#Ik this is a weird ass crossover idea but trust me-
the-enby-jedi · 5 months
the good place x Star Wars Rebels au
god I can think of so much good Kalluzeb angst with it. Like Cheleanor but with Kallus and Zeb?
Thrawn as Shawn?
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Random List of things I want from episodes of Hazbin Hotel (and Helluva Boss) when it gets greenlit cause we all know it will
Mimzy, Baxter, and Crymini joining the hotel. Think that's a pretty obvious one.
Mimzy and Alastor backstory, I know that info on Mimz being in love with Al is probably outdated but I think it would be fun if they still at least knew each other in life. (Were the friends? How close were they? Did Al fucking kill Mimzy, if so was it an accident or on purpose?) The sky’s the limit here!
On that note: Backstories on how each mortal soul involved in the Hotel ended up in Hell. Especially people who (for now) it’s kinda tricker to imagine why/how they ended up in Hell in the first place. I’m namely thinking of Vaggie and Niffty. Vaggie is a little more believable cause of her apparent reliance on weapons the first sign of trouble. But Niffty is a sweet little sugar bean who I imagine is legally forbidden from saying bad words. 
I’d like to see why Niffty ended up in a Hell cause I'm a sucker for the “Cinnamon Roll is actually Deadly Murder Baby” trope, don't judge me.
Royal Family Backstory! How did Lucifer and Lillith meet? How did they acquire their stations? When was Charlie born and how did this affect hell’s demographics, particularly in the realization that “Shit, some of us can create kids here”
Also, what other biblical figures are canon in Hazbin Hell? We already saw Stolas (though I’m still unsure if he’s the Stolas in bible or this is just, like, an avatar or version of him or something). Is Beezlebub in Hell? 
What about historical figures? Jeffery Dahmer and probably Lizzie Borden (that ax chick from Charlie’s song). Is Hitler in Hell? What about Vlad the Impaler or John Wayne Gacy?
I want Lucifer to be voiced by Weird Al. No, I will not explain or apologize for this wish.
More musical numbers!
Valentino backstory and his relationship to Angel Dust (Ik Vivz said this would be explained more in those comics but c’mon, it’d be a cool episode too).
Rosie, Vox, and other overlord backstories. I also wanna know who that cute overlord girl was with Vox and Val in the opening. She’s so cute and looks fun.
Vaggie and Alastor team up for some reason. I know they don’t really like or trust one another but I think they could play well off each other. Also character building.
Angel Dust and Charlie team up as well. Maybe a subplot to the above. More character development!
Sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, and the Egg bois join the Hotel because why not and it’d be fun.
Angel gets a boyfriend. Cherri gets a girlfriend. 
Chaggie moments. I want their relationship to be shown in the same way Moxxie and Millie’s relationship was.
Who are the Von Eldritch family? Why to Helsa and Charlie not get along? Who is the son and why did he and Charlie break-up? What did their parents think of this? How does Vaggie (if at all) factor into this?
An episode where they focus on all the background characters in Hell (kinda like that one episode of Gumball).
Angel telling Val where to stick it being framed as him finally, seriously, giving redemption a shot.
Alastor and Vox fight framed like a big anime showdown no I will not apologize for this either, deal with it.
NIffty having a habit of saying really dark, morbid, depressing, horrifying things in the bubbliest, happiest voice in all of Hell. Everyone is kinda unnerved by it.
Husk is an odd combo of Rick Sanches and Grunkle Stan.
Baxter making inventing or “creating” something that destroys something in the Hotel off-screen. It becomes a running gag.
A running gag of Alastor literally shoving anyone out of the way to talk to Charlie.
Mimzy somehow becoming the mom friend despite being terrible at it.
This kind of conversation: Angel Dust: What’re you doing? Crymini: Teenage Rebellion. Angel: Fuq yeah, stick it to the old people!
An episode where Sir Pentious tries to destroy the Hotel and goes whole ham to do it... but no one in the Hotel ever notices his schemes or accidentally thwarts him without even trying,
Tom bitch slapping Katie. He deserves too.
Are there other religions in this universe? Did God and Lucifer inadvertently kick out all the old-timey deities in their rise to power?
Are any of said deities or mythological characters in Hell? Do they like it there? Do they deserve it? Again, sky’s the limit
A crossover with Helluva Boss
Or at least references back and forth.
