#Ilya platiere
thaumana · 2 years
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Arc en Ciel sketch
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trails-inthe-sky · 2 years
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progmanx · 10 months
What is your headcanon for Rixia/Ilya?
Oh, wow, never expected to get a Trails ship question. Especially not for my...third? Second favorite?
Certainly the second most written about for me.
Either way, a delightful surprise! Boy, there is no short answer to this one, even before Reverie made it WAY more ethically messy.
In the best way possible, to be clear.
If you're talking about their relationship as a whole, I think Zero/Azure and Reverie do a rather excellent job of showing us what that is and a pretty good idea of how that started and what keeps it going.
That said, I do think there was a decent chunk of time where Rixia and Ilya weren't involved at all after she arrived in Crossbell. Any variety of intimacy with who Rixia still perceived herself to be at the time would be rather hollow, and if Ilya was into Rixia initially as "yeah, we bang sometimes", i think that would look VERY different.
The more Rixia learns to love Arc en Ciel, and how art is an exponentially more powerful force for change than assassination/backroom regime manipulation ever could be, the more she de-dehumanizes herself, and the more like a person she feels.
I couldn't really say WHEN Ilya and Rixia actually took that first step, but I would think it was either shortly before Zero started, or shortly after. There is an argument to be made that Ilya knew Rixia was Yin since she started writing "Golden Sun, Silver Moon", considering how, uh, APT her casting is and her "What's Yin? Is that a name or something? Sounds stupid." reaction to getting a threatening letter.
Which means she either got together with Rixia BEFORE figuring that out, or AFTER. I think before makes a little more sense, as then she needs to sort of wrestle with the fact that "oh my girlfriend murders people for money..." Which would also mean, well, yeah, the letter is even LESS scary for Ilya.
You can take that as either "Ilya is fearless and doesn't care", which I think is totally true, considering she smacked Don Marconi for getting handsy. You can ALSO take this as "this is a fake letter; Rixia would never threaten me like this!" which she can't SAY because Rixia doesn't know she knows. I like the latter.
Which begs the larger question I posed above: why is Ilya okay with that? Why is she okay that her girlfriend and co-star murders people for money, very likely people who are political targets and non-combatants. Couple answers here that I think make sense, but my favorite one is that Ilya's a freakin' genius (as we are told and shown so many times)
If Ilya has heard of who Yin is, then she has likely heard that Yin has been around for a very, very long time. Since immortality, as far as Ilya knows, is not a thing, then the next conclusion would be "large organization of people calling themselves Yin" OR "lineage based position." Considering Rixia's age, and her physical conditioning, and her likely enigmatic or ambiguous past (however she tries to explain away what she does for a living or why she moved here), then the latter seems a reasonable deduction.
Which makes the whole thing tragic and kind of impossible to poke at. If Rixia mentions, even once, "oh, I never knew my other" or "my father passed recently", that's enough to realize this is a FAMILIAL legacy, and Rixia inherited this position VERY young. Combined with how much she seems to have changed since joining Arc en Ciel, if Ilya says a WORD, Rixia will probably vanish and throw it all away.
That and...Ilya could be wrong. She could be wrong. Maybe she's not Yin. Maybe it's exactly as Rixia said, and totally mundane. Wouldn't that be nice? Of course, it isn't, and the truth nearly kills Ilya, and almost cripples her, too. But...
Since Rixia has apparently not formally retired---Nadia seems to imply this---the legacy of Yin by Reverie, and since Daybreak, uhm, has her running around as Yin (I miss the old costume from Zero so much) then she must believe there is still something useful about this role she can use. Which is all kinds of fucked up.
If Ilya hadn't done what she did in Reverie---this is a whole other conversation regarding how much work that mask even DID for her to do any of that, because I think it was basically nothing---then I'd say Ilya is turning an almost disturbing blind eye to what Rixia is doing. But after that?
They're not on a level playing field with ethics. It's closer than it used to be, though. Which is also pretty dark, but I DO love that messiness and I do think, in the end, they work very well together.
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fantasygamer93 · 11 months
Trails Into Reverie - Ilya Platiere the Dusken Dancer Boss Fight - Supre...
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siverwrites · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 英雄伝説 VII | The Legend of Heroes VII (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rixia Mao/Ilya Platiere, Cecil Neues & Ilya Platiere Characters: Rixia Mao, Ilya Platiere, Cecil Neues Additional Tags: Spoilers Summary:
She will see the sun rise again
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satoshi-mochida · 4 years
Falcom has shared new information and screenshots for The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki, the latest entry in its Trails series, introducing characters Rixia Mao, Zeit, Ilya Platiere, Arios MacLaine, Matteus Vander, Aurier Vander, and F. Novartis, as well as the bonuses for having data from previous Trails titles.
If you missed our previous coverage, read up on the characters and keywords centered around the first protagonist Lloyd Bannings here, the second protagonist Rean Schwarzer here, and the third protagonist C here. Gematsu also recently interviewed Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, who answered a few questions about the game.
Get the details below.
[Under a readmore for length and spoilers for past Trails games.]
■ The Day of Reindependence Characters
Rixia Mao (voiced by Rina Sato)
“I will not hold back… even if you are a former client!”
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A girl with a mature and mild-mannered personality, who has been working as an artist in the Crossbell theater troupe “Arc en Ciel.”
