#If you want to lnow my thoughts on the show itself
vmures · 5 months
Think I may jave figured out why some of the complaints about Teen Wolf fandom members being dumb bug me so much. It's hard to tell if people are basing their criticisms of others fandom opinions on people's meta posts or their fandom creations.
Add in that certain defense squad people absolutely use fandom creations to argue that the creator is any number of things and I tend to assume that other's are basing their takes on fanworks, which don't accurately reflect a creators opinions on the show itself.
I use canon as inspiration but I don't stick to it in fan works. That's not why I'm in fandom. I like fanworks because they let me explore all the what it's and play with the characters the same way I used to play with my toys. They are storytelling vehicles.
I focus on the characters that draw me in the most and tend to write limited third person point of view. This means that a lot of times the characters opinions are what is shown. Those opinions do not necessarily reflect my own.
There are characters who just rub me the wrong way and that does show in my work, as well. Though I try to keep it nuanced and not just outright bash. I do frequently play with canon and I like playing with the complexities. So I might soften a harsh character or explore changes would have resulted from that chatacter having different circumstances. Sometimes the are out-of-character to the canon version. None of that means that I don't understand canon.
Outside of showing which characters I prefer and which I find annoying or frustrating, my fic doesn't necessarily reflect any of my thoughts on the show.
I don't tend to offer my meta takes very often because I don't like getting dragged into discourse or told I don't belong just because I have a different take from someone else. I stay away from fandom tags for similar reasons. But sometimes it crosses my dash and some of those times it feels like a kick in the gut and leaves me wondering if a mutual thinks that that negatively about me.
Now that I've realized the issue causing me to feel that way, it will be easy to try remind myself these are not the defense squad posts and that more than likely they are basing their frustrations on meta takes and not fan creations and thus is not about me.
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Love, Death & Robots.
Can I just say, how happy it makes me, that the anthology series is back?
I mean, Love, Death & Robots isn‘t the first by a long shot … but still, I am glad that this art form is back. It lends itself so very beautifully to the telling of small stories.
I lnow I am late on the band wagon, but this is my hot take on Love, Death & Robots. Just fresh of bingeing it. No reflection just feeling … or in other words, the result of rubbing my last two sleep deprived braincells together.
It‘s just my opinion, nothing more.
On the technical side of things …
This show is fucking gorgeous. The style usually goes with the general tone of the story, all of them competently and craft fully realized. The same goes for the voice work, the sound design and the soundtrack.
On a side note, diversity is so so, could be better but could be worse … I‘d say average …
It‘s definitely NC-17. Blood, gore, violence, sex and lovingly rendered co**s. We have it all. If you are sensible … you might want to skip some of the stories …
Beware … here there be spoilers
"Sonnie's Edge"
A woman named Sonnie remotely controls a genetically-engineered monster in underground gladiatorial battles. A rich man offers her a lot of money to lose, but she refuses. After she wins the combat, he comes back to make her pay, only to discover he got things very wrong.
I really liked the concept of the story, though not so much the execution. I am just not a huge fan of the „live begins at rape“-trope and I thought that backstory element was rather clumsily handled. I also feel like we could have reached the same twist wit a different backstory …
It‘s a really great twist.
I mean, I am not to clever, maybe you‘ll see it coming a mile away … but I still think it‘s a good twist …
Carefull, gore and boobs …
"Three Robots"
After the destruction of humanity, three robots take a vacation tour around seemingly abandoned city, trying to understand how humans lived based on their limited knowledge of them and the things they left behind. The surprise comes when they met a cat.
It‘s exactly what it says on the tin. It is sweet, adorable, funny … surprisingly meta in it‘s message, without getting too heavy handed, it has kittens … I love it.
If you have problems with skulls, skip it, there a loads of it here …
"The Witness"
A woman witnesses a murder in a building in front of the hotel where she is staying. She flees from him through a surreal city.
What it say on the tin. The twist isn‘t really a surprise if you pay attention, but it‘s a case of blink and you miss it.