Blitzo and Stola’s relationship played with more, but not necessarily Blitzo ending up with Stolas. Although if Stolas has good character development I could change my mind
More Moxxie and Millie relationship. They’re so cute!
Baby Loona and Blitzo adopting Loona. That is all.
That bratty kid becoming a sitcom archnemesis for I.M.P. but no one taking it seriously.
Stolas and Blitzo busting their asses off to keep whatever they have a secret from Stolas’s wife. But she knows, she has known for a long time (Blitz did tell her that first time) and she actively encourages is because hey, she’s sleeping with someone else besides her husband. Stolas and Blitzo’s reaction can vary.
Moxxie, Millie, and Loona memeing on Blitzo whenever Stolas calls. Like, yeah, they don’t like Stolas much either, but still, Blitz kinda had it coming.
Stolas gets a musical number. But not a good one. More on the lines of this. 
On that note, maybe something like a Starkid musical episode? C’mon, it fits.
I want Charlie and Stolas to know each other. Not friends but at least they know each other. Royalty and all...
Blitzo family backstory? Who are those ladies in the poster with him? Was he actually in a circus? How did the O become silent in his name?
Stolas’s daughter, Natasha (or Tasha, whatever) shows up. Maybe she’s the spoiled, bratty, daddy’s little girl trope. OR EVEN BETTER: She’s a mix of E.B. from the Netflix Green Eggs and Ham and Louise from Bob’s Burgers. Let her be smart! Let her start working for I.M.P. and run it better than any of them.
Tasha actually has a strong moral compass and actually kinda likes Charlie’s idea and wants to help, but she’s a kid and her dad says she can’t so... (She probably does anyway or Charlie tells Tasha to come back and help when she’s a bit older and has more freedom from her parents.
Blitzo and Angel Dust meeting, tell me that wouldn’t kick ass. (And Stolas meeting Angel Dust and getting “I’m here to steal yo man” vibes from him). Whether Angel and Blitzo hit it off that way is completely arbitrary.
A crossover of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss culminating in the entire crew having to defeat some big baddie and it kicks ass.
More found family tropes in general. That’s the good shit.
That’s all I got for now. Feel free to reblog and add on!
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dreamhimcloser · 6 years
hey i would like to request a ploy!bts imagine w Y/N, ik its probably a bit weird but im forever getting bias wrecked so it'd be easier if i can read an imagine with all of them in. I dont have any ideas for a plot, and to be honest i dont really mind as I just really love your writing!! I understand if its too much to fit in as there'd be like 8 characters and whatever but i thought i might as well ask :) x (oh and can Y/N be 22, a couple of months younger than jimin and tae as well?) thankss ♥
Thank you so much for your support, I hope you’ll like this!♥
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Word count: 3,170 wordsSummary: Four times where TaeKook interrupted other member’s “alone time” with you, and one time it was touching.Genre: Fluff, Poly!BTS as OT!7
“I’m in practice room 6!” Hoseok half-screamed from the other end of the line. His voice gets that loud only when he’s really excited, the mare concept making you giggle to yourself. BTS’s tour has been long and hard on your boys, so you knew they need the break. Hoseok still insisted on bringing you back to the practice room and teaching you a few moves of their newest comeback. He thought you’d enjoy it and has been telling you so for a long time, mostly in text form with way too many emojis.
Now that they’re on a break, you could finally break your old, tired body on that routine of theirs. Well, it wouldn’t really break as you were barely two months younger than Taehyung and young enough to still enjoy life. If only your joints would have agreed to that.
You walked through the row of practice room straight to the door with the big, black six on it, already hearing music from the inside. It wasn’t their music, so Hoseok must have started warming up before you came. You pushed the door to see just that – Hoseok stretching his body this way and that without an actual plan, just the free movement of limbs in that graceful way that’s just so him.
His eyes lit up when he noticed your figure in the mirror, a smile quickly catching up with his excitement as he almost threw himself your way. “I knew those pants would look great on you! So glad I got them for you, babe.”
“They’re super comfy,” you giggled against the rain of kisses Hoseok was inflicting on your lips, lifting you a few centimeters off of the ground. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you,” Hoseok set you down in front of the mirror, taking his position next to you. “You want to drink something before we start?”
“Nope,” You jumped a little from one foot to another, giving him a fakely-determined face that made him laugh. “Let’s do this.”