Her true identity is the legendary assassin “Yin” from the Republic of Calvard, whose fights with a demon blade taller than herself.
As “Yin,” she was searching for her own way of life while undertaking jobs, but through her encounters with “Arc en Ciel” and the “Special Support Section,” and life with the people of Crossbell, she made the decision to live as an artist.
She admires veteran artist Ilya more than anyone else, who discovered her talent and welcomed her into the troupe, and is spending her days practicing towards the performance for the commemoration of Crossbell’s reindependence.
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■ Cross-Story / Episode Characters
The following is an introduction to some of the important characters that appear in the “Cross-Story” of The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki—the main scenario that progresses while switching between three protagonists—and the “Episodes” that delve deeper into specific characters and influences.
Zeit (voiced by Osamu Ryutani)
“You’ve grown taller… human children grow fast.”
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A Holy Beast that has overseen Crossbell’s fate since ancient times, and an existence passed down through generations of people by the legend of the “Holy Wolf.”
He became a member of the Special Support Section following the series of monster incidents caused by the Mafia in S.1204, and lent his strength to Lloyd and the others as a police dog.
He supported the “Special Support Section” in numerous causes, from the “Schwarze Auction” orchestrated by the Mafia to the Cult Incident and more, but disappeared without a trace from Crossbell territory ahead of “The Great Twilight” disaster.
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Ilya Platiere (voiced by Yuu Asakawa)
“Now now, if you lose to me after being out of the game, then you’re far from satisfactory.”
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The top star of the theater troupe “Arc en Ciel,” where she is known as the “Blazing Dancer” due to her strong charisma and passionate performances.
Although she was once faced a major injury said to have no hope of recovery in an attack by the “Red Constellation” jaeger corps, she kept up with rehabilitation through the cutting-edge medical treatment of Ursula Hospital and her persistent spirit, and made her long-awaited return to the stage.
While she had to take some time off from being an artist, she seems to have been thinking about “Arc en Ciel” all throughout her rehabilitation, and is devoting herself to the commemoration performance to support Rixia and Sully.
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Arios MacLaine (voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa)
“This body bares the sins of its past… I’d be better to consider my behavior.”
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An A-class bracer that represents Crossbell and master of the Eight Leaves One Blade school of swordsmanship’s Second Form: “Gale.” Known both at home and abroad by the nickname “Divine Blade of Wind,” he has gained tremendous popularity from the people of Crossbell and those that support the Bracer Guild.
He was once an investigator for the Crossbell Police Department, but resigned from his post due to an unfortunate incident that resulted from a secret battle between the Empire and the Republic. After that, he distracted himself from his sadness by devoting himself to missions as a bracer.
During the Crossbell independence event of S.1204, he came to oppose Lloyd and the others in the “Special Support Section,” whose standpoints differed from his own, but as a result of Crossbell’s independence thereafter, decided to once again exert himself as a lone bracer.
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Matteus Vander (voiced by Rikiya Koyama)
“A sword is not something with a physical form, but something that dwells within oneself. Grasp your inner sword, then that shall take form.”
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The head of the Vander family, a noble military family that served as guardians of the royal family for generations, and supreme instructor of the Vander school of swordsmanship. He is the father of both Kurt and Mueller, and as “Thunder God” Matteus, his name is known as the greatest swordsman in all of the Empire.
With a quiet personality by which he does not say anything more than necessary, his expressions are ever stiff and he is often misunderstood by others, but those who really know him deeply admire him.
A few days before Crossbell reindependence signing ceremony, he began exhibiting strange actions, including contacting Railway Military Police junior lieutenant Claire and giving directions to his students…
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Aurier Vander (voiced by Yukana)
“For someone so quiet, that’s quite unusual.”
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The second wife of Matteus and mother of Kurt, who is a member of “Class VII.” She is skilled enough to be known as the “Stormwatcher” and serves as the assistant instructor to the Vander dojo in the Empire.
During the disaster that struck the Empire, she took to the battlefield herself with naginata in hand to clear the way for the new and old “Class VII,” repelling the Magic Soldats developed by the “Black Workshop” alongside Zechs and Mueller of the Vander family, and more.
Although generally graceful and dignified, since she can be unforgiving when it comes to training, she comes off to her students as scarier than supreme instructor Matteus.
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F. Novartis (voiced by Mitsuaki Madono)
“I don’t seem to have the right amount of parts. I was hoping for an excellent individual such as yourself.”
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A mad scientist who is the Sixth Anguis of the “Ouroboros” society and director of the “Thirteen Factories” responsible for weapons development.
Although a genius, he seems to have no interest in anything outside of his own research. Other Anguis and even Enforcers despise his “bad habits” such as the calm mocking of others.
He has been involved with Society plans, known as “experiments,” in various forms thus far, including the firing of Archaisms all over the continent of Zemuria and the introduction of the three “Aion” he developed into actual warfare.
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■ Trails Series Data Link Bonuses
By reading the system data or clear data of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki, or The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki, you can obtain special accessories not obtainable in the game, and various items that give you an advantage in the early to middle stages of the game.
System Data Bonuses
The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki system data:
Seven Attributes Sepith (x200)
The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki system data:
Sepith Mass (x600)
Both The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki system data:
Special accessory that can only be obtained by having this data: “Certificate of a Liberator” – Increases various parameters plus boosts CP increase rate.