I like the concept a lot and the execution was alright …
Nudity … lots of it … also blood … so, if that is a no, for you … skip it. Otherwise, I really like the twist … I say that a lot …
A small community of farmers pilot mech suits to defend their land from an invading swarm of insectoid aliens.
Again, what it says on the tin … a little heavy handed with the characterization, but they have only minutes to establish them, so that‘s O.K. for me. The characters are all very sweet and caring … not so much a twist ending as a WTF moment.
The violence is relatively tame … maybe PG 13, if you can stomach alien blood and a major character death …
"Sucker of Souls"
Awakened by an archaeological excavation, a bloodthirsty demon fights a crew of mercenaries.
What‘s on the tin.
I really liked this one. I like the  archaeologist, I like the mercenaries, … The ending is a bit … not disappointing … but you feel a bit cheated.
I also feel like this could work very well as Terror AU, with Goodsir being the archaeologist and the mercenaries being Crozier, fem-Blanky and … maybe Fitzjames …
The actual gore … rather graphic, though the style isn‘t hyper realistic … if you‘re sensible, definitely skip this one …
"When The Yogurt Took Over"
Yogurt developed by scientists becomes sentient and takes over the world.
What can I ay? It‘s what‘s on the tin.
Rather tame, except for a few moments of very dark humor … the style is very cartoony, so … not for the faint of heart maybe, but it should be fine for most people.
"Beyond the Aquila Rift"
Blue Goose's crew—Thom, Suzy, and Ray—are on a mission to reach beyond the Aquila Rift, but an error in the routing plot causes unexpected events to happen.
Sort of, what it says on the tin … but not …
I really liked it, … not particularly gory per see except for a quick scene … but if you hate spiders, definitely stay away … also boobs …
This one would also make for a great Terror AU, with Crozier as the Captain and Sophia as his long lost acquaintance …
"Good Hunting"
In early 20th century China, a boy becomes friends with a shape-shifting huli jing after his father kills the huli jing's mother. Years later, living in a steampunk Hong-Kong, they find each other again.
I really like the idea behind this … the thought  that magic can not exists in a world full of iron and steam. I loved that concept back in Lords and Lady's and I still love it.
I just could have done without the sex trafficking …
I‘d prefer d if she‘d just gotten a new body on her own terms, … Because I really like the concept that she has to change herself completely in order to control this new magic …
Definitely not for the faint of heart … what‘s on the screen is upsetting enough … the implications even more so …
Also, lots of nudity …
"The Dump"
A city inspector tries to convince Ugly Dave to move out of his house which is located in a dump. However, Dave and his pet are not intent on doing so.
This one was wearing tapp shoes … but I still like it … its cute … and dark … sensible people … maybe skip it …
Nudity … death and gore … also a puppy …
Two close friends in the Marines with supernatural powers have to fight one of their own in Afghanistan.
Whats on the tin. Short, sweet, heartbreaking … gore … major character death … Nudity
"Helping Hand"
An astronaut faces a life or death situation after an accident while spacewalking in orbit. Now she has to decide, arm or live …
This was a hard one for me to watch … not so much for the gore … there is none … but just seeing her being so brave and inventive and … so so fucked … it was a hell of a ride, for me it was worth it …
God damn she is awesome!
"Fish Night"
Two salesmen get stuck in the desert, and discover that the desert is not what it seems at night.
I love it!
I loved the concept wen Pratchett came up with it for wee free men … where he mentioned it in a throw away line … and I was angry at myself for days, that I never came up with it myself …
Spooky, pretty … bloody … there was a shark … Nudity
I was sad, but I‘ll definitely give it a rewatch …
This doesn't so much work as an entire Terror AU, but I feel like, the concept does lend itself easily to being used with Silna …
"Lucky 13"
A pilot recalls her missions aboard the dropship Lucky 13, which had already lost two crews before.
