#one piece fans this post is not for you. please feel free to ignore it
yesyourstalker · 9 months
Koi: so what are your thoughts on advertising? I'm aware you have social media. Is it verified yet?
Neta: you have one friend who does my advertising on Inkstagram.
Koi: do you have a website?
Neta: uh
Koi: I can make you a website. I can also maybe try to get you a warehouse so you can start doing online orders.
Neta: oh I was thinking of doing that actually I-
Koi: this place is pretty big, very spacious. Do you know what you're going to do with the loft upstairs. You know the layout plan. Do you have any designers in mind
Neta: well I did get some support from the Octav-
Oshi: He already has an interior designer, Sole trevis. He's One of the head designers for zekko and zink.
Koi: ohhhh oshi ..... It's good to see you? You look Good.... How are your kids
Oshi: They're doing great. How about yours?
Koi: just fine
Oshi: hmm
Neta:...................... Anyway uhhh .... I sense a weird tension between you two ....you guys have any thoughts about making a catalog?.... And maybe hiring some fashion designers to help me with it.
Koi: Oh that's not my field Sweetie.
Oshi: It is mine though let's go to a table and talk about this Koi join us. I insist...... Shimi be nice koi's husband while we do business.
Shimi: ..................
Merv:............ [drink]
Shimi: [eating]............
Merv: so I-
Shimi: [leaves]
Merv: ok....... Nice conversation
Ikkan: how are you guys doing?
Ichiya: It's been solid.... My splatcast is actually ending because I just got offered a job at with research lab.
Murasaki: I bought a house
Nami: I'm actually working on a soundtrack for a TV show. How are your classes going
Ikkan: It's going great. I graduated a year I already got offered the job as a music teacher at several schools you need to pick which one I want to go to. My stepdaughter.....cod she's going to be my daughter.. is going to one of them so I might pick-
Noji: ikkan!!! Why have you been ignoring your big brother all night! That's a very rude!
Ikkan: *sigh* You're not my big brother. We're the same age we've twins
Nami: hehehe See you later ikkan Happy Frosty fest!
Ikkan: okay, I'll see you guys.... Tell claim I said hi and I'm still looking for that pedal they wanted.............. Noji what do you want?
Noji: I can't say hi to my brother on on the eve of Frosty fest, is that suddenly a crime?
Ikkan: what do you want?
Noji: I want a meet and greet and sighing for chirpy chicks at rock shock and I want to to sell store exclusive merch with every ticket purchase.
Ikkan: I can make that happen. Just give me your manager's number.
Noji: thank you little brother.... Also, our parents rented an Airbnb and they want you to stay over after the party.
Ikkan: seems a little last minute already all our presents and everything at home and nibbles is going to be alone I have to let her out of the guest room and if I do that then she's going to chew on the presents and
Noji: you can just bring your little snow bunny with us! Come on we have matching pajamas for everyone!!
Ikkan: is that supposed to convince me?
Noji: yes! We have a lot of expensive gifts at home and mom really wants you to be there. We haven't had a the Frosty fest together in years.
Ikkan:...... Ok
Noji: yay! Can I get a hug?
Ikkan: no
Noji: hug your brother..... Come on you. Hug your brother!. ....hug me..... we're family!........ It's Frosty fest!
Ikkan: get off me! You're annoying...... Now I have to buy more gifts for you and our parents...... The party ends in 2 more hours.....*sigh*...I guess I can go out and get some stuff real quick. Want to come with?
Noji: *gasp* I would be honored to go last minute shopping with you as family. Let's go!
Ikkan: All right, let's head out. I got a text Neta about a change of plans, get the gifts and head to your place after the party
Warabi: look at my boy friend playing his saxyphone....
Mahi: just when I think he's super lame. He just gets even lamer
Warabi::awwww yeah...... About that ummm.... I was wondering maybe we should.......... Move
Mahi: what?
Warabi: move. I think we should move to a bigger apartment with two bedrooms and separate beds
Mahi: why what's wrong with our appointment?
Warabi: nothing. It's a nice apartment If you're living by yourself and you have no one and you're single but I'm not single and you're not single and I feel like we should maybe have our own spaces and............... ....
Warabi:.......*sigh* I want Baja to move in with us... I think it would be a good idea since he's new to this place It seems like a good idea if he lives with someone that he knows and is comfortable with and can help him get used to his environment. He's also my boyfriend and I like him and I feel like you two would also get along uhhhhhhh
Mahi:............ Sure...... He can move in. I guess I mean help with rent....*sip*
Warabi: are you like positive that you want him to be here?
Mahi: Yeah sure he can move in and I guess we can look for a better apartment. I'm being honest. Our apartment fucking sucks heheh........................
Warabi: *sigh* That's great. I don't know why I kind of expected the worst
Mahi: are you kidding me? I like Baja He would be a great roommate!
Warabi: I know right he's such sweetie-
Mahi: I can be mean to him and tell him what to do and he just does it with no hesitation. He'll be a great maid
Warabi:........... Mahi that's-
Mahi: Baja!! Grab some drinks You're a new roommate. Let's celebrate!
Baja: ok!
Warabi: mahi..
Mahi: Yeah
Warabi: ............You're still my best friend and I love you
Mahi: I know... Love you too
[end of the party Everyone is leaving]
Neta: sigh.... That went well surprisingly!
Pearl: night Neta!!! Great party man.
Neta: see ya pearl! Night Marina!
Warabi: yeah you went great!
Candi: I had fun... Do you have fun Bowie?
Candie's son: *sleeping*
Candi: He had fun. night guys also thanks for the gift Neta! [Peck]
Neta: awww It's no big deal. You deserve it....... *sigh*... A lot of phone calls to make... I have at least 30 business cards. At least two pages of phone numbers I have to contact.
Warabi: sounds like a successful business venture
Beika: amazing night man. You got my manager's number right? Hope to see my t-shirts in your store
Neta: so you'll see them. night.
Umishi: It was a nice party. I had fun Mr. Verns
Neta: I'm glad you had fun....... Aren't you that kid mahi gives discounts without my permission?
Umishi: you must be mistaking me for the wrong person.
Neta: No, No I'm not not you can't keep coming to the store- Wait a minute. How did you even get into this party?!
Umishi: I had fun!! Happy Frosty Fest. Byyyyyye!!!!
Neta:..........*sigh* bye
Ryu Chang: awesome night bro
Neta: Yeah it's nice seeing you again Ryu
Ryu: you got our manager's number.... We about to drop some exclusive shit we'd love to put in your store
Neta: we got you man. Don't sweat it.
Lionel: amazing party! I'll email you some more information about our ticket vendor here's my card
Neta: thanks have a good night
Tanguru: AmAziNg paRTy MAN! You'RE the BEST!!?
Neta: Go home tangle, you're drunk.
Mizole: where the hell is mahi?! The golden salmon is going to to go bad if they don't come now.
Warabi: how the hell did you afford a golden salmonoid?
Mizole: unlike you, I actually earned my money and don't mooch off my parents
Warabi: you piece of shit!-
Neta: It's not worth it not on Frosty Fest.
Mahi: I'm here! Sorry Baja was putting one of the wine barrels in the back of the car. Let's go night boss.
Neta: wait!! Hold up you two. I got something for you.... Here
Warabi: what's this?
Neta: Your bonuses. Don't spend it all at once... Happy Frosty fest kids
Neta: holy shit. That's a lot of money..... Thanks Neta happy Frosty fast!!!! We might be able to get a better apartment than we thought
Warabi: night Neta Happy Frosty Fest!!
Neta: good night.....*sigh* ..... Cici? .... Crab cakes??
Cirrina: *sleeping*
Neta: hehehe [picks up]...... Let's go home. Pick up the presents and head over to b&b
Cirrina: Happy Frosty Fest dad
Neta: Happy Frosty Fast sweetie....
Mahi of course belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort and a very special guest umishi belonging to @catastropic
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gavisuntiedboot · 2 years
Hey, I love your gavi fics. Could you do one where reader is very confident and flirty, always making him nervous with how straight forward she is. Loves to compliment him and kiss his hand. Maybe even him getting teased my his teammates about it.
sry this is extremely specific 😅
Forward (Gavi x reader)
This was such a cute request omg.
"Good morning Vogue Espana! I'm y/n, and this is Valeria, and today we'll be playing Vogue's 'Bestie Quiz'!"
