#If you like Lego Monkie Kid btw than you can follow me there ;3
lxkexbxss · 2 years
Sorry for not being on here a lot...monkeys wrestled my attention from the turtles once more and they refuse to let me focus on anything else ewe;;;;
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ayup new anon has appeared ! I've been catching up with the blog.
So I know this is late but with the Lumity kiss scene, Lily 100% doesn't know what she's talking about. Previous anon is going in the right direction but I wanted to just swing by and add more details as an animator myself. Ignore me if this is too off topic lol
Firstly, they got guest animator, Tom Barkel, who has worked on Rise of TMNT and Lego Monkie Kid (cartoons Lily/Mikaila has promoted on the channel btw) to do the rough animation for that scene. If Disney pay like everyone else, Tom would be paid for the amount of time he spent on the scene which due to the attention to detail probably meant he got paid more than if he were to do an average scene, so yes more of the budget would have gone into his involvement alongside clean up animation for that scene.
Secondly, the reason the animation appears better quality is simply because it is better quality. More time went into details such as different animation principles and subtle movements/expressions throughout the sequence. The scene has a lot more squash and stretch, and anticipation and follow through compared to your average TOH animation.
(This isn't a diss on other animators on the show, you produce what you're paid to produce, Tom being paid more means he has more time to add these details.)
Thirdly, to say there are less frames is just?? the complete opposite of what's happening ?? Lily is mistaking frame rate for animating on 1's/2's/3's/etc. The frame rate is still 24 fps (frames per second) but clearly Tom is using more of those 24 frames within each second. I couldn't tell you with certainty but I would guess he's animating on 1's when TOH is usually animated on 2's. Animating on 1's means that EVERY frame of the 24 frames within a single second is unique, which from experience is extremely time consuming.
Sorry for ranting but I love the animation process and it sucks seeing people like Lily just completely make up stuff and downplay all the hard work the animators put into these types of shots, especially when her fanbase is so easily swayed by her word. And I know you don't know much about animation so I apologise if a lot of what I just said isn't understandable XD
Nah, Rant away! Animation is always something I've been curious about.
And having just seen the scene in question... Yeah, no. They definitly made the animation smoother, something that can only be accomplished by using every single frame available.
It's really obvious that they did something different for that one particular scene, so I don't know what Lily is going on about.
Also, thanks for the info!
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