Boy did I cry at this one … bit gory … and onions, so many onions … who the fuck needs so many onions at this time of night?
But yeah, I have a thing for ships … sue me …
"Zima Blue"
A reclusive artist gives a final interview after 100 years.
I love this … the style is very stylized and lends itself beautiful to the story … ah … I think this is even something for the faint of heart … also, in my case onions …
A cyborg crew attempts to rob a convoy.
What‘s on the tin, pretty straight forward … nothing special … but I feel that is less the stories fault and more the fact that it is simply outclassed among all the others …
Violent, but cartoony … so … no idea … proceed with caution?
"Ice Age"
A couple who just moved into the apartment finds a civilization inside an antique refrigerator.
What‘s on the tin.
Really sweet, really cute … cute couple … I feel like, some of the lines could have used one more rewrite, but that is me nitpicking. I really liked it, it was awesome, definitely gonna rewatch it … I feel like this is even for the faint of heart …
It is also very refreshing to see a married couple just hanging out together … love it
"Alternate Histories"
Multiversity, an alternative history research simulation app, shows the viewer the death of Adolf Hitler in 6 different timelines on their welcome demo.
I feel like Douglas Adams came back from the dead to write this … I get defined Hitchhiker vibes.
Ah … dark, but super cartoony, so the violence is rather tame … still, not G rated, despite the style … Nudity
I liked it a lot …
"Secret War"
A platoon of Red Army soldiers hunt down the undead in the forests of Siberia.
What it say on the tin.
The style is super realistic, so nothing for the faint of heart. Blood, gore … more blood, more gore …
I liked it …
And, is it just me, or is the Lieutenant the spitting image of John Morfin?
This would make an amazing Terror AU, you pretty much only have to change the names … even the Lieutenants second gives me Collins vibes …
I hope I got all the Nudity, but there is a lot of it … not even always in a sexy way, just in a “humans sometimes are naked” way …
And that was  Love, Death & Robots.
Was it good?
Hell yes!
Do I want more?
Definitely …  though I don‘t have to high hopes for a potential second season … once burned twice shy … But I‘d be delighted if we get one as good or even better.
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ttiredenby · 6 years
Ok I need to rant about Wilford "Motherloving" Warfstashe (hope i spelled it right)
So I didnt know this thing was anything till the day of. My phome had gotten wet and well I was getting a new phone. So when i saw everything happening with the Markiplier fandom I was confused. So I finally got to youtube and almost died at what the hell was going on.
So first off the story. I watched and rewatched both ADWM and WKM. I did my best to make my own theories to really figure out what was going on. At first I thought Abe was alive with this new video. I truly thought maybe he didnt die. Lets just day this video raised question throughout. Now ive grown to love Wil over the years and truly admire his craziness. So seeing him in a state where I couldnt point out the timeline till the end was blowing my mind. But with this bit of the story tieing into the rest of the timeline, it really worked. Everything was fitting together and makimg some sort of sense. We can see that Wilford after Celine and Damien are gone, he starts to lose it. Especially after seeing the MC come back to life after dying. Its as if nothing is really real to him. Everything and anything is possible to Wil which makes him start to lose reality itself. Now im not sure if eveeything the detective was saying about Wil was true or not. Since he is technically dead and maybe ghe whole thing was a dream. But Wil does start to understand that nothing really makes sense and that its fine. He wants to reassure Abe even though he is still dead. This was an pdd but wonderful was to show them makeing peace to what they had been through.
SO THE ACTING. Now as an actor myself I truly admire any acting strategy either in actingnor voice acting. I'm blow and so proid that Mark and his friends lnow what they are doing. Technical wise the sounds and effects were beautifully done and that always makes me smile. But I loved the way that they use everything that these characters have gone through and make it their own. That is truly wonderful. I'm very happy about how this whole thing went down on every level. (But I still want to see Dark again but I'm still happy)
Ok thats all just praiseing this is all thank you @markiplier for everything and please keep up the amazimg work.
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