush to clarify, “Just want to chat about how we can help you get better sleep. Figured you might be more comfortable without an audience, but Steve can stay if you want him to.”
The two men have a silent conversation before Steve nods, reaching for your hand to give it a squeeze before he leaves you and Bucky alone.
It’s a few minutes before Bucky relaxes enough to talk. You busy yourself taking his vitals even though you know you could just ask FRIDAY to give you the rundown. It gives you something manual to do, so you don’t have to just stand in front of him.
“I’m sorry if I scared you.”
You look up in surprise. “Me? No, I-- you--”
“I know it-- I woke you up.”
You shake your head. “I was awake anyway.”
Bucky cocks his head in question, so you keep talking.
“I have a hard time sleeping. Did Steve tell you much about me? What I did-- before?”
“He said you’re a nurse.”
You nod. “I was a trauma nurse at a hospital nearby. That’s how Steve and I met.” You hesitate before the next part, but you feel like he’ll handle it okay. “I was working the day SHIELD fell. When he was brought in, I was in the ER.”
Bucky meets your eyes, and you can see the guilt swimming there.
You smile, “Turns out a nurse isn’t super necessary for a super soldier.”
He huffs out a laugh. “I suppose not.”
“My job mostly turned into babysitting. He kept trying to leave before he was fully healed, and we really had no idea how long he was going to be there. None of the rules applied to him, and he was way more focused on getting out to look for you.”
Bucky looks down, gunmetal hand whirring slightly as he fiddles with it. “Sounds like Steve.”
“Anyway, after I managed to put up with Steve and Sam for a whole two weeks,” you wink at Bucky, “Steve offered me a job. Thought they could use a medic around. I’d been wanting to get out of the hospital anyway. Some days were… hard.” You try your best not to let the memories get the better of you. “Turns out Bruce is a great doctor but not when he’s-- the other guy.”
Bucky nods, seemingly finding his resolve. He takes a deep breath, “I thought I could handle today. I felt good when we were there. Like I could almost forget--” he waves his hand around vaguely. “You know.”
You nod slowly. “In my experience, recovery isn’t always a straight line.”
Bucky is quiet, but you take that as a signal to keep going.
“I definitely still have days where I can’t see the lights of an ambulance without my heart rate speeding up. I have nightmares, and sometimes when the team is gone on a mission, I’m so anxious thinking about what’s happening to them I can barely breathe.” You force yourself to keep talking, “And then there’s some days where I’m calm. I can handle it, and I feel fine.”
You look up at him so you can look directly into his eyes. He’s already looking at you, and for a second, you feel a zip of awareness hit you in your gut.
“I’ve got something for you. It’ll help you sleep, but it’s really strong.” Quieter, you add, “Don’t tell Steve, but Bruce and Tony developed this for him years ago. He won’t ever admit to having nights like you’ve had. This seemed to help him.” You reach over on the table for a pill bottle and press it into Bucky’s palm. “Read the directions. Don’t take more than one.”
“Yes ma’am.” He murmurs. “Thank you.”
After a brief awkward moment, he leaves the room, and you can hear his quiet footsteps down the hall until the ding of the elevator signals him going back upstairs.
A few moments later, Steve is in your line of vision, and he doesn’t say anything, just gives you this look and it completely breaks your heart.
Wordlessly, you hold out your hand, wiggling your fingers, and he takes it willingly, threading your fingers together. Pulling him close, you stand shoulder to shoulder with the super soldier, squeezing his hand in reassurance as you both pull your thoughts together.
“I knew this was going to be hard,” he says, voice low. “I just didn’t-- I hate seeing him in pain and not being able to do anything about it.”
“I know, Steve.” You don’t have any answers, so you don’t try to give him one. “You need to try to rest.” You tell him instead.
“So do you,” he replies stubbornly.
“One day at a time, Steve.” You remind him.
“Yeah.” He sighs, wiping his free hand over his face. “Yeah, I know.”
When you get to your bedroom that night, you’re exhausted. It’s quiet above you, and you keep replaying the night’s events over and over.
Out of everything, one moment stands out to you - that potent moment of eye contact with Bucky Barnes. You can still feel the electricity crackling through you as you remember it.
That can’t be good.
“Any time, Cap,” Tony’s voice, out of breath, comes through the comms. You’re watching anxiously from your lab in the Tower, wondering again how you got roped into this.
“I’m busy,” Steve replies haughtily, and you hear the sound of two bodies hitting the floor. “On my way.”
The sound of fighting rings out, and you try to subtly eye the man next to you, his posture similar to yours - arms crossed, brow furrowed.
“Do they always argue this much on a mission?” Bucky wonders aloud, and you snort.
“I’ve only been involved in a few, but in my experience: yes.”
The mission is otherwise pretty smooth - Steve and Tony are more than capable of handling a few rogue Hydra thugs on their own, and you’re relieved when Tony lets you know over the comms that they’re headed back, objective complete.
You glance at Bucky next to you, who still stares at the screens.
“This must be a little overwhelming…” you start, not really sure how much you should press.
He shrugs. “Just different. The last time I planned any type of mission I was in olive drab and all I ever had to do was say yes, sir.”
You’re still surprised with how candid he’s being, willingly offering up details about his past, those he can remember, at least.
“Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers have docked.” FRIDAY’s voice interrupts your musing, and you nod at Bucky, who leaves the room to go meet them. He brushes past you, and you feel another zip of awareness when he does, shaking your head to get rid of the feeling.
He’s your patient. You absolutely cannot, will not allow yourself to feel anything other than a clinical attraction to the man. He deserves better than that, and you can’t afford to be distracted, not when he needs your help and is depending on you to get better.
Just earlier that day, you sat down with Steve and Tony for a quick briefing to better plan for the days ahead in terms of Bucky’s recovery and his place with the team.
Steve is tense, rightly so, and Tony is firm, arms crossed over his chest, eyes dark as he looks at the files in front of the three of you.
“You’re saying there’s no way to know if the trigger words are actually deactivated.” Tony asks, though it’s not really phrased as a question.
“I’m saying there might be other triggers. Not just the words, though Shuri insists those are moot. He’s got PTSD, Tony.”
“Yeah, well. Join the club.” Tony mutters, looking out the window. You can’t imagine how difficult this is for him. You know as well as everyone else does that Barnes was responsible for the Starks’ deaths. You’re surprised Tony okayed Bucky’s arrival here at all, though he does have a heart. He knows Bucky was brainwashed, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.
Steve doesn’t say anything. You get the idea he’s worried to say the wrong thing -- he admitted to you once that he’s obviously biased where Bucky’s concerned. He doesn’t know how to be Bucky’s ally and Tony’s friend at the same time.
“All this is, is a plan for if the worst happens.” You hold up your hand quickly, stopping Steve before he responds, “I’m not saying we’ll ever have to use this, but we have evacuation plans for everything else, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be prepared for him to relapse. Even if the Soldier is out of his head, there’s still a chance his memories will get the best of him and he’ll have an episode.” You say the last part quietly, meeting Steve’s concerned gaze.
“We don’t even know if he’s going to want to have anything to do with the Avengers,” he acknowledges. “After all this time… for all I know he wants to lay low.”
Tony nods. “If he does… we won’t have him on any field missions until we’re sure he can handle it. Until then he stays here, helps Hill with the comms and he can…” Tony gestures wildly, “I don’t know, be strategic backup or something.”
That option had proved to be more than okay with Bucky, though he acknowledged he didn’t really have any say in the matter. He just wanted to be useful.
In the weeks that follow, he fills in for Maria Hill when she’s called away for other Stark Industries work, and takes to running the team like he was born to do it.
“It’s the squad leader in me,” he tells you one day, a grin on his face. “Though the lot of you are a lot easier to deal with than Army brats.”
He even helps Steve train some new recruits when the opportunity presents itself. Overall, his recovery is on track to be even shorter than you expected. Sure, there are still moments where he loses himself in a memory or has to be shaken awake in the middle of the night when things get to be too much. But you know every single other person in the Tower struggles that way too.
You’re mostly enjoying getting to know James Barnes the person, and not The Winter Soldier, the enigma, even if it is getting harder and harder to ignore the butterflies that take flight in your stomach every time he enters a room you’re in.
You’re killing time in the lab when Tony saunters in, startling you with his Iron Man gear half-on.
“What are you doing?”
“Need a hand,” he says, drawing out the word as he waves at you, thruster firmly in place on his left hand.
“Terrible.” You mutter. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong. I just miscalculated the power of the new thruster and sort of… fused it to my hand.” He says the last part quickly, and you blink at him.
“I’m sorry. I heard that wrong.”
He grins cheerily. “Nothing wrong with your ears! Now--” He claps his hands together with a metallic clang, “-- You got anything for burns?”
Bucky wanders in sometime after you’ve finally gotten Tony to sit down. He watches warily, stopping before entering the room completely, a little curious. “Don’t mean to interrupt,” he says quietly, “but what the fuck is going on?”
Even Tony smiles at that, Bucky’s blunt tone a sure sign he’s had a decent day, as far as moods go. “Experimentation gone wrong,” he says brightly. “Doc’ll get me sorted.”
You glare at him. “I’m not a surgeon. Stop giving me surgeons’ work to do.”
You’re gently trying to pull the round piece of metal from Tony’s palm without completely frying his nerves. Coincidentally, the entire thing is destroying your own nerves in the process.
“Need a hand?” Bucky asks, pulling up a stool.
Tony snorts. “That’s what I said.”
You’re very aware of the heat emanating from Bucky’s side as he watches you work. Normally you wouldn’t let someone this close while you’re essentially performing surgery, but you think idly that it might be a good idea to have a third party here in case Tony starts complaining that you’re trying to butcher him.
“What I need--” you say through grit teeth, “-- is for both of you to shut up and let me work.”
“Yes ma’am.” Bucky says with a smile.
Tony raises his eyebrows in delight at the exchange, but you ignore him.
“Hold still,” you murmur after a few minutes, and when you glance up, relieved that there’s quiet finally, you see a few beads of sweat on Tony’s brow. He’s frowning at his own hand, and you think he’s finally starting to grasp how serious this could have been. “Honestly--” You huff, “Now you’re getting squeamish?”
“I didn’t think about the part where you’d actually have to yank it off,” Tony says defensively.
“I’ve got as much of the metal out as I can, so hopefully I can just…” you mime ripping it off with your free hand.
His eyes widen. “No you will not.”
Bucky sits back, arms folded across his chest with an amused grin at the billionaire.
“There’s nothing for it, Tony. Like a bandaid.”
“Can’t be worse than when I had to give myself stitches in the middle of the woods in Belgium with some dental floss,” Bucky says off-handedly, and both you and Tony stare at him, mouths agape.
“This is the twenty-first century!” Tony protests, gritting his teeth, “This isn’t the fucking Battle of the Bulge, Grandpa!”
“And, three.” You say with finality, lifting the remnants of the Iron glove off Tony’s palm, having used his outrage at Bucky’s bad attempt at bedside manner as a distraction to do the hard part. “Thank you, Sergeant Barnes.” You say primly as he hands you a piece of gauze that had been waiting nearby.
“Devious.” Tony remarks as you wrap his palm. “What’s the damage?”
“You need to keep it clean or it’ll get infected. No more experimenting.”
You let Tony go with the promise - or threat - to tell Pepper about this, and then it’s just you and Bucky there as you clean up.
“Does that happen often?”
You glance over your shoulder at him, “More often than I’d like. He thinks he’s invincible.”
The corners of Bucky’s mouth tilt up. “Sounds like someone else I know.”
You’re momentarily fascinated by how much younger he looks when he smiles, but you force yourself to look away and go back to cleaning up the tray you had supplies on. “Did you need anything?” You ask, remembering how he wandered in on his own nearly an hour ago.
He flushes, scratching the back of his neck. “Just some company.” He admits.
It sends a thrill through you.
“It’s nice to talk to someone who has no idea who I am. Or who I’m supposed to be.” He says, the last part barely a whisper.
You feel so much for him at this moment. You can’t imagine what he’s been through, and still, the man manages to crack jokes whenever he can, and is, on the outside, not completely overwhelmed with being in a new place, finally in his own head.
“I think I’ll head back to bed.” He says, a small smile on his face. “This was… interesting.” He grins. On his way past you to the door, he reaches out briefly and squeezes your free hand. You think he might not even realize he’s done it.
You almost drop the tools in your hand when you realize what’s happened -- the mark on your arm, the one you try so diligently to cover up, is burning.
“Oh, shit.” You murmur to yourself.
You avoid Bucky for weeks after that. You see him in a strictly professional capacity, and you feel like the biggest bitch on the planet for it, but you have no idea what to do with yourself.
After he left you in the lab that night, you inspected your well-hidden mark, trying to figure out why it was suddenly coming to life after years. It was a dull pink color, like you’d been rubbing at it, and even though you refused to accept it, you knew deep down what that meant.
You have no one to ask about it. No one at all.
Soul marks are rare, and they’re rarer still among the bunch you live with. Steve doesn’t have a mark, nor does Sam. You don’t feel like putting up with the shit you’ll get from Tony or Pepper if you try to ask them about theirs.
You’ve read enough about the bond to recognize it for what it is, but your brain is still stuck on one fact - Bucky Barnes doesn’t have a mark. Not that you’ve seen, and not that he’s mentioned.
It occurs to you then that the worst case could be true - you could be his, but he might not be yours. What a nightmare. As if he doesn’t have enough to deal with after quite literally coming back to life. Throwing an unreciprocated soulmate into the mix? No. You won’t do it.
So you avoid him.
You even go out of your way to liaison with the new SHIELD for two weeks, as part of a new partnership Steve and Tony were reluctantly part of with the recently-still-alive Phil Coulson.
“Are you sure you want to go? They have a doctor.” Steve asks as he carries your duffel to the dock as you await the arrival of SHIELD’s quinjet.
“They have a scientist,” you remind him. “They wouldn’t have asked for help if they really didn’t need it.”
Steve scowls, still a little perturbed that a man he considered a friend couldn’t even let them know he was alive, let alone that he was resurrecting SHIELD.
“We need to know what they’re working on, anyway.” You say. “Plus, it’s good networking.”
Steve shakes his head. “Yeah, yeah. Still. What if--” He stops himself, looking away as you reach the hangar. “What if we need you?”
“Then you’ll call, and I’ll have them fly me back.”
You hear what he’s really asking - what if Bucky needs you? You considered it. But you think you need the distance more than being around and avoiding him. He hasn’t needed you in any urgent way in weeks, anyway.
“Fine. But make sure Coulson knows he’s still on my shit list.”
“Steve Rogers!” You gasp. “He’ll be broken-hearted to hear that.”
Steve rolls his eyes, but you’re interrupted by incoming engines, and watch as the quinjet flies smoothly into the hangar.
You’re surprised at how young the team is. Not much younger than you, sure, but still. They’re watching Steve with something like awe in their eyes.
“Captain Rogers.” Coulson says, descending the ramp and holding out his hand tentatively. “It’s good to see you.” He’s sincere, that much is obvious.
“Coulson.” Steve’s tone is curt, but he shakes the man’s hand anyway.
After an awkward pause, Steve turns to you, introducing you.
“This is Agent May, Fitz, Simmons, and Daisy.” Coulson says, and you smile at each member in turn. “We’re looking forward to working with you.”
“Likewise.” You grin at him. It seems impossible to be anything less than genial with Phil Coulson, though Steve is doing his best to prove otherwise, and Tony hasn’t even bothered to leave his office to greet the new arrivals.
“I’ll bring her back in one piece.” Phil tells Steve.
“The alternative isn’t an option.” Steve replies, and you roll your eyes.
“Okay, that’s enough. Bye, Steve. Don’t burn the place down while I’m gone.”
His expression softens, and you know he’s just being protective in that big-brotherly way of his.
As you’re boarding the jet, you see movement out of the corner of your eye, and see Bucky back in the shadows, leaning against the wall as he watches you leave. You bite your lip in frustration, knowing that leaving after ignoring him is a cowardly move. Still, it’s the only option you can think of while you try to sort this out.
After taking off, Phil turns to you.
“He hates me, doesn’t he.” There’s something like despair in his voice.
You sigh. “They thought you were dead.”
“Technically I was.”
He fills you in on the whole story as you fly to their base, and when you land, you take the first minute you can to get Jemma Simmons alone.
“I was hoping you could tell me more about soul marks. I know you’ve done some research--”
She smiles at you, putting you at ease. “What questions do you have?”
Bucky watches the jet take off, a hollow feeling in his chest. He can’t figure out what he did to drive you away so thoroughly.
Steve stands there with his arms crossed for a few minutes before turning back, shaking his head.
“You trust them?” Bucky asks, and Steve pauses.
“I do.” He sighs, then looks at his friend. “Are you worried?”
Bucky scoffs. “Am I worried that she ignored me for two weeks and then fucked off with a bunch of people I don’t know?”
Steve’s grin is slow, lazy. “Careful, Buck. Sounding awfully protective.”
Bucky scowls. “Shut up.”
One thing that has absolutely not changed since the 40s is Steve’s propensity to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong, and lately that’s been evident in the way he’s been trying to needle out what exactly Bucky is feeling for the good doctor.
He doesn’t even know what he’s feeling.
She’s-- smart. She’s smart and she’s funny, and she’s beautiful, but it’s not like he would ever act on it. She’s his doctor. Probably the closest thing to a best friend Steve has. Bucky’s not going to fuck that up just because he’s noticed that she smells like vanilla and when the sun hits her face just right-- well. He’s not going to fuck it up.
Besides, he clearly made her uncomfortable when he told her it was nice to be around her. That she understood him, in some way that Steve didn’t. That clearly freaked her out.
He would laugh if it wasn’t happening to him. Scared a woman away so thoroughly that she literally got on a jet and took off.
He sighs and follows Steve back to the common area where a few of the others are lingering. They want a report on SHIELD, no doubt.
Bucky is going to do some digging of his own. SHIELD, for obvious reasons, has left the taste of ash in his mouth, and he’ll never forgive himself if it turns out that they’re some kind of HYDRA cell using a familiar face to get close to the Avengers again.
Not to mention his favorite doctor would be caught in the middle of it, and he can’t have that.
He feels… he feels good. It’s unfamiliar. But really, minor episodes and nightmares aside, he feels more like himself than he has in decades. There were brief moments when he was lucid enough in Hydra to remember who he was and where he was, but he thinks being brainwashed was… not a blessing, he’s not stupid enough to consider it that, but the alternative… having to be himself while he did those things… it would have killed him.
Now, he finally has choices.
His first choice was deciding to accept Steve’s help and friendship, and his second choice was to trust you.
He thinks that should mean something.
He thinks back to a moment from a few weeks back, shortly after the Brooklyn trip. You didn’t treat him like he was broken, and he appreciated it more than he could say. So much so that he invited you back to Brooklyn with him, to one of his favorite diners from when he was growing up.
He’s so happy to see it still exists that he can’t wait to have a meal there. Steve is busy, and you just-- the way you smile at him when he asks you to go, he knows he’s made the right call.
“James Barnes?” The older woman at the counter looks like she’s seen a ghost.
“That’s me,” he says, trying to smile. He has no idea how people are going to react to him wherever he goes.
“I’ll be damned,” she whispers. “My grandmother… she used to tell me stories about you and Captain Rogers.”
He smiles. “Good ones, I hope?”
“Only good ones. My grandmother was Ruth Kelley.”
The name fires some synapse in Bucky’s brain that hasn’t been used in years. Suddenly he’s nineteen, sharing a malt with Ruthie at the counter while she was on her lunch break, trying to pretend he’s not pulling out all the stops to make her laugh.