The moves were more complicated than you thought, and you were drenched in sweat by the time you noticed a movement in the corner of your eye. Jungkook slipped through the door, the playful expression already plastered on his face. He made his way behind Hoseok, who didn’t notice the intrusion. He stood there for a second, watching Hoseok’s movements before he dove right into the familiar rhythm of them, but in an exaggerated way that used up all your oxygen. You couldn’t stop laughing, your lungs screaming for oxygen you couldn’t give them as you dropped down to the ground.
Hoseok paused when you stopped moving next to him, looking behind him and a second later he was right next to you on the floor.
Jungkook thrived on the attention, dancing even harder to please both you and Hoseok. Hoseok crawled on the floor, holding his stomach as leaned his forehead on your shoulder, hitting you thigh lightly. You threw your head against his shoulder, soon feeling Jungkook pressing into you from the front to join in on the laughter.
It wasn’t the lesson you thought you’d get, but your boys were close and that’s what mattered.
Namjoon studied the Ikea book, reading over instructions. You were watching him from your sitting place on his thighs, hands on his shoulders and eyebrow raised. “You want to build a table?”
“Why do you sound so skeptical?”
You glanced sideways at the “God of Destruction” cup you got him for his birthday. “No reason.”
Your eyes met his when you looked back at him, the narrowed look he was giving you echoed how done he was with you. You wanted to tell him he could do it, but both of you knew he’s more likely to break the table than to build it for use. “Will you help me?”
The answer was clear, you chuckled as you lifted yourself from his lap to look at the box hiding behind his current, warren down table. You pulled it out, using the scissors Namjoon kept in his right drawer to bust the box open. Inside you were greeted with screws, wood pieces and metal attachments.
“I want to build it, you’re here for backup.”
You backed up, lifting your hands in front of you, “Well, we got a badass on our hands.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes, no amount of done being able to stop the laughter from bubbling up inside of him. “I meant I want to see that I can do this! I already know you can.” You sat on the chair he vacated, rolling it closer to him with your feet pushing against the floor. “Besides, I don’t need another meme lord. Kook is already in on it and he’s starting to drag Yoongi into it.”
You watched as Namjoon pulled pieces out of the box, laying them in front of him to look back at the instructions. “Seeing Yoongi being one of the cool kids is pretty funny, though.”
“You are one of the cool kids,” Namjoon deadpanned, holding the two pieces up to piece them together. “This is right?”
“Yes and yes, I am one of the young ones,” You chuckled, leaning back in the chair watching Namjoon frown his eyebrows. The angle in which he tried to connect the pieces was all wrong, you pondered if you should tell him that or let him figure his own way out.
“Y/N!” Taehyung ran into the room, grabbing the arms of the chair and turning you towards him. You heard a sigh from your left and almost laughed at how Namjoon reacted to one of the maknaes stealing your attention once again. They were pretty good at it. “I can’t believe Midoria broke his arm!”
“Doesn’t he always,” You laughed, glancing at Namjoon every few seconds to make sure he’s got a handle on things.
You missed the wood slicing his palm by a second.
You didn’t miss the pained cry, the sound making Taehyung’s flow of blabber about Boku No Hero Academia pause as you both stared at him. Namjoon got to his feet with his good hand cupping his injured one. “I’m good, don’t worry,” his smile showed that he meant it, a little embarrassed but not too bad. “I’ll go wash this for a second.”
You told Seokjin, who cornered Namjoon in the bathroom to treat his hand while you and Taehyung build that table, ignoring the small blood stain that graced the underside of the table.
“It’s an easy recipe, I promise,” Seokjin held onto your hand as he guided you in the direction of the kitchen. His legs bumped into so many furniture that you figured you’ll have a lot of blue marks to kiss tonight. “You can do it, and I’ll be right by your side.”
“That’s brave coming from a man who jumps back when the fire is turned on,” You teased, laughing as he made a sharp noise from the collision his knee made with the bookcase. He should really look where he’s going.
He actually stopped this time, maybe this whole-wood furniture was the one to crack his bone. His face was pulled into a grimace as he rubbed his injured limb, “I think your prince-like boyfriend, the most handsome out of all of your boyfriends, deserves better treatment than this.”
“Of course you do,” You cooed, cupping his face and pecking his forehead. “Come on, let’s get cooking.”
