#You can ask
el-pada · 5 months
why is it always my splatoon art being stolen bruhh, just had to deal with an ig account who was getting 5 times the attention off of my stuff
hell even before the game released a random game news site used my first ever deep cut drawing as if it was a game asset, atleast it just took 1 email to make them take it down
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takami-takami · 10 months
AHAHAHAH posting my L's here. Just got done doing a presentation for class then sat down and started daydreaming about Hawks and a few student presentations go by, and someone presents on romantic parasocial relationships with media characters.
Damn bro maybe I need to get laid. We should do a community blackout month on this account where no one posts or sends asks we just go out and get pussy and calm down a little.
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amatsuchan-eiliniel · 2 months
I just made a Tumblr for my OC Hopper O'Latock! You can ask him ANYTHING (NSFW allowed ⚠️).
I don't know if it's going to be seen by many of you but it's here in case of!
@hoppero-latock 🐇🕰️
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spinningbagel · 2 months
What’s like, the general story of your circus oc’s? :o
Man. The way I could go on forever about the story because there's quite a bit too it
Firstly, the story (and name of the circus) is The Midnight Circus and the general gist of it without saying too much is Sebastion, our protagonist, finds an ad in the newspaper, talking about a circus in need of a nighttime security guard (I call this my accidental fnaf reference) and he takes it, getting hired pretty easily.
He goes to the circus, meeting up with the Ringmaster (who is, creatively named Ringmaster (I swear that makes sense in future)) So, Ringmaster goes around, gives him the tour of the place and the performers there (a total of 9 main performers). And then he's given a flashlight, shown to his office that you can't really call an office (it's more a trailer) and left alone to do his job, everything seems fine.
The job isn't really a hard one, watch the cameras for a bit, wander around and make sure no one breaks in and things are in order.
It should, in theory, be an easy way to earn money, a circus essentially in the middle of nowhere isn't really a big target for people breaking in.
Though, a lot of weird things happen during the night, things that, when he asks Ringmaster about, he denies as being a possibility, essentially calling Seb crazy. ("Seeing things on the first night? Are you sure this is a job you want?")
I think, that is the vaguest idea of the story I can give- a lot of the story relies a lot on the characters and their reasons for being in the circus ("Everyone has something they want that brought them here.") but like, if you want a more in depth explanation of the story- which would include parts of characters backstories relevant to the main story and a whole bunch of supernatural things- you can just ask!! I'd be more than happy to talk about the individual characters and their stories.
Though, if you're wanting to follow along the story as it develops, I'm posting it in a kind of visual novel style on TikTok and am working on putting it into a video format to post to YouTube.
Anyways, hope that makes sense enough. I've lowkey not had the chance to explain the story to someone, just bits and pieces to Jay.
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contrastparadoxx · 5 months
Hello Mr the cleanser. Whatcha reading
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“Things Fall Apart”
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ghost-in-my-backyard · 3 months
um alright guys, so i need opinions opinions... just imagine, that hypothetically... ki you are a guy and... i were to um... let's say reply to your story... like we know eachother and all but we don't talk (i have a crush on you and you may or may not know that, it's unclear), so if I were to reply to your story, would you think i'm creepy? or desperate? or you won't mind?
just asking out of curiosity, absolutely not gonna do anything to anyone...
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viridislumine · 1 year
Ninjago Au where Lloyd didn't wake up in Monastery after merche but Imperium.
It has come into my mind randomly and won't come. It just feels so nice to think about. And I may or may not have already written down something about this.
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vmures · 5 months
Think I may jave figured out why some of the complaints about Teen Wolf fandom members being dumb bug me so much. It's hard to tell if people are basing their criticisms of others fandom opinions on people's meta posts or their fandom creations.
Add in that certain defense squad people absolutely use fandom creations to argue that the creator is any number of things and I tend to assume that other's are basing their takes on fanworks, which don't accurately reflect a creators opinions on the show itself.
I use canon as inspiration but I don't stick to it in fan works. That's not why I'm in fandom. I like fanworks because they let me explore all the what it's and play with the characters the same way I used to play with my toys. They are storytelling vehicles.
I focus on the characters that draw me in the most and tend to write limited third person point of view. This means that a lot of times the characters opinions are what is shown. Those opinions do not necessarily reflect my own.