“You look just like her,” he stutters, and she does - the same eyes, the same kind smile.
“Thank you.” She whispers. “Anything you want, on the house today.”
Bucky tries to protest, but you stop him.
“Let her do this for you,” you say quietly.
Bucky nods and the two of you sit in a booth, his mind still working overtime trying to believe that all the pieces of his life could come full circle like this.
“An old flame?” You ask, lifting a mug of coffee to your lips, and Bucky finds himself entranced by the playful look on your face.
“Something like that.” He murmurs. “She grew up in the same building as Steve and I. Used to come bother her while she worked. That family was the best. They’d give us free slices of pie every so often…” He trails off. “Never saw her again before I shipped out.”
You’re quiet, a look on your face he can’t identify. “You must have meant a lot to her. If she told her granddaughter about you.”
He turns to watch Ruth’s granddaughter busy herself behind the counter, her movements so similar to Ruth’s that for a horrible moment, he thinks he might cry too.
On the way back to the Tower, you loop your arm through his, so casually, the touch coming so easy for you, it throws Bucky for a loop. It’s not unwelcome - you’re warm through your jacket, and Bucky hasn’t realized how much he missed human contact until this moment.
He thinks it should be concerning, how quickly you’re inserting yourself in his life. He tells himself it’s purely professional, but he knows it’s a lie.
The annoyingly knowing looks he’s been getting from Steve and Sam seem to suggest that too, not to mention the not-so-subtle threatening from Tony.
He’s drawn to you, and it scares him a little, while at the same time it feels like it’s just… right. He tried to surreptitiously get a look at your left arm the first time he thought… but to no avail. He hadn’t seen a mark. Certainly not one like he remembers, not one that he hoped to see, as fleeting as the thought had been at the time. But he told himself it didn’t matter. His own parents weren’t soulmates, but they loved each other.
Peggy and Steve didn’t have marks either, but they loved each other til the end. It doesn’t matter. Although, truth be told, it won’t matter at all if you stop talking to him completely.
Trying to get his mind off you, he seeks out his friends, finding them in the common area. No sooner has he made himself comfortable on the couch next to Sam then there’s an alarm blaring somewhere, and all his senses fire to life.
Steve is on his feet immediately, as is Tony, tapping away at his tablet as he tries to figure out what’s wrong.
“Steve?” Sam asks, body rigid.
“Suit up,” Steve says immediately. “Tony and I will do threat assessment.”
“Already done,” Tony chirps. “Fun - intruders!”
Bucky rolls his eyes, but he’s already moving, striding towards the doors to the command center and sliding a headset on his head - he feels more at home here than he thought he would.
“Check in when you’ve got comms,” he says distractedly, tapping away at the screen in front of him until he pulls up a couple cameras of the lower floors.
He spares a thought to be grateful that you’re not here right now, as he watches a team of men in black bust through the doors to the lab. “Lower two floors. I count eight, maybe ten operatives.”
“On it,” Steve says in his ear, and Bucky watches as his friend skips the elevator and instead launches himself down over the railing.
“Idiot.” He mutters.
“I can hear you.”
He smirks. “Tony, there’s a few more on the outside trying to get in,” he confirms, hearing the now-familiar sound of thrusters as Tony takes off from the launchpad outside the penthouse.
“More company incoming,” Tony replies, and Bucky can hear the sound of an engine through the comms.
Gunfire suddenly erupts almost directly outside the room Bucky’s in, the reinforced glass holding, but Bucky still throws his metal arm above his head and ducks out of instinct.
He knows this is Hydra. This was bound to happen, with Bucky living here. The Asset would never be allowed to live with everything he knows.
Bucky grimaces. “I’m going to need to get to the armory.”
Sam’s voice is next, “Negative, big guy. You’re going to stay right where you are, or else no one else has eyes on us.”
“Seconded.” Steve says firmly.
“I’m kind of a sitting duck up here.” Bucky protests. “This is seventy years of sniper training going to waste,” he adds, and Steve audibly sighs in his ear.
“Take an MG, that’s it.” He says, and Bucky snorts.
“You think I’d try to grab an alien gun? I’m not as stupid as you remember.”
He doesn’t wait for a reply as he heads out the door, eyes scanning this way and that for any potential threats. He hears the fight going on a few floors below, but so far he’s in the clear, and he heads towards the hangar where he can slip in a back entrance to the armory (hopefully) undetected.
“Two headed to you, Buck.” Steve says, sounding out of breath.
“Copy that.” Bucky says, steeling himself for the inevitable fight. He lets himself feel exhausted for approximately one second before he gets to work - his training taking over like he’s on autopilot.
He makes it to the armory door before he’s jumped from behind, though he heard them coming. He knows he can’t let them get inside. He uses their momentum to propel himself forward, flinging one man off his back and sending him careening into the opposite wall.
His other hand rears back out of instinct, delivering a sickening blow to the second man’s face.
Warily, he watches the first man struggle to his feet, a sneer on his face. “Longing.” He says, and Bucky sees red, though not for the reason he suspects the man hopes. “Rusted.”
Bucky pulls back with his metal arm, and delivers one solid punch. “Eat shit.”
Steve comes skidding around the corner a moment or two later, watching the scene in front of him. He clearly heard what the man was trying to do over comms - his face is a mixture of terror and concern.
“It’s still me, Steve.”
“Just checking.” He steps over the two men on the floor. “Didn’t need the MG after all?”
“Didn’t make it that far.” Bucky reaches down, straightening the man’s jacket so he can see the insignia for himself. He sighs. “Not going for stealth these days.”
“They’re done fighting in the shadows, or whatever.” Steve replies with a roll of his eyes. “We’ll get them all to lockup - Tony’s got the rest on the roof.”
Bucky pinches the bridge of his nose. “This is going to keep happening. As long as I’m here. You know that, right?”
Steve’s face hardens. “Then we’ll keep fighting them. They’re not going to take you again.” The fierceness in his voice makes Bucky want to weep. This is the Steve he remembers.
He helps get the Hydra agents rounded up with the rest of the team, and then retreats to his bedroom. He feels exhausted, even though he didn’t have to do much - even the fight itself wasn’t as awful as it could have been.
He’s just tired of being hunted. He just wants to-- he doesn’t know, really. Be free? It sounds so trite. But he’s got a chance at a better life now, and he’s not going to let anyone take that away from him. Not Hydra, not whoever they decide to send after him next.
That night he has another nightmare, but this time, it’s about you. The look on your face after you see him in action - it sends you even further away from him, and Bucky knows he’ll never get you back, not after this. Not after you’ve seen the Soldier.
When he startles awake, the shame burning in his chest is a living, breathing thing.
He realizes then what you mean to him, or what you could if given the chance.
It doesn’t scare him as much as it should.
Jemma Simmons is infinitely patient as she explains the research about soul marks to you. It helps that she has a soulmate of her own, one who has a reciprocating mark.
It doesn’t do a thing to quell your guilt about Bucky, though. You still feel like you’d be trapping him into something. He’s never had much of a choice about anything in his life before, and you don’t want to take this away from him, too.
Trying to distract yourself, you throw yourself into research and analysis with Fitz and Simmons. In the few days you’ve been with SHIELD, you’ve helped them learn more about Daisy’s power and biology, your experience working with Avengers helpful as they try to catalog what she can do and what her limits are.
You plan to head back to Avengers Tower by the end of the week, and head to bed that night feeling like the time away from everything was just what you needed, even if you do have two letters to Steve from Phil in your bag that you’re almost certainly not going to give him.
The man is desperate for his apology to be accepted by his hero.
You’re asleep nearly the minute your head hits the pillow.
Annoyingly, you dream of Bucky. It’s not the dream you’ve had before - holding hands at the diner, or making some grand declaration. This is… darker. More real. It scares you.
Someone is hauling Bucky out of the Tower, and Bucky is nearly incapacitated. Drugged or… worse. You feel a shudder run through you as you watch him smuggled out in the dead of night, knowing there’s nothing you can do to help.
You wake with a gasp, and when you pull up your left sleeve, the mark on your arm is an angry red.
Panic slides through you like ice in your veins, and you’re reaching for your phone before you can begin to make sense of anything.
“Hey. It’s the middle of the night.”
“I need you to check on Bucky.” You tell Steve, your tone urgent.
“Just do it, Steve.”
“What’s going on?”
You hear movement on his end, and listen intently as he leaves his apartment and heads across the hall. “It’s been quiet all night,” he assures you. “We had a run-in today, but other than that…” He trails off, and that’s what sets your heart pounding. “FRIDAY, what time did Bucky leave his apartment?” Steve asks the AI, and you feel your heart plummet.
You don’t hear her reply.
“Steve, listen to me. I think he’s been taken.”
“How the hell did you--”
“I can’t explain it. I need you to come get me. I don’t want to worry anyone here, but I can help.”
“I’ll be wheels up in ten.”
A click, and then the line goes dead.
It feels like hours before you hear a knock on the door in the base, and Phil Coulson is there, looking as worried as you are, though you’re sure he’s picking up on the anxiety coming from Steve, and from having an Avenger in his secret base.
“He’s gone.” Steve says rapidly, “We had a… brief infiltration today--”
“A what?!”
“Don’t worry about it now. Point is - I think they were a distraction. They needed to figure out how to get in and how to get to Bucky.”
“I can find him.” You grab your bag, trying to push past him and Coulson both to get to the door.
“Wait a minute, slow down, how did you even know he was gone? I don’t understand.”
“We don’t have time for this right now, Steve. Who knows what they’ve done to him or are planning to do.”
“Hey.” Steve’s voice is sharp, drawing you back into focus. “I need you to slow down. Explain this to me like I’m an idiot.”
You glare, but force your breathing to slow. “Something’s wrong. I just-- I can feel it, Steve.”
“I think I’m-- his,” you choke out. “I-- he doesn’t have a mark, I know that, but I have one. I’ve had one my whole life, and I’ve never felt--”
Steve exhales hard. “Jesus Christ.” Hands on his hips, he looks back at you. “So… you can sense him? Is that it?”
You nod. “Sort of. I noticed it when we first met. An awareness, really. I didn’t think anything of it. I thought I was being overprotective while he was recovering.”
Steve’s expression clears. “The night he had an episode after we went to Brooklyn. You knew something was wrong before I heard him.”
“Steve, I-- I don’t want him to know. We just need to find him. Everything else… it doesn’t matter right now. All that matters is that I can help you find him, and we can help him.”
“Okay.” Steve’s voice is sure, full of conviction. “Okay. We get him back, and we worry about the rest later.”
“Where are the others?” You ask as you, Steve, and Phil walk as quickly as possible towards the quinjet.
“Tony’s on standby. No point in bringing the full team until we know what we’re up against. I don’t even know where to start looking.” He exhales hard. “What do they even want with him? Without the triggers, there’s no point--”
“Hydra’s been trying to pop up all over the world,” Coulson says. “They’ve taken over several old SHIELD bases, some that we didn’t even know about. They could be trying to use the Asset to bring out whoever’s still in hiding.”
“But he’s not the Soldier anymore.” You say, fierce.
“They don’t know that.” Coulson points out.
At this point, other members of his team have gathered, and you try to keep it together before you have to explain yourself in front of everyone. You’d rather suss this out with Steve, first.
“We’re ready to help if you need it, Captain.” Coulson says, shoulders straight.
Steve watches him carefully, hands on his hips. “We don’t even know where to start looking.”
“Any chance Sergeant Barnes would try to send a signal?” Daisy asks, her voice quiet as she interrupts. “If you know what to look for, we could try to hack into any outgoing Hydra communication channels we know about.”
Steve’s expression clears. “Yeah, he might. If he’s not--”
“He’s not compromised, Steve. I can feel it.” You tell him quietly. Steve stares at you, trying to decide if he can trust this. You don’t blame him - you have no idea if this is going to work either.
“Alright, let’s get to work.” Steve says finally.
“You got it, boss.” Daisy says, with a lazy salute, and you watch, amused as her gaze snaps to Coulson. “No offense, Director.”
“None taken. I’m outranked.” He says agreeably.
You sigh in relief at finally having some help. You can’t let anything happen to Bucky. For Steve’s sake, and for your own.
Bucky opens his eyes slowly - his eyelids feel like they weigh a hundred pounds. Immediately he’s on edge. He has a hazy vision of someone breaking down his door, a cloth in his face and him trying to fight them off before he passed out.
Shit, he thinks, Steve’s going to be so pissed. He takes a minute to assess the situation. A dingy, dark room. He’s shackled. Not the most original way he’s ever been held against his will, but whatever.
He spares a thought for you. Do you even know he’s gone? You’re with SHIELD. Steve’s probably trying like hell to keep this from you, so he doesn’t worry you. Bucky feels himself getting angrier the longer he thinks about it - he finally thinks he might be able to work up the nerve to ask you out, or to at least tell you he thinks you’re-- well, it doesn’t matter.
None of it will matter unless he gets out of here.
He feels a little woozy. He wonders what they used to knock him out, because he knows it would take nearly five times a normal amount of anything that would render a normal person unconscious. It makes him a little nervous, but again, it mostly pisses him off.
He tests his left arm - and can’t move. A brief flash of panic runs through him, but he grits his teeth and tells himself to calm down. There’s something in the room - an EMP maybe? Something that’s taken his arm out of commission.
He tests the shackles, and his right arm pulls free.
“Huh.” Suspicious.
The door opens, and in comes one of the two men who greeted him near the armory at the Tower.
“Oh, hello.” Bucky greets.
“Soldat.” The other man says, and Bucky’s eyes narrow.
“What was it I told you earlier? Oh, right. Eat shit.”
“So the rumors are true? The trigger words no longer work. That’s alright, there are other ways to make you comply.”
Bucky rolls his eyes. “Look, I’m done taking orders. So you’re wasting your time.”
Bucky does, under it all, wonder what the play is here. He’s basically not held down any more, and they had to know the restraints wouldn’t hold him. So what’s the point? He doesn’t know enough about the Avengers to be a threat to their security, and he’s ninety percent sure that the brainwashing won’t work.
He’s banking on it.
In the back of his mind, there’s a buzzing that lets him know he’s still not completely with it. He also has a gut feeling that Steve is already assembling, or whatever it is he calls it when the Avengers get a mission, so he just has to stall enough to catch this goon off guard and get the hell out of here.
“Well, go on then. Tell me about your nefarious plans.”
That earns him a punch on the jaw, and while it doesn’t hurt really, it pisses him off.
“Alright. I’m tired of this. Tell me what you want, or I’m going to leave, and if I have to kill you to do it, well, that’s just too bad.”
His smile is just a touch too wild to be sane, Bucky thinks, right before he presses something in his right hand. Not an EMP, then, Bucky has a second to think before it feels as if his entire brain is being electrocuted, and then he blacks out.
“Remind me again why I’m doing this?” Tony asks Steve the second he lands in the hangar at SHIELD HQ. “Hello,” he says distractedly to the small crowd that’s gathered.
“Bucky’s in trouble.”
“Barnes has been in trouble his entire life.”
“Tony.” You growl, a warning if he’s ever heard one. “We have to help him.”
Tony sighs. “This place is pretty cool, if a little low tech,” he says finally, looking around, his gaze landing on Phil Coulson. “Phil. You’re not dead.”
“Neither are you. Heard it was pretty close for the both of us.”
Tony turns back to you and Steve. “Why am I here but Wilson isn’t?”
“Sam’s already doing recon.” Steve says, his expression hard. “I need you to help with the hacking.”
“Hey!” Daisy protests, not looking up from her laptop. “I don’t need help--”
“I know you,” Tony says. “You hacked SHIELD. They called me about that. I think you owe me an apology.”
She raises an eyebrow. “... anyway. We were able to narrow it down to these two previously unknown SHIELD bases. They’ve been silent for months, but recently had a string of outgoing communications, one of which can be tracked to a location in New York not far from the Tower.”
“He’s around the fucking block and I flew all the way here?”
Steve glares at Tony. “That doesn’t mean it’s where they’ve taken him. Just that they’re operating there.”
“They’ve probably had eyes on him ever since he came back to New York,” you say quietly.
“Christ.” Tony runs a hand over his face. “Alright, get Wilson over there and see what he can shake out. Doc, do you have a plan if Barnes is… compromised?”
You’re quiet. Steve’s quiet. No one really knows what to do if that’s the case. You’re not sure if it’s even possible, not after all the work Shuri did with Bucky’s recovery in Wakanda, but there’s still the possibility… no. You won’t let yourself think about it.
“We could use the containment module.” Agent May says quietly, one of the first things she’s said since you’ve been with SHIELD. “It’s meant to hold the strongest inhumans.”
Tony gets out of the suit eventually and you all start pouring over audio files from the last few days to try to find Bucky.
Eventually, Steve turns to you. “He’s alright?” He asks, softly, worriedly.
You sigh, but at the pained look on his face, you have no other choice. You concentrate as hard as you can, feeling your connection with Bucky like a tether. You’d know if he was gone. Even if it was just his mind.
“I think so.”
Tony gapes. “Does someone want to fill me in, here?”
“They have a connection.” Steve says, flat.
You watch as Tony connects the dots. “Oh, sweet Christ. That explains a lot.”
You glare. “Excuse me?”
He rolls his eyes, turning back to the monitor in front of him, muttering. “Making heart eyes at each other across my lab--”
“It could be that only she has the mark. But it shouldn’t diminish the bond,” Simmons says quietly across the table, her eyes not leaving the papers in front of her.
“You told SHIELD before you told me?” Tony asks, incredulous. “I’m wounded.”
“Are they always like this?” Fitz asks Coulson, not so quietly. You can relate - there’s something about seeing that your heroes are just regular people.
“Got him.” Daisy says suddenly, voice hard. “There.” She points at the map.
“Let’s go,” Coulson directs, “we’re wheels up in five.”
“You’re staying here.” Steve tells you, and you immediately stop in your tracks.
“I’m going with you. Are you--”
“This is a rescue mission.”
“And I’m a doctor!” And I’m his soulmate, even if he doesn’t know it yet.
“Argue later, on the jet now!” May says sharply, throwing a bulletproof vest in your direction. You catch it before you get knocked over with the weight, and slip it on as quick as you can.
On the jet, you watch as Steve Rogers slowly disappears and Captain America takes over, giving orders and preparing for the possibility that the person they’re going to find might no longer be his best friend.
“You’re going to stay on board while we clear the place, got it?”
You scowl, but don’t argue with him, knowing it won’t do you any good. He goes around handing out comms, and everyone checks that they’re working, giving him a thumbs up. Daisy Johnson looks absolutely delighted to be on a mission with Captain America and Iron Man.
It seems like it’s only minutes before you land. Sam is waiting for you when you get there, and squeezes your shoulder as he passes you to confer quietly with Steve and Tony.
“Alright, we’re going to split up into teams.”
While Steve is talking, you’re barely listening, too focused on trying to concentrate on your newly-discovered bond with Bucky to figure out if he’s alright.
“Don’t get any ideas, Doc.” Tony says to you on his way out the door, tapping the comms device in his ears for emphasis as he goes.
You sigh - you hate being sidelined, even if you know Steve is right - you can’t provide the kind of help that they might need.
“Be careful,” you tell the three of them, plus the SHIELD team.
They go down the ramp quickly, leaving you alone with Simmons and Fitz.
Bucky hasn’t really been thankful for his advanced hearing in the short time he’s been fully in control of his faculties, but even in the short time he’s been back with Steve, he’d recognize the sound of a quinjet landing anywhere.
He feels like he’s been knocked over the head with a hammer. His energy has been totally zapped, and he knows he needs to fight, needs to figure out how to get the hell out of here, he just can’t summon the will to get up.
