#Ilyas Kashmiri
dan6085 · 15 days
During Barack Obama's administration (2009–2017), the U.S. significantly expanded its use of drone strikes, particularly in counterterrorism operations. These drone strikes were conducted by both the CIA and the U.S. military, targeting militant groups such as Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, and other terrorist organizations. The drone program was largely centered in countries like Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Libya, and while it was aimed at high-value terrorist targets, it also drew considerable controversy due to civilian casualties and the lack of transparency surrounding the operations.
Below is a detailed overview of U.S. drone attacks made during the Obama administration:
### 1. **Pakistan**
The majority of drone strikes under Obama occurred in Pakistan, particularly in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) bordering Afghanistan, where the U.S. targeted Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and other militants.
- **Number of Drone Strikes**: Between 370 and 400 drone strikes took place in Pakistan between 2009 and 2016.
- **Estimated Death Toll**: These strikes are estimated to have killed between 2,500 and 4,000 people, including militants and civilians.
- **Key Targets**:
- **Baitullah Mehsud** (2009): Leader of the Pakistani Taliban (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan), killed in a drone strike.
- **Hakimullah Mehsud** (2013): Successor to Baitullah Mehsud, killed in a U.S. drone strike.
- **Ilyas Kashmiri** (2011): Senior Al-Qaeda operative and leader of the Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami, killed by a drone strike.
- **Mullah Mansour** (2016): Leader of the Afghan Taliban, killed in a drone strike in Pakistan’s Baluchistan province.
- **Civilian Casualties**: According to estimates, between 300 and 800 civilians may have been killed in drone strikes in Pakistan during Obama’s presidency, leading to widespread criticism both within Pakistan and internationally.
### 2. **Yemen**
Yemen saw an increase in drone strikes as the U.S. targeted members of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), one of the most dangerous branches of the terrorist network.
- **Number of Drone Strikes**: There were approximately 150–200 drone strikes in Yemen during Obama’s presidency.
- **Estimated Death Toll**: Drone strikes in Yemen resulted in the deaths of around 1,000 to 1,500 people, including militants and civilians.
- **Key Targets**:
- **Anwar al-Awlaki** (2011): A U.S. citizen and key figure in AQAP, known for his role in radicalizing Western jihadists, killed by a drone strike in Yemen.
- **Samir Khan** (2011): Another U.S. citizen and AQAP propagandist, killed in the same strike as al-Awlaki.
- **Nasser al-Wuhayshi** (2015): Leader of AQAP and a former personal aide to Osama bin Laden, killed in a U.S. drone strike.
- **Jalal Baleedi** (2016): Senior AQAP commander, killed in a drone strike.
- **Civilian Casualties**: Civilian casualties in Yemen ranged from 65 to 120 during Obama’s administration. There were also incidents like the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, in a drone strike weeks after his father was killed, raising ethical concerns.
### 3. **Somalia**
Somalia, which is home to the Al-Shabaab militant group, also became a frequent target of U.S. drone strikes during Obama’s tenure.
- **Number of Drone Strikes**: Approximately 30–50 drone strikes occurred in Somalia under Obama.
- **Estimated Death Toll**: These strikes killed between 200 and 300 militants, according to various estimates.
- **Key Targets**:
- **Aden Hashi Farah Ayro** (2008): An early strike, conducted just before Obama took office, killed the leader of Al-Shabaab.
- **Ahmed Abdi Godane** (2014): The leader of Al-Shabaab, responsible for attacks like the Westgate Mall attack in Kenya, was killed in a drone strike.
- **Hassan Ali Dhoore** (2016): Senior Al-Shabaab commander, involved in attacks on hotels and civilians, killed in a U.S. drone strike.
- **Civilian Casualties**: Civilian casualties were relatively low compared to other regions, but there were still instances of non-combatants being killed.
### 4. **Afghanistan**
Drone strikes in Afghanistan were part of the broader military campaign against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in the country. While manned airstrikes were more common, drones were also frequently used for targeted killings.
- **Number of Drone Strikes**: Hundreds of drone strikes occurred in Afghanistan during Obama’s presidency.
- **Estimated Death Toll**: The drone strikes in Afghanistan likely resulted in the deaths of several thousand militants.
- **Key Targets**:
- **Mullah Akhtar Mansour** (2016): As mentioned earlier, the Afghan Taliban leader was killed in a drone strike while in Pakistan, but his death had a significant impact on the war in Afghanistan.
- **Civilian Casualties**: Civilian casualties in Afghanistan have been harder to quantify due to the overlap with broader military operations. However, some reports suggest that hundreds of civilians were killed in drone strikes.
### 5. **Libya**
During the 2011 NATO intervention in Libya, drone strikes were used to target forces loyal to then-leader Muammar Gaddafi. After Gaddafi's fall, drones continued to be used against ISIS affiliates and other militant groups in the country.
- **Number of Drone Strikes**: There were about 20–30 drone strikes in Libya during Obama’s presidency.
- **Key Targets**:
- **Muammar Gaddafi's forces** (2011): Drones were used during NATO’s campaign to aid rebel forces, culminating in the death of Gaddafi.
- **ISIS affiliates** (2016): After the rise of ISIS in Libya, the U.S. began targeting ISIS positions with drone strikes.
- **Abu Nabil al-Anbari** (2015): An Iraqi ISIS leader operating in Libya, killed in a U.S. drone strike.
### 6. **Key Controversies**
While drone strikes under the Obama administration were effective in eliminating high-level terrorist targets, they also sparked significant ethical, legal, and humanitarian concerns. The key controversies include:
- **Civilian Casualties**: Despite the precision of drones, civilian casualties were a frequent and tragic consequence of drone strikes. Various estimates suggest that hundreds of civilians, including women and children, were killed in drone strikes during Obama's presidency. Civilian casualties have often inflamed anti-American sentiment in targeted countries, complicating U.S. counterterrorism efforts.
- **Lack of Transparency**: The Obama administration was criticized for the lack of transparency surrounding its drone program. Many of the strikes were conducted by the CIA, and there was little public disclosure about the decision-making process, the targets, and the aftermath of strikes.
- **Targeting U.S. Citizens**: The most controversial aspect of Obama’s drone program was the targeted killing of U.S. citizens abroad, most notably Anwar al-Awlaki. Al-Awlaki’s son, Abdulrahman, was also killed in a separate drone strike, raising significant legal and moral questions about due process and the rights of U.S. citizens.