Zeram Capsule (x1)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III system data:
U-Material (x50)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV system data:
Shining Pom Spirit Incense (x1)
Both The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III and Trails of Cold Steel IV:
Special accessory that can only be obtained by having this data: “Certificate of a Hero” – Increases various parameters plus boosts CP auto.
Zeram Capsule (x1)
Clear Data Bonuses
These bonuses differ depending on the contents of your clear data for The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV:
Rank S:
Special accessory that can only be obtained by having this data: “Lion Heart Great Ribbon” – Significantly increases various parameters plus negates ability decline.
Rank A+:
Accessory obtainable in the game: “Crimson Emblem” – Increases various parameters plus negates ability decline.
Thors Restoration Rate “Soaring”:
“Dragon Incense” (x1) → “Spirit Incense” (x2)
Thors Restoration Rate “Heavenly”:
“Spirit Incense” (x2)
*Data link bonuses for The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki and The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki are automatically obtained at the start of the Lloyd route, while the data link bonuses for The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV are automatically obtained at the start of the Rean route.
The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki is due out for PlayStation 4 on August 27 in Japan.
View the screenshots at the gallery.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Hajimari no Kiseki Launches This August in Japan; New Details
April 22, 2020 5:40 AM EST
All the newest details on Falcom’s The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki, releasing on August 27 on PlayStation 4 in Japan.
Nihon Falcom announced The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki will launch in Japan on August 27 on PlayStation 4. This is quite surprising. Indeed, for years now, Falcom has usually been releasing their games in Japan on the last week of September.
We learned the release date of The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki via this week’s Famitsu magazine. The magazine technically isn’t out yet and we got the date via the usual leaks.
Note that the rest of the article contains potential spoilers seeing Hajimari no Kiseki takes place after Trails of Cold Steel IV.
The Famitsu magazine also includes new info on Hajimari no Kiseki‘s battle system and how it has a new feature called Variant Age. It’s a special super strong attack usable with a party of 5 or more characters. Up to ten characters can participate in the attack, and using it also restores the party’s HP and BP. Variant Age can be used once a specific gauge is full, and you can fill up that gauge by destroying objects on the field. You can also use Variant Age multiple times per battle as long as you refill the gauge.
The preview screenshots officially published by Famitsu show the battle screen and the Variant Age in action.
More returning characters were also “confirmed” in the magazine. “Confirmed” because for most of these, either Toshihiro Kondo already said they’re coming back, either we’ve already seen them in the 1st Web CM:
Arios MacLaine (voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa)
Rixia Mao (Rina Sato)
Zeit (Osamu Ryutani)
Ilya Platiere (Yū Asakawa)
Matteus Vander (Rikiya Koyama)
Aurier Vander (Yukana)
F. Novartis (Mitsuaki Madono)
Vita Clotilde (Yukari Tamura)
Famitsu magazine included details on each of these characters: Arios, Lynn, Scott, and Aeolia mainly appear in the Lloyd/Crossbell route. Rixia aims to be an artist as she keeps fighting with the party. Zeit stays most of the time in normal dog form. Ilya will have more screentime than in Zero and Ao. Matteus will be involved with Rean in a different way than his wife Aurier, who is described as strong and scary. Other unspecified members of Ouroboros will appear and we’ll see a new side of their personalities, unseen in past games.
Lastly, Falcom revealed save link bonuses in Hajimari no Kiseki:
Zero no Kiseki Kai system save: 200 Sepith of each attribute
Ao no Kiseki Kai system save: 600 chunks of Sepith
System save of both Zero Kai and Ao Kai: Unique accessories*, Zelam Capsule
Trails of Cold Steel III system save: 50 U Material
Trails of Cold Steel IV system save: S Bomb Spirit Fragrance
System save of both Cold Steel III and IV: Unique accessories*
Trails of Cold Steel IV clear data save at Rank S: Unique accessories*
Trails of Cold Steel IV clear data save at Rank A+: 8 accessories
Items marked with an * means the save data link is the only way to obtain them.
Hajimari no Kiseki is a full-fledged game making the bridge between the Erebonia arc / Trails of Cold Steel and an upcoming new “Calvard” arc. Players can freely switch between three different story routes:
Lost Symbol route following Rean.
The Day of Reindependence route following Lloyd.
The Miserable Sinners route following a masked character named <<C>>.
Profiles for some of the characters revealed so far can be found on Hajimari no Kiseki‘s official site. Sadly, I don’t have the time to translate them all.
As a reminder, the Trails series, known as the Kiseki series in Japan, is a long running RPG franchise by Falcom. It’s officially described as a Story RPG to reflect the fact it has a huge amount of characters, dialogue and lore. You’ll love it if you love reading. The series is made of multiple games:
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky The 3rd
This is the first arc of the series, called the Liberl arc.
The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki
The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki
This is the second arc, called the Crossbell arc.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV
This is the third arc; called the Erebonia arc. Hajimari no Kiseki takes place after this arc.
Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki are currently Japan exclusive. However, PS4 “Kai” versions of the games are launching in Japan on April 23 2020 and May 28 2020, respectively, and Falcom teased on multiple occasions these will be released in English at some point.  Meanwhile, a fan translation of Zero no Kiseki was recently released.
