#If you'd like
asavt · 6 months
Allow me to be silly for a moment and break my rest from posting online for the sake of being funny because sanflhjskalhKHJKLSFAHUWILRFHWUAGKBSJFAWHURA
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Guys Im nomrl im good im fine im normalkfdsafja imasnjfakhawukgawjkawwa the lmab ganmes,anfwkagfh
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prosekaiuwu · 3 months
any kanade or mafuyu edits,,,, theyre so cute
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binah-beloved · 22 days
witch Binah living in the dark, silent woods, surrounded by ravens and crows and skeletal branches. she finally takes on a human assistant when her workload coupled with upkeep becomes too much to complete in a day. nothing more than an assistant. humans are too weak and fragile to comprehend the magic she studies. there's a reason most witches live alone, tucked away in corners of the world. being disturbed every other day by both pleas and threats interrupts study so dreadfully, and Binah is nothing if not committed to her work. this human is only here for menial tasks. that's all.
yet you're surprisingly chipper, respectful and polite with boundless curiosity. there's a sparkle of awe in your eye as you examine each ingredient and book she uses, often asking little questions over what she's doing, what she's making, what she's reading. Binah answers your questions in an apathetic tone, and when you fall silent she turns to see you merely watching her process. she blinks, once, but doesn't tell you to leave. under the tiny twinkling lights hanging around her ceiling- fairies, you'll soon learn, staring at you with intent delight- the witch works wonders and you learn and fetch anything she needs. you're just a human assistant, she tells herself. nothing more. nothing important.
but then, why do her dark avian familiars seem to love you so?
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rocks-in-space · 1 year
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-Vievee Francis, The Shared World
[Image ID: 4 desaturated photos from Black Sails overlain with text. The first shows Flint and Silver sitting in a rowboat on the ocean, the second shows them sitting side by side in a building on Maroon Island, the third shows them in a dark forest with Flint facing the camera looking sad and Silver in the background talking to him, and the fourth shows them looking at each other over their shoulders on hill on Maroon Island. Text reads, "In truth, we are bound by one story, so you'd think by now we'd tell it, at least to each other." end ID]
Photos from https://fancaps.net/
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lgcllyanx · 3 months
hc that the uchiha can create a fire warm enough to heat themselves up or dry themselves off, but the caveat is that creates a visible fire and appears as if the user is actually on fire, so they don't do it often
izuna, however, is a little shit and he would use that jutsu to every advantage he can. because think about a young izuna in battle when it's raining or something and his opponents are like what the fuck that uchiha kid just set himself on fire
maybe he'd use it on others, too, just those close to him like madara or other uchiha. madara is used to being in a meeting and knowing izuna is near because he's suddenly a lot warmer than before and the other clan heads are screaming in shock. he just sighs
but imagine izuna and tobirama are on a mission together, after the village is formed, and they end up in the cold. and izuna offers to use his warming jutsu to help tobirama heat up. imagine the shock of tobirama suddenly seeing flames dancing around his body without actually feeling burnt. he would need to know that jutsu more than he has needed anything ever
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Random thought for shifter au:
Reader who shifts into a snake 🐍 👀 maybe venomous?? Maybe just a regular garter snake or a California king snake?? She would be great at getting nice and close when surveying areas, no one would look for a snake out in the woods or desert. And if she is venomous she’d be great for taking out sentries or others inconspicuously, especially if she’s like a cobra or taipan 👀😏
Just had the though pop into my head and wanted to share ☺️
Okay this is a fun one! Snakes are super cool and I love them. A snake shifter would be very good at recon and exploring. Especially depending on the size of the snake, they might be able to get into buildings too for recon and layout and stuff.
But also. Snake shifter draping themself across the guys. Wrapping around Soap's shoulders or living in Gaz's sweater. Hanging out on Price's shoulders and sneaking their head up under his hat (and ignoring his exasperated sigh and muttered curses). Acting like a big scaly scarf for Ghost.
Side benefit: there would not be a rat problem at any base they were stationed at.
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whumpbug · 3 months
also to the anon that asked how i feel about fanfictions of my sillies:
i think if anyone ever wrote fanfic for my ocs i think i would truly, genuinely, no joke die of Utter Glee on the spot. i'd owe my first born. i would ascend to the heavens.
that would genuinely be a dream come TRUE. like i would not believe it.
so basically, yes yes and yes. if you (or anyone) ever makes ANY kind of content about MY sillies? i am eternally in your debt. i will sob Real Tears.
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kedreeva · 7 months
I generally stay out of any discourse but there's one thing I read that makes me feel like I'm losing my mind and since I've been in love with your Good Omens meta since season 1 I figure you might help me shed some light on the issue.
