#Ik they aren’t talking over each other at the end but I kept it cause it’s hilarious lmao
nosleep83 · 9 months
The turtles talking over each other/bickering/whatever part 8 (I think??)
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lincolndjarin · 10 months
Best Kept Secret
chapter twenty one : te mirci't
ao3 link ✿ series masterlist ✩ main masterlist ✧
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pairing : bodyguard!Din Djarin x afab!princess!reader
rating : 18+ mdni
word count : 9.0k
summary : reader does a lot of thinking, and a lot of expressing of said thoughts
warnings, etc. : language, angst, canon typical violence, smut smut smut smut, p in v smut, food play sort of kind of, din djarin nearly creams his pants over the concept of domesticity, sort of a dom/sub thing, switch!reader & switch!mando, din has a breeding kink and it's addressed, reader has like zero chill this chapter, dirty talk, men whimpering (hooray!), light bondage, use of handcuffs, unprotected sex
a/n : ik y'all are hype about breeding kink din but i'm gonna real quick say that i will not throw in like a surprise pregnancy in this fic, cause it hasn't been tagged with that thus far and sometimes it irks me when i'm knee deep in a fic and suddenly the reader is pregnant without warning and it wasn’t tagged,, so yeah. it would be different if i advertised this as a pregnancy fic from the get go but i didn't so i'm not gonna spring that on people. (reader could still potentially end up pregnant at the END of the fic (possibly maybe who knows) but there will not be any surprise pregnancy, sorry!) that's it lmao, just wanted to throw that out there.
“It means I love you.” 
You aren’t entirely sure how long you stare at him, looking rather silly with your jaw practically on the floor. 
How many times has he said it without you even knowing? How long has he loved you? Maker, your mind is racing as you try to recall when the first time he said it would have been.
You’ve already said it to him. 
Albeit you didn’t realize what you were saying but you’d said those words to him. And hearing you say them had worked him up so much that he’d fucked you like it was his last night alive. 
He doesn’t seem to have much to say now that he’s dropped that bomb on you. You just stare at each other in this blistering silence for an eternity. Until the smell of burning has you shooting out of bed, scrambling towards the oven as you grab the lone oven mit off the counter, removing the smoking baking trays quickly, propping open the single window above the sink and tossing the ruined cakes under the faucet.
“Kriff.” You lean up against the counter, staring at where he’s currently getting up from the bed to join you. Are you a terrible person if you just ignore it? Because currently the last thing you want to do is think about it. “I’m gonna start a new batch, I lost track of time with this one.” You whisper towards him, never actually meeting that thin black line of his helmet. 
“You don’t have to say it back.” He whispers back to you, taking a seat at the table. 
You know you don’t have to. 
Honestly the pressure of having to say it is the least of your worries. The most troubling part of this situation is the question that now plagues you which is, do you love him? 
You rinse out the last batch of batter from the bowl before starting a new one.
You’ve always been so hesitant with him. Even from the start. You wouldn’t let yourself think about him, then you wouldn’t let yourself feel for him, care for him, want him. At one point you wouldn’t even let yourself like him. 
So to think about if you love him? 
The only thing you’ve ever let yourself do is hate him. And you never even really did that. 
“I didn’t mean to upset you.” He leans forward in his chair, his elbows resting on his knees. 
Shit. You’ve been quiet for too long.
“I’m fine, sorry, just… upset about the cakes.” You both know it’s a lie. But neither of you says a thing. He just nods. You work in silence, willing your mind to think of anything else as you scrape the burnt cake tin off into the sink before refilling it with the new batch of batter. As you slide the tin into the oven you turn, unable to face him you turn your gaze elsewhere, to the single shelf in his home. 
A few days ago when you were here it was covered in assorted pieces of metal and scrap. Now it’s mostly bare. In a desperate attempt to change the subject you walk over, picking up one of the few remaining scraps. 
“What happened to all your stuff? You hold a small metal ball between your fingers as he walks up behind you, resting his head on your shoulder as he leans down. You feel the chill of beskar against your skin. 
“I used it all.” He’s still being far too vague about all this and you frown, holding the ball up in front of his face. 
“You forgot this piece.” He takes it from you as you say it, you don’t remember him taking his gloves off but they are, his bare hands holding it like it’s a precious gemstone. 
“This isn’t a part of my secret project,” He murmurs, rolling the ball between his fingers. “this belonged to the kid.” 
You have to remind yourself not to pry, that you promised yourself you’d let him talk about it on his own. His free hand snakes around your waist as he stares longingly at the metal piece, you say nothing, giving him the option to go on if he wants. After a brief moment of pause, he continues. 
“I tried to buy him a proper toy. Just once. He used to play with this, I thought maybe he was just bored because we spent so much time on the Crest. On one of my jobs I stopped and got him this little stuffed frog toy.”
You think of the frog he picked up from the lake all those moons ago. A pang of sorrow in your chest.
Every time he talks about the kid it seems like he’s talking more to himself than to you, this time is no different. He adjusts himself, standing up straighter so his chin rests atop your head now. He sways you gently to a song that only he hears.
“He tried to eat the damn thing, I tried to explain that it wasn’t for eating but he didn’t seem to care. Once he realized I wasn’t gonna let him eat it he lost interest, threw it into the fresher and went off to find this again.” He sets the ball back onto the shelf and just holds you for a moment. Just when you’re about to reach down to touch the hand he’s resting on your stomach he speaks again, in a whisper, like he isn’t sure he wants you to hear what he’s saying. “I used to worry that he was bored. Spending so much time on the ship with just me, without any of the things a child usually grows up with.” His grip on your waist tightens. “I thought for the longest time that he’d be happier somewhere else. Now I wonder if maybe he was content with what we had.” 
The more you let him talk out his feelings the more you realize that deep down Din is one thing above all. 
Someone who doesn’t think he is deserving of love. 
You turn around in his grip so you’re facing him and don’t hesitate to wrap your arms around his waist, holding him tight. You might not be ready to tell him you love him but that doesn’t mean you can’t show him that he is cared for. He doesn’t move for a moment but eventually holds you back. 
He makes no effort to pull away so you don’t either. Staying like that until you have to get the cakes out of the oven before you burn another batch. He follows you in silence as you set the new batch on the table, he reaches for one and you smack his hand away. 
“You’re gonna burn your hand, stop that. And I still need to frost them.” 
You turn back to the book for the recipe, happy that the two of you seem to be in mutual agreement to not talk about the current situation. As you start pouring the sugar to make the icing you hear a hiss of air, on instinct you turn to face the noise, not realizing until it’s too late that you shouldn’t. 
You should feel regret.
But Maker, how could you. 
Your eyes fixed on the way he parts his plush lips to take the chunk of pastry he tore off into his mouth, his finger lingering on his bottom lip and that tongue. Darting out to lick his fingers clean. The way the corners of his mouth turn up ever so slightly. You know you shouldn’t look, he’s got the helmet pulled up just enough that you can see the tip of his nose which means he doesn’t even know you’re looking, there’s metal between his eyes and you. You can’t, this is so bad, shit. You just keep finding reasons to not look away, especially now that he’s smiling. You always thought his smile would be condescending, maybe a triumphant smirk, but it’s so… dorky. He’s got such a dopey grin.
Stars, he’s got a dimple. 
Are you still breathing?   
And you can finally see the facial hair you’ve only ever felt brush up against you. Surprisingly well kept, with a few small bare patches. You want nothing more than to lean forward and kiss each one of them but you’re quickly reminded of how bad this entire situation is as you hastily turn back around. Stirring the bowl in front of you, acting as if nothing happened. Only a few seconds after you’re facing the counter again do you hear the airlock reseal. 
You hear a sharp inhale and a part of you worries he knows you accidentally looked but he hisses again before cursing.
“Fuck, that’s hot.” You can hear him breathing heavily through his mouth into the modulator.
Thank the gods.
“I warned you.” You chastise him, turning around and pouring a generous amount of the cinnamon sugar icing onto each of the cakes while they’re still hot so it absorbs into them. “These need to sit overnight in the conservator.” 
“Okay, should I put them in now or when I get back tonight?” 
You know what he’s really asking. 
He wants to know if he’ll be staying with you or coming home alone.
The answer is obvious to you as you nudge the conservator open with your foot, sliding the tins onto one of the shelves. 
“I’ll do this now since you won’t be around to. Should we go?” You slip your shoes back on, watching as a bit of tension leaves his shoulders. 
It’s a quiet walk back but it isn’t really uncomfortable. You just want to get him back to your room, where he’ll hopefully help you forget about this whole mess. 
You waste no time when you get to your chambers. You drag him to the closet, struggling to remove his armor, carefully setting each piece on the floor while he simultaneously lifts your shirt up over your head. Once you have every piece of beskar removed, you find yourself tumbling to the floor as he practically tackles you into the blankets. Both of you fumble for the lamp until finally you manage to flip the switch and it’s like he can’t get the helmet off fast enough because in what feels like a single second, you’re shrouded in darkness, you hear the the sound of air, a thud onto the ground, and his lips are on yours. 
You’re waiting for something more to happen, he’d been so urgent just a moment ago but now that you’re here he’s just kissing you.  
Of course you aren’t complaining. Every kiss with him feels like a blessing from the Maker themself. You’re just a little surprised. 
You had sort of hoped he had plans to ravage you solely for the purpose of distracting you from the question, still searing your every thought, demanding your attention. But instead he kisses you one last time before laying atop your chest, arms wrapped around you. You think about teasing him but there’s something cathartic about this. His willingness to just be with you without searching for more. So you let him.
And when he inevitably falls asleep, his monstrous snores filling the small space, you’re left alone with your thoughts. 
Well, thought. 
Do you love him? 
Do you want to love him? 
Loving him means too much. 
You tangle your fingers in his curls, in an attempt to soothe yourself. 
Loving him is complicated. It means you’ll have to finally answer the rest of the questions you don’t want to so much as think about.
Kids? Marriage? Kodo? Any sort of future.
Loving him puts him at risk. 
He’s always been at risk. His choice to love you meant putting his life on the line. Everyday he wanted to be yours was a day that he could be dragged off by one of your husbands unlimited guard members and killed. 
Loving him means understanding that you’re on a clock. A clock to get off of Naboo as quickly as possible, to somewhere far away to hunker down. To hide from the inevitable onslaught of search parties that would come after a missing royal. 
They’d send bounty hunters.
Kodo doesn’t even like you, but if you ran off with the man he hired to protect you? He would stop at nothing to get you back. The thought of what he would do to Din when he inevitably found the two of you makes your blood run cold. 
But you need to push those thoughts away. Yes, they are important but they shouldn’t impact your feelings. Because at the end of the day you either love him or you don’t. 
And you can’t even seem to figure that out. 
You’ve never been in love before, you don’t really have a frame of reference. 
You’ve certainly never felt for anyone the way you feel for him. 
Is that love? 
If you weren’t already married would you have said it back?
You aren’t even really a wife at this point. 
You’re a prisoner. 
You aren’t sure when he woke up but he brings you back to reality with a kiss to your chest. 
“You should be asleep, princess.” His voice is gravely, still thick with exhaustion. You run your hands along his vast shoulders in an attempt to soothe him back to sleep. 
“So should you.” You whisper into the darkness, he hums softly in response. 
It goes quiet again. His arms tighten around you and you know he remains awake, every so often he’ll place a chaste kiss to your breast. 
Would it be cruel to bring it up again?
At this point he doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest that you didn’t reciprocate the sentiment and you can’t keep fighting these battles alone. 
If you love each other, talking about these things is something you would do. 
It might be nice. To not be alone with these thoughts for once. 
He hums again in response. You feel the scratch of his stubble against your chest as his head turns in your direction. 
You should let him sleep. Shut up and not bother him with this. 
“What does love mean to you?”
It’s such a corny question but you really are curious.
“What did you say?” For a moment you’re worried you’ve upset him but his tone makes you think he genuinely didn’t hear you. 
“What’s it like, to love someone?” 
He chuckles softly and a wave of relief washes over you. 
“That’s an awfully complicated question, cyare.”
“Okay, then, how did you know?” You purposefully avoid saying the words, “that you loved me.” 
“It sort of snuck up on me. It started my first week with you, when being with you started feeling less like a job and more like an honor.” 
Does he have to be so good with words? Even in this state, barely awake, he manages to be a goddamn poet. 
“Eventually it got to a point where I couldn’t ignore it anymore.” He mumbles his words into your skin. 
“When was that?”
“When you gave me a birthday.” 
Right before he had ended things. 
You don’t have to ask to know now that that's why he did it. 
“And that was when you were sure?”
“Yes. That was when I knew I loved you.” 
If he’s upset about you not saying it back he doesn’t make it known, he says it so casually.
“What does it feel like?” You run your fingers along the scar on the back of his head. 
“It feels like being afraid. There is a certain vein of fear that I had never known prior to meeting the kid, when I los-“ He hesitates. “When he left, I didn’t think I’d ever feel that fear again.” He sighs. “When I met you I learned how to be afraid all over again.” 
You sort of understand that feeling.
You felt it when you thought Kodo knew. And you felt it when you imagined Kodo’s reaction to your hypothetical children with Din. 
You felt it just moments ago. When you asked yourself if you loved him. 
“It’s like all the air leaves the room, replaced with terror. That terror eats away at everything until there’s nothing left.”
All you can think of is the night you found him in the hallway, and you’re certain you’ve never felt that level of fear.
“It’s not all fear though. I assume it’s different for everyone but the fear is only a part of it. For me it mostly feels like devotion and temptation. I know what it is to be devoted, for decades I followed my creed without question, and when I finally did abandon it, it was a matter of life and death, fueled by that fear.”
He sounds half asleep as he says it, like he’s telling himself a bedtime story, and you don’t dare interrupt. 
“That’s how I feel about you, except in your case, nothing could make me question my devotion to you, not even a matter of life and death. And as far as temptation goes…” He laughs quietly to himself. “I was unfamiliar with that feeling before you.”
“Temptation?” You whisper to him.
“When will you understand what you are to me, sarad’ika?” He sits up a little, you can’t see him but you feel his nose bump against your jaw as he rests his face in the crook of your neck.
“I know how you feel about me, you tell me quite often.” You’re only half-joking.
“Not how I feel about you, what you are to me. You are so much more than the one I never meant to love, I swear you were created just to tempt me.” You let your hand rest on the nape of his neck as he absentmindedly brushes his lips up against your throat. “If you asked me to remove my helmet, I would.” He murmurs against your throat. 
That’s a rather serious claim.
“You could have asked me from the moment I met you. It took time for me to realize I loved you but I have always, been sworn to you.” His fingers trail up and down your torso. “From the moment I first saw you, when you tried to remove my helmet, I promised myself that if you ever tried again, that I wouldn’t stop you.
How the fuck do you respond to that?
“We can talk more in the morning. Get some sleep.” He kisses your temple and lays back down against your chest.
He can be annoyingly eloquent when he wants too. You can’t help but wish you were as capable of putting your feelings into words the way he does. Seriously, how are you supposed to top, “When I met you I learned how to be afraid all over again.” 
Maybe tomorrow you could try and show him how much he means to you. Since you can’t seem to find the right thing to say, and even if you could he’s already asleep again, snoring at an ungodly volume like he didn’t just profess his profound love to you.
But talking to him helped, from how he describes it, you might just love him too.
This morning is much more coordinated than your last. 
Din wakes you up before the girls arrive. You have plenty of time to pick out one of the simpler pink gowns in your collection, along with a matching pair of slippers. You leave him there with plenty of time to spare. 
The girls don’t question it this time either. Neither of them tries to go into the closet and they waste no time dressing you. Lysa finds you a nice pink nightie from the dresser but you honestly aren’t all that thrilled about it this time around.
It’s getting harder and harder to care about this. 
Being dressed up like a doll every day.
Din certainly doesn’t care about what you look like so why even bother at this point? You’re antsy to get back to him and you’re about to hastily thank and dismiss the girls as they finish but Elaine speaks first. 
“Princess, would you join me for tea this morning?” 
You have no logical reason to refuse and you do enjoy time spent with Elaine.
You just want to be with Din.
But you can’t tell her that. 
“Certainly, shall I meet you in the gardens again?” 
“I will see you there, my lady.” Both girls give you small bows before leaving. Only a few seconds after they’re gone the closet door opens and there stands your Mandalorian. He makes his way to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close.
“Shall I escort you to the gardens, my lady?” He leans down a bit so your eyes are level with the line of his visor.
“Lead the way.”
It’s a short walk and you’re once again surprised by how quickly Elaine has set things up, a table and chairs wait for you in the gazebo.
“Do you think you could find something to do for a few minutes on your own?” You say quietly enough that you know only he can hear it as you approach. 
He doesn’t respond but as you step into the gazebo he doesn’t follow you in, once you’re seated he walks off into the garden. 
“Seems like things are better between the two of you?” She pours you a cup, making it the way you like it before handing you the saucer. 
“Much better.” You smile as you take a sip. 
“May I speak freely ma’am?” She sets her cup down and crosses her arms, staring at you. Her tone has gotten so serious so suddenly you’re a bit stunned. 
“Of course.” 
“Lysa and I stopped coming to help you undress in the evenings many moons ago, we stopped waiting for you to summon us.” 
What a strange thing to say. 
“Okay?” Is all you can manage, still unsure as to what she could possibly mean by that statement. 
“Well, my lady, we just assumed you didn’t need the help anymore…” She stares at you expectantly but you’re still giving her a confused look. “You know…” Her eyebrows are raised but you just shake your head slowly, giving her a blank stare. “With getting undressed.”
Not much you can really say about that, she’s right, and you hadn’t even noticed because someone else was undressing you. Still, she can’t expect you to outright admit that. 
“I don’t need you to say a word, my lady, I just needed to talk to you, to warn you.” Something about her tone makes you shiver, even out here in the sun. 
“You’ve been reckless, princess.” You set your cup down. 
“Spit it out Elaine, you’re making me nervous.” You laugh anxiously but her expression remains stern.
“Kodo won’t take your absence from dinner lightly. And you’ve been too blatant about your friendship with the Mandalorian. You should act with more caution.” 
Well, you had wanted her to be blunt, you can’t be too shocked about that. 
“He is not a man who takes kindly to disrespect. He will retaliate if you aren’t careful, that’s all.” You nod as she takes a sip of her tea.
That’s all she says on the subject, quickly moving on to another topic.
Her warning was genuine and you’re thankful for it but you push it from your mind. You will right this wrong and attend dinner with Kodo this week.
Tea is short after that.
You aren’t in the mood for small talk anymore, you just want to spend the rest of the day with Din.
You whisper a genuine thanks to her before she departs, and you rush over to where he stands in the flowers.
“Cabin?” He asks. Thankfully he doesn’t risk holding your hand in broad daylight but he lets his knuckles brush against yours. 
“Cabin.” You follow him towards the pond and once you’re close enough he scoops you up into his arms to keep you out of the water. “Din! What if someone sees?” You whisper yell at him, eyes scanning the vacant gardens. 
“This isn’t any less damning than you walking in on your own. Besides, no one’s around, promise.” He pushes open the door before setting you down, locking up behind the two of you. “I’ve lived here for long enough to know that nobody comes out this far except us. Now, what do you want for the rest of the day?” He kicks off his boots and you set your slippers next to them.