There are characters who just rub me the wrong way and that does show in my work, as well. Though I try to keep it nuanced and not just outright bash. I do frequently play with canon and I like playing with the complexities. So I might soften a harsh character or explore changes would have resulted from that chatacter having different circumstances. Sometimes the are out-of-character to the canon version. None of that means that I don't understand canon.
Outside of showing which characters I prefer and which I find annoying or frustrating, my fic doesn't necessarily reflect any of my thoughts on the show.
I don't tend to offer my meta takes very often because I don't like getting dragged into discourse or told I don't belong just because I have a different take from someone else. I stay away from fandom tags for similar reasons. But sometimes it crosses my dash and some of those times it feels like a kick in the gut and leaves me wondering if a mutual thinks that that negatively about me.
Now that I've realized the issue causing me to feel that way, it will be easy to try remind myself these are not the defense squad posts and that more than likely they are basing their frustrations on meta takes and not fan creations and thus is not about me.
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mercuriedad · 2 years
Hello Tumblr.
I write x readers, or only T-1000, let my thoughts here, and, edit. Don’t ask more you don’t need more information.
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
Am I allowed to ask your opinion on darkiplier... 😳
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cimmerianbaby · 2 years
How about a new game?
(You choose a character of mine and put one of the emojis below, Example: Carl🌈)
❤ Best friend?
✖ the worst thing you've ever done?
🦋 Favorite animal?
🕷 A Secret?
🩸Who are your parents? And would you change them? By whom?
💔 Friend/Love lost?
💤 Best Dream?
👀 do you have any crushes?
🌹Are you in a relationship? If yes, with whom?
🌻 Day or night?
🍀 the luckiest thing that happened to you?
🍄Least favorite food?
🍦Favorite food?
🔪  Someone you would kill?
🌙 Worst nightmare?
⭐ Au favorite?
🌈 Sexuality?
🎈 childhood friend?
♣️ favorite game?
🎨 Hobby?
🕯Have you ever had a date?
🚫 something you did that was forbidden?
🔱 Most loyal friend?
🏴Worst enemy?
🏳Best ally?
(Who want can yes Reblog and use it)
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fandom54100 · 8 months
Corrupted King
Wukong's POV
I couldn't make it on time. She had managed to obtain the pieces to carry out her plan. She also managed to get the staff. The only thing that keeps me sane...
LBD: Destiny cannot be undone Sun Wukong.
I'm going to lose my mind! How could I be so slow!? Besides, I caused MK to get hurt too! I came face to face with MK. He was looking at me with questioning eyes.
MK: (İn a concerned tone) Monkey King what do we do now?!
Wukong: I have a plan in mind. But I can't put you at any more risk. Forgive me.
MK: What do you me-
As soon as I grabbed MK, I threw him into my cloud and sent him to his friends. I have to do this myself. This is my fight.
LBD: Awww... Do you really still want to fight me in this state? There's no way you can beat me. I'm stronger than you now.
Wukong: Not having a staff doesn't change anything, I can still beat you. (Suddenly a great pain comes to his head) AGH! (He holds his head and kneels down on his legs)
LBD: Are you sure? I don't understand why you're still fighting. You know you can't get away from this. You will have to embrace it. Why are you postponing this?
Wukong: S-Shut up! SHUT UP! GAH!
My head was still hurting terribly, but I barely managed to open my eyes. But when I opened it, there was no sign of the LBD or the robot. Just as I was about to get up, blue chains caught me everywhere.
I tried to get free, but the chains were too tight. While I was struggling, I suddenly saw them. My old friends...
Wukong: G-Guys? N-No... No-No... This isn't real...
My friends looked at me for a while and then slowly started to leave.
Wukong: H-Hey don't leave me here! Please!
But they didn't hear me. Suddenly, MK's friends took their place and disappeared.
Wukong: W-What?
I'm so confused. What did these mean? What was LBD planning? Ugh... My head... On the one hand, the coldness, the headache, and the fatigue were consuming me... But I have to endure. I can't lose against her. Everyone trusts me. After coming this far, I can't give up. I started to feel a warmth, as if someone had been here for a moment. I couldn't believe my eyes when I raised my head to see who they were.
The Trailer
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roguelov · 1 year
… am I really about to write a short smutty Miguel fic that caters to only me???
yes yes I think I am
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yharnamsnewslug · 1 year
Hey tag your spoilers.
That's English for "no"
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sleepyfluf · 2 years
Would anyone like to request a doodle? I’m too lazy to think but I wanna draw emduo
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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