There’s a commotion in the hallway near the room he’s being kept, and when the door finally bursts open, his face falls when he sees Tony Stark.
“Did you disable the power?” Bucky asks immediately, not giving Tony a chance to make what he’s sure was meant to be a dramatic entrance.
“What? No. Why are you on the ground?” Tony asks, irritated, taking a few steps towards Bucky before a now-familiar buzzing fills his ears. Bucky watches, un-amused, as the lights flicker, and Tony freezes, his suit shorting out.
It’s not the same bone-crackling energy that had rendered him virtually useless earlier, but Bucky still grits his teeth at the feeling of it ripping up whatever sensors are left in his metal arm.
“Oh, god dammit.” Tony curses. “Steve is here. He’ll figure it out.”
“They’ve got a device like an EMP. Shorts out everything electrical.” He winces, “Makes me feel like my brain is leaking out of my ears.”
“That’ll mean Wilson down for the count too,” Tony mutters.
Overhead, the lights flicker once more and then they go out entirely. The walls seem to shake with the force of an explosion, and Bucky and Tony barely have a chance to exchange worried glances before they’re plunged into darkness.
Inside the quinjet, it feels like an earthquake.
Jemma doesn’t look up. “That’ll be Daisy,” she says casually.
Fitz is frowning. “That didn’t feel like a quake.” He stands, heading over to one of the monitors where he tries to get in touch with the rest of the team. “Daisy? Coulson?”
You try too, pressing your finger against the comms device in your ear. “Steve?”
You get no response, not from him, and not from anyone else. You start to feel dread prickling up your spine, and you surge to your feet, not able to just sit there anymore.
“I have to go help them.”
Simmons looks up at you, “You don’t have any way to defend yourself! If they’re not responding--”
“What, we’re going to just leave them in there?”
Fitz looks like he’s weighing his options. He moves quickly, digging into his backpack. He pulls out his sidearm, thrusting it at you. “You know how to use this?”
You swallow thickly. “Yes.”
“Then let’s go.” He shoulders his backpack, and you tuck the gun into your waistband.
“Fitz!” Simmons protests. “The Captain said to stay here—“
“Tell him it was my idea,” you say. “He can lecture me after we save his life.” You take off down the ramp before either of them can say anything else, but you’re relieved when you hear their footsteps following.
Inside, you’re immediately on edge at the lack of guards. You’ve got your borrowed gun at the ready, Fitz and Simmons silently behind you. “First floor is clear,” you whisper. On a whim, you press your finger to your ears again, just on an off chance. “Can anyone hear me?”
“Daisy!” Simmons exclaims before racing towards a figure slumped against a far wall. “Daisy? Can you hear me?”
Daisy groans, opening her eyes slowly. “Shit. Simmons?”
“What happened? We thought it was you--”
“It was me, but then there was this-- I don’t know. It felt like it was scrambling my brain. Took the power out. I tried to quake a few of the guards, but it knocked me out.”
“It only knocked out the powered people?”
“It shorted out my gloves,” Daisy says, getting to her feet. “It’s like it reversed the energy I was exerting and put it back at me.”
You blanche. “Steve and Bucky.”
Fitz echoes your worry. “Falcon and Iron Man have powered suits. Might have had the same effect on them, too.”
All you can think of is what Bucky might have felt - his arm literally is fused to his nerves - and you’re suddenly angrier than you’ve ever been. Forcing yourself to take a few deep breaths. You have no idea if Bucky’s realized your connection yet, but even if he hasn’t he’s got to be feeling some residual panic. You force yourself to calm down.
“There.” Fitz says suddenly, pointing towards the one room in the building with a light on. You can hear voices inside. “It’s Coulson.”
You walk up to the room slowly, gun drawn, the three SHIELD agents at your back. Peering around the corner, you can hear what almost sounds like a casual conversation between Coulson and some Hydra lunatic.
“-- what exactly is the grand plan? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s four Avengers here.”
The man scoffs. “A lot of good they are, aren’t they!” He laughs, “Captain Rogers here doesn’t look like he’s much up for anything right now.”
You take a deep breath when you see Steve slumped against the doorway. Slowly, you reach down, checking his pulse. Still alive, you reassure yourself.
“So you’ve got a device that can take out inhumans and the enhanced. What comes next?”
“Don’t forget it disables any man-made technology that aids the enhanced. Gives us a much more level playing field.”
“This is boring,” Coulson says, dry. “There’s no grand plan? You kidnapped Bucky Barnes to… what? To get Steve Rogers here? To get SHIELD here? You had to know someone would come.”
“The more Avengers we can take out at once, the better. And once we build this machine to its full potential, we can take out entire countries' worth of inhumans and the enhanced.”
You’ve heard enough. “New plan.” You say firmly, stepping around the corner, gun raised. Your eyes narrow. “Where’s Sergeant Barnes?”
The man looks unruffled. “I assume he’s in the cell where we left him, considering he’s only got one fully functioning arm.”
You glance over your shoulder at Fitz and Simmons. “Figure out a way to power that down.” Daisy stays out of sight, but you appreciate knowing you’ve got at least one superhero at your back. Gun still pointed at the Hydra agent, they hurry around him, analyzing the panels and buttons in front of them.
“I wondered if you’d come too,” the man says. He holds out a hand. “Alex Harrison. We haven’t met yet. Well, not officially.” He smirks, “Seen you around though, with the Asset.”
“He has a name.” You growl.
“Two minutes,” Fitz says, and you’re aware of Coulson reaching for his waistband, too. Behind you, Steve starts to rouse, and you fight off the panic at him immediately springing into action.
“Even if you destroy this machine, the plans won’t be stopped.”
“You talk too much,” Coulson says, lunging forward and hitting Harrison hard with the butt of his gun, sending him collapsing to the ground.
“Why didn’t you do that sooner?” You ask, and he shrugs.
“Had to find out about their evil plan.”
“What-- what are you doing here?” Steve asks groggily.
“Hate to break this up, but we need to find the others.” Daisy says. She looks at you, “Can you tell where he is?”
You concentrate on the bond.
“I’ve got him.”
Bucky thinks if he could avoid spending any extended period of time with Tony Stark again, he’d do it in a heartbeat.
“All I’m saying is… have you noticed her?”
He’s been needling Bucky about you for the last half hour, and Bucky’s about had it. “Shouldn’t we be trying to get the hell out of here?”
Tony glares. “Well, considering I can’t move…”
The door to the cell suddenly bursts open, and both Bucky and Tony flinch.
“Took you long enough!” Tony crows at the unfamiliar woman, holding her hand up not unlike Bucky’s seen Tony do.
His head snaps up at the sound of your voice. You’re there, in front of him, real and alive, hair escaping your ponytail in tendrils, clad in a bulletproof vest and a pair of jeans that he thinks he’ll be dreaming about for days to come.
Also, a gun.
He’s never pondered the attractiveness of firearms until now.
“This seems backwards,” Bucky says. “I should be the one attempting a daring rescue for you.”
“He’s not good at being grateful,” Tony mutters.
“Sergeant Barnes,” the woman says, interrupting. “I’m Daisy. I’m with SHIELD. It’s an honor to meet you.” She grabs his good arm, hoisting him to his feet.
“Brought the calvary, then?” Bucky asks you, over Daisy’s shoulder.
Daisy snorts. “Actually, yes, but don’t let Agent May hear you say that.”
“We have to go quickly.” You say, moving to Bucky’s side. “Are you hurt anywhere else? What did they--” your voice is getting increasingly panicked, and Bucky stops you.
“I’m okay.” He says softly. “Let’s go.”
Getting both himself and Tony oriented is a struggle as they fight off the effects of the EMP, but out in the corridor, he finds the rest of the team including Wilson and Steve congregating. He fights not to notice the way you stay close to his side, close enough to touch.
“How did you find me?” Bucky asks Steve.
Steve glances at you. “It’s a long story.”
Outside, on the quinjet, you busy yourself checking everyone for injuries and any signs of trauma from the Hydra device. You’re in your element, and Bucky can’t take his eyes off you.
He realizes how close he came to being done for. If not for the quickness of the team - however they found him - and for the fact that the trigger words don’t work anymore, he would have been lights out without ever telling you that he thinks you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
They land quickly, promising the SHIELD agents a chance to rest up at Stark Tower before they head back to their base.
You head to the infirmary with Bucky, whose arm is still shorted out.
“Let’s see if we can’t get you back up and running, okay, Sergeant?” Your smile is gentle.
“Yes ma’am.”
He watches you work, watches the way your forehead creases as you concentrate and the way you have tiny flecks of light in your eyes.
He wonders if you’ve got someone. You’ve never mentioned it, and he doesn’t think he’s imagining all these little moments the two of you have had together. There’s the matter of the mark. He hasn’t seen if you have one. He’s put off thinking about his own - or the lack thereof - for… decades.
He decides he doesn’t care. Not when you’re smiling at him like that, and indulging his bad jokes, and making him feel like he’s a normal person, not someone to be afraid of.
“Do you have plans tomorrow?” He blurts.
You look startled. “Uh-- no, I don’t think so.”
“Do you want to go out?” He takes a minute to relish in the surprised look on your face. “With me?”
A myriad of emotions flash across your face. One he doesn’t expect to see is sadness. It makes a lead weight settle in his stomach.
He’s afraid of what you’re going to say. He finds himself rushing to reassure you. “It’s not-- it doesn’t have to be anything serious. I just-- I want to spend time with you. Just us.”
You’re so still. It doesn’t track with anything he knows about you - the way you’re always moving, always taking care of everyone else.
“You want to go out with me?” You manage. “Like, a date?”
He smiles. “Yeah, like a date.”
“You want to go out on a date with me?” You ask him again, and he laughs, unable to believe that he has to explain why he thinks you’re so extraordinary.
“I’ve felt a connection with you since the minute we met. I can’t explain it, but it’s true. And the way you burst in there to rescue me, all guns and glory…” a wry smile twists his mouth. “How was I supposed to not want you?”
“Oh, Bucky.” You say, watery through your tears. But you’re smiling now, which is a far sight better than when he thought you were horrified by the prospect of being with him romantically.
He continues, feeling a burst of confidence. “It’s been a long time since I’ve done this, so I’m sorry if I’m out of practice. I just-- I feel like I know you. I need you to know that even if-- if we’re not soulmates, even if you don’t believe in that shit, I still want you. I don’t see that changing any time soon.” Bucky’s voice is filled with conviction, and he watches as tears pool in your eyes and start to spill over. “Oh, honey, no.” He reaches for you, but stops halfway. “Don’t cry. I’ll-- what do you need? If you need me to fuck off and never be seen again, I know a guy who can make that happen,” he says, trying to lighten the mood.
A choked sob leaves your mouth, but now you’re smiling, so Bucky takes it as a good sign, though he’s still terrified you’re going to turn tail and leave him standing here. “What is it? Why are you-- please don’t cry.”
You don’t say anything, but it happens almost in slow motion. You lift up your left arm and slowly push up the sleeve, and start to take off your watch. Underneath, in faded black ink, is a vine of ivy, trailing around your delicate wrist, small leaves dotting your veins.
His entire world stops. He’s speechless. He has absolutely no idea what to say. His brain is just screaming, you belong to her, you belong to her over and over again.
“I knew I was yours, but I thought that you didn’t belong to me.” You’re saying. “I-- I didn’t want to trap you, I--.”
“Why would you think that?” His voice cracks.
You look confused. “You don’t have a mark, Buck, I’m your doctor, I saw your arm--”
“My left arm.” His voice is hoarse.
“My mark was on my left arm. It showed up in 1934, before the war, before… everything.”
The air whooshes from the room.
“What did it look like?” You ask timidly.
He smiles, stepping closer. “Why don’t you tell me?” He takes your hand, slowly, like he’s afraid he’s going to spook you.
“If this is a joke--”
“I would never joke about this.” He says, hoarse. “I got my mark when I was seventeen years old, and all I thought about for years was finding my match.” Feeling braver, he reaches forward, cupping your face in his palm. “They took that from me,” he says. “Kind of fitting the one to rescue me from Hydra was also the one to bring my mark back to me, right?”
You laugh, a little choked through your tears, and he leans down, tracing the pattern he knows so well with his fingertips on his good hand. “There’s a pale pink flower,” he whispers, looking you dead in the eyes. “Right about here.” His thumb presses lightly at the crook of your elbow, where you know a flower sits.
“It’s how I found you.” You tell him, and the pieces start to click into place. “I dreamed about you, but I think it was more of a vision.”
“You were the one to realize I’d been taken?” He asks, feeling his heart squeeze. “Jesus.”
“Called Steve in the middle of the night. Demanded he listen to me and he came to get me from SHIELD.”
“You’re unbelievable,” he says, a smile growing on his face. “In a good way,” he adds. Then, quieter, “I’ve dreamed of you too.” He whispers.
You’re both quiet for a few minutes. “What do we do now?” You ask, and he shrugs.
“Don’t know. I haven’t done this before.” HIs eyes are filled with mirth.
“Oh… you-- shut up.”
He grins - he has a feeling riling you up is going to be one of his favorite pastimes.
“Let me get your arm up and running, and then we’ll talk.” You eye him carefully. “I might have to get Tony for the hardwiring.”
Bucky lets his head drop back as he groans. “Anyone but him.”
You cackle delightedly. “Sorry, sweetheart.”
He brightens at the use of the endearment. He feels - it’s a dream. Seventy years of waiting, and somehow, in the back of his mind, he knew you were different the minute he met you.
He knows you have a lot to talk about - a lot to decide, a lot to work through. He feels almost invincible, though, especially after thinking for so long that he would never find his match if he didn’t have his mark anymore. He still can’t fathom how he got so lucky for it to be you.
You feel like you’re walking on clouds for the rest of the day. After some good-natured ribbing from the team, and from SHIELD - you promised to stay in touch with them, if only to convince Steve and Tony to come around and start working with them again; you quite like Phil Coulson - they mostly leave you and Bucky alone.
You hole up in his apartment for nearly the entire day, talking about everything you can think of. Your childhood, his childhood, even the rough parts that make his voice catch and harden… you sit right there and hold his hand through it.
You can almost feel your bond like a living, breathing thing now. It’s electric when the two of you touch, something that you’d always noticed but tried not to put any weight on.
Now, it seems so obvious.
He kisses you goodnight. It sends a flare of heat through you and nearly makes you dizzy, and you want him to do it again as soon as it ends.
He reminds you that you’ve got a lifetime to sort out what this all means.
A lifetime with Bucky Barnes sounds like a dream.
You can’t wait.
249 notes · View notes
svnflowervol666 · 4 years
I Want Your Belly (Harry Styles x fem!Reader)
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Word Count: 2.2k
Author’s Note: Oddly specific, kinda weird, sappy sweet. Got a good handful of asks for this one so here you go! Harry asks Y/N to join him in the Watermelon Sugar music video. It was a bit hard to write due to the nature of the scenario, but I hope you find it just as cute as I did. Take care and TPWK.
Even in January, the California heat is brutal and unforgiving. Sure, being by the ocean where the momentum of the cool waves cast a light breeze does something to midigate the miserable feeling of feeling like the sun’s rays are going to burn you alive, but it’s only a crumb of salvation really. We’re talking sweat running down the backs of your kneecaps, legs painfully sticking to the seat of whatever chair you’re sitting in, not enough water in the world to keep you from being dehydrated hot. But she wanted to be there.
She’d been oggling him from her sand chair for the past forty-five minutes. I mean, who isn’t oggling him when they see him tracing his fingers coyly over the flesh of a sweet, ripe watermelon. He’d been glancing in her direction in between nearly every take, smirking at her through his aqua-tinted sunnies and wondering if what she was seeing made her reconsider the offer he’d been begging her to take him up on for weeks. All she would give him back was her iconic side-eye before she’d go back to reading the novel in her lap and occasionally picking at the bowl of freshly-cut fruit she’d swiped from the prop table.
“And that’s a wrap on scene one!” one of the directors called out over the crashing waves.
Harry did what was proper - shaking hands and bowing heads and saying his ‘thank you’s before all but jogging over to where she was sat underneath the oversized pale-blue gingham printed umbrella.
“Change yeh mind yet?”
He had his hands on his hips, fingers resting on hem of the crochet-knit tank top he’d chosen himself for the occasion. She waited until she finished the page she was on before even daring to peer up at him through her sunglasses.
“How are you not dying in those pants?” was all that Y/N gave in response before going back to her book.
“‘M absolutely wretched down there if that’s what you’re askin. But yeh didn’t answer my question, lovie.”
She sighed heavily, dog-earring her place in her novel and casting it aside it in the sand before leaning up to rest her elbows on her knees.
“I just don’t know why you want me to be in it so badly. This is your video. If I’m in it, everyone’s gonna go crazy and it’ll be an even bigger shit show in the press than it’s already going to be.”
This made Harry crouch down to her level, his white loafers digging even deeper into the sand as he leaned on his haunches.
“That’s exactly why I want yeh t’ be in it. ‘S my video and that’s what I want. Want this t’ be fun and it would be even more fun if I had m’ girl with me.”
She stared at him, silently giving him her please drop it look, but it only spurred him on further.
“If it’ll make yeh feel any better, I’ll make sure you’re not in it a bunch when it comes ‘round t’ editing. Barely put yeh up close too.”
That was enticing,Y/N could admit. He’d surely let her have the final say in how much she was involved, but there was still a lot of stress that came with being on camera. Especially in her state. She knew she wasn’t exactly hiding anything, as they’d been spotted countless times in public and their friends had posted photos to their stories with her body clearly visible in them, but some things she’d rather not shine a direct spotlight on. Doing something like this would most definitely be putting her business on display for the world to see, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready for that. 
“Please, baby? I won’t ask yeh again, but I’d really love it if you were beside me.”
She wet her lips with her tongue, eyes darting up to the underside of the umbrella as she really, truly contemplating giving in to Harry’s pleads. On her life, she can barely recall a time when she hadn’t given Harry anything that he wanted. He just had a way with people that wasn’t manipulative or conniving in any way - he was magnetic. Everything about him was so charismatic and mesmerizing and anyone that met him found themselves gravitating towards him and going along with whatever he was saying or suggesting. I mean, she let him put a baby in her for christ’s sake.
“Help me up out of this thing and find me something to wear,” she huffed, to which Harry dramatically punched the air with his fist in celebration.
“One condition,” she interjected his boast and Harry tilted his ear in her direction and tapped his earlobe with his finger to show her that he was listening.
“You have to go down on me when we get home. It was torture watching you finger that watermelon, but I’m pretty sure you already knew that.”
“Yeh talkin’ like yeh think I wasn’t gonna try t’ squeeze in a quickie during lunch anyway.”
He pulled her up to her feet, making sure to keep a steady hand on her back as he led her away from the ocean and towards the beach entrance where the trailers were parked.
“Wha’ about this one?” Harry asked as he pulled a strapless swimsuit with a palm tree print littered about the fabric and presented it to her.
“One wrong step and my tits will fall right outta that thing,” she quipped.
Harry held it at arm’s reach so he get a better look at the garment himself.
“Yeah. You’re right. They are gettin’ pretty big, aren’t they?”
There was no malice laced within his comment, but when he felt a harsh backhand graze his shoulder, he realized what he’d just said.
“Jesus, Y/N. I’m sorry. Didn’t mean it like tha’. Yeh know I love your boobs. Especially now.”
He tried to make up for it by reaching his hand out to playfully grab at Y/N’s chest, but she slapped his fingers away and continued thumbing through the racks filled with dozens if not hundreds of swimsuits for something she could manage to squeeze herself into.
“Ohh, wait! This one’s nice.”