- **"Signature Strikes"**: Under Obama, the U.S. also engaged in "signature strikes," where drone attacks were carried out based on patterns of behavior that suggested terrorism involvement, rather than specific intelligence identifying a known militant. This method increased the risk of killing civilians and non-combatants.
### 7. **Legacy of Obama’s Drone Program**
Obama’s drone program represented a major shift in U.S. military and counterterrorism strategy. While the administration sought to minimize American troop involvement in foreign wars, it dramatically expanded the use of drones as a tool for remote warfare. Obama himself acknowledged the moral dilemmas posed by drone warfare in several speeches, including his 2013 speech at the National Defense University, where he defended the use of drones but also expressed concerns about their overuse.
The drone program under Obama left a lasting legacy for U.S. counterterrorism operations. It solidified drones as a primary tool in the U.S. military arsenal, a practice that continued under subsequent administrations, though with varying levels of public scrutiny and debate. However, the long-term consequences, including the alienation of local populations and the debate over the legality and morality of targeted killings, remain subjects of intense debate.
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Seven Ugly Truth About Top 10 Criminals Of India – You Don’t Know
India, the home of over 1 billion people. It’s a family where all the traditions, religions, ages are safe and sound together. But the terror of crime is still in the veins of people of their own country and criminal cases in India are increasing day by day. The crime rate of the capital of India is 974.9 per 100,000 persons.
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allyouknowisalie · 2 years
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19th c. illuminated collection of Persian poetry from Kashmir.
The compiler is Yaqub bin Ilyas bin Yusuf: چمنآرای اینحدیقۀزیبا/بندۀعاصی پرمعاصی/احقر الناس یعقوب بن الیاس/بن یوسف خاندان آشر He identified as Jewish (in Kashmir ruled by Afghans!): مورد الطاف حضرت قادر/پیرو شرع موسی عمران/از اسباط بنی اسرائیل/ونسل حضرت ابراهیم خلیل
There are selections from classical masters, Hafiz, Jami, etc. Rubaiyyat, bahr-i-tawil, jawab-dar-jawab. There are also some masters of "sabk-i-hindi" like Zuhuri, Urfi, Ali Quli Salim and Ashraf Mazandarani. Some local Kashmiri poets like Mulla Tawfiq Lalah Joo are also included
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lahoreherald · 3 years
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If AJK elections are tricked the PML-N would conduct dharna in Islamabad: Maryam Nawaz
PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz warned that if the Azad Jammu and Kashmir polls on July 25 are rigged, her party will call for a sit-in at Shahrah-e-Dastoor (Constitution Avenue) in Islamabad.
“We will not accept the results if elections are rigged,” she declared during a protest ahead of the vote in AJK’s Haveli, according to a private TV broadcaster.
“How much did you buy (Imran Khan) Sardar Tanvir Ilyas, and how many did you try to acquire the votes of your new ATM from Kashmiris?” Maryam Nawaz asked.
The PML-N vice president advised all those present not just to vote but also to keep a watch out for suspicious elements in order to ensure that the party’s mandate was not stolen. She asserted that Nawaz had already won elections in AJK. “And if you ever try to steal our elections, you will not be spared,” she said.
When asked about the alleged kidnapping of the Afghan ambassador’s daughter, Maryam called it a “failure” of the PTI-led administration.
Published in Lahore Herald #lahoreherald #breakingnews #breaking
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vidpk · 7 years
Watch Khamoshi Episode 1 On Hum TV – 23 September 2017
Watch Khamoshi Episode 1 On Hum TV – 23 September 2017 Watch On Youtube Watch Khamoshi Episode 1 On Hum TV – 23 September 2017 Watch On Dailymotion  
The post Watch Khamoshi Episode 1 On Hum TV – 23 September 2017 appeared first on Vidpk - Pakistani Entertainment Portal.
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Watch Khamoshi Episode 1 On Hum TV - 23 September 2017
Watch Khamoshi Episode 1 On Hum TV – 23 September 2017
Watch Khamoshi Episode 1 On Hum TV – 23 September 2017 Watch On Youtube Watch Khamoshi Episode 1 On Hum TV – 23 September 2017 Watch On Dailymotion
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omarkhattabsblog · 3 years
 Why Mujahideen, doing jihad in Pakistan, don’t go and fight in Kashmir?
Majority of Pakistani mujahideen were doing jihad in Kashmir, so why did they left Kashmir and started jihad in Pakistan ?
This is the question that has been raised on Mujahideen, fighting in Pakistan, for a long time. The answer to this question is recorded in the example written below. But before that, I put your attention to the fact that majority of leadership of Mujahideen in Pakistan has fought courageously on the battle fronts of Kashmir.
But why did people, fighting in Kashmir, left the Kashmir’s battle field and came here instead. Detailed answer to this question is also given in the example recorded below.
For wise person .. Indication is sufficient..
Shaheed Ilyas Kashmiri (R.A)
Shaheed Ilyas Kashmiri r.a who escaped from Indian jail was not an ordinary person.
According to mujahideen of Kashmir and Afghanistan, he was a mujahid with truthful and honest character who gave immense sacrifices in afghan jihad against Russia, Kashmir jihad against Indians and in jihad against current biggest taghoot America.  May Allah’s blessings be upon Ilyas Kashmiri shaheed (r.a).
42 years old, Ilyas Kashmiri belonged to kotli area of Azad Kashmir. In his era, he was the best teacher in military affairs and an expert guerilla war commander. In jihad against Russian invader, he sacrificed his one eye in the way of Allah. But his steadfastness and determination in the way of Allah was never reduced. He was looking for martyrdom at every moment in the way of Allah.
After defeat of Russians in Afghanistan, Ilyas Kashmiri shaheed (r.a) and hundreds of mujahideen like him, turned towards the Kashmir with the desire of martyrdom and liberating the Muslims of Kashmir from the arms of cow worshippers. As Ilays Kashmiri shaheed was a well-trained experienced commander and perhaps that was the reason that the security establishment didn’t consider it suitable to let him independent. And told him (r.a) to help Kashmiris and because of his immense love for jihad in the way of Allah, he never hesitated to join the jihadi movement. In 1991, he joined lashkar harkat al jihad al islami’s Kashmir setup but after few years he was fed up with influence of establishment in the group and left the group. And he founded the harkat al jihad al islami 313 brigade beyond the influence of the establishment, which conducted offensive operation with such an aggression that in few months Indian army started trembling with hearing the name of the group. In most of the operations he himself took part with immense urge of getting martyrdom. Due to his distinguish splendor he had special place among his companions.