Trails of Cold Steel IV was recently announced in English by NIS America with a Fall 2020 release on PS4, and a 2021 release on Switch and PC.
In my opinion, if you started the series with Trails of Cold Steel I or III and haven’t played any of the past games yet, I’d highly recommend doing so before playing playing Cold Steel IV. As for Ao no Kiseki, since it doesn’t have a translation patch, you could read a story summary. You could do that for all past games at worst. Or else you won’t enjoy Trails of Cold Steel IV as much and won’t understand its stakes. The Japanese subtitle of the game, “The End of Saga”, isn’t there for show. Playing Cold Steel IV without knowledge of the previous games would be like watching Char’s Counterattack without having seen anything else Gundam related. Or, to take a post 2019 mainstream example any american would get, it’d be like watching Avengers Endgame without having seen any other movie before it. Then again, you’re free to do as you wish, I’m just an underpaid game journalist, not your parents. Plus, some people do prefer starting with a climax, and experiencing later what lead to there. But I personally wouldn’t recommend it.
In the past, we covered the first details on Hajimari no Kiseki. We also translated Toshihiro Kondo’s first video interview on the game.
The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki was first teased by Falcom in March 2019. It was furthermore teased with screenshots and story hints in June 2019, at the Kiseki Series 15th Anniversary Event. Lastly, Falcom mentioned in November 2019 that a new Kiseki game would launch by September 2020.
April 22, 2020 5:40 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/04/hajimari-no-kiseki-launches-this-august-in-japan-new-details/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hajimari-no-kiseki-launches-this-august-in-japan-new-details
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trails-inthe-sky · 4 years
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siverwrites · 4 years
Press Start Letter
AO3: Siver
There are some pretty big groups here, so there’s just a mix of things I like and prompts if you want them. As long as the DNWs are avoided it’s all good. Really can’t go wrong taking anything from my Likes list. A lot of found family vibes happening in this batch so anything in that vein in particular is great.
All requests are for fic or art. Art: Interactions of some sort: emoting at each other, talking, sharing some activity, taking a walk, hugs are always welcome, soft things, whatever suits the pair/group
Likes: fluff, hurt/comfort, comfort, missing scenes, friendships, long-term friendships, close relationships of any sort whether romantic or platonic, familial bonds, found family, sickfic, AUs, fandom crossovers or fusions, angst with a happy end, bonding, cuddling/hugs/holding, banter, mutual care and support, emotional bonding, loyalty, pre-canon, post-canon, reuniting, slice of life
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity, virus things
Thank you!
Ghost Trick
Group: Alma/Cabanela Group: Alma/Jowd Group: Alma/Jowd & Cabanela Group: Alma/Jowd/Cabanela Group: Cabanela/Jowd Group: Cabanela & Pigeon Man Alma Cabanela Jowd Missile Sissel Group: Emma & Pigeon Man: What even happens here? Just such a bizarre and unexpected combo it had to happen.
I love this game, its characters and pretty much everything about it, so whatever you want to do will be great I am sure. New timeline mysteries and dealing with missing memories are always welcome where it makes sense. Alternate timelines and what-ifs are cool to explore. Fluff, comfort, family found or otherwise and friendships are always a go. Sissel and Missile involvements and tricks are always good. Any combination of these characters is more than welcome too! 
I only request that for various configurations of Alma, Jowd and Cabanela there is no infidelity. If it’s Cabanela/Jowd or Cabanela/Alma please let the third party be absent for whatever reason or dead... if a Cabanela/Jowd situation in game or a no reset timeline. But Alma’s absence should still be felt. Otherwise I love the trio so much and always love to see more.
Trails in the Sky
Group: Cassius Bright & Estelle Bright & Joshua Bright & Renne Bright: Family family family! Renne adjusting to a new life with them .
Group: Celeste D. Auslese & Renne Hayworth: What might they discuss in the Hermit’s Garden? What might Renne have to ask her?
Group: Estelle Bright & Kloe Rinz | Klaudia von Auslese & Tita Russell: Sisters and best friend time!
Group: Julia Schwarz & Kloe Rinz | Klaudia von Auslese: Mooore sister times
Group: Kloe Rinz & Celeste D. Auslese: Her ancestor... Kloe must have so many questions...
Group: Kloe Rinz | Klaudia von Auslese & Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor: Royals unite! They have a good allyship now going now it’d be cool to see them interact more
Group: Mayor Maybelle/Lila: they’re just sweet okay. Let Maybelle rest. Lila, also rest. Go on a vacation you two
Group: Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor & Mueller Vander: Exasperated but oh so caring Mueller always...
Group: Olivier Lenheim/Mueller Vander: Same as above but more romantic
Group: Ries Argent/Kevin Graham: Affectionate exasperation
Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor: Just. Olivier. 
Missing scenes, scene extensions, travel along the roads, airship travel times, etc. Post Sky also welcome and at some points necessary. Ample opportunity for anything in the Garden in 3rd. I love these characters, their world, and their relationships.
Trails from Zero/Trails to Azure
Alex Dudley Elie MacDowell KeA Lloyd Bannings Randy Orlando Sergei Lou Tio Plato Zeit Group: Rixia Mao/Ilya Platiere Group: Sonya Baelz & Sergei Lou
These games hit my found family buttons hard. Anything portraying some kind of familial relationship among these characters is awesome. I love our SSS family (Dudley included, you’re an honorary part too, just the way it is). Any combination of these characters is more than welcome!