It’s past noon at this point, you have nothing planned. 
“Do you want to just stay here? I think today I just want to stay here.” You walk over to the bed, lifting your skirt and taking a seat. 
“Works for me, I’m going to get some chores done if you don’t mind.” He removes his gloves, tossing them on the table before kneeling beside the dresser. 
“I don’t mind at all.” You scoot back a bit to rest against the wall, you’re actually quite curious to see what he’ll do, and you need time to think of how you’re going to show him how much he means to you. 
You watch as he takes out different weapons and tech that you don’t recognize. He tosses his gloves to the side and starts methodically cleaning every item. 
You’re sort of hypnotized by his attention to detail, it lets you think.
What does he like? 
Green, you, the kid, classic ships. 
None of those things can really show him how much he means to you though. 
He’s setting different things aside as he finishes any maintenance required, every so often he looks up at you before returning to his work. You feel a little useless just sitting here so you get up to take the cakes out of the conservator. 
Suddenly you have his attention. 
You don’t dare say a word, letting him just observe in peace. He drops whatever he’s working on, you don’t look but you can feel his visor trained on you. 
You take the tins out, setting them on the table before finding a dull knife. Each cake is small enough that you can fit your hands around each tin if you hold your fingers in the shape of a circle. You carve each cake out of its tin and he watches you intently the entire time, you can see him in your peripherals. 
So he likes… watching you do a shitty job at taking cakes out of tins?
It’s crass but you go through the list of things that have worked him up before. Things you’ve said to get him to give you what you want during sex. 
Two instances come to mind. 
The time you unknowingly said I love you.
And then last night, when you told him he could finish inside you.
And now? Your head tilts up just in time to watch him adjust himself in his trousers before sheepishly tuning back to his work when you catch him watching you. It takes a second but eventually things start to click.
He likes watching you look at home in his cabin. He likes the intimate feeling of a simple life. Watching you bake, saying I love you, having kids. 
Things a normal couple might do. 
He tosses something up onto the bed, you stare at it for a moment as he starts putting other things back into the dresser.
Thick, padded, and metal. 
You know he intends on using them on you but you act fast, hurrying over to him, taking his hand. 
“What are you doing mesh’la?” He chuckles as you sit him down on the bed.
This is gonna be a shot in the dark, but if you’re confident enough, (and right) it’ll be worth it.
“Just, let me take care of you.” 
“You already take care of me.” He insists, starting to get up but you firmly plant your hands on his shoulders, pushing him back down. Your plan is rapidly forming in your mind.
“I mean it, now stay put.” He sighs loudly but nods, tilting his head to the side in confusion. No sense in being coy, might as well be clear with your intentions to see if he’s actually into it. “Don’t be a baby, I know you get off on this kind of thing.” The moment you say it he scoffs but you’re already across the room, taking one of the little cakes and putting it onto a plate. 
“Excuse me?” “His voice is already terribly defensive but you just laugh it off. 
“You’re not the only one who can make observations. You think I didn’t notice the way your tone switched when I offered to bake for you?” He starts to argue but you cut him off. “And I’m definitely not going to ignore how quickly you came when I told you you could finish inside of me.” That surprisingly shuts him up. This might actually be the only time you’ve caught him so off guard that he doesn’t have a response. 
You bring the plate over to the bed, setting it on his nightstand.
“You like domesticity.” You lean in to whisper to him. “You want me to take care of you, don’t you Mr. Tough Mandalorian?” You can’t gauge his reaction because of the helmet but you can gauge the tent in his pants perfectly fine. 
“Djarin.” He certainly doesn’t sound stern now. 
“Din Djarin.” You hadn’t even realized until just now that you didn’t know his last name. 
You straddle one of his thighs, spreading his legs with your knees.
“Well then, let me take care of you, Din Djarin.” You like the way his name feels in your mouth and based on the way his cock twitches against your leg you’d reckon he does too. 
He’s always been so open with you and you’ve always kept him at a distance. 
Right here right now, if you weren’t dealing with the worst possible circumstances (your husband), you know that you’d tell him you love him, that you ache for him, that you know fear because of him. You know you love him. And you’re pretty sure he knows it too.
You just aren’t ready to say it. 
So you’ll have to show it. (And maybe say a few things that you are ready to say.) 
You love each other, at the end of the day you can’t keep censoring yourself when you think about him, he doesn’t deserve that. 
You want to show him what he deserves. 
You reach behind him and grab the cuffs. As you do his hands wrap around you to tug at your corset strings, an act that he’s getting rather good at. 
“You gonna put those on for me, mesh’la?” He drawls. Once he’s loosened your corset enough so that you’ll be able slip out of it you lean back again.
“No.” You grin at him and he immediately shakes his head. 
“Absolutely not.” He says the moment you start smiling.
“You’re always in charge, just let me be in charge, I’m doing this for you.” You grab one of his wrists but he easily pulls it away. 
“You were in charge last time.”
True, but irrelevant.
“Do you love me?” You stick your bottom lip out a little. 
“You’re terrible.” 
“I know.” But it works, because when you grab his wrist again he doesn’t pull away. 
“You know I can get out of these right? Very easily.” He says, watching you close the first cuff around his wrist, removing the belt around his torso and the one around his waist. 
“I know that too, but you love me, so you’re going to leave them on until I take them off.
“This feels less like you’re taking care of me and more like I’m your prisoner.” He mumbles. 
“Oh hush, you’d be happy either way.” Once again he seems at a loss for words as you cuff his other wrist, he sets his hands in his lap. You smooth out the fabric of his cowl before carefully removing it, folding it and walking it over to the table and setting it down. “I’ll make you a deal.” You say, turning back to face him. “If you don’t like it then I will stop and we can do this your way. But if you don’t then I will assume I was right, and you do want me to take care of you.” You straddle his thigh again and play with one of the releases on his chest plate.
“You’re being purposefully vague. What does taking care of me entail?” The impatience on his voice trails off as you start releasing his chestplate, finding the little locks, undoing them one by one. 
“Well… I just think that you like certain things, and I think you’re too embarrassed to admit it.”
“What things?” 
You click the last release and remove his chest plate, walking over to the dresser to set it down carefully before returning.
“You like that I baked for you.” You remove his gauntlets, setting them on his nightstand.
“Who wouldn’t like that?” You swear you almost hear him stutter. 
“Oh but I think you really like it. Because you know I did it just for you.” You remove his pauldrons and kneel between his legs to remove the pieces of armor on his thighs. “You like when I hold you, you like seeing me here, in your home, in your bed.” You slide his remaining armor down his legs, setting them aside before standing again and spreading his thighs with your knees to slot yourself between them, your hands grip the edges of his helmet. 
“Can I?” You whisper. 
After a moment's hesitation he nods. 
Your fingers snap the airlocks and you gently lift. 
Before closing your eyes you allow yourself one peek. 
You’re graced with a bashful smile, and you know that it’s okay, so you squeeze your eyes shut and completely remove the helmet, setting it on the bed beside him. Almost as if on instinct he leans forward and you feel his lips on yours as you gently push him back. 
“Let me do it, Din.” You laugh softly. “You don’t have to do everything.” You lean forward this time, hands on either side of his face, running your tongue over that bottom lip you wish you could see. “I’m going to take my dress off.” You mumble into his mouth before pulling back, you turn around and quickly slide your gown down your body, you grab the plate on his bedside table before closing your eyes and turning back around. His restrained hands play with the front of your nightie. 
“What are you-” His unfiltered voice is like warm honey, deep and raw, but you silence it by putting two fingers from your freehand to where you assume his mouth is. He starts to speak again so you gingerly slide your thumb between his lips and you hear any more questions he might have flicker out. 
“Can you go more than five minutes without asking me a question?” The moment you say it his lips purse like he’s going to ask again, you place your thumb over his tongue. Once you’re certain he isn’t going to interrupt your actions again you remove your hand from his face and tear a chunk of the cake off of the plate. “Open.” You laugh softly as you bring your hand towards his mouth, he immediately starts to protest again but you take the opportunity to stuff the pastry into his mouth, you get lucky and actually manage to get it in on the first try. 
If you’re being honest, you aren’t completely sure if this is going to work. You’re still acting on a hunch. A very presumptuous hunch, that deep down he wants nothing more than a quiet, soft life. 
A home. 
Unless of course you’re wrong. In that case you’re going to be rather embarrassed. Which is starting to be a worry as you realize he isn’t moving, two of your fingers just barely past his lips, he still hasn’t moved and you fell you nerves starting to get the best of you, just as you’re about to withdrawal and apologize for the entire silly affair, his lips close around your fingers. You can’t help but gasp at the feeling, accidentally taking a step back in surprise.    
His fingers immediately grasp at what fabric they can on your undergarments, trying to pull you closer again. You’re about to say something smug, along the lines of “I told you so.” But you’re stopped dead in your tracks.
Because Maker, he whimpers. 
You let him tug you back between his legs. The cold metal of the cuffs brushes against your thighs. 
You reach down and tear off another chunk of the cake, his bound hands guide you back to his mouth, which you're shocked to find is still open as you gently feed him. This time you don't flinch back, his lips close around your fingers and his tongue licks them clean.
This is the temptation he spoke of. 
You respect his creed. You’ve sort of taken your own creed, a vow to yourself not to look. But right now it takes all of your restraint to not look. Nothing could possibly make you happier than knowing what he must look like right now, lips wrapped around your fingers, trying to pull you closer. 
But just like him, you resist those temptations, finally pulling your hand away. 
“I told you I’d take care of you.” You whisper, a slight teasing edge to your voice.
“You’re a strange woman, sarad’ika.” He whispers back.
“So you don’t like this?” You tear off a piece for yourself, popping it into your mouth, feeling the icing coat your tongue. You bask in his silence before picking up the remaining pastry, gently feeding him, tossing the plate blindly onto the bed.
The only answer you need to your question is the way his tongue drags across your palm when he’s finished, you waste no time after that to push him down into the mattress. Letting your lips find his.
His mouth tastes just like it did the first time you kissed.
His arms go over your head, trapping you in his embrace. 
“Tell me I was right.” You pull back from him, grinning.
“I wouldn’t exactly go so far as to say that you were right.” His mouth latches to your chin, peppering a trail of kisses back up to your lips but you pull further back, as far as his arms will let you, eyes still shut.
“You’re a terrible liar, you know that right? Because about thirty seconds ago you were quite literally eating out of the palm of my hand.” He continues trying to kiss you to silence you but you keep turning your head to the side, he settles on your jaw eventually. 
“That doesn’t prove anything, I’ve barely eaten anything today, maybe I was just hungry.” He mumbles against your skin. 
“Mhmm, sure. Are you sure you don’t like playing house? I think you like imagining me as Mrs. Djarin.”
Whoops. Where the hell did that come from? 
“Don’t say that.” His voice isn’t playful anymore as he sits up, keeping you in his lap. 
“Kriff, I’m sorry Din, that was too fa-” You hear a metal thud behind you on the floor and his hands are no longer cuffed, they hold your waist now. 
“If you don’t mean it, don't joke about that.” His breath is hot on your face and his grip on you tightens. 
If you don’t mean it. 
So you were right. 
Your mind screams at you to be rational. You have a husband, there are a million reasons to apologize and to move on from this. 
Stop using the husband that was forced upon you as an excuse.
You can’t keep holding back when it comes to Din. It isn’t fair to him. Not when he gives you everything. 
“If I do mean it, can I joke about it?” Your voice is the quietest it’s been all day. 
He takes your hands and brings them up to his face, so you can feel him nod. 
“I’ll keep joking about it if you tell me I’m right. I’ll joke all night long.” You laugh a little as he brings one of your hands to his mouth so he can kiss your wrist. 
“You’re right.”
You can’t help yourself.
“I like this.” He drags his lips down your arm before dropping it. “I like when you take care of me.” 
“Turn the lights off.” He doesn’t hesitate once you say it, the curtains are all already closed 
Once the lights are off he flips you onto your back, you hear everything on the bed clatter to the floor as he tosses it aside.
His bed is lower than yours so his hands grab you by your hips, lifting your bottom half into the air a little, making you squeak in surprise. 
“Tell me another joke.” He says under his breath as he spreads your legs so he can grind his still clothed erection against you. 
“I thought you were going to let me take care of you?” You scoff at him, hearing his zipper.
“I am,” You gasp as he drops you back down onto the mattress, climbing on top of you. “I’m letting you tell me jokes.” You can practically hear his grin as he guides the blunt head of his cock into your folds. Lazily rubbing it against your clit and leaning down to whisper to you. “You started this with all your talk, is that all it was? Talk? I thought you said you meant it?”  
You’re trying to remember how he got the upperhand so quickly but it’s hard to concentrate when he keeps nudging himself against your most sensitive spot.
Everything always happens so fast with him, just once you’d like to turn things around on him and have it work.
“I-I meant it.” Is all you really manage to get out, he brings his cock down a bit to tease your entrance, never actually pushing in. His voice has that condescending tone to it that tells you he’s willing to play this game for a while and you hadn’t really factored in just how aroused you’d get during your display a few minutes ago. You’re soaked and there’s a good chance he’s going to draw this out in retaliation. He swipes his tip back up to your clit, the both of you hiss in unison. 
You still have one ace up your sleeve as you recall your conversation from last night. 
“So you liked one of my offers?” 
“I might have been interested in one of them”
One thing you know he wants. 
“Come on, sarad’ika. Where are your jokes?” He chuckles against your skin as he kisses your shoulder. 
“I was just trying to think of a baking joke. Can you give me a second?” You gasp out as his free hand reaches underneath you to squeeze your ass before coming up to rest on your hip. 
“I know you can do better than a baking joke.” You can feel him grin against you now, his teeth lightly graze your shoulder.
“It’s a shame, you would have liked it.” He goes back to teasing your entrance, pressing himself into you just enough to make you squirm but not enough to actually be inside you. You try to shift your hips downwards but his hand keeps you pinned in place. 
“I liked your jokes about Mrs. Djarin.” 
It’s now or never.
“Well you liked my cooking as well, so I thought I’d make a joke about a bun in the oven, you’d like that wouldn’t you? Filling me u-”
His hips buck forward and his grip on you tightens to the point of a sharp pain. To seemingly both of your surprises, in an instant he’s buried nearly to the hilt in your heat. 
“Maker, Din!” You’re gonna have a brand new set of bruises tomorrow. 
“Sorry! I, fuck- sorry.” He’s grunting in your ear, not bothering with your shoulder anymore, burying his face into the pillow next to your head. 
“Dank farrik, Din…” You’re reeling from the sudden motion, your head tilted back into the mattress. You need to catch your breath but the muffled groans coming from him distract you. The sting from the sudden stretch you're experiencing is quickly fading and you bring your hands up to his head, one resting in his hair and the other at the nape of his neck. 
He wanted to make this a game so you’re going to play, and you’re going to win.
You’re still panting a little as you turn your head to the side so you can whisper into his ear. 
“Stars Din, it’s that easy to get you worked up, huh?” His breathing is starting to level out, his grip on you lightens up. “I thought I was easy to rile up but look at you, all this just at the thought of a bun in the oven.” 
He isn’t making noise anymore, he’s still against you, listening intently as you run a soothing hand down his spine and back up again. 
“I can’t imagine what you’re going to be like when you actually get me pregnant.” 
You’re surprised by your own words, like your brain is on auto-pilot and you can’t filter yourself but he fucking whines so you don’t care in the slightest. High pitched and needy, muffled by the pillow. His hips start slowly rocking into you and you bite back your moan, wanting to maintain your advantage. 
You tangle your fingers into his hair, pulling his head out of the pillow, savoring the whimper that comes from his as you do.
“Oh come on, you can’t even  handle the thought of it?” You breathe out the words and his head falls downwards as you release him, he bites your shoulder. “What does it for you?” He unclenches his jaw, starting to bury his face back into the pillow but you pull him back up again.
“Is it just the idea of finishing in me?” 
He doesn’t answer, to be fair you’re barely holding it together either at this point.
“Or do you just want everyone to know I’m yours? Want everyone to see that you knocked me up?”  
You get your answer with that because he’s trying to bury his face back into the pillow. A low wail leaves his lips as he frantically ruts into you. How quickly everything’s escalated has you hurtling towards your climax and you can tell by the desperate whine that leaves his lips as he presses them into your collar bone that he won’t be far behind. 
“I know you can do better than that, Din.” You mock his tone from earlier but he’s unfazed, pounding into you until finally you can’t tease him anymore because he’s reduced you to gasps and moans.
It doesn’t take long after that. 
One after the other.
You first, when his hand travels downwards, it takes only a few precise circles rubbed into your clit and your grip tightens in his hair, your walls flutter around him.
Just like that he’s going over the edge with you.
He pulls out, finishing on your stomach. 
You shouldn’t feel upset but there's the tiniest bit of disappointment as you feel his cum against your skin. 
He collapses onto the bed next to you, pulling you into his arms.
“I love you.” He presses a kiss into your hair. 
“I know.” 
You sit in the quiet dark for a long while, until finally, you have to ask.
“Do you actually want kids someday?” Your voice breaks the silence of the pitch-black room. “Little Djarin’s running around?” 
He rolls over so he’s hovering above you now.
“Are you trying to start round two?” He chuckles, resting his forehead against yours, your nose bumps against his. “I’ll need a few more minutes before I can go again, sarad, but I can keep you occupied until then.” He kisses you quickly, already starting to move his mouth south but you stop him. 
It’s so effortless right now. To be happy with him, in the darkness, pushing away thoughts of royal responsibilities. Letting yourself be with just Din, even if it’s brief. 
“I’ll take that as a yes?” You ask.
“Yes. Someday.” He kisses your sternum, laying down on your chest.
“With me?” 
“No, with Elaine.” You smack the back of his head when he says it, he laughs against your skin. “Yes, with you.” 
You let him lay on top of you as you nod to yourself. 
“Is it weird that everytime we have sex it turns into a competition?” He starts to laugh once more as you say it.
“It’s weird that you keep losing.” 
You smack him again.
Your peaceful break from reality is brief, as always, as you sit up. 
“We have to go. I can’t be out all night.” The last thing you want to do is return to your room right now, you want to stay here, the cabin feels more like home than any room in the castle ever has. 
He seems as unhappy with this as you are. The two of you dress in silence once he flicks the lamp back on, you turn around until you hear him reattach his helmet. 
You hold his hand on the walk back. You don’t have much to say right now, you’re certain at this point that you’ve made it clear that you love him.
That you just aren’t ready to say it. 
And he doesn’t seem to mind. 
You’re ready to just sleep. Your blanket nest seems more and more inviting the closer you get to the castle. 
The two of you sneak in through the back entrance and as always the castle is quiet at night. You keep your hand in his as you make your way up the steps. 
It isn’t until you get to the hallway where your chambers are located that you hear it. 
A persistent banging sound and someone yelling incomprehensibly. 
Din immediately drops your hand. 
Neither of you speaks as you walk but he shifts himself so he’s walking ahead of you, as you get closer you recognize the distinct, nasally voice. 
In the dim light of the hall you see Kodo, banging on your bedroom door.