Harry’s fingers got tangled in the lacy straps of the neighboring article of clothing beside the one he was trying to pull out, making a few hangers crash to the ground with a harsh sound against the linoleum. When she saw what he had found, she didn’t hate it. It was a sherbet-orange colored bikini that seemed as if it would cover everything she was concerned about showing, and the bottoms looked like they’d be somewhat decent at keeping her ass contained and wouldn’t ride up and make her constantly have to readjust it every five minutes. 
“Alright, Styles,” she squinted her eyes and nodded in approval.
“I’ll bite.”
He watched her as she peeled her romper that perfectly cradled her small yet still mighty bump, lingering for just a bit too long when she unhooked the back of her bra and dropped it to the floor.
“You gonna give me the swimsuit or are you gonna keep staring at me? It’s fucking hot in here, Harry.”
She was stark naked and had her hands on her hips, a sticky veil of sweat still shining on her skin from the mugginess of the wardrobe trailer. Harry couldn’t help but chuckle at her state, his heart full of nothing but admiration for the girl standing in front of him.
“Here, I’ll help yeh into it.”
Harry kneeled down to the floor and guided her legs through the bikini bottoms. Just as he pulled them up around her thighs and onto her hips, he gave her bump a quick kiss. 
“We’re kinda matchin’ yeh know,” Harry babbled as he fastened the straps on her top.
“‘S the same color as m’ nails,” he stuck a leg out in front of her to wiggle his toes and show off the bright orange pedicure he’d gotten that morning.
“That’s disgustingly cute actually. Maybe I should change,” she joked.
“No way,” he dismissed her.
“Yeh ass looks too good in this one.”
Harry clapped both hands against her bum with gentle force, the two of them erupting into a fit of giggles. He spun her around by the shoulders to get a good look at her body, protruding belly and all, in the clementine orange swimsuit.
“M’ pretty, pretty girl,” he whispered as his lips met hers in a kiss.
“You’re lucky I love you enough to do this.”
“I know I am,” Harry muttered against her mouth.
“Alright,” he continued.
“Just gotta change into m’ shorts and then I’ll be good t’ go. Meet yeh at the umbrella?”
“Oh hell no,” she jested.
“If you got to see me naked, I get to see you naked. Now get to stripping.”
The day went by in a blur.
What was supposed to be a brief cameo turned into Harry dragging Y/N into every scene he possibly could. When the directors instructed the models to gather in a pile around the pop star, he found his head perched in her lap, nestled perfectly atop her thighs with his temples pressed against her belly. When they’d wanted clips of everyone romping about the shoreline, he’d ended up carrying her around the beach after she’d gotten winded from doing one-too-many takes.
“Harry, I cannot fucking do this anymore,” she panted.
“I can practically feel my cankles growing.”
“Fine then,” he replied, hooking his forearm around the underside of her knees and scooping her up so that she was cradled against his burly chest.
“I’ll just carry yeh.”
He’d made her feed him raspberries as he sang the lyrics into the camera, even going so far as to suck on her fingers seductively when she went to drop one into his mouth. It wasn’t intended to be a serious attempt at filming the video, only him messing around and trying to get a rise out of her as he always did, but everyone ultimately decided that that the take they were going to use. She’d cursed him out under his breath, but they both knew it was for making her practically soak her knickers rather than getting dragged into more than she bargained for during the shoot.
Constantly, his hands always found themselves gravitating towards her belly. Whether it was rubbing her taught skin like a crystal ball as he sang the chorus instead of gesturing to the large watermelon that he was supposed to be holding, he couldn’t keep his hands off of her.
She’d known it was bound to happen at one point, but sometime throughout the afternoon he’d called for her and when she turned around, he was had shoved a watermelon up under his sheer, yellow blouse.
“Y/N!” Harry shouted at her from a few yards away, interrupting a lovely conversation she was having with one of the models.
“I’m you!”
He gestured to the fruit stuffed inside of his shirt, toyfully stroking the exterior in the manner that she always found herself doing even she wasn’t realizing. 
It made everyone, and I mean everyone, explode in laughter. It only made her hide her face in her hands after promptly shoving her middle finger in his direction.
But she’d gotten him back. When the director wanted shots of each of the girls taking bites out of a slice of watermelon, she’d made sure to take the messiest bite she could manage so that the juice ran down her chin and down the valley of her breasts. Y/N threw her head back as if were the greatest thing she’d ever tasted, exposing the column of her neck that Harry loved to mark up and bruise with his skillful tongue and lips.
“Yeh tryin’ t’ make me hard right now?” he all but growled in her ear when she’d joined him behind the camera so the next model could have their turn.
She simply cocked her head to one side and smirked up at him.
“Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it? I’m going to the bathroom. All of this watermelon’s making me have to pee.”
When it came time for the portrait and everyone was being distributed their designated slice of fruit, Y/N found herself confused when Harry pulled her out of line.
“What are you doing, H?”
Harry held up a hand to signal that he’d be right back, to which he returned with an uncut watermelon. Quite possibly the biggest watermelon that she’d ever seen at that.
“Yeh don’t get a slice, yeh get the whole damn watermelon.”
They’d all piled up on the bench and stared stoically into the camera, only instead of raising the wedge to their lips to take a bite, Y/N sat on the grass at Harry’s knees, a whole watermelon resting in between her legs in front of her bump.
Y/N’s day ended up being far more fun than she’d ever imagined it could have been despite her constant nagging and jabs at Harry’s expense. While she’d initially only agreed to be a part of Harry’s music video under the condition that her role would be minimum, she was secretly hoping that all of their side conversations and what would be considered “outtakes” would actually make in into the final cut. 
In fact, she’d had so much fun that at the end of the day when filming had wrapped and her and Harry were on the way home, the gentle hum of his convertible and the cool breeze that followed a blistering day on Malibu beach had slowly began willing her eyes shut. 
“Baby,” Harry beckoned her from the driver’s seat.
“Hmm?” Y/N picked her head up from where it was leaning against the window to look over at him.
“Don’t go t’ sleep on me now.”
He reached over to grab her left hand that had settled itself on top of her round stomach. Before lacing his fingers with hers, he kissed her knuckles tenderly.
“Still got t’ go down on yeh when we get home. Bet yeh gonna taste like strawberries.”
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thatsamericano · 3 years
To Be a Gardener in Love with a Prince
Pairing/Characters: America/Romano, Prussia cameo. Human AU.
Ratings/Warnings: Teen, for cursing. No warnings.
Word Count: 2440
Summary: Savino makes a flower delivery in the middle of the night as he usually does, but this time Alfred wakes up.
A/N: For @aphrarepairweek2021 Day 2, “Royalty.” Inspired by this popular text post, which screams Romerica to me.
Savino checked to make sure that the small bouquet of thornless roses he’d prepared earlier were securely strapped to his chest as he approached the castle entrance. Gilbert, the palace guard, raised a single pale eyebrow him.
“Again, Savi? What is this, the third time this week?”
Savino scowled at him. “Shut up.”
Gilbert laughed and got in position to lift him up towards the first foothold on the stone wall. “You know, it might be easier to just tell Prince Alfred how you feel. That way you wouldn’t have to climb into his bedroom every night just to leave him flowers.”
Savino grunted and stretched up to place his hand over a balcony ledge. “If I wanted your advice, I would’ve fucking asked.”
Gilbert turned back to watch the area outside the castle. “Whatever you say, Romeo.”
Savino frowned to himself as he leveraged himself up onto the balcony. Gilbert’s comparison was strangely apt. They weren’t from feuding families, but he had about as much chance with Prince Alfred as Romeo and Juliet had of ending up together. Alfred was the eldest prince, born with more wealth and power than most people could even contemplate. Savino was just the guy who’d been hired to tend to the plants in the castle’s garden.
Alfred was pretty strange, as far as royalty went. Savino had been kicked around a lot in his life, and most people from the upper class wouldn’t bother to speak to him, because they thought a title and inherited wealth made them better than a mere commoner like Savino, especially one who got soil under their fingernails each day from toiling in a garden. But Alfred wasn’t like that. They’d met one day while Alfred was guiding his horse back to the stables, and Savino had bowed and called him “Your Royal Highness,” as he had been trained to his entire life. Alfred had chuckled, told Savino he could stand, and that he was more comfortable being called “Alfred,” and that he didn’t think he was better than anyone else just because he was a prince. The entire encounter was bizarre as hell, especially when Alfred shook his hand and asked who Savino was like they were equals.
The next day, he came back, just to chat and get to know the new gardener better. Alfred asked him questions about the seaside town he’d been born in, his life, and his family, and he seemed genuinely interested in everything Savino had to say. Alfred kept visiting, and he talked about himself too, but not in a pompous or arrogant way. Usually it was funny anecdotes about his younger brother, his parents, or the boring meetings he had to attend. Occasionally, he’d complain about how he kept getting offers of marriages on behalf of princesses from other countries. Alfred didn’t want to marry some girl he’d met only once or twice simply because it would create an advantageous political alliance.
“Who would you wanna marry?” Savino had asked him once.
Alfred frowned thoughtfully. “I dunno. Someone who likes me, and I like her. Someone I can talk to for hours on end without getting bored, the way I can talk to you. Someone who makes me feel excited when I wake up, because I know I’ll get to see them that day.”
“You want to marry for love, then,” Savino concluded.
“Doesn’t everybody?”
It was at that point Savino realized that, against all his preconceived notions, Alfred had become one of his closest friends at the castle. A few months after that, he came to the painful realization that he’d fallen in love with a goddamn prince. It didn’t have anything to do with some silly fantasy about rising above his current station. He just loved Alfred, for his carefree smile, windswept blond hair, the way he’d take an extra pastry from the kitchen to make sure Savino got to eat lunch in the afternoons, and all those times he got down on his hands and knees to pull weeds out of a flowerbed with Savino just because he “looked like he could use a little help.” He loved Alfred’s tight hugs, his hilariously accurate impression of the king, the glee in Alfred’s voice when he called out for “Vinny,” the nickname he’d given Savino only a couple weeks after they’d first met, and the fact that Alfred had been so happy he’d bounced on his feet after Savino started calling him Fredo.
If Alfred had been a knight or a stable boy, Savino would have tried to figure out if he could be interested in men romantically. And then, if it seemed like a real possibility, he would have done something about his feelings. As it was, Alfred was so far out of his league that all Savino could do was pick a few flowers and leave him anonymous bouquets while he was sleeping. A confession of any kind was completely out of the realm of possibility.
After reaching that first balcony, Savino had to do a bit more careful climbing to reach the highest window, which led into the prince’s bedroom. Every time he delivered flowers to Alfred, Savino wished he could get into the castle like a normal person instead of risking life and limb. Unfortunately, Gilbert was the only guard Savino trusted not to run to the king and alert him about an intruder “harassing” his oldest son. If he was accused of trying to harm a member of the royal family, Savino could be sentenced to death, and Alfred’s protestations might not be enough to save him.
Savino wiggled through the open window, grateful that Alfred habitually left his window up in the warm summer evenings as he slept. Savino couldn’t have delivered his flowers if Alfred hadn’t been quite so trusting.
The room was dark, and he only had a bit of moonlight to guide him. But after so many clandestine visits, Savino was familiar with the layout of Alfred’s bedroom, and he was confident that he could tiptoe across the plush, carpeted floor, locate the empty vase on the third shelf of Alfred’s bookcase, leave his roses, and then retreat without Alfred having any clue he was ever here.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t counting on a footstool to be placed directly in the shadow cast by Alfred’s enormous four-poster bed. Savino stubbed his toe on the damn footstool, and hissed instead of screeching out a curse like he normally would have at the unexpected, sharp pain.
The bedcovers rustled as Alfred slowly began to wake up. “What’s going on? Who’s there?”
Savino clenched his jaw and silently prayed Alfred wouldn’t see him. If he just stayed perfectly still and didn’t breathe too loudly, maybe Fredo would assume he’d been dreaming and go back to sleep. Then Savino could get the fuck out of here with some shred of dignity left.
Too late. Alfred shifted up into a sitting position and reached over to the side table for his glasses. He put them on and squinted through the darkness. “Vinny?” he asked. “Is that you?”
Savino coughed and tried to deepen his voice. “It doesn’t matter who I am. Just go back to sleep.”
“It is you!” Alfred grinned, shoved the covers back, and bounded towards him with a remarkable amount of energy for someone who’d just woken up only a few seconds ago.  “What are you doing here in the middle of the night? Did you need to talk to me about something?”
“I… uh…” Savino couldn’t figure out what to say, and he couldn’t figure out where to look. His best friend, who he was hopelessly in love with, was wondering why Savino had snuck into his room long past midnight. If he looked up, he would see Alfredo’s goofy, oblivious smile and his hair that was mussed adorably from being rubbed across his pillow while he slept. If he cast his gaze eye level or lower, he would be looking at the prince’s goddamn silk pajamas. Anything he saw would be too intimate or too much.
Alfred stepped even closer and tilted his head down. “Dude, are those… roses? Why would you have roses strapped to your chest?”
Savino squeezed his eyes shut and hoped Alfred couldn’t see how close he was to bursting into tears. “I can explain, Fredo, I swear.”
Alfred gasped. “Oh my God! You’re the one who’s been leaving flowers in my room! I can’t believe this!”
“I’m sorry. I know it wasn’t my place, and I had no right to—"
Savino couldn’t even stutter out a full apology, because the next thing he knew, Alfred was hugging him and giggling in his ear. Not only hugging him and giggling, but picking Savino up and spinning him around in the air.
After several rotations, he finally set a baffled, dizzy Savino back down on his feet. Alfred shifted back a little to beam down at him, but kept his hands lightly resting on Savino’s waist for reasons Savino couldn’t begin to fathom.
“Sorry, what were you saying?”
“I was trying to apologize,” Savino said slowly, to emphasize the words. “For breaking into your private bedroom. For giving you gifts that are a little strange for friends to give each other, no matter how close they are.” Maybe Alfred had missed the romantic subtext of everything he’d done? It was the only explanation Savino could think of for why he was reacting like this.
Alfred shook his head, still smiling. “Vinny, dude, you don’t have to apologize for that. The next time you want to come into my room, you can just ask. I don’t want you breaking your neck trying to climb a wall or something.”
“But what about the, um…”
“The flowers? I had no idea it was you. I mean, you are the gardener here, so it makes sense, but when Mattie brought it up to me, I was like nah, no way. Vinny’s way too cute and charming to go for someone like me. He could have anyone he wanted.”
Savino’s head was spinning, and his heart was pounding, but not from anxiety this time. “You’ve told your brother about me?”
“Heck, I’ve told everyone about you. I’m pretty sure they’re sick of hearing me talk about you so much. But the only people I’ve told everything to are Mattie and my manservant, Tolys. The rest of them would try to tell me I shouldn’t be in love with you, either because you’re a gardener or because you’re not a girl. I’d rather not have to hear their stupid opinions about you, because they don’t know shit.”
“You… you love me?” It sounded fake when Savino said it out loud, but he was only repeating what Fredo had just told him.
Alfred frowned, suddenly looking worried and insecure. “Was I not supposed to say that? I didn’t misread everything, did I? Were those just friendship flowers?”
Savino shook his head, crying and laughing at the same time. “Tesoro, there’s no such thing.”
“Oh, good. Does that mean I can kiss you now?”
Savino answered him by planting his hands on Alfred’s shoulders and leaning up to kiss him. Alfred smiled into the kiss and tightened his grip on Alfred’s shoulders. The roses were crushed in between them, but for the moment he had more important things to focus on.
By the time Savino broke the kiss, they were both grinning stupidly at each other. “Wow, we should’ve done that a long time ago,” Alfred said.
Savino laughed. “It would’ve been easier than climbing into your room to leave flowers all those times.”
Alfred reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. “I’m not sure how, but I’m gonna figure out a way to be with you. Before we met, I’d resigned to marrying some random princess for political reasons. The best I could’ve hoped was learning how to like her eventually. But now I know what it’s like to be happy, to be with you, and I’m too selfish to give that up. I won’t.”
Savino swallowed a lump in his throat. “Even if it meant you’d have to give up everything else in your life?”
“Even then.” He brushed a featherlight kiss over Savino’s temple. “You’re worth it, sweetheart.”
Savino’s logical side told him he shouldn’t believe Alfred, because he was making ridiculous promises no one in his position would actually keep. But the way he was treating him so softly and the way he’d called him sweetheart made Savino believe him. He smiled as he pulled back and walked over to Alfred’s bookcase. He unwrapped the roses from their makeshift wrapping and arranged them in Alfred’s empty vase.
“The flowers I got you are horribly squished, by the way.”
“Well, that’s okay. I’d rather get squished flowers from you than unsquished flowers from anyone else.”
That sentiment was so adorably, earnestly Alfred that Savino couldn’t help himself. As soon as he walked back to Alfred, he kissed him again, and Alfred eagerly reciprocated.
“I guess this is goodbye, for now. I need to sneak back out before another guard comes on duty.”
Alfred tipped his forehead against his, and they swayed back and forth in a slow mimicry of a dance. “I’ll help you sneak in tomorrow. If you come by earlier, you’ll get to stay for longer.”
He’d love that. He loved Alfredo, and it was complicated, but no longer hopeless. He backed up towards the open window, and Alfred walked with him. “I love you, Fredo. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I love you too. Will you be safe getting down?”
“I’ll be fine. Go to sleep.”
Alfred peered out the window as Savino climbed out the window and very carefully descended down the castle wall. He was still standing by the window by the time Savino had made it to the ground, and he only left after Savino waved to indicate that he had made it down safely.
Gilbert smirked at Savino as he was walking past him. “Another successful flower delivery?”
Savino shrugged. “The flowers were a little squished, but I don’t think Alfredo will mind.” I’d rather get squished flowers from you than unsquished flowers from anyone else. Savino grinned at the memory of what Alfred had said. He probably wouldn’t be able to stop smiling for at least a week.
Gilbert’s chortling followed Savino as he walked down the well-worn path between his own small house and the castle where Alfred and his family slept. His smile stayed with him even longer, until he was drifting off to sleep in his own bed.
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merry christmas, ya filthy animal
Hi guys! This is my contribution for @hockeynetwork holiday gift exchange, it’s 2.5k of sweet Tito fluff for @dreamypeaches and I hope you all like it. As always, I read all the tags and love love hearing your feedback, so hop into my inbox and reblog if you like it! 
word count: 2.5k+
Everyone has a favorite movie. Some go for a childhood classic like Cinderella, some find an indie documentary from a film class in college, some inherit their parents’ love for the Princess Bride or Casablanca. Not you. For you, there was no movie that could hold a candle to Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. You had watched it for the first time maybe around 7 or 8 years old, and had been hooked ever since, and even Donald Trump’s five-second cameo couldn’t taint the love you had for it. But your favorite part, other than the large cheese pizza and stretch limousine, was the end. The Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center, Kevin and his mom finally reuniting after she moved heaven and earth to get back to her son by Christmas. 
It wasn’t your first Christmas in New York City, but it was the first one where it really felt like it was your city, like you belonged to it. And it was your first Christmas with Tito. You had started dating earlier in the year, just as the team was starting to make the big push for playoffs and two months or so before he left to Montréal for the summer. It was strange while he was there, not just because he was hundreds of miles away and in a whole different country, but because the two of you had only been exclusive for a few months and were set to be separated for three. You flew up for Canada Day and met his parents, and he came back for a week in August, but the interim was filled with more FaceTime calls and lonely nights than either of you would care to admit. 