KeA winning Dudley over because no one can resist her? Always down for KeA and “Uncle” Sergei too. Randy and Tio sibling like times? An outing for our core four, Lloyd, Elie, Tio and Randy, possibly dragging Sergei with for a change? Dudley and Lloyd connecting over something whether the past with Guy or something else entirely? Zeit in any capacity is a very good boy. Sky’s the limit.
Please no shipping aside from the Rixia/Ilya.
Dragon Quest XI
Group: Marutina | Jade & Rou | Rab Group: Sena | Serena & Veronica Group: Sylvia | Sylvando & Dave Group: Sylvia | Sylvando & Graig | Hendrik Marutina | Jade Sylvia | Sylvando
While I wish there were a few more dynamics among the party outside of certain pairs I do love what there is and down for more.
I’d be interested in seeing more Jade and Rab grandfather adopted granddaughter moments. Could be something during the journey or something before they joined the party. Or something after it’s all over. Jade can return to her father in Heliodor but that’s a bond that won’t break.
Any kind of sister time for Serena and Veronica at any time. Can go angsty given Veronica’s situation as well.
I didn’t give Dave a lot of attention until playing the definitive edition and I loved how he was there for Sylv and was able to snap him out of his gloom. More interactions and them supporting each other would be great. Anything during the parade gathering is also great, or Dave’s search for him and Sylv’s recovery.
I love Hendrik and Sylvando’s dynamic. They have that shared history but they’re so different and Hendrik’s reactions are always a joy. But what are some other ways they can support each other?
Game did Jade dirty. Let her shine. Maybe overly ambitious but an AU where she kicks Booga’s ass and liberates Octagonia herself would be cool and she can look after it in a similar fashion to the Last Bastion. But overall anyway, just some attention for Jade.
Just. Sylvando. I love him. Sylv being Sylv can’t go wrong.
Bug Fables
Group: Elizant II & Leif Group: Kabbu & Vi & Leif Group: Prof. Honeycomb & Doctor H.B. Kabbu Leif Vi
My new love and I love the group dynamics! Party fun times while they’re travelling would be good. Really interested in more with Leif’s situation because that is a Lot and open to more introspection and dealing--Kabbu support go? Attempted Vi support go?
There’s also an interesting connection between Elizant II and Leif I’d be interested in seeing more. Leif’s out of time but holds memories of Elizant I. Elizant II is a more direct connection he’s otherwise lacking and it’s nice to see how his opinion of her shifts and grows.
Professor Honeycomb and Doctor H.B.: older cranky lady bees in science! I have no specific ideas, but exploring more of their rivalry would be fun. Hawk and long-suffering Crow involvement are A-okay too.
Final Fantasy VI
Cyan Celes Group: Edgar Roni Figaro & Macías "Mash" Rene Figaro | Sabin Rene Figaro Relm Arrowny
Any combination of any of these tags. Any kind of characters interaction among the party is great. Celes and Relm. Attempted reconciliation between Celes and Cyan. Edgar and Sabin having some sort of interaction with the spunky Relm--she probably trolling them in some way no doubt. Or perhaps something sweeter. Etc
Edgar & Sabin: Moments visiting Figaro during their journey. Or post-game trying to bond again and get to know each other after Sabin’s long absence without doom hanging over their heads. Something to do with or some fallout from the whole Gerad situation?
Celes: Her thoughts on having to sing at the opera? Or what she might be doing post-game. More exploration of her thoughts and feelings after she wakes up on the island? So much room for more expansion on Celes moments. Travelling with Sabin after finding him in the World of Ruin?
Relm: Lean on the magic of her paintings? Or post-game Relm dealing with the loss her powers and/or just trying to live normally again after all that?
Group: Bopek & Jell-A Group: Dennis & Nonno Group: Kai & Karoo Group: Kai & Semenya Group: Miu & Yoké Group: Nonno & Spike Group: Spike/Claire Group: Yoké & Claire Group: Yoké & Karoo Miu Yoké 
I don’t have any specific ideas for Mutazione but all these groups are cool. I enjoyed playing this game so much I’d love to dive back into this world. Leaning hard on its warmth, care and found family is most welcome. And plants! And music! I’m particularly fond of Yoké, but as said these are all great pairs and characters. 
Group: Volfred Sandalwood & Ti'zo Group: Volfred Sandalwood/Tariq | The Lone Minstrel Volfred Sandalwood Ti’Zo
Found family joys. Daily activities while they travel? Wagon shenanigans. Post Peaceful revolution activities? Any combo here is great. Soft moments in configurations of Volfred, Tariq and Oralech, pre, post or in-game.   Snakes doing snake things. Imps doing imp things.
Volfred Sandalwood & Ti'zo: Tree and Imp, Tree and Imp! And who knew each other before so something relating to that would be cool. But honestly tree and imp...
Volfred Sandalwood/Tariq | The Lone Minstrel: Something gentle for the tree and the moon who somehow fell for him, any time period
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satoshi-mochida · 4 years
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The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki will launch for PlayStation 4 on August 27 in Japan, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals. A price was not announced.
The magazine also reveals the following new information:
Variant Age
A super powerful attack and HP / BP recovery that can be activated when there are five or more members in your party.
Build up the gauge by destroying objects on the field.