“Wife, come now, you can’t ignore me, I’m your husband.” He hisses, you can smell the alcohol on him from here.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Kodo, are you okay?” You plaster on a faux look of concern as you approach, Din tries to put his hand up to stop you but you ignore it. 
He turns to stare at you, his clothes are askew and he isn’t even wearing his crown. 
“Wife! Where have you been?” He slurs, leaning in for a kiss that you sidestep, he doesn’t seem bothered by your rejection. 
“I went on a walk.” You answer quickly and he takes hold of your waist, you try not to look too repulsed.
“You skipped dinner yesterday, dear wife.” He teeters a bit, leaning towards you as you again try to avoid his kiss but this time he holds you firmly in place, it’s sloppy and you have to wipe a bit of spit from your face after.  
“I did, I wasn’t feeling well.” Your voice is getting smaller and smaller as you feel fear bubbling in your chest.
“Where are your guards?” There’s no respect in Din’s voice, no “your highness” or “your grace.” No one speaks to Kodo that way, not even you, but he’s too drunk to even notice. 
“I dismissed them, as is customary when one is visiting his bride’s chambers.” Kodo lurches forward, his hands sloppily grope the fabric of your skirt and you make an audible groan of discomfort. 
“We should get you back to your own chambers, come now dear husband.” You try to sound patient, you know he’s capable of violence and you don’t want to push him in this state.
“Why would we do that, wife? Come now, tonight I shall join you in bed. I missed you last night.” He hisses the words and you know he didn’t miss you in the slightest, this is a punishment.
This is what you get for disobeying. 
For skipping your dinner with him.
This is the inevitable thing that has made you unable to tell Din you love him. This looming promise of Kodo.
There’s nothing you could possibly do right now to escape the fate before you. The fear you feel right now is certainly not the fear of love that Din described to you. 
But that quickly changes.
You don’t get a chance to react as Din takes a step between you and Kodo, he doesn’t even wind up, he just drives his fist forward and you hear the sickening crunch of your husband's nose just before he slumps to the floor. 
As you stare at Din, you know your fear has changed. His shoulders heaving, his rage fills the corridor as you listen to his ragged breaths through the modulator. He turns around to face you, but you just stare at his hand, where the evidence of this potentially deadly mistake is dripping down his fingertips. You have never been more terrified for another person's life the way you are right now for Din. 
You’re mesmerized by the little speckles of your husband's blood, a stark contrast to the yellow fingertips of his gloves.
And suddenly it feels like all the air leaves the corridor as you finally look into his visor, you don’t see Din though, all you see is what they’re going to do to him for this.
I am no longer doing taglists so follow @lincolndjarinnotifs and turn on notifications to be notified when new chapters are posted !!
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
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original request: @bakugousmymassa Hi willow🥺❤️❤️ ok so this has been on my mind for so long and I hope it makes sense. Ok so bakugou x fem reader and like yk she’s simping for him through manga/anime little does she know he’s doing the same thing is his world. And like they start thinking about each other and it comes through in the manga/anime and like they somehow find a way to communicate through it and like their love/simping becomes so strong that she randomly pops up in the common room and the bakusquad/class 1a is like 👁👄👁 and like they kiss or whatever Ik it’s long and weird but like omg I can’t get it out my mind sorryyy😭😭
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
warnings: some swear words
genre: fluff, a bit angsty
a/n: thank you so much for the request bb! i added my own twist to it so i hope you like it!!
finally done with all my inbox requests!! 99% of them were bakugou in which i had zero complaints. i am here for all your bakugou needs 🤩i got a bit carried away with writing this so that’s why im letting it have it’s own moment☺️ i loved writing this and i would love to hear your thoughts on it (reblogs are greatly appreciated too🧡) enjoy xx
It was your favorite bookstore. It was where you bought your first manga. It was where you found a love for all these complex characters and incredible storylines. This bookstore seemed to satisfy every craving you had in regards to a 2D boy to fawn over. So there was no surprise that when you strolled into the bookstore, you headed straight to where the My Hero Academia mangas were.
You had read them all, even watched the anime. For some reason, you just kept coming back. You couldn’t get enough.
Something on the bookshelf had caught your attention. Among the original mangas, there was one lone book, different from the rest. You stared at the cover. It had your favorite character on it, keeping you intrigued. You had never seen this one before. Was it a side story? Was it a new release? If so, why would there only be one? Out of your own curiosity, you decided to buy it.
You handed the bookstore cashier the manga and your money. They looked at you, simply smiling.
“Is Katsuki Bakugou your favorite?” they asked.
“Yeah, he is,” you smiled. They handed you the book.
“Unfortunately there are no returns on this special edition. I guess you’ll be stuck with him,” they said. You chuckled, taking their comment as a joke.
“I’m okay with that.”
Once you were home, you sat down on your couch and pulled out the book, opening it up.
“What the…”
The pages were blank. The entire book had nothing in it. No words, no drawings, just plain white paper.
“How can you sell an empty book?” you groaned. You thought you had wasted your money on this. You set the book down, staring at the blank page angrily.
Suddenly, one spot of ink appeared on the page. Then more. Your eyes grew as the pages created their own drawing in the corner.
“This isn’t happening…”
You stared at the drawing, stunned.
“What kind of idiot buys a book before opening it first,” read the text bumble. On the page was a drawing of Katsuki Bakugou, his arms crossed with his classic smirk.
“H-How did you just…”
Another drawing began to appear next to the original.
“What? Never seen a self-drawing manga before? Come on dumbass, keep up with me here.”
You couldn’t believe your eyes. Bakugou was talking to you, through a manga.
“B-But you’re not real… you’re just a drawing…”
“Sure I’m a drawing right now, just as you are a drawing on my end. Doesn’t make me or you any less real.”
“Why are you talking to me… how did you find me?”
“Well, how did you find out about me?”
“I read about you in my mangas and I watch your show…”
“Then there is your answer gorgeous. I do the same.”
“I’M A CHARACTER IN A MANGA?” Your brain couldn’t seem to process everything that was happening.
“Of course you are. Damn, you aren’t the brightest…”
“B-But then how did I get your book? Anyone could have bought it.”
“Well me and Shitty Hair figured out a way to leave something behind for you. So that’s how you can talk to me through the book,” explained Bakugou.
“This isn’t happening...this is a lot to process right now. You’re like my dream guy but you’re supposed to be fictional and I’m not entirely sure what to do with all this new information,” you sighed.
“I can explain better in person.”
“I’m sorry, what-”
“Go grab a pen.”
“Go grab a pen Y/N.”
You did as you were told, grabbing the nearest pen.
“Okay now what?”
“Go to a new page and draw yourself, like how I am,” Bakugou instructed. You were skeptical but did it anyway. You created a small box and drew yourself, resembling a manga panel.
“Now write your location as ‘in the common area’.”
“This has to be some kind of fever dream…”
“Just do it dumbass.”
You carefully wrote your desired location.
“Okay now what?”
“I’ll see you later dumbass,” smirked Bakugou. Your eyes grew.
“What- no you can’t just leave-”
“Bye nerd.”
No new panel appeared. You sighed, still in shock.
“There’s no way that was real…”
You set the manga down and laid on your back. You felt a wave of exhaustion come over you. You yawned, slowly falling asleep.
“Be quiet, you’re gonna wake her up!”
“How did she even get here?”
“Do you think Bakugou would be mad if I asked her out?”
“It’s not like she would say yes…”
“Shit I think she’s awake....”
You felt groggy. As if you had been sleeping for days. You slowly started to open your eyes. People-like figures hovered around you.
“Back up, give her some space…”
You sat up, rubbing your eyes. The room was bright. The yellow-tinted walls and green floor caught your attention.
“Where am I…”
“UA High! A prestigious academy made for creating the world’s best Heroes!”
“Wait… Iida?”
You soon realized what had happened. You looked around to all the familiar faces.
“Iida, Deku, Jirou, Kaminari, Momo, Mina, Kirishima, Todoroki…”
“Damn you’re good!” smiled Denki. You couldn’t believe it. You had some how made your way into your favorite story.
“Am I in the anime?”
“What anime?” asked Todoroki.
“Our anime! Or manga whichever you prefer!” smiled Deku.
“This has to be a dream, right?”
“How? You just woke up?”
“Todoroki it was a rhetorical question…”
“Um where is Bakugou?” You asked. Everyone smiled.
“He’s waiting outside. You can go meet him,” explained Kirishima. You gulped. It’s not every day you get to come face to face with your fictional crush. Well, not so fictional now.
“Uh okay…” You stood up from the couch, beginning to make your way out the door. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door.
Bakugou was sitting on the steps of the dorms. His heart was beating out of his chest, though he wouldn’t admit it. He twiddled his thumbs as he waited for you to show up.
“H-Hey…” you whispered. Bakugou perked up, immediately standing up and turning around to face you. He looked at you with widened eyes. The both of you just stared at each other for a bit, fathoming the idea that you were really there. Seeing him on a screen or on a page was nothing compared to seeing him in real life.
“Damn…” he mumbled.
“You’re beautiful.”
Even though this was technically your first meeting, the two of you weren’t strangers. You knew everything about each other. The endless admiration through pages seemed to have led you here. Exactly where you were supposed to be.
“How is this even real?” You questioned. Bakugou chuckled.
“You do realize your world isn’t the only one out there. So I had to take you to mine.”
“So I’m like a character you read about?”
“Yeah, just as I am that to you. I read your story just as you read mine. It’s not that complicated.”
“Why me though?”
Bakugou took a step towards you. He smiled, taking your hand.
“Why wouldn’t I take the opportunity to meet someone I’ve always dreamed about?”
Your face got hot as you tried to hold back your smile. You squeezed his hand.
“I’m glad you did.”
“Then let’s go dumbass,” he said. You raised a brow.
“Well we have to write the rest of the book, don’t we? Come on, I’ve only got you for 300 more pages,” He explained.
“Wait there’s a limit on this?”
“Don’t worry about that now. Now come on, we’ve got shit to do.”
You and Bakugou spent the entire day together. He showed you around Musutafu, introducing you to all his favorite places. He showed you his favorite places to train, his favorite restaurant, where he likes to buy his mangas, and even where he found the book that brought you here.
You couldn’t help but take mental notes while you were with him. His hair was a lot softer than you imagined, and he actually did smell of sweet caramel. His red eyes weren’t intimidating at all, actually, you found them adorable. Bakugou had little patience, which you figured correctly. As you held his hand, he would mumble soft ‘sorry’s’, afraid that his hands were getting sweaty. You reassured him that he was fine. That caused his cheeks to blush.
The two of you sat at a park bench, enjoying the view of the city before you. Your head was rested on his shoulder as you held onto his arm. You couldn’t believe this was real. The boy you spent ages crushing over through a screen actually felt exactly the same. It was better than words.
“I wish there were fireworks,” you said. Bakugou chuckled. He removed his arm from your grip.
“Here. How’s this?”
Bakugou started to create mini-explosions in the palms of his hands, resembling fireworks. You stared at the beautiful sparks. Your smile was contagious. You looked up at him but he was already looking at you. You felt your face turn hot.
“So how many more pages until I’m allowed to kiss you?” blurted out Bakugou. You flinched. The burning in your cheeks grew stronger. You smiled.
You grabbed the collar of Bakugou’s shirt and pulled him towards you. You crashed your lips together. He gently cupped your face as he held you close. The way he kissed you was beyond anything you could have ever imagined. His heart was beating out of his chest too. He was looking forward to seeing you in person just as much as you were, maybe more.
You looked at Bakugou. His face flushed pink, a cheeky smile from ear to ear. He wrapped his arm around you.
“Wait I have something for you,” you remembered, “I don’t really know how these work but I thought you could use it too.”
You had handed Bakugou a book, similar to the one he had left for you.
“I just think we deserve another volume,” you grinned. Bakugou kissed the top of your head, taking the book.
“I think so too.”
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. You stretched and rubbed your eyes. Then you remembered.
“Was I really there?” you mumbled. You tried to orient yourself, still slowly waking up. You reached for the manga that sat on the other side of your couch. You took a deep breath opening it up.
The pages were no longer blank. They instead were filled with perfectly detailed drawings of you and Katsuki Bakugou, following the storyline you had just experienced. You wiped the stray tear from your eye and brought the book to your chest.
“Until next time, Katsuki Bakugou.”
[general taglist (form in masterlist) : @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @roesaurus @evivn1 @astrooliver @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @complimentaryhugsgirl ]
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1kook · 4 years
skirt chasers - drabble i
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a skirt chasers drabble bc they are my fave fictional couple to date <333
tags: coupley and domestic, jk’s terrible attempts at seducing via text, making out, dry humping, spitting (ik idk what came over me), too much talking for this to be sexual pero hey here we are wc: like 3k
entirely based off jungkook from bv3 that man had NO right to look that good and  the holy jirkenstocks (jungkook birkenstocks). wont lie this has been completely written in my drafts since November (yes 2019) and i hoarded it under the belief i would make this a whole part 2 which i did not 
que dios los bendiga <3
Much to everyone’s dismay, Jungkook’s spring break in Vegas with the boys is cut three days short when Jimin’s dog sitter suddenly cancels, citing a case of homesickness as enough cause to abruptly go home. When you first hear news of this, you’re preparing yourself for the return of a mopey, useless Jungkook, too drained from four glorious days in Las Vegas to carry on. What you’re not expecting is the mysterious text he sends you before boarding a five hour flight with no service (he was cheap).
kook still on vegas lockdown. Have that pussy ready when i get home
“The fuck does that mean?” Chaeyoung is the first to see the message, your screen lighting up on the kitchen counter beside you as you scrub through a mountainous pile of dishes. You try to play it off, after all, Chaeyoung had seen parts of you you hadn’t even seen, but there was no worse embarrassment than having your homegirls see your clown of a boyfriend’s ridiculousness. “He’s so romantic,” she swoons, and you shoo her away from the offending device as you wipe your hands down on your t-shirt. 
you for what?? One 20 second round 🤥
Chaeyoung suddenly cackles from over your shoulder, and you swear your soul leaves your body. 
You don’t get a response until exactly five hours and thirteen minutes later, your phone vibrating like crazy on the edge of your bathtub, and if you hadn’t given it a hearty kick and sent it flying across the room, front screen shattering into the most intricate spider web of glass shards, it would have fallen into the water. The terror. 
kook pls pick me up 
kook also haha. U r soooo funny 😑
You’re halfway to the airport, idly sitting in traffic and giving the public a free, Beyonce-like experience of The Script’s Breakeven, when you realize you’re not wearing any pants. You’re not exactly sure which part of Jungkook’s long t-shirt had tricked you into believing you were decently dressed, but you’re not too mad. After all, Jungkook’s trip with the boys had been a last minute decision that did not take into consideration your never-ending thirst for your boyfriend, so a little payback never hurt anybody. 
He’s sitting on top of his suitcase outside the airport when you get there, cute Birkenstock-clad feet swinging back and forth as he waits for you like the good boy he is. He crouches down by the passenger window, “Uh, yeah, is this the Uber?” 
You can’t even bother hiding the smile that consumes your face, and it only grows tenfold when he finally gets in and immediately leans over the center console to kiss you. “Look who’s finally back from their little bachelor party,” you murmur, eyes lidded dangerously low when he breaks away. 
“Oh, the party where I accidentally sleep away my life-savings to a stripper named Aries and then have to go home and beg for my wife’s forgiveness?” He responds immediately, devious pink tongue swiping out to lick at your bottom lip. 
You snort. “Joke’s on you, because our hot pool boy kept me company and treated me better in four days than my husband had in six years,” you mumble, finger looping into the silver chain around his neck to pull him close again. 
“Not our hot pool boy,” he whines, smile pressed adorably to your lips. 
You almost retort, but a ten-second horn blast from the car behind you has the two of you jumping three feet from each other, like teenagers caught making out in the school parking lot. 
Just as you’d predicted via text, Jungkook barely has the energy to walk up the steps to your apartment, much less fuck you like he’d promised. “Fuck, stop being healthy and let us take the elevator,” he grunts, pushing his suitcase onto the final platform leading to your floor.
“Nope,” you concede. “The stairs give me a good view of your ass going up.”
He shoots you a scandalized look, like you’re an old man who’d just catcalled him on the street. “Pretty sure that’s my line.”
It’s when you’re unlocking the front door, sending out a little prayer to the heavens (Chaeyoung) for the blessing of an empty apartment, that he notices your lack of proper clothing. “Oh, hell no,” he groans, immediately crowding you against the armchair nearest the door. 
You laugh, struggling to turn to face him as he nuzzles his face into your neck. “What seems to be the problem?”
He sighs against the shell of your ear, and you’d be a liar to say it didn’t send a gush of wetness to your core. Jesus, just a single puff of air from Jungkook was enough to turn your coochie into a Fruit Gusher. “Not your sexy legs again,” he whines, and you giggle when he presses those pouty lips to yours. 
“Thought I was supposed to have this pussy ready for you,” you tease, tilting your head up until your noses brush against each other. Jungkook lets a soft huff of a sigh go, eyes fluttering shut at your close proximity. 
There’s a hand that creeps along the back of your thigh, fingers pressing into the soft skin until he finally guides it upwards, hitched over his hip. The new position has your body curving backwards, tilted over the edge of the couch as he continues crowding closer and closer to you. “Baby,” he whines, and the tone and sudden usage of your favorite nickname wipes the teasing smile off your face. “I missed you so much,” he purrs, in that tone that says he knows he has you under his complete control, all he has to do is take care of you. 
Still, you try to put up some sort of a fight. “I’m sure your eyes were kept entertained in Vegas,” you retort weakly, not even bothering to hide the jealousy in your tone. 
Jungkook laughs, before puckering his lips and smothering you. Instantly, you throw your arms around his broad shoulders to pull him closer. His hair tickles your face from how long it’s gotten, and when you brush it back, collecting it into a makeshift baby ponytail, you can’t even enjoy the sight because Jungkook is pressing his rock hard member against your inner thigh. 
“You think I’m a cheater?” He muses when he finally pulls away, a little entranced by the saliva that coats your lips in a thin sheen. “Couldn’t be even if I wanted to.” Before you can ask what that even means, he’s hauling you into his arms, your legs wrapping around his tiny waist, his cock now cradled between your thighs, right where you want him most. You moan immediately, head lolling backwards at the touch you’d craved for days. “Feel that? No one gets my dick hard like you do, baby.”
Even though his adrenaline is on one hundred, and he’s clearly blinded by his lust, Jungkook still sets you down on the bed like you’re made of glass. Any comments you may have made are smothered by his lips on yours, fingers gripping your waist like it’s the first time he’s ever touched you. When he pulls away, his eyes are dark and his breath is a little heavy where it fans against the lower half of your face. 
“So pretty,” he huffs, rolling his hips against yours. You groan, eyes rolling back as the familiar feeling of your boyfriend between your legs consumes you. Jungkook presses his mouth against the skin of your neck, where the faintest sheen of sweat had begun to form the moment you unlocked the front door. 
If you thought you were loud, the sounds leaving Jungkook’s throat are teetering on the edge between a pornstar and a yodelling-enthusiast. You can’t help the smirk crossing your features. “Are you really gonna come?”