Once he was arrested by Indian army, along with his companion, Nasrullah Mansoor langrial (May ALLAH free him from the prison) in occupied Kashmir.  Indian army put both of them in jail. He was held in different jails in India for 2 years and finally one day with the help of Allah almighty, he succeeded in breaking jail and escaped from the jail, while his companion Nasrullah Mansoor Langrial is still imprisoned in Indian jail. After escaping from Indian jail, he became a legendary character. In publication related to jihad of Kashmir he was regarded as hero.
In 1998 when Indian army started attacking innocent Muslims of Azad Kashmir. Ilyas Kashmiri r.a planned to attack Indian army from the back. He carried out these attacks many times as a result of which wicked Hindus took serious injuries and stopped their actions. One night in February 2000, Indian Special Forces attacked Pakistani village. Indian commandos spent all night in that village and in the next morning they cut the throats of three girls and took their heads with them.
Two more girls were kidnapped by Indian commandos. After 24 hours their heads were thrown towards Pakistani troops.  When Lion of Allah, Ilyas Kashmiri heard of this ridiculous act of Indian forces, he became like a wounded lion and announced to take revenge from Indian forces. Next day on 26 February, he conducted guerilla operation against Indian forces in Nakyal sector. 25 brave fighter of 313 brigade surrounded an Indian army bunker and threw grenades inside it. After martyrdom of one of their fighter and sending 7 of cow worshippers to hell, they managed to arrest captain of Indian army alive. Later on, head of Indian army’s captain was cut in front of the relatives of the murdered girls .. On that occasion, his companions took photos which are preserved by them as a Memorable of that occasion. Later on, this head was given to Pakistan army who presented it before the General Pervez Musharraf who was the army chief of that time.
Pervez Musharraf praised the great demonstration of courage by Ilyas Kashmiri shaheed and given him cash reward of 1 lac rupees. Picture of Ilyas Kashmiri with the head of Indian army captain in his hand was published in the newspapers of Pakistan. Suddenly Ilyas Kashmiri (r.a) gained importance amongst the Kashmiri mujahdieen. He was being regarded as a hero who granted relief to the heart of the Muslims and made them proud by demonstrating extraordinary courage and bravery. But he never looked for worldly pride but always tried to seek the pleasure of his Lord. After this incident, Maulana Zahoor Ahmed Alvi r.a of Jamia Muhammadiya Islamabad issued fatwa in favor of cutting throat of Indian army captain.
Very soon, the traitors and enemies were freaked out by this brave mujahid of Kashmir . His guerilla operations reached to such an extent that he captured an important base camp from Indian army. Base camp, under his control in area of Kotli Azad Kashmir, was actually a mountain which was known in the local language as “bear mountain”. While mujahideen used to call it as ” baskar mountain”. This mountain was seized from India after a battle and this mountain had a special military importance on which mujahideen planted their communication system through which they were in contact with mujahideen serving in occupied valley of Kashmir. Napak army started its efforts to influence the internal matters of the organization in the name of friendship and cooperation. You can evaluate their influence by this event that, in those days corps commander Rawalpindi, General Mehmood Ahmed, used to frequently visit base camp of Ilyas Kashmiri r.a and he also used to admire (In a hypocritical way)  the guerilla operations of the organization against the Indian army.
These are the events of time when Ilyas Kashmiri was on a peak of his operations against Indian army. But shortly after Ilyas Kashmiri knew the actual intent of the army. This friendship ended. And trials for Ilyas Kashmiri started and unfortunately reason behind this was also a so called jihadi organization. After hijacking of airplane by mujahideen in Kandahar. Maulana Masood Azhar was released from Indian jail and came back to Pakistan.
Soon after reaching Pakistan Maulana Masood Azhar announced his own organization known as Jaish e Muhammad. Many mujahideen of Kashmir’s jihad joined  this new group. General mehmood wanted Ilyas Kashmiri to also join Jaish e Muhammad and handover his base camp on mountain baskar to India and accept Maulana Masood Azhar as his leader and start playing in the hands of intelligence agencies. For all this purpose high pressure was put on him. But he refused to do it and did not care about any pressure by intelligence agencies.
As a result Jaish e Muhammad militants attacked Ilyas Kashmiri (r.a)’s camp. On the other hand Indian forces also started intense bombing on his camp but with the grace of Allah almighty Ilyas Kashmiri r.a was safe but many of his companions were martyred in this battle (may Allah accept them as martyrs, Ameen). Later on, that camp was handed over to India as a gift.
Almost at the same time, blessed event of 9/11 took place. And after that Ilyas Kashmiri r.a was declared as a terrorist after being a hero. Military establishment started to plan his arrest.  And finally General Pervez Musharraf declared him as a terrorist and banned his organization. Pervez Musharraf was the man who admired Ilyas Kashmiri and his group two years before and rewarded him with 1 lac rupees.  In 2003 he was arrested in false accusation of attack on General Pervez Musharraf. While the reality is that, at the time of attack on General Pervez Musharraf, Ilyas Kashmiri had just crossed LOC and entered into the valley, where he attacked and killed many senior officers of Indian army in tanda area of Jammu.
In prison of ISI in Pakistan he was severely tortured. He served one year in jail for a crime which he never committed and ultimately he was released because military establishment could not prove their allegations against Ilyas Kashmiri r.a. But in 2005 he was arrested again for no reason. In the custody he was brutally tortured and humiliated, on which senior leader of hizb ul mujahideen was also compelled to say that  there is no difference between jails of India and Pakistan .
These people don’t trust us because we are Kashmiris. Eventually after keeping him in prison for one more year and on the pressure of jihadi organizations of Kashmir, military establishment was forced to release him.  Arrest and torture by Pakistan army broke him from inside. And he separated himself from the Kashmiri militants and remained silent for some time. In July 2007 , operation in red mosque totally changed him and he was forced to break his silence.