You looked over at Valeria and gave her a wink, causing her to roll her eyes and laugh. The two of you made up 1/2 of Rumores, a Spanish pop group that rose to popularity through TikTok because of your relatable lyrics and how easily people could connect to the group members. You all had fun and bubbly personalities, still fimlimg vlog-style TikToks despite blowing up. Since you dropped your first album as a group, everyone was eager to get a piece of the next hot thing.
You had been contacted by an agency in Spain to get signed, and all moved into Barcelona within about a month. Since then, it had been borderline mayhem. Award shows, fashion shows, exclusive parties - the works. You were now at Vogue Espana headquarters, preparing for a group cover shoot. The editors had asked you and Valeria to pair up and make some video content, as you both had addictive personalities and bounced off each other really well. Long story short - any time you two filmed together, it got millions of views.
"Alright y/n lets start off with an easy one: what is my Starbucks order?"
You tried to cross your legs, almost falling over in the chair, causing the whole production crew to laugh.
"Ignore me almost dying. She's only asking me this question because she knows it really embarrasses me to my core to order this, especially here in Barcelona! It's a venti iced caramel macchiato, 9 pumps of caramel, extra caramel sauce on the top and bottom. Can you imagine having to say this out loud?"
The set was filled with laughter. They cut the take to get your makeup touched up, which was now melting off under the bright studio lights. You both continued to quiz each other, laughing and bantering playfully. You looked down at the cue cards with the questions, letting out a loud groan at the next question.
"Val this is rigged in your favor. How come I get all the hard questions and you get this? It's literally the easiest possible question?"
"Stop complaining because the producers think I'm cute and want life to be easy for me. Just ask the question."
"Okay okay: Who is my celebrity crush?"
"Oh wow you're right. That's so easy it's borderline cheating. Have you not seen her social media? Of course it's Pablo Gavi."
You leaned over the back of your chair dramatically, fanning your face.
"Ughhhhh Gavi! Have you ever seen a man so fine and so talented and so freaking delicious?"
Everyone in the studio had to hold back their laughter as so not have it be heard in the recording.
“She’s obsessed you guys I don’t even know how to explain.”
“I think obsessed is the wrong word.”
Valeria turned to you and gasped, getting up from her seat and running over to you, wrestling your phone from your hands. She pulled it free, walking up to the camera with it.
“Let me just make sure she has no inappropriate notifications. Not obsessed? Please look at her Lock Screen. It’s literally taking over her life.”
You hid your face in your hands as your screen lit up, revealing a picture of Gavi from the World Cup as your Lock Screen. The camera zoomed in on you, capturing your embarrassed reaction.
“Listen listen listen. I’ve been a Barça fan since forever. He’s fine and talented. How am I supposed to not fall in love with him?? I feel like that’s too much to ask for.”
Your crush on Gavi was not a secret by a long shot. It has been obvious to your audience since the World Cup qualifiers, when you posted a picture of him in the white uniform, captioning the photo “who is this and where can I find him 😍😍”. Your followers had come through, sending his handle in your DMs several thousand times. You followed him on Instagram and started fangirling in the comments of all his posts.
“ Great job today Pablo 🥰”
“My favorite color is now pablo- I mean purple 🥵”
“The only heat in Qatar is gonna be you on the field 😘”
One day, as you did your makeup on a livestream, idly talking to your phone, you noticed the chat moving at a much faster pace than you were used to. You looked at the messages, trying to read something, but it moved so fast the letters blurred together.
"Wait wait how do I stop the chat I can't read you're all typing too quickly."
You figured out how to stop the comments flying by your face, reading the words "GAVI FOLLOWED YOU BACK".
You screamed at the top of your lungs. You started jumping in excitement, shaking the floor so much that your phone fell to the floor. Comments continued to fly in about how this was the beginning of your love story.
This was officially your in. Now that he followed you, you were able to swipe up on his Instagram stories. Every couple of days when Gavi would post, you would leave him flirty messages, never thinking he was going to respond.
"Amazing goal Gavi! You know you could score with me any day tho ;)"
This unfortunate cheesy message got a like. When you saw the small scarlet heart, you almost went into cardiac arrest. It was working. Slowly but surely you were getting him to recognize you.
Gavi hated pulling out his phone in the locker room. He would instantly hear wolf whistles and cheers from his teammates.
"Ay, Gavi, who are the messages from? The pop princess or the real princess?"
He would turn bright red, hiding his face in his shirt. He had seen your comments, and he didn't know who you were at first. He approached Pedri one day, asking him if he knew who you were.
"Gavi please be serious. You haven't heard of Rumores? They're opening for Rosalia this summer. They're super talented. And each member is hotter than the next."
"Wait," Balde chimed in, "who from Rumores is sending Gavi messages?"
Balde's eyes widened to the size of satellites. He grabbed the phone and started recording a voice message on the messages between you and Gavi.
"y/n my darling, this is Alejandro. Forget about this idiot Gavi and DM me your number. Let me appreciate you in a way that he cannot."
Gavi grabbed the phone back. The voice note had already sent, and you had opened the message. Shit. He was practically shaking, not knowing what to do.
"Ale! Why would you do that?" He asked, trying to look away from the three dots that indicated you were typing.
"Pablo you idiot. Do you know that she was number 5 in the "World's Hottest Women" ranking? She won best face AND best ass in Spain last year. If she wants a Barca player and you're fumbling, I am willing to step up." Gavi shoved him on the shoulder, eliciting a laugh from Pedri.
"Hermano, talk to her. She has made it more than clear that she likes you."
Gavi looked at his phone again, still confused as to what to say, when a new message popped up on the screen.
"Thanks for the offer Ale, but I'm still holding out hope that Gavi will message me back one of these days ;)"
He smiled and bit his lip, locking eyes with Pedri, who wiggled his eyebrows at Gavi suggestively. He hit the older boy on the shoulder, and they went out to his car. When they arrived at Pedri's, dragged Gavi onto the couch to show him clips of you talking about Gavi.
*y/n being in love with a spicy midfielder for 17 minutes*
"Pedri why do you have this video in your favorites?"
"Be quiet and watch."
The video started playing, and Gavi was stunned when you popped up on the screen. It was a clip of you at an award show, dresses in a gorgeous maroon two-piece that showed your midriff and lower stomach, as well as ornate stomach jewelry.
"y/n you look absolutely gorgeous this evening. We heard you were a Barcelona fan? Is this true? And if so, who is your favorite player?"
You smiled widely, causing Gavi's intestines to twist into pretzels.
"Of course I'm a Barca fan. All hot girls are Barca fans. My favorite player of all time is Messi, but on the current squad? Pablo Gavi. He's so talented and not to mention gorgeous."
Gavi brought a cushion to his chest and hugged it tightly. He was used to people calling him attractive in comments, but it was different seeing it live, hearing it from someone who the whole world thought was gorgeous. The next clip was a TikTok, in which you and Valeria danced in matching Gavi and Pedri jerseys.
"See Pablito, she already has your shirt for when she comes to the games to support you."
That comment earned Pedri a swift smack, which he was unable to dodge. Gavi continued to watch the rest of the video, borderline kicking his feet at how fuzzy he felt hearing that you thought he was hot and talented.
"Thanks for watching the Bestie Quiz! Make sure to like the video and subscribe to Vogue Espana. Bye!"
The camera switched off, and you and Valeria stepped off the chairs you were sat in. You immediately got onto Instagram live to pub the video.
"Hey everyone! We just got done filming for Vogue Espana's YouTube channel! Make sure to tune in when the video comes out. And... tomorrow we'll be touring a certain football stadium. Make sure you're following us here and on TikTok to stay up to date with all the latest from us!"
Gavi's jaw dropped. Of course he tuned into the live. He was eager to hear the sound of your voice, see your face lit up with joy. He had been thinking about you for weeks now, unable to say anything to you from embarrassment. He didn't know how to be charismatic and suave and the man that the internet portrayed him to be. He was a dork. He didn't know how talk to you. So when he heard that you were visiting a football camp, he texted the groupchat.
[Gavi]: Is that girl group coming to Camp Nou tomorrow?
[Pedri]: ah ah ah no one respond. Gavi, go ask your admirer. A good way to start a conversation.
[Ansu]: ^^^
[Alejandro]: retweet
He rolled his eyes. They were right. It was the perfect opportunity to reach out to you. But he was still nervous - what if he didn't live up to your expectations?
He typed out a simple message and hit send with his eyes closed.
@pablogavi - are you coming to el campo tomorrow?
"Valeria, remember how you told me that he would never talk to me because I was 'creepy' and a 'weirdo'? Well, eAT YOUR WORDS HE JUST MESSAGED ME!"
You flopped onto the couch, kicking your feet like a lovesick teenager.