By growing the gauge, it can activated up to three or four times in a single battle.
Its effect increases depending on the number of participants (up to 10).
Arios MacLaine (voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa) – Lynn, Scott, and Aeolia as well. Mainly active in Crossbell.
Rixia Mao (voiced by Rina Sato) – She is aspiring to become an artists. While mainly active as a party member, she devotes herself to her dream.
Zeit (voiced by Osamu Ryutani) – His disguise takes the form of a dog.
Ilya Platiere (voiced by Yuu Asakawa) – Plays a bigger role than in The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki.
Matteus Vander (voiced by Rikiya Koyama) – Involved with Rean in a different way than Aurier.
Aurier Vander (voiced by Yukana) – Strong and scary-looking.
F. Novartis (voiced by Mitsuaki Madono) – Vita Clotilde as well.
Members of the Society will also appear, and unexpected developments between characters that appeared in the past may also come to light.
Data Link Bonuses
Users who have system data for previous Trails titles on their PlayStation 4 will receive the following bonuses when playing The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki:
-The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki system data:
Seven Attributes Sepith (x200)
-The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki system data:
Sepith Mass (x600)
-Both The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki system data:
Special accessory that can only be obtained by having this data
Zeram Capsule
-The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III system data:
U-Material (x50)
-The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV system data:
Shining Pom Spirit Incense
-Both The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III and Trails of Cold Steel IV:
Special accessory that can only be obtained by having this data
-The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV clear data:
Rank S special accessory that can only be obtained by having this data
A+ accessory obtainable in the game
Different items obtainable depending on whether Thors Restoration Rate is Soaring or Heavenly
If you missed our previous coverage, read up on the characters and keywords centered around the first protagonist Lloyd Bannings here, the second protagonist Rean Schwarzer here, and the third protagonist C here. Gematsu also recently interviewed Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, who answered a few questions about the game.
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siverwrites · 5 years
Press Start Letter
AO3: Siver
There are some pretty big groups here, so I’ll try to keep things short. Prompts are just possible starters. As long as the DNWs are avoided it’s all good! Really can’t go wrong taking anything from my Likes list. A lot of found family vibes happening in this batch so anything in that vein in particular is great.
All requests are for fic or art. Art: Interactions of some sort: emoting at each other, talking, sharing some activity, taking a walk, hugs are always welcome, soft things, whatever suits the pair/group
Likes: fluff, hurt/comfort, comfort, missing scenes, friendships, long-term friendships, close relationships of any sort whether romantic or platonic, familial bonds, found family, sickfic, AUs, fandom crossovers or fusions, angst with a happy end, bonding, cuddling/hugs/holding, banter, mutual care and support, emotional bonding, loyalty, pre-canon, post-canon, reuniting, slice of life
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity
Ghost Trick
I love this game, its characters and pretty much everything about it, so whatever you want to do will be great I am sure. New timeline mysteries and missing memories are always welcome where it makes sense. Alternate timelines and what-ifs are cool to explore. Fluff, comfort, family found or otherwise and friendships are always a go. Any combination of these characters is more than welcome too!
Alma & Emma: Friends! Mom-friends? Knew each other before the girls were born? Is Alma Emma’s beta-reader?Is a certain detective husband merely a great inspiration and Alma is endlessly amused?
Alma & Sissel: That cat is Strange shenanigans. Alternatively Alma knows and teamup times of any sort! Or just some good old comfy cat times
Cabanela & Jowd: Close friends (or more), partners. Determination and loyalty. Really can’t go wrong with anything and these two. Case fic? Just time spent together? Mutual insufferability? Nothing like it!
Cabanela & Kamila: Best weird cool uncle! Best cool niece (whether kids are a what do situation for Cabs or not). How do they spend time together? How does he spoil her rotten?
Cabanela & Missile: Loyalty to the max--of course they get along. Anything cute/fun for these is welcome. Dog snuggles! Dance lessons! Rookie Detective Missile is on the case bark bark!
Cabanela & Pigeon Man: I’m always down for anything during the year they worked together. Alternatively what the heck might pull them together in post-game?
Cabanela/Jowd: No infidelity please. So, this could be a no-reset scenario, something during the game events–ch.9 and ch.15 stuff is always great. Or on a less angsty route, it is the ot3 or some kind of happy V. but Alma’s simply not involved if they’re at work, she’s at work, or a trip or she’s on a trip, etc, so the focus is on their end.  Fluff, bonding, banter, travel, domestic stuff, on-the-job antics either at the station or out on a case.
Cabanela/Jowd/Alma: Post-game. All the polyamory fluff! Domestic fluff, travel fluff, vacation fluff, road trip, picnics, beach trips, train trip? etc. Go for a date whatever a date might entail for these three. Hugs, snuggles, and love.  Light angst is fine too, as long as they get a happy end.
Jowd & Lynne & Memry: Detective group/mentor shenanigans. Likely chicken.
Jowd & Pigeon Man: Old friends. Anything from their past working together, or new timeline working together! Jowd’s gotten strange. There’s a meteorite. PM is intrigued.
Jowd & Sissel: Detective and Ghost Cat. Working together!
Kamila & Amelie: Anything friendship is good. Current ages or future fic/art when they’re older!
Lynne & Memry, Lynne/Memry: The Odd Girls working together drawing all the oddest cases!