But summer was long over, the leaves had fallen from all the London planes, and the temperature had started to drop below freezing even in the day. The cold weather wasn’t always great; you didn’t love having to scrape the ice off of your windshield or trudge through the slush when it was too early for the snow to stick to the ground, but you wouldn’t change it for the world. One thing that winter changed was date plans. Unless you hit it at just the right time, coffee in the morning was more prone to freeze your fingers off than warm you up, having dinner outside — normally one of your favorite things to do together — was all-but banned after November, and you could only walk around Central Park so many times. And it wasn’t for lack of trying; you knew for a fact that Anthony had spent hours on plane rides trying to figure out what was open, flipping in between Google and the weather app. He was making an effort, though, and that’s what mattered. 
Which is why you weren’t particularly surprised when he showed up at your apartment door on Christmas Eve, twelve hours after he asked you if you had plans that night. You didn’t and it wasn’t a game day, so he told you to dress warm and be ready by 8. You were waiting by the door five minutes early. He greeted you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, closing the door behind you. “Did you already eat? I know it’s pretty late already but I think I saw a few food trucks by where we’re going if you’re still hungry.”
You nodded your head. “Anthony. It’s 8 at night. ‘Course I’ve already eaten.”
He ducked his head in embarrassment, the slightest pink appearing on his cheeks. “Should have figured.”
“It’s fine,” you said, slipping your hand into his and smiling. “You going to tell me where we’re going, though?”
“Wouldn’t be a surprise if I did,” he said. 
You should have known by the duffel bag in the backseat what his plans were, but some thirty minutes later and he was pulling into a parking lot off of West 49th, shouldering the bag and looking over to you with a grin. “What’s a Christmas in New York without ice skating at Rockefeller Center?” 
You rolled your eyes, trying desperately to keep in a laugh. “You don’t think it’s a bit unfair? You’re paid buckets of money to balance on knife shoes and the last time I went ice skating was,” you tried to remember, “two years ago? Three?” 
Tito shrugged, taking your hand as you walked out the door of the parking lot. “What’s life without a little risk?” Whether the Harry Potter quote was intentional or not, you weren’t sure. 
“Fair,” you conceded. “You’ll have to look out for me, though.” He promised he would, handing his card over to the cashier, who in turn passed you your skates. Anthony led you over to a bench, grabbing a bag of roasted chestnuts from a street vendor before sitting down. You ate a few before tying your skates, swinging one up on his thigh for inspection. “Do these past muster, inspector?”
Anthony took one look at them before undoing your knot, adjusting your foot in his lap while rolling his eyes good-naturedly. “You didn’t tie them tight enough, you could break an ankle in these, babe, and we wouldn’t want that, would we?” You shook your head; he pulled you up to a standing position, leading you over to the gate to get onto the ice. “Don’t feel bad if you’ve got to hang onto the side for a little bit, it doesn’t look like the zamboni’s been over it in awhile so the ice is probably pretty chippy.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. “I’m not completely hopeless, Anthony. I’m no professional,” you half-slipped while taking your first step onto the ice, clinging to the railing, “clearly, but I’m an adult and I can handle myself.” 
He held his hands up in surrender, gliding backwards on the ice before stopping. “I know you can.” The two of you skated for about an hour before taking a break, sipping cups of piping hot apple cider while sitting on a bench off to the side of the rink. “There’s always that one person who feels the need to go in the center and show off, huh?” Tito mused, glancing towards center ice, where a woman was indeed in the middle of a spin so quick and intricate you had no clue how she didn’t throw up from the sheer centrifugal force of it all. 
“Says the professional hockey player,” you quipped. 
“I’d go insane if I tried to do anything like that,” Anthony responded, drinking the last of his cider before dropping the cup into the recycling bin. “Just about the only thing hockey players and figure skaters have in common is our ability to skate in a straight line.”
You laughed, squeezing his arm. “Have a little more faith in yourself than that, Anthony.” 
“Mhm,” he said, noncommittally like he didn’t quite believe you. “You ready to get going, or do you think you’ve got more in you?” 
You looked down at your watch; it was 9:30; the rink didn’t close for another hour and plenty of people were still milling about. “I think I’ve got a little gas left in the tank.” 
Sounds good,” he said, taking your hand and doing an extremely admirable job of not laughing at your attempts to hobble over to the ice on your skates. “One of these days I’m going to get you to go backwards,” he said as he stepped on, gliding back easily before coming to a quick stop. 
“I’ve just stopped having to hold onto your hands like a five-year-old, Beau,” you said, rolling your eyes as you took a moment to find your balance on the slippery ice. In your defense, he had been right about the lack of resurfacing on the ice; the skate attendant said the zamboni only came around once a day, shortly before opening, and the lack of smooth ice couldn’t have done you any favors. But you were determined to prove yourself, to show him and everyone else in Rockefeller Center that you were a fully grown and capable adult who could skate for a few feet without needing assistance. Which you did, for approximately two minutes, trailing ten or fifteen feet behind Anthony as he skated backwards, executing poorly-attempted jumps and spins for no reason other than your amusement. You were doing fine, until the toe pick of your skate caught in a chip in the ice and you tumbled down, down to the ice before Anthony could skate over and catch you,. Down, trying to break your fall with your hands. Pain radiated up your left wrist, the cold of the ice already beginning to melt into your jeans. 
“Oh my God,” Anthony said, kneeling in front of you as several passers-by looked over in concern. “You okay? That looked like a pretty bad fall.” 
You nodded, trying to push yourself up to a standing position, but the second you put pressure on your hand, you let out a sharp shriek. “Fuck,” you said, moving to rub your wrist. Not a good idea; the pain only got worse when you touched it. 
His brow only furrowed more. “If you put your wrist out to break the fall, you could have broken it or something. We should go to the hospital.”
You shook your head. “I’m sure it’s nothing, Tito,” you said as the two of you skated off the ice, your wrist hanging limply by your side as you bent down to try and untie the skate laces. He looked up at your face, seeing you biting your lip with tears pricking at the corner of your eyes as you tried to pull them. 
“Hurts to pull?” You knew it was no use trying to lie to him, so you nodded. He pushed the sleeve of your jacket up as gently as he could after untying your skates, handling your hand and wrist with as little pressure as he could. “Not exactly how I thought I’d be kneeling in front of you,” he said, the corner of his mouth twitching. You knew he had only said it to distract you, try to get your mind off of the inordinate amounts of pain you were in, but the words still made your heart skip a beat. His fingers moved feather-light over your skin, keeping an eye on your facial expressions as he felt. “Hurts to close your hand?” You tried; you nodded. “Hurts to turn your wrist?” A second nod. “Has it gotten worse or better since you fell?”
“Worse,” you managed to squeak out. 
He bit his tongue in concentration. “Shit. Yeah, we should go to the hospital.” You knew it was no use to argue, even as you weakly kept telling him it was probably just a sprain that would heal on its own as he herded you into the car, looking up the waiting times of Manhattan emergency rooms. “The ER wait at Lenox Hill is twenty minutes, it’s like two miles away,” he said, puting the car into reverse and backing out of the parking lot. Of course, two miles in New York City on Christmas Eve really meant fifteen minutes, and by the time he parked at the hospital and you were walking into the ER, it was just past 11. And of course, an ER wait time of “twenty minutes” the day before Christmas meant that, as a relatively low-priority case, you weren’t seen for well over forty. “I feel terrible about this,” Anthony said, slumping back in the chair to the side as you sat on the exam table. 
“Not your fault,” you said emphatically. “Could have happened to anyone. Literally anyone, Tito,” you looked over at him; he still looked guilty. “It could have just as easily been you, if you’d hit the chip at the wrong angle or there was some kind of slippery patch you weren’t expecting. And,” you added as he opened his mouth, “you were too far away to catch me.” Your expression softened. “I know you would have if you could have, but I’m sure it’s not hurt too bad and I don’t want you to keep beating yourself up over it. I’ll be okay.” 
The nurse practitioner chose that moment to poke her head through the curtain, calling your name. You nodded. She flipped open your chart. “I’m Emily, I’ll be taking care of you tonight. It says here you’ve got a wrist injury?” You nodded, explaining what had happened. She pulled a pair of gloves on, fingers moving over your wrist. “With what I’m seeing and how you’re rating your pain, I think we’re probably looking at a bad sprain or a break, but we’ll have to get an X-ray to confirm.” Fifteen minutes later, you were in and out of the radiology suite, and Emily was looking at the images on a tablet. She leaned over the table, pointing to the images on the screen. “Okay, so what you’ve got is called a Colles’ fracture, it’s a break in the radius and they’re actually super common, by far the most common type of wrist break we see. Yours isn’t too bad, so I’d say it can come off in six weeks or so.” She left for a minute to get the casting supplies. Ten minutes later, your entire lower arm was covered in cotton and fiberglass wrap tape. You wiggled your fingers towards your boyfriend. “I think purple’s really my color, don’t you?” you said, nodding towards your cast. 
You saw him crack a smile, his first since the accident. “It’s beautiful, babe.” Fifteen minutes and more than your fair share of paperwork later, you had handed over your insurance information and gotten the okay to leave, with strict instructions to keep the cast dry and call if you had any problems. 
“I think this definitely wins as the most interesting date I’ve ever been on,” you said as the two of you crossed the parking lot. 
“I’ll have you agree with you on that one,” Anthony replied. “I’m glad it wasn’t anything more serious, though. I would have felt even worse.”
You nodded. “You and me both.” Anthony looked down at his watch as he held your good hand, smiling when he saw the time. “What is it?” you asked curiously. 
“Guess there was too much going on in there to keep track of time. It’s 1:37 AM.” 
The painkillers they had given you had kept the pain in your wrist to a dull ache, but all was forgotten as you realized what it meant, what it being past midnight meant, and you couldn’t stop a grin from spreading across your face. “It’s Christmas?” you said, almost like a question. Nothing could extinguish your love for the holiday: not the freezing cold air nipping at your nose or the apple cider that was so hot it burnt your tongue or the fact that you went out for a night with your boyfriend and came back with a broken wrist. You had him, and that was enough. 
Tito laughed, leaning down to press a soft kiss against your lips as he unlocked the car. “Merry Christmas, baby.”
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
House of Mouse: Max’s Embarrassing Date Review
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Hello House Mouses and welcome back to the house of mouse. Another comission by Kev and my second House of Mouse for the valentine’s season. This time we’re not tackling a Valentine’s Episode necesarily, but a romantic one all the same as fan faviorite couple Max and Roxanne finally go on a date.  I always liked Max. Even as a kid when I wasn’t the biggest fan of “A Goofy Movie”, didn’t like the darker patches like the principals office scene or the Pete Hot tub scene.. though in hindsight both had legit greviances with Max... it just dosen’t make either less terrible as the principal still told an innocnet man who wasn’t responsible for what his kid did and was trying his best that his son was going to become a crminal because of one stupid but mostly harmless prank, and Pete.. is just an abusive, unlikeable and unlovable ass in both Goof Troop and Goofy Movie, and I hate how he treats his son, don’t blame his wife for leaving him or taking their daughter and dog, and am really sad he got custody of PJ somehow. And for the record this isn’t ALL petes, just this version. The rest are fine and just the right level of asshole. 
Point is despite my problems with the first film, I had none with the second and even now I like it due to having some really good ideas and concepts while also being gloirously rediclous due to the loveably dated X-Games element. While I do have a spot in my heart for the Dana Hill and Shaun Fleming versions, especially the latter once upon a christmas is awesome, Jason Marsden’s version is the best by the mile having the right amount of ego mixed with self doubt to make him likeable enough to brook him being an ass to his dad a lot. He’s a good character.. and it baffles me Disney NEVER uses him nowadays. No really, the last time he showed up was in twice upon a christmas and no one liked that because he was dating someone who wasn’t Roxanne just to rehash the same plot they’d already rehashed better in Extremley Goofy Movie. I REALLY need to rewatch that one. Hmm.... gonna see if I can squeeze that one into May or later in April. That’s for another time. 
But yeah while he’s at one of the disney parks, that’s it. The character just .. vanished, and hasn’t been brought back in any way shape or form. Though I could see either a Disney Plus reboot of goof troop or a goofy movie with max having his own kids. That could be intresting. Also bring Roxanne back as weirdly this episode i’m reviewing, a goofy movie and now her ducktales cameo are her ONLY apperances. 
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Seriously I get she’s not the most fleshed out.. but then flesh her out. Like Max she’s crminally underused and while I get her absence as a character in the sequel, the plot really didn’t need her, he still could’ve been dating her off screen. Though clearly the two worked things out and tried again as this episode came out AFTER extremely did. But did this episode work out? Join me under the cut to find out. 
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As i’ve decided is my standard for House of Mouse Episodes, shorts first, then wraparound, then Mickey Mouse live sex celebration. Though I will say i’ve picked up there are two kinds of formats for the show: They either use two of the longer Mouseworks shorts or just one close to 11 minute short, a medium one, and one of the little two minute segments. There might be a break from this in the future, we shall see but for now those ar ethe two standards. This time we have two longer shorts. 
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Pluto’s Penthouse Sweet: 
I’ve mentioned in the past I dont’ really get why Pluto is part of Disney’s sensational six along with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy. And I stand by that: While he’s had his own cartoons they just aren’t as entertaining and creative as MIckey’s or hilarous and relatable as Donald and Goofy’s. He’s just an average cartoon dog. He works fine in tandem with Mickey, but on his own he’s just nothing and his spot should be taken by pete, who while not a goodie all the time, again the goof troop version needs to step on a rake and fall into a well.. somehow. i didn’t think my insult through. Point is pete is better.  And this short isn’t BAD .. but to me it’s what some fans THINK the disney shorts are: Bland, maybe one or two good jokes but almost nothing new or intresting. As I found out last year, that’s far from the case, as a lot of the Donald shorts are still hilarious today and a lot of the mickey shorts are shockingly creative, like Thru The Mirorr where he goes .. well thru the mirror into a wonderland like world where all the inanaimate objects are alive and he can shrink and what not via astral projection, or Mickey’s Mechanical Man, which I sadly didn’t know about when I did the MIckey Birthday Special and for some reason isn’t on disne plus. In it Mickey creates a robot and has it box a monsterous looking gorillia. 
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How has Mickey piloting this thing but giant sized against various kaiju been a thing yet? And if it has someone tell me. Seriously with all the comics and animated series how. I’d even settle for a Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse episode. Just bring this guy back. Point is there was far more invetnion than it seemed.. at least at first as it slowly died out as they went by the late 50′s. But Pluto just seemed even in their hayday like your standard pet gets into antics thing without the creative slapstick of tom and jerry or the likeablity of sylvester who never could get that asshole Tweety Bird. This is just weak sauce and whiel I could forgive the older shorts, as their from another time and likely lead to say Tom and Jerry... I can’t forgive this which was made probably in 1998 and released in 1999 originally. Comedy had evolved a LOT by that point and unlike the Goofy how to shorts, which are a format that is immortal and still evolved to match the times and felt fresh, these just feel stale and boring and like the last Pluto short I covered this one was a chore to sit through though not nearly AS bad. 
Still though the premise is about the same, Pluto’s left to his own devices, and finds a female dog, though in this case she’s VERY intrested in him. I”m also not entirley convinced she’s a dog, but instead one of Jumba’s experiments and that Lilo and Stitch later had to journey to.. wherever these shorts take place to fetch him. Or more likely the house of mouse. I mean Proud Family, Recess, American Dragon Jake Long and Kim Possible all take place int hat universe, why can’t house of mouse? Also tell me you wouldn’t watch an avengers style team consisting of Kim, Ron, Jake, Penny, Probably TJ, Lilo, Stitch and Donald Duck. If you wouldn’t i’d call you a liar because you would be. 
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Seriously the eyes give her away.... just look at them. Very experimenty. But before Pluto can do it like they do on the discovery channel he has to get past the guard dog.. though how he does produces the one great gag of the short, as he BUILDS A GIANT, TROJAN HORSE ESQUE PLUTO OUT OF JUNK. Just holy shit that’s awesome> It gets him inside, only for him to find his lady friend is a bit TOO affectionate and he has to escape, he does so, and MIckey wonders if he missed him etc lame button. This short was a vacuum of comedy outside of GIANT PLUTO. Seriously where’s my disney giant mecha series. YOu have five main characters, and Pluto among with MANY, MANY side characters, frmo scrooge to the boys to hopefully Della, to even possibly pete and mortimer who could have their own mech against the heroes but maybe join them in the last episode. Maybe max and pj could have some, have a father vs son thing with PJ and Pete. I”m just saying, i’d watch it. I know my nieces would watch it. I know my nephews would watch it. Greenlight it. Or i’ll make it.. somehow. 
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How to Ride a Bike: Speaking of the How To Shorts, as usual for the House of Mouse era ones.. this was awesome, pretty much what you’d expect, some goofy, pardon the pun, gags about goofy riding a bike and then a fun climax of him in a bike race. Not a ton to add, other than that hamster bike above is genius. Just needs some tweaking. Really funny, really simple, and really good as you’d expect from a good Goofy Short. Easily the best part of the episode. 
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Max’s Embarrassing Date: So this was a disapointment. Like i’d try to be nice.. but I had high hopes given this brought Roxanne back, and while the premise was stock maybe they’d do something funny with with it. 
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But no the plot is pretty standard, very predictable and fairly obnoxious. Max has a date with Roxanne, and is playing it cool and what not, but is worried his dad will find out.. which he somehow did offscreen. Probably Clarabelle.. I mean they do go out sometimes in this one, wouldn’t surprise me. 
So Max pleads with the rest of the HOM staff to keep him away because he fears his dad will overdo things, which.. is fair and one of the few things I like> He dosen’t want him to overdo it on the mood because this is well.. a first date. He dosen’t want to pressure her or himself and just wants it to be nice and calm. The problem is it’s framed like him once again being embarassed by his dad and having to learn better.
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At this point we’d had TWO movies do this already, one of which was only two years old at the time of this episode. This plot is stale as old toast even if it dind’t have goofy in it. And the twist is predictable: the HOM crew end up also overdoing it: Minnie comments on how cute they are and wants candles brought, Daisy gets them a bigger table forgetting how dates work,t hough we do get a great gag of hte 7 dwarves stacked, and Mickey while having .. some.. gopher? I honestly can’t tell who it was, usually i’m better at the cameos. Speaking of which they also have a runner of beast going on a date with Cruella Devile. 
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I mean is he cheating on his wife? Is she holding his wife hostage? Is this before belle because we see a post transfomratoin beast too so maybe the House of Mouse is an intersection of space and time? That’s.. actually the most resonable answer I can think of honestly and when i’m focusing more on how the hell your gag works than how funny it is, you clearly failed somewhere along the line. 
Point is Mickey puts his good friend in a pothole, and not only calls max little max, which while an understnadably close family thing to do is still embarassing, but also takes pictures while their eating the spagetthi.. which i’m 100% sure was Huey’s idea nad had Mickey not interrupted, would’ve been tied up down the middle for a lady and the tramp thing. It’s his signature move. Well that and having a panic attack. That’s also one of mine the others being lettterkenny refrences and sex jokes about disney characters.  But yeah this just.. dosen’t work. Them being as embarassing? that’d be fine.. if they weren’t wholly unsympathetic for not only keeping their friend from WELL INTEITONEDLY trying to help his son on his date, something his son shold have no problem with since ROXANNE’S MET HIM. AND IS FINE WITH HIM. AND NEVER CARED ABOUT YOU BEING HIS SON LIKE THE DICKHEADS AT SCHOOL. MINUS BOBBY WHO YOUR FRIENDS WITH FOR SOME REASON. My point is this plot bothers me a lot, and it makes the mickey crew come off like assholes for doing this to thier friend instead of just talking to him like a person. Especially since only ONE of them is a parent and Conviently donald is mostly absent. Likely because he realized this was going to end badly and just agreed to tie the spagetthi like huey taught him to keep his involvment in this shit show and gaslighting his best friend to a minimum. 