The Lion, who kept his life on stake for the defense of sisters, when watched the atrocities committed by his own napak army and heard of sisters  martyred by their hands, he was shocked. The call of implementation of shariah by sisters changed the condition of his heart and mind on watching real face and growing atrocities being committed by napak army. He migrated to north Waziristan to take revenge of martyred sisters and for the honor of word of Allah. This mujahid served as a great teacher of jihad for many years, taking the desire of martyrdom in his heart .
This area was filled with sincere mujahideen , his friends and sympathizers. In this strange town of ansar and mujahideen , he organized his 313 brigade again. And started jihad along with Taliban against biggest taghoot America and its front line allies. Ilyas Kashmiri r.a along with the Taliban decided to eliminate these traitors of ummah. He directly supported groups working for the same cause in the form of funding as well as provided them weapons training. Along with this, he also convinced many veteran, who took part in American war, as well as those veterans who were court martialed for refusing to serve in the American war, to fulfill the obligation. In north Waziristan , the strength of 313 brigade was 3000 in which majority of mujahideen were from Sindh , Punjab and Azad Kashmir. Some of his selective achievements are, murder of Major General Faisal Alvi in Rawalpindi along with many attacks on military areas and installations. Major general Faisal Alvi belonged to SSG and he was the one who lead the first operation in North Waziristan in 2004. There are also many reports that Ilyas Kashmiri planned the attack on major general Faisal Alvi on the demand of Taliban. Ilyas Kashmiri r.a placed napak army on his target , because of decision of joining the ranks of infidels by Pakistani establishment. He also worked as a leader of a group of global jihadist movement Qaeda tul jihad.
His importance can be judged with the fact that after the martyrdom of sheikh Osama bin laden, his name was also being taken in the successors. And Ilyas Kashmir r.a also took revenge of Osama bin laden’s martyrdom by attacking PNS Mehran base Karachi including other big attacks and blessed tranquility to hearts of the believers.  Utlimately on June 2011 , this mujahid successfully reached his destination and started his journey to paradise by fulfilling promise to his Lord. May allah accept his martyrdom . Aameen
These mujahideen are indeed the first defense line of Islam.
Ilyas Kashmiri’s story, without any doubt, sounds legendary but after knowing these facts, there is no doubt that Ilyas Kashmiri like other mujahideen proved to be wrath of Allah for the Pakistani army due to establishment’s betrayal to Islam. These were the people who were declared as freedom fighters and senior military officials used to respect and honor them. And in emergency situations, the biggest enemy, India used to see them attacking from its back. There is a simple and easy formula for judging any person’s enmity or friendship for Islam.  You can determine this by hearing the views of America, India and other infidels. Ilyas Kashmiri was most wanted terrorist in the sight of infidels. America had placed bounty of 20 lac American dollars on him. Insha’Allah his name will be written in golden words in the history of Muslim Ummah.
The purpose of this example was to present brief outline, about what was the reason for these leader leaving jihad of Kashmir and why they started jihad against apostate army.
You can compare the situation of Kashmir’s front in our presence with the situation of nowadays after we left that front…
We have been doing jihad in Kashmir before and will also continue the jihad of Kashmir in the future, but first we will eliminate those who create obstacles in our way and after that we will draw our attention towards Kashmir. This is impossible that we start fighting for Kashmir while at the same the apostate army and government is attacking us from the back.
That’s why the people who object us should also see our past. After knowing the reasons, which are given in the example above, tell us that what would wise people do in these type of situations.
Insha’Allah, time is near when we will again continue our battle in Kashmir, we will surely take revenge of our Kashmiri brothers and sisters from Indian army and implement Islam in Kashmir
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xlnc1 · 3 years
Dubai Chalo - PTV Drama Part 3
Dubai Chalo – PTV Drama Part 3
<div style=”position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;”> https://dailymotion.com/video/x83fq1x?autoplay=1 </div> Dubai Chalo – PTV Drama Director: Haider ChaudhryCast: Mumtaz, Ali Ejaz, Nanha, Durdana Rehman, Naghma, Iqbal Hassan, Allauddin, Ilyas, Qavi, Hairatangez, Aslam Parvez, Tani, Nasrullah Butt, Abid Kashmiri, Changezi, Aneeta, Malik Anokha, Badiuz Zaman,…
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dpr-lahore-division · 4 years
With the compliments of, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph: 99201390.
LAHORE, February 05:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has expressed the deep sense of sorrow over the death of four persons of a family in a road accident near Bahawalpur and extended sympathies to the heirs. He has also sought a report from the administration.
LAHORE, February 05:
A special ceremony was held at Governor’s House to express solidarity with oppressed Kashmiris on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day on Friday.
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar, Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar, Law Minister Raja Basharat, SACMs Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, Sardar Tanvir Ilyas, Aown Chaudhary, chairman ruet-e-hilal committee Maulana Abdul Khabeer Azad, ACS Punjab, Lahore commissioner, secretary information and people from different walks of life attended the ceremony while wearing black armbands.
The ceremony started with the airing of anthems of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir.
CM Usman Buzdar, in his address, asserted Pakistanis are observing Kashmir Solidarity Day to give a strong message to the world that Pakistan continues to side with the Kashmiris. Indian brutalities in Occupied Kashmir have been condemned the world over, he added. Different European parliamentarians and independent global bodies have also raised their voice against Indian aggression, he stated. PM Imran Khan is a genuine ambassador and advocate of Kashmir cause and he has vigorously fought the Kashmir cause at every world forum, he continued. The chief minister vowed that Pakistan will continue to extend its strong diplomatic support to Kashmiris at every level because Kashmir is a juggler vein of Pakistan. I believe that freedom of Kashmir is not far-off and India will face humiliation and Kashmiris will succeed in their just struggle, he appended.
Governor Chaudhry Sarwar also addressed the function.
LAHORE, February 05:
Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan Barrister Khalid Khurshid called on Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar at his office on Friday and discussed matters of mutual interest. Both the chief ministers strongly condemned Indian brutalities in Occupied Kashmir and expressed complete solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiris.
Chairman Punjab Information Technology Board Azfar Manzur and Secretary to CM Gilgit Baltistan Usman Ahmed signed an MoU. Under the MoU, PITB will assist in developing CM complaint management system, web portal and task management system for GB.