Pigeon Man & Blue Doctor: Who is the Blue Doctor. How long has he been around? How might they meet and what do think of each other?
Rindge & Lynne & Memry: Odd Girls + trying-to-be-normal Rindge in an odd world. Contrasts! Clashing ways of working that manage to work!
Sissel & Missile & Lovey-Dove: The animals just hanging out doing animal things. The animals getting on a mission of their own?
Cabanela: Anything Cabanela being his sparkly determined Cabanela self. Something during his five years goal? Day to day life? A hobby? Post-game fun times? Just. Cabanela.
Crossover settings are cool too. Some other settings that I like born of Discord Talks:
FFVI: Half esper Sissel? Magic infused Cabanela with the Empire working in secret? Jowd suplexing a train? Returner Lynne somewhere back there? General Final Fantasy VI shenanigans with these characters. World of Balance? Reunions in the World of Ruin? Opera Cabanela. More info here https://archiveofourown.org/series/1169099 or here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1196335 or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16407494
Ivalice: Viera Cabanela! Nu Mou (Tactics Nu Mou specifically) Jowd and family! Anything here. I am more familiar with Tactics versions but anything goes. Fluff? Intrigue? Mist frenzied Cabanela and after effects–maybe the first time Jowd’s seen this happen, and particularly startling from the usually controlled Cabanela who relies more on magic?
FFX: Summoner Jowd, devoted guardian Cabanela who hates this whole process, but isn’t about to leave Jowd. Something during the journey? Something with Yunalesca? Even shortly after it’s all over but they have this new world and old scars to contend with?
Crystal Chronicles: No idea what races they’d be but if there’s something fun to be had here, fly at it. Lilty Jowd? Yuke Cabanela (got that tall bird thing going)? Something more fitting? Something something miasma, something crystals. A moment in their caravan journey?
Trails Series: The cast in Zemuria! Dominion Cabanela undercover in Arc-en-Ciel. What might his stigma be? Knight Alma of the Gralsritter assigned with Cabanela. Crossbell Chief of Police of Jowd separated from Alma some years previously to some disaster (like the manifestation of Cabanela’s stigma) and doesn’t know the other two are alive, along with his daughter Kamila who’s learning all she can about orbal tech. Reuniting! Hermit Pigeon Man orbal scientist and contact for Jowd? Is Lynne a Detective under Jowd or a Bracer? What of Memry? Other ideas entirely!
Trails in the Sky | Sora no Kiseki
Anything in any of the three Sky games or something in between them. Missing scenes, scene extensions, travel along the roads, airship travel times, etc. Ample opportunity for anything in the Garden in 3rd. I love these characters, their world, their relationships or potential for.
Estelle Bright & Cassius Bright: Any kind of father-daughter bonding time. Pre-FC, post-SC before she and Joshua set off, post-return to Liberl, anywhere something can fit really.
Estelle Bright & Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor: Estelle is perpetually and understandably exasperated with him, but what about a quieter moment? Parting ways after SC, or some encouragement at some point during SC for Estelle, or Estelle catching Olivier in an off moment (example: like their talk about the dreams from Luciola).
Estelle Bright & Tita Russell: Sisters! Anything showing a sisterly bond is great.
Julia Schwarz & Mueller Vander: They share the same role with drastically different charges. Relate to one another in some respects? Do some training? Commiserate? Encourage through some similar worries for Kloe and Olivier respectively?
Kevin Graham & Ries Argent: Kevin is a dumbass and is lucky Ries is patient for this self-deprecating fool. More seriously anything about their relationship is good during 3rd or post-3rd (nothing that could spoil Cold Steel III or IV please)
Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor: Just Olivier being Olivier during his Liberl travels either when he’s alone or while he’s with the group, whether it’s outrageous Olivier or quiet time Olivier with a hell of a long road ahead of him on this battle he’s chosen.
Kloe Rinz & Julia Schwarz: Beyond their bond as knight and princess I think they love each other platonically. Sisterly? Something showing their close bond. Helping each other out? Julia protects Kloe but Kloe protects her back in turn? Talks of duty but also personal wants?
The Legend of Heroes VII | Zero/Ao no Kiseki
These games hit my found family buttons hard. Anything portraying some kind of relationship among these characters is awesome. Any combination of these characters is more than welcome too!
Elie MacDowell: Explore Elie’s thoughts and feelings on everything that’s happening in Crossbell. What about her personal feelings on the Croises and betrayed by Mariabell? Her feelings on her own standing and what she wants?
Cecil Neues & Ilya Platiere: They’re an odd friendship and both married to their work but they make it work. Anything exploring their friendship or the time while Ilya was hospitalized--hard on both of them in different ways.
Elie MacDowell & Tio Plato & KeA: Girl’s day out! Aidios knows they could use one. Some kind of Mishy involvement is a bonus (or a necessity in Tio’s eyes).
Lloyd Bannings & KeA: Lloyd is the daddest of dads. Lloyd and KeA time of any sort is good.
Lloyd Bannings & Randy Orlando: They’ve both lost family but they can be brothers for each other. Supporting each other
Randy Orlando & Tio Plato: Big brother Randy and little sister Tio? They both lost their childhoods. Something to relate on?
