#Im also making much fanart but that takes longer so zzz
michibikionmain · 4 years
Ik the drama with Tommy and Tubbo is like cool and all on the Dream SMP but can we PLEASE talk about the other arc that’s going on??? Because despite the super jokey name, Mexican L’manburg is SUPER interesting from a story point alright? And so are the people in it.
IK Eret is kinda doing a redemption arc thing, which like cool good for him I love him, but the redemption arc of everything in Mexican L’Manburg is slightly better written and more compelling imo. Like consider... everyone that’s a citizen in Mexican L’manburg right now has done horrible things or been associated with horrible things on the server. Quackity helped get Schlatt elected and was his vice president. Sapnap was a loyal solider to Dream, killing and causing chaos at the drop of a hat for him. George also assisted Dream in wars, but also from a story perspective just sat by and essentially ignored all the struggles going on in Manburg while he was supposed to be part of the cabinet alongside Quackity before becoming King for literally being so separated from the country he was supposed to help run that Dream saw him as the most neutral person on the server. Karl hasn’t exactly done anything bad/redemption worthy, but he is desperate for attention and affection from anyone and to be recognized.
What do all these characters have in common? A need to prove themselves, whether it be their goodness to others, to themselves, or just their own worth. They all need a new start that they’ve created with Mexican L’manburg. Quackity lost Schlatt, who he’d canonically been in an abusive relationship with, and while he’s the new vice president of L’manburg, he still clearly feels torn up over what happened in the Pogtopia and Manburg war. Sapnap believes/has realized that Dream has just been using him as a war pawn and that he doesn’t care about him according to his outburst to Tommy, and now he has to deal with the crippling reality that all those horrible things he did in the name of friendship were done in the name of essentially nothing as he deals with that sense of betrayal. George is in a similar boat, but he also has the struggle of realizing that the reason Dream made him King wasn’t because he trusted him with the power to rule, but because he trusted that George would be a compliant idiot and do whatever he told him, and now his power is removed because Dream doesn’t trust that he can take care of himself and follow Dream’s directions without hesitation. Karl has been on the sidelines for all of the Manburg war, trying to get involved anywhere he could, but no one took him seriously and he was essentially pushed to the side until the final battle in the war where he was used more like a meat shield/extra body to have around than an actual ally.
This is also helping lead into a humanizing arc for Dream. Since he stopped streaming the SMP, a lot of his character’s thoughts have been a mystery to the audience, and the fact that he’d rarely been appearing on his teammate’s streams meant we only ever got to see him through the eyes of those who saw him as an enemy, which is never a good look. Especially Tommy, who he has a historically bad relationship with, to the point of Tommy basically just seeing him as a stereotypical bad guy on the server. But this arc? It’s changing that, even if we still don’t directly see his perspective. We see Dream experience actual anger at what’s happening. Literally the whole thing going on with Tommy and Tubbo and the exile is because Dream was furious that Tommy griefed George and demanded retribution. He was never properly angry during the revolution, only wanted to hold onto L’manburg for the sake of power. He had no proper stakes in the Manburg/Pogtopia war, and only got involved for the fun of chaos. But this? This is personal to him, a direct attack. War isn’t fun now, it’s personal and so he’s going to make it personal for everyone else. However, he doesn’t realize that by making it personal, he’s left himself exposed. The logic he usually uses to handle war isn’t as ruling as before and he makes multiple slip ups. Similar to the story Technoblade used to compare Tommy to a tragic hero, Dream’s hubris has become his downfall.
He says he doesn’t care, not really, and that everything has been for power, severing the threads of friendship he has with some of his only remaining allies. He’s not completely alone, but almost all of his friends and allies have left him now, not that he had many to begin with. The Badlands emancipated themselves from the SMP Lands, most of the new members joined L’manburg, Wilbur died, Techno retired and became an anarchist, his fiancée is part of the cabinet in L’manburg--his greatest enemy nation--, he ruined his friendship for now with Sapnap and George. All he has left is Punz, who only sticks with him because he’s being paid a massive amount, and Captain Puffy, who’s loyalty isn’t even set in stone because she has plenty of loyalty to people outside of the SMP lands and is likely to side with friends over her country in conflict if it came to it.
He’s slowly losing his power and control over the server, and that’s also partially of why he wanted the disks so bad. If he can’t use people to get what he needs, he’ll need material items to accomplish his goals, hence him calling the disks his now. Dream is definitely still the villain and in the wrong right now, but his humanity is showing, and it’s leading to some of the most compelling personal conflict on the SMP in my opinion. Sure, he’s fighting normal L’manburg and what not too, but he’s mostly fighting with Mexican L’manburg, his friends, all of them trying to prove themselves in one way or another.
I probably has a different perspective of the overall story than a lot of people because I didn’t get into the lore watching Tommy or Wilbur’s perspectives of things, but GOD if you take the time to look into it the other characters are so fuckin cool.
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