Usman Buzdar assured full cooperation to the GB government adding that extended cooperation will be provided in health, education, IT and other sectors. He announced to provide training opportunities to GB's paramedical staff in nursing colleges adding that the issue of reservation of quota for the GB students in provincial medical colleges will also be given sympathetic consideration. The issue of quota in medical colleges will be amicably resolved, he continued. Meanwhile, the CM termed the PTI's success in GB elections a victory of the agenda of change and the vision of a new Pakistan. The people of Gilgit Baltistan are our brethren and the Punjab government will continue every possible cooperation for the development there, he assured.
Usman Buzdar stated that the people of Pakistan are standing with Kashmiris like a solid rock and asserted that no power on earth can weaken the immortal relationship between the peoples of Pakistan and Kashmir. Kashmir will continue to be a part of Pakistan, he repeated. The hands of the Modi regime are stained with the blood of Kashmiris as every Kashmiri is demanding freedom from Indian yoke, he added and assured to provide every possible cooperation to GB for its development. GB chief minister thanked Usman Buzdar for extending necessary cooperation adding that this would further promote brotherhood and unity between federating units. We are thankful to the Punjab government for its cooperation in health, education, IT and other sectors, he added. Khalid Khurshid maintained that Indian atrocities have been fully exposed before the world as the Modi regime is facing internal conflicts and strife. Pakistanis have always supported the oppressed people of Occupied Kashmir and the whole nation is united for Kashmir cause under the leadership of PM Imran Khan, he said.
Khalid Khurshid presented a traditional GB cap “Shanti” to Usman Buzdar and invited him to visit Gilgit Baltistan to watch a polo match. Usman Buzdar accepted the invitation and announced to visit GB soon. He also gifted a traditional stick of tribal areas to CM Khalid Khurshid.
Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid, SACM Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan and others were also present.
LAHORE, February 05:
Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has expressed deep sense of sorrow and grief over the loss of precious human lives in a traffic accident in Mian Channu. The Chief Minister extended heartfelt sympathies and condolence with the bereaved family members of the deceased. The Chief Minister has also sought a report from administration about this incident.  
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parakoval · 5 years
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63) Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (Arabic: حركة الجهاد الإسلامي‎, Ḥarkat al-Jihād al-Islāmiyah, co oznacza "Islamic Jihad Movement", HuJI) - islamska fundamentalistyczna organizacja najbardziej aktywna w Pakistanie, Bangladeszu, krajach Azji Południowej i w Indiach od początku lat 90. Został on zakazany w Bangladeszu w 2005 r. Dowódca operacji HuJI, Ilyas Kashmiri, zginął podczas próby zestrzelenia amerykańskiego drona przy użyciu drona Predator w południowym Waziristanie 4 czerwca 2011 r. Miał związek z bombardowaniem 13 lutego 2010 r. niemieckiej piekarni w Pune. Oświadczenie zostało wydane wkrótce po ataku, który rzekomo pochodził z Kaszmiru; zagroził innym miastom i ważnym wydarzeniom sportowym w Indiach.
1. Imad Mughniyah (w środku), lider Islamskiej Organizacji Dżihadu.
2. Ambasada Stanów Zjednoczonych zaatakowana w 1983 r.
3. Członkowie Islamskiej Organizacji Dżihadu (lot TWA 847).
4. Na zdjęciu dotknięta atakami ambasada Izraela przez szyicką rewolucyjną grupę zbrojną Islamską Organizację Dżihadu.
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2whatcom-blog · 6 years
Balakot: Indian air strikes goal militants in Pakistan
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India says it launched air strikes in opposition to militants in Pakistani territory in a significant escalation of tensions between the 2 international locations. The federal government mentioned strikes focused a coaching camp of the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) group in Balakot. Pakistan mentioned the strikes hit an empty space however vowed to reply. Relations between the nuclear-armed neighbours have been strained since a suicide assault earlier this month that killed greater than 40 Indian troops. India accuses Pakistan of permitting militant teams to function on its territory and says Pakistani safety companies performed a task within the 14 February assault - claimed by JeM. Pakistan denies any position and says it doesn't present secure haven to militants. Tuesday's air strikes are the primary launched throughout the road of management - the de facto border that divides India-administered Kashmir from Pakistan-administered Kashmir - since a battle between the 2 international locations in 1971. Balakot is in Pakistan's north-western Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Residents there informed BBC Urdu they have been woken by loud explosions. Pakistan condemned the strike and mentioned it could reply "on the time and place of its selecting". Indian Overseas Secretary Vijay Gokhale informed a information convention that the strikes had killed a "giant quantity" of militants, together with commanders, and had prevented civilian casualties. "Credible intel was acquired that JeM was planning extra suicide assaults in India. Within the face of imminent hazard, a pre-emptive strike grew to become completely vital," he mentioned. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi didn't instantly point out the air strikes when he addressed a political rally in Rajasthan in a while Tuesday however he informed cheering crowds: "I perceive your enthusiasm and your vitality. Immediately is a day we bow earlier than our heroes." India is because of maintain elections by the top of Might. Pakistan's military spokesman Main Common Asif Ghafoor mentioned the strikes prompted no casualties. He tweeted that Pakistani jets have been scrambled and compelled the Indian planes to make a "hasty withdrawal", dropping their payload in an open space. Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan later convened an pressing assembly of nationwide safety chiefs and condemned "irresponsible Indian coverage". "As soon as once more Indian authorities has resorted to a self-serving, reckless and fictitious declare," an announcement issued after the assembly mentioned. "This motion has been performed for home consumption, being in an election atmosphere, placing regional peace and stability at grave threat." In the meantime, residents in a number of cities close to Balakot reported listening to explosions early on Tuesday. Mohammad Adil, a farmer in Jaba village, informed BBC Urdu he and his household have been woken at about 03:00 by "an enormous explosion". "Then we heard jets flying over. We went to the place within the morning. There was an enormous crater and 4 or 5 homes have been destroyed," he mentioned. Evaluation by M Ilyas Khan, BBC Information, Islamabad The Indian air strikes that hit a goal inside Pakistani territory have taken tensions to a harmful stage. In September 2016, an assault on an Indian military base in Uri created an identical state of affairs when Delhi determined to reply with so-called "surgical strikes". Indian claims then that they airdropped particular forces to destroy militant camps on the Pakistani facet of Kashmir have been discovered to be largely exaggerated, however Indian troops did cross at a number of factors alongside the Line of Management (LoC), inflicting some casualties on Pakistani forces. This time they've hit a goal throughout the worldwide border, inside Pakistani territory, at a location the place a coaching camp of Kashmiri militants is thought to have existed for a number of years. Pakistan's army has cordoned off the world and never even the native police are allowed in, so it will likely be a while earlier than particulars of the assault grow to be identified. Additionally, Pakistani officers have been underplaying the severity of the incident by describing it as a strike "throughout the LoC", not one throughout the worldwide border. Pakistan has vowed to reply however this may increasingly not transcend diplomatic measures. Nevertheless, as some observers level out, there could also be punitive assaults by militants in opposition to Indian forces in Kashmir "at an applicable time". In Srinagar metropolis, in Indian-administered Kashmir, residents expressed considerations over the spike in tensions. "No matter is going on between these two hostile neighbours, it is us who're in the midst of this battle theatre," Shabir Aakhoon, a banker, mentioned. Native reporter Sameer Yasir says a heavy army build-up up to now three days has prompted panic. Anticipating full-scale battle, civilians have stockpiled meals and crowded petrol pumps, triggering visitors jams in lots of locations, he provides. On 14 February, greater than 40 Indian paramilitary police have been killed in a militant operation in Indian-administered Kashmir. It was the deadliest assault on Indian forces in Kashmir for many years. The assault was claimed by Pakistan-based JeM, and prompted a spike in tensions. Pakistan denied involvement, whereas India mentioned its neighbour had had a "direct hand" within the assault, and accused it of offering sanctuary to the militants. Each India and Pakistan declare all of Muslim-majority Kashmir, however management solely elements of it. The nations have fought three wars and a restricted battle since independence from Britain in 1947 - and all however one have been over Kashmir. Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan mentioned on Sunday his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi ought to "give peace an opportunity". He added that if India offered "actionable intelligence" concerning the Pulwama assault that proved Pakistani involvement, "we'll instantly act". On Saturday, Mr Modi had referred to as on Mr Khan to affix India in combating poverty and illiteracy, as a substitute of the pair combating one another. October 1947: First battle between India and Pakistan over Kashmir simply two months after they grow to be impartial nations. August 1965: The neighbours battle one other temporary battle over Kashmir. December 1971: India helps East Pakistan's bid to grow to be impartial. The Indian air pressure conducts bombing raids inside Pakistan. The battle ends with the creation of Bangladesh. Might 1999: Pakistani troopers and militants occupy Indian army posts in Kargil mountains. India launches air and floor strikes and the intruders are pushed again. October 2001: A devastating assault on the state meeting in Indian-administered Kashmir kills 38. Two months later, an assault on the Indian parliament in Delhi leaves 14 lifeless. November 2008: Co-ordinated assaults on Mumbai's major railway station, luxurious accommodations and a Jewish cultural centre kill 166 folks. India blames Pakistan-based group Lashkar-e-Taiba. January 2016: 4-day assault on Indian air base in Pathankot leaves seven Indian troopers and 6 militants lifeless. 18 September 2016: Assault on military base in Uri in Indian-administered Kashmir kills 19 troopers. 30 September 2016: India says it carried "surgical strikes" on militants in Pakistani Kashmir. Islamabad denies strikes occurred. Read the full article
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tasksweekly · 8 years
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Shout out to anon for inspiring this task! There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 150+ Pakistani faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite Pakistani faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by a Pakistani artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on Pakistani culture and customs.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Zeba Ali (71) Pakistani - actress & model.
Badar Khalil (69) Pakistani - actress.
Babra Sharif (62) Pakistani - actress.
Bushra Ansari (60) Pakistani - television presenter, comedian, singer, actor & playwright.
Laila Zuberi (59) Pakistani - actress.
Atiqa Odho (48) Pakistani - actress.
Hina Dilpazeer (48) Pakistani - actress, television presenter, television director, model & singer.
Saira Khan (46) Pakistani - television presenter and celebrity.
Mahnoor Baloch (46) Pakistani - actress, model & film director.
Yasmeen Ghauri (45) Pakistani / German - model.
Hina Shaheen (45) Pakistani - actress.
Javeria Abbasi (44) Pakistani - actress & former model.
Ayesha Sana (44) Pakistani - actress.
Jia Ali (44) Pakistani - model & actress.
Aaminah Haq (43) Pakistani - model & actress.
Zainab Qayyum (41/42) Pakistani - model & actress.
Angeline Malik (41) Pakistani - director & actress.
Irtiza Rubab (40) Pakistani - actress, television presenter, model and leading philanthropist.
Shazia Mirza (40) Pakistani - stand-up comedian, actress, and writer.
Iman Ali (39) Pakistani - actress & model.
Ayesha Dharker (38) Pakistani / Indian - actress.
Zara Sheikh (38) Pakistani - model, actress & singer.
Bat for Lashes (37) Pakistani / English - musician.
Nargis Fakhri (37) Pakistani / Czech - model & actress.
Fatima Effendi (36) actress & model.
Nadia Ali (36) Pakistani - singer & songwriter.
Sitara Hewitt (35) Pakistani /  Welsh - actress.
Aamina Sheikh (35) Pakistani - actress & former supermodel.
Ayesha Omar (35) Pakistani - actress, model & singer.
Ainy Jaffri (35) Pakistani - actress & model.
Meesha Shafi (35) Punjabi-Pakistani - actress, model & singer.
Komal Rizvi (35) Pakistani - actress.
Zhalay Sarhadi (35) Pakistani - actress & model.
Ayesha Omer (35) Pakistani - actress, model & singer.
Ayesha Khan (34) Pakistani - actress.
Noor Bukhari (34)  Punjabi-Pakistani - actress, director and model.
Mehwish Hayat (34) Pakistani - actress, model & singer.  
Sibylla Deen (34) Pakistani, English - actress.
Mehreen Syed (34) Pakistani - model & actress.
Sana Javed (33) Pakistani - actress & cricketer.
Mariyah Moten (33) Pakistani - American beauty pageant runner up.
Anoushey Ashraf (33) Pakistani - VJ & actress.
Anoushay Abbasi (33) Pakistani - actress & model.
