#Ildenzah Aranleth
arcturite · 8 months
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The Wheel The Web
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kagrenacs · 3 years
how do you think/hc becoming a lich works in tes? how was the process for ildenzah? what do you think lichdom is like, like does one have signs of life? would one be unkillable or just not age? etc. i’m very curious about all your hcs about liches and ildenzah!
From what we do know of the process of Lichdom, there are multiple ways of achieving it. Generally it seems that one requires lifeforce energy to power the spell, an object known as a Phylactery which can temporarily hold their soul until the spell is complete, and a powerful spell focus, usually some sort of artifact. The Dragon Priests have a slightly different method, Draugr seeming to transfer their own life energy daily and recharging, but the process is probably still similar.
lldenzah had a cult following before her ascension as the 'oracle of Mephala'. She preached all were fated to return to the Webspinner, as she was the true master of the Wheel/Web. Her closest followers complied, believing this, and Mephala was pleased by this sort of betrayal.
Becoming a Lich is dangerous, splitting someones soul, body and mind leads to unwanted effects. Liches tend to go insane if not done properly. Even if done properly, after time liches become apathetic or power-hungry, seperating someone's soul, body or mind, tends to have side effects, like the Soul Shriven. The same is true for Ildenzah. After many years and seeing the wheel, she's just apathetic, mostly just floating there and occasionally receiving premonitions. As for signs of life, apart from movement I don't think they have any. That's why some use illusion magic to disguise themselves as regular people.
I'm reiterating the UESP page a lot, but Liches are killable. Many adventurers think one needs to destroy their phylacetry, but based on Vastarie's dialogue in ESO, unless their soul is completely in there, they will not die.
As for what it's like, boring probably. You can only do so many things before it becomes stagnant.
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arcturite · 3 years
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arcturite · 5 years
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Mephala’s Oracle
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arcturite · 4 years
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Made up a ref sheet for Ildenzah for art fight!
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kagrenacs · 3 years
rules: google and post the meaning of your oc's name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too
tagged by @cruethys (thank you!!), tagging @valen-dreth @sexy-orc-singles @fruitpunchenjoyer @olibavee @hounskul @dilfsero
ohh it’s been so long since i’ve done oc stuff :0! Many of these names come from umedicated adhd’s tendency to misread words, which is helpful when creating names!
Dralli Rilvyon: Googling her name gives me gluten free pasta. Her name comes intially misreading, and then changing a syllable in the name Dralsi, Karliah’s mother and Barenziah’s daughter. I think Rilvyon was taken from mashing together a couple Dunmer last names.
Mere-Sa & Kaju-Mota: Both taken from existing Jel words. Mere-Sa has no translation, try as I might I couldn’t figure out a fitting name for them. Kaju-Mota means Sacred-Beast Hunter, being a warden bear guardian
Kaireth: It came to me in what i believed was a fit of divine inspiration. I later figured out I had just added a syllable in the name ‘Kireth’ I use Kai as a shortening often because many trans masc people like this name, and I considered going by it at one point :)
Ildenzah Aranleth: Also created by mashing together existing Dunmer names
Ariya: Google says the name means a ray of hope. My first tes oc, so it’s not a very Reachman sounding name. I took her name from Arya in the Eragon series who I was a little bit in love with. Only realizing a year later I misread it.
My favored D&D characters as a little bonus:
Rowyn: Meaning red-haired. My mom’s friend had a baby recently, and named her this. So I named a character in a public game after that baby.
Renn: Apparently meaning ‘Little prosperous one’, which is very funny considering this character is a con-artist. I’ve always liked that name, had no idea what it meant!
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