@uruser - if I am, will you give me a special tour? xx
@pablogavi - i'll try
The next day you were positively giddy with joy. You were going to get a private tour of Camp Nou with your three closest friends. And you were going to be breathing the same air as Pablo Gavi. This was your chance to shoot your shot. You put on a black tank top and some light wash jeans that enhanced your award-winning ass. You turned on a livestream so people could watch you and Valeria do your makeup, playing Meg Thee Stallion as you got ready. You started dancing, twerking a little bit in the mirror.
"She's practicing for later when she sees Gavi."
You slap Valeria on the arm, the chat exploding at the idea. You ended the live shortly after, getting in your car to be driven over.
Gavi was a nervous wreck. He had changed his shoes three times, wondering which pair of Dunks would impress you the most. Gel or natural hair? Should he wear his classic long sleeve or just the jersey? Pedri's honking was disturbing the whole neighborhood. He ran downstairs (he picked the gray dunks), getting in Pedri's car as fast as possible.
"If Alejandro get to her first, you only have yourself to blame."
Gavi laughed lightly, but he felt like he was going to be sick.
You and the girls arrived to Camp Nou at 10am, eager to take a tour. You were greeted by several members of staff, including Sara, who worked the team's social media. She would be following you all throughout the day to get clips for the official Instagram and Twitter accounts. You walked into the office, greeted first by Xavi. You were all super excited to be in the presence of the coach and World Cup winner. He spoke with you about the history of the club, then lead you through the facilities to the locker room, where you would be meeting the players. Your group members walked in ahead of you as you grabbed a selfie with Xavi.
Gavi would never admit it, but he stood on his tiptoes to try and catch a glimpse of you. He was in jeans and a jersey, ditching the long sleeve since he wouldn't be hurting his arms (not because he saw a video of you saying that you were in love with his arms. That could never be the reason). You walk in and it was like someone had lit his veins on fire. He was so overwhelmed by your gentle laugh and your bright smile. Your eyes scanned the players and landed on Gavi, biting your lip and winking at him. He looked to the floor, hiding the satisfied look on his face from the cameras recording. You greeted all the players, and after getting past Ferran and Alejandro, you got to Gavi. He put one sweaty hand out for you to shake.
"Nice to finally meet you, Gavi. You're even better looking in person."
You shook his hand and pulled him in, giving him a kiss on each cheek. Typical for Spain, but not something you had done for the other players.
"I as well also think meeting you is good." Gavi stammered out, making absolutely no sense. You smiled at him, causing his heart to race faster. Your hand lingered on his for a moment before you moved on to Pedri.
"You're going to make a really bad impression on Xavi if you break our young talent in the middle of the season." He said to you, causing you to pull away and laugh, pretending you didn't have the faintest idea what he was talking about. At the end of the greetings, the team members pulled out the shirts that had been prepared for all of you. Sara pulled out yours and handed it to Gavi, knowing keeping you together would produce the best trending content. Fan service pays the bills. He unfolded the shirt and saw your name at the top, and under...
"Number 6?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow at you. You looked at him from your seat, patting the spot next to you. He reluctantly sat down, and held up the shirt for the photo. You placed your hand over his for the photo, and he felt like he was 12 again experiencing his first crush. When the photographers looked down to make sure the shot was clear, you leaned into Gavi's ear.
"I wanted to wear your new number. I hope it can bring you some good luck."
"You... you want me to have g-good luck?"
"Of course Pablo. When you do well you're happier, and then I'm happier."
Gavi was going to explode. What kind of woman were you? Who was this forward about their feelings? He took a deep breath and composed himself. The girls were all taking sneaky pictures, wanting to capture the moment that you and Gavi first fell in love (because they knew that you would never let him out of your sights now). His teammates were snickering, in awe of how the firecracker that they had come to love was now a pile of mush, blushing like a schoolgirl and stuttering over his words.
"Alright, we're going to film some challenges in pairs now. The rest of the team will get their pairs. Gavi and y/n, you're going to come film with me." Sara said, walking quickly outside the locker room, expecting you both to follow. Gavi got up quickly and gestured towards the door.
"Um, after you."
"Wow, you're such a gentleman." You said, giving him a gentle squeeze on the bicep before you followed Sara. What was he supposed to do now?
You walked outside into the stands and both took your seats, handed personal mics to attach to your shirts. You clipped yours on in about a minute, having done this numerous times for different shoots. Gavi, on the other hand, was struggling slightly.
"Do you want some help, Gavi? Of course that would require me to touch your chest."
He looked up at you, wire still tangled. "You're going to touch my chest?"
"Only if you want me to gorgeous." You replied with a wink. He didn't trust himself to make words, so he nodded instead. You gently grabbed the wire, threading it through his shirt, fingers lightly brushing against the toned muscle of his chest. You clipped it at the top, smoothing his shirt when you were finished.
"All done. Now we need to test them out with a sentence to make sure the staff can hear. I'll go first. Test sentence: Gavi is adorable and I'm going to ask him out before I leave today."
"You're going to do what?!" He said, eyes widened, sweat glands activated.
"It's just a gibberish test sentence. Your turn."
"Um, hello?"
"It needs to be longer than that." You said, getting comfortable in your seat.
"I don't know what to say." He said, smiling shyly and looking down.
"Try whatever comes to your mind Gavi. Literally anything."
"Okay. Ehem test sentence: I'm really nervous around y/n so I hope I don't make a fool of myself in this video."
Your cheeks heated up but you looked away, trying to play it cool. You loved that you were making him a little bit flustered, but he was gaining some confidence to respond. The camera crew stated that you were rolling, and you looked at the camera.
"Hello everyone! I'm y/n and I'm here today with Gavi, and we're going to be playing Barca's 7-second challenge!"
"Ah, my brain is too slow for this game." Gavi said, tossing is head back. The staff handed you the envelopes, and you began.
"Alright I'm going to be asking first. Name three Barca players that contributed to a goal against Real Madrid."
"Ah easy. Leo Messi, Luis Suarez, and me." He said, winking at the camera.
"Good job. You would have been my first answer." You responded. Your rizz game was insane today. You wanted to make an impression- who knows if you would ever have a chance again?
It was Gavi's turn. He opened the envelope and read the question.
"Ah this is too easy. Who are 3 Barca players that have worn the number 6?"
You smirked at the camera. "Super easy. Denis Suarez, Xavi, and the best looking in number 6, Gavi." You said, winking at him. He smiled widely, turning away from you.
"Ah lalala don't let Mister Xavi hear you say that."
After you finished filming the game, the sun had moved from the middle of the sky, making the field more pleasant. The staff informed you that the final piece of content you would be filming would be Gavi showing you how to play football. Gavi was excited. Finally something he could excel at (and maybe embarrass you for once). You both got onto the field, and you laced up the football boots you had been given by the staff. From your position on the ground you looked up.
"Should I keep one untied so I can play as well as you?"
"I- I think you should keep them tied. I'm used to falling, but I don't want you to get injured."
"Awe how cute Pablo you don't want me to break my face." You said, getting up from your spot on the ground and pinching his cheek. It was quite warm to the touch.
Once the cameras were rolling, he taught you some basics, and then he decided to show off. He started playing keep-up with the ball, moving from hit feet to his thighs to his head and shoulders. He passes the ball to you, and you tried to receive with your chest, forgetting about the extra tissue there. You bent over in pain and he came up to you, checking on you.
"Don't worry I'm fine. But if you ask nicely I'll let you kiss it better." He stood frozen with his hands on your shoulders.
"I, I, I- do you want to do something else?"
"No no, it's hot watching you play."
Gavi was at his end. He was embarrassed beyond belief. He could not believe how forward you were, and he could not believe how much he liked it. He felt special - wanted. He brought you to the front of the box, deciding to end the day by teaching you to shoot a penalty. He helped position you, and you two spent the next ten minutes making shots at the goal and joking with one another. At the end, the crew came and collected your mics, and you waiting for the other girls and players to join you.
"Oh, I almost forgot. Here, can you sign my jersey?"
You handed him the pen, turning around and lifting your hair out of the way. He bent over slightly, uncapping the pen with his teeth.
"Who should I make it out to?" He asked.
"Make it out to your future wife. Or future long-term girlfriend if you don't believe in the institution of marriage." You felt the pen meet your back, smiling to yourself.
"I have never met a girl that was as forward as you. It's a little intimidating."
You turn to him, taking your pen and sticking it into your back pocket.
"I know I've said this a million times on every platform, but I think you're cute and interesting. I'm not going to be shy about that. If I make you uncomfortable though I'll stop."