Jungkook was many things, and drama queen was definitely very high on that list. He gives you the most scandalized expression, stopping the movement of his hips to scoff. “As if,” he snorts, but you know that little eyebrow furrow a little too well. 
You snort, reaching down to his sides as you try to discreetly urge him to start up again. “Baby, your jaw is twitching,” you point out, a soft whine leaving your lips when he shifts your leg up. It’s this same sound that has him finally moving again. 
“Yeah, well,” he groans, one hand deathly gripping into your hip now, pressing you down onto the bed so hard you feel the comforter will swallow you up any minute now. “I just got my wisdom teeth removed, ‘member?”
Your retort is briefly cut off by the cry you let out when he ducks down to suck a mark beneath your jaw. “M-Months ago,” you weakly respond, 
Jungkook ignores you in favor of using his Hulk strength to fold you in half, groans borderline animalistic as he grinds his cock into your soaked panties. His jaw is tight like you’d said, but you can tell he’s holding himself back. He hated coming before you, seldom doing it unless it was one of those rare days where he wanted you to pamper him. 
“Fuck,” he grunts, swallowing your pitiful whines before pushing his tongue down your throat. There was something sexy about your boyfriend being so turned on that his saliva production was off the charts. “You’re gonna ask me to do that thing again, aren’t you?” He predicts. 
All you can do is nod, and Jungkook smirks. “Ah,” he says, much like a doctor would, and you comply, mouth wide. You see the muscles beneath his jaw twitch, and a moment later he’s leaning over you with puckered lips, a glob of saliva begging to drip down. 
The moan that catches in your throat has him smiling, tongue peeking out to cut the bridge of saliva that connected the two of you, and you want to tell him you love him, but then he’s raising his eyebrows at you, motioning for you to swallow, so you do. “Absolutely filthy,” he grins, and then returns to thrusting against you. 
As much as you liked to tease him, he’s good at fulfilling the sexual aspects of his boyfriend role, and he guides you to your orgasm moments later. Of course, he does so by toying with your tits just the way you like, lips pressed firmly to yours as you become a boneless heap beneath him. “That’s it, pretty baby,” he murmurs, pressing one final kiss to your lips before he’s shifting back onto his haunches, tugging you closer until the backs of your knees are cradled carefully in his elbows. 
Despite your transcended state, you love watching Jungkook get himself off, and your eyes flutter as you watch him thrust sloppily against your soiled panties. They’re soaked by your own arousal, and had Jungkook’s sweats not been as dark as they were, you’re almost certain you’d see how they stained. 
He comes a moment later, body twitching and fingers tightening against your skin. His chest heaves, head lolling back as he tries to regain his senses. Silence envelopes the room. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You blurt, no longer able to pretend like something isn’t completely wrong. 
Jungkook rolls his neck out, a satisfying crack resounding, as he angles to look at you again. His tongue is poking against his cheek in that cocky way it does sometimes, and he furrows his brows at you. “What?”
You shuffle up onto your elbows, motioning towards him with the vaguest wave possible. He blinks. You groan. 
“What did you do?” You question, and immediately his eyes go wide and shiny in that way they do when you’re reprimanding him and he doesn’t see the wrong in his ways. 
Cute little lips forming a pout he remains as confused. “Nothing? We really just went to fuck around and get drunk—“
“You don’t actually think I cheated, I thought we were just joking? Unless…” he trails off, doe eyes suddenly filled with fear. “You weren’t?”
He intercepts you, “did you do something while I was gone? Who was he? Or she? Wow,” he huffs to himself in disbelief. “I don’t even know you well enough to know if you’re into more than just men.” The frown on his face is getting deeper with each word he utters and you almost can’t believe how dumb he could be. “No wonder… am I a terrible boyfriend?” He asks, voice louder and more concerned than it’s been all night. 
“What the fuck are you even talking about?” You say, and Jungkook looks just as lost by your response as you are with his. “Because I’m talking about whatever this is,” you explain, reaching up to drag a hand through his dual-colored locks. 
They’d been carefully tucked under his bucket hat when you’d picked him up, a tuft of blonde peeking out from in front of his ear. It wasn’t until he’d tipped you over the side of the couch that it had tumbled off. Of course, at the time, there had been other pressing matters at hand than wondering why your Hannah Montana blonde boyfriend had returned as Todoroki, which is why you’d waited until now to revisit the topic. 
Jungkook doesn’t move for a solid ten seconds. Then, as if processing the emotional episode he’d just given you, he gives you a sheepish smile. It’s one of those smiles where his lips press together thinly and cutely and the apples of his cheeks seem like the squishiest things in the world. “Oh…” he says, voice soft and nothing like the man that spit in your mouth five minutes ago. “You like it?”
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Paranoid - JJ Maybank
Request: hey I was wondering if I could have an insert where they don't know jj and the reader and dating until they catch them? sry ik it's cheesy haha
Outer Banks Masterlist
❋ ❋ ❋ ❋
“I told John B I was staying at yours, he won’t think anything of it.” JJ insisted when you voiced your concern for him being at your house since the rest of the pogues were on their way to yours.  
“Why would you tell him that?” You asked, stopping midway through pulling on your shirt.  
“He knew about the fight with my dad and wanted to know why I wasn’t staying at his…what was I supposed to say? I was coming here so I said I was coming here.” JJ shrugged.
“Yeah but now he knows you stayed here. In my house.”  
“We’ve all stayed at your house before…you’re acting paranoid.”  
“I’m not acting paranoid JJ!” You snapped. You and JJ had been dating for a few months now and both of you had agreed not to tell the rest of your friends about it. And maybe he was right, the sneaking around did make you feel paranoid, but you didn’t want him saying it. “Everyone has stayed at my house before together! Or it’s been like me, Kiara, and Sarah…not just me and you.”  
“I doubt John B is gonna figure out that we’re macking on each other just cause I spent the night at your house.” He replied, pulling on his boots and lacing them. He’d spent the night on the couch but the moment your dad had left for work that morning he was in your room.  
“Yeah but Kiara might suspect something and then she’ll tell Pope and John B and he’ll tell Sarah and then everyone will know that we broke the no pogue on pogue macking rule! Then what?” You pointed out. Not everyone was as clueless as John B.  
“Then we can make out wherever we want.” He shrugged. “Whenever we want.”
“JJ, this is serious!”  
“I’m being serious! If you don’t want anyone to know we’re dating than we shouldn’t date.” He said, standing up and heading for the front door. He couldn’t help feeling pissed that you cared more about people not finding out than you did about just having a relationship. You were always worried that someone would figure out the two of you were dating and half the time he felt like it took away from actually dating at all. And he was sick of sneaking around.  
“That is not what I said! Don’t twist my words!”
“I’m not! You’re standing here all morning freaking out that someone might find out we’re dating...well if you’re so bothered by the idea then we shouldn’t date.”  
You followed JJ outside, practically running down the stairs after him. “I’m not bothered by the idea! We both agreed-“
“Because you insisted! I never would’ve agreed.” He admitted.  
“What’re you doing?”
“Leaving.” He replied, turning to look back at you as he headed down the driveway toward the road.  
“Everyone’s coming over!”
“Well I don’t really feel like hanging out with everyone!”
“JJ please,” you followed after him down the long driveway, “I didn’t mean it that way.”
“There aren’t too many other ways to take it.” He pointed out. He stopped at the mailbox at the end of the driveway to readjust his cap.  
“Just wait-“
“Where are you going?” You asked, worried that he would go back home to his dad.  
“What’d you care?”  
“That’s not fair! You know I didn’t mean it like that!”
“I’m pretty sure that’s exactly how you meant it!” He snapped.  
He shook his head, turning and walking down the road. You didn’t know what to do, standing there and watching him walk away. You hated that the two of you had to sneak around too but you didn’t know what else to do. All of your friends were pretty insistent on their made up ‘no pogue on pogue’ macking rule. They’d harp on you for breaking it, with JJ of all people. Kiara constantly remarked on JJ’s supposed commitment phobia and claimed that was why she never hooked up with him when he had a pass at her a few years back.  
It was that alone that had you freaked out. What if he backed out and your friends had to choose? They’d choose him in a heartbeat.  
“I can’t believe he’s ghosting…that’s not like him at all.” John B mentioned, checking his phone for the fifth time in so many minutes, waiting for a text back from JJ to tell him where he was.  
“Are things rough at home?” Kiara asked, looking over at you.  
You were sitting on your deck with them, feet hanging over the edge where the railing had broken off and left a gaping hole. “How would I know?”
“He wouldn’t act like this though.” John B reasoned, looking between both of you. Even when things were rough at home JJ was always dependable.  
“Just asking, you guys were the closest out of the group.” Kiara said, ignoring John B’s comment.  
“I haven’t talked to him.”
“No one has.” Pope finally cut in. “Maybe he’ll be there tomorrow? I mean the boneyard is pretty big…he doesn’t have to see us, if that’s the problem.”
“Why would that be the problem?” Kiara asked, confused.  
“I’m just saying.” He shrugged. Pope knew about you and JJ. His best friend had told him, in an excited series of texts, that you and he were dating but that you’d agreed not to tell anyone. Judging by your demeanor now and the lack of JJ, Pope could only assume something happened. “You’re pretty quiet.” He mentioned, placing a hand on your shoulder.  
“What? Sorry.”
“Did he say anything to you last time you saw him?” John B asked, clicking his phone off again. Still no JJ.
When two more days without him passed you decided that the only course of action was to be drastic. He wasn’t at John B’s, The Wreck, the HMS Pogue, Pope’s boat, or anywhere else you usually looked on the island. He wasn’t answering texts or phone calls. So you summoned what courage you had and you made your way to the Maybank residence. Luke was on the screened porch when you pulled up, walking up the few rickety stairs to the door and knocking even though you were sure he had to know you were there.  
“Hi, uh, is JJ home?” You called, the screen separating the two of you offering a false sense of security.  
“Who’s asking?” He called back, not looking at you.
“Just a friend.” You replied, not wanting to give Luke any information about yourself,  “I was wondering if he was around, I haven’t seen him lately.”  
“The hell should I know! I can’t keep that kid straight.”  
“Right, well sorry to bother you.”  
“Hey,” He stood up and came over to the door, leaning close to the screen. “You see him, tell him to get his fucking ass home, kid thinks he can just run all over the fucking place and never come home. Owes me rent; the shithead is behind a month.”  
“Maybe if you weren’t such a shitty person he’d come home.” You muttered under your breath as you took a step back.  
“What’d you say?”
“Nothing. No, sorry, I didn’t say anything.”  
“Ya said something.” His hand gripped the doorknob and you shook your head furiously.  
“I heard something.”  
“Must’ve been my imagination then? Right?” He mocked, fully out of the door now.  
“I dunno.” You were halfway to your car, too afraid to turn and run. You’d seen JJ’s bruises; you knew what happened in his house.  
“Cause it sounded like you said it was my fault that son of a bitch isn’t here.”  
“I didn’t say anything.” Your back hit your car door and you practically pried it open, climbing in and starting the engine. It turned over once before it kicked in and you jumped when Luke’s fist pounded against the glass of the window.  
“Tell my son that next time he decides to send one of his little friends around I’ll fucking shoot them the minute they set foot on my property.” He shouted through the glass. “You fucking kids think you can do whatever you want-”  
You hit the gas and tore off before you could hear the end of his sentence. You had run out of places to look for JJ and scared yourself shitless in the process. Your hands were shaking as you drove back to your house, hoping that wherever JJ was he absolutely did not go back home.  
Luke Maybank spooking you didn’t deter you trying to get in contact with JJ. You kept texting and calling but he didn’t answer you. He sent a text to Pope, telling him he was fine and just clearing his head which you could only imagine meant he was somewhere, high as a kite. You didn’t expect to see him the day after that text to Pope came through so when he came walking up the gravel driveway to your house you practically ran down the stairs from the porch.  
“JJ!” You didn’t care that he was pissed at you or that you and he had basically broken up last time you spoke, you threw your arms around him the moment you saw him.  
“I’m just here to get my-“ he had started to say when you hugged him, arms around his shoulders. He stumbled a little, wrapping an arm around your waist to hold himself up, “whoa, hey to you too.”  
You pulled away, taking a step back from him and wrapping your arms around yourself protectively. “Sorry I, sorry. I was so worried. Where were you?”  
“Stayed at Miss Lana’s for a couple days.” He shrugged, “it’s no big deal!”
“It is! I was freaking out. I couldn’t find you anywhere I was afraid something happened with your dad. When I went to see him I half expected to find him hiding a body!”  
“Whoa, hey, slow down. You went to my house?” JJ asked, eyes widening in surprise at your confession.  
“How many times have I told you never to go to my house without me? And on top of that, never talk to my dad! Ever!” He stressed, freaked that you had gone to his house. He figured that staying away for a little while to clear his head would be a good thing. He couldn’t imagine it turning into anything negative but you had gone to his house to look for him and that terrified him.  
“I was worried about you!”
“I don’t care! What if something happened to you? Oh god, are you okay? Did anything happen to you?”  
“No! No I’m fine. JJ! I’m fine!” You pushed at his hands when he reached out to check that you were unscathed. “I’m okay!”
“You shouldn’t have gone there.”
“I was worried about you. You weren’t answering your phone and no one had seen you.” You replied, trying to make him understand how worried you were when he disconnected.
“Look, I’m sorry okay. I was pissed cause we got in a fight. I know I said I didn’t want anyone to know either but I…I kinda do. I wanna tell people we’re dating. I hate pretending we’re just friends.” JJ confessed, letting out a heavy sigh. “But you shouldn’t have gone to my house!”
“Well then you shouldn’t have left mine without talking to me.” You stressed.  
“Don’t try to turn this around on me.”
“I wasn’t worried about anyone else!”
“I don’t want you getting hurt.” He replied. He didn’t care if you told him you only wanted to be friends or if you did still have feelings for him. All he cared about was the fact that you were okay and that you hadn’t been hurt when you went to his dad’s house.  
“Well, I don’t want to keep fighting about this with you. I’m sorry I seemed like I didn’t want anyone to know we were dating. I just…liked having something that was ours. Once everyone knows then it’ll constantly be them trying to make us feel guilty for going off together.”  
“Screw that, who cares. If I want to ditch everyone else to spend time with you than I will. It’s not like we don’t spend every waking moment with everyone.” He insisted.  
“So you’re not breaking up with me?” You asked, “just to be clear?”
“No. Yes. Whatever...we’re not breaking up. But no going to my house.”  
“I guess we should tell everyone?”
“Hate to break it to you but…we kind of already know.” Kiara’s voice came from behind you and you both looked over to see Kiara, Pope, and John B standing in your driveway. “You guys are shit at pretending.” She admitted.  
Taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes@millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles@tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27@dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @jjsthumbring @faded-blue@parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days@jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @louisolos @hoewkeye @love-someone-special@finecelle @vitaminekabc @tiredfeels @g4bster @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana@tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings@pensysto @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready@teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @hvitost @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5@rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla@bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie@mirjanak @kwjune @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @siwiecola @regev1408 @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @averagxfangirl@mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii@oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @marteenuhh08 @x-lulu @kitkat0609 @ceruleanjj@yoxsh06 @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn@pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys@poguesnobx @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @jolomez @timotaychalabae @babycakes00 
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ikenbar · 3 years
Mr. Love: Ike’s Choice CH4 PT11
Second to last part until Chapter four comes to a close! I’ll hate to see it go but I’ll be back on my regular schedule after this. Not to mention, Chapter five has got to be one of my favorites. It’s one I actually go back and read when I have spare time! So get excited!! :D
Warnings: Blood, fainting, setting of a dislocated arm (you more hear about it then witness it), cleaning wounds, we got fluff, we got angst (only a tiny bit tho), and we got some of that sweet farm raised and grass fed cliffhangers!! :D
(Chapter Four (Victor and Gavin) Prologue, and part one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten can be found here!)
Please read the author’s note (and the beginning of the story) on chapter one part one if you’re new here :D
And an additional note in a previous part of chapter four part three here! (I promise these notes are important)
Chapter four:
Part ten:
“No bodyguards.” I insisted for the uptenth time as Adri and I climbed the stairs to my apartment, “I told you I’m fine. Just a minor scrape.”
“It’s not your scrape that makes me worried.” Victor’s voice had a sense of importance, “It’s how you got it. You were driven off the road, Ikamara! What if you had gotten killed?!”
“It takes a lot more than a few cars and guns to kill me, Victor.”
“Victor,-” I interrupted, moving the phone to my shoulder to grab my keys from my pocket, “I’m-” I grunted. A sharp pain rushed through my chest. I gripped my side and I handed the phone to Adri. “Talk to victor for me while I grab my keys.” I groaned, trying to keep face. Adri nodded slowly then held the phone up to her ear. 
“Hey Vicky!... It’s a no to ‘Vicky?’ Alright, well, Ike blasted some holes in their tires. They aren’t going anywhere. I promise. And, if they do, you’ll be the first person we call, ok?... alright police first, and then you!” Adri paused a moment as she listened to Victor, “... You want to send a doctor?... Well...” Adri gave me a once over. I threw the keys into my door knob and yanked the phone from Adri’s ear.
“No doctors.” I deadpanned, “I’ve dealt with worse injuries than these. We’ll be fine…” I unlocked my door but didn’t open it right away.  I looked over to Adri, “... Although, one thing is strange to me.” 
“What tipped you off? Was it the fact that you were thrown off the road by a bull headed man, perhaps?” Victor asked with sourness on his tongue.
“No, My-”
“Hold on.” Adri took my phone again but, instead of putting it to her ear, tapped the speaker phone button and held it up between us, “Sorry, V. I was hearing one part of this conversation and it was getting old. Please, Ike.” She gestured for me to continue. 
“... Thanks, Adri.” I cleared my throat, “My evol makes it so I have nearly impenetrable skin. Not even bullets can get through it... if that’s the case-”
“Then what cut your arm?” Victor and Adri had caught on quickly as they asked the same question at the same time. I looked down at my arm. 
“I don’t know. The last time I remember being cut this bad was when I was younger and my evol was still developing.”
“Didn’t you get a cut on your date?” Victor asked, “Do you know what could have caused it?”
“No. I-” I paused, “... that waiter’s cufflink. It was what tore at my shirt so it must have been what cut me too.” 
“Do you remember what kind of cufflink it was?” Victor asked. I looked down and hummed in thought.
“Wait.” Adri said, snapping her fingers, “Some construction work requires them to drill or grind into hard and heavy materials so that the building can be sturdy under certain conditions such as earthquakes or thunderstorms.”
“Interesting fact.” I rolled my eyes, “What does that have to do with-”
“Some of the equipment they use had diamonds embedded in them.”
Something clicked in my head.
“The waiter’s cufflink,” I said slowly, “It must have had a diamond in it as well…”
“Exactly.” Adri nodded.
“Ike,” Victor said, gravely, “Did Montu see your injury?” I felt my blood run cold.
“I… I don’t know.” I gasped, thinking hard about the events that had just transpired, “We were talking for some time but... I don’t think he knew I was hurt… but I was covered in blood.”
“Maybe he thought it was mine.” Adri said quickly and reassuringly, “You were bleeding on me when we were hiding in the ceiling.”