Seokjin smiled so wide you knew he doesn’t need to be told twice. He hurried over to the spread ingredients, way too many for you to begin pieces together what you’ll be eating later. Seokjin was watching you with a smirk, hands fisted on his hips in a ridiculous superhero pose. “Just let me lead the way to food paradise, Y/N. Do you trust me?”
He reached an open palm towards you and you accepted his hand loosely. “Superman and Aladdin is an awful crossover. But, you know, sure.”
He accepted your half-assed agreement like you just screamed your lungs off. You had a good reason to trust him, though, as his directions came at the right time and you never felt like you were helpless in front of the mass of food. You cut your finger once, but it was at the end of it and pretty shallow. It didn’t stop Seokjin from pausing what he was doing and grabbing a Band-Aid for you. His movements were careful, and he kissed the surface of the Band-Aid when it was fastened correctly around your tiny injury, which made you giggle and kiss him for good measure.
Spending time with them like this just reminded you of how much you missed them this entire time. Seokjin was pretty hard to find alone, as he hated being in that state, so this was pretty rare. It felt good, though.
The time flew by with soft music in the background and Seokjin’s horrible laugh. The domestic-ness of it made you warm.
Another thing that made you warm were arms wrapped around your middle. A kiss was pressed to your skin before a cheek pressed to your shoulder, whoever it is holding you tight. The body behind you was pretty long and Namjoon probably wouldn’t do this, so it had to be Taehyung.
You leaned your head against his, appreciating the interaction without voicing it. Seokjin was in the middle of a story, his back was to you but you felt the need to give his story your full attention, even if you already heard it from Yoongi.
It was funnier when Seokjin told it anyway.
The word on Seokjin’s lips came out stuttered when he did turn around to notice the intrusion on your private time. You looked over the head of hair on your shoulder to smile at Seokjin, showing him you are invested in his story.
“She can’t cook when you hold her, Tae,” Seokjin informed him, moving closer to cut his vegetables next to you. You knew it was an act of spite, and you couldn’t help but giggle. Taehyung’s response was muttering in a high-pitched tone and shaking you around, empowering your giggles.
“I can still do a good job, Seok,” You promised, stretching to lean his direction. He noticed, lowering his knife as he closed the distance and kissed you once, twice. “Trust me.”
Seokjin still pouted at you and Taehyung made an unhappy sound about not receiving attention, but you already knew how to handle it, and them.
When Jimin asked you to come to watch a movie in his room, you knew exactly what the glint in his eyes meant. He loved being intimate with each and every one of you, and you were kind of proud of him that he didn’t drag you off for a fierce one-on-one session the first moment he came through the door.
You figured now was the time as you entered his room to find it completely dark. The TV in his room was set on the movie VOD so he was probably keeping that front for a while, both of you already knowing that you won’t be actually watching a movie and being completely alright with it.
That’s just how movie dates with Jimin went.
He moved aside with a grin, holding the blanket up to allow you to comfortably climb in his bed. You noted that Hoseok’s bed was empty, he must have kicked him out to have this alone time with you. His arm was waiting for you to rest your head on, remote control in the other hand as he flipped through the movies.
“You wanted to watch that new action movie, didn’t you?” He hummed, pecking your cheek.
“You’re asking that like we’re actually going to watch a movie,” You giggled, moving to lie on your side and throwing a leg over Jimin’s. He moved closer on instinct, still looking at the TV.
“Let’s start it, maybe it’s interesting.”
You agreed, choosing to play his game. Maybe he’s in one of those I-stole-your-attention moods that he gets sometimes, feeling like it’s an accomplishment even though that’s what you came to do here to begin with.
You settled in, moving to lie on your back with your head on his shoulder. He pulled you closer by the shoulders, settling in himself.
The movie started kind of slow, you heard from friends who watched that the build-up will be worth it when shit hits the fan. You collected mental clues as to where this is going, your concentration moving from Jimin to the movie as you took in the story unfolding in front of you.
That is, until Jimin moved to lie on his side with his hand on your hip. You fought a smile, straining to appear like you didn’t know this was coming. His hand crept under your shirt, dragging goosebumps along your skin until his fingertips reached your bra. He moved along its line and you couldn’t help but pushing your chest up to press against his touch.
Between the movie’s growing plot and Jimin’s distractions, you barely heard the door opened. You did feel someone joining you on the bed, though, the covers lifting and a warm body pressing against you.