"No no. That wasn't a complaint, but I was wondering...."
"Yes, dear husband?"
"Were you serious about asking me out?"
"My God Gavi. I have made it so painfully obvious that I'm had over heels for you. I have to ask you out as well?"
"You make me shy! I can't even begin to think of where I could take you on a date. I'm just going to let you stay in the driver's seat and I'll keep being a little stupid."
"What're you going to do when I come to one of your matches? Blush and giggle in midfield?"
"You're going to come to a match? The we have to go out before then. Let me get the awkwardness out over dinner so when I'm on the field, you'll be the one blushing and swooning."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: this is so long omg :') thank you so much to whoever requested this. It was really fun to write a super confident character. I hope this is what anon was looking for, and I'm so sorry if not. I hope y'all enjoy this one, and please leave any feedback in the comments/ send them in my asks!
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Hello I am a big fan of your work But I have a request (if request are even open then u can ignore it) how would the HLC characters react to MC being able to transform into a Hungarian Horntail dragon? (Btw have a great day or night and drink water please)
A/N: Blog rules and request updates are put on the pinned post at the top of the blog! If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a DM :3
Tumblr media
MC still doesn't know the limits of ancient magic, but apparently, it includes being able to transform oneself into a powerful magical beast of their choice for a time. Today, the beast of choice was the ferocious Hungarian Horntail dragon. Admittedly, MC was just showing off.
They show their closest friends and mentor the full transformation and even a fireblast demonstration. Then they sit pretty to soak in the praise. They know they look cool.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: His jaw was already on the ground when MC transformed, but it somehow got lower when he witnessed the 40ft jet of fire rise from MC's maw. Such POWER. He wants to see MC decimate a dark wizard outpost. Set fire to EVERYTHING!
OMINIS GAUNT: He can feel the rumble of the earth beneath him with every step MC takes. The heat of the flames makes him turn away. Just the low rumble from MC's throat sends shivers down his spine. This is the closest he EVER wants to get to the real thing. Even though he knows it's MC, it's a scary experience.
ANNE SALLOW: She's more collected than her brother, but still as excited over MC's ability to burn everything in their path. Just thinking about what MC could do with a single breath makes her giddy. She's as much a firebug as Sebastian, she's just better at keeping her head.
IMELDA REYES: She is a simple woman with simple interests. See dragon, must race. Fly MC! Show her what you're really made of! Bet she could fly circles around them. Bet they can catch her? Prove it!
NATSAI ONAI: She'll beat Poppy to the punch about asking for rides. The spines make it challenging but she'll figure something out. She grabs MC by the nostrils and gets in their face. "Let me ride you! ...wait, that sounded-... You know what I mean!"
GARRETH WEASLEY: He NEEDS to hear them roar. Dragons are so strong that they don't even need to use fire. A roar from a fully grown dragon at close range can shatter eardrums. You feel the shockwave of sound go through your body. His ears ring for a bit even though he covered them.
LEANDER PREWETT: He's feeling so inadequate as a wizard. He can barely balance on a broom right and MC can transfigure themself into a mother loving DRAGON. No fair...
AMIT THAKKAR: He's dying to know how this works. This is magic that's either never been seen or never recorded, because he's never even heard of anyone capable of this without being some sort of rare animagus. MC needs to be studied, and he's the one to do it. Next to the stars themselves, MC is the universe's greatest mystery.
EVERETT CLOPTON: Dragons scare the ever living shit out of him. They're big, powerful and sometimes go after broom flyers when hungry. Hell admire MC from a distance. Like, way back behind the stoney hill, distant. Please don't come closer, he will cry.
POPPY SWEETING: She's absolutely ECSTATIC! She can examine a powerful dragon up close that isn't trying to eat her. It's a dream come true! She does circles around MC, taking in every detail. She takes out a small, leather bound book and a piece of charcoal and sketches every part MC lets her study. When MC puts their snoot right up against her, she actually squeals a little with excitement. She gets to TOUCH a live dragon. She's on cloud nine and never wants to come down.
ELEAZAR FIG: When MC tells him this is something they could do thanks to ancient magic, the only thing he can think is: "Miriam would have loved to see this." He's so proud. MC is capable of way more than he ever thought. He only hopes to live long enough to witness the rest of the wizarding world realize the same.
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Heya, could I request a secretly demon MC? They’re using some type of magic to hide their true appearance (basically one like a tiefling from DnD) and have a pact with The Devil, but are now suddenly trying to break it because the M6 gave them some type of hope for their life again?
Before the M6 even discover this, the MC was brash and selfish, also fairly quick to jump to violence (though probably not Vulgora level) and quiet about their past. How would the pieces click into place for them? In case you need any extra info you can just post that mentioning this ask and I’ll try to help
So sorry if requests aren’t open, your blog description says they are but I can’t find if there is a post also saying that so I’m not fully sure. If not feel free to ignore this!
The Arcana HCs: When MC's natural patron is the Devil
~ disclaimer: this request was work shopped a little with my requester, so you'll be seeing some different info in the setting. It was fun chatting with you, new friend, I hope you like these! - brainrot ~
-- some background --
Nobody knew when it was time to go up against the Devil that you were tempted to join him. While you never let on, his voice always spoke the loudest to you in the cards, and you relished the way his cunning nature enabled your own aggressive tendencies. While in the end you were able to work with your lover to preserve Vesuvia, you still feel a little guilt for the way his words continue to provoke you.
He's not going to judge someone for their past. The way he sees it, you're working with what you've got, and you're doing a fine job. If you're a little aggressive about it, cool
No seriously, he's kind of a fan. He got to watch you kick a rude customer out of your shop once and he still lies awake at night fantasizing about it
Let out some of your aggression with him. Please.
On a less indulgent note, he knows what it's like to have tendencies he's not proud of
It was a little daunting to tell him that it had been tempting to take the Devil's side and not live with any more constraints, and that you still struggle with some guilt about it, but he listened closely
He understands the feeling of guilt for something he didn't do, but still wanted to. He's quick to tell you how he relates to you, and to remind you of the lesson you taught him to live looking forward
Speaking of looking forward, are you sure you want to stay at the shop forever? You're not that well suited to customer service
Just saying, you have the potential to make a fine pirate ...
They didn't know of your affiliation until it came time to re-teach you magic, and the strong link they saw scared them a little at first
To be clear - he wasn't scared of or disturbed by you. He just knew firsthand what the Devil could be like, and he worried what kind of harm that affiliation might cause to the person he loves so much
It was another reason for them to be so secretive about your abilities - they weren't just waiting for your mind to heal enough to hear about the past, they were waiting for you to be strong enough to navigate a connection like that
He watched you when it came time to bargain with and subsequently trap the Devil, and he is so, so proud of you
Your short temper, aggressive nature, and quickness to violence are a different matter entirely. Everyone has things they struggle to control, that's part of being a person
They've spent years teaching you not to be afraid of or upset by your tendencies
If anything, they love the chance to see you let loose for the right reason. You're stunning when you're in your element
You shake things up and she likes it
She's so used to maintaining total control of herself and biting back her immediate responses that your impulsive aggression is hugely refreshing
It's also a nice change when most of the people she interacts with prefer to hide their thoughts and actions as much as possible
Half the time you lose your patience and shout you just end up saying what she was already thinking
She's especially happy to find that you give as good as you get, and that the chances of her doing something you don't like without you letting her know is next to zero
She was able to perceive quite a bit of tension whenever you spoke to the Devil. She could tell how tempting it was for you to join him, and seeing your decision to resist only made her fall harder for you
As a result, she likes to challenge you to see your aggression as a gift instead of as a struggle
Have you considered some form of combat training? Fencing? Wrestling? You have a gift for violence, would you like to join her royal guard?
You shake things up and it's better for him than he'd like to admit
If you're too quick to escalate things, he's the type who doesn't escalate even when it would be the appropriate thing to do
It was hard for him to get along with you at first. You remind him a bit too much of Lucio with your quick temper and loud voice, but you have a good heart
He especially saw it when the two of you were training under Morga. He came to recognize courage in your ferocity, and started to question what made a good person a good person
Of course, he didn't appreciate it as much when he was a little too close to your sparring matches and they started to get more aggressive than necessary
He's also quick to help you re-frame your guilt around your connection - you don't think he's a bad person after what he did, why would he think you're bad for what you didn't do?
He does value peace and quiet though, so he usually suggests that you stay in charge of splitting wood and other more violent jobs, just so you have a regular outlet
You have a short temper? She has a short temper too!