“Let’s hope that’s true.” Victor seemed to have said that more to himself then to me, “... Are you two sure you’re alright being alone right now? If not I can send someone over to-”
“We’re alright.” I reassured, though a little unsure, “No need to send anyone. If I really do need someone over... I have my neighbor. He’s a cop so he’ll be able to protect us if we need it.”
“... He?” Victor asked in a strange tone.
“... Yeah? Why?”
“Nothing. I’ll let you go then. Let me know if you need anything.”
“Alright.” I said, complicated feelings rising in my chest, “Hey, send me a bill for your tires. It was my fault they were-”
“Stop.” Even over the phone, Victor’s tone was still harsh enough to silence me, “It wasn’t your fault. I’ve got it handled so don’t worry about it.”
I sighed, “... Thank you, Victor.” 
“If you feel as if you can’t go to work tomorrow-”
“I’ll be there.” I said quickly.
“... Ok. Get some sleep.”
“You too.”
“I will. Good night, Ike.”
“Good night, Victor.” 
“Good night, V!” Adri chimed.
“... Good night, Adrienne.” Victor sighed. I hung up the phone and Adri tossed it to me, a teasing smirk rising from her lips.
“For a moment it felt like you two had forgotten about me.” She taunted, wiggling her eyebrows, “Maybe I should have just left you two alone!”
“Shut it.” I rolled my eyes and twisted the doorknob to my apartment. The door creaked open revealing a quiet, empty, and dark room. I knew no one was in there but for some strange reason, I felt as if I was being watched. Images from the warehouse flashed in my mind. A room where there were photos of me sitting on the sofa or making something in the kitchen. Montu knew where I lived and had been watching me. I wasn’t afraid of them. I beat them that night. I got away from them… but now…
I looked down at Adri. I had taken the sleeve of her jacket and propped her arm up so it wasn’t hanging so loosely by her side. I grit my teeth as I brushed my side again with my hand. This time, it wasn’t just me in my apartment. It would be my sister too. A bloodied and bruised sister whom I couldn’t rightly take care of alone in my situation… 
I was going to need some help.
With a sigh, I locked eyes with Adri. “We were in a car accident.” I enunciated each word I said with precision, "Got it?"
"Uh, sure?" Adri replied, looking very confused.
I nodded and closed my door as I turned to the apartment across from mine. After a long moment of hesitation, I walked over and knocked on the door. There was a moment of silence then movement came from the other end. Instant regret flooded my body.  I frantically looked down at my bullet ridden clothes and bleeding arm. I quickly pulled off my jacket but my blazer was just as destroyed. I groaned as the door opened to reveal a casually dressed Gavin in the doorway. 
"H-Hey birdcop." I stammered, sounding even more guilty than I looked. At first Gavin looked at me confused, but his face dropped and his eyes dilated. 
“What happened to you?!” Gavin’s voice, though stern, shook slightly as he immediately grabbed for my blood soaked sleeve and inspected it. 
“Car accident.” My jaw felt tight as I spouted out my excuse. Gavin looked up at me.
“This was from a car accident?” Gavin’s voice made it clear he was unconvinced.
I nodded and kept the ball rolling, "I hit a snag in the road and fell head long into a construction site and onto some tools. I scraped up my arm pretty bad… and may have broken a couple of ribs.”
“We need to get you to the hospital.” Gavin reached inside his apartment to grab something.
“No!” I quickly grabbed his arm, wincing as my side sparked in pain, “If I’m in need of any kind of sewing, they won’t be able to poke the needle through my skin and find out I am an evolver. I have the stuff we need in my bathroom. Can… you help us patch up?" 
“Us?” Gavin looked up. His eyes locked on to something. I turned and saw a red faced Adri staring blankly at Gavin, clearly at a loss for words.
“My sister was on the bike with me.” I said, guilt and regret riding on my tongue, “I protected her pretty well but she still has some injuries. Mainly her shoulder being dislocated.”
“Why didn’t you take her to a hospital?” Gavin asked, gesturing with irritation.
“They would insist on working on me if I took her.” I said, folding my arms and looking back at Gavin, “Besides, I figured I could handle it.” Gavin glared down at me. I arched my eyebrow. “If you don’t want to help I’m sure I could-”
“No.” Gavin quickly interrupted me as he walked out of his apartment, “I’ll help.” 
“Good.” I nodded and walked back to my apartment, “Thanks, Birdcop.” Gavin grunted from behind me. I rolled my eyes but a warm feeling still tickled my heart as I reached for the door to my apartment again.
“Are you alright?” Gavin’s soft words made me turn around. He was looking worriedly at Adri, who was looking down at the ground, avoiding all eye contact.
“Y-yep!” She stammered, face somehow getting even redder than before.
“Are you sure?” Gavin reached out to her, “Your face is really red. Are you cold?” The moment Gavin’s hand touched her elbow, a small yelp came from Adri’s mouth. She quickly covered it with her free hand and ran next to me.
“Open the damn door.” She whispered, pulling on my sleeve.
“I don’t know.” I cooed, arching my eyebrow as I smirked, “I kinda wanna see where this goes.” Adri cursed and forced my hand away from the doorknob. She threw the door open and ran inside, despite how dark the room still was. I bit back the comments riding on my tongue as I switched on the lights. Suddenly the apartment had become as inviting as it usually was. I sighed lightly with relief as Gavin walked in behind me. I looked up at him. Worry and confusion played on his eyes as he looked at Adri. I patted his arm lightly. "Don’t worry.” I whispered, causing him to look down at me, “She’s always like this.” 
“Really?” Gavin’s expression softened slightly. I nodded.
“Now, make yourself at home." I said in my normal tone as I walked into the apartment and towards the bathroom, "I’ll be right out with what we need.” I walked past Adri, who had fallen onto the couch, slumped over, and covered her face with her jacket. I smirked and continued walking, deciding against making fun of her. At that point, she would kill me faster then Montu would. 
Just as I got to the bathroom door, I paused to look back at the room. Gavin had made his way to the couch, sitting next to Adri delicately. He spoke to her in a tone soft enough that I couldn’t hear them. I had some idea though when Adri’s nervous expression turned into one of horror. Gavin was likely telling her how he was going to set her arm. Something he shouldn’t have to do because the whole ordeal was my fault. But there was no way I could with my ribs being the way they were. 
I tapped at the door, watching them a little longer before finally entering the bathroom. Whether or not it was my fault was not important. No matter what, Adri was still hurt and she needed help, and Gavin was going to help her… 
He was going to help us.
After I was sure I was out of everyone’s eyeline, I collapsed onto the counter in pain. I clutched at my side and gritted my teeth. When had it become so hard to breathe? I panted in short breaths as I opened my mirror. I immediately located the first aid kit.
… on the top shelf. 
Of course it was.
I cursed and tapped my finger on the counter. Would it even be worth the pain? I could just run the scratch over some water and be fine! I’ll use an old t-shirt or something to stop the blood! We’d be-
I heard a painful cry come from outside of the bathroom. I cringed as guilt rushed through my stomach. After another moment of thought, I took a deep breath and reached for the first aid kit. Pain erupted and pushed throughout my chest. Gritting my teeth to the point of breaking, I quickly grabbed the first aid kit and collapsed once more unto the counter. But, because I had used all of my energy to grab the kit, I slipped onto the floor instead. I hit the floor hard as I fell to my knees. Nausea rushed through my throat as black dots flooded my vision, threatening a blackout. I clutched my head and moaned, fighting to stay conscious as the familiar feeling of exhaustion hit me like a truck. 
Hurried footsteps approached the bathroom. I tried fixing myself to look less pathetic but the quick motion ended up making me feel even worse. A figure appeared next to me, kneeling down and surveying me closely. “Hey,” Gavin’s worried voice echoed slightly in my ears, “Are you alright?”
“Peachy.” I gasped, looking over at him. Gavin’s form seemed to be shifting slightly, making it hard for me to focus on him. I closed my eyes and rubbed them as I shoved the first aid kit into his stomach. “Here.” I groaned, “take that to Adri. She’ll…” My balance faltered. The hand on my back quickly moved to my arm, pulling me into Gavin’s chest.
“Hey,” Gavin quickly patted my cheek, “Stay with me, Ike.” I shook my head and weakly brushed away his hand.
“I’m fine.” I lied, “Just give the kit to A-” Before I could finish, I felt the first aid kit slide back onto my lap. I opened my eyes in time to see Gavin slip his arm under my knees. “W-wait-” I began, but it was too late. Gavin carefully pulled me close to him and lifted me up, making sure to take it slow so as to not make my condition worse. I fell further into his chest and gripped at his shirt, closing my eyes again as another wave of nausea crashed into my throat.
“You still here, Ike?” Gavin asked softly, rubbing his thumb over my arm.
“A warning would have been nice.” I groaned, letting my head fall onto his shoulder. Gavin held me tighter as he moved out of the room. A small gasp came from somewhere in the room. 
“Is she ok?!” Adri, through the exhaustion in her voice, sounded incredibly worried as Gavin led me further into the room.
“She’s fine.” Gavin said, his voice vibrating through his chest, “She’s just pushed herself a little farther than necessary.” I weakly flicked at Gavin’s chin. Gavin chuckled, the air from his nose teasing my bangs and cooling the cold sweat on my forehead. 
I opened my eyes as Gavin gently placed me down next to Adri on the couch. He lay my head on one of the throw pillows on the couch and raised my knees up as he tucked a pillow underneath them, keeping them from falling. Gavin took the first aid kit and placed it on the coffee table behind him. Once he was sure I was taken care of, Gavin knelt down next to me.
“Ike-” He began. I raised a hand.
“Ice packs are in the top door of the fridge.” I took my raised hand and pointed it to the kitchen, “Grab one for Adri. While you’re there you can grab me a juice box from the fridge so I don’t pass out.” Gavin nodded and quickly stood from my side. I looked over to Adri. She was watching Gavin, gripping her shoulder tightly. Though she was putting on a tough face, I could tell she was in pain. “Hey, kiddo.” I kicked her lightly, pulling her attention to me, “How are you doing?” Adri looked at me strangely for a moment, then she sighed.
“You know,” Adri elbowed me playfully, “If someone wasn’t already trying to, I would kill you right now.” She smirked. Although it was weak and obviously full of pain, I was glad to see her smile again. I smiled too, winking playfully to her.
Gavin walked back over to us, two ice packs and a grape juice box in hand. He handed me the box. I carefully moved to sit up as I reached for it. Gavin’s hand twitched. I gave him a a reassuring look as I took the box. He hesitated a moment, watching me take a few sips of the juice before moving to sit next to Adri. “Sorry.” He said, handing her an ice pack, “I wish there was a better way to get it back in.”
“It’s fine.” Adri sighed, taking the pack from him and placing it on her shoulder, “I feel like we have grown closer to each other this way.” Gavin chuckled lightly, causing a warm blush to push through Adri’s cheeks. She cleared her throat and stood up carefully from the couch. Both Gavin and I reacted, moving to help her. “I’m fine!” She said, hurriedly waving away our hands as she held her arm up, “I’m just gonna take a quick shower. Ike, you don’t mind if I borrow some clothes do you?”
“Do you think a shower is a good idea?” Gavin asked seriously, “I just set your arm.”
“Well, I’m covered in dirt and blood, so I’m gonna say yes.” She walked across the room and to my bedroom.
“Maybe a bath would be better.” I said as Adri opened my closet, “There’s less of a chance that you could accidentally hurt your arm. And you can keep that ice pack on you.” Adri paused at the door, thinking over my offer, “... I have bath salts under the sink.”
“Sold!” Adri chimed, smiling excitedly as she reached into the closet. She pulled out one of my flannels and a pair of yoga pants then shut the door. She turned to us. “Make sure she hurts like I did, Officer.” Adri said, skipping into the bathroom, “I wanna hear her scream!” I shook my head and glared at her. Adri spit out her tongue and closed the door behind her, leaving Gavin and I alone together on the couch.
Gavin cleared his throat as sat closer to me. “How’s your side?” He asked, handing me the second ice pack in his hand.
“Could be worse.” I grunted, taking the pack and swinging my legs off of the couch, finally feeling strong enough to completely sit up. Gavin reached out but I shooed his hand away. Instead I looked him seriously in the eye. “Thank you for doing that.” I said, tone matching my stare, “I know it must have been hard setting her arm on your own.”
“Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t that far out of place.” Gavin replied just as seriously as he looked me over, “Besides, it was nothing compared to how it was seeing you on the floor back there.” My heart froze. Gavin reached out and touched the back of his hand to my forehead, “I heard a thud so I rushed to check on you. You were as pale as a ghost. I was scared I didn’t get there in time.” Gavin’s hand fell onto my cheek. I quickly turned my head away from him. I didn’t want him to feel how warm my cheeks were getting.
“Y-yeah. Sorry about that.” I said, swirling the juicebox in my hand absentmindedly, “You said it yourself. I just... pushed myself a little farther than necessary.” There was a soft pause. Then Gavin sighed and reached to inspect my arm once more. The moment his calloused fingers grazed my wound, shots of electricity strung up my body. After he inspected it closer, Gavin let go of my hand. His expression changed to one of determination and he reached over to grab the first aid kit. Since the kit was so far from him, Gavin had to lean over me, rubbing his chest on my arm and pushing his leg against mine. I could feel the heat emanating from his clothes as he leaned even closer to me. I felt the burn in my cheeks rise. I quickly turned from him and covered my face, coughing awkwardly to break the air.
After what had seemed like forever, Gavin finally pulled away from me, first aid kit in hand and obliviousness dripping from his aura. He moved a little further away from me and placed the kit on his lap. 
"Take your clothes off." Gavin said nonchalantly as he opened it’s lid.
My eyelids flew open. "Excuse me?" I arched my eyebrows and looked at Gavin with a smirk, "I'm flattered, Birdcop, but buy me dinner first." 
"I mean take off your jacket and shirt.” Gavin rolled his eyes, as he pulled some alcohol and cotton out of the kit, “How do you expect me to clean your wound with your clothes on?”
“Ike, just the jacket and the shirt. Stop making this harder than it has to be.” 
I rolled my eyes and moved to remove my jacket. The pain in my chest reappeared.  I hitched my breath and grabbed my side, grimacing through the pain. 
There was a moment of awkward silence. 
We both knew what had to be done.
"Can I-" Gavin started. I held up a finger to quiet him. After a moment I sighed and used that finger to point at him.
"No one tells Minor." I muttered, glaring at the image of Minor's face that popped into my mind, "Agreed?"
"Agreed." Gavin answered resoundly, a tone of dread leaking from his tongue. I nodded then moved closer to him. Gavin also slid closer and grabbed my blazer by the collar, slowly and carefully pulling it down and off my shoulders. Fragments of debris rained onto the couch as folds of fabric came undone. "Glass?" Gavin asked. 
"... I crashed through a window." I said, hesitantly.
"Where did you crash?" Gavin's voice almost had a hint of laughter.
"Just off of Aspen and Brooks." I answered honestly, "There's a new apartment being built there."
"Really?" Gavin sounded skeptical as he moved the jacket steadily past my scrape, "I just received word from a cop buddy of mine that there was gunfire coming from there."
"Really?" I asked, thinking fast.
"Yeah, multiple shots."
"My tire blew and I fell into some tools. I wonder if someone thought it was gunshots and miss called."
"Maybe." Gavin finally pulled my jacket off of me, "I was told it was a false alarm." Mixed feelings welled in my chest as Gavin came closer to me. How did Montu get out of there in time? If the police was called for gunshots, there was no way they would get those cars out of there in ti-
Gavin's hands pulled at the buttons of my shirt. Flustered, I quickly pushed him back. "Uh, I-I can do the buttons." I stammered, unbuttoning my shirt quickly and shakily. Gavin backed away quickly, holding his hand up to his mouth and nodding.
"R-right." He muttered, "Sorry." I looked up at him. His ears blossomed into a bright red as he searched frantically around the room for something to look at. I smiled slightly, both from how adorable he was acting and also from the quick distraction from the subject.
I finished undoing my shirt and Gavin helped pull it off of me. I thanked my lucky stars that I wore a tank top that day as Gavin took a better look at the damage done to my arm. He pursed his lips but didn’t say much more. Instead, he moved back to the alcohol and cotton from before and set the box back on the coffee table. Gavin took the cotton ball, coated it in alcohol, then carefully cleaned the wound. I winced as it stung my arm. Deciding to focus on something else, I kept my eyes on Gavin. He was extremely focused on the task at hand. His hands brushed over my skin with a sort of movement that proved that this wasn't his first time dealing with this type of wound. 
My thoughts seemed to drift as I looked into his eyes. They were full of determination but there was also a soft note of worry. He seemed to be detracting himself from the worry by cleaning my arm but he couldn't quite hide the fact that it was still there, bugging him obsessively.
That tone vanished as Gavin locked eyes with something on my arm. He stopped cleaning as his worry and determination were replaced with shock. Then anger. "So," Gavin said, clicking his tongue slightly, "Where did you land exactly?"
"I… already told you." My defences rose slightly to his change of attitude, "I crashed my bike into some construction tools."
"Oh really?" Gavin's grip around my arm tightened, as if prepared to stop me from running. He grabbed a pair of tweezers from the first aid kit then used them to pluck something out from the middle of my arm. I winced and looked at what he had grabbed. My blood pooled to my feet.
"I don't remember bullets being used in building construction." Gavin waved Dylan's flattened bullet in front of my face.
"...oh yeah." I shakily said, repositioning myself on the couch, "I also ran into Montu while I was there."
The bullet fell from the tweezers.
“You what?!” Gavin's tone changed dramatically as his grip tightened even further, "When were you going to tell me about this?!" Gavin spoke sharply. 
“After Adri had left.” I groaned and pawed at Gavin’s hand, trying to get him to let it go. He did so by throwing it aside and standing up.
"Why do I not believe you?!" Gavin growled, pulling out his phone and tapping it fervently.
"...what are you doing?" I asked, fear rising in my gut.
"I'm calling it in!" Gavin put the phone to his ear, "This is agent-"
"No!" I jumped at Gavin and took his phone. Pain erupted from my side but I merely grunted through it as I hung up the call and tossed the phone aside. Unable to take it anymore, I hissed and fell to my knees, catching myself on my coffee table before I completely hit the ground.
"What are you doing?!" Gavin barked, bending down to help me up, "I was jus-" I covered Gavin's mouth.
"Montu's room from the warehouse had pictures from my apartment." I spoke in a harsh whisper, "I have no idea if he is listening right now or not. Saying your emergency code right now may not be the best option.” Gavin stared at me intently for a moment. I stared back meaningfully.
Ultimately, after a long moment of silence, Gavin pulled my hand from his face and looked at me with a softened expression as he clutched it tightly. I eased my shoulders slightly, looking in his eyes for any sign of contentment. Gavin noticed this and sighed. Before I could say anything, he leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He softly said, rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand.
“I’m pretty sure I’d be the death of me.” I said, leaning against his forehead. Gavin chuckled. Something pulled at my chest. His laugh, which was once a sound of reassurance, now sounded strained, as if he was holding something back. 