“That movie is supposed to be sick! Move over.”
Jungkook, as Jimin’s boyfriend of two years, already knew what movie nights with him meant. He glanced at his older member, waiting to be told to get the fuck out. Jimin held his gaze and you saw him losing the fight just by looking at him.
“Y/N wanted to watch it too,” he ended up saying, scooting to allow more room for Jungkook.
“Thanks, I’ll just watch it and go to bed, cool?”
You knew Jimin wasn’t completely cool with it, even if Jungkook’s big eyes made him absolutely useless. You took the opportunity to sneak your hand under Jimin’s shirt and draw lines on his stomach, an action that always seemed to give him comfort. His body relaxing against you told you it worked, and the kisses he kept pressing to your head throughout the movie spoke of his thanks.
The only one of your boyfriends who never claimed your attention to himself, even if he really wanted it, was Yoongi. He’d just hang around, catch you when you’re free and if you weren’t, he’d just join in on someone else’s time. You knew he wanted to build their next album pretty quick too, so he was barely at the dorm and made his studio his second home.
Which meant it was up to you to give him the attention he won’t voice the need to.
You pushed the door on his studio open, instantly greeted with half-dim lights, a scatter of clothes around the floor and a very busy boyfriend. You laid the food you made him on his desk beside him and accepted his short, hummed thanks before you started picking the clothes up. You smelt them to see if they needed to be folded or thrown into the laundry bag, an action you’re used to by now.
“Hey kid,” You glanced back to see Yoongi pushed one of the headphones off of his ear. “I’ll be done with this arrangement and I’m with you, okay?”
Yoongi moved the headphone back and went right back into clicking around to perfect his music. He was always working so hard and this passion of his took from his health and his time with his loved ones, but you knew that’s just what his soul needed to survive.
So you were happy to take care of his health and his time with his loved ones for him.
When the floor was finally clean from straying garments you set down on the opened couch in the back of the studio room. He must have slept here, you figured as you failed to see him last night and this morning, and the bed being open. He didn’t even have a pillow or a blanket, you really wished you would have known yesterday and dropped off something that he can use.
There were over twenty texts waiting for you on your phone, most of them being blabber in the group chat. They were excited about something, probably that drama they started watching together on the airplane.
Yoongi made a prolonged choked sound as he stretched on his chair, hands up high and the headphones around his neck. “I think I’ll just let my ears rest. I’ll go take a shower and we can nap or something, okay?”
You nodded, catching his phone as he threw it your way. The group chat was still going crazy, Yoongi’s phone buzzing constantly next to you as you held your own in your hand.
The door opened maybe a minute or two after Yoongi left, your curious gaze lifting to it wondering if he forgot anything. Taehyung was the one to poke his head through the door, though, and he smiled at you instantly.
“I figured you’ll think the same as me,” he chuckled as he made his way to you, throwing himself down beside you and wiggling until his head was on your thigh. “He spent the night alone yesterday, I didn’t want him to be alone tonight too.”
“You’re the best boyfriend ever,” You booped his nose, moving to card your fingers through his hair.
“And you’re the best girlfriend ever,” Taehyung buried his face between your thigh and the bed, hiding the blush that came from being praised. You knew he was always looking out for Yoongi, a part of you wondering if it’s because they were the least matching. Or that’s what they’ve been told. You knew the two of them mashed together perfectly when they weren’t pressured into it.
Taehyung drifted off to sleep against you, you heard enough noise coming from his and Namjoon’s room last night to know that he hasn’t slept much. You kept playing with his hair, watching Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook joking around in the chat room like they’re not sitting next to each other in the dorm’s living room.
They always liked to have everyone be a part of what they enjoy.
“When did he get here?” Yoongi questioned, drying his hair out with a small towel.
“Like a minute after you left, he didn’t want you to be alone.” Yoongi chuckled, moving closer to join your fingers in Taehyung’s hair.
“You guys are always looking out for me.”
“Isn’t that was boyfriends and girlfriends are for?” You leaned your head back to make it easier for Yoongi to claim your lips. “Does it bother you we’re not alone?”
You had to ask because unlike the rest, Yoongi could mind and say nothing, give no looks, show no sign that he missed how he wanted things to turn out.
“No,” Yoongi smiled at how well you know him by now. “I love being with as many of you as I can.”
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