You're quick to throw a punch? So is she!
You two do learn quickly that it's not the best idea to only egg each other on. It doesn't always go well when you keep throwing each other's impulse control out the window every time something happens
You'll eventually perfect the art of taking turns reeling each other in. Though sometimes you play rock-paper-scissors for the chance to demolish an especially annoying person
Being with her takes "partner in crime" to a whole new level
It's a good thing you have both Nadia and Julian willing to smooth things over with their negotiating skills if you both blow up at the same time
She never drew a connection between you and the Devil - you were too busy dealing with her Aunt Tasya
You did one day confess it to her when it was really getting to you
She doesn't think it's any bigger of a deal than you say it is. As far as she's concerned, you are you, and that's who she loves
Honestly, it's an ongoing struggle for him not to be jealous of you
You have the same tendencies he does. You have the same affiliation he does. You were even offered a deal without having to seek it out, and he knows for a fact that it was tempting
And yet, you chose to say no
At the same time, it's a whole lot easier to accept help from you because he knows it comes from someone who understands and chooses to love him anyways
He chooses to be inspired by you instead
And he adores your comfort level with combat. You want a fight? He is so down for a fight. Say the word and he'll drop everything for a match
Let's just say that it's a good thing you two are in the career path that you are in, because if you didn't both have the chance to let off steam for a good cause that often it would be a recipe for disaster
Some people get concerned because of how quick you two are to argue with each other, but it actually works pretty well because you both get where the other is coming from and are quick to forgive
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jotun-design-party · 1 year
on fandom orientalism, ft. a quick visual example:
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the example on the right is something i drew solely using references of the top results i saw on pinterest upon searching "jotun loki." please don’t roast my inconsistent handwriting
south asian cultures are often jumbled together for white artists of all kinds (authors, artists, movie directors) to create a sense of mystery and make things look "more foreign."
note: this doesn't touch on the antiblack racism in canon jötun designs; this post is primarily about fandom-sourced fetishization. i heavily encourage people to reblog and add onto this post anything i may have missed or added nuance
cut: links on orientalism, in-media examples, how this manifests in fandom-made content
i'd like to start off by saying that this post is a white person telling other white people how to spot orientalism in relation to fiction. i am by no means an expert on any of this, but my goal here is to start creating a less ignorant space that doesn't push people out of fandom.
i'm just trying to stir up more conversations about this and get other white people to think more critically about how they engage with the content they consume. nerd shit should never come with a sacrifice and it's extremely upsetting to see people of color consistently forced out of fandom communities, especially when modern superhero comics began as a way for jewish people to have a voice.
if this post upsets you, i don't want to hear it. don't tell me, "it's not that deep," or, "keep politics out of comics." it is that deep, and superhero comics have always been political. if you have the urge to leave a comment or send an anon about how you don't think it's a big deal, feel free to block me instead, because i don't care and you'll just get blocked anyway 👍
with that out of the way,
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there are countless ways to design a character in a way that makes it clear that they are an alien, or to make them sexy, and there is no excuse to perpetuate stereotype that put real-life people in danger to do so.
"Orientalist paintings and other forms of material culture... depict an 'exotic' and therefore racialized, feminized, and often sexualized culture from a distant land." [¹]
there are so many examples of this in loki fic and art. it's extremely common to see loki depicted as a feminine object of desire. they may have longer hair. clothing that serves more as an accessory than an outfit, that isn't suited to protect them from either the harsh cold of jötunheim or the sunburns one might get when surrounded by reflections of the sun off the snow. draped in jewelry, and in a compromising position.
i'm sure you can imagine how this can get especially out of hand in relation to thorki. i would speak more on thor's presence as both the white aesir prince or the strong barbaric jötun, but as i'm not comfortable consuming thorki content, i don't have enough context to speak on the stereotypes used outside of the art pieces i've seen while searching for jötun loki fanart.
i am, however, confident in saying that orientalism often serves as a device for fan creators to show a contrast between Asgard's white-viking-british-accent-magic-science-elegance. jötunheim, in the comics, is often portrayed as a less intelligent, cutthroat, barbaric, and bloodthirsty culture.
"There was always something unknown and uniquely different about Orients which reinforced the distinction between the European 'us' and Asian 'them.'" [²]
the green link in particular comes with a helpful tool for anyone who might be inexperienced in spotting racist themes in media. if you have trouble being confident that the media in question is orientalism, this link comes with a checklist scale to score how likely it is to be an offensive depiction.
an example that most of you will be familiar with is Disney's Aladdin (1992). the green link goes much more in-depth about the intricacies of Aladdin's orientalism, and i heavily HEAVILY encourage you to read it, as it will help fully grasp the way fetishization and demonization go hand in hand in orientalism.
here, i'd also like to use it as a comparison to show why this loki stuff is honestly... egregious.
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by now, even the visuals here should seem very familiar.
the source goes on to use arranged marriage as an example of a common "trope" in orientalist fiction. as previously stated, i don't consume thorki fiction. however, i am EXTREMELY confident in making the guess that it tends to be a common theme when jötun loki is paired with an aesir thor.
i'd also heavily recommended this article and this wikipedia page, both on the negative and stereotypical portrayals of romani people; loki is a magic user, and i suspect that one of the reasons there is such heavy use of these appropriated, exaggerated, and fetishized themes and visuals is because of the demonization of romani people as tricksters, thieves, and witches.
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cringefaecompilation · 2 months
I know it wasn't the focus of your misogyny post so if I'm overstepping please ignore me, but it also really makes me mad when people "conveniently forget" that Ashton is nonbinary, especially when it justifies their shitty opinions (ie he's One Of The Boys™ so he's always correct and can do no wrong thanks to his male-based intellect unlike the awful evil women or he's an Evil Manipulative Man™ who's going out of his way to use his male-ness to harm these poor innocent helpless women because he said/did anything negative towards them). Like please y'all, they're not a man PLEASE they said their pronouns IN THE FIRST EPISODE PLEASE. Feel free to like/dislike Ashton all you want cause that's perfectly fair, but for the love of god don't be transphobic (especially to be sexist) when you do it??? Is that too much to ask??? Idk if I'm making sense/getting upset at nothing because I've seen a lot of people dismiss this as being silly or getting mad at nothing, but idk as a masc enby a lot of discussions around Ashton feel so gross? Idk though, once again ignore if I'm overstepping or anything
you are not being silly and you are not getting mad at nothing or overstepping. it's a huge problem.
i've seen way more of the former where he is misgendered as a cis male as a positive trait, so i'll be talking more about that. will be reposting my tags about this trend in fandom because i've already said my piece on it.
ashton is "schrodinger's man" to these people when they're bored with ignoring/erasing orym's respect and care towards the women in his life. they're nonbinary and trans when they're being directly defended against fans who only like the women, and they're a cis male who is a victim of violent misandry when complaining about previous drama or shipping laudmo/ore (willing to give the benefit of the doubt that maybe some of that blending is them including cis male actor taliesin jaffe but then again). the idea that shardgate was Feminism Going Too Far is an actual statement that i've seen going around the fandom, and it's gotten worse now with swordgate.
didja know there are people insisting laudna should have been abandoned by the hells or fearne should have gotten "harsher punishment" when her dad nearly killed her because both women did something selfish/impulsive and ashton was yelled at and punished for doing something selfish/impulsive? the They Only Were Upset With Ashton Because He Is A Man argument is so fucking dumb. bro almost nuked himself without telling anybody else and was the only one not forcing the shard down fearne's throat, of course they'd come to blows. and you wanna know why they didn't scream at fearne or laudna? BECAUSE THEY LEARNED TO NOT DO THAT. THEY HAD A THERAPY SESSION SPECIFICALLY TO AVOID DOING THAT SHIT AGAIN
and it really does make it obnoxious because i like him and orym's dynamic but it's so fucking frustrating seeing people make them into bell's hells leaders and Voices Of Reason just so they can say "orym is always correct because dead husband and imogen is a salty selfish bitch" or "ashton is always correct because tough love & street smarts and imogen is just a salty selfish bitch" that it immediately sets off red flags for me if someone says those guys are their favorite bh characters. and it sucks because i love orym and ashton too!
obligatory "both sides though" mention: yes. there are im/odna shippers that fantasize about "punishing" or murdering ashton. they do that to dorian and orym too. i am aware of them and i have seen them. i have 90% of them blocked lmao
and i have also talked about this before but the amount of people i've seen insisting callowm/oore is a bad homophobic cishet ship that erases fearne's pansexuality is BIZARRE. this argument was used to prop up fearn/iture which makes no fucking sense to me since chetney is, as far as we know, cisgender. we might not know ashton's sexuality proper but it's safe to assume they aren't heterosexual as they've flirted with people of many genders. also there was this genuine debate if as/hrym was a homophobic ship because orym only dates men... and. well. i don't think it'd be the same as shipping keyleth with orym, let's put it that way lol
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emeritus-fuckers · 6 months
Hi, feel free to ignore. I don’t know why this is making me panic so much but I’m a writer and I write Sodo being called Sodo instead of Dewdrop, some ghost fans seem to be getting a little mad that he’s not being called Dewdrop and I was wondering why you decided to call him Sodo?