Without delaying any longer, Gavin helped me to my feet again and onto the couch. He brought the first aid kit to his lap as he grabbed my arm again. “...Gavin.” I started, “I-”
“Ike.” Gavin interrupted, cleaning my arm once more from newly formed blood, “No more excuses. Talk to me honestly. What happened?” I froze. He sounded exhausted. Likely from me hiding so much from him and my constant lies. But if I told him anything, I would be taken off of the case! And I couldn’t afford to lose the progress I was making. Not to mention, the progress I had made with him! If I told Gavin now, he would hate me and we would just go back to the way things were before. I would never forgive myself if that were to happen. I needed to keep this a secret for as long as possible. For him… for us.
I sighed, “I had just gotten back off from work…”
I traced my finger down the bandage around my arm. Gavin and I had been sitting in silence for what seemed like forever, brewing over what just been said. 
“... That’s it?” Gavin said, looking at his hands as he slumped over the couch.
“Yup.” I sighed.
“You blew holes in their tires then left.”
“And you are certain they said that they were going to visit another evolver tonight as well?”
I closed my eyes, “Yeah. Very certain.”
“Alright then.” Gavin stood up, “This is a good lead. And it looks like you were right about Dylan. I’m going to need his information for when we take him in for questioning.”
“Right.” I said, but my thoughts didn’t agree. If Montu meant what he said, there was no way he was going to let Dylan go after losing me again. Whether that meant through death or something else, I didn’t know. All I did know is that there was no chance we were hearing from Dylan anytime soon. 
“And Dylan said he did that on his own? No one made him go after you?” Gavin asked.
“Yes.” My voice shook slightly as I stood up as well. Gavin held out a helping hand but I brushed him off casually as I made my way to my bedroom, “Dylan told me outright that he had a vendetta against me. And that he was the one that threw the bomb.” I reached my closet and sighed, “Now, can we be done? I’ve had a long day.” I opened the closet doors and reached for a fresh set of clothes.
“One last thing.” Gavin walked up behind me. Before I could figure out what was happening, he had pinned me between himself and the closet, shutting out any way of escape. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me, locking my eyes in his. There was a flurry of emotions in his honey-like glow. Each emotion moved so fast, I couldn’t keep up with any of them. 
I moved to look away but Gavin grabbed my chin, pulling my face back onto him. “I need you to promise me that there is nothing else you are keeping from me.” Gavin spoke in a tone I had never heard him use. It was full of earnestness and determination… and worry, “And I need you to promise me you don’t have any life threatening secret that you are keeping from me. Promise me you have and will always tell me everything that pertains to this. That pertains to your safety.” I hesitated. Gavin’s grip tightened, “Please, Ike. 
“Promise me.” 
I couldn’t move. Nor could I promise him something so important. But, I knew what would happen if I didn’t...
“... I… I promise.” I said, already beating myself up for doing something so stupid. Gavin’s stare was intense as he read my face, looking for some sort of lie. Before he could find it, I pushed his hand away and reached behind me, pulling a sweater off from a hanger. “Like I can keep anything from you anyway.” I scoffed, pushing him aside as I searched for clothes, “You’ve pulled everything I’ve tried to hide from you out of me anyway. Might as well just come clean, right?”
“I hope you mean that.” Gavin practically whispered as he backed away from me. I hummed but decided not to say anything more, too afraid to let anything slip.
After I had found an outfit, I turned and looked at Gavin. He had his arms folded and was staring at the ground, lost in thought. Sensing my eyes, Gavin looked up at me. I twirled my finger in the air. Gavin blushed and quickly nodded, turning on his heel to face away from me. From this angle, I could see just how red his ears had gotten. I smirked and carefully removed my tank top, avoiding using too much effort. The last thing I needed was to be in so much pain that Gavin needed to help me undress as well.
Gavin cleared his throat, "I think it goes without saying that I'm spending the night here." 
"Oh does it?" I hummed, only half paying attention as I got dressed.
"Yes. For your and your sister's protection."
"Thank you for the offer but I think I can handle it from here."
"But you're injured." Gavin slightly turned his head, "How can you expect to protect anyone in your condition?"
"Carefully." I pushed Gavin's head back around. 
“You should copyright that phase.” Gavin grumbled. After a pause, he sighed, "Ike, I just want to make sure you’re safe. Just one night. That’s all I ask.”
I thought for a moment. I wouldn’t be able to talk to Adri about anything while he was here. Not to mention, Gavin wouldn’t have any place to sleep as Adri would be taking the couch… but he was right. If something were to happen while Adri was here, I wouldn’t be able to protect her. After all, Montu looked pretty peeved last I saw him. It would be nice to have a cop stay the night…
“Fine.” I said, buttoning the last button on my new shirt as I walked into Gavin’s view once more, “But you need to promise not to bombard Adri with any questions. The whole thing was pretty traumatic for her.”
A bang came from the bathroom door. “Alright!” Adri came walking out of the bathroom with a large flannel and loose yoga pants, “Who’s ready to get this party started?!”
Gavin folded his arms and turned back to me, “Oh yeah. She looks like she is positively shaking from trauma.”
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
I NEVER FINISHED MY STORY OMG. ok so i left off at being too proud to tell my friend she was right and kpop fucked hard. the difference between u and me is that i’m too good of a liar. too good. i kept up the “i hate kpop it’s cringe” facade for ALMOST TWO WHOLE YEARS, I SHIT YOU NOT. why? bc my dumb ass, extra ass, dramatic ass self thought “ok if i’m gonna have to deal with the embarrassment of admitting i’m wrong, i better do it in such an extra ass way it’ll knock ur socks off so hard that YOULL be the one embarrassed not me.” the original plan was to learn the entire choreography to bts dope, bc it’s the song that she told me to listen to and inevitably the song that got me into them, but later switched to bts fire bc i saw too many of those “choreo matches w any song” videos, and then her birthday party came up. and here’s the real kicker. her birthday is April Motherfuckin Fools. so it would be So Perfect for me to reveal my kpopism as a birthday present And a april fools prank in one. so i was Set on the Reveal being on april 1st, but the day rolls around and god that choreo is so fucking hard and i am Not a dancer. never have been. so i abandon that and go ykno what… i’ll do it Next Year. BC MY BITCHASS WAS LIKE NO THE MOMENT IS TOO PERFECT TO DO IT ON A NORMAL ASS DAY ITS GONNA BE ON APRIL FOOLS ON HER GODDAMN BIRTHDAY OR NOT AT ALL. a year rolls by, i’ve told most of our friends except her and they’re all in on it, i’d made so many subtle kpop references to her without her realising they were fully intentional and had too many scares where she almost figured me out but i lied my way out of it, and i’d given up on showing off with choreography bc i couldn’t make that shit look good. i’m not a dancer. i am, however, a rapper, and a damn good one, so i inhaled the agust d mixtape and decided i’d just rap the eminem of kpop’s anthem at her face. in korean. and change the lyrics at the end (if u haven’t listened to agust d, the bridge repeats “i’m sorry” a lot) to “i’m sorry i kept this from u for so long” and “i’m sorry i actually ult got7 not bts” (this was like the april after skz debuted ok i was holding onto got7 for dear life knowing full well skz we’re going to convert me smh) and the best part? she never saw it coming. her official present was a cd with a bunch of kpop on it but she thought it was just a personalised mixtape for her so i told her to play the first song out loud and she knew the song Instantly. it has a long intro so she was like “i guess u did listen when i recommended u this song!! i knew you’d like it since u like rap so much!!” and then i started rapping and i shit u not. she started SCREAMING. like the initial reaction was her jaw dropping and then instinctively covering her mouth but when i kept going and she realised i wasn’t fucking around she just fucking screamed like a banshee. at the end during the sorry bit i threw off my jacket to reveal a got7 shirt on the inside and she fell off her chair and started rolling around on the floor. needless to say it was every bit as satisfying as i thought it’d be LMAOOOO afterwards her ass was like “I CANT BELIEVE U HID THIS FROM ME FOR OVER A YEAR” and when i tried to explain my ego couldn’t take the “i told u so” she was like “you know i wouldn’t have made fun of you for it right? i would just be glad you’re not hating on my boys anymore” so basically i’m a big dramatic fool and she was always too good for me.
don’t mind the weird spaces here my ipad is being all fucky wucky w me rn. damn sad to hear ur sideblog experience didn’t go so well, i’d have shown u the cool side of the fandom if i knew 😤😤 leading u thru the cursed halls of kpop stan tumblr like a sketchy tour guide that’s actually 3 small raccoons stacked on top of each other like a trench coat, like “over here we have the fanfic writers that honestly need to publish a book, over here we have the gif makers that are responsible for my entire camera roll, if we take a quick swerve past the death threat anons and the twt fanwar screenshots - mind ur feet bub the 14 year olds were tryna make a grab for ur ankles - ah here’s the holy grail of shitposts, you might be here for hours, to the right we have the weird aussie side of the fandom that projects our childhoods onto chanlix but also all the members as we decide what their life in australia would’ve been like, and down there is a secret trapdoor to the blogs w endless random headcanons that will make you laugh, cry or blush depending on if the author woke up and decided to choose violence today. enjoy your Stay!” but then again i’m not so active on tumblr anymore (ngl you’ve become the highlight of my tumblr experience these days, interaction wise,) so maybe all my Local Hotspots are inactive now. i know a bunch of them are, it’s sad. “i don’t fw stan twitter for the same reason i don’t hang out in meth dens” oop. guess i’m a meth addict. no but i get u i rly do, it’s a hellhole out there, but the fact that things get shared and spread a lot easier than on tumblr and how short most things have to be (therefor keeping up w my adhd attention span without having to resort to the mental torture that is tiktok, with the added bonus of not always needing headphones.) that i just. couldn’t leave if i tried. maybe i should try being active on tumblr again but it’s a dying site in comparison.
“their music doesn’t consistently hit for me as much as skz” i’m sorry we can’t be friends anymore. what. what. you don’t dramama ramama ramama hey? you don’t feel a little jealousyyyyyy, naega anin? you don’t shoot out, shoot out, shoot out, or aremdaeun love killa love killa? you can’t be your hero du du du du du du du du du dududu? u disappoint me. literally like everyone i know who likes skz music likes mx music like it’s a rite of Passage. they’re kindred spirits, monsta x music is like skz’s music’s cool but mildly heterosexual older brother. neither of them know what a bad song is it runs in the family. and both their music runs in my VEINS. whenever i describe my music taste they’re always the first two that come to mind, skz being my number 1 bc they are my best boys but mx bc of the Flavour. pls listen to the entire the code album then get back to me 😤🙌 ok but fr ur so right they are 7 of the finest men i ever seen (yes i say 7 bc i’m including wonho cause he deserved better and i’ll die on my ot7 bullshit.) like don’t get me started on them either LOL i LITERALLY downloaded that one insta video of changkyun working out his back n arm muscles w his tattoo showing bc i needed that shit saved for Science. they could do Anything w me like frfr. yes vixx is the bdsm contract group i’m telling ya they wildin. or at least they were. it’s been years since their last comeback idk what they’re doing anymore tbh. and yeah that makes sense, savouring the hyperfixation i feel it, but also i’m so attached to skz that i never let it die. like i hyperfixate on other things and other groups but i will Always go back to skz cause they’re my homeboys. hell, they’re my home. being a predebut stay i’ve spent more time w skz than most of my actual family members at this point. but that’s just me you do u boo xx just know that if ur anything like me ur never letting go once skz it’s been my longest lasting fixation cause they hit like Nothing Else Do. ik i’ve already said that but i cannot stress it enough. they’re really special. i’m gonna stop here before i get all sappy and emotional bc i really love those boys so fucking much and i don’t drop the L bomb often. SIDE NOTE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE UR LIST OF GROUPS RANKED BY THORSt. i need to judge ur Taste. and omg cat&dog is such a guilty pleasure song bc the lyrics make me cringe so much bc while pet play can be fun they be doing it in more of an “i’m an innocent soft dogboy uwu” kinda way that just Does Not Sit Right with me. it comes back to the objectifying of asians that asians themselves don’t help in industries like these and maybe i’m looking too far into it when rly it is just wholesome n cute or maybe they are into some pet play shit idk idc i will bop to the song regardless but i will not acknowledge the lyrics nope.
YOURE RIGHT THO SKZ’S OPENNESS IS IN FACT, A BIG DEAL, i’ll grab them for u if u want but i found these twt threads of skz supporting the lgbt community and i just felt a special kind of happiness man like sure the delusional part of me likes going “haha they’re gay” bc my brain likes to imagine them as my polycule of mlm boyfriends bc sometimes thats what gives me the serotonin to get me thru the day ok don’t judge but also bc it’s nice knowing that yes i’ll never know them personally, but at least i can support them knowing they’d respect my gender identity and my pronouns, they’d respect who i choose to love, and that’s already more than the general public can say so shit, it is special! it’s special that they don’t treat being cishet like the norm - they constantly remove gender from their songs and speech entirely, they don’t assume all stays are female anymore, we don’t talk abt the babygirls incident cause we got babystays in the end outta that ok, and it’s just. so refreshing and important to me bc i can’t get that anywhere else!! like my semi ults are the boyz and while i love them very much and there’s no way all 11 of them are straight i refuse, i do get just a little bit sad whenever they she/her their fandom by default and call them their girlfriends n shit even tho i do still identify as a girl, i’m also genderfluid/nonbinary/transmasc, and i have a very love/hate relationship w my womanhood and rarely use she/her pronouns, cause it’s like, do you not see me? see us? the ones who aren’t cishet women? i mean i know kevin does bc he congratulated a fan who came out as nb but it’s just not the same as the openness we get w skz. like how do i trust cishets i could be supporting them as a queer person when in reality they’d call me a slur. what would i know, behind the screen? so it’s so good that skz go the extra mile to make it a safe space for everyone. this is already long enough i will reply to the second half of that ask in another message… tomorrow cause it’s 1am and i’m tired gn -felix bi anon
I'mma have to start putting these under a readmore so that i don't absolutely make everything who is still following me for some reason go totally fucking insane 😂
NDJDHWJJAHFNAKBSJSBFBHHDBDNAJD YOU HAVE NO IDEA THE FACES I WAS MAKING READING THIS, I WAS FUCKING CACKLING AND GASPING EVERY OTHER SENTENCE SO HARD THAT I SCARED THE CATS NDJWHSHSB the fact that you went "oh you want me to get into kpop? Give me a hot minute, and I'll give you a whole ass private concert for free" biduehsjdbd biiiiiiiiiiitch you're a fucking ICON, I stg I could NEVER 😂 (and not just because I couldn't find a tune if you gave me a printed set of Google maps directions and that I embody the steriotype that white people can't dance, like my sister kept sensing me tiktoks of the whole "dance like a white girl" trend going lmfao look it's you and eventually I was like "sis please this trend has me feeling like being white is a disability and these mothafuckers are being ableist 😭 also I could NEVER be that on beat so yall ain't even doin it right 😭😭😭😭"). Tbh if I told one of my friends (lol what friends, i got jokes) to get into Skz and they showed up at my bday and performed the entirety of I Got It I would simply shower them in money and go "aight everyone else go home, you are no longer needed, you are being laid off, your position has been eliminated, we're downsizing, the company is moving up and you're moving out, you are not qualified for this role any longer, best of luck with future endeavors" 😊
I think part of the reason I can't deal w Twitter is the exact reason I refuse to leave tumblr, in that I've been on tumblr since 2006 and twt since 2008, and tumblr literally has not changed at all, not even a little, whereas going from the early days of twt where there were no corporate sponsorships or ads and you had to manually copy and paste someone's tweet and @ them to retweet it, to how it is now, like 90% ads and showing me shit from the timelines of people I don't even fuckin follow n whatnot, it's just not enjoyable. Idk how anyone finds anything on twt, it confuses and frustrates me because I am old and have not adapted well to technology changing 😂 But arguably, the skz fanbase doesn't want me on skztwt anyways so like it works for both of us lmfaooo. I am old and cringey, and also still think of twt as stream of consciousness whereas tumblr is your teenage bedroom where you can decorate the walls with anything that interests you. I do really love the nonsensical kpoptwt shitposts tho fhshsbdjjss like it is a very specific flavor of mental instability that I enjoy immensely 😂 OH and also I initially misread part of that and thought you were saying you actually irl do meth and I was like 😳 WHAT DO I SAY TO THAT. HOW DO I HANDLE THIS. Like how do I express like "I wasn't being judgy of people who use substances cause I've been there but I was just being insensitive 😳" And then went back and reread it and was like WHEW, IM JUST AN ILLITERATE FOOL 😂😂😂😂 ejeywhdhrhjwbfbdjshdhdhd I spent like an hour bwign like "IS THE REASON WE GET ALONG BECAUSE THEY'RE ON METH???? WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS INFORMATION??????" hrhehshe I am literally a fuckin idiot it's fine
It's not that I don't fw them, it's more like... Okay so like there is no situation in which I am going to skip a skz song if it comes on shuffle. You will not ever catch me NOT in the mood to listen to Sunshine, if God's Menu comes on we are THROWIN the meager amount of booty meat I got hither and thither, I could be in the happiest mood of my life but if Ex comes on I will stop to SOB. And I'm not like that with most music, so mx just falls into the category of "there is a time and place." Idk why but it just doesn't forcibly grab hold of my heart and ass the way skz always does. I really don't WANT my skz fixation to ever end, but I know that eventually it'll stop giving me dopamine bevause my brain is my worst fucking enemy 🙃 like my arcana fixation is to date the longest running hyperfixation I've ever had, going on almost three years, and I used to not be able to spend every single second of every day thinking about Asra, but now... I just feel nothing when I look at arcana stuff. As you can probz tell by the fact that I hardly post arcana anymore 😂 So I know that eventually all my happiness will end, it always does, I can never stay just as obsessed with something as I was for long. I CANT SHARE THE LIST BECAUSE I DONT *HAVE* TASTE YET 😭 I'm basically just compiling a list of any group someone tells me I should look into, ranked by how strong the kitty purred upon googling pics of them 😂 My mom read my ass to FILTH over txt lmfao she was like "they're not that adorable. Maybe your standard for adorableness has gone down with You Know Who still on hiatus 🤔" bfjwhdhd like MOMMAAAAA THE LIBRARY IS CLOSED 😂 she attacks me any time I even hint at stanning other groups, she is a skz purist and stans skz only, unofficial Momma Stay of All Stays keeping me in check lmfao.
I feel like skz really do follow thru on their promise that they're a safe space for stays, it's nice to see that they hold space for anyone and everyone in their fanbase and do it in a really simple and elegant way, I feel. Like they never make it seem like "okay here are the fans and here are the token weirdos that were only recognizing to make a buck off of them" the way a lot of artists make it feel like 😑 like they don't go out of their way to act like it's some revolutionary act to do the bare minimum of not shitting on certain parts of the fandom, if that makes sense. They feel very "yeah, of course we love all our stays, this is a welcoming space for literally anyone, that's how it should be, that should be normal," instead of like "Hi fans we love you 😊 and special shoutout to you ell gee bee tee folk, make sure to buy my rainbow merch after the show!!!" you know? Like, they're the friends who would never make you feel weird or different for some shit, the friends that take the attention off you if something they know ur sensitive about comes up, instead of weirdly snapping at whoever brought the unfomfy thing up which ruins the mood and makes you feel tiwce as bad, yk? They just give off this vibe that they, and the space they create with their music, is just a genuine and chill place to be and hang out and relax and bond. I feel like they'd be the friend group that is so goofy and sweet and silly and accepting and lovely and always makes you feel loved and excited to be alive 🥺 They are all good noodles 🥺🥺🥺
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wheneveryourereddie · 6 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Inspired by this edit 
Read on AO3 
Summary: Richie and Mike are twins but couldn’t be anymore opposite. Even though Mike is happy with his relationship with Jane (Eleven), he can’t get his brother’s boyfriend out of his head.