Eventually Mickey takes things a step too far and has Sebastian almost sing kiss the girl. Max cuts him off though yelling that he just wants them to back off, he just wants them to relax and he TOLD them this, which makes them come off worse as they KNEW he didn’t want this and did it anyway and never apologize becaue apparently the first rule of house of mouse is never apologize for anything, huh huh. Goofy naturally steps in, tells them off and agrees to serve them and Roxanne finds him entertaining and gives him a nose kiss for being a good dad. He’s a good guy that Goof.  Roxanne then whispers something in max’s ear at the end of the date... which gives him an audible erection. No really. And given his age is vauge here I’m suddenly super duper uncomfortable so let’s move on. 
So max tells them she liked it and wants to come back.. 100% sure that wasn’t what she said but what she said isn’t fit to print and you’ve seen what i’ve said and what I put in the we’ll be right back. Point is he’s happy, though Mickey says we’ll try to make it extra special next time. Mickey.. did you do a space mountain’s worth of pills and cokea nd just forget the entire evening? Did you take some of those hangover roofies/ Why would you do that? Was that pete’s new plan to steal the house of mouse? To drug you guys and make you forget you already paid the rent? Did PJ stop him? Inquiring me wants to know. 
Final Thoughts: Yeah this wasn’t a very good episode. Roxanne is wasted despite having a suitable replacment Roxanne voice in Grey Delise, with no real depth just to rehash the plot of the first and second goofy movies. And this one didn’t have an inexpilicable beatnik cafe, PJ getting laid and finally being happy for once, a standard college fraternity plot  surgeically infused with an out of nowhere obession with xtreme sports that was nowhere in the first film, Goofy in an afro, Goofy finding love, That disco sequence, and a climax in which Goofy carries Brad Garret out of a fire, then Brad Garret probably kills the villian of the film who certainly deserved it. My points are this episode was an underwhelming rehash only saved by some good shippy moments and a good goofy short. It was weak, not all that funny, and not all that intersting.  My other point is that an extremley goofy movie is awesome and also kinda insane and I love it for that. I’m glad I saw this one but i’m really disapointed in how bleh it was. Next time I visit the house of mouse is.. actually in a few days as Pete Does a One Man Show. So yeah already 100% better just by having THAT musical number in it, see you then and if not, there’s always another rainbow. 
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retvenkos · 3 years
There have been rumors that sab is going to include six of crows next season. Any thoughts?
whoo, do i have some thoughts™. 
i should preface by saying, though, that if you are excited, good for you! if you think it’s a concept™, it most certainly is, and if you don’t want to see hate for the idea, then do not read ahead. i have some things to say about the idea, and none are too positive.
let’s get into it...
lol, plenty of spoilers ahead. mostly for the six of crows duology.
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first of all, let’s hit it from an obvious, show running perspective.
six of crows is a lot™. there is so much happening in that book, and even more happening in crooked kingdom. not only are there new characters to add and explore, but there is new lore and new places that would all have to be hit. already, i felt like shadow and bone season one went fast. there was a lot to establish, and even more to expand upon, and i think there is so much to cover that trying to squeeze it all in would be a disservice to the characters and the world, which is the exact opposite of what the showrunners want, since they are lining up the grishaverse to be the new fantasy hit.
especially when the shadow and bone trilogy is adding in new places and characters, i don’t see the need for them to shoehorn in the six of crows duology. i’m sure there’s plenty for the crows to do, during these following two seasons. in fact, i’d even be fine if they wrote the crows out of the third season (which would ideally follow ruin and rising) entirely and maybe threw in a cameo at the end to get viewers excited for a six of crows show.
basically, there’s so much to cover, and shadow and bone already hit the ground running. i think that adding in the six of crows story arc would be too much of a time crunch, on the runtime of the show.
✧ *:・゚
secondly, i’m ranting about a couple of characters, and how they are not six of crows duology ready.
the easiest one to talk about is kaz brekker, because book!kaz is dirtyhands kaz. our first introduction to kaz in the boks is him telling an opposing gang member that he can’t kill kaz, because if he does, his girlfriend will burn in a fire, and no matter how fast he runs, he won’t get there in time. kaz is like... “do you smell that? i think it’s her hair burning.”
and this is a more mild transgression of dirtyhands kaz. in the same book, kaz pulls a man’s eye out, he swallows lock picks, and he plans and executes the greatest heist of all time.
compare this to kaz in the show. kaz in the show is just a mean, angry boy in comparison. and this isn’t me hating on freddie carter - he did an amazing job. and this isn’t me hating on the writers either. i understand why they did that.
decidedly, there is a lot™ happening in shadow and bone season one. you don’t really get a lot of time with any one character, and if you do, it’s the shadow and bone characters. the showrunners knew they had to make kaz a likeable character to people coming into the series blind, and kaz brekker is a pretty hard character to like when you don’t get his backstory or even the slightest hint of it. part of what the six of crows books had going for it was the changing point of views, and inej’s trust and feelings for kaz. inej narrates a lot of stuff, and she does it in a more sympathetic way, making us give kaz the benefit of the doubt - especially since inej is such an upstanding character. you get a little bit of that is the netflix show, but you can’t get a lot of it because (1) time constraints, and (2) inej and kaz are actually at odds for a lot of the show - especially the opening bit. literally, their first interaction is a fight.
so, to get newer fans invested in this emo teen, they made him less dirtyhands. this is also fine because these events happen before the six of crows duology.
if we start the six of crows arc in season two, however, there is too much growth for kaz to do in between seasons. we need to see some of that on screen. especially since his plans were a bust, and the most dirtyhands thing he did was with the inferni, and he wasn’t the one to kill the inferni - inej was. (and i love that scene like the rest of you, but there could have been other ways to get inej to save kaz while letting kaz show some more of that ruthlessness.)
and that’s just kaz. admittedly, he’s an easy character to pick apart, but we have to talk about a few more.
nina zenik? yeah, let’s talk about her. the six of crows nina we knows has a lot of guilt over what she did to matthias - even if a lot of it is repressed. she has a slew of complex emotions over matthias, and it’s all been fermenting inside of her for a year. point is, in the show nina still thinks what she did was right, and she hasn’t had time to question that inside of herself. sure, in the books she still posits that what she did was justified, but there’s a bit of uncertainty there, caused by the acidity of guilt. i want to see that war inside of nina. it makes their love story all the more compelling.
and while we’re talking about helnik, let’s just cover matthias helvar real quick, because, personally, his character needs that time spent in hellgate, now more than ever.
i’ve already mentioned my beef with aging up matthias is a few other posts, but why don’t i reprise it?
matthias is an incredibly complex character, and part of what makes his change earnest is two things - the struggle he continues to feel throughout the duology, and his age. now stick with me.
part of matthias’ struggle is that he is still that little boy whose family were killed by grisha. in the books, matthias is only 18. that seems mature, but by all accounts, it most definitely isn’t. he doesn’t know anything about the world. he has been training to be a religious soldier, where he was heavily indoctrinated. what has matthias truly seen of the world? likely, very little.
furthermore, because he’s only 18, how many expeditions has he been on? sure, matthias has seen grisha tried for their “crimes” and he has been training against grisha since he was a boy, but do you think they’re putting eleven year old matthias out there, against full grown grisha? my bet is he only started truly hunting grisha when he was 14.
when he meets nina, he hasn’t been hunting grisha long, and he’s young enough to where we could truly see how him being smitten with nina could impact his thoughts.
matthias in the show is played by a man who is 27. no hate, this isn’t ageism, but if he’s been hunting grisha since he was 14, he’s been hunting grisha for 12 years. he has gone out on numerous expeditions. hell, in the show they give matthias a large amount of credit for capturing nina. it is sO much harder for you to buy the “nina is a beautiful grisha and has changed my life” storyline when he’s 27, almost 30. furthermore, this matthias has seen way more grisha trials. the concept that he doesn’t know that grisha aren’t given a fair trial is just absurd, at this point. furthermore, you add on the fact that he’s been indoctrinated longer, and it makes his story all the more difficult to grapple with.
on the one hand, i understand that they aged everyone up (which i was happy about, for the majority of characters. kaz, i am once again looking at you). on the other hand, it puts a huge strain on matthias’ character, and if they were to try to juggle the six of crows plot with the shadow and bone plot, so much nuance would be lost and the majority of new fans would not understand people liking matthias. you would risk alienating his character (and nina’s, by effect) and that is not what either character (or actor!) deserves.
they’ve already made it so hard for us to buy the “nina changes matthias” storyline - even though they’ve made him a tad sweeter and more likeable - and if they try to fast track it, it’s going to fall through.
i think matthias needs his time in hellgate for some soul searching and some struggle. with matthias, the only way out is through, and we need to have time for that to happen.
inej and jesper are a little less difficult to juggle since they’re are done pretty well, but i don’t want to see their complexity and nuance fall through (especially jesper’s) because the show is doing too many things at once.
basically, the crows are currently in their fledgling state, and if they were to be thrown into the six of crows storyline, it would not be nearly as fulfilling.
✧ *:・゚
finally, i just want to say that the overall genre and theme of six of crows and shadow and bone are completely different. i feel like there would be far too much dissonance in the show. you could already feel it in season one, but because alina fears being kidnapped and then she goes on the run, it works. six of crows, though, is a completely different show and i think it would be odd to shift from ~life aboard sturmhond’s ship~ to ~breaking and entering in the ice court~.
✧ *:・゚
anyway, those are my thoughts, anon. surely you didn’t ask for this, but you received it, anyway.
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lunnanunna · 4 years
Scars to Your Beautiful
STRAY KIDS Extra Member AU
Summary: Ollie shows the boys her new song.
Warnings: swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​ @giant-puppy-yunho​ @kimonmars​ @soobinssmile​
A/N: For the sake of my story, Ollie produced Blueprint, along with Can You See My Heart from Hotel Del Luna and Scars to Your Beautiful. Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open! Please let me know what you think.
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Ollie sat down in between Jeongin and Jisung on the floor. The rest of the members were spread out on the floor or the couch. They had the day off and had planned to spend the day doing their own thing, but to all come back to the dorm for dinner and to watch Ollie’s new song.
The dancer had been working on a song the last few weeks, and asked both Chan and JYP if she could upload the song with a video to SKZ-PLAYER. JYP thought it was a good idea, a nice way to let Stays know that Ollie was doing okay after all that had happened.
To say that Ollie was excited was an understatement. Not only had she gotten the okay from both her doctor and JYP to participate in their upcoming comeback, but she was going to be able to show Stays one of her songs.
“Nervous?” Chan asked, chuckling. He was looking at the older, watching as she nervously tapped her knee.
Ollie looked up at him, and grinned, nodding vigorously. “So very nervous. What if Stays don’t like it?” she asked, shifting her gaze to the TV where Youtube was set up to play her video once it was uploaded.
“And why wouldn’t Stays like it, hm?” Jisung asked, leaning his back against the couch, arms folding over his chest.
Ollie shrugged. “I dunno. ‘Cause it won’t be good?” Ollie tried. She knew that there could be a million reasons for Stays not to like the song or the video. She worked hard on it and like any rational person who created anything, she was nervous for the reaction.
“You are aware that Stays have heard your other songs, and they love them, right?” Seungmin said, quirking a brow.
“Yeah, they loved Blueprint,” Jeongin said, taking Ollie’s hand into his. She looked at their hands then looked up at him and smiled sheepishly.
Ollie was even more nervous for that song. It was the first song that she’d made on her own that Chan had added on an album. Of course she had helped co-write or produce with 3Racha before, but that was her first song. Her song. And while she had written many in the past, that was the first one she had ever showcased as a member of Stray Kids.
“Let’s not forget that Ollie had also produced and sang Can You See My Heart,” Chan said, nodding. Ollie flushed at the mention of the song that she had made for Hotel Del Luna. She still couldn’t get over the fact that she was asked to not just sing an OST, but to also compose her own.
“You’re so right,” Minho agreed. “See Noona? It’s not like you’re new to this,” Minho ruffled her hair.
“This isn’t your first rodeo,” Felix added, smirking when Ollie caught his eye. She shook her head chuckling.
“I guess you’re right, but I still have the right to be nervous. Don’t tell me that you guys don't get nervous when you show Stays a new song.” Ollie turned to the members of 3Racha.
Chan smiled and Jisung nodded his head as Changbin said, “Of course we do. We’d be crazy not to.”
“See? Same thing,” Ollie grinned, pointing to them then to her.
“Point taken,” Jisung said, giving a curt nod. Ollie laughed.
“But if you really think about it, Stays have already heard two minutes of it,” Seungmin said, smirking when Ollie groaned.
“Don’t remind me,” Ollie dropped her face into her hands. Seungmin was referring to her last solo V Live, where she had accidentally played a bit of her song.
“I still can’t believe you did that,” Jisung laughed.
“And the reaction afterwards made the whole thing so much better,” Changbin added, snickering.
“I hate you both,” Ollie glared at the pair. They didn’t seem fazed, as they continued to laugh and reenact the last few seconds of her live.
“Have you seen the video yet?” Hyunjin asked Ollie, changing the subject.
She shook her head. “Not yet. I’ll be seeing it for the first time with you guys,” Ollie answered.
The music video was filmed in two nights. It was a simple video really. Ollie had mostly wanted the video to capture the Seoul nightlife, and the director said that he could easily do that. Ollie had even asked Parker to make a cameo in her video. The Aussie jumped on the offer so quickly, that Ollie couldn’t stop laughing at her excitement.
“Well, less than a minute left. Ready, Noona?” the maknae asked, squeezing her hand that was still in his.
Ollie took a big breath, then nodded her head. She watched as Chan refreshed the page and her video appeared.
“Here we go,” Chan said, then he pressed play. Her song Scars to Your Beautiful began to play.
The video started with Ollie stepping off an elevator and finding Parker waiting for her on the other side. Then the two began their night adventure in Seoul. Going to arcades, cafes, convenience stores. They walked along the Han River just messing around and down quiet streets.
The video had such a simple and chill vibe, and Ollie smiled at how the director was able to perfectly portray her feelings with the cinematography. All of it fitting well with the lyrics to her song– which was fully in English, but luckily the staff had added in Korean subtitles – and just tying together the theme of just living life as who one is. Ollie really hoped that the message of her song would come across to anyone who heard it. She hoped that Stays would be able to love themselves.
As the song came to an end, the screen still rolled. Ollie and Parker were walking down an empty road, linked at the elbows. The words ‘Never change who you are’ rolling in, then the screen went black.
A soft smile rested on Ollie’s lips as she took in everything. It came out so much better than she had expected it to. She needed to thank the staff for doing such a great job.
“Noona?” Ollie turned to Jeongin who was looking at her. “That was so good,” he said in awe.
Ollie's tiny smile grew. “Yeah?” she asked, biting her lip as she grinned wide.
“Olls, that was beautiful. The music, the lyrics, the whole video, I’m so proud,” Chan said with a found smile. A flush appeared on the girl’s cheeks as she looked away.
“Thank you. That means a lot, actually,” Ollie said, slowly turning back to look at the leader, smiling.
“I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but God damn, Noona,” Minho nodded in approval. Ollie laughed, turning to look at him.
“So good. Good job, Ollie,” Hyunjin smiled at her.
“Thanks, guys. Really,” Ollie grinned. She brought her knees to her chest and hid her face behind them. She heard a few of the boys chuckle.
“Stays really love it too,” Seungmin said. Ollie looked up to see the younger scrolling through his phone. He read a few comments out loud, all of them praising Ollie for the music, the lyrics, the message. Just hearing all this had Ollie feeling all warm inside.
“Told you Stays would like it,” Jisung said, smugly raising a brow at her.
She rolled her eyes then gently pushed him with her foot. “Shut up.”
“Can we watch it again?” Jeongin asked, though he was already reaching for the play button.
“I second that,” Felix added, turning to look back at the TV as the video began again.
Ollie took a quick glance at Chan who smiled at her, holding a thumbs up. Ollie beamed from her seat on the ground. She was so glad that she had done this.
Ollie’s Masterlist
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thatgamefromthatad · 3 years
Seen these ads? (Bricks Ball Crusher Review)
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This is a brick breaker game similar to what’s seen in the ads, except without a lot of the features and characters seen in the ads.
The rooms filling with water do not exist, these characters (Dipper from Gravity Falls, Morty from Rick and Morty and Patrick from Spongebob) are not in the game, the game is in 2D (not 3D as shown in the ad with Patrick) and there are no circular levels, unlike what’s shown in the ad with Morty.
There are a few familiar characters/instances of stolen intellectual property in the game but not the ones shown in the ads. As for the soap cutting/stim ads, those don’t have anything to do with the game but I think they’re meant to represent the satisfying feeling of watching the balls bounce around in the game or something.
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Read my full review below:
🧱 Is the game still fun? Eh, it’s alright, it’s not a terrible game and it is pretty satisfying watching the balls bounce around, although they sometimes end up getting stuck and just bouncing back and forth infinitely. Fortunately there’s a button to pull the ball back to the bottom so it’s not really that much of a problem.
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This is what I would call a “train and toilet game” - it’s decent time killer for a commute or while on the toilet but not something you would really get invested in, plus you can’t really play it for long stretches of time because you’ll either run out of lives and have to wait for them to recharge, or you’ll run out of patience with all the ads this game throws at you.
There is a lot to do other than the main levels, as there are lots of event levels with more challenging designs and different types of bricks and obstacles that add more variety to the game, but at the end of the day it’s still the same simple mechanic of shooting a stream of balls at an arrangement of bricks. The best parts of the game are probably the custom levels that people make and the special challenge levels. The custom levels especially include more of the creative pixel art that you would hope to see from the ads, although personally my favorite part of the game is the gravity challenge stage.
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☄️ Is this a free game or a “free” game? I would consider it an actual free game although it definitely toes the line. It throws a lot of ads at you and a lot of pop ups asking you to pay for this or that pack or subscription. There are unavoidable (but skippable) ads that pop up between levels and then it also asks you to watch ads (or spend premium currency) to do things like spin the daily slot machine thing or open up a gift to get a power up. The gift thing is especially annoying because it makes it seem like you won the gift (by hitting it with a ball during the level) but then you have to pay in either money or time to actually get what’s inside. It made me actually avoid the gifts when I saw them in the levels.
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However I would still consider this a free game based on the fact that you can technically do everything without paying if you’re patient enough. There are no paywalled levels or anything. One thing that’s really hard to get without paying is one of those custom balls shaped like characters but even those you can technically earn by winning diamonds from special levels or by watching more ads.
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💣 Features
Main brick breaker levels (the bricks move down a row after every turn and you lose if they reach the bottom, you win if you clear all the bricks)
Event levels (same concept but may include more bricks with special properties, such as bricks that multiply or move around the board between turns, and also may include special rewards for progressing far enough through the event)
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Challenge levels (special levels with different rules or mechanics, such as “clean” where you have to try to clear the board in one turn, or “infinity” where more bricks are constantly added until you lose)
Custom levels (levels made by other players, and you can also make your own levels although you have to progress through a certain amount of main levels to unlock more elements you can use)
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Quests and achievements (you get rewards like diamonds and power ups when get a high enough score on certain levels and stuff)
Prop balls (you can change the appearance of the balls to look like Pokeballs or basketballs or Santa Claus or whatever but this costs premium currency)
⚖️ Ad Honesty Rating: 2/5 (although you get the basic gist of the game from the ads, the popular character cameos and non-existent game elements make the ads very deceptive. The designs of the balls and bricks in the ads aren’t even exactly the same as they are in the game)
⭐️ Overall Rating: 3/5 (make it a 2/5 if you have a low tolerance for ads and greed. It’s a decent time-killer, but nothing to write home about, and comes off very money grubbing with the many ways it tries to squeeze revenue out of you)
▶️ Ad Example:
▶️ Gameplay Example:
Follow me for more reviews of those free mobile games you’re always getting ads for! Thanks for reading! 🥳
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kabura-maru · 4 years
It’s not my place to dictate how kny should have or should have not ended, though I can’t help but be a bit dissatisfied with all the deaths. Despite this, I can’t thank Koyoharu Gotouge enough for giving us this wonderful series full of wonderful characters!