Im unfortunately a chronic people pleaser and this is kind of tearing me apart part, I’m so very confused.
(I admire you very much by the way rat for sticking to your own beliefs and Hc’s and not going against your beliefs to please one person you don’t even know through a screen)
i believe the reason people get pissy about sodo being called sodo and not dewdrop (bleh) is because the man behind the mask is called the sodomizer and even has a tattoo of the word on his stomach, which leads people to apparently lose their minds because "it's disrespectful" to him by "blurring the line between him and the character" which is just nonsense, honestly.
sodo started out as a bassist, which would make him a water ghoul, so he was named dewdrop because compared to the rest of the band at the time, he was relatively small.
however, he is now the main guitarist. a fire ghoul. i do not see how a fire ghoul would be called dewdrop.
it's even more silly when you realize that papa called sodo that (well, sodomizer, which sodo is a short form of) multiple times. hell, at my own ritual, we were yelling out sodo.
the people behind the ghouls masks are very much aware of what we call them. at least some of them (sodo, aether and phantom definitely) are and they have no problem with being called that. sodo reacts to being called sodo.
fun fact, there was also a discourse about how apparently he's uncomfortable with dewdrop, but from what i've read, it wasn't from him, it was just misinformation which spreads in the fandom at a ridiculously fast pace.
for me personally, there are a few reasons i chose sodo over dewdrop.
one, it's a fucking fire ghoul. i'm not calling a fire ghoul dewdrop.
two, i view switching elements as something similar to being trans. partially because i'm trans myself. calling him dewdrop feels to me like deadnaming him.
three, it's a bit similar to mary goore's pronouns for me. while mary can be a he/they or a they/them, calling mary goore a "he" makes me uncomfortable. calling sodo dewdrop also makes me uncomfortable.
and lastly, i just don't like the name, in all honesty.
in the end, i believe that what he's called will depend on your own opinions and maybe when you joined the fandom, but calling sodo anything other than sodo feels wrong to me, so i'm sticking with that. i do accept asks where he's called dewdrop, but i always call him sodo either way.
if people are getting mad at you for this and making you panic, inform them that this is your choice as a writer and they are free to leave whenever they fucking please. it's your art. as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, you should be free to do anything you please with it. and calling a character a different name isn't gonna hurt anyone, trust me.
the people getting pissed at you probably have nothing better to do with their time. if i can skip a post with sodo being called dewdrop and ignore a post with mary being called a "he", they can ignore your posts/fics if they don't like a name or a headcanon. and if they don't and they seek out drama over something so petty, their opinions aren't worth caring about.
i used to be a chronic people pleaser, too, back when i wrote fanfiction on wattpad. and let me tell you, it made me feel terrible. i was pushing out chapters and publishing pieces i didn't like because people liked them. i was genuinely convinced my work was bad because it made me feel bad to write it.
eventually i decided to let go, completely switched out a fanfic in a way that people hated but also made me much happier. it's your writing and your decisions. other people don't get to dictate that. i'm sticking with my own headcanons because it's my blog. i made this blog. i am the main writer. if you disagree with a headcanon, you can move past my blog and go read someone else's fanfiction.
the best piece of advice that i can offer you, anon, is to remember that you're one of the people you're supposed to please. and the only one that truly matters in the end. if you ever wanna talk about those things, send me an ask on my main and i'll dm you (non-mutuals can't dm me for personal reasons) so we can talk more.
people suck. have fun writing.
- nosferatu
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leonardoeatscarrots · 5 months
My comics (on tumblr)
Gentle Hands (1-5) (6-10)
Hello, my asks are OPEN!
I really enjoy getting asks, so feel free to ask me anything!
Anons are ON
Some things you can ask me about:
My main comic: Spaceships and Vodka (a space pirate monster hunter series)
Either of my side comics: Gentle Hands (queer romance taking place during WWI/The Russian Revolution), or The Boy In The Mews (fantasy WWI piece)
Pathologic, Gravity Falls, The X-Files, Karamora, Lost Splendor, Felix Yusupov, V for Vendetta, Batman, or any of my other dorky obessions
My uniform collection ✨️
My writing or art process
Personal updates or concerns
Advice/opinions (?)
Whatever the hell else! I'm not picky! You're not limited to this list!
When sending asks, please keep the following in mind:
It may take a little while for me to reply, especially if I'm tired or busy.
I am allowed to ignore, delete, or report any ask for any reason. I do not need to explain it to you.
I don't mind personal questions, but if they are too private I will simply ignore them.
If the answer to a question regarding one of my WIPs is spoilery, I will either not post the spoilers or mark it as such, depending on the severity. Such questions are still allowed.
If you have 18+ or more adult oriented questions about my WIPs then go ham, idc. I'll answer them ::) Just note that they will be tagged as such.
There is no limit to how many asks you can send me. Please, I'm actually begging for people to be interested and talk to me ::*(
I have some banned fandoms that include but are not limited to: Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Harry Potter, and The Chosen. I also do not tolerate any exclusive fans.
Please don't send donation requests. I have my own financial crisis going on, and it's not like I'm famous or anything. 😔
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rauchendesgnu · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗 (i don't know if you do these sorts of chain-letter things, or if you'd prefer not to, but for my part i do like to know which of their works a given author is especially hype on, so consider this an opportunity to gush!)
hi there! I'm not really a fan of chain letters, but I do support people gushing about each others' (and their own) art. I hope you don't mind if I open this up to anyone who sees this (to anyone who sees this: if you're feeling like showing off your favourite pieces of writing or art or gifsets or music or sculptures or whatever you do, then please do so! I'd love to see everyone's best ofs! @ialwayscomewhenyoucall @al-in-my-head @chaosheadspace I am herewith asking you specifically to show me your favourite fics :D)
These are in no particular order:
A Gentleman's Guide To Dancing Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Geraskier Rating: T Words: 8,433 Why is this a fave: Gay Regency Pining™️and dance lessons Other Stuff Worth Mentioning: Regency Era, Witchers still exist, Slow Burn (ish, with only 8k words)
Insane Twink Takes On Military (or how Lambert learned that Geralt's husband is actually terrifying) Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Geraskier Rating: T Words: 1,068 Why is this a fave: BAMF Jaskier, also intimidation is one of the best skills in DnD and Jaskier rolled a Nat20 in this fic Other Stuff Worth Mentioning: BAMF Jaskier, do I need to say more?