Warning: There is this thing called ANGST near the end, so yeah, there’s that.
A/n: I’M STILL A REDDIE SHIPPER! PLUS MILEVEN IS ALL THE FUCKING WAY! I just saw this edit from instagram and I thought it was a cool idea, besides all the angst.
Richie and Mike maybe identical twins, but they couldn’t be anymore opposite then each other. Richie would always be coming up with the most ridiculous ideas while Mike would be needing to calm him down somehow. Even the way they dressed was different! Richie always had his glasses and Hawaiian shirts and ripped jeans. Mike could just be easily found wearing his navy blue hoodie or a decorated sweater and normal jeans. The two do love each other, they just don’t show it much.
“Did you do the homework?” Dustin hoped, pulling out his notebook.
“Yeah, it’s due next lesson,” Will nodded.
“Shit!” Dustin curse as he messily scribbled down something.
“You do this every time with English!” Lucas exclaimed.
Dustin groaned, “I’m sorry, but since when do I need to know Shakespeare’s work on Romeo and Juliet in my life!?”
“Right now would be a great time!” Max groaned.
“What does he do?” Jane asked confused.
“Leave his homework to the last minute as some sort of statement,” Lucas tried to explain.
“Jesus Christ!” Dustin sighed, “Mike, back me up here!”
Mike wasn’t listening to their stupid argument. His mind was far away from what was going on in front of him. Instead, Mike was watching something completely different. His attention was drawn towards his twin brother, Richie and his little boyfriend.
Of course, Richie had once again somehow injured himself. Only god knows how he did it, but there he was with Eddie. The two were sitting on the staircase of the school halls while others past by them. Richie was going on about something he probably saw while Eddie would make a comment here and there.
“Mike? Earth to Mike Wheeler?”
The last bandage went on and Eddie let out a sigh of relief. Richie smiled as he laced his fingers within Eddie’s little fingers. A small smile formed on Eddie’s lips, leaning his head onto his boyfriend’s shoulder. Mike saw his brother say something stupid, earning a disgusted face from the smaller figure. Laughter erupted from Richie as Eddie chuckled along with him.
“Jesus fucking Christ! Mike!”
It didn’t take long for Richie to soon start placing kisses on the side of Eddie’s face. That’s where Mike ruled the line. His eyes darted way from the happy couple. His gut was getting all twisted and jumbled up from what he saw. Mike clenched his jaw as he tried to forget the memory.
He had no idea why the hell he’s been feeling like this for a while. The Wheelers have known the Kaspbraks since kindergarten, they were cabin buddies in the 4th grade! It was just that Richie ended up being the gay, well bi, one of the family. With that, he found out the guy he liked was gay and thought fuck it. Mike knew Eddie was gay, and into guys like Richie for some reason. Hell, Mike wasn’t anywhere near gay, let alone bi like Richie! So then why the living fuck can’t he get Eddie out of his damn mind!
“What!?” He finally gave them the attention.
“Lucas is yelling at me for not doing my English homework, but in reality I won’t be needing it in the future!” Dustin tried to catch him up. “Now! Could you please explain to Lucas that there is no reason to study it.”
“You guys are freakin’ children,” Mike rolled his eyes.
“No we’re not!”
“We’re all children, you idiot,” Max corrected them. “We’re still under the age of 18.”
Dustin shook his head in annoyance, “You guys are fucking useless,” stuffing his notebook back into his backpack.
Will looked around, trying to find a clock, but stumble upon something almost illegal, “oh god.”
“What?” Max asked, looking in the same direction. “Is your brother trying to swallow him?”
Mike looked over, only to regret it later in advance. Richie’s arms were wrapped around the smaller figure as he pulled Eddie closer to him. Eddie had both hands on Richie’s face, trying to steady the hormonal boy. Meanwhile, both the boys looked like they were trying to eat each other until one is gone. Mike really wanted to stop the two, he really did, but he knew once he goes over he’ll never hear the end of it.
“Just ignore them,” Jane pulled Mike away.
Lucas, “yeah guys, just ignore them.”
“How about as revenge, dress up as Richie and try to make out Eddie,” Dustin thought.
“And this is why I come up with the ideas,” Lucas sighed.
“Even if I could, or wanted to,” he won’t lie, Mike did want to, just to see what it was like, “Richie tried dressing up as me for halloween, thought I was so emo it would be scary.”
“Did it work?” Will asked.
“He burnt himself with Nancy’s straightener and couldn’t even leave the house without bumping
into something.”
“Probably because a bat can see God compared to Richie!”
The party all nodded and tried to ignore the two. It was like a gift from the Lord when the bell rang. The group disbanded to the classes they had next. Mike, being the gentleman he is, he walked alongside Jane to her next class.
“Are you alright?”
“What?” Mike asked, confused.
“When Lucas and Dustin were arguing, you kept on looking at Eddie and Richie,” Jane explained. “You didn’t look happy.”
“I was just grossed out by them,” Mike shrugged off. “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Jane asked, a little more hopeful this time.
Mike gave his girlfriend a warning smile, “trust me, I’m alright.”
Jane returned the smiled, then gave him a quick peck before skipping off to her next class. Mike smiled and continued his journey to his own class. That’s when it clicked. Oh shit, Eddie was in his next class.
“Why is Richie’s t-twin staring at you?” Bill asked, looking behind them.
“I don’t know,” Eddie looked behind him.
Oh god, Mike was full on staring at him. It took Mike a few seconds to realise Eddie made eye contact with him. He shuffled in his chair then starting paying attention to the lector. Eddie rolled his eyes as he pull his phone out.
“Wh-wah-what are you doing?” Bill asked.
“Texting him,” Eddie laid his phone out flat on the table, “cover me.”
Edd K: u need 2 stop starin
Mike’n Ikes: i wasnt starin!
Edd K: bullshit! u left scars on my head!
“What’s he saying?” Bill asked.
“Nothin’ yet,” Eddie sighed.
Edd k: why u starin’ anyways?
Mike’n Ikes: ur big head iz in da way
“Mr. Kaspbrak!” The teacher erupted, making poor little Eddie jump. Her heels clicked against the titles as she strutted forward towards the boys. Her hands were glued to her hips, “texting in my class?”
“I was texting him!” Mike stood up.
The teacher turned around, her stand becoming more strong, “and why would that be?” Mike hesitated, he couldn’t think of a lie right on the spot. “Well Mr.Wheeler?”
There was nothing but complete silence within the air. It would’ve possible to hear a pin drop.
“Still nothing?”
“No, ms.”
“Then how about continuing your conversation in the principal's office?”
“What?” Mike questioned. “Ms, come on!”
“Now!” Then turned back to Eddie, “You too Eddie.”
All Eddie did was groan and flung his backpack over his shoulder. Mike did the same thing and followed Eddie down the hall.
The two boys sat in complete silence, probably planning on how to kill each other. Mike had his backpack by his feet and his hands in his jacket. Eddie had one leg over the other, twiddling his thumbs in stress. Fumes were leaving Eddie’s ears in smoke.
“My mom’s gonna kill me!” Eddie sighed, running a hand through his comb hair.
“Sucks to be you then!” Mike groaned.
“This is your fault!”
“No, it’s not!”
“If you just paid attention, none of this would’ve happened!” Eddie started.
“I told you! Your giant head was in the fucking way!”
“We were on completely different sides of the class!”
“You’re annoying!”
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up Einstein!”
The door opened as a student left the room. It wasn’t surprising that it was Richie himself leaving the principal's office. What was surprising was finding his boyfriend and his brother there though.
“Wait there for a few minutes boys,” the administration instructed, then closed the door.
A smirk grew on Richie, “oh my holy shit!” His smile grew bigger. “What did my little bro and little spaghetti do?”
It was almost like on command, the two said together, “he did it.”
“Woah,” Richie chuckled. “You gotta explain at lunch!”
“I will,” Eddie sighed. “I’ll see you later.”
“See ya,” Richie pecked his cheek, then turned to his brother, “you’re fucked.”
“Piss off,” Mike hissed.
“Whatever you say, little bro,” he smirked, then walked off.
“You’re only older by 8 seconds!”
“He hasn’t been acting up!”
“Richie! He has!” Eddie tried to get his message across. “He’s been staring at me a lot more the usual, tries to start conversations with me, more touchy-,”
“Touchy!?” Richie stood up properly against the lockers. “How touchy? Touchy as in hand holding, or as in wants to have a taste of your special sauce?”
“I’m only asking Eds!” Richie defended for himself. “I’ll talk to him.”
“A, stop call me that & B, I better do it,” Eddie groaned.
“You sure? Cause I’ve been told we look almost like clones?” Richie was going on. “You could mistake him for me, and then that could lead to you being on your hands and knees like the other night!”
“Richie! I’ve known the both of you for god knows how long!” Eddie tried to calm him down. “I’ve got it.”
“Ah, Fine!” Richie slouched against the lockers. “I guess I won’t be your knight in shining armour!”
“You aren’t even a Knight!” Stan walked up to the couple, along with Bill and Beverly. “Let alone one in shining armour.”
“Wow, thanks, Stan!” Richie pulled a fake smile, the flipped him off.
“What did the p-principal say?” Bill asked.
“Principal?” Bev asked. “What happened Eddie?”
“Richie’s brother, that’s what happened.”
“Don’t worry Little Eds!” Richie smiled. “I’ve already got my revenge plan.”
“I said I was gonna talk to him.”
He knew where to go. This place was special to them, the three of them. Now it was different. They grew up and moved on to other things. Yet, whenever one of them is asked to meet here, then it defiantly serious.
This was those times.
Eddie waited for him there. His hands were constantly shaking in fear. The tension was already high in the thick air. He couldn’t wait anymore, where the hell was he?
The sound of gravel being pushed around startled him. Footsteps got louder the closer they came to Eddie. A tall figure took his seat next to Eddie on the log. The two did not make any eye connection whatsoever. Now it was time.
“I called you every night.”
“Yeah, I saw.”
“And did nothing!?” Mike asked, almost sounding heartbroken.
“What was I supposed to do?” Eddie finally looked over to Mike. “It was one stupid kiss, Mike!” Eddie stood up. “We were forced to kiss, remember?”
“Yes!” Mike stood up too. “Very clearly!”
“But that was months ago,” Eddie’s voice was more gentle now. “Mike. Ever since that damn party you’ve been acting differently towards me.”
“I know,” Mike sighed his bottom lip quivering, “and I fucking hate it.”
“If you continue this, Jane’s gonna find out,” Eddie tried to convince him.
Mike licked his lips, “she did this morning.”
“What did she asked?”
“That I was alright,” Mike hesitated, “because I saw you and Richie together, on the stairs.”
Eddie remembered that, oh so very clear. He just didn’t consider who was watching. He and Richie were too caught up in the moment to even care if a teacher had seen them. If only he was cautious a few hours ago.
“Mike,” his voice was soft but broken, “What I need right now is an explanation, not a full one, but at least an idea on what the hell is going on with you!”
“You wanna know!?” Mike cracked. “I wish I knew too!” Eddie was taken by his sudden outburst. “I wanna know why you’re always on my mind! I wanna know why it hurts so much me seeing you and Richie together! I wanna know why I want Richie to hurt you so I could be there for you! THE LIST GOES ON EDWARD KASPBRAK!” Mike had grown sick of this pain, now he was letting go of it. Tears started to drip down his cheeks and onto the gravel. “I wanna know why I’ve felt like this since that damn night.”
Eddie pressed his lips together as he swiped his tears away with his sleeve, “so what? Are you gay now or something ?”
Mike huffed, “I don’t know if this makes me gay, or bi or whatever the hell people want to identify them with these days.” Mike stepped closer to Eddie, the air getting thicker. “All I know is that, whatever these feelings are, there for you.”
“Mike,” Eddie sighed as he tried to hide more of the tears, “you know I can’t accept this, even if I wasn’t dating Richie or if I just wanted to.”
“I know,” Mike let out another tear. “I can’t force you to.”
“I love Richie, you’re twin.”
“That’s the only thing we have in common, besides our looks,” Mike chuckle. “We both love you.”
Another tear left Eddie’s sore eyes, “I really am sorry, Mike.”
Mike nodded, “it’s okay.”
“Goodbye, Mike.”
“Goodbye, Eddie.”
Then like that, he was gone.
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pedroscurls · 7 years
Tumblr media
Title: Sway With Me (Part 3.)
Character(s): Ike Evans and Sisi (original female character) Summary: It’s the first day of the semester and Sisi sees a familiar face in one of her classes. Word Count: 2,589 Author's Note: Finally, we’re to the good part where we see Ike as a professor ;-)
(GIF Source: @heartfulloffandoms)
Sisi knew she couldn’t get distracted once school started. She had one year left before graduating, but all she could think about was Ike and the wonderful kiss they shared the previous night. Since school was starting, she was taking lesser hours at The Havana to focus more on school. It was a good thing that her manager understood and was flexible with her hours.
She had a business class every day of the week and a few more classes that alternated every other day. Since entering her third year of school, Sisi was more than ready to take classes that had to do with her major rather than simple general education courses. She was finally going to be able to sit in a class and pay attention to what was being said.
Her business class started from noon and ended at two. So, when Sisi woke up early on the first day of her class, she decided to give Ike a call. Since their kiss, they had been talking to each other on the phone when they couldn’t see each other. They were becoming closer and closer together without necessarily putting a title on it either.
After a few more rings, Sisi mentioned to Ike’s secretary that it was an urgent call. He told her previously that if she really wanted to talk to him, then she would have to tell his secretary that it was important and couldn’t wait.
Ike was a busy man, Sisi realized. He had other arrangements aside from managing his successful hotel. She was just glad that he made time for her when possible.
“Ike Evans,” he answered.
Sisi grinned, biting her lower lip. “Hi,” she replied.
“Sisi,” he grinned.
“I know you must be busy, but I just wanted to hear your voice.”
Sisi could hear him sigh. “Well, I actually can’t talk much right now. I can call you later on this evening? Or better yet, we can grab dinner.”
“I’ve got class tonight,” she sighed.
“Late dinner?” Ike offered.
“I don’t want to impose and you’re probably going to be really tired and --”
“All right. Late dinner it is,” Ike declared.
Sisi giggled, shutting her eyes as she lied back on her bed. “Sneaky sneaky, Mr. Evans.”
“Well, if you aren’t going to decide, one of us has to, right?” he chuckled. “I’ll see you tonight. Would you like for me to pick you up?”
“No no. I’ll meet you there. Less of a hassle.”
“Sisi, it isn’t a hassle…”
“Either way, I’ll meet you there.”
“Sisi…” Ike sighed.
“I’ll see you tonight, Ike. Have a good day, okay?” she smiled.
“Fine, fine. If I have any time throughout the day, I’ll call. Will you be home?”
“I’ve got classes all day. I’ll be on campus.”
Ike bit his lower lip. “I guess luck isn’t on our side today, is it?”
She shrugged, knowing that he wasn’t able to see her. “I guess so. Regardless, I’m seeing you tonight. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay. See you soon, Sisi.”
Sisi knew it was a bad idea to call him before class because now that she was on her way to campus, all that was on her mind was Ike. She needed to pay attention and listen to what the professor had to say, but she didn’t know if she could take two hours of learning without being distracted.
As she climbed out of her car, Sisi pulled her bag over her shoulder and carried her notebook against her chest. She locked the car and began walking to her business class, trying to rid herself of the lingering thoughts of Ike.
She kept her eyes downcast, watching as her feet alternated from stepping on the pavement. Sisi missed Ike; she hadn’t known much about him aside that his first wife died due to cancer and he was left with three kids and a booming hotel business. However, there was something about Ike that made Sisi realized that there could be something more to their new profound relationship.
They hadn’t had sex yet, but they were still enamored by one another. They yearned for the other’s presence and the added bonus was they were able to kiss and touch each other freely as if they were in a relationship.
Sisi knew that it would get to that point, but right now, she was enjoying the simple moments she shared with him. Late night dinners, long talks on the phone… It seemed too good to be true.
As she approached the classroom, Sisi noticed that the door was open. She stepped inside and noticed the professor at the front of the classroom with his back turned to her. She quietly walked to the variety of opened seats. There were a few other students already there, so she took the front row, center seat. It was a quick exit with the the opened amount of space in front of her and if she ever needed to speak with her professor, she would be the first one.
Sisi set her notebook and pencil on the desk, pulling her glasses from its case and placed it back into her bag. More students entered the classroom and she smiled politely; it was nice to finally be in a class with students that had the same interest as her.
Once it finally hit twelve, the man in the suit turned around and her eyes widened in shock. It was Ike. He never mentioned he was also a professor, but it made sense since he was currently running his own successful business.
When their eyes met, Ike grinned and licked his lips, fixing his tie absently. He knew it was going to be a very interesting semester.
He walked to the door and closed it quietly, not wanting any interruptions while he taught for two hours. Ike swept the classroom once more, holding his gaze for a few moments longer on Sisi. She was sitting in the front while the rest of the students were scattered in different seats away from the front of the classroom.
“Welcome to Business 101,” he smiled. “I’m your professor, Ike Evans. Before we get started, how about we do a little ice breaker? Get to know one another,” his eyes once more settled on Sisi who looked adorable in her black rimmed glasses.
“How about we start from the back and work our way down? Afterwards, I’ll tell you a bit about myself and then we can begin.”
Sisi couldn’t take her eyes off Ike. He walked back and forth in front of the classroom, thoroughly giving each student his undivided attention. He even went as far as to continue the conversation to lighten the first day jitters.
Finally, when it was Sisi’s turn, his eyes settled on her and he grinned broadly.
“And you?” he asked nonchalantly.
Sisi stood from her seat, removing her glasses and biting her lower lip. She waved to Ike and to the rest of her classmates. “I’m Sisi. Currently a business major, like everyone here. I hope to open my own business one day and have clients that love the photos that I take.”
She glanced at her classmates and smiled, noticing that a few of the guys in the class were ogling her with smirks. Sisi cleared her throat and glanced back at Ike, biting her lower lip.
“Photos, huh? Are you an aspiring photographer as well?” Ike asked.
Sisi nodded. He needed to act as if this was the first time they met. Not only was their age difference a factor as to why they didn’t go public with their relationship, but now they couldn’t even be involved with one another since he was her professor and she was his student. It was wrong, but it wasn’t against the rules.
“I’ve got a collection of cameras, actually. It’s a big hobby of mine.”
Ike smiled sincerely, “That’s wonderful.” He turned his attention to the rest of the class once more. “I’m glad that each and every one of you are just as excited for this class as I am. It’s also great that all of you wish to start your own business one day, which leads me to tell you all a bit about myself.”