Anusheh Asad (33) Pakistani - model & makeup artist.
Mahira Khan (32) Pakistani - actress.
Veena Malik (32)  Punjabi-Pakistani - actress, TV host & model.
Saba Qamar (32) Pakistani - actress.
Dilshad Vadsaria (31) Indian, Pakistani, Portuguese - actress.
Sara Loren (31) Pakistani - actress & model.
Beenish Chohan (31) Pakistani - actress & model.
Alishba Yousuf (31) Pakistani - VJ, model & actress.
Sanam Baloch (30) Pakistani - actress & television presenter.
Christel Khalil (29) African American, Cherokee and European American / Pakistani - actress.
Armeena Khan (29) Pakistani, Canadian - actress & model.
Humaima Malik (29) Pakistani - actress & model.
Sanam Jung (28) Pakistani - actress, model, television host & VJ
Syra Shehroz (28) Pakistani - model and actress and former VJ.
Jahan Yousaf (27) Pakistani / Lithuanian - DJ & singer.
Yumna ZaidiYumna Zaidi (27) Pakistani - actress & model.
Arij Fatyma (27) Pakistani - actress & model.
Ayeza Khan (26) Pakistani - actress.
Shanina Shaik (25) Pakistani, Saudi Arabian / Lithuanian - model.
Urwa Hocane (25) Pakistani - model & actress.
Amna Ilyas (25) Pakistani - actress & model.
Mathira Mohammad (24/25) Pakistani / African - model, dancer, hostess, singer & actress.
Izara Aishah (24) Pakistani / Malay - actress.
Yasmine Yousaf (24) Pakistani / Lithuanian - DJ & singer.
Mawra Hocane (24)  Pakistani - model & actress.
Neelam Muneer (24) Pakistani - actress.
Ayyan Ali (23) Pakistani - model & singer.
Sajal Ali (23) Pakistani - actress.
Sohai Abro (22) Pakistani - actress, dancer and model.
Sohai Ali Abro (22) Pakistani - actress, dancer & model.
Nayab Syed (22) of Pakistani and Afghan descent - YouTuber.
Minahil Mahmood (20) of Pakistani descent - model.
Arisha Razi (14) Pakistani - actress.
Maya Ali (?) Pakistani - actress, model and VJ.
Ushna Shah (?) Pakistani - actress, RJ & host.
Arjumand Rahim (?) Pakistani - actress, director & producer.
Bahar Begum (?) Pakistani - actress.
Farah Shah (?) Pakistani - actress & model.
Hareem Farooq (?) Pakistani - actress.
Hina Sultan (?) Pakistani - television host, VJ,& actress.
Ismat Zaidi (?) Pakistani - actress.
Javeria Saud (?) Pakistani - actress.
Jana Malik (?) Pakistani - actress.
Aisha Linnea Akhtar (?) Pakistani / Swedish - actress & model. 
Zia Mohyeddin (83) Pakistani - actor, producer, director & television broadcaster.
Nadeem Baig (75) Pakistani - actor, singer & producer.
Javed Sheikh (62) Punjabi-Pakistani - actor, director & producer.
Iqbal Theba (53) Pakistani - actor.
Faran Tahir (53) Pakistani - actor.
Noman Ijaz (51) Pakistani - actor.
Faisal Rehman (50) Pakistani - actor. 
Sajjad Ali (50) Pakistani - singer & actor.
Saleem Sheikh (49) Pakistani - actor.
Ali Haider (49) Pakistani - actor & singer.
Nabeel (48) Pakistani - actor, director & writer.  
Adnan Siddiqui (47) Pakistani - actor & model.
Shabbir Jan (47) Pakistani - actor.
Babu Baral (47) Pakistani - actor. 
Yasir Nawaz (46) Pakistani - television director, producer, actor & model.
Humayun Saeed (45) Pakistani - actor & producer.
Shaan Shahid (45) Pakistani - actor, writer, model & film director.
Adnan Sami (45) Pashtun / Kashmiri - singer, musician, music composer, pianist & actor.
Aijaz Aslam (44) Pakistani - actor & model.
Faysal Qureshi (43) Pakistani - actor & television host.  
Faisal Qureshi (43) Pakistani - actor. 
Rahat Fateh Ali Khan (43) Pakistani - singer.
Shamoon Abbasi (43) Pakistani - actor.
Shahood Alvi (43) Pakistani - actor.
Moammar Rana (42) Pakistani - actor & film director.
Adnan Jaffar (42) Pakistani - actor. 
Ahmad Ali Butt (40) Pakistani - rapper. 
Cezanne Khan (39) Pakistani - actor. 
Adeel Hussain (38) Pakistani - actor.
Kumail Nanjiani (38) Pakistani (Sindhi) - comedian, actor, writer & podcast host.
Geoffrey Arend (38)  Pakistani  / German, English - actor.
Sami Shah (38) Pakistani - comedian, writer & improvisational actor.
Shamil Khan (38) Pakistani - actor.
Danish Nawaz (38) Pakistani - director, actor & comedian.
Mohib Mirza (37) Pakistani - actor & television host.
Bilal Ashraf (37) Pakistani - model & effects director.
Waqar Zaka (36) Pakistani - television host, VJ & stunt performer.
Sami Khan (36) Pakistani - actor & model.
Ali Zafar (36) Punjabi-Pakistani - actor, singer-songwriter & musician.
Ahsan Khan (35) English, Pakistani -actor, host and performer.
Fawad Khan (35) Pakistani - actor.
Mikaal Zulfiqar (35) Pakistani - actor & former model.
Junaid Khan (35) Pakistani - actor & songwriter.
Shehzad Sheikh (34) Pakistani - actor & model.
Imran Abbas (34) Pakistani - actor & former model.
Riz Ahmed (34) Pakistani / Indian - actor & rapper.
Fahad Mustafa (33) Pakistani - actor.
Danish Taimoor (33) Pakistani - actor & model.
Abdullah Ejaz (33) Pakistani - model.
Atif Aslam (33) Punjabi-Pakistani - singer.
Azfar Rehman (32) Pakistani - model & actor.
Shahid Khan (32) Pakistani - DJ & musician.
Hamza Abbasi (32) Pakistani - actor.
Omer Bhatti (32) Pakistani / Norwegian - rapper.
Osman Khalid Butt (31) Pakistani - actor.