New Perspectives Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Geraskier Rating: T Words: 4,226 Why is this a fave: vaguely Victorian setting, people respecting boundaries, trans character, supportive husband (and friends) Other Stuff Worth Mentioning: trans Jaskier, Arranged Marriage, Historical Fantasy (ish) AU (don't ask me to define the settings my brain comes up with), transphobia (not from Geralt), dysphoria
For A Moment We Are People Fandom: The Magnus Archives Pairing: LonelyEyes Rating: T Words: 3,075 Why is this a fave: Hurt Elias. Also Peter trying to justify falling in love with a horrible man called Elias Other Stuff Worth Mentioning: Illegal Soft LonelyEyes, Peter finds out he doesn't like Elias in pain if it's someone other than him who does the hurting
Five Times Jon Faces His Dysphoria Alone... Fandom: The Magnus Archives Pairing: JonMartin (Teaholding because I think it sounds cute) Rating: T Words: 4,266 Why is this a fave: the trans. also I projected a bit. maybe. and again, supportive partner and friends Other Stuff Worth Mentioning: trans Jonathan Sims, gender dysphoria, comfort
I know it said five fics, but since everything I write concerning trans characters and being trans is kind of very personal and important to me, I'll have to add another of those fics (and feel free to check out the trans fics that I have not listed here)
Questions Of Identity Fandom: The Magnus Archives Pairing: JonMartin (Teaholding) Rating: T Words: 4,496 Why is this a fave: the trans (again, yes). again, projecting and me being angry at ignorant people. supportive partner and friends (do we spot a theme yet?) Other Stuff Worth Mentioning: trans Martin Blackwood, gender dysphoria, comfort, pre-T Martin
I'll have to add another note (sorry): I haven't done so for my earlier work, but my more recent fics all have content warnings about what kind of dysphoria is discussed. If dysphoria in fics is triggering to you, feel free to check the content warnings and take care of yourself <3
Last thing (I promise): feel free to ask me anything about these fics or any other stuff I write and post. I also love recommendations, if you feel like I might enjoy something you've seen or read :D
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anonymousad · 1 year
Hey, this is Harlan. I get that I'm not perfect - I've definitely made mistakes - but seeing as in the past I've overshared, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't contribute to this by posting comments explaining the details of the things I've over-shared... that I shouldn't have. My show got popular and this "massive community" that I shared things with - things that the previous poster commented about, were posted when it was much smaller. It was still a very bad idea and a stupid move, so feel free to tell people about my mistakes - but I'm asking you to maybe not help spread the details of the stuff please. If you want people to stay away from me and generally share negative Harlan stuff - honestly I'm fine for it - I can take my lumps. I'll take accountability too; yes I overshared in the community, I shared stuff from my personal life, I treated fans as friends, I made mistakes in dealing with them at times. I'm sorry to those who were upset/hurt/frustrated or disappointed in my oversharing or general mistakes. I'll be pulling back from public spaces in general, interacting less, and overall just stopping. I am garbage, I get it. Please stop tagging my real life name in every terrible piece of my life I chose to share.
first of all, I appreciate you taking a moment to address this by sending me a message. a lot of creators would just ignore it or go off on a tirade to play a victim, and you haven't and I think that does show a lot of growth and maturity.
I don't think dredging up old issues is particularly useful, if they have been appropriately addressed. I've never been part of the Malevolent community in a way that it seems many others have, so my context for these things is based on what I am being asked to share. if there are aspects of the messages that I am getting which are already closed books, I think they don't need more than a passing mention. and even that I only say because patterns of behavior are something we should all be aware of in the people/figures we interact with, online or in-person. that's just a healthy thing to do generally to establish personal boundaries that can stop you from getting burned by someone over and over.
I also would not say that you are a garbage person, I don't think that name-calling (even yourself) is a healthy way to approach any kind of situation.
what I think seems to be the issues and the reason that I am getting these messages NOW is that there have been recent events that the community feels you have not dealt with.
no one has been calling for your head or your cancellation, the tone I am picking up is that people just want some accountability. these more recent issues with the Discord server and ex-mods seem to have hurt a lot of people, some of whom are calling it out as a pattern.
I think most people (especially people who were once fans of someone/their work) want to see acknowledgment of mistakes publicly and positive changes being made more than they want any kind of attack campaign.
the problem comes when polite requests for this go unheard or ignored or the seriousness isn't grasped until it is called out on a more public scale.
I have nothing against you or your podcast or your family or friends or anything. I just think it is important to provide somewhere that people can share their experiences safely (which in our community does mean anonymously because of how tight knit some of the cliques are).
I hope you are growing and learning from this and that you can regain the trust of your community, but it starts with addressing them and their concerns upfront where they are relevant (none of that YouTuber apology bullshit where it goes on a much smaller second channel or a Twitter account that not even a quarter of their YT subscribers follow). fully owning up to any mistakes you've made is a good first step, and how you approach it will dictate whether people accept it.
this stuff is bad for you (not even in terms of image, just in terms of your general health as a person) and for them, so I hope it gets resolved as best as it can.
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deus-irae · 1 year
Hello everyone.
A little introduction before we begin~
My name is Eon, a true Scorpio(I love astrology 🙃) I am 26, passionate fan of AIs and Robots and altogether a really mellow person. I dont like drama and if I should come across a callout post or something similar, I will simply ignore it. Most of the time it's simply not worth the effort to read.
I am not here for this kind of stuff and don't need to be told which whom to interact with or not. You do you and if I am not okay with what you are doing or acting, I will simply ignore you. End of story.
Also... English is not my first language, I am originally from Austria so please excuse any grammatical errors from my side :p
I write occasionally and draw as well. I am a digital artist and use Medibang Paint Pro because it's easy and brings excellent results :) I just started to learn how to program as well so I look forward to meet other people who already have more experience in it than me. What else... Oh yeah, i am also in a couple Fandoms right now which include:
Marathon(The Bungie Game)I Love Durandal with all my ♥️. He's my special blorbo 😶
The Murderbot Diaries
Colossus: The Forbin project
Favorite Characters: Arlong(Onepiece), Durandal(Marathon), Freeza(DBZ), AM, Hal 9000, Tau, Colossus and Guardian.
This is not my first time on Tumblr, I was here a couple years ago already but kind of lost interest. Now since I am currently on vacation I decided to make a new account to start fresh so to speak.
I look forward meeting new people on here so feel free to jump in my chat or inbox. :)
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bybdolan · 2 years
hi, amy! how are you? i admire a lot your writing and i wanted to ask if you have any tips to write powerful and creative metaphors, please
I just reblogged two of my favorite writing related posts, one of which directly deals with the topic of imagery. As an addition, it always helps me to think about what I want to convey with a specific image. The "the road is cuved like a cat's tail" example Ocean Vuong is not a fan of, for example, could work for me if we connect it to a description of headlights as yellow eyes and thus create the image of a WHOLE cat, a predatory animal able to pounce at any moment. Which conveys a sense of anxiety, of slumbering danger, perhaps of false peace. Take all what I say here with a grain of salt because I tend to get overly stuck on imagery to a point that maybe is overbearing. Ocean Vuong and Chuck Palahniuk most likely are better teachers, but oh well. To illustrate my point about thinking what exactly you want to say, I translated and explained some of the images I have written (all from my bigger writing project because I was too lazy to search somewhere else lmao) to showcase my thought process and aims with creating them.
“She wonders which parts of her people have chosen and savoured like a rich piece of meat.” – The main idea here revolves around consumption. I link the consumption of revenge p*rn to a slight steakhouse atmosphere, where people explicitly choose which parts of an animal they want to eat. The woman’s body thus is reduced to its parts (dissolving of the body is a bigger theme in general) and what these parts can do for the “customer”. There is also an element of sensuality, as well as a slight cannibalism edge if you want to look for it.
“Her mother once told Alison that talking to her was like pulling teeth. Now her teeth are pebbles in her hand.” – (Let’s ignore the doubling of “teeth” that I still don’t know what to do with.) Here, I wanted to connect being vulnerable and revealing yourself to actual physical harm and a feeling of loss upon discovering that you just opened yourself up to somebody else. It’s also just a nice turn of phrase.
“Her body is a frayed rope, and so she remains like this, coiled up into him.” – Frayed rope = being worn out, maybe having pulled a muscle, fatigue, anxiety, being overwhelmed. The “coiled up” expands on this idea and really gives a sense of physical closeness.
“His hug yanks her back into her body the way a fish is pulled out of water.” – This one is focused on movement and a certain harshness and violence. It’s also implied that resting within her body is the unnatural state.
“Much of it is food she recognizes from childhood, but her parents’ fridge is a loved, worn-down apartment, while hers resembles a storage room.” – This one is meant to point out emotional connection to food, or a lack thereof. I like the idea of the fridge as a space akin to a building.
“The night in November is a tear in her veil of virtue, her thoughts are manic fingers widening the hole.” – Again, I was thinking about movement: How do I convey frantic thoughts? I like the image of the manic fingers because it reminds me of depictions of addiction and withdrawal, as well as the way people pick at their skin. It also makes me think of freeing yourself from something that is suffocating you, hence the hole idea. Love a good hole moment too (absence!).
“Her tongue is strange and heavy in her mouth, a leech stuck to her throat." – Slimy! I think this one most appropriately ticks Ocean Vuong’s “connection of sensuality” box. I like that it’s disgusting and, like the teeth phrase earlier, shows a disconnect between thought and speech, an inability to communicate. Very gothic in a way.
“Shame grows within her, heavy and [soft/furred]; her body turns into a rotten fruit.” – Apart from the fact that it’s a little biblical, it also is reminiscent of a peach, giving it all a sexual edge.
“She cannot look at his handwriting, the sharp curve of his C [gouges/drills] itself into her abdomen.” – Sex! Pain! Grief! The intimacy of somebody’s handwriting! The C as a dagger!