So uh... did a lil end rewrite to let my faves be happy— tho this also includes ocs hahaha sorry for those of you who don’t necessarily care for oc works, I might write an alternative end like this again without them...
((Kaise is my bby along with Hotaru and Makoto; Hiromi and Hanae belong to @fifteenskies15 ; Hinami belongs to @brinthie ; and of course a lil @seiiblue cameo))
Happily Ever After || kny alternate ending (canons x ocs)
Bleary eyes blinked open, taking a moment to adjust to the light. Muffled voices greeted the girl’s ears as she tried to sit up, but steady hands gently pushed her back to the ground. She recognized the uniforms of the people hovering over her now. Kakushi.
Does that mean the fight is over...?
The girl went to speak, but her throat felt too dry and her lungs heaved in pain.
Without having to ask, or really being able to, a voice answered all her burning questions.
“Muzan is dead. We won, Akashi-sama. We won.”
The words were surreal to her. They had really done it.
Kaise stayed on the ground upon the kakushi’s stern commands. They were tending to her various wounds, covering the frail girl in layers and layers of bandages. She squeezed her eyes closed and hissed with pain every time cold ointment met her open wounds. The girl also grasped firmly at the ground, closing tight fists around grass and dirt. That’s when she noticed her legs felt completely numb.
“My...” she rasped before coughing, the Kakushi tending to her looked worried “my.. legs..”
“You still have them! Don’t worry! Just some wounds, the numbness will pass.” A different kakushi than before assured her “now please, lie still.”
The girl once more complied. Worry still gnawed at her, though.
“Kaise..? Kaise..!” A familiar voice called out around the field, his voice laced with much more emotion (concern) than usual
“Giyuu?!” Kaise called back, sitting up despite her body’s painful protests and the Kakushi’s orders
Worried blue eyes met her teary turquoise ones. The man was bandaged up as well, but his right arm...
The man ran to her, quickly but gently pushing her back down to relax and continue to be tended to. She used his thighs as a pillow and her cradled her close with his left arm. Tears spilled from them both, no no one could discern if they were from joy or sadness.
After a moment, the kakushi dispersed. One left with a quick “tomioka-sama, we leave her in your care.” And thus, they were alone.
Giyuu had dutifully wiped Kaise’s tears away as they fell, whispering words of comfort she couldn’t quite hear over her sobs.
Raising a shaky arm, Kaise wanted to cup his cheek and wipe away his tears too. Giyuu understood her motions, quickly leaning into her touch. He closes his eyes gently, reveling in the warmth her hand provided.
“Kaise..” his gruff voice mumbled
Kaise wanted to reply, but all that she could muster was a small “mm?” Through tears.
“Let’s get married.”
Sanemi was already heavily bandaged and drifting in and out of conciousness by the time Hiromi had got to him. The Kakushi trying to fix up her clearly broken leg was quite annoyed at her insistence, but Hiromi’s stubbornness always won.
“Sanemi!” She croaked, attempting to crawl even closer to her lover
The man didn’t reply, but the telltale twitch of his remaining fingers seemed to put the girl at ease. She reached out far enough to intertwine her fingers into his bandaged ones.
The man groaned lightly as more pressure was placed on his chest. He wheezed, eyes opening from the sudden shock of pain.
He was so close. So so so close to being with his younger siblings again. So close.
But then the grip on his hand stopped all his racing thoughts. He squeezed back lightly.
“I’m not going anywhere.” He said, almost more to himself than to her
“You better not.”
Hinami felt absolutely exhausted when it was all over. She managed to stagger into the last few minutes of the fight against Muzan. She was in virtually no shape to keep fighting, but did so anyways.
Before she knew it, the world went dark and her whole body went numb.
Eyes opened, but it was still dark. A single figure stood in the vast expanse of black. He brought light as he walked towards her, his features seeming clearer with every step.
Recognition flashed in her magenta eyes. “Mui-kun?”
The boy only shook his head. “No, sorry.”
Confusion was evident in her expression, brows even knit together thoughtfully. Quickly, she pieced it together.
“You’re Yuichirou.”
The corners of his mouth barely upturned into a vague smile as he nodded slightly. He was Mui’s spitting image, albeit seeming both younger and smaller.
“So... I’m dead.”
“Not quite yet. I’m here to keep you out. I pushed my stupid younger brother out, but I can’t rest easy knowing how close he was to slipping through here.”
Hinami’s breath hitched. “Mui died?!”
“Technically,” he huffed, clearly annoyed “but I wasn’t going to let him stay dead... and not you either.
Confusion hit her like a wave once more. Why would he so adamant on her staying alive? The Muzan battle was over. It really wasn’t a bad way to go.
“Stop thinking like that.” Yuichiro grumbled “I know you’re thinking something pessimistic; do you know how many times I wanted to slap that look off my brother’s face?!”
Silence met his words, but he didn’t hesitate to keep talking.
“You care about him, don’t you? I need someone I can trust to keep him from trying to die again.”
So that’s why.
“But I—“
“No buts! Hinami Kimiko, consider yourself kicked out of the afterlife, at least for now.” He seemed mad, but the soft look in his eyes told a completely different story “please, show him how to be happy.”
And Hinami’s eyes flew open again, this time greeted by the light of the sun crawling across the sky. The only thing was, she couldn’t see it.
Makoto and Hotaru were fidgety and uneasy, eventually rushing into the battlefield too. They didn’t feel right standing idly by as so many people risked their lives. They weren’t particularly fighters, but they could damn well try their best to be useful.
The two had stumbled into the tail end of the fight against upper moon one; they were horrified by the injuries they saw, but quickly set to work.
Hotaru was especially worried for Genya. It wasn’t long ago that they had become an official thing, after all. She wanted to stay by him, but Makoto pulled her away. She would be less distracted letting him patch her lover up and thus she took charge of seeing to the youngest pillar.
Sanemi was also, without a doubt, quite worried. Makoto shooed him away as well, insistant he keep fighting.
Hotaru made quick work of evaluating the wounds of the small boy. It looked bad... but she felt a sudden rush of confidence. She decided he was much to young to die. She wouldn’t let him.
Makoto wasn’t keen on letting Genya die either. Despite his overprotective nature towards Hotaru, he had to admit he liked Genya. No one made his sister smile quite like him.
It had now been five years since that fated day. Sunrises had never been as beautiful as the one that marked the end of demons, but the survivors of the battle didn’t seem to mind.
Obanai and Mitsuri were the first to marry. It was a beautiful ceremony and the two former hashira really couldn’t be happier. Later, they had two sons; though, even now, they’re thinking of having more. Hopefully a daughter this time.
Tanjirou and Inosuke didn’t take long after that to announce that they were a thing, though it was more than a little obvious. Zenitsu then tried to one-up them and boast about being with Nezuko, but that was most definitely obvious.
Kyojuro was next to throw a big ceremony. After he had sustained his injuries from the fight with Akaza, he took a lot of time to himself to recover. He had his now wife, Sei, by his side the whole time. She supported him unconditionally, and he couldn’t help but fall for her. They had a baby girl now, but we’re definitely planning on having more kids in the future.
Sanemi couldn’t stand being shown up by his fellow ex-hashira, so he proposed next. If he didn’t, Hiromi certainly would’ve. They had their two children, a son and daughter, in quick succession; this came as no surprise to anyone.
The wedding of Kaise and Giyuu was the most recent. Definitely not the last to come, though. It was a less frivolous reception than their comrades had, but still awe-inspiring. They took their relationship a bit slower than most, but no one seemed to mind. Kaise was now pregnant with her second child, her first only being about 10 months old.
Despite their lack of ever confirming where their relationship was, everyone knew Hinami and Muichirou were together. Hina had made a promise, after all. The two were happy. One could even say they were more than happy. They had to deal with their own recoveries, but truthfully it was having each other that kept them going. Mui and Hina made each other whole after feeling broken for so long.
Genya took a bit longer to propose, but finally did so with encouragement from his brother. He and his fiancée Hotaru were happily planning their future together, even discussing the idea of having kids! Though, Genya often became too flustered to ever finish any of those talks.
Makoto was also engaged now, to Hiromi’s younger sister Hanae no less. The two were a cute pair, and they definitely made each other happy.
They were all happy.
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teacup-crow · 4 years
Next Friday
*this is a repost because Tumblr broke on me earlier!  I was ill for two days and could only really lie in bed and wrote this. Set after S5M15, based more around M17, warnings for requisite Season 5 sadness, effects of hunger and Australian levels of swearing.
Summary: Nadia, Owen and Veronica plan next week’s movie night.
Owen is an idiot, Veronica has always thought. But lately, he’s their idiot. Popping up in the lab asking her opinions on irrigation techniques - not her area, of course, but the science behind some of it is fascinating. Appearing during Friday movie nights with Nadia, which had always been their thing, but still respecting that. Appreciating whatever they chose. Never pushing things too far. He’s really good at cooking, too, eking out the most flavour possible from their smaller and smaller ration packs - and always making sure they eat before he does. Maybe there isn’t too much going on upstairs, but he’s nice. He doesn’t judge her, or set her off, or sit too close, or try and make eye contact like Ian does. 
“Only liars don’t look people in the eye, Veronica,” Ian had hissed earlier that afternoon. He’d asked some inane question about Sigrid’s taste in wine, and she’d tried to brush him off but he was having none of it. “I know you’re the Minister’s precious little poppet, but I don’t trust you. Nobody likes creepy children who hover around where they’re not wanted. You and your nasty, sneaky girl guide friends… although they don’t really like you either, do they? Not really one for friends your own age, are you?”
She’d stared right ahead, still avoiding his face. “I need to get on with my work, Ian. Haven’t you got things to be doing for Sigrid too?”
He got a tad frostier. “Watch your tone. It’s the Minister to you. And she isn’t here right now, sweetheart, is she?”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Say one more thing to me in that tone of voice, Miss McShell, one more thing, and you won’t see your Nadia for a very, very long time.”
The beaker in Veronica’s hand cracked around the base as she squeezed it. What tone? She’d tried to be polite. She could feel his stinking breath on her neck, knew his flat grey eyes would be right there if she looked at them, full of blazing jealousy and spite. And he wouldn’t, couldn’t follow through on that threat, could he? She was here of her own volition.
“Hey, Ronnie! And - oh, hello, I- Commander. We were just going to lunch?” Owen hurried into the lab, his voice bright and giving nothing away, but Veronica noticed from years of analysing it that his posture was stiff for a trained Runner. Beaten, perhaps, or anxious? Ian sneered a little at the sight of him, but backed off, probably appeased by the honorific, and she let Runner Six take her by the hand and pull her away. He’d sat her between himself and Runner Thirteen, and tried to get them engaged in a silly story about the time a koala attempted to steal his mum’s van. She’d ended up explaining to them the high rates of chlamydia among koalas, getting a bit confused when Cameo and Owen found the facts so funny. And the day passed safely - at least until he made a run for it.
The sweat is pouring off Owen’s face now as she attempts to dig the bullet out of his leg, swearing profusely even for an Australian. “Jesus FUCK!”
“I’ve not done this before! I'm trying my best.”
“Fucking Ian, the mangy bastard cu-”
Nadia clamps her hands over Veronica’s ears as if she’s never heard the word before. “Please, just keep it down before someone tips him off!”
Ian hadn’t seen the need to let a ‘traitorous, stupid boy’ use ‘limited medical resources’. Owen is supposed to be back on punishment detail, 5am sharp, or face the consequences. The only thing keeping him from the box is the fact that Cameo is already occupying it. So here they are in the lab, after hours, with a sixteen year old girl trying to stop him bleeding out with very little time, experience or painkillers. 
“Ya know, I’ve been through a fair amount of utter bollocking bollocks this apocalypse but really-“
“Runner Six, will you shut it!” And then, closer to his ear, out of Veronica’s earshot: “Did it work?”
He gives the slightest of nods. She smiles, broad and genuine, though her face is thin. They’re all getting a little more haggard, day by day. Veronica glances at the two of them, lovingly gazing at each other, and resolves that she’ll find some clever way to bring their lack of food up to the Minister. Sigrid is a smart woman; if she had any inkling that her top scientist keeps finding hair on her pillow each morning, that her fingernails are brittle, that three people collapsed in the fields last week, that for the first time since meeting Nadia she can count each and every rib, she’d surely do something to curb Ian’s ridiculous power trip.
She yanks at the bullet. Owen screams blue murder. Nadia shoves a balled up tea towel into his mouth, and deadpans: “So much for movie night.”
“I wasn’t really looking forward to The Green Mile,” Veronica admits. “I don’t know what you have against Planet Earth.”
“The fact that I have seen the same episode of the same documentary a thousand times in the last three years may play a part, Ronnie.”
“...only thirty-three.”
“I pick the movie every other week. Because of many changes in circumstance, we’ve only had a hundred and nine movie nights. I pick Planet Earth approximately sixty percent of the time. We’ve seen it thirty-three times in the last two and a half years.”
Nadia sighs, and removes the cloth from Owen’s mouth. “You holding up?”
“I’m sorry for ruining your plans, ladies. Next time I try to escape from budget bloody Percy Wetmore, I promise not to do it on a Friday,” Owen pants, but the pain seems to be receding. “Ya know, if I had a nickel for every time I got shot in this calf, I’d have two nickels.”
“Which isn’t a lot, but insane that it happened twice, right?” Nadia responds with a short laugh. 
“Did you both spend all your time watching children’s shows pre-apocalypse?”
“Hey, I was a kid pre-apocalypse! She has no excuse.”
“Um, ATC work was stressful and I make no excuses for how I enjoyed my free time.”
“But if you’re twenty-four now, you were eighteen on Z-day, Owen,” Veronica points out.
“Eighteen year olds are still kids, Ronnie.” His voice is suddenly quite tired. He squeezes Nadia’s hand as Veronica pulls the first stitch, hissing between his teeth a little.
She juts out her chin. “I’m younger than that and I’m not a child.”
Neither of them dispute that, though she still cuts a tiny figure in a too-large lab coat, sleeves rolled up three times to make it fit.
“How do you know it’s from a children’s show, anyway, Miss-never-watched-Disney-Channel?”
“...I don’t have to answer that if I’m not comfortable.”
Nadia shoots her an expressing your boundaries thumbs-up. She feels the worry in her chest loosen a little. Everything will be fine. She’ll get Owen’s leg stitched, and today’s drama will force Sigrid’s hand. The Minister will come to Abel and fix things, and she can get back to working on the cure, and Owen and Nadia will be safe and look after each other.
“I’m going to head back to my bunk, I think,” Nadia says, a tinge of fear in her voice as she glances through the darkening window. “Better not to be missed too long, and I should check on Cameo. She… she distracted Ian from you for a bit. It didn’t look pretty.”
“We’ll be all right, Naddi, you go on,” Owen squeezes her hand one last time, and lies back on the lab table. Veronica nods, absorbed in her task. They hear her wheels clatter down the ramp and fade across the square, quiet as footsteps.
“So, you like Planet Earth a lot?”
“I used to watch it with Dad.”
“Oh. Makes sense. My mum’s a big Tom Hanks fan. I’ve probably seen every movie he’s been in… well, about thirty-three times as well.”
“You know there’s a video of Castaway in the rec room, right?”
“I brought it back, actually. Years ago, now. But I don’t know if I can watch it, yeah? I’m scared it might make me think about her too much.”
“Owen,” Veronica finishes the stitches, and starts to clean up some of the blood. She’s watched Kefilwe do this dozens of times. Antiseptic. Dabbing rather than smearing. Keep the patient’s mind off the sting. “Do you remember what your mum looks like?”
The silence that follows makes her wonder if this is a faux pas. He eventually responds: “No, not quite.”
“No, me neither. I have a photo, but I can’t picture them as actual living people. Memories are really interesting that way, actually. We’re not as visual as-“
“Ronnie. Can we talk about something else?”
“Okay.” She racks her brains for small talk. “Do you… like it here at Abel?”
“What, now?” He snorts. “With that pinstripe suit cu-”
Veronica clamps her hands over her own ears, knowing Nadia wouldn’t want her to hear it. He smiles, and raises his hands in apology.
“No, not now. Before.”
“It was all right. Home. Safe. You knew Janine was looking out for ya. There was always enough food to go round.”
“But did you feel like you fit in?” she presses.
“...can’t say I did.”
“Me neither,” she says, a little relieved.
“Runners are quite a superstitious bunch. And I’m unlucky.”
Her brow scrunches in confusion. “Bad luck isn’t a very scientific reason to dislike someone.”
“Can you tell that to getting tied to train tracks, set on fire and repeatedly shot at?”
“Actually, Dad was working on a statistical model of danger to Runners in his spare time. I found it a while ago, me and Nadia were repurposing it to make missions safer. When I include Five in the sample, you actually fall under the average for number of dangerous situations encountered.”
“Uh, I think Five is an outlier.”
“You’re probably right.” She wraps the wound in bandages, and tucks them in. “Done!”
“I owe you one, Ronnie.”
“Just… stay safe. Both of you. I haven’t got time to worry about you two as well as curing the zombie plague.”
“You’re only a… you shouldn’t be worried about us at all, squirt.”
She shrugs. “It’s not my fault you do worrying things. If he puts you in a cell and you can’t change the dressings frequently just do your best to keep it clean.”
“Will do!” He swings off the table, avoiding putting weight on his leg as much as possible. “Whatever he does, I’ll try to make next Friday, all right?”
She nods. Next Friday, she’ll pick out Castaway, and they’ll watch it together, and maybe movie night can be Owen’s thing too.
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inmynoggin · 5 years
Okay, okay, it’s been approximately 36 minutes since I finished IT and I’m a little bit rattled. I’m not sure if this will make any sense and I have a lot to say but this means too much to me to just let even the tiniest of details slip away. So:
If it’s not already clear, IT holds a very special place in my heart and it is undoubtedly my favourite book. That’s why this movie and everything it covered is pretty crucial to my peace of mind. The first movie, IT (2017), was great. Yeah there was little inaccuracies but hey, creative license and all. Can’t complain. But in the same breath, chapter 1 was able to avoid many of the hardest elements to tackle. For example, the Paul Bunyan scene, Mike Hanlon’s parents’ deaths, the werewolf scene and more. It may seem like I’m nitpicking but I’m just trying to be analytical and fair. 
Thus, we come to what this rant really is about: chapter 2. 
The short verdict is that I was intensely pleased with it and that I am grateful that it wasn't tarnished as a whole. However... key words AS A WHOLE. That means that yes, although I liked it a lot (hell, maybe even loved it!), there were a few things I need to get off my chest. 
Firstly, I totally understand that IT is an extremely long book packed full of content so I sympathise with the filmmaker having to cut and paste some aspects. Fine! A good example of this is by cutting Stan’s birdwatching hobby or Bill’s wife subplot clean out of the picture. They were not essential and they just would’ve taken up more time. That's okay. What I cannot accept, however, is when they try to half-bake a plot point. I found that they did this with the Beep Beep Richie moments. The phrase Beep Beep Richie is important in the book and is an ongoing joke between us Losers, but in the movie it felt as if they had tried to squeeze it in once in a while just to tick the box but by then it just wasn't enough. Again, irksome but not a dealbreaker as far as my opinion is concerned. 