Shehroz Sabzwari (31) Pakistani - actor & model.
Amir Khan (30) Pakistani (Janjua Rajput) - professional boxer.
Ali Rehman Khan (28) Pashtun - actor. 
Shazad Latif (28) of Pakistani, English and Scottish descent - actor.
Sheheryar Munawar (28) Pakistani - actor.
Babu Baral (26) Pakistani - actor & model.
Emi Khan (19) Pakistani - singer. 
Aramis Knight (17) of German, Indian, and Pakistani descent - actor.
Zuhab Khan (15) Pakistani - actor.
Naeem Haq (?) Pakistani - model, television actor, CEO, gymnast & architect.
Yasir Hussain (?) Pakistani - writer & actor.
Sikander Rizvi (?) Pakistani - actor & chef.
Saad Haroon (?) Pakistani - comedian, actor & writer.
Use at your own discretion:
Zayn Malik (24) Pakistani / English, some Irish - singer - post here!
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newostlyrics · 5 years
Jo Tou Chahay Woh Chahaye Gay OST Lyrics – Sahir Ali Bagga: Hum Tv Presents to you the melodious OST of drama serial Jo Tou Chahay. Jo Tou Chahay New Drama serial 2020 only on HUM TV Momina Duraid Productions. The Jo Tou Chahay OST Sung by Sahir Ali Bagga and lyrics by Imran Raza.
Song: Jo Tou Chahay OST Lyrics
Singer: Sahir Ali Bagga
Director: Ilyas Kashmiri
Writer: Qaisera Hayat
Lyrics: Imran Raza
D.O.P: Omar Bilal
Composer: Sahir Ali Bagga
Producer: Momina Duraid
Channel: Hum Tv
Jo Tou Chahay OST Lyrics
Jo Fasaly Rahy Ha Rok Lay Jo Tum Kahao Tu Tujh Ko Kiya Khud Ko Bhi Hum Chor Day Gy Tum Kahao Tu Tera Wada Nibahye Gay Dil Ko Hum Aazmaiye Gay Tu Kahye Tu Muskare Gay In Ankhon Ko Rulaye Gay Tu Kahye Tu Dil Ko Jalye Gay Jo Tu Chahay Woh Chahaye Gay Khuda Ghawa Bannye Gay Yeh Sufi Ishq Hai Apna Jiye Hai Maar B Jaye Gay Jiye Hai Maar B Jaye Gay Jo Tou Chahay.. Jo Tu Chahay Woh Chahaye Gay Khuda Ghawa Bannye Gay Jo Tu Chahay Jo Tu Chahay Jo Tu Chahay
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pakostdramalyrics · 5 years
Jo Tou Chahay Woh Chahaye Gay OST Lyrics - Sahir Ali Bagga | Hum Tv Drama 2020
Jo Tou Chahay Woh Chahaye Gay OST Lyrics – Sahir Ali Bagga | Hum Tv Drama 2020
Jo Tou Chahay Woh Chahaye Gay OST Lyrics – Sahir Ali Bagga: Hum Tv Presents to you the melodious OST of drama serial Jo Tou Chahay. Jo Tou Chahay New Drama serial 2020 only on HUM TV Momina Duraid Productions. The Jo Tou Chahay OST Sung by Sahir Ali Bagga and lyrics by Imran Raza.
Jo Tu Chahay
Jo Tou Chahay Song Details: Song: Jo Tou Chahay OST Lyrics Singer: Sahir Ali Bagga Director: Ilyas Kashmiri
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paktalktv · 5 years
Tajdeed e Wafa Last Episode HD Full Official video – 10 April 2019 at Hum TV official YouTube channel. Subscribe to stay updated with new uploads. https://goo.gl/o3EPXe #HUMTV #Drama #TajdeedeWafa #NaveenWaqar #HaroonShahid Tajdeed e Wafa latest Last Episode Full HD – Tajdeed e Wafa is a latest drama serial by Hum TV and HUM TV Dramas are well-known for its quality in Pakistani Drama & Entertainment production. Today Hum TV is broadcasting the Last Episode of Tajdeed e Wafa. Tajdeed e Wafa Last Episode Full in HD Quality 10 April 2019 at Hum TV official YouTube channel. Enjoy official Hum TV Drama with best dramatic scene, sound and surprise. MD Productions Present “Tajdeed e Wafa” on HUMTV Starring Naveen Waqar, Haroon Shahid, Haya, Mosa, Abid Ali, Tahira Imam, Ahmed Ali Akbar, Arij Mohyuddin, Shamil Khan,Ainy Jaffery, Nargis Rasheed, Leyla Zuberi, Humayun Gul, Nasreen Qureshi and Others Directed By Ilyas Kashmiri Written By Sameera Fazal _______________________________________________________ WATCH MORE VIDEOS OF OUR MOST VIEWED DRAMAS SunoChanda https://bit.ly/2Q2KOl8 BinRoye https://bit.ly/2Q0Gti4 IshqTamasha https://bit.ly/2LRRejH YaqeenKaSafar https://bit.ly/2Cd6R5B _______________________________________________________ http://bit.ly/2SnwCna; http://www.hum.tv/ http://bit.ly/2uXP5gg http://bit.ly/1oDD7OZ Tweets by Humtvnetwork http://www.youtube.com/c/HUMTVOST http://www.youtube.com/c/JagoPakistanJago http://www.youtube.com/c/HumAwards http://www.youtube.com/c/HumFilmsTheMovies http://www.youtube.com/c/HumTvTelefilm http://www.youtube.com/c/HumTvpak The post Tajdeed e Wafa Last Episode HUM TV Drama 10 April 2019 appeared first on PakTalkTV.
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abbasizaibi · 6 years
Navin Waqar & Haroon Shahid Paired up for Momina Durraid's Next Serial
Navin Waqar & Haroon Shahid Paired up for Momina Durraid’s Next Serial
Navin Waqar and Haroon Shahid are working on a new drama serial titled Tajdeed e Wafa which will air on Hum TV in September.
Previously Shared: Kubra Khan dropped out from Cast of Alif
Tajdeed e Wafa an upcoming drama serial of Hum TV, is produced by none other than Momina Durraid while direction is given by Ilyas Kashmiri and the story of this drama is penned down by Sameera Fazal. This will be…
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