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onyourowndaisymae · 2 years
requests, asks, + what i will and won't write
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wanna shoot the shit and get to know me a little better? want my thoughts about a certain idea/event in a fandom of your choosing? feel free to send in asks! i will obviously keep some information private, but i'd also love to make some friends around here. i'll answer questions about a lot of things-- my ocs, shit i'm interested in, hell, even off topic questions like my music taste! don't be shy :)
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i will try my my hardest to be super clear about when requests are open or closed. in terms of requesting:
follow the rules for what i will/won't write
feel free to send anon or with your blog name! i know requesting can be nerve-wracking so feel free to ask anon
please try to specify that this is an ask... i'm a lil dumb sometimes! if you just send a general thought and don't ask for specific writing stuff, i probably will just assume it's not an ask
please be clear about which fandom you're requesting for
be specific... but not too specific. convoluted prompts are going to be hard to get invested in. i'm really not a fan of writing prompts like "can you write an mc that has these very specific powers like x and is related to y character and looks like z?" -- there's not any problem with these asks, i just know i won't do them justice! on the other hand, if you just give a prompt like "characters react to mc with dark hair", i won't really have anything to build off of. obviously, this is a hard line to walk sometimes. just try your best!
if you have a preference, please specify gender in your requests! i am afab, so if i am writing gender i will usually default to female if gender is an important part of the piece for some reason. however, i mainly try to write gender neutral so everyone can enjoy. if you have a preference, please mention it!
when requesting, please limit the number of characters you request for. what does this look like? if you're requesting a prompt for obey me, as an example, please choose the demon brothers OR the dateables/side characters. with collar x malice, choose the detective agency OR side characters. if not, i will deadass take FOREVER to get the request out. you are absolutely welcome to request both groups in separate asks, though!! this looks like: you send in two separate requests for the prompt "obey me characters on a first date", one requesting the demon brothers and the other requesting the side characters. that way i can get content out faster AND cover all the characters.
i'm a busy gal! sometimes it will take me a minute to get through asks. i want to make sure each idea gets all the love and attention they deserve. know that if you're going to submit a request, i will complete requests on my own time. obviously, i will aim to get them in a timely manner, but be aware that sometimes it might be a hot minute until i finish with them. (update: after taking requests for a while, i can safely say it takes me FOREVER to get through them. my apologies. i am just slow. if this bothers you, i am probably not the best person to request from. sorry!)
i have the right to ignore or turn down asks/requests. at the end of the day, this is my blog. if you send me something that's triggering or against my rules, i will not respond.
i will be posting regularly, even if it's not your ask. i learned the hard way that my engagement drops to the gutter if i don't, so i will continue to have things queued up to post. sit tight! i haven't forgotten about you, i'm probably just working on it still!
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thirsting about characters i write for and wanna drop those delicious thoughts in my ask box? sudden thought of a very fluffy scenario and felt like sharing? go right ahead! i would love to respond to your thoughts and i love hearing what other people think about these characters/universes! i probably won't respond to these general thoughts with full fics or headcanons, but i would love to through around some ideas with you!
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sfw - fluff, angst, hurt comfort, you name it!
full spectrum of characters in a fandom as long as i have seen them enough in canon to feel comfortable enough to do so. examples for characters i don't write (yet!) are mephisto, thirteen, and raphael from obey me.
character x reader/character x mc
on occasion, character x character (as long as it follows my other rules!)
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heavy kink material - i'm a bit more vanilla myself, so hardcore kinks are really not my thing. i don't exactly know where that line is writing-wise tbh, but i'm sure i will find it as my blog ages. for now, if it seems abusive if you squint, i would probably not send it in
pedophilia and/or (n)sfw between underage and adult characters
self-harm content (including cutting, eating disorders, alcoholism, etc)
{these lists are subject to change over time! if you're unsure, please check!}
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please use some common sense. i love writing for and interacting with fandom spaces, but i am not going to continue to engage with things that make me miserable. please do not send intentionally triggering content to my asks or i will be forced to shut down requests.
when in doubt about what i will or will not write-- ask! i promise i won't bite! if you come to me respectfully, even if i ultimately won't write what you're requesting, i have no interest in being hostile. however, if you're intentionally trying to piss me off in my asks, you are welcome to fuck right off.
remember -- there is a human on the other side of this blog. please respect my boundaries and be understanding of my limits as a person. don't be a dick on purpose.
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[back to directory]
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samstronomy · 3 months
hiii i’m sam!!!!
i use any and all pronouns!! this includes but is NOT limited to: he/she/they, any neo/xenopronouns, and more! i genuinely do not care lol
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^ me with the exaggerated swagger of a non-binary teenager
super normal about anything and everything. trust
i draw. sometimes
feel free to use my art as icons (with creds in bio/pinned please :3)!!!!!
my main interest right now is one piece! i will edit my pin as i see fit for when/if this interest(s) changes!
please don’t follow me expecting to see content for/from one specific fandom! while i do tend to ignore my other interests in favor of my main one(s), i do occasionally post/reblog things from other fandoms! thank u in advance <3!!!
u will be boiled (blocked) if u fit into my dni so i’m not gonna make a wall of text for dnis because it will be way too long. also i need room for my interests. sorry not sorry LOLZIES!!!!
interests include but are not limited to: ☆ one piece, rhythm games (specifically project sekai, i also dabble in friday night funkin but we’re not gonna talk about that), pokémon, undertale/deltarune, the legend of zelda (pretty much all of the games but breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom the most! i’m a big fan of skyward sword though <333), neon genesis evangelion, chainsaw man, jujutsu kaisen, demon slayer, trigun, the portal games, splatoon 3, spider-man (mostly the spiderverse movies but spider-man media in general has been very beloved by me since i was small), animal crossing
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ace is my favorite character ever btw. if you couldn’t tell by the fact that my ENTIRE BLOG HAS HIM PLASTERED OVER IT LMAO
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borathae · 6 months
I'm so sorry Sibi! I'm so busy rn, I missed so much of your content! But I'm starting to have more free time, and I'll hopefully be able to catch up soon!
I know you've posted more fan art I haven't seen yet and I just finished Tortured so be ready for some reviews!
Speaking of Tortured ... Girl ... you need to stop slaying so hard one day I'm not going to be able to survive one of your fic! I'm definitely going to write a review soon because piece of art needs to be shared and not tucked away 🥰🥰
Please take your time my dear 💜 I just feel relieved to know that my stuff isn’t being ignored but that some of you are just busy 💜
Sjsjsjsj also thank you so much fjsjsjs I’m so happy you are loving Tortured hrheheheeh 😙😙😙 istfg take your time though my dear hehe 💜
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formula-fun · 9 months
Hello friend! How are you? I hope you’re okay and that finals are going easy on you, even though I know they never are but I really wish they are. ♥️
If you don’t mind me asking how are the final chapters coming together? Just curious!
I was rereading the whole series the other day, and I just love how you don’t portray Max’ relationship with Jos as black and white. In about a year of being in the fandom and reading fics, yours is the only one where Max doesn’t straight out hate Jos. I mean how could he?! I think every child has this resentment for their parents for screwing them up on different levels, but at the end of the day there is also unconditional love. I think Jos gave up a lot to be the parent he was for Max and whether he was a good or bad one is another question. This probably doesn’t make sense, but I just wanted to thank you for making your fic more human and complex like real-life people and relationships are. <3
Also, are you planning to write anything if and when the series are done? If yes, would you mind sharing what you have in mind? Obviously, please feel free to ignore both questions. 😊
Hi hi!! Thanks so much 💛 I’m doing okay! Finally wrapped the quarter up and now im on vacation, really glad it’s over. When im back in town I’ll be able to work on writing, which im really excited about! I have a lot written so it shouldn’t be too much to finish up, but I want to give it a good ending and that always takes time. So we’ll see!
And thanks, that’s so sweet! I’m definitely not high on the list of Jos fans fjgkhkhkhk but it’s so clear to see how much he and max love each other even if Max’s childhood was complicated, so I’ve always felt like just writing Jos off as a villain isn’t fair to either of them and oversimplifies how nuanced children’s relationships with their parents can be. 100% agree with you that no child has a perfect relationship with their parents and everyone resents their parents for something, but there’s also love and loyalty there. Jos was a lot of things to Max and to this day is still a huge part of his life and who he is, so writing that out doesn’t really make any sense to me.
And I’m not really sure yet!! I thought about a workplace au a little but I don’t know if I’m super compelled toward it. I also have a crack fic draft that I’ve posted pieces of in the past, so I might polish that up next. We’ll see 💛 if there’s anything in particular you want to see you can always let me know and I’ll see what I can do!
Thanks for the ask!
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