Another thing. I was just as sad as the next guy when Stan killed himself but to be frank with you, it made me mad. Stanley Uris did a cowardly thing that day and although I don't believe that his suicide makes him any less of a Loser (capital L), it most certainly doesn't make him some type of martyr like how the film suggests with the note at the end. I know the film industry loves a happy ending, and for a second I thought that Eddie wasn't going to meet his inevitable demise because of this, but I think that IT isn’t that clean-cut. Just because they defeated Pennywise doesn’t mean that what Stan did wasn’t selfish and frustrating, because it was. It was heartbreaking that he didn't feel secure in the Losers’ power and maybe understandably so but still, they needed him. It doesn’t matter that much, it’s just that I wish there was more sorrow surrounding Stan's death rather than honour. 
Now on to the last and by far the most frustrating part of the entire movie. Like I said time and again, I loved this film and nothing can change that, and although I totally understand creative license for a director, some things just shouldn't be done. This went against that. I have to be careful when I’m phrasing this next paragraph because what I’m saying could very easily be misconstrued. I love Richie Tozier. I love Eddie Kaspbrak. I love their relationship. Some fans out there like to imagine that maybe there was something a little more than just a friendship between the two of them and that’s totally fine! That’s healthy fan interpretation! Now what I will not stand for is the filmmaker blatantly going against the text to please the viewers. The whole plot point of Richie being gay and in love with Eddie was just too blatantly inaccurate. I think that it was clumsily incorporated and I personally felt disappointed as a fan of the novel. I would’ve preferred if they had alluded to their relationship as it would’ve kept both their shippers and the book fans who want accuracy happy. It’s not the issue itself, more the way they executed it. There was no hint of such feelings in the first movie either, so, again, it was another half-baked plot point. It was trying just a little too hard to give the fans what they want and it’s blatancy was just totally inaccurate. 
Although it may sound like I'm tearing it to shreds, those all mean little to me in the grand scheme of things. The most important thing is that it was executed well and I was able to happily and rightfully say goodbye to this interpretation of the Losers Club. I loved the casting and, as a Stephen King fan, I truly appreciated his little cameo. 
This story is a big part of who I am and represents something in everything. It’s not everyday where you find a story like this which can change lives and inspire others. It holds a lot of good memories and these movies are a very big part of that.
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katelynrushe26 · 6 years
Looking Back on Loki - Part 2
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Thor: The Dark World (2013)
It's worth mentioning that during this film's post-production, actor Tom Hiddleston appeared in character as Loki at the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con. He "interrupted" a sneak preview of Thor: The Dark World, scolded the crowd for not accepting him as their king the summer before, then vowed to show them the preview if they pledged their loyalty to him. Needless to say, the crowd got their preview and the God of Mischief gained a wildly supportive army that day.
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I bring this up because it showed how aware Marvel was of Loki's popularity at the time, as well as how keen they were to play to it. I think that contributed a lot to his role in The Dark World.
The filmmakers knew we wanted to see him turn good and team up with Thor. They knew we debated if and how he would die in future films, and they knew how much we wanted to see him succeed for once. Because of this, there was a real sense that they toyed with our expectations for Loki in the second Thor film, and the end result was perfect for his character.
Loki hit rock bottom in The Dark World. Not only was he disgraced before all of Asgard, but Odin seemed to disown him and left him virtually powerless by imprisoning him. Then, when Loki thought things couldn't get worse, he caused the death of his adoptive mother Frigga. The dark elf Malekith invaded Asgard, and when a henchman named Kurse found Loki in the dungeon, Loki told him the way to the throne room. He did this for revenge on Odin, but it was Frigga that Kurse killed instead.
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This made Loki snap again. Now there really was no salvaging his life, and with Thanos no doubt hunting him down after his failure on Earth, he knew his days were numbered. This and his rage over Frigga's death made him decide to cooperate when Thor asked him to help stop Malekith. This would only mean temporary freedom for Loki, but that was all he needed to carry out his new plan.
His chance came during a fight between him, Thor, and Kurse on the dark elves' home world. Loki killed Kurse, saving Thor and avenging Frigga, but he was wounded in the process. Thus we got the scene we were expecting where he died dramatically in Thor's arms after redeeming himself. The twist was that it wasn't real.
To my knowledge, it's never been confirmed if Kurse really stabbed Loki, since Loki's powers allowed him to cast illusions of such things. Either way, he wasn't fatally wounded, but he took advantage of Thor's emotional state and faked his own death. Thor was forced to leave him behind and pursue Malekith, one of Odin's guards found Loki, Loki killed the guard and assumed his appearance (possibly even disguising the guard's body as his own), and returned to Odin. After that, he used his powers to trap Odin on Earth, assumed his adoptive father's appearance, and took on a new life as the King of Asgard. At long last, the God of Mischief had succeeded.
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What's interesting is that he never sought further revenge on Thor after his brother defeated Malekith and came home. Thor had broken Loki out of prison and committed treason by leaving Asgard, so no one would have questioned a steep punishment for the God of Thunder, but Loki allowed Thor to go free and live happily on Earth with his human friends. Maybe he had made some kind of peace with Thor during their time together, maybe he couldn't properly restrain Thor since he didn't have any of Odin's powers, or maybe he thought that letting Thor leave Asgard on good terms would minimize suspicion towards himself. Whatever the reason, fully pardoning his brother after everything they had put each other through showed growth on Loki's part.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
It would take four years for Loki to show up again in the MCU. He was supposed to make a cameo in 2015's The Avengers: Age of Ultron when Thor had a vision of Asgard's destruction, but like a lot of things in that film, he was cut for time. Between that and all the questions that The Dark World had left us with, there was still a good amount of excitement for Loki's comeback in Thor: Ragnarok.
To put it simply, this Thor movie turned out to be very different from the first two. It's said that director Taika Waititi, best known for comedies, was given free reign with Ragnarok, so there ended up being way more emphasis on humor than drama this time around. For Loki, this meant giving us a more cowardly, inept, and silly God of Mischief than we were used to seeing.
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In terms of the narrative, this character inconsistency can actually be justified. Loki spent his whole life seeking admiration and eventually power, and once he gained both at the end of The Dark World, he had no goals left to work towards. This caused him to lose a lot of his drive and his edge over the four years he spent disguised as Odin, and not having to worry about Thanos finding him anymore allowed him to become oblivious to the world around him. It made sense that after Thor caught on and exposed him as an imposter at the start of Ragnarok, Loki had to spin his wheels a bit before finding a new direction in life.
He hit rock bottom again after Thor made him take them to the real Odin on Earth. The brothers found their father moments before he died, and although Odin forgave Loki, his death was one betrayal too many for Thor to do the same. The final nail in the coffin came when Thor's half-sister Hela sensed Odin's passing and seized control of Asgard.
The best Loki could think to do was give up on his home again and simply look out for himself. When he and Thor became stranded on the planet Sakaar, he quickly schmoozed his way into favor with its ruler, the Grandmaster. He made one half-hearted attempt to help Thor, mostly so he could brag about his new social status, but when Thor still wanted nothing to do with him, Loki tried to betray his brother for financial gain. Thor outwitted him though, saying that Loki's refusal to be more than the God of Mischief had made him predictable, and escaped back to Asgard without him.
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This marked the ultimate turning point for Loki. All his schemes of the past seven years had been for nothing, and having Thor completely give up on him this time made him finally realize what he had ruined between them. What was more, he had no guarantee that he would be safely hidden from Thanos on Sakaar. There was a chance he might die soon anyway, so why not die doing something genuinely admirable?
After making his own escape from Sakaar, Loki took his brother's words to heart and returned to Asgard to help Thor defeat Hela. This involved destroying their home like Thor had foreseen, and it was Loki who set that destruction in motion. Curiously enough, he had to do it in Odin's vault—the same room where he had first learned of his Frost Giant lineage. The ship that he had arrived on allowed Asgard's people to evacuate in time, and Loki further proved his loyalty by joining them on their voyage to Earth. It was during this voyage that he made his peace with Thor and watched his brother assume the role of Asgard's new king.
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It seemed like Loki was finally a real hero, but in the midst of it all, he had secretly made another huge mistake in another moment of weakness.
The Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
And that brings us to the grand finale. Infinity War is still less than two weeks old, and it's already broken the record as the fastest movie to ever gross $1 billion at the box office. It's well on its way to becoming the highest grossing film of all time, and I think that's largely because of how many upsetting character deaths occur throughout the plot. Fans want to figure out how the next Avengers film will resolve things, if it even can, and a good way to look for clues is by watching Infinity Wars again. And if that doesn't work, then at least they'll get the most out of what could be their favorite characters' final appearances on the big screen.
The film is shocking and bleak, and Loki's death in the opening scene sets that tone perfectly.
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His huge mistake at the end of Ragnarok was stealing the Tesseract from Odin's vault before he escaped from Asgard. Loki did this on impulse as well, not because he wanted a peace offering for Thanos, but because he remembered how powerful the device was and couldn't resist the thought of possessing it again. Now that the Tesseract was away from Asgard though, Thanos could sense the Infinity Stone inside of it and was able to track down the Asgardians' ship in space. The Mad Titan boarded their ship, and in a horrible twist of irony, half the people that Loki had helped to rescue were slaughtered before his eyes.
Even then, he tried to deny having the Tesseract since he knew what his enemy meant to do with the stone it contained. It wasn't until Thanos started torturing Thor in front of him that Loki revealed the device, though he still didn't give up. He stalled for time so the Hulk could attack Thanos, and when the Hulk lost that fight, Loki attempted to finish the job himself.
Loki often defeated opponents by distracting them with illusions of himself and then striking from behind. However, he didn't do that this time; perhaps he decided he was through with hiding. Instead he faced Thanos himself, pretended to offer his services again, and tried to stab his former ally in the throat. Sadly, the God of Mischief really had become predictable, and after stopping the blow, Thanos lifted him into the air by his neck while Thor watched helplessly. Loki declared that the Mad Titan would never be a god, then Thanos killed him with one squeeze. The last we saw of Thor's little brother was his body lying on the floor while the God of Thunder grieved over him.  
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I've heard complaints that this sendoff for Loki was anticlimactic, but I disagree. The scene pretty much covered all the bases it needed to for his story arc: proving that he valued his brother's life more than his own ambition, having him team up with two of the Avengers to an extent, showing that he'd accepted his past by stating he was Odin's son but not an Asgardian, and letting him get in a few last tricks and interesting lines. I even kind of like that his death was so simple and blunt this time. He already had an epic sci-fi spectacle death in the first Thor film and a dramatic Shakespearean death in the second, so it was fitting that his third death had none of those theatrics. That sold the reality of it so much more.
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As for killing him in the first scene, I understand why it was done. We needed a personal reason to hate Thanos, and the film needed to show us how high the stakes had grown. Also, I'm not sure what else the writers could've done with Loki in this film. What made him so interesting was his moral conflict, the question of whether or not he would become one of the heroes. When he did that at the end of Ragnarok, he completed his arc. If he'd survived and been just another good guy throughout Infinity War, I think he would've been a lot less interesting, and if he'd become a villain or a double agent again, I think it would've felt too contrived. Besides, his death became Thor's main motivation to destroy Thanos, and since this was brought up multiple times, it still felt like Loki had a presence throughout the film.
Production photos of the fourth Avengers movie have surfaced since Infinity War's release. Because they appear to take place during the events of the first film and feature the characters wearing mysterious wrist devices, fans have speculated that the story will involve time travel to undo the final moments of Infinity War. It's possible that Loki could "return" that way, with Thor encountering a past version of his brother. There's also hope that he might come back from the dead as a result of the Avengers meddling with the past.
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Personally, I think the best way to bring him "back" would be in spirit, with Thor either using the Infinity Stones to connect with him or by dying as well. It'd be a fitting and poignant end for the God of Thunder to sacrifice himself for the universe and then have his brother lead him to Valhalla as a reward. We'll just have to wait and see.
If this is the last time we'll ever see Loki, I'll close with this: When he first saw himself as a Frost Giant, he wondered if he was cursed. He was right in a way. His curse was that for all the cunning and strategic thinking he possessed, his emotions were always what ended up dictating his choices. In this regard, he was more like Thor than he wanted to believe, and since he never had the same opportunity as Thor to learn self-control, his emotions continued to sabotage him at every turn. When he saved the Tesseract from destruction on a whim, the penalties of this curse became cataclysmic.
Still, there was a way Loki could have kept the Tesseract out of Thanos's hands. All he had to do was keep it cloaked in invisibility, continue denying that he had it, and let Thanos kill Thor. That would have been the more sensible choice in the grand scheme of things, since Thanos wanted the Infinity Stones to "save" the universe by committing genocide. However, Loki's emotions pushed him to reveal the device in exchange for his brother's life.
Several other characters, mostly the heroes, had to choose between someone's life and an Infinity Stone throughout the film. Most of them gave up the stone to spare the person's life. The only willing exception was Thanos, who tortured one of his own children and killed another to claim a stone. Loki may never have quite been a hero, but in the end, he had more in common with the heroes than he did with the villain. The son of Odin who had once tried to kill his brother and save Asgard by also committing genocide had replaced his hate with compassion, and his emotions made the better choice as a result.
In the end, Loki understood the value of life, and that's no curse.
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Do you think Sam's reluctance to call the Bunker "home" has more to do with the Bunker's function as a library and a laboratory and a Men of Letter's charter house (essentially not his and Dean's, especially now that they know about the BMoL), or because he's probably afraid that any place he calls home will be taken from him (like when Azazel killed Mary, then when he killed Jess)?
DEFINITELY the second, but I think there’s room in the pie chart to say that Sam has always traditionally defined “home” in a white picket fence aspirational way that may not even make him happy, truly, without a lot of other terms and conditions (e.g. never once has he got to experience an attempt at normal life while actually friends with Dean/knowing he was alive/also emotionally at peace) but he does still aspire to this whole wife, kids, dog, big house, garden for them to all run around in thing… He might not even THINK he wants it at times, and he might settle or throw himself into hunting or see no happy ending or whatever, but he and Dean both have a strong image of this as the sort of suburban happy ending. Dean still emotionally seems less suited for it and still needs to be talked out of the idea that he will never have it because he’ll die in the process of securing it for everyone else, ESPECIALLY Sam, but he is also extremely adaptable to the sense of home.
Actually, Bugs has the best little metaphor for it - Dean keeps on talking about how suburbia gives him hives, while Sam is still basically convinced he’s on a road trip and after they’re done he can have another go at college and the normal life… Dean might disdain the houses but he breaks into one, happily uses the power shower, and generally sinks into acting the part in suburbia to get free food and access to the case. 
I mean Dean could make anywhere home, and we see him in general making more use of the places they use as home bases as homes - we don’t see him, like, getting domestic at Bobby’s, but he constantly uses the car yard for fixing Baby and hanging out, in a way Sam isn’t associated with, so he and Sam have a shared more business related relationship with the main rooms of the house where we normally see them for cases, but Dean has an extra, personal connection to the scrapyard. And at Rufus’s cabin, he colonised the sofa in 7x03 and later it seems to lowkey play a part as being a domestic space belonging to Dean, the symbolically worst example in 8x10 when Sam and Dean dump Amelia and Benny and Sam gives up the chance at a normal life again to spend it with Dean, who would have been there anyways so he is very much the one invited to sit on the sofa with Dean. 
And then obviously once they find the Bunker, Dean immediately settles in while Sam sees it as a valuable resource. Dean might have a bleak outlook on the future but in a way that means that he makes the most out of where he is at that exact moment. They find a weird bunker, Dean moves in and makes a house a home with throw pillows and lava lamps (I wish) while Sam is busy just reading everything there, determined to get the job done and that metaphorically is the character traits behind the argument in 8x14 where the nesting scene takes place, that escalates into Sam trying to do the trials, and Dean ends up just the manager of the home, and responsible for who should have been there (Kevin, 8x21) who is there (Kevin, after that, for the rest of his life Dean comments on his whereabouts when he isn’t in episodes) and who can’t stay (ow. Cas. 9x03.) 
And in 9x04 we see Sam has barely altered his room except for the TV for downtime, but other than that only brought more boxes of files to his room, opposed to Dean who made it a personal space immediately that you could recognise as his. I don’t really think at this point he’s holding out for the white picket fence but he has an emotional disconnect to the Bunker as home - Dean tries to kill him in it as a demon, and in 11x04, 2 seasons later, he still picks Baby as home over the Bunker, as we get the strong reminder of Swan Song in that episode, and how Sam has literally known no other stable home, we get the poking at the concept of “someone in the life” and Dean is much more open to thinking of the Bunker and where Cas is currently as “home” while Sam’s emotional connection is adrift, because despite their best efforts he just didn’t bond with the Bunker that way. 
And 8x22 is where Sam jokes to Cas that Dean was going to make the Dean Cave that took 5 years to actually show up, and these days Dean is getting even more comfortably happy in the Bunker and less worried about despite all the fighting and occasional murder or attempted murder that takes place there, it is still where they live and they deserve real comforts, while Sam still hasn’t expressed a strong opinion about the Bunker as home - I think Cas has referred to it that way in significant dialogue more often than Sam. And that difference in how they rate their work/life balance is a significant part of their low-key, mostly unstated character stuff that is nonetheless pretty much constantly on screen in how they relate to or have it relate to them when the question of home or the Bunker comes up. 
I think fundamentally Sam’s relationship to the job goes WAY beyond just what he calls home and it’s a symptom of his own issues - which tie in with the stuff he discussed with Rowena about Lucifer, and his lingering presence in the story where he just will not go away, but Sam (and Rowena) don’t get catharsis until he is dead. That’s the overall big issue, but there’s also the one from 8x03 about how Sam could leave the job 100% but at the cost of ignoring everything that might have been a case and assuming other people would handle it, which the discussion from the end of 12x18 and 13x15 seemed to be about - Sam is wandering back to that doing the trials mindset that maybe they could find a switch to turn off all monsters forever… (not happening - your legacy is Wayward Sisters and they’re gonna need things to fight for as many seasons as the CW can squeeze out of them if things go our way, no matter when you retire :P)
Ideally Sam needs to strike a MoL/Bobby level retirement, PROBABLY in a white picket fence house (You know, like in 3x10 where he walks out of Bobby’s terrifying haunted house into the garish garden… you know what, he should just buy Bobby’s and refurbish it, and then marry Jody and be a frequently mentioned but invisible background character and once per season cameo  in Wayward Sisters) and find a peace with his place in the world where he doesn’t have to be actively ensuring monsters are being killed, but can be chill about it all and get out of the job he never wanted to have. Hunting is in his blood and he’s happy doing it in some ways so I don’t think he can tear himself out of it like he wants to at his worst moments, and burying his head in the sand is a terrible idea, and he NEEDS a someone-in-the-life to understand him and for him not to end up with that dreadful problem where he doesn’t want to ruin their view of the world so he lies to them about his entire identity for their sake… but he’s also messed up and even being the younger sibling, I honestly think he needs retirement far, far, far more urgently than Dean does (and 13x14 has utterly broken me about that >.> GO HOME. GET A DOG, SAM). Dean, with no threats to his loved ones, could happily keep hunting into his early 60s with his angel, bizarrely younger mother, and smol nougat stepson at his side :P All people born into the life and more willing to continue the fight without being utterly consumed by it like poor Sam >.> 
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