Rixia Mao/Ilya Platiere: While Ilya clearly cares for Rixia, Rixia’s love may be one-sided (for the time being at least, perhaps more in the future?). Rixia’s thoughts and fears while Ilya is hospitalized. Once awake, Ilya’s concerns for what Rixia really wants and her place--she belongs with Arc-en-Ciel and they both know it
Sergei Lou & Alex Dudley: Past working together or connections in current time. Wildly different personalities but Dudley still listens to Sergei. Anything exploring their working relationship, or anything exploring them off the job on break.
Sergei Lou & KeA: Grumpy uncle Sergei cannot resist the charms of KeA. Anything familial (possibly despite himself) between these two.
Shizuku MacLaine & KeA: Let these kids be happy. Give them a good time together.
Wazy Hemisphere & Noel Seeker: The temporary SSS members, outliers that never quite fit the same as our core four. They’re completely different in personality but how might they connect at least for a little while?
Randy Orlando: Always interested in anything exploring Randy’s struggles with home and family and where his place is (the night he runs away included!). He belongs with SSS but it’s hard for him to see. Also appreciate how casino owner Drake looks out for him. He’s cared for even if he can’t always see it!
Trails of Cold Steel | Sen no Kiseki
Following the theme of these games, bonds! Old bonds, new bonds, forming bonds!
Elliot Craig & Fie Claussell: They don’t get much interaction in-game all told, but I have a special soft spot for a budding friendship between them. School days activities or something during the month they (and Machias) spent in the Celdic area between CS I and II?
Fie Clausell & Instructor Beatrix: Fie finding comfort in Beatrix’s presence. Beatrix looking out for her.
Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor & Alfin Reise Arnor & Mueller Vander: Olivier is Too Much. Alfin is Too Much. What is a Mueller to do when he’s got both of them around?
Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor & Alfin Reise Arnor: Alfin is very much Olivier’s sister. Little sister and big brother shenanigans! Or maybe something welcoming him back to Erebonia?
Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor & Mueller Vander, Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor/Mueller Vande:  Gen or romance slant. I’m good with either or one with shades of the other. I enjoy Mueller and Olivier’s closeness and how they contrast each other. Olivier’s more eccentric and flamboyant nature, but also his more serious side. And Mueller’s regular exasperation with him, but also his care for him. Being there for each other. I’m fond of the little things like how Mueller always calls him Olivier even in Erebonia when Olivert’s identity is known and public. Heimdallr fun or trouble (Olivier…). Planning against Osborne. Look after a tired Olivert? Something during the civil war when they’re in the west?
Principal Vandyck & Instructor Beatrix: Both are more than they appear. I loved the Instructor teamup in the last part of CS I and these two have a history. Explore their connection, or reminiscing. Would also be interested in their activities during Trista’s occupation.
Towa Herschel & George Nome & Angelica Rogner: Anything exploring their friendship, or perhaps something during their time as the proto Class VII or their memories of that time in comparison (or contrast) to the new Class VII?
Mueller Vander & Elise Schwarzer: Elise is sliding into a similar role for Alfin as Mueller for Olivier. Maybe he can give her some advice? Or the two stand by while their respective charges/friends are <vague gesture> That. One way or another the siblings are a handful and Mueller and Elise know it (and if forced into honesty wouldn’t have it any other way).
Another case of give me all the found family joys. Daily activities while they travel? Post Peaceful revolution activities? (Note: I’m good with any of the _ae options for Vagabond girl for naming purposes)
Big Bertrude & Volfred Sandalwood: I adore their close friendship and that it came about from Bertrude’s unrequited love, but it’s okay, better than okay! Anything between them in their history, or during the Nightwings travels or post revolution would be great.
Big Bertrude & Sir Gilman: Big snakes and little snake. Grump and enthusiast. Awkward mutual (grudging?) respect?
Jodariel & Sir Gilman: Contrasts in everything from personality to size. Something exploring that would be great
Tariq | The Lone Minstrel & Big Bertrude: We don’t see a lot of interaction between them. How do they get along? What stories might they share? An appreciation for music or something to tolerate? What does a day in the blackwagon look like between them?
Tariq | The Lone Minstrel & Sir Gilman: The Moon and the Wyrm. Music and Knighting. Just these two interacting somehow
Vagabond Girl & Jodariel: Jodariel going mom-mode on _ae? Or just a big hug? _ae being far more enthusiastic than Jodi is used to these days?
Vagabond Girl & Sir Gilman: So much energy!
Volfred Sandalwood & Sandra: So much potential for interaction as a reader. And snark. And an unimpressed Sandra. But on some things they can maybe agree...
Volfred Sandalwood/Tariq | The Lone Minstrel: Something gentle for the tree and the moon who somehow fell for him, any time period
Ti'Zo: Imp doing imp things. Anything Ti’zo will make me happy
All that travelling time is ripe for more interaction or character exploration. Equally interested in what they might be doing after the world is saved too.
Cayenne Garamonde | Cyan Garamonde (FFVI): Where does Cyan go when the world is saved? What is a new home for Cyan? Alternatively a look at Cyan’s time during the year between the World of Balance and the World of Ruin
Celes Chere (FFVI): Opera Celes! Celes time away from the party after Vector. Celes after the world is saved--what does she do, where does she go?
Edgar Roni Figaro & Setzer Gabbiani: King and Engineer in a mechanical moving castle? Pilot of the only airship? They could have some great talks. Maybe some proposed airship upgrades?
Thank you for anything you do!
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