Sisi sat down, smiling to herself. She slid her glasses back on and gave Ike her full attention. She loved to watch and listen to him speak. He was charming and a natural gentleman, but he was also funny and had a good sense of humor.
“I’m the proud owner of the Miramar Playa. At first, it was tough to get things going, just like any business. It’s rocky in the beginning but if you stick it out, the results can be worth your while,” he said pridefully.
A girl in the back raised her hand, causing Sisi to arch her brow at the tone she was using. She was definitely flirting with him and she had to do her best to keep her jealousy at bay.
“Yes?” he called on her.
“Are you also married?” she giggled.
Ike chuckled, shaking his head. He glanced over at Sisi before looking back at the young woman. “No, I’m not. Not anymore, but I believe that is a bit inappropriate.”
She giggled once more, twirling her hair around her finger. “So, you’re single?”
The class erupted in laughter. All except Sisi.
“Well, no. I’m not married, but that doesn’t mean I’m not seeing anyone. Like I said, inappropriate.”
“That’s a shame. I would have loved to have my fantasy of a professor and student relationship come true,” she winked.
Ike shifted uncomfortably. “Ahem. Right. Moving on.”
Sisi sighed to herself, dropping her eyes to her notebook instead as she tried to tune out the rest of the conversation. She knew that she had nothing to worry about, but that didn’t mean that it hurt to hear or see a woman hit on her man, her boyfriend? Either way, he was hers just as she was his.
Throughout the class, Sisi focused on his lecture rather than their personal affairs. It was difficult to look at him and not want to get up and kiss him, but she did her best. She also had a few moments where she rolled her eyes because the same girl from earlier desperately tried to get his attention.
Ike looked around the class, his eyes falling on Sisi and he could tell that something was bothering her. He had an idea of what it was, but he was going to talk to her later regardless. Ike found himself watching how dedicated and concentrated she was. Despite their relationship -- if one would call it that -- Sisi didn’t hesitate to raise her hand and answer questions.
Not only was she an amazing dancer, but Ike could see potential for a successful businesswoman in her future.
Once class ended, Sisi took her time in gathering her things. She glanced up to see the woman giggle and lick her lips at Ike, but he simply nodded and didn’t bother to spare her another glance. As the door shut and they were finally alone, Ike stepped up to her and pocketed his hands.
“Hi,” he smiled.
“You didn’t tell me you were also a professor…”
“It’s only part time. I’m friends with the dean and I have a degree in business, so I did him a favor.”
Sisi nodded, standing up and hoisting her bag over her shoulder. She bit her lower lip and began walking to the door without another word before Ike sighed, taking her elbow in a gentle grasp.
“I’ve got class, Ike.”
“Yeah, in ten minutes? I highly doubt that. You know that you have nothing to worry about right?”
She shrugged, looking down. “Yeah. Listen, I’ve got to go.”
“Sisi,” he pleaded.
“I’m going to be late,” she lied.
Ike sighed, releasing his hold on her. “Are we still on for tonight?”
Sisi didn’t know what to answer, but she knew that she wanted to spend more time with him. So, she nodded and looked up at him. “Yeah. I’ll see you tonight.”
As she was walking away, Ike called out, “You’re beautiful.”
She blushed, but she didn’t turn around. Sisi left the classroom in a hurry and rushed to her next class; it didn’t start for another thirty minutes.
Sisi assumed that they were going to the same diner they went to last time. As she pulled into the parking lot, she noticed Ike sitting at a booth and looking out the window as if he was waiting for someone. He was still clad in his suit and he looked too overdressed for a simple diner that he was sitting in.
Sisi climbed out of her car and entered the small restaurant, her eyes finally meeting Ike’s. Once she approached the booth, he stood up and extended a hand which she happily took. He leaned in to kiss her cheek and allowed her to sit first before he slid across from her.
“Hi,” he said once more.
“You okay?” he bit his lower lip nervously.
“I overreacted. I’m fine. Did you order?”
Ike sighed, “No. I wanted to wait for you.”
Sisi nodded, watching as the waitress came to their table. She told her that she wanted a simple milkshake and french fries while Ike ordered a full meal and a soda. Once the waitress left, Ike reached out and took Sisi’s hand into his own.
“You’re not okay,” he said.
“I am, Ike.”
He shook his head and stood up, sitting next to her. Ike gently pushed her aside to give him room with her hip, his arm wrapping around her shoulders as he kept her close to his side.
“Why are you lying?” he asked.
Sisi sighed, resting her cheek against his shoulder. “She was flirting with you, okay?”
“I know she was.”
“I didn’t like it.”
“I know you didn’t,” he looked down at her and pecked her lips lightly. “There’s no other woman in the world that will compare to you, Sisi. You’re mine, okay?”
“But just because I’m yours doesn’t mean that other women will get that idea… I mean, she obviously didn’t.” Sisi bit her lower lip, snuggling closer to him.
Ike sighed, tightening his hold around her. “Well, I guess you’ll just have to trust me, Sisi. I like you, all right? I’m not going to ruin what we have here. I promise.”
“But you’re just so charming and handsome and --”
“And I’m yours,” he finished.
Sisi lifted her head to look up at him, biting her lower lip. Ike kissed her forehead lightly and smiled softly. “But --”
“No more buts. I’m yours. You’re mine. We may have to keep this relationship a secret until the semester is over, but that’s what I’ve decided, okay?” he smiled.
Sisi nodded, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek. He knew just the right things to say to make her feel better. After his reassurances, she knew that Ike was being serious. He seemed like a man who kept promises very seriously, too.
“Now, can we eat? I’m starving and I’ve missed you,” he chuckled.
“But you saw me in class…”
“Not the same, Sisi. By the way, you in those glasses? Adorable.”
Sisi blushed, looking into his eyes. “And you as my professor? Hot.”
“You’ve got a fantasy of being involved with a professor, Sisi?” he smirked, dropping his voice.
“Maybe,” Sisi winked.
“Tease,” he laughed.
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itbeajen · 7 years
Retribution [2] | Takumi
Chapter 2 - Consequences "Kiran,” Robin gently called your name, and you looked up from the tome that was laid out before you. Sheets of paper were scattered and littering the desk in your small study, but you had made progress. Much more progress than Robin had expected when you had informed him that you were going to work on figuring out the ancient Askrian tome. But he frowned upon seeing the creased lines on your forehead and he softly mumbled, “Have you slept? Eaten?" "No, and yes,” you stifled a yawn and you lazily waved a hand over at another corner of your desk. There sat two empty bowls and utensils on a small tray, an obvious indication that you've eaten. “Sharena brought me some tea and cookies a few hours back." Robin sighed. The more time he spent with you, the more you reminded him of himself, and he sat down on the spare chair beside your desk. It was one that was kept for the visitors, although that was rare and few as you more often than not spent your time looking after others instead of them looking after you. He leaned over, his gaze fleeting as he tried to figure out which one of the scattered papers was the beginning of your notes and where the end was. After much deliberation and confusing himself, he looks away from the mess of a desk. "Well?” he warily probed, and you sighed, “Takumi’s orb isn’t as… brilliant as yours. And there was a slight scratch too." "A scratch?” Robin’s voice was a bit too loud for your preference, and your finger flies to your lips, indicating the silence you desired. The tactician sheepishly rubs his neck and then asked, “Are you certain?" "Yes, I felt it,” you bit your lower lip, nibbling it slightly in thought. I shouldn’t mention anything about Takumi’s sudden change in personality either. Robin watches you intently and you sighed, “I need to figure out what all the possible consequences are. And if there’s a way to reverse the damage." "Did you see the part that was broken off inside the box?” he asked. There was a lilt of hope laced in his question, but the negative shake of your head caused his hope to falter slightly. He shakes his head and he gently reassures you, “I’m sure everything will be fine." I hope so too.
"Brother,” Sakura’s voice is filled with concern, but there’s some strength behind it, as though being in Askr has brought her more courage and strength. Takumi turns to her, giving her his full attention and she asked, “How are you faring?" Takumi’s brows furrowed and he grumbled, “Why is everyone asking me if I’m okay?" But the older male immediately regrets his choice of words and the sting of his tone. The flicker of regret that crossed the visage of his youngest sister made him lower his bow as he takes a step towards her. She glances away momentarily before admitting, "W-Well, you seemed more tired than usual yesterday after combat. I was just worried." The last four words was admitted in a much smaller and softer voice, as though scared for another backlash from Takumi. But instead his features soften, and the tenseness of his muscles fade as he gently places a hand on her shoulder. He was fond of all his siblings, but he always felt more connected to Sakura. She was the youngest after all. Sakura was always so timid and meek, he gives her an apologetic smile, I'd do everything in my power to keep prevent her from walking my path. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off so harshly," he repented and then gently ruffled her hair, "I'm fine though. After all, why wouldn't I be?" There was a playful smirk on his lips when she looks up, and she can't find an answer to his question. But the bright smile on her lips makes his worries and concerns fly away. She was always a welcoming presence to have. Her lips open, as though about to ask a question, but instead she hears her name being called. With a sad smile, she breaks away from her brother, and Takumi can almost feel the clouds shifting over from him now that his one ray of sunlight has gone away. But it is nice to see her smiling, and happy. It’s such a vast difference from… my younger sister. His eyes closed. Despite having the same name and appearance, she's not my sister. Just as how I'm not her brother.
"Kiran?” Sakura’s voice echoed in your study, only to met with a soft, “Come here." But the voice wasn’t yours, and she frowned until she made her way to the corner of your study. Your sleeping figure was bathed in sunlight. The rays of light danced with each breeze that caused the curtains to flutter. The spots of sun danced across your hooded figure, casting a shimmer of white or a brilliance of gold to reflect upon the wooden structures within the room. Sakura looks at you with slight concern, but her eyes fall upon the Ylissean tactician who was just leaning against the wall by the window. He flashes her a small smile and she whispered, “I was called in by Kiran, but it seems as though this may have been bad timing." A chuckle escapes Robin's lips as he adjusted the hood on your figure, and he teased, "I'm surprised. I was only gone for a few minutes or so to direct a messenger to get you." Robin paused and his warm gaze lands on the princess. His presence emitted warmth and was just pleasant in general, but she can tell that even he had gone through a rather dark period of time too from the way he held himself. "Kiran was planning on talking to you regarding your brother," Robin softly admitted as his gaze trailed out the window. Sakura follows it, and there she sees the archery grounds where her brother was readying yet another arrow. She turns back to him, a part of her slightly startled to find that he was already looking at her and she softly mumbled, "Is.. Is everything okay?" Robin sighed, about to speak, but you shift in your sleep. Your head gently bumps the table and you sit up straight, eyes still closed with your mouth pulled into a thin frown. As though time was moving in slow motion, your hands slowly, very slowly travel up to rub at your eyes. Your two visitors watch with amusement as it wasn't a common sight to see their usual enigmatic and charismatic tactician being as lazy as a cat. A yawn escapes your lips and you stretched your arms up and above you, only to drop them back ungraciously onto the desk before you. Your fingers wiggled slightly as you tried to bring feeling back in and a lazy smile grows on your face as you glance up to see soft pink hair and warm chocolate orbs meet your gaze. Another small yawn escapes your lips and you greeted, "Hello Princess Sakura, thank you for coming on such a short notice. Sorry I fell asleep though, I'm quite tired." "N-No, not at all! I-I mean," she paused, albeit startled by your formality, and she never does finish her sentence as you gestured for her to sit down. You then turned to Robin and smiled, "Thanks for getting someone to bring her in for me." He nods, and his visage mirrors yours. He slowly peels himself away from the wall and pats your hooded head, "Work hard, but don't kill yourself over it, okay?" "I know,” you chuckled as you watched him leave. Sakura followed your gaze momentarily and she commented softly, “Robin is a good person, isn’t he?" "Yes,” you responded in a beat, and then turned to the patient princess. Sakura met your gaze, no longer did she hesitate as much, and you smiled, “Are you curious as to why I called you here?" She nodded, a flicker of her previous demure and meek personality peeking through for a moment, and your gaze drops to the ancient tome that was now shut close, with nothing more than a small bookmark peeking through. Your fingers trace intricate designs on the book, idly noting that it resembled the same design as the summoning ruins. Sakura waited, but she could tell that your thoughts were still trying to form as you struggled to start the conversation. The princess fidgets with the hem of her sleeves, not quite wearing her usual priestess outfit, but instead donning a simple kyudogi1. Sakura glances up at you, and you were staring idly out the window and upon noticing her stare, your gaze slowly shifts to her and you sheepishly smile, “Sorry. I’m struggling to find a way to talk to you about this, but I suppose it’s best if I’m just honest with you, isn’t it?" She nodded and you sighed, “Sakura, you and Takumi are siblings, but have you ever considered that you aren’t from the same... realm?" Yikes, I could have said that better. The shock that marred the young princess mirrored your internal cringe at the bluntness of your words. But you also noticed the resignation in her eyes and she, ever so slowly, nodded in agreement. If you weren’t paying close attention, you may have missed her next words. "Takumi… He is from a life in which our family was torn apart.. Our country destroyed and devastated from war,” her voice was like a whisper in the wind. But her admittance to your possible theory makes your heart drop and your throat grows dry. Sakura’s petite figure trembled and her arms instinctively wrapped around herself and she whispered, “Our.. sibling, Kamui, he- I mean, for Takumi, she, not he.." Sakura’s voice dropped, as though still in disbelief about the events that happened in a parallel universe to her realm. There was a short moment of silence, the tension hung in the air oppressing both of you. Sakura’s head had lowered, and her eyes fluttered close, “Takumi calls her Corrin. Corrin had chosen Anya over Byakuya, I mean..” Sakura paused again, and she gives you a small sheepish smile, “S-Sorry, I-I keep mixing up my timeline with Takumi’s. I’m sorry." You slowly shook your head, and you softly reassured her, “It’s okay, take all the time you need to tell me,” you paused, and then quickly corrected yourself, “If you want to tell me of course!" Sakura looks at you with slight confusion and you responded, "I may not know all the details regarding your world, or Takumi's, but I can see that it's quite painful for you two... especially since the paths that were taken on your two separate realms weren't the same." Sakura lowers her head and she mumbled, "In... In my realm, we have two kingdoms, Byakuya and Anya. For brother, they were known as Nohr and Hoshido. And our sibling.. ah, they," Sakura fumbled and you asked, "Would you like to draw it out if it makes things easier?" Your hand was positioned over a sheet of blank paper and an ink pen. Sakura gently grabs it and slowly begins to diagram it, all the while murmuring to herself, or to you. The paper was split in half, one side labeled as Takumi's and the other labeled as hers. You noticed as she went through the names of her siblings and the names of the opposing army of Nohr, and even of her sibling that caused the split between the two kingdoms; they weren't all the same in both timelines. The names are different. But I suppose, with different timelines, even the names can be different. You sighed, and leaned back, "Okay, so.. Kamui, for you, chose Hoshido, and thus helped win the war for your family. But in Takumi's," you paused, glancing down at the sheet, "Corrin, chose Anya, or Nohr, and won the war for that family, but in return devastated your nation." Sakura hesitantly nodded, but mumbled, "I'm not sure if they actually won the war though." Your gaze flickered away from the sheet of paper depicting the history of the two clashing kingdoms to the once warm brown. Concern. Worry. Sorrow. You frowned, and you could feel your more protective nature come out. Something scares her? "Sakura," your voice brought the princess back to reality and you softly asked, "Is there something wrong? You look sc-" "Th-There's nothing wrong!" Her immediate reply shocked you, and she lowers her voice, and repeated, "There's nothing wrong. Not with me, but Takumi.. I believe something might have happened to him like it did to my older brother."
Takumi sighed as he made his way into the castle's bathing area. He was forever grateful for the separation of genders for the bathing areas. He grew so paranoid of the unisex bathing areas back in his realm sometimes, and was almost never able to bathe in complete peace. The peaceful sound of the water trickling into the bathe and the calming sound of dripping water slowly stripped away the burdens of his mind and the oppressiveness of his thoughts. His fatigue that often lingered after each skirmish with the Emblian army and from each round of practice. He leaned against the tiles, enjoying the cooling sensation from the parts that weren't submerged in the water, and the calming warmth of the water that blanketed him. His lashes fluttered as he slowly and gently succumbed to the relaxing ambiance. This feels really nice.. So relaxing and freed from all responsibilities as a leader. Takumi's long ashen white hair flowed in the water around him, framing his figure as he slumped further against the tiles. But still.. does my time here affect my life back home? But... He mulls over the thought and his lips tugged downwards as his thoughts continued down a darker path. The war was already ending.. Corrin had already taken over Hoshido.. Hinoka nee-san and Sakura were both taken captive. Ryoma nii-san had.. ended his own life, and even Azura left to join Corrin. His hands unknowingly tightened into a fist and his brows were tightly knitted towards the center, causing wrinkles on his forehead. Corrin.. I wonder if she even knew how much damaged and devastation she had wrought unto Hoshido. Her mother died before her own eyes, and yet she still chooses Nohr? Nohr, the same scums who sent her to Hoshido and was the cause of our mother's death. Does she feel no shame? To the view of any passerby, Takumi may have just been soaking in extremely hot water. But to anyone with a keen eye, the purple wisps that slithered in and out of Takumi as though he were excreting some sort of poisonous aura spelled danger. That.. bastard of a sister. She ruined everything, if she never came to Hoshido, if she had never came, Ryoma and mother would still be alive. Sakura and Hinoka would be happy, and our nation would be untouched from the consequences of war. If only.. If only.. If only Corrin had died. If I had managed to finish her off then, she would have never- Takumi's eyes widened as he immediately stands up. The water runs off of him, as though his aura forced it away. He shuddered from the cold air that seeked his warmth. It cooled his skin, reducing the flush of redness and he immediately wraps a dry and clean towel around himself, all the while escaping the bath and its illusory haven. I shouldn't listen to those thoughts. I need to- I have to- Takumi froze in place. Where can I go? If I still slip into that even when I'm in a completely separate world, then what can I do?
You sat alone in your personal bedroom, but Takumi's small box sat on the night table by your bed. No matter how hard you tried to focus on the ancient tome before you, your gaze wandered back to the box. You were tempted to check on his orb once again. It was hard enough to gain permission from the sniper to hold onto it for "safe keeping reasons," but the real difficulty was to prevent yourself from constantly checking on the orb. With more and more info being transcribed from the ancient tome into the modern Askrian language, the more your anxiety and fear grew from the possible predictions. If the orb really is their soul, or at least, the medium that allows their being to reside in this realm, that would mean that if the orb does shatter there are two possibilities. The first one is hinting that they permanently die, and will no longer reside in either realms. The second one implies that they'll be sent back to their home. You sighed as you dropped the tome back onto the bed and lie flat against the comforting mattress. Either options don't sound good. If it's the second option, then he'll be sent back to finish the war between Hoshido and Nohr. And if Takumi's situation back home is as threatening as Sakura believes it to be, then he may end up forfeiting his life once he gets back home. You roll over and face the white box again. It was tempting to just open it and check on the state of the orb to make sure it didn't worsen. But instead, you closed your eyes and rolled to the other side. But even then... both options basically spell out his end. You sat up and reached out for the box. I don't want that. Takumi deserves so much more than those options. I have to check, I need to see if there's a way to prevent it.
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