I've read in a post that Crowley only stops Elspeth from offing herself because Aziraphale inspired him to do so with his own attempts to save Elspeth's soul and I feel this is...canonically incorrect? Like, not ambiguous or free for interpretation but literally canonically incorrect. The point of the minisode was foreshadowing on Aziraphale's lack of...not understanding of but willingness to accept Heaven's cruelty. It's Crowley who always jumps in first to sace everyone: Siti when she's about to curse God, the humans at the ball, Maggie and Nina when Saraquiel wants to turn them into pillars of salt.
Am I losing my mind or is the take about Aziraphale being the reason for Crowley rescuing Elspeth absolutely not canon? Because I fear if it was, I'd thoroughly misunderstood Crowley's entire character. The whole point is that he is good, that he protects and saves the innocent, without having to be inspired or prompted to do it, right?
I'd be very much obliged if you could shed some light on that for me 😅
I'm gonna level with you, I don't know who Elspeth is, or have recollection of Crowley saving her, or whether Aziraphale did or did not influence anything. I watched S2 once and went "ah, it's not finished, no thank you. I will await the finish before I engage again" and set it gently and lovingly back down. Through this method, I generally avoid wank like whether or not Crowley was influenced by Aziraphale to do a thing I don't remember anything about to a person I equally may as well never have met.
But, if I may say this, you're allowed to have a different headcanon to someone else. Heck, you're allowed to have a different headcanon than anyone else. You are allowed to interpret canon in a complete 180 way from someone else, and can do so without worrying about what they think happened, because the characters are fictional and canon is merely a corpse whose pockets we rifle through for loose beliefs the moment we're finished consuming it. Make your own post about how you think it went, there are bound to be people who agree with you. Maybe you'll find them, maybe you won't. Won't know til you try.
Good luck out there friend!
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tofangirlonly · 19 days
Uh guess the source of my current 💥👀
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blue-star-doodles · 1 year
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I present Spider's Web 10 year old Mikey
Mikey never goes anywhere without his trusty art bag. His fingers are covered in band-aids due to doing so many arts and crafts.
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alias-inkpatch · 2 years
If you're taking requests for ship sprite art, Asgoriel would be absolutely 10/10
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: ) turned out way cuter then expected
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thefigmented · 2 years
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"You've done your worst, which was in so many ways what I had hoped."
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divinitybeings · 2 years
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onlytibki · 11 months
Straw Hat modern!AU v.1: Jobs and Random Bits of non-plot Headcanons
Yes I know Oda already gave a list and far be it from me to disagree with canon (/s) but hear me out
Jimbei - full-time activist, former soldier/bodyguard. Lorge. Still does work as a bouncer from time to time, this is how he meets Luffy.
(Does karate at the national level. Works out at Zoro's gym, teaches classes sometimes.)
Brook - musician, naturally. Classically trained, accidentally achieved popular fame after the band he was in with his old buddies for fun was scouted out. Lost his bandmates. :( Was depressed for years and just tuned pianos and guitars and other instruments until the Straw Hats brought joy to his life again.
Franky - freelance handyman. Is an engineer, has a engineering degree and certification, but no firm will hire him because he refuses to wear formal clothes (main client is the local university, they asked him only to work at night to avoid students and claims plausible deniability if he chooses not to wear shoes on his own job sites) but he doesn't mind his lot in life because fuck 'em anyway also because trauma and also he's in love with one of the profs
Robin - university professor, teaches history/linguistics/historical linguistics/archaeology. Has like four PhDs. Was wrapped up in some shadiness in Central America while a grad student, but does such high-quality work and is in love with her building's handyman that no one tries to get her in trouble for it
(Robin and Franky meet and bond over keeping the fucking ancient anthropology building both up to livable standards and eligible for the national heritage register. They talk A Lot about historical building materials and methods)
((Note I said 'up to livable standards' and not 'up to code'. Franky's nickname is short for 'Frankenstein' for what he's done to the building's wiring, though somehow it still works))
Chopper - third year med student at 15. Already accepted into the residency program Law is an attending at. Also, he has his driver's license now!! He's the DD for the Straw Hat crew when they go out to bars, and is also self-appointed booze coordinator and hits the brakes for people when he senses alcohol poisoning coming on. Not even Whitebeard Himself can argue when little Dr. Tony gives his super-serious little disapproving pout.
(No, a 15yo cannot legally drive at night, much less operate a car full of drunkards. No one tells him this because he takes the responsibility for the well-being of his friends so seriously, and also no one gives a shit, and also everyone else is drunk anyway.)
Sanji - sous-chef at Baratie (I know, I know, shocker) which is next door to Zoro's gym. He takes classes at the university so that he'll be able to run his own restaurant one day.
(If he finds the FUCKING SHITHEAD who's drawing that Sora, Warrior of the Sea-inspired comic in the school newspaper someone's gonna have to fake an alibi to get him out of murder charges. Even if he does approve of Germa 66's ugly designs and cries over Sora's successful escape and loving words to her lost son)
Usopp - physics major, art minor. Draws a weekly comic for the school newspaper called The Adventures of Sniper King. Picked up boxing due to high school requirements, works out at Zoro's gym.
(Yes it's him. He's got a yellow stripe painted down his back due to the vitriol Sanji spews at his pseudonym daily. He really didn't mean for it to take off! Sanji told them all his story once and Usopp was heartbroken because he lost his mom too and one day he got an itch and he drew a comic about what he thought Sora'd say to Sanji, or what he thought Banchina might say to him, or some weird combination--and then sent it instead of the next installment of Sniper King to his editor ON ACCIDENT and PEOPLE WANTED MORE and HE'S SO SORRY AND HE'S SO SCARED. SANJI'S GONNA KILL HIM AND USOPP WILL DESERVE IT)
((Sanji condemns him into being busboy at Baratie for a month and refuses to speak to him for three days. But he also gives him spicy ginger desserts every night for a week, because Usopp's Sora is truer to life than the original Sora in terms of the love she embodies, and because Stealth Black's rumored escape is shown in the light of triumph. Sanji could hear her in the monologue of Sora's thoughts to her son when she learned he'd escaped Germa 66's clutches. How proud she was that the circumstances of his birth and life hadn't chained him down forever. It was the first time since the age of 9 that he could clearly remember what she had sounded like because, whether through pure miracle or the shared sympathy of orphan-hood, Usopp had gotten her voice exactly right, and it soothed something old and hurting in Sanji to hear it.))
Nami - business/finance, computer science double major. She REALLY wanted to study geography and GIS systems but her family needs the money so she's tilted her dreams--she's going to build the most precise geographic information system in the WORLD and market it to rich assholes while "losing it" to low-income thieves in need.
Stole 50% of her college tuition and negotiated down the other half in a meeting the bursar's office can't actually quite remember fully? But it's their signatures on the papers.
Zoro - business major. Yes, it's as ridiculous as it sounds. No he is not passing any of his classes. But Kuina had been determined to inherit the dojo and keep it flourishing, even if her dad didn't think a woman could. Then she died; and Shimotsuki-sensei died when Zoro was in high school; and now Zoro has two dear friends' dreams on his shoulders, and damn his lack of an MBA or any common sense but he will succeed. Sanji, Nami, and Jimbe are helping.
He did rename the place, from just 'Shimotsuki Dojo' to Kuina's Asskickers, and opened it to all sports. All classes and all tournaments are co-ed, all ages. He tried to get "ASSKICKER" on the gym's competition uniforms/gi but some of his students are toddlers so that wouldn't fly, so he uses 2001 instead. People think it's the founding year and get very confused when the gym is technically 50+years old; 2001 = the number of fights Zoro lost to Kuina.
(Nami asks him why he didn't use "KUINA"; Zoro looks at her funny. "But that's not [male student example]'s name? Why would I put that on his back? Do you want people to get confused??")
((He does have Kuina's name stitched into his gi))
Luffy - biology major. HEAR ME OUT. Garp insisted he go to college for at least a semester and while still an undecided liberal arts major, Luffy discovered a whole BUILDING FILLED WITH COOL BUGS!!! AND PEOPLE GO OUT AND FIND THEM?? AND BRING THEM BACK!! THAT'S A JOB???? SO COOL!!!
So yeah. Technically he's on the road to become an entomologist, but is struggling due to his undiagnosed (but incredibly obvious) AuDHD and a lack of care for statistics (and math in general) and research writing (and reading/writing in general). Robin, Chopper, and Usopp are working HARD to get him to the general area of passing. Luffy also is getting a minor in Portuguese (which is his first language) because he plans on exploring the Amazon Rainforest looking for cool beetles when he graduates.
Ace - fire fighter with shady connections. (more later?)
Sabo - activist with much shadier connections. (more later?)
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thededleadragoria · 6 months
I go now, knowing in all likelihood once I return the ability to boop will have gone.
This has been a lot of fun. I love tumblr's approach to april first
And so, once more, to you all:
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letting u know that I saw ur reblog of " [mutual I've never talked to] oh its my Friend" and I saw ur username and instinctively went "oh its my fri-" OH MY GOD YOUR ICON
so thank you for the laughing fit and you're iconic
hahhahaha oh my god no thank you so much btw i also think of you as my friend every time i see one of